formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front






The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendegi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in
2024: Sept wk2 -- Sept wk1 P4 -- Sept wk1 P3 -- Sept wk1 P2 -- Sept wk1 -- August wk4 P2 -- August wk4 -- August WK3 P3 -- August wk3 P2 -- August wk3 -- overview per month
and 2023: Dec wk 5 part 2 -- Dec wk 5 -- Dec week 4-3 -- Dec wk3 -- Dec 17 - 10 -- Dec week 2 and 1 --  November - Januari 2023

click here for a menu overview

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's savagery 10 years ago.

Editorial by G. d'A.: Dear reader, as a webmaster also I constantly have to guard the read-ability of the 'Cryfreedom'-outlet and sometimes decisions need to be made to have it be for your convenience and moreso in total support of the women-led revolt in Iran which inevitably will be a grand Victory. Still, choices must be made always and so I've decided to, for now, embed all the actual news about the 'NO-hijab; 'Biological terror attscks against schoolgirls'; 'Iranian journalists under siege'; 'Blinding as a weapon' and 'The hanging spree' as part of the 'Actual news' updates of the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' section. But, if need be and urgent attention and action is needed concerning the above mentioned topics it will get an extra emphasized place as part of the actual news page-layout. Thank you for being a reader and for your support of the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' revolution.
Click here for the previously tabled topics

You are now at the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom'  section

For the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2' Revolt news click here  Updated Sept. 6, 2024

against the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, and his placeman president. The message of the women when the former president visited a university was plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023 and still is.
  Click here for a total list so far

(Updates September 10, 2024) z


This links to a page that is in full dedicated and a tribute to Jina Amini who, with stilll 'till today too many other sisters gave their life for freedom.
Long live a long and free Iran

We all grief for the loss of our sister / daughter of Iran Armita Gevarnand:

Read her updated story here

December 31, 2023 - Preface about the below 3 heroines of Iran by Gino d'Artali : Beacons of hope and inspiration on the road towards a long and free Iran . * Jina Amini, our sister/daughter who martyred herself for freedom; *Narges Mohammadi, our sister and as I call her 'mother of a free Iran' and winner of the Nobel Prize of Freedom 2023 and sentenced five times to a total of 31 years in prison and 154 lashes but who refuses to give in to the mullahs' regime to wear a hijab or bow to their demands and therefore is refused medical care although needing it badly and bringing her live in danger but says "Victory is not easy, but it is certain"  * and Maryam Akbari Monfared, our sister who's encarcerated since 15 years and refuses to bow down to the mullahs saying "Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"
Read all about them here and let them inspire you on your road towards a long and free Iran or as we say in the West: 'Three strikes and the mullahs' regime is out'
Be the finalizing strike dear and brave dissent




A to VICTORY tribute to
Sept. 2, 2024: "Shameless": Imprisoned Nobel Laureate in Iran Slams Custodial Death..."
August 9, 2024
"My heart cries...
(For Narges Mohammadi and all suffering but fighting back mothers/women)

and earlier heroic stories
May 6, 2024
"Tyranny will fall"

"Victory is not easy, but it is certain"
watch it here : 

Click here for a news-overview from January 15, 2024 'till October 31, 2023





And do read also the above linked  incredible December 2023 update!

despite the mullahs' regime to force it down!
Her mother speaks out loud and clear

September 10 - 6, 2024
Second Anniversary of Jina Amini's state-sanctioned killing...
a wave of arrests of her fellow-citizen


Click here for earlier news of the
'Woman, Life, Freedom'










Actual News:
September 5, 2024
"You dictator, I am Arash, fire responds to fire,"
August 19, 2024
Sentenced to Death for Assisting Women Targeted by ISIS
And read here her full story:
July 23 - 22, 2024
"Denying the Truth, and Its Alternative"

and more in actual news below


June 24, 2024: The Iranian Regime Judiciary Launches a New Case to Seize the Assets of Maryam Akbari Monfared and Her Family, in Revenge for Seeking Justice for Her Siblings Executed in the 1980s
Dec 30, 2023: Not bowing for the mullahs' regime she says:
"Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"

August 29, 2024
Tortured and Tried: Nasim Gholami Faces Death Sentence

   27 August 2024
Kurdish Political Prisoner, Varisheh Moradi

 Stays in Abeyance in Evin Prison Amid Continued Deprivation of Visitation and Phone Call Rights

Click here for more stories of Heroines of Iran 

August 14, 2024
Fatemeh Amini, symbol of perseverance and steadfastness

Please do read the following articles about heroines who risk live and limb for the women-led revolution and no matter what they'll never give in nor up!and other stories: click on the underlined topics:
Sex and Rebellion: How Gen Z is Transforming Iran
Iran's Security Forces Kill Growing Numbers of Kurdish and Baluchi Border Couriers
September 2, 2024: Recreating the Citadel: Preserving the memory of Tehran's red light district
Wave of Arrests and Harassment for Iran's Baha'i Minority
Click here for previous inspiring stories and  articles incl. Red Alerts  

Read here more about the
'Nurses 'strike' back':
August 30, 2024:
"Nurses can neutralize security forces' efforts with unity."
and updates:
August 28, 2024:

Nurses' demands - "A nurse will die, but will not accept humiliation,":


Click here for actual updates  Updated Sept. 10, 2024

"NO to executions" campaign

In support - reflection and updates:
Sept. 7 - August 20, 2024

'The mullahs' regime / OHCHR* gallows' dance'

July 8 - 4, 2024: The-death-sentence-against-Sharifeh-Mohammadi
June 15, 2024: Prisoner Swap with Iran is Shameful Reward
June 5 - May 23, 2024: It |Iran| puts people to death in order to terrorize the population into silence.
and other stories 

*OHCHR - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Click here for earlier reports

September 10 - 6, 2024
<<Twenty-Six Human Rights Organizations Demand Immediate Cancellation of Pakhshan Azizi's Death Sentence...
and <<Iranian Woman Dies from Injuries Sustained During 2022 Protests...
and <<Iran Continues Arrests Ahead of Mahsa Amini's Death Anniversary...
and <<Three Women Prisoners in Iran Strike Against Treatment in Jail...
and <<Ailing Political Prisoner's Brother Highlights Medical Neglect in Jail...
and <<Mother Decries Slow Justice After Morality Police Beat Teen Girl...
and <<Inhumane Conditions for Female Inmates in Borujerd Prison...
and <<Disabled Kurdish Political Activist Arrested and Extraditioned...
and <<Yasra Aref, an Afghan Woman, and Her Infant Face Inhuman Conditions in Iran's Evin Prison...
and more actual news

May 10 - 3, 2024

'War against the No-hijabi women'

September 5 - 4, 2024
<<Signatures collected for Sharifeh Mohammadi and Pakhshan Azizi sent to 14 organizations...
and <<Suspicious death of Iranian journalist Sara Tavousi...
and <<A Brief Report on the Arrest of 17 Kurdish Civilians Over Four Days...
and <<Raheleh Rahemipour: Health Crisis of Elderly Activist Ignored by Iran Authorities...
and <<Kurdish Father and Son Arrested by Iranian Security Forces...
and more actual news

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Jina is KURD!

Abdullah Qanbari-Vand and Mahmoud Qanbari-Vand
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 10 Sept 2024
<<Piranshahr: Abdullah and Mahmoud Qanbari-Vand, Kurdish Detainees of "Women, Life, Freedom" Movement, Arrested to Serve Prison Term
Abdullah Qanbari-Vand and Mahmoud Qanbari-Vand, two disabled Kurdish brothers from Piranshahr, West Azerbaijan (Urmia) and detainees from the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement, were arrested and sent to Naqadeh prison to serve their prison sentences of six years and seven months.
According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Saturday, September 7, 2024, the two disabled Kurdish brothers, Abdullah Qanbari-Vand, aged 51, and Mahmoud Qanbari-Vand, aged 48, were arrested in Piranshahr to serve their six years and seven months prison sentences and were transferred to the central prison in Naqadeh. According to informed sources, a few days before being transferred to Naqadeh prison, Mahmoud Qanbari was hospitalized at Imam Hospital in Piranshahr due to a severe infection in his amputated right leg from the ankle. Abdullah Qanbari-Vand also suffers from chronic high blood pressure. These two Kurdish civilians were sentenced to 36 months in prison for <membership in the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan> and three years and seven months for <acting against national security,> for a total of six years and seven months of imprisonment. However, according to the law of sentence aggregation, the maximum sentence of three years and seven months applies to each of them, with one-third of the sentence suspended for four years. It should be noted that these two individuals were previously accused of making Molotov cocktails and homemade weapons, arrested, and subsequently sentenced to prison. However, due to a lack of evidence proving the charges, the sentence was overturned. Nevertheless, they were ultimately sentenced to six years and seven months for other charges, including acting against national security and membership in the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan, and were arrested for this new sentence. According to a verdict officially delivered to them on May 14, 2023, Abdullah Qanbari-Vand was sentenced by Branch 102 of the Criminal Court in Piranshahr presided over by Judge Reza Qahramani Saatlou, to six months of imprisonment and a fine of two million rials to the Islamic Republic of Iran's government fund for <participation in the manufacture of 20 homemade Molotov cocktail explosives.> Mahmoud Qanbari-Vand was sentenced by the same court to 15 months and one day for <participation in the manufacture of one shotgun,> seven years, six months, and one day for <participation in the manufacture of two homemade military weapons,> three years, six months, and one day for <possession of three military bullets,> and 15 months and one day for <participation in the manufacture of 20 homemade Molotov cocktail explosives.> According to the sentence aggregation law, the maximum sentence of seven years, six months, and one day applied to him, which was reduced by one degree to four years of imprisonment, with half of the sentence suspended. The two brothers were arrested on January 18, 2023, during a raid by approximately 25 Iranian government forces on their family home in Piranshahr and transferred to the Iranian Intelligence Detention Center in Urmia, then to Naqadeh prison. The forces created fear and seized the mobile phones of the family members. During their interrogation, Abdullah and Mahmoud Qanbari-Vand were severely tortured by Iranian security forces to obtain forced confessions. They were temporarily released from Naqadeh prison on heavy bail of 15 billion tomans until the completion of their trial process.>>

Fifth Kurdish Individual Arrested
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 9 Sept 2024
<<Fifth Kurdish Individual Arrested in Divandarreh: Mozaffar Daraei Arrested
With the arrest of another individual in Divandarreh, identified as Mozaffar Daraei, the number of those detained in this city on the verge of the second anniversary of the state killing of Zhina Amini has risen to five. Hengaw had previously reported the arrests of four other individuals named Mohammad Amini, Navid Sharifi, Farhad Qamari, and Foad Moradi. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Sunday, 8 September 2024, the IRGC Intelligence forces in Divandarreh raided Mozaffar Daraei’s home, arrested him, and transferred him to an unknown location. Informed sources stated that around 11:00 a.m., without presenting any judicial warrant, the IRGC Intelligence forces arrested Mozaffar Daraei and subsequently searched his family's home. As of the time of this report, no precise information is available regarding the reasons for the arrest, the charges, or the fate and whereabouts of this individual. The Hengaw Organization for Human Rights reported yesterday the arrests of four other individuals from Divandarreh, including 39-year-old Mohammad Amini and Navid Sharifi, both from the village of 'Kani Sefid,' Farhad Qamari from the village of 'Kowtak,' and Foad Moradi from the village of 'Kileh Kaboud,' by the IRGC Intelligence forces.>>

Mardin Dehghani
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 9 Sept 2024
<<Arrest and Disappearance of Kurdish 17-year-old Mardin Dehghani by Iranian Security Forces
Amid the wave of arrests of Kurdish individuals ahead of the second anniversary of the state killing of Zhina Amini, 17-year-old Mardin Dehghani was arrested by security forces, and three days later, his fate remains unknown. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on the evening of Saturday, 7 September 2024, intelligence forces in Marivan raided Mardin Dehghani's family home and arrested the 17-year-old, transferring him to an undisclosed location. Hengaw sources reported that Mardin Dehghani's arrest occurred without any judicial warrant and involved violence and use of force. As of the time of this report, no precise information is available regarding the reasons for the arrest, the charges, or the fate and whereabouts of this child, and his family's efforts to obtain information have been unsuccessful.>>

Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 8 Sept 2024
<<At Least Four Kurdish Individuals Arrested in Divandarreh
On the eve of the second anniversary of the state-sanctioned murder of Jina Amini, and following a widespread wave of arrests of Kurds by the Iranian security agencies, at least four people from Divandarreh, named Navid Sharifi, Farhad Qamari, Mohammad Amini, and Fouad Moradi, have been arrested. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, in the early hours of Sunday, September 8, 2024, the IRGC intelligence forces in Divandarreh, Kurdistan Province, carried out widespread arrests of Kurdish individuals. So far, the identities of the four of them have been confirmed: 39-year-old Mohammad Amini and Navid Sharifi, both from the village of 'Kani Sefid,' Farhad Qamari from the village of 'Kotak,' and Fouad Moradi from the village of 'Kileh Kabud.' According to Hengaw's sources, these four individuals were forcibly arrested without the presentation of any search or arrest warrants, and their homes were subsequently searched by IRGC intelligence forces. So far, no precise information has been made available regarding the reasons for the arrests, the charges, or the fate and whereabouts of these four people.>>

Support for the Rights of
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 8 Sept 2024
<<Statement of Support for the Rights of Kurdish Iranian Activists and Political Refugees in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region
The Platform of Kurdish Human Rights Monitoring in Iran, which includes Hengaw and five other organizations, condemns the forced relocation of certain Kurdish political parties in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, as well as the recent extradition of a Kurdish political refugee to Iran. The platform expresses serious concern over these actions, calling for the protection and safeguarding of refugees’ rights and adherence to international human rights principles.
The full text of the statement is as follows:
September 7, 2024
We, the undersigned organizations of this statement, express our deep concern about the alarming and dangerous situation of political refugees, members of Kurdish Iranian political parties, and their families residing in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. These individuals have recently been forcibly and under pressure relocated from their homes in Zergwez, near the city of Sulaymaniyah, to a camp in the Sourdash district, within the federal region of Iraqi Kurdistan.
This relocation, which follows a security agreement between the governments of Iraq and Iran, raises serious concerns about the protection of their fundamental rights as civilians and political refugees.
We reaffirm that these refugees and their families, in accordance with international law, especially the Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees, have the right to protection, a dignified life, and respect for their personal integrity.
We strongly condemn the handover of Behzad Khosravi, a Kurdish refugee and member of a Kurdish party, to Iranian authorities by the security services of Sulaymaniyah. We also express our concern for his well-being.
The situation of Kurdish Iranian refugees and political activists in the Kurdistan region requires urgent intervention. It is imperative not only to protect their rights but also to ensure that they are not used as pawns in political games or regional security agreements.
As a platform of non-governmental organizations monitoring Kurdish human rights in Iran, we urgently call upon the Iraqi government, the authorities of the Kurdistan region, and the relevant stakeholders to:
Ensure the safety and protection of all civilians, especially women and children, displaced to the Sourdash camp. It is crucial that their basic rights are respected and safeguarded in this new camp.
Provide international protection to members of Kurdish Iranian political parties and their families, as political refugees, against any threats to their physical or psychological safety. We urge the authorities to respect their status as political refugees and to ensure that they are not endangered due to security agreements.
Urge all relevant parties, particularly the security agencies of the Kurdistan region, to treat these refugees responsibly and to respect their human rights and dignity.
We reaffirm our support for the civilian population and Kurdish political refugees who have been forced to seek refuge in the Kurdistan region due to pressure from Iran. We will continue to closely monitor the situation of those displaced in the Sourdash camp and maintain communication with international organizations.
Platform of Civil Organizations for Monitoring Kurdish Human Rights in Iran, composed of:
Hengaw Organization for Human Rights
Hana Human Rights Organization
WorldKurd Organisation
Center of Reporters for Human Rights in Iranian Kurdistan
Centre Zagros pour les Droits de l’Homme (NGO in consultative status ECOSOC)>>

Foad Moradi
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 8 Sept 2024
<<Kurdish Civilian, Foad Moradi Arrested in Divandarreh
As part of the ongoing wave of arrests of Kurdish civilians ahead of the second anniversary of the state killing of Zhina Amini, Foad Moradi, a resident of Divandarreh, was arrested by security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to a report received by Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, in the early hours of Sunday, September 8, 2024, IRGC intelligence forces raided the family home of Foad Moradi in the village of 'Kileh Kaboud' in Divandarreh and arrested him. According to informed sources, IRGC intelligence forces arrested Foad Moradi without presenting any arrest warrant and also searched the family home. As of the time of this report, no precise information is available regarding the reasons for the arrest, the charges, or the fate and whereabouts of this person.>>

Vahid Abubakri
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 6 Sept 2024
<<The Second Anniversary of the State-Sanctioned Killing of Jina Amini: Another Kurdish Man Arrested in Piranshahr
As the second anniversary of the state-sanctioned killing of Jina Amini approaches, Iranian security forces continue their wave of arrests targeting Kurdish individuals. Vahid Abubakri, a 27-year-old Kurdish man from the village of Kandra in Piranshahr, has been arrested by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, Vahid Abubakri was arrested on Thursday, September 5, 2024, by agents from the Iranian Intelligence Department and transferred to an undisclosed location. An informed source indicated that intelligence forces stormed into his house at 1 a.m., without presenting a search warrant, and arrested him while creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. As of the time of this report, no detailed information has been made available regarding the reasons for Abubakri's arrest, the charges against him, or his current whereabouts.>>

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024