formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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(Updates August 28, 2024)

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overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
Click here for actual updates  Updated August 27, 2024

August 27 - 23, 2024
<<Disciplinary punishments against 31 prisoners in Şakran Women's Closed Prison...
and <<"The unity of women can bring real change"...
and <<Tulay Hatimogulları: This country needs bread and justice...
and <<'The Taliban's new morality law is a violation of human rights in Afghanistan'...
and <<Fight for gender equality continues in Morocco...
and <<Journalists in Turkiye: We should speak out so that the truth is not hidden...
and <<'We should raise our voices for Gulistan Tara and Hero Bahadin'...
and <<New law grants Taliban morality police fresh powers to censor Afghan media...
and <<Sebahat Tuncel: There is a strong opposition against the climate of fear in society...
and more actual news


August 21 - 16, 2024
<<'The proposed amendments will cause societal collapse if approved'...
and <<Emine Şenyaşar to seek justice in front of Turkish parliamentary speaker's office...
and <<Relative of sick prisoner demands release of all sick prisoners...
and <<KJK: "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" has become a global slogan of women...
and <<Afghan women resist Taliban for three years...
and <<'They must hold those responsible for the genocide accountable instead of closing the PADE'...
and more actual news

 Click here for a dated menu overview

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 28, 2024
<<20 killed in paramilitary shelling on Abu Shouk camp in Sudan
At least 20 people were killed when Sudanese paramilitaries fired artillery at Abu Shouk displacement camp, a local committee in El-Fasher said on Tuesday.
News Center- Since April 15, 2023, Sudan has suffered from a civil war between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) under Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) under Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti), killing tens of thousands of people and displacing approximately 10 million people. At least 20 people were killed when Sudanese paramilitaries fired artillery at Abu Shouk displacement camp located in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur State of Sudan, a local resistance committee in El-Fasher said on Tuesday. "The information we have received so far on casualties among residents of Abu Shouk displacement camp is at least 20 killed and 32 wounded," the local resistance committee said in a post on Facebook. In the post, the committee blamed the deaths on the "deliberate shelling by the (RSF) militias on the camp's market and square".
El-Fasher has been surrounded by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) since May to capture the last major Darfur city out of its control.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 28, 2024
<<Disciplinary punishments against 31 prisoners in Şakran Women's Closed Prison
A one-month ban on telephone use and family visit has been reportedly issued against 31 women, who have been imprisoned in the Şakran Women's Closed Prison.
News Center- 31 women, who have been imprisoned in the Şakran Women's Closed Prison, have reportedly received disciplinary punishments for <singing Kurdish songs, dancing halay and chanting slogans.> According to the received reports, 26 women have been banned from making phone calls for a month; five have been banned from family visit for a month. In addition, the release of Lemiya Asu, Aynur Epli, Rozerin Kalkan, Nuran Durak and Guler Bilen, who are expected to be released from prison in a month, may be postponed on the grounds of a disciplinary investigation launched against them.
The disciplinary punishments have been issued against Zuhal Surucu, Mahsume Şedal, Figen Şahin, Melek Atan, Lemiya Asu, Azime Işık, Esma Başkale, Hasret Suzgun Kolkıran, Kubra Filiz, Ebru Guden, Mehtap Kıyar, Guler Bilen, Aynur Epli, Hediye Ozturk, Aygul Kapçak, Bahar Alkan Yıldız, Rozerin Kalkan, Hayriye Yagbasan, Şukran Ozer, Seher Orçu, Fatma Reşat Sido, Medine Orhan, Nuran Durak, Esmer Ayas, Gülten Akgun, Sayme Bayar, Makbule Sunger, Dilan Karakoç, Sinem Çelebi, Ebru Yigit and Berna Çelik.>>

Algerian women activists
Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 28, 2024 - SARAH JAQRIF
<<"The unity of women can bring real change"
"The unity of women can bring real change," said Algerian women activists, condemning the rape and murder of a female doctor in India.
Algeria- The rape and murder of a female doctor in India sparks anger all around the world. "It was an attack against humanity," said Salima Melizi, a women's rights activist and journalist in Algeria. "We strongly condemn the murder of a young female doctor in India and believe that this attack was an attack against humanity and women. Protection mechanisms need to be developed for women in the healthcare sector. The rape and killing of the female doctor in India is not something new; women are raped and killed in many countries. Especially in closed societies, women are subjected to different forms of violence."
'Reactions will prevent such crimes'
Rape attacks against women are common in Arab countries, Salima Melizi added. "Harassment and rapes cases are often not reported to the relevant authorities and they are kept secret. I have investigated many unreported rape cases. Fathers were rapists in some of these cases. The rape and murder of the female doctor has sparked protests in India. The silence against such cases has been broken and this case has become a global case. Reactions will prevent such crimes. If we unite against gender-based violence, we will also stop widespread violence in society."
'Women's solidarity is important'
"We condemn the rape and murder of the female doctor in India," said Algerian activist Assia Belhaj. "There are many rape cases and we should find urgent solutions to reduce this phenomenon. Women do not receive adequate legal protection or protection from the relevant authorities, and the lack of legal protection increases violence against women. Rapists should not go unpunished. The unity of women can bring real change. We should raise our voices together to end violence against women." >>
Source incl. video:

Tulay Hatimogullar
Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 27, 2024
<<Tulay Hatimogulları: This country needs bread and justice
"This country needs bread and justice," said DEM Party Co-chair Tulay Hatimogulları during her visit to seasonal agricultural workers and farmers in Manisa's Şehzadeler district.
News Center- Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-chair Tulay Hatimogulları and the party's members visited seasonal agricultural workers and farmers in Manisa's Şehzadeler district on Tuesday as part of the "Bread and Justice" campaign. The delegation listened to the problems faced by seasonal agricultural workers and farmers who grow and harvest tomatoes in the gardens. Our biggest problem is to make both ends meet because we earn only 850 Turkish liras although we work for the whole day, the agricultural workers told the delegation, stressing that what they earn is insufficient to buy food or pay their rent. Before we could sell all our products but now we cannot sell them, the owners of the gardens told Tulay Hatimogulları.
'This country needs bread and justice'
"It is difficult to make an honest living," said Tulay Hatimogulları after listening to the problems faced by both seasonal agricultural workers and farmers. "The prices of meat, milk and bread are not being calculated. The number of people suffering from hunger and poverty is increasing in Turkiye. In the past, one person could provide a living for a family. But now, 14-year-old children say they cannot make both ends meet. Small farmers are also in a difficult situation. They cannot sell their tomatoes. This country needs bread and justice. We will struggle to make your voices heard." >>

The Taliban's new morality law
Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 27, 2024
<<'The Taliban's new morality law is a violation of human rights in Afghanistan'
The Taliban’s new morality law, grounded in an extreme and biased interpretation of Islamic Sharia, will expand a culture of tyranny, suppress freedoms and violate human dignity, said Rawadari, an Afghan human rights organization.
News Center- Rawadari, a human rights organization focused on advocating for an "equal and peaceful Afghanistan", expressed its profound concern regarding the consequences of the Taliban's new morality law on the fundamental rights and freedoms of Afghans, particularly Afghan women and girls. "This law, grounded in an extreme and biased interpretation of Islamic Sharia, will expand a culture of tyranny, suppress freedoms and violate human dignity," said the organization in a press release on Monday. "Such interpretations stand in stark contrast to the moderate Islamic values upheld by the Afghan society. The people of Afghanistan have consistently adhered to Islamic principles, but these extreme interpretations lack roots in the country and go against the culture and history of tolerance and peaceful co-existence."
'The Taliban are further promoting human rights violations'
Through this law, the Taliban are further promoting human rights violations and imposing new and extensive restrictions on the Afghan population, the organization said, stressing that the law is a violation of women's rights and intensifying gender-based discrimination. "By imposing severe restrictions on women, including mandatory covering and limitations on women’s public presence and even voice, this law exacerbates gender discrimination and flagrantly violates women’s human rights. These restrictions deprive women of their fundamental rights and freedoms, further erasing them from society." In the press release, Rawadari calls on religious scholars and experts, leaders of Islamic countries, the broader international community, and international organizations to intensify efforts to repeal this law and support Afghan women's demands for justice and equality.>>

1 million Afghan mothers and children deprived of food
Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 27, 2024
<<Over 1 million Afghan mothers and children deprived of food aid
More than one million mothers and children are no longer receiving nutrition assistance due to a massive funding shortage, the World Food Programme (WFP) in Afghanistan said Monday on social media platform X.
News Center- More than one million mothers and children are no longer receiving nutrition assistance in Afghanistan due to a massive funding shortage, the World Food Programme (WFP) in Afghanistan announced Monday on social media platform X. "In Afghanistan, it is women who bear the brunt with shrinking options to make a living," said the WFP, stressing that women pay the highest price for the assistance cuts in Afghanistan.
Four million mothers and children malnourished
"Four million mothers and children are already malnourished. And without urgent funding, it will only get worse." 600,000 pregnant and breastfeeding women in Afghanistan would not receive assistance this summer due to a lack of funding, the World Food Programme said on August 6, 2024.
More than 23 million people in Afghanistan require humanitarian assistance
In Afghanistan, 23.7 million people, over half of them children, require humanitarian assistance this year. In 2024, nearly 2.9 million children are expected to face acute malnutrition. More than 850,000 of them will need treatment for severe acute malnutrition, a life-threatening condition, UNICEF said on Sunday.>>

Raja Hamin
Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 27, 2024 - HANAN HARITE
<<Fight for gender equality continues in Morocco
The Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship (ATEC) aims to achieve gender equality and combat violence against women in Morocco since it was founded in 2003.
Morocco- The Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship (ATEC), a NGO founded in Morocco in 2003, provides legal and psychological support to victims of gender-based violence. "The association aims to strengthen the status of women in society," said Raja Hamin, social worker at the association. Growing up in an environment that believes in human rights and women's rights, Raja Hamin said, "Since I was young, I have wanted to listen to people and help them to overcome the problems faced by them." Raja Hamin received several training courses at the association to use active listening skills and learn more about international conventions. "You should be patient because most of the women coming to the association are the survivors of gender-based violence."
The association has been combating gender-based violence for 21 years
Raja Hamin also mentioned the activities of the association to combat gender-based violence.
"The association was founded in 2003 and it has worked to improve the status of women and advocate for their issues, with the aim of achieving gender equality in Moroccan society. The association has two listening centers and these centers provide legal, psychological support to women victims of violence. The association also carries out activities to promote women's economic empowerment, advocate for women's rights and to change the patriarchal mindset that prevents women from achieving their rights. Our aim is to achieve gender equality, combat violence against women and improve the status of women in Morocco."
'We always have hope for a better life'
"We will continue to work to ensure that the next generations will have a better life," said Raja Hamin. "We are optimistic and always have hope for a better life for women. Morocco needs laws that protect women and girls from violence. We wish all women and girls to have a society that believes in women's rights and respects their identity. Our association calls on all women to support the struggle for achieving gender equality." >>
Source incl. video:

Zeyneb Sileman
Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 27, 2024 - HESNA MIHEMED
<<'Relevant organizations should fulfill their responsibilities for Afrin'
"We call on the relevant institutions and organizations to fulfill their responsibilities for the people of Afrin," said Zeyneb Sileman, pointing to the rights violations committed by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions in Afrin.
Shahba- Since the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions occupied the Afrin Canton of North and East Syria, the people of Afrin have been subjected to many rights violations, massacres, torture, arrests and attacks. In addition to the attacks on the people of Afrin, the history and nature of the canton have also been destroyed and plundered. Families of those arrested on false allegations are asked for ransom for the release of their relatives. The Turkish-backed factions demand taxes of 100-200 dollars from the people in the name of <public security>. In addition, those who go to Afrin are detained and their families are asked to pay between 3,000 and 4,000 dollars in exchange for their release. The Suleiman Shah Brigade (known as al-Amshat) and the Hamza Division (known as al-Hamzat) also collect large amounts of taxes from the people in the villages and demand the villagers to pay the taxes without delay. The villagers have to sell their properties to pay such high taxes.
'What is happening in Afrin is the violation of international law'
"Since the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions occupied Afrin, they have committed many crimes against the people and nature of Afrin. Civilians are kidnapped, tortured and arrested and the trees are cut down," said Zeyneb Sileman, member of the Afrin-Shahba Human Rights Organization. "What has been happening in Afrin is the violation of international law and conventions. The Turkish-backed factions set fire to trees in Afrin. Those who tried to extinguish the fire were arrested. Their families are asked to pay a ransom for the release of their relatives."
'They collect taxes from every family'
Speaking about the taxes collected by the Turkish-backed factions from the people of Afrin, Zeyneb Sileman said, "In August, the Turkish-backed factions carried out many attacks in Afrin. They demand a tax of at least 100 dollars from each family and a tax of 200 dollars from shopkeepers in Shiye and Mabata town of Afrin. These factions demand taxes from the people to 'ensure public safety'. Even those who open water wells are asked to pay a tax. These factions also kidnap people to ask for ransom from their families."
'They demand a tax for each olive tree'
As olive harvest season is approaching, the Turkish-backed factions produce new taxes. "They demand a tax for each olive tree. In addition, the factions demand the income for half of the olive trees for themselves every year in Afrin. The rights violations against the people of Afrin must be documented," said Zeyneb Sileman. Zeyneb Sileman concluded her speech by calling on the relevant institutions and organizations to fulfill their responsibilities and "reveal the truth of the occupation in Afrin. Although we have already documented the rights violations in Afrin and sent a report to the relevant institutions and organizations, there is silence. They should take immediate action against the rights violations in Afrin." >>
Source incl. video:

1st Jineology Conference in Makhmour
Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 26 , 2024 - NUPELDA DENIZ
<<1st Jineology Conference in Makhmour: We will respond strongly to attacks
"We will respond strongly to all kinds of attacks," said women attending the 1st Jineology Conference held by the Jineology Research Center in the Makhmour Martyr Rustem Cudi Camp (Makhmour Refugee Camp).
Makhmour- The Jineology Research Center held its first conference in the Makhmour Martyr Rustem Cudi Camp (Makhmour Refugee Camp) from August 23 to August 24 with the participation of 100 delegates after organizing workshops for women in the camp for two months.
'We discussed five issues at the workshops'
"The Jienology Research Center held a conference in the camp for the first time. And, the workshops lasted two months," said Xurbet Işlek, one of the women participating in the conference. "At the workshops, we discussed the impacts of displacement on women, ecology, sexism, Kurdish culture, and social problems. At the conference, the results of the discussions during the workshops were evaluated."
'Our aim is to find solutions to the problems faced by women'

"We will respond strongly to all kinds of attacks against women," Xurbet Işlek added. "At the conference, the problems faced by women were discussed. We hope that the decisions taken at the conference will be implemented in a short time. Our aim is to find solutions to the problems faced by women. If we, as women, do not solve our problems, the attacks against us will continue."
'We believe that we will achieve good results'
Yıldız Bulut, member of the Jineology Research Center in Makhmour, noted that they had a successful conference. "We hope that our conference will serve as an important model in the future. At the workshops, we discussed many issues such as forced displacement, the importance of education, sexism and social problems. We believe that we will achieve good results from our discussions." >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 26 , 2024
<<'The Turkish state must be held accountable for its crimes by a fair tribunal'
Komele Women's Committee condemns the killing of two journalists in Sulaymaniyah, stressing that the Turkish state must be held accountable for its crimes by a fair tribunal.
News Center- On August 23, 2024, a Turkish drone targeted a vehicle carrying journalists in the Saidsadiq district of Sulaymaniyah, killing two women journalists, Gulistan Tara and Hero Bahadin, and injuring six journalists. Komele Women's Committee has published a written statement condemning the Turkish drone attack against the journalists in Sulaymaniyah. "This is not the first Turkish attack targeting civilians, activists and journalists in the Kurdistan Region," the statement said. "The Turkish state has been violating all rights of the Kurdish people in Turkiye and Northern Kurdistan, arresting the elected mayors. It also commits crimes outside its borders. The nationalist Turkish state must be held accountable for its crimes by a fair tribunal. We condemn the Turkish attacks and express our condolences to the comrades, families and friends of the two journalists.">>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 26 , 2024 - HESNA MIHEMED
<<Journalists in Turkiye: We should speak out so that the truth is not hidden
"We should speak out so that the truth is not hidden," said journalists from Türkiye while talking about the killing of SARYA DENIZ
in a Turkish drone attack on Friday.
News Center- Women who reveal the truth and fight for freedom in Turkiye and Kurdistan have been targeted by the ruling party. In recent years, many pioneering such as Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan, Leyla Şaylemez, Nagihan Akarsel, Hevrin Khalaf, Yade Eqida, Zeyneb Saroxan and Zehra Berkel have been targeted and killed. Kurdish women resist the limits drawn by the patriarchal mindset in all facets of life, including journalism. Women journalists write the truth and make it heard all around the world with the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" philosophy. Women journalists in the Middle East are arrested, threatened, sentenced to death because they report the truth. On August 23, 2024, a Turkish drone targeted a vehicle carrying journalists in the Saidsadiq district of Sulaymaniyah, killing two women journalists, Gulistan Tara and Hero Bahadin, and injuring six journalists. On October 4, 2022, Nagihan Akarsel, journalist, writer and member of Jineology Academy, was targeted and killed in front of her home in Sulaymaniyah. On November 20, 2022, a Turkish airstrike on Derik (Al-Malikiyah), a city in northern Syria, killed nine people, including Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reporter Essam Abdullah and injured three others. On August 24, 2023, a Turkish drone targeted a vehicle carrying reporters of JIN TV on the Qamishlo-Amude road, killing JIN TV employee Necmeddin Feysel Heci and injuring a JIN TV reporter. On July 8, 2024, a Turkish drone on Shengal (Sinjar) killed Çira TV reporter Murad Mirza Ibrahim.
'Journalists are always targeted'
Journalists are always targeted by governments, journalist Ceren Bayar said. "Journalists are always the targets of non-democratic and authoritarian governments that maintain their power from conflicts and war. They do not hesitate to take reckless steps within and outside of countries and they do everything to make their steps visible. Therefore, they target, judge, kill journalists and leave them unemployed. Despite everything, journalists never give up reporting the truth."
'We should speak out today'
Journalists Gulistan Tara and Hero Bahadin never gave up reporting the truth, Ceren Bayar added. "They were targeted while trying to report the truth. They were women and civilians." Ceren Bayar also reminded international law and the conventions that protect journalists. "According to international law, targeting journalists in any type of conflict is prohibited. We should speak out today so that no more murders are committed, no more journalists or civilians are killed, and the truth is not hidden. Two Kurdish women journalists, two civilians were killed in a drone attack in another country," said Ceren Bayar. "Both Turkiye and the international community should think of this sentence and object to it." Pointing to the Kurdish question, she stressed that the Kurdish question could not be solved by cross-border operations, weapons, war and killing civilians. "Our responsibility is to tell these facts to the people in Turkiye and insist on a resolution dialogue."
'Human rights are under threat'
"Legal human rights that humanity has gained by struggling are under great threat," said journalist Candan Yıldız. "Journalism should be under the protection of international law; however, the whole world is going through a process without law and rules. If there were rights and rules, Kurdish press workers would not have been killed in bombardment in the territory of a country that has sovereignty, or human rights organizations and journalists’ organizations would have raised their voices."
'It seems like the attack was carried out as a part of an agreement between states'
Any attack against journalists and media workers is a crime, Candan Yıldız stressed. "It seems like the attack that took place in Sulaymaniyah was carried out as a part of an agreement between states. The world will become a less livable place as long as policies without law and built on destruction keep targeting journalists." >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 26 , 2024
<<'We should raise our voices for Gulistan Tara and Hero Bahadin'
Hazhan Halid, a journalist based in Sulaymaniyah, condemned the Turkish attack that killed two journalists in Sulaymaniyah on Friday and said, "Not only journalists but also every Kurd should take to the streets and protest the attack."
Sulaymaniyah- On August 23, 2024, a Turkish drone targeted a vehicle carrying journalists in the Saidsadiq district of Sulaymaniyah, killing two women journalists, Gulistan Tara and Hero Bahadin, and injuring six journalists.
Hazhan Halid, journalist and member of the Metro Center for Journalists' Rights and Advocacy, condemned the attack and said, "Women journalists are always subjected to attacks. What is most heartbreaking is that local authorities have not issued any statement condemning the attack. Not only journalists but also every Kurd should take to the streets and protest the attack or every individual may be targeted in such an attack at any moment."
'Journalists should not take a step back'
Hazhan Halid also condemned the silence of NGOs against the attack. "Journalists make great efforts to reveal the truth. The attack should be investigated. Journalists should not take a step back." >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 23 , 2024
<<2 journalists killed in Turkish bombardment identified
Two journalists killed in Turkish bombardment in Sulaymaniyah on Friday have been identified as Gülistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn.
News Center- A Turkish drone targeted a vehicle carrying journalists in the Saidsadiq district of Sulaymaniyah on Friday, killing two journalists and injuring six other journalists. Two journalists killed in the Turkish bombardment have identified as Gulistan Tara and Hero Bahadin.
According to the received report, some of the injured journalists transferred to hospital are in critical condition.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 23 , 2024 - HESNA MIHEMED
<<Cutting off drinking water increases risk of disease in Shahba's camps
The Syrian government has blocked the distribution of drinking water by UNICEF to the IDPs camps in Shahba Canton, increasing the risk of diseases in the camps.
Shahba- The ongoing Turkish attacks and the siege of the Syrian government on the Shahba Canton of North and East Syria have doubled the suffering of the people living in IDPs camps. The Syrian government has blocked the distribution of drinking water by UNICEF to the IDPs camps in the canton, increasing the risk of diseases in the camps. The lack of drinking and clean water poses a threat to the displaced people, especially children. Although the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) tries to distribute drinking water to the camps with its limited means, it is insufficient. NuJINHA spoke to displaced women living in the Berxwedan camp about the challenges faced by them due to the lack of drinking water.
'We are subjected to the Turkish attacks targeting camps'
"We face many challenges especially in summer," said Newroz Zeni. "Summer is becoming hotter. UNICEF used to distribute drinking water to the camps; however, the Damascus government has blocked it. We are also subjected to the Turkish attacks targeting camps. The Turkish state and the Damascus government aim to displace people again. We have to maintain hygiene in the camp; however, we cannot maintain hygiene due to the lack of clean water. The lack of water poses a threat to us, especially children. Our children get sick but we cannot treat them due to the lack of medications. All we want is the end of this war so that we can return to our homeland. In order to return to our homeland, we resist in the camp."
'It aim to weaken our resistance'
Living in the camps is already difficult for us, Erifa Bilal said, adding, "The most challenging thing in the camp is the lack of drinking and clean water. The Damascus government has been imposing a siege on Shahba, aiming at weakening our resistance. But it should know very well that our resistance is stronger than its power. The AANES does the best to distribute water to the camps. I call on the international organizations to put pressure on the Damascus government to lift the siege because the lack of water poses a threat to everyone in the camps. The Damascus government also blocks the entry of medicine and other medical supplies to the camps." >>

'vice and virtue' law
Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 23 , 2024
<<Taliban enacts 'vice and virtue' law
Afghanistan's Taliban rulers issued new laws on Wednesday that include a ban on women's voices and bare faces in public.
News Center- Afghanistan's Taliban rulers issued new laws on Wednesday that include a ban on women's voices and bare faces in public.
The 35-article 'Vice and Virtue' law was issued on Wednesday after they were approved by supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada. According to the rules of law, it is forbidden for women to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa. Men are also instructed not to wear shorts above the knee or to closely trim their beards. Other rules include bans on homosexuality, missing prayers, adultery, gambling, making animals fight or disobeying one's parents, as well as creating or viewing images of living beings on a computer or phone.
Media outlets
The rules also include bans on media outlets. The rules say that media outlets must not publish <content hostile to Sharia law and religion>, that <humiliates Muslims> or <that shows living beings>.
Morality police
The law sets out graduated punishments for non-compliance: verbal warning, threats, fines, arrest ranging from one hour to three days, or other punishments requested by the morality police.>>

CPJ - August , 2024
<<New law grants Taliban morality police fresh powers to censor Afghan media
New York, August 23, 2024- The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply concerned about a new law, to be enforced by the Taliban's morality police, which bans journalists from publishing or broadcasting content that they believe violates Sharia law or insults Muslims. "The Law for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice grants the Taliban's notorious morality police extensive powers to further restrict Afghanistan's already decimated media community," said CPJ Asia Program Coordinator Beh Lih Yi. "This law marks yet another appalling blow to press freedom in Afghanistan, where the morality police has worsened a crackdown on journalists and fundamental human rights for the past three years."
Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada signed the bill into law on July 31, although the news was not made public until August 21, when it was published on the Ministry of Justice's website. Article 17 details the restrictions on the media, including a ban on publishing or broadcasting images of living people and animals, which the Taliban regards as unIslamic. Other sections order women to cover their bodies and faces and travel with a male guardian, while men are not allowed to shave their beards. The punishment for breaking the law is up to three days in prison or a penalty <considered appropriate by the public prosecutor.> In its annual report this month, Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice said, without providing details, that it had <successfully implemented 90% of reforms across audio, visual, and print media> and arrested 13,000 people for <immoral acts.> Several journalists were among those detained. Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid did not respond to CPJ’s request for comment via messaging app.>>

Sebahat Tuncel
Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 23 , 2024 - MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Sebahat Tuncel: There is a strong opposition against the climate of fear in society
"Although there is a climate of fear in society, there is also a strong opposition against it," said politician Sebahat Tuncel. "Organized structures should weave social politics by fulfilling their missions."
Amed (Diyarbakır)- The final hearing of the Kobane Trial against 108 politicians, including former Co-Chairs of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Figen Yuksekdag and Selahattin Demirtaş, for the protests against ISIS attacks on Kobane on 6-8 October 2014, was held on May 16, 2024. At the hearing, the court issued the release of Gultan Kışanak, Ayla Akat Ata, Ayşe Yağcı, Meryem Adıbeli and Sebahat Tuncel, former Co-chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP). Since being released, the five women politicians have attended activities and meetings with people in many cities.
'The policy of violence and oppression has created a climate of fear in society'
"Many things have changed in eight years," she said, adding that the state's policy of violence and oppression has created a climate of fear in society since 2015. "Since the 1990s, we have gained important experiences and principles in democratic politics. Due to detention and arrest operations, there is a decrease in women’s freedoms, the participation of young people in politics and the establishment of a participatory democratic system in democratic politics. This situation has weakened not only our country but also socialist and feminist movements."
'The pandemic and economic crisis have caused changes in society'
In addition to the operation, the economic crisis and the pandemic have also caused serious changes in society, Sebahat Tuncel stressed. "The state's policy of violence and oppression affects the whole society. The ongoing economic crisis causes serious social problems; people are worried about how they can maintain their lives due to the economic crisis. The process that emerged from the lockdowns and restrictions due to the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 has created a new form of relationship, a new form of economy. I observe that there is a state of desperation in society. The results of the parliamentary and presidential elections have caused pessimism. But the local elections on March 31 created a positive energy in society."
'Political parties should reweave social politics'
People do not accept the current situation in the country; however, they do not know what to do due to the policy of violence and oppression, Sebahat Tuncel added. "And difficult living conditions cause depression in society. I think that local authorities should develop an alternative local administration. The DEM Party (Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party), the DBP (Democratic Regions Party), the DTK (Democratic Society Congress) and the HDK (People's Democratic Congress) should reweave social politics by fulfilling their missions and become socialized based on the radical democracy."
'More organized struggle is a must to demand the solution'
Speaking about the solution to the problems in society, Sebahat Tuncel said, "The solution of the AKP is the solution based on crisis, monism and nationalism. It sees our demand for a democratic solution as a threat and attacks us. Everyone should see that the current constitution is not a democratic constitution. This situation does not make the demands for a solution to the Kurdish question meaningless. There is still a demand for a solution and it is a very strong demand. The Kurdish question should be solved through negotiation and dialogue. The AKP tries to eliminate this demand by imposing an isolation in the prison island of Imrali. People must struggle more to realize their demands. We will build peace by struggling and organizing ourselves. The ‘Rights are not given but taken' motto should be correctly understood." >>
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Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024