formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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(Updates June 29, 2024)

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 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
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Updated July 27, 2024

July 29 - 25, 2024
<<'Khartoum is not safe for women'...
and <<2 children injured in clash breaks out between two factions in Afrin...
and <<Story of survivor of Yazidi genocide-2...
and <<'Women and young people are targeted in Dersim'...
and <<Women of Deir ez-Zor play active roles in all facets of life...
and <<Turkiye offers salaries to mercenaries in Syria to fight in Kurdistan Region...
and <<Campaign of Sara Organization continues: Our aim is to reach all women...
and more actual news

July 24 - 22, 2024
<<Nearly 26 million people in Sudan are not getting enough to eat, UN says...
and <<Window of Hope Women's Movement calls to support women in Afghanistan...
and <<Zenubya Theatre Community determined to turn Raqqa into city of arts...
and <<Rojnews reporter attacked by security forces in Sulaymaniyah...
and <<Mother of kidnapped girl: They threaten us by saying they are village guards...
and <<'Our presence in Shahba will ensure a dignified return to Afrin'...
and more actual news

 Click here for a dated menu overview

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 29 , 2024 - by CILAN ROJ
<<Turkish police raid three wedding parties in Colemęrg
A number of people, including local musicians and wedding photographers, were detained in police raids on three wedding parties in Colemerg (Hakkari) on Sunday.
News Center- Turkish police raided three wedding parties in the city of Colemerg (Hakkari) on Sunday for <singing Kurdish political songs>. A number of people, including local musicians and wedding photographers, were reportedly detained in the police raids on charges of <Propagandizing for a (terrorist) organization> and taken to the Hakkari Provincial Police Department. The police raids on the wedding parties spark outrage in the city. No official statement has been issued about the raids yet.>>

Khartoum is not safe for women
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 29 , 2024
<<'Khartoum is not safe for women'
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has published a new report documenting widespread sexual violence, as well as forced and child marriage during the conflict, in Khartoum and its sister cities.
News Center- Human Rights Watch (HRW) has published a new report on the civil war between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan. "Sudan's warring parties, particularly the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), have committed widespread acts of rape, including gang rape, and forced women and girls into marriages in Khartoum, the country's capital, since the current conflict's onset," Human Rights Watch said in the report released on Monday.
The 89-page report, ""Khartoum is Not Safe for Women": Sexual Violence against Women and Girls in Sudan's Capital," documents widespread sexual violence, as well as forced and child marriage during the conflict, in Khartoum and its sister cities. "Service providers treating and supporting victims also heard reports from women and girls of being held by the RSF in conditions that could amount to sexual slavery." Eighteen of the healthcare providers told HRW that they had cared for "a total of 262 survivors of sexual violence from ages nine through 60 between the conflict's onset in April 2023 and February 2024."
'At least four of the women died'
The physical, emotional, social, and psychological scars left on the survivors are immense, Human Rights Watch said in the report. "Healthcare workers encountered survivors seeking assistance for debilitating physical injuries they experienced during rapes and gang rapes. At least four of the women died as a result. Many survivors who sought to terminate pregnancies resulting from rape faced significant barriers to abortion care. Survivors described or showed symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress and depression, including suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, and sleeplessness."
Women and girls forced into marriage
"The Rapid Support Forces have raped, gang raped, and forced into marriage countless women and girls in residential areas in Sudan's capital," said Laetitia Bader, deputy Africa director at Human Rights Watch. "The armed group has terrorized women and girls and both warring parties have blocked them from getting aid and support services, compounding the harm they face and leaving them to feel that nowhere is safe." >>

2 children injured
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 29 , 2024
<<2 children injured in clash breaks out between two factions in Afrin
Two children were injured in the clash that broke out between two Turkish-backed factions on Sunday, Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reported on Monday.
News Center- A clash broke out between two Turkish-backed factions, the <Joint Forces> and <Ahrar al-Sharqiya> in Afrin on Sunday over the usurpation of properties belonging to displaced people, the Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reported on Monday. ANHA also reported that two children were injured in the clash.>>

Xonav Ino Xundo
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 29 , 2024 - by CILAN ROJ
<<Story of survivor of Yazidi genocide-2
<The genocide on August 3 was neither the end nor the beginning. During the genocide, no one heard our cries because the whole world played ostrich. We will remember the genocide until we die."
Shengal- On June 10, 2014, ISIS attacked Mosul, which was controlled by the Iraqi government and occupied it in one day without facing any response. The Iraqi government handed over Mosul to ISIS. After occupying Mosul, ISIS headed to Shengal on August 3,2014 due to the betrayal of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Iraq. Before ISIS attacked Shengal, 12,000 KDP and Iraqi soldiers had left Shengal, leaving the Yazidis alone. Before withdrawing from Shengal, the members of the KDP collected the weapons of the people and told them that they would protect them. Most of the Yazidis believed in them and gave their weapons to them. When ISIS attacked Shengal, Yazidis fled to the mountains not to be taken captive by ISIS.
She was captured along with eight members of her family
Xonav Ino Xundo was one of those who were taken captive by ISIS, along with eight members of her family; her husband, three sons, grandmothers, cousin and nephew. A NuJINHA team went to her home to hear her story.
'We believed in them but...'
While talking about the arrival of ISIS and how she was taken captive, we saw how she felt sad and how she was in pain from her face. "When ISIS arrived, we went towards the bend, but my husband stayed with his mother, saying, 'I will not give my mother to them'. We started walking with children and passed three bends; however, ISIS members blocked our way with their vehicles. They first forcibly seized the mobile phones of the children. They told us, 'Go back home, who told you to leave your home?' They forced us to get in the vehicles and took us back to Shengal. We believed in them but they took us captive and we had nowhere to go." As Mother Xonav told us, many people believed in them and then were taken captive by ISIS. After holding them in Shengal for three days, ISIS members took them to Tal Afar, a city in the Nineveh Governorate of northwestern Iraq. "We stayed in Tal Afar for five or six days without water, food and bread. Then, they took us to Rojava and we stayed there for three months. After three months, they told us that they would take us to Mosul. They took us to Mosul and we stayed there for about a month. Then, they took us back to Tal Afar." Mother Xonav and her husband were held captive by ISIS for about eight months. After eight months, they saw their children taken captive by ISIS. "After eight months, we were taken to a camp, where our children were held, on April 5, 2015. After a while, my husband and I were freed with a ransom payment. We demanded them to free our children too but they refused. We told our children that we would not leave them but they told us to leave."
She has not received any information about her three sons
Mother Xonav and her husband went to Kirkuk after being freed. They stayed in Southern Kurdistan for a year and then returned to Shengal. Unfortunately, Mother Xonav has not received any information about her three sons since she left the camp.
They returned to Shengal with a broken heart
We asked Mother Xonav to tell us what she witnessed while being held captive by ISIS. She first did not want to talk about what she had witnessed but then she began to talk in tears. "Young women were being taken away in front of us. The moment that I will never forget was when two members of ISIS grabbed a young woman's hands and feet and took her away while the young woman cried for help. ISIS members first did not touch married women and children but then they also took them away. They killed men. I saw how they killed a young man in Shengal and how his blood flowed into the street." Mother Xonav lost everything during the genocide. "We lost everything and returned to Shengal with a broken heart."
'We felt very happy when we heard the name of YBŞ'
After Shengal was liberated by the HPG-YJA STAR, YPG-YPJ forces, the Yazidis formed their defense forces; the Shengal Resistance Units (YBŞ) and the Ezidxan Women's Units (YŞJ). We asked Mother Xonav what she felt when she heard the name of YBŞ. "We felt very happy when we heard the name of YBŞ, our defense forces. If we had had our own defense forces, we would not have been taken captive by ISIS. If we do not protect us, no one can protect us," she answered. "The genocide on August 3 was neither the end nor the beginning. During the genocide, no one heard our cries because the whole world played ostrich. We will remember the genocide until we die" The genocide committed against the Yazidi community by ISIS is called as 74th edict by the Yazidi people. "The Yazidi community has been subjected to 74 edicts throughout history but they are undocumented. Our grandparents never talked about the previous edicts." At the end of her speech, Mother Xonav demanded all the Yazidi women still held captive by ISIS be rescued.>>

Women protest in Dersim
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 29 , 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<'Women and young people are targeted in Dersim'
"Women and young people are targeted in Dersim by special war policies," said women of Dersim, calling on women and young people to organize themselves against such policies.
Dersim- The 22nd Munzur Culture and Nature Festival held in Dersim with the motto, "We will not allow our nature and our will to be usurped" on July 25-28. Many issues such as beliefs, mother tongue and women's issues were discussed at the panels and seminars organized at the festival. At the festival, women held a march with enthusiasm. Chanting the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom)" slogan, the women drew attention to the problems faced by them in Dersim. NuJINHA spoke to the women who participated in the march.
Gulistan Doku is just one of the cases
Since Gulistan Doku went missing in January 2020, many incidents of harassment and violence involving police, soldiers and other public officials have taken place in the city and these incidents resulted in impunity. The number of drug use in the city is on the rise due to special war policies targeting women in all spheres of life. The women of Dersim call on all women to organize and protect them against such policies.
'We must organize ourselves everywhere'
Women and young people in Dersim are targeted through economy and ethnic identity, said Sevim Şaylı, one of the women of Dersim. Noting that young people in the city are lured to use drugs and subjected to violence and harassment and they face policies to be spies, Sevim Şaylı said, "Women are subjected to the policy of harassment and violence all around the world. But in Dersim, women are subjected to special war policies; attacks over our ethnic identity and beliefs. Women should be in solidarity with each other and organize themselves against such policies. Local governments and government agencies should take action against this situation. NGOs play an important role in raising awareness."
'Unorganized women are lured quicker'
"The state aims to do what it could not do with tanks and weapons by using such policies," Sevim Şaylı said, adding, "The first targets of such policies are women and young people. Women are the most affected by the current economic crisis; they suffer from unemployment. Unorganized women are lured quicker by these policies. The state aims to lure people by implementing different policies. An empire of fear has been established in this city. Such policies also target young people. The number of drug use among young people is on the rise. Most young people want to live abroad. Those who cannot go abroad start using drugs. All organizations must raise awareness against such policies because young people and women are our future. Such policies aim to destroy our future."
'We voices and discussed the attacks against us'
Evrim Konak, one of the women participating in the festival, called on all people to organize and be in solidarity with each other against special war policies carried out in the city. <Women across the country experience what women in Dersim experience. At the festival, we voiced and discussed the attacks against us. The nature, culture, mother language and women of Dersim are subjected to oppression, violence and exploitation. As a women's platform, we aim to raise our voices by organizing panels and marches. Despite all the attacks, we will continue to raise our voices. As women, we will strengthen solidarity. We call on all women to stand shoulder to shoulder in the streets and to raise their voices against these policies."
'Women should be organized to defend their freedoms'
In an interview with NuJINHA, Aynur Turan talked about the increase in femicide cases in the country. "The killers are arrested and then released. The policy of impunity encourages them. Women should be organized to defend their rights and freedoms." >>

Women of Deir ez-Zor
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 26 , 2024 - by ZEYNEB XILEF
<<Women of Deir ez-Zor play active roles in all facets of life
Education programs pave the way for women of Deir ez-Zor to play active roles in all facets of life.
Deir ez-Zor- The system based on democracy in North and East Syria has united people from all nationalities, religions and ethnic groups, especially women, together to rebuild a common life. Women living in Deir ez-Zor Canton, one of the seven cantons of North and East Syria, have strengthened themselves in all facets of life, including politics, economy and military from which they were excluded, by participating in education programs.
'Women are capable of overcoming all obstacles and challenges'
In the canton, education programs have been provided for women to promote women's political participation. In an interview with NuJINHA, Soha Al-Said, member of the Young Women's Union, gave information about the education programs for women. "Women play a leading role in the construction of societies," she said. "Women should be strong in all facets of life, including politics, economy and social life. They should play a leading role to protect themselves from all kinds of policies against them."
Women now participate in all decision-making positions thanks to the education programs, Soha Al-Said added. "The education programs are very important for women to participate in politics. The education programs help women to improve their self-confidence and become leading figures in society. Despite all the attempts to marginalize and oppress women, women are capable of overcoming all the obstacles and challenges."
'Education programs raise awareness among women'
Hatice Al Abdullah, press officer at the Eastern Deir ez-Zor Assembly, thinks that the education programs in Deir ez-Zor raise awareness among women. "They raise awareness about the importance of women's roles in politics, decision-making positions and resolving the Syrian crisis. In order to build a fairer and developed society, women should gain experiences in politics, education and art and culture. They should improve themselves to actively participate in all decision-making processes." >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 26 , 2024
<<Turkiye offers salaries to mercenaries in Syria to fight in Kurdistan Region
The Turkish authorities offer attractive salaries ranging between 2,500 and 3,000 USD to the mercenaries of pro-Turkey factions to fight against the PKK in the mountains of Kurdistan Region of Iraq, SOHR reported on Tuesday.
News Center- The Turkish authorities offer attractive salaries ranging between 2,500 and 3,000 USD to the mercenaries of pro-Turkey factions to fight against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the mountains of Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Tuesday. The number of Syrian fighters expected to join this mission is estimated to be nearly 400 mercenaries from <Al-Sulta Suleiman Shah,> <Al-Hamzah> Divisions and <Al-Sultan Murad> Division, the SOHR added. The SOHR said that its sources reported on Monday that "the Turkish authorities forced hundreds of fighters to fight as mercenaries against the ‘Kurdistan Workers’ Party' in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan, pushing them to fight there in exchange for financial temptations, exploiting the harsh living conditions and the low level of salaries offered to the fighters by the 'National Army' factions." >>

survivors of Yazidi genocide
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 26 , 2024 - by CILAN ROJ
<<Story of survivor of Yazidi genocide
"When we saw the fighters, Şervan was 20 days old. Until then, I had not believed that either my son or we would survive," said Goze Ismail, a Yazidi woman who gave birth to her son while fleeing ISIS in 2014.
Shengal (Sinjar)- Yazidi people from all ages still remember what they were subjected to when ISIS entered Shengal on August 3, 2014 and committed a genocide against them. When Shengal is mentioned, everyone remembers pain, death, massacre, displacement, rape, the sale of Yazidi women in slave markets and the betrayal of 12,000 KDP Peshmerga members who handed over Yazidis to ISIS. On August 3, 2014, ISIS attacked the Yazidis in Shengal due to the betrayal of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the conspiracy of international powers. ISIS brutally killed thousands of Yazidis, including women and children, and abducted thousands of Yazidi women and girls and sold them in slave markets. Those who managed to flee the brutality of ISIS were forced to immigrate to different countries all around the women. Some of the Yazidi women, who were sold in slave markets, have been rescued while thousands of Yazidi women are still in the hands of ISIS. However, many incredible success stories and miracles also took place during the genocide.
She gave birth to her son while fleeing ISIS
One of these stories is the story of Goze Ismail and her son Şervan, who is now 10 years old. When ISIS attacked Shengal, Goze Ismail was pregnant. She fled to the mountains with her family to avoid being captured by ISIS. Goze Ismail carried her son inside of her womb for nine months, protecting him from everything and waiting with great excitement for her child to be born. When Şervan was born, she felt sad instead of happy because she gave birth to her son while fleeing ISIS. She was told, "Leave him under a tree because you cannot protect him". Although she did not have enough breast milk to feed her baby, she did not give up protecting her baby.
Goze Ismail told NuJINHA what they were subjected to during the genocide with following words:
"When we heard that ISIS would attack us, we were in Tilezere and it was 1 a.m. Everyone started fleeing. I was pregnant in labor pain. We called a vehicle. I got in the vehicle; however, my husband and my son stayed there because there was no space for them and they had to walk. At 2 a.m., we heard that ISIS had arrived in Cidalę. When ISIS began to attack, I was in labor pain. I gave birth to my son inside a house in the village of Qendil at 11 a.m. After a while, we were told that ISIS was on the way to attack the village. We stood up and began to flee to the mountains. We stopped near a tree and I leaned my back up against it. Then, I heard the voice of my mother saying, 'Wake up, the ants are eating your son'. We had nothing to eat and I had no breast milk to feed my son. He always cried. My daughter was also very young and needed to drink milk. Before leaving our house, we prepared boxes of milk for children. I fed my son with that milk; however, he kept crying. His stomach was swollen and everyone told me that he would die."
She named her son after seeing the fighters
Goze Ismail then realized that her son could not urinate. "It was night. I looked at his diaper but he hadn't urinated. My mother, my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law came and we checked and realized that his urine flow was blocked. My mother had a needle in her dress collar and we used that needle to open the urinary blockage. I felt relieved when he urinated. There was a woman there and she told me that her daughter grew up and she could feed my son. She fed my son twice every day. We spent nine days in the mountains without food and water. We ate whatever we could find on the way. Then, we saw guerrillas and they opened a corridor for us. When we saw the fighters, my son was 20 days old. I had not named my son until then because I did not believe that either my son or we would survive. After seeing the fighters, I named my son Şervan because he was born in a time of war and the guerrillas rescued us."
'The genocidal policy continues'
Goze Ismail had not known anything about the fighters until ISIS attacked them. "We had not seen any fighters before. The fighters sometimes visited us. As we got to know them, we trusted them. My other son was killed by ISIS. There are still thousands of Yazidi women in the hands of ISIS, and the genocidal policy against the Yazidis continues. I do not want any children to experience what we experienced. Yazidi women and the Yazidi community should never forget the genocide and the betrayal. I call on all Yazidis living in camps to return to Shengal."
'I like my name'
When Goze Ismail told us her story and the birth of Şervan, Şervan, who had probably heard her story many times, listened to the story of his birth with a smile on his face. We asked him if he knows his birth story and the meaning of his name. "Yes, I know my birth story and the meaning of my name," he answered. "I was born in a time of war. Meanwhile, the fighters arrived and rescued us and my mother named me Şervan after seeing the fighters." We asked him if he likes his name and he answered, "Yes, I like my name." Şervan wants to serve his community when he grows up. "I will be a doctor and serve my people because I want to heal the wounds of my people. Yazidi children should forget the genocide against their community." >>
Source incl. video:

733 million people face hunger
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 25 , 2024
<<Around 733 million people faced hunger in 2023, UN report says
Around 733 million people faced hunger in 2023, equivalent to one in eleven people globally and one in five in Africa, according to the latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report published Wednesday by five United Nations speci
News Center- The latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report published Wednesday by five United Nations specialized agencies reveals that around 733 million people faced hunger in 2023, equivalent to one in eleven people globally and one in five in Africa. The annual report, launched this year in the context of the G20 Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty Task Force Ministerial Meeting in Brazil, warns that the world is falling significantly short of achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, Zero Hunger, by 2030. The report shows that the world has been set back 15 years, with levels of undernourishment comparable to those in 2008-2009. Despite some progress, an alarming number of people continue to face food insecurity and malnutrition as global hunger levels have plateaued for three consecutive years, the report says. "The percentage of the population facing hunger continues to rise in Africa (20.4 percent), remains stable in Asia (8.1 percent) and shows progress in Latin America (6.2 percent). From 2022 to 2023, hunger increased in Western Asia, the Caribbean, and most African subregions." If current trends continue, about 582 million people will be chronically undernourished in 2030, half of them in Africa, warn the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the UN World Food Programme (WFP), and the World Health Organization (WHO). "A future free from hunger is possible if we can rally the resources and the political will needed to invest in proven long-term solutions. I call on G20 leaders to follow Brazil's example and prioritize ambitious global action on hunger and poverty," said WFP Executive Director Cindy McCain. "We have the technologies and know-how to end food insecurity - but we urgently need the funds to invest in them at scale. WFP is ready to step up our collaboration with governments and partners to tackle the root causes of hunger, strengthen social safety nets and support sustainable development so every family can live in dignity." >>

Rosa Issa
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 25 , 2024 - by DELAL REMEZAN
<<Campaign of Sara Organization continues: Our aim is to reach all women
The campaign launched by the Sara Organization to Combat Violence against Women on July 1,2024 against gender-based violence and femicide continues.
Hasakah- The Sara Organization to Combat Violence against Women, a women's organization based in northeastern Syria, launched a campaign on July 1, 2024 to raise awareness about gender-based violence and femicide with the motto, "We are hope, we are peace". In an interview with NuJINHA, Rosa Issa, member of the Education Committee of the organization, talked about the goals of the campaign.
'The aim is to ensure equality in society'
Rosa Issa pointed to the increase in social problems since the start of the Syrian crisis and said, "To solve these problems, a family law was drafted to build democratic families, ensure equality in society, understand the reasons that led to the crisis, and protect rights. We organized various activities to give information about Family Law. The Sara Organization, in cooperation with communes and assemblies, has held workshops across North and East Syria, including in IDPs camps, to raise awareness."
'The aim is to raise awareness'
We have held workshops to raise awareness about women's rights and against gender-based violence, Rosa Issa told NuJINHA. "We launched a campaign on July 1 to combat gender-based violence and to discuss and give information about the Family Law. The aim of our campaign is to raise awareness in society and among women living in villages, towns and cities about the Family Law and violence against women. The campaign will last two months." The Family Law has many articles about many issues such as child marriage, alimony and inheritance rights, femicide, polygamy, divorce and custody. "The problems faced by women are solved in coordination with other women's organizations and movements such as Kongra Star and Mala Jin (Women's House). Violence against women is a major human rights violation. It has negative effects on both women and the whole society. Therefore, struggling against all forms of violence is our duty. The Family Law protects women's rights and contributes to the building of a society without violence."
'Our aim is to reach all women'
At the end of her speech, Rosa Issa called on all women to attend the courses organized by the Sara Organization. "Women should know their rights and their roles by being involved in women's movements that protect their rights and participate in seminars and conferences organized for them. Our aim is to reach all women across North and East Syria to give information about their rights." >>
Source incl. video:

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024