formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front






The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendegi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in
2024: Sept wk1 P2 -- Sept wk1 -- August wk4 P2 -- August wk4 -- August WK3 P3 -- August wk3 P2 -- August wk3 -- overview per month
and 2023: Dec wk 5 part 2 -- Dec wk 5 -- Dec week 4-3 -- Dec wk3 -- Dec 17 - 10 -- Dec week 2 and 1 --  November - Januari 2023

click here for a menu overview


Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's savagery 10 years ago. Update December 23, 2023

Editorial by G. d'A.: Dear reader, as a webmaster also I constantly have to guard the read-ability of the 'Cryfreedom'-outlet and sometimes decisions need to be made to have it be for your convenience and moreso in total support of the women-led revolt in Iran which inevitably will be a grand Victory. Still, choices must be made always and so I've decided to, for now, embed all the actual news about the 'NO-hijab; 'Biological terror attscks against schoolgirls'; 'Iranian journalists under siege'; 'Blinding as a weapon' and 'The hanging spree' as part of the 'Actual news' updates of the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' section. But, if need be and urgent attention and action is needed concerning the above mentioned topics it will get an extra emphasized place as part of the actual news page-layout. Thank you for being a reader and for your support of the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' revolution.
Click here for the previously tabled topics

You are now at the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom'  section

For the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2' Revolt news click here  Updated Sept. 2, 2024

Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.
  Click here for a total list so far

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' pages menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are and click on another underlinded period to go there. However, when needed a certain topic will be in yellow meaning it's a link to go that topic and will open in a new window. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
(Updates September 3, 2024) z


This links to a page that is in full dedicated and a tribute to Jina Amini who, with stilll 'till today too many other sisters gave their life for freedom.
Long live a long and free Iran

We all grief for the loss of our sister / daughter of Iran Armita Gevarnand:

Read her updated story here

December 31, 2023 - Preface about the below 3 heroines of Iran by Gino d'Artali : Beacons of hope and inspiration on the road towards a long and free Iran . * Jina Amini, our sister/daughter who martyred herself for freedom; *Narges Mohammadi, our sister and as I call her 'mother of a free Iran' and winner of the Nobel Prize of Freedom 2023 and sentenced five times to a total of 31 years in prison and 154 lashes but who refuses to give in to the mullahs' regime to wear a hijab or bow to their demands and therefore is refused medical care although needing it badly and bringing her live in danger but says "Victory is not easy, but it is certain"  * and Maryam Akbari Monfared, our sister who's encarcerated since 15 years and refuses to bow down to the mullahs saying "Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"
Read all about them here and let them inspire you on your road towards a long and free Iran or as we say in the West: 'Three strikes and the mullahs' regime is out'
Be the finalizing strike dear and brave dissent




A to VICTORY tribute to
August 9, 2024
"My heart cries...
(For Narges Mohammadi and all suffering but fighting back mothers/women)

Update August 5, 2024
"You are obligated to hold a public trial with the presence of independent journalists, women's rights activists, human rights advocates, and my lawyers. I wish to be prosecuted in court with the testimony of witnesses of the sexual assaults committed by the Islamic Republic regime against women,"

and earlier heroic stories
May 6, 2024
"Tyranny will fall"

"Victory is not easy, but it is certain"
watch it here : 

Click here for a news-overview from January 15, 2024 'till October 31, 2023





And do read also the above linked  incredible December 2023 update!

despite the mullahs' regime to force it down!
Her mother speaks out loud and clear

Click here for the latest news of the
'Woman, Life, Freedom'









Actual News: August 19, 2024
Sentenced to Death for Assisting Women Targeted by ISIS
And read here her full story:
July 23 - 22, 2024
"Denying the Truth, and Its Alternative"

and more in actual news below


June 24, 2024: The Iranian Regime Judiciary Launches a New Case to Seize the Assets of Maryam Akbari Monfared and Her Family, in Revenge for Seeking Justice for Her Siblings Executed in the 1980s
Dec 30, 2023: Not bowing for the mullahs' regime she says:
"Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"






27 August 2024
Kurdish Political Prisoner, Varisheh Moradi

 Stays in Abeyance in Evin Prison Amid Continued Deprivation of Visitation and Phone Call Rights

August 14, 2024
Fatemeh Amini, symbol of perseverance and steadfastness

Click here for more stories of Heroines of Iran 

June 19, 2024
Neda Agha Sultan Face of the 2009 uprising in Iran


Please do read the following articles about heroines who risk live and limb for the women-led revolution and no matter what they'll never give in nor up!and other stories: click on the underlined topics:
August 29, 2024: Victims of Forced Disappearances
August 28, 2024: Nurses' Strikes Escalate Across Iran as Authorities Intensify Repression
 August 28, 2024: When family betrays
August 27, 2024: A Filmmaker's Fight
August 23, 2024: Violation of the Rights of Female Detainees
August 22, 2024: Demands Immediate Release of Iranian Lawyer

Click here for previous inspiring stories and  articles incl. Red Alerts  

Read here more about the
Nurses' demands - "A nurse will die, but will not accept humiliation,":


Click here for actual updates  Updated Sept. 2, 2024

'The mullahs' regime / OHCHR* gallows' dance'

July 8 - 4, 2024: The-death-sentence-against-Sharifeh-Mohammadi
June 15, 2024: Prisoner Swap with Iran is Shameful Reward
June 5 - May 23, 2024: It |Iran| puts people to death in order to terrorize the population into silence.
and other stories 

*OHCHR - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Click here for earlier reports

September 2 - August 26, 2024
<<Shima Rameshk: Tragic Case of 14-Year-Old Child Bride' Suicide in Iran...
and <<'Shameless': Imprisoned Nobel Laureate in Iran Slams Custodial Death...
and <<Iranian Political Prisoner Faces Fresh 7 Years Prison Sentence...
and <<'Women prisoners in Iran keep resisting despite everything'...
and <<Ghezel Hesar Prison: Three Political Prisoners Protest Against the "Systematic Murder" and "White Massacre" of Political Prisoners...
and <<University Crackdowns: Expulsion of Sahra Rezaei and Suspension of Shaida Aghahamidi...
and 'Lost Control': Iranian Police Admit Killing Man in Custody...
and <<Iran Arrests Faramarz Brahui, 15-Year-Old Brother of Slain Baloch Protester...
and more actual news

May 10 - 3, 2024

'War against the No-hijabi women'

August 30 - 26, 2024
<<14-Year-Old Child Marriage Victim Shima Ramshek Commits Suicide in Miandoab, Iran
and  "A nurse will die, but will not accept humiliation,"...
and <<Kurdish Political Prisoner, Varisheh Moradi Stays in Abeyance...
and <<Political Prisoner Faces Court for Prison Bedbugs Complaint...
and <<Iran Charges Female Director, Actor for Defying Hijab Mandate...
and <<17-Year-Old Girl Killed by Father in Ilam Province in So-Called 'Honor' Killing...
and <<Iran Special Unit Forces Kill a Gilaki Civilian Under Torture...
and <<University of Tehran: Yekta Mirzaei Temporarily Suspended from Continuing Education...
and <<Global Support Grows for the No to Executions Campaign on Tuesdays in its 31st Week...
and <<Iran's Hijab Crackdown: Woman Beaten, Arrested in Kermanshah...
and more actual news

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Shima Ramshek

Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 30 August 2024
<<14-Year-Old Child Marriage Victim Shima Ramshek Commits Suicide in Miandoab, Iran
Shima Ramshek, a 14-year-old girl from Bukan, tragically took her own life after enduring prolonged dissatisfaction and pressure stemming from a forced marriage. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, Shima Ramshek, from the village of Shikhler in the district of Bukan, committed suicide in the home she shared with her husband in the village of Marjanabad, Miandoab. She died instantly. An informed source revealed that Shima, a victim of child marriage, ended her life by hanging herself at home. After 48 hours, on Friday, September 30, her body was released to her family by the medical examiner. It is important to note that Shima was forced into marriage with an adult man named Mansour Jagan at the age of thirteen due to continuous family pressure.
The issue of child marriage has long been condemned by civil society and human rights activists, as it violates the mental and physical well-being of the child. Despite widespread social opposition, this harmful practice persists, fueled by the intertwining of personal status laws with religious customs and the lack of adequate judicial oversight. This has led to a double infringement on the rights of women and children, particularly in regions where such practices are prevalent.>>

And other actual news

Narges Mohazmmadi
Iranwire - Sept 2, 2024
<<'Shameless': Imprisoned Nobel Laureate in Iran Slams Custodial Death
Narges Mohammadi, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist and political prisoner in Iran, has said the Islamic Republic should be held accountable for the death in custody of Seyyed Mohammad Mirmousavi. Mirmousavi, a young man from Gilan, was tortured and severely beaten by officers of the Special Police Force after being arrested, leading to his death in northern Langerud.
"How shameless is it for [the] Islamic Republic to call the killing of an innocent man under torture an 'exception' and to describe the systematic, deadly torture in detentions as merely the loss of control of emotions and anger of the agents' and 'excitement caused by friction,'" she said in an Instagram post.
She condemned the Islamic Republic for its systematic use of torture and its attempt to downplay such a catastrophic crime.
"The Islamic Republic must be held accountable for the murder of Seyyed Mohammad Mirousavi under brutal torture by its agents," she added.
Mirmousavi, a resident of Seyyed Mahalleh village in the Rudbeneh district of Lahijan, was arrested on August 24 and died the same day at a police station in Langarud after being tortured. The prosecutor announced that a special investigator had been appointed to investigate the matter. Five law enforcement officers have also been arrested in connection with the case.>>

Mostafa Tajzadeh
Iranwire - Sept 2, 2024
<<Prominent Iranian Political Prisoner Faces New Charges
Mostafa Tajzadeh, a prominent Iranian political prisoner, has revealed that a new case has been filed against him for alleged anti-government activities. The new judicial case accused him of <assembly and collusion to commit a crime against national security> and <propaganda activity against the Islamic Republic.> According to Ensaf News, Tajzadeh expressed his protest in a letter to the authorities, saying that he would not appear in court or defend himself. Tajzadeh believes the judge may sentence him to six years in prison for the two charges in the new case, with five years being enforceable. He recalled the extension of his prison sentence in 2013, saying, "When Mr. Rouhani was elected, my six-year sentence was increased to seven years. This time, it seems my five-year sentence might be increased to ten years." In September 2022, the activist was sentenced to five years in prison on charges including <collusion against national security,> <spreading falsehoods,> and <propaganda against the Islamic Republic.>
In a letter published on his Telegram channel on February 18, Tajzadeh accused Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei of neglecting Iran's pressing issues and rendering the electoral process meaningless. The political reformist has been repeatedly arrested since 2009 and subjected to harsh sentences.>>

Shakila Monfared
Iranwire - Sept 2, 2024
<<Iranian Political Prisoner Faces Fresh 7 Years Prison Sentence
Shakila Monfared, a political prisoner held in Tehran's Evin Prison, has been sentenced to prison and flogging in a new case. Ali Sharifzadeh Ardakani, Monfared's lawyer, told the Emtedad news site on Sunday that his client has been sentenced to a total of seven years and seven months in prison, along with ten lashes. According to her lawyer, Monfared received a sentence of six years and seven months for the charge of <destruction of public property> (breaking the glass on a table in the 8th District courtroom). She also faces an additional one year in prison and ten lashes for <disorderly conduct.> On June 26, Monfared was violently re-arrested and taken to Evin Prison after she had applied to the prosecutor's office to extend her medical leave. Monfared has been imprisoned since January 2021 and has faced numerous charges in custody. This civil activist was initially sentenced in 2021 to four years and two months in prison on charges of <propaganda against the Islamic Republic> and <insulting the sacred.>
She was later sentenced to two years and eight months in prison on charges of <membership in anti-regime groups> and <spreading lies.> In an audio file obtained by IranWire last year, Monfared revealed that she suffers from severe symptoms of stomach acid reflux, kidney stones, and a painful gallbladder condition, all of which require immediate medical attention. However, she has repeatedly been denied the right to medical leave.>>

Parveen Azad
Sharifeh Mohammadi and Pakhshan Azizi
Jinha - Womens News Agency 2 Sept 2024 - by MUJDE KIRMAŞANI
<<'Women prisoners in Iran keep resisting despite everything'
People in Iran should unite and protest the death sentences against labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi and journalist Pakhshan Azizi, women's and children rights activist Parveen Azad said, "Women prisoners keep resisting despite everything."
News Center- Tens of thousands of people took to the streets o and demanded freedom during the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom)" uprising in Iran. People from all ages attended the protests led by women. During the protests, hundreds were detained, arrested, tortured and executed by the Iranian regime to increase fear and oppression. The Iranian regime aims to intimidate people by sentencing hundreds of people to death, including labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi and journalist Pakhshan Azizi, said Parveen Azad, a women's and children's rights activist.
'Women in Iran and Eastern Kurdistan face more oppression every day'

Jina Amini
"The Jin, Jiyan, Azadi revolution that started in Iran and Eastern Kurdistan following the killing of Jina Mahsa Amidi by the morality police in Tehran was led by women," she said, adding, "The Iranian regime has used execution, torture, arrest and many other kinds of oppression to spread fear among the people and women. Women prisoners keep resisting despite everything."
'The ongoing protests of women show their determination'
Parveen Azad drew attention to the resistance of women in Iran's prisons. "Women imprisoned in prisons located in different cities of Iran have been holding the 'No to Executions' protests since the execution of Reza Rasaei on August 6. The ongoing protests of women prisoners show their determination. The only way to get rid of this dictatorship system is to overthrow this regime. If this regime exists, people will continue to face any kind of oppression, executions and attacks." 15 women political prisoners, including Pakhshan Azizi and Warisha Moradi, have been banned from lawyer and family visits and making phone calls for protesting the execution of Reza Rasaei, Parveen Azad told NuJINHA. "Due to the ban on lawyer visits, the women prisoners, who have been sentenced to death, cannot defend themselves. The female political prisoners keep resisting inside while their families resist outside."
'We must bow respectfully to the resistance of imprisoned women'
We must bow respectfully to the resistance of imprisoned women, Parveen Azad stressed. "They resist despite all kinds of oppression. They struggle against difficult conditions in prisons, torture, and the ban on lawyer and family visits. We know that women are at a disadvantage in prisons. Despite all the difficulties, they keep resisting to make their voices heard not only by Iranian society but also by the whole world. International human rights organizations, political parties and other organizations are also aware of the oppression in prisons and the resistance against this oppression. They hold protests every day to demand the release of political prisoners, the revocation of death sentences and the treatment of sick prisoners." >>
Source incl. video:

Ahmadreza Haeri, Hamzeh Savari, and Saeed Masouri
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 2 Sept 2024
<<Ghezel Hesar Prison: Three Political Prisoners Protest Against the "Systematic Murder" and "White Massacre" of Political Prisoners by the Iranian Judiciary
Ahmadreza Haeri, Hamzeh Savari, and Saeed Masouri, three political prisoners detained in Ghezel Hesar Prison, have published an open letter warning about the systematic murder and silent massacre of political prisoners, as well as the critical physical condition of Afshin Baymani and Saman Yasin, two prisoners held in this prison. The full text of the letter follows below:
Protest by Three Political Prisoners Against the "Systematic Murder" and "White Massacre" of Political Prisoners by the Judiciary
Greetings to the honorable and free people,
Our two fellow inmates, Mr. Afshin Baymani and Mr. Saman Yasin, with whom we have spent the past year in Unit Four of Ghezel Hesar Prison, are now facing a serious threat to their right to life due to illegal procedures and the "securitization of prisoners' medical treatment." This same approach previously claimed the lives of dear ones such as Baktash Abtin, Sasan Niknafas, Behnam Mahjoubi, and dozens of other political and non-political prisoners.
Our fellow inmate, Mr. Afshin Baymani, is now in his twenty-fifth year of imprisonment. As a result of enduring a "quarter century" of unjust imprisonment, he has developed heart failure. In recent months, he has been examined by several doctors inside the prison (Dr. Hajibabaei on January 12, 2024; Dr. Amjadi on January 29, 2024, and July 29, 2024; and Dr. Rajabi on August 28, 2024). Each time, these doctors have emphasized the urgent need for immediate treatment and heart surgery outside the prison. In the fall of last year, Forensic Medicine also confirmed Mr. Baymani's heart failure and referred him to Dr. Bahar Moradi, a cardiology specialist. Dr. Moradi stressed the urgency of surgery and the need for the patient to be hospitalized and kept away from stressful conditions (the prison). (Documents of these medical orders are available.) In these circumstances, the Tehran Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutor, and the supervising prison judge, Mr. Nayyeri, for unknown reasons, have refused to grant Mr. Baymani medical leave for urgent heart surgery and other necessary treatments outside the prison under the supervision of his family. Regarding the latest condition of Mr. Afshin Baymani, we, as his fellow inmates, asked him to refrain from participating in the thirty-first week of the "No to Executions" hunger strike campaign on Tuesday, 6 Shahrivar 1403, due to his heart problems. However, he insisted on participating in this strike and spent Tuesday fasting with us. Less than half a day later, on Wednesday, he suffered another heart attack and was transferred to a medical center outside the prison with symptoms of a heart attack. He was returned to prison a day later. We must also testify about our other fellow inmate, Mr. Saman Yasin, a detained artist. Despite his two hospitalizations at the Razi Psychiatric Hospital and the forensic commission's opinion that his condition is worsening in prison, and even though this young man has been in an uncertain situation in prison for nearly two years, the prosecutor's office and their representative have shown no concern for safeguarding the life of this political prisoner. They have merely limited themselves to writing letters to the prison and emphasizing the "prisoner's access to medical services!" Meanwhile, in addition to other illnesses, Saman suffers from panic attacks, which are exacerbated by the stressful conditions of the prison. So much so that his life is at risk every day and every hour. The reality in Ghezel Hesar Prison is horrifying and inhumane. We do not wish to play with words, nor do we seek to go beyond the truth even by a bit.
The Tehran Prosecutor and their deputy, whether knowingly and deliberately or under pressure from other institutions, have, by failing to act by the law and continuing to keep these two fellow inmates in prison while denying them the right to medical treatment outside of prison under the supervision of doctors approved by their families, effectively facilitated their "systematic murder" and "white massacre." This murder and massacre, according to credible information, is also occurring among dozens of other prisoners in other prisons, including Sheiban Prison in Ahvaz, the women's ward of Evin Prison, Ward 4 of Evin Prison, and so on.
In conclusion, as fellow inmates of these two dear ones, we demand the release or at least immediate medical leave of Afshin Baymani and Saman Yasin. We hold the Tehran Prosecutor, their deputy, and, of course, at higher levels, the Judiciary and the prison organization, responsible for any incident that endangers the health or life of these dear ones in prison. It is obvious that if these illegal conditions and violations of the rights of these two dear ones continue, we will consider resistance and protest our rights and will carry out further protests within the prison.
Ahmadreza Haeri
Hamzeh Savari
Saeed Masouri
Ghezel Hesar Prison
August 2024>>

Hoviat Hessam Darzadeh Naz
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 2 Sept 2024
<<16-Year-Old Baloch Child Arrested by Iranian Security Forces
A 16-year-old Baloch child, identified as Hoviat Hessam Darzadeh Naz from Pishin, Rask, a district of Sistan and Baluchestan province, has been arrested by the Intelligence forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in this city. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Saturday, August 31, 2024, a 16-year-old Baloch child named Hoviat Hessam Darzadeh Naz, from the Gazdan neighborhood in Pishin district, Rask County, was arrested by the IRGC Intelligence forces in this city and transferred to an undisclosed location.
According to informed sources, this Baloch child was arrested by the IRGC forces near a Basij base. As of the time of this report, there is no precise information available regarding the reasons for the arrest, the charges against him, or whereabouts of this child.>>

Mohsen Toutazehi and Hamid Toutazeh
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - Sept 1, 2024
<<Two Baloch Brothers Killed by Direct Fire from Iranian Government Forces in Yazd
Two Baloch men, identified as Mohsen Toutazehi and Hamid Toutazeh, were killed by direct fire from the Iranian government forces in the village of Saghand, in the Ardakan district of Yazd province. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Friday, August 30, 2024, two Baloch brothers named Mohsen Toutazehi, 25 years old, and Hamid Toutazehi, 46 years old, both from the village of Rahman in Zahedan province were killed by direct fire from the Iranian military forces in the village of Saghand, in Ardakan district of Yazd province. According to the Baloch Activists Campaign, these two Baloch men were shot dead by Iranian military forces without prior warning while they were in their vehicle near the village of Saghand, Ardakan. It is worth noting that their bodies have been transferred to the morgue and have not been yet handed over to their family.>>

Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - Sept 1, 2024
<<Iranian Judiciary Sentences Hossein Shanbezadeh to 12 Years in Prison
Hossein Shanbezadeh, an editor and translator active on social media, originally from Bushehr and residing in Tehran, has been sentenced by the Iranian Judiciary to 12 years of imprisonment, of which 5 years are to be enforced. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, Hossein Shanbezadeh was sentenced to a total of 12 years of imprisonment by Branch 26 of Tehran's Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Iman Afshari. Under the aggregation law, 5 years of this sentence will be enforceable. Amir Raeesian, Hossein Shanbezadeh's lawyer, confirmed the initial ruling to the newspaper <Shargh> and stated that Mr. Shanbezadeh has been sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment for <propaganda activities against the state in favor of Israel,> 4 years for <insulting sacred beliefs,> and 1 year each for the charges of <spreading false information,> <disturbing public opinion,> and <propaganda against the Islamic Republic,> along with a fine of 50 million Tomans. Hossein Shanbezadeh, 35 years old, was arrested by Iranian security forces in Ardabil on the evening of Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Immediately after the news of his arrest was published, the Ardabil Prosecutor announced that a social media activist and editor had been arrested on charges of <espionage for Israel.> Media outlets close to the Iranian state identified this editor as Hossein Shanbezadeh. Following the Ardabil Prosecutor's claim, Hossein Shanbezadeh's family expressed concern about their son's situation in a statement, calling the accusations against him unjustifiable and baseless. It is worth noting that a few hours after his arrest, Hossein Shanbezadeh's account on the social media platform X was also disabled. Shortly before this, several posts similar to previous claims made by Iranian security agencies appeared on his account.
Previously, during the 2019 protests, Hossein Shanbezadeh was arrested and, after temporary release, was sentenced to 6 years in prison on charges such as <insulting Khamenei> and <propaganda against the government.> This sentence was eventually reduced to 3 years and 6 months. This translator and activist was transferred to Evin Prison in Tehran on Thursday, June 30, 2022, to serve his prison term. He was eventually granted temporary leave from this prison.>>

Sahra Rezaei and Shaida Aghahamidi
NCRI - Womens committee - 31 August 2024 - in Women's News
<<University Crackdowns: Expulsion of Sahra Rezaei and Suspension of Shaida Aghahamidi
On the eve of the anniversary of the 2022 Iran uprising and the start of the new academic year, Iranian universities are issuing significant disciplinary actions against students, including expulsions and suspensions. Among those affected are Sahra Rezaei and Shida Aghahmadi. This follows earlier reports on the suspension of students Yekta Mirzaei and Reyhaneh Ebrahimi Vandi.
Sahra Rezaei expelled
Sahra Rezaei, a student at Allameh Tabatabai University, has been expelled following a ruling by the Administrative Justice Court. The court confirmed the expulsion of Rezaei, a 22-year-old student from Afghanistan who was in her 7th semester studying journalism. Rezaei's expulsion, which was initially issued by the university in October of last year, was not overturned despite an appeal. Rezaei's lawyer, Reza Shafakhah, announced that the appeal against her expulsion was rejected by the Administrative Justice Court. Rezaei was previously detained during the nationwide protests in October 2022 and was released in December of the same year.
Shaida Aghahamidi suspended for two semesters
Shaida Aghahamidi, a student at the University of Tehran, has been temporarily suspended from her studies. The university’s disciplinary committee has imposed a two-semester suspension on Shaida Aghahamidi, who is studying anthropology. She announced this news, stating that the suspension is due to several reasons, including disrupting, delaying, or obstructing university activities and programs, failing to adhere to student conduct standards, and not following the compulsory dress codes. One semester of this suspension is to be served immediately, while the other semester is deferred.>>

Seyyed Mohammad Mirmousavi
Iranwire - August 30, 2024
'Lost Control': Iranian Police Admit Killing Man in Custody
The Islamic Republic's police have acknowledged that officers lost control of their "anger and emotions" during an altercation with a young Iranian man, resulting in his death. Seyyed Mohammad Mirmousavi died under torture while in custody at a detention center in northern Gilan province. In a statement released on Friday, the police command information center attributed Mirmousavi's death to <the excitement caused by the altercation between the deceased Mirmousavi and the police officers, the lack of control of anger and emotions of some employees, and indifference to the situation of the accused.> The announcement confirmed the arrest of several police officers in connection with the incident, stating, <The behavior of some police officers is against the professional policy of the police and is not acceptable in any way.> Mirmousavi, a resident of Seyyed Mahalleh village in the Rudbeneh district of Lahijan, was arrested on August 24 and died the same day at a police station in Langarud after being tortured.
The prosecutor announced that a special investigator has been appointed to investigate the matter. Five law enforcement officers have also been arrested in connection with the case.>>

Afshin Baymani
Iranwire - August 30, 2024
<<Iranian Political Prisoner Rushed to Hospital, Returned Without Treatment
Afshin Baymani, a political prisoner incarcerated in Qezelhesar prison, was rushed to a hospital outside the prison on Thursday night due to symptoms of a heart attack. However, he was returned to prison without receiving adequate medical treatment, raising serious concerns about his health. According to IranWire sources, Baymani, who has been sentenced to life imprisonment and suffers from coronary artery disease, has long been denied proper medical care and access to specialized treatment centers due to obstruction by prison officials. Judicial authorities have also opposed his release. Baymani fainted and collapsed in prison after experiencing a severe drop in blood pressure. The impact caused him to fracture his head and suffer from bleeding after hitting a wall. After examining him, the prison medical staff emphasized the need to send him to the hospital for an angiography. Baymani requested medical leave to receive treatment under the supervision of his specialist doctor, but this request was denied by prison officials. In January, Baymani was taken to Rajaei Shahr Hospital in Karaj due to his deteriorating health but was returned to prison the following day without receiving specialized medical care. He had previously been granted medical leave to undergo open-heart surgery but was re-arrested in Isfahan and transferred back to Qazalhasar Prison. Baymani, who is married and has two children, was arrested in August 2000 and shortly after that was sentenced to death by the Tehran Revolutionary Court on charges of <waging war against God.> After six years, this sentence was commuted to life imprisonment, and he has since been serving his sentence in various prisons.
Many political prisoners in Iran are systematically and deliberately denied access to proper medical care.
These denials are often used as a means of political repression, intended to intimidate and suppress opposition voices.>>

Mohammad Mirmousavi
Iranwire - August 30, 2024
<<Another Death in Custody: Mohammad Mirmousavi
The death of a 36-year-old driver who died from torture in police custody in Iran has ignited condemnation and calls for justice. Seyyed Mohammad Mirmousavi was last seen alive on the evening of August 24 when he was arrested by police and taken a police station in northern Langerud. Four days later, his body, marked with signs of beating, was handed over to his family, adding his name to the growing list of individuals who have died due to torture in various military or security detention centers of the Islamic Republic. In response to Mirmousavi's death, the Islamic Republic initially attempted to conceal his identity and threatened his family. However, after the media exposed the crime, the government shifted its strategy, announcing the issuance of arrest warrants for five police officers and forming a committee to investigate the matter. Despite the formation of such committees in the past, the results of their investigations have rarely been made public.
Another Death in Police Custody
Mirmousavi, a 36-year-old driver, was arrested by police officers during an altercation on August 24. On August 28, 2024, images of his bloody body being washed were published by human rights sources, revealing evidence of severe torture and assault. In a video showing the washing of Mirmousavi's body, a person points on his back, stating, "These places are pierced." One of the photos also shows autopsy marks on Mirmousavi's chest, though no official forensic report has been released. Hirkani, a human rights and environmental media outlet in Alborz province, obtained documents indicating that Mirmousavi's hands were tied for hours. Journalist Pouyan Khoshal reported that after Mirmousavi's arrest, he was taken to an area behind a police station, where there were no security or surveillance cameras. There, police officers and soldiers severely beat him.
Following this brutal beating, Mirmousavi was transferred to the Lahijan Police Headquarters to spend the night. That night, he told officers that he was feeling unwell and needed medical attention, but his pleas were ignored. According to Khoshal, Mirmousavi ultimately died from internal bleeding. Before Mirmousavi's body was handed over, his family was pressured by security authorities to remain silent. Hirkani reported that the prosecutor of northern Langarud city threatened the family, warning them against disclosing any information and cautioning that they would face legal action and arrest if they did. As images of Mirmousavi's body circulated, Borna news agency reported, citing the public prosecutor and revolutionary court of Lahijan, that a temporary arrest warrant had been issued for five police officers in connection with the death of a detainee under police custody. After the news of Mirmousavi's death in police custody, several former political prisoners shared their experiences of being beaten in detention. Journalists, human rights activists, and lawyers protested the violent practices in police detention centers, calling for legal reforms. In a statement released on Friday, the police command information center attributed Mirmousavi's death to <the excitement caused by the altercation between the deceased Mirmousavi and the police officers, the lack of control of anger and emotions of some employees, and indifference to the situation of the accused.>
Testimonies of Former Political Prisoners
Mohammad Habibi, a trade union activist and spokesperson for the Tehran Teachers' Trade Union Center, and a former political prisoner, said: "During my time in Greater Tehran prison, I saw many general crime prisoners with broken arms and legs and bruised bodies being returned to prison." Journalist and former political prisoner Atafeh Nabavi shared a story about a 25-year-old female prisoner accused of murder. She wrote: "She was beaten so severely to force a confession that all her teeth were crushed. Due to the days of torture, she appeared as if she were 50 years old."
Human rights activist and former political prisoner Atena Daemi also said: "In Qarchak and Lakan prisons, I witnessed many cases of general crime prisoners being brutally tortured and then silenced with threats and intimidation."
Promises of Investigation
Following the news of Mirmousavi's death, the President of Iran, the Interior Minister, and the Chief of Police ordered the formation of a special committee to investigate and report on the incident. According to IRNA, Iran's state news agency, a delegation led by the Deputy Interior Minister arrived in Rasht on August 29, and a meeting of the Provincial Security Council was held. The Islamic Republic's official media reported that Interior Minister Iskander Momeni appointed and dispatched a special investigation team to investigate the matter. The Iranian Police Information Center also announced that Ahmadreza Radan, the Chief of Police, had issued a special order to investigate the death.
Deaths of Prisoners
Suspicious deaths and killings of prisoners and detainees by various security and law enforcement agencies of the Islamic Republic have a long and troubling history.

Jina Amini
The death of Mahsa Amini in the custody of the Morality Police in September 2022 sparked a wave of nationwide protests in Iran, which persisted for months. Another case is that of Javad Rouhi, a detained protester from the Woman, Life, Freedom movement, who died in Nowshahr prison in August 2023 after reportedly suffering a <seizure.> The judiciary attributed his death to <drug interference.> Similarly, Alireza Shirmohammad Ali, detained during the November 2018 protests, was killed in Fashafouyeh prison. During the 2017 protests, detainees Sina Ghanbari, Saro Ghahramani, Vahid Heydari, and Kianosh Zandi either died in custody or under suspicious circumstances. In addition, Mohsen Rouholamini, Mohammad Kamrani, and Amir Javadifar, who were detained during the 2009 Green Movement, died at the Kahrizak detention center.
Legal Rights of the Arrested
Iranian law is explicit regarding the rights of arrested individuals. A lawyer explained to IranWire: "The law is clear that the responsibility for protecting the life and health of arrested persons rests with the agency that detained them. If the police arrest someone, it is their responsibility to ensure that person’s life and health." According to this lawyer, Article 32 of the <Executive Regulations of the Detention Centers of the Islamic Republic of Iran Police Force> specifies that detention center authorities must make every effort to preserve the life and health of detainees and immediately report any incidents to judicial authorities. Additionally, Article 570 of the Islamic Penal Code states that any officer who violates the law, deprives individuals of their freedom, or harms a detained person can be prosecuted and punished. The lawyer emphasized: "If a detainee suffers harm due to negligence or the authorities' failure to perform these duties, those responsible should be held accountable and punished." He advised that if a detainee experiences any physical or verbal violence, they should inform their lawyer as soon as possible. "Detainees should exercise their right to visit a forensic medical examiner to document injuries and insist on it," he said. Such actions can help detainees who have suffered violence to file complaints and pursue cases against police officers responsible for the abuse.>>

Asad Espandar
Jinha - Womens News Agency 30 August 2024
<<Kurdish Kolbar was killed by Direct Fire from Iranian Border Guards on the Borders of Baneh
A Kolber from Sardasht, named Asad Espandar, was killed by direct fire from the Iranian Border Guards on the Borders of Baneh. According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, in the early hours of Friday, August 30, 2024, Asad Aspandar, 24 years old and from the village of 'Qolesevir' in Sardasht County, West Azerbaijan (Urmia) province, was shot by the Iranian Border Guards on the Alvatan border area of Baneh after these forces opened fire on a group of Kolbars. According to Hengaw's sources, Asad Espandar was shot in the chest by these forces and lost his life. His body, which was transferred to Salahuddin Ayubi Hospital in Baneh, is now being transferred to his hometown, Sardasht.>>

Mamosta Saber Khodamoradi
Jinha - Womens News Agency 30 August 2024
<<Iran Sentences a Kurdish Cleric to 15 Months in Prison
Mamosta Saber Khodamoradi, the Friday prayer leader of Qavakh township in Saqqez, has been sentenced to 15 months in prison by the Special Clerical Court of Hamedan. He had previously been sentenced to imprisonment and flogging. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, Mamosta (Mullah) Saber Khodamoradi, the Friday prayer leader of Qavakhtownship in Saqqez, was recently sentenced to 15 months in prison by the Special Clerical Court of Hamedan. This sentence was communicated to the Kurdish cleric via a phone call. It is worth noting that in May 2023, Mamosta Saber Khodamoradi was also sentenced by the Special Clerical Court of Hamedan to 7 months of discretionary imprisonment and 72 lashes. Previously, Hengaw reported that the Intelligence Department had threatened Mr. Khodamoradi that if he continued his criticisms in the mosque, his sentence would be immediately carried out. Mamosta Saber Khodamoradi was summoned to the Special Clerical Court of Hamedan in May of last year and February 2023 due to his protests against the government and his support for the people's demands during the *Woman, Life, Freedom* movement in his Friday prayer sermons.>>

Faramarz Brahui
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 30 August 2024
<<Iran Arrests Faramarz Brahui, 15-Year-Old Brother of Slain Baloch Protester
Faramarz Brahui (Abil), a 15-year-old Baloch boy from Zahedan and the brother of Ismail Abil, who was killed during the *Woman, Life, Freedom* movement, has been detained to serve his sentence. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, Faramarz Brahui, a member of a justice-seeking family in Zahedan, was arrested and transferred to the Khorasan Correctional Center to serve his six-month sentence. The Haalvsh news group, which focuses on news related to Balochistan, reported that this child was recently sentenced to six months in prison by the Special Children's Court of Khorasan Razavi province. Detail information about the charges against him has not been made available. Faramarz Brahui was initially arrested by security forces in Torbat-e Heydarieh, Razavi Khorasan Province, on August 22, 2023, when he was only 14 years old. After six days, he was released on bail of 300 million tomans, pending the completion of legal proceedings.
It is important to note that Faramarz's brother, Ismail Abil (Brahui), was killed during the *Woman, Life, Freedom* movement on September 30, 2022. He died from direct fire by government forces during what became known as the "Bloody Friday of Zahedan," which claimed the lives of dozens of others.>>

Internet Reach and Access Now Act
Center for Human Rights in Iran - August 26 2024
<<Iran: Congress Should Back Bipartisan <Internet Reach and Access Now Act>
August 26, 2024 - The Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) strongly urges Congress to support the Internet Reach and Access Now Act (IRAN Act) (H.R.9299), which CHRI has officially endorsed. This legislation is a crucial step towards enabling Iranians' access to an open internet, despite the severe restrictions and blackouts imposed by the authorities. Introduced on August 2, 2024, by Representatives Eric Swalwell (D-CA14) and Claudia Tenney (R-NY24), the bipartisan bill currently has the backing of 23 co-sponsors.
"Iranian authorities know that an open internet is a powerful tool that allows citizens to share their experiences, counter the Islamic Republic's propaganda, and expose the state's human rights violations," said Hadi Ghaemi, executive director of the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI). "That's precisely why internet shutdowns and restrictions are among the government's first methods of suppression." The Iranian government has a long history of systematically weaponizing internet access to suppress dissent, stifle freedom of expression, and surveil its citizens. For example, during major anti-state protests in November 2019, and again in September 2022, the government imposed internet shutdowns while carrying out brutal crackdowns. Thousands were arrested, and hundreds of protesters were killed each time. In May 2024, the Iranian Parliament reintroduced the Bill for the Protection of the Rights of Cyberspace Users, which would significantly enhance the government's ability to censor and surveil online activity, further violating Iranians' rights to freedom of expression and privacy. The Internet Reach and Access Now Act (IRAN Act) requires the secretary of state to permanently incorporate implementing and regularly updating a comprehensive strategy to promote internet freedom in Iran as part of their duties. This strategy is centered around three key objectives to ensure it effectively meets the needs of Iranian civil society: Provide guidance to the Treasury Department to ensure that sanctions enforcement does not hinder companies from supplying Iranian civilians with the necessary tools to access an open internet. Evaluate the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) by human rights activists in Iran and devise strategies to increase their accessibility. Analyze the Islamic Republic's capacity to impose internet blackouts and develop strategies to help Iranian civil society circumvent these shutdowns. Once the IRAN Act is enacted, the State Department is required to submit a report detailing the updated comprehensive strategy to the relevant Congressional Committees within 120 days. "Unrestricted internet access is not just a lifeline; it is the very foundation of Iranians' struggle to voice their truths and courageous resistance," said Ghaemi.
"Supporting internet freedom is essential to breaking the chains of censorship and amplifying Iranian voices," he said.
Tell your Congressional representative to support the Internet Reach and Access Now Act today.

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024