formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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(Updates June 21, 2024)

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2024: Julywk4 -- July wk3 P2 -- July wk 3 -- July wk2 P2 -- July wk2
 Click here for an
overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
Click here for actual updates - Updated July 17, 2024

July 19 - 18, 2024
<<12th anniversary of Rojava Revolution: AANES calls on all Syrian national forces to unite...
and <<Kongra Star: Women must protect the gains of the revolution...
and <<Witness of July 19 Revolution: I still have an arm and a leg; my struggle will continue...
and <<17 attacks on health care in Sudan in last six weeks...
and more actual news below

July 17 - 15, 2024
<<More than 10 million people displaced by war in Sudan...
and <<Female Co-mayors meet with women: We need your ideas...
and <<'We have built a common life thanks to the revolution in Rojava'...
and <<Gambia parliament rejects bill to end ban on FGM...
and <<Sarah Al Amiri appointed as UAE's Minister of Education...
and <<Women's Economy aims to increase women's employment with its projects...
and <<Yazidi women: They try to hide the truth by attacking journalists...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!  

 Click here for a dated menu overview

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Rojava Revolution
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 19 , 2024
<<12th anniversary of Rojava Revolution: AANES calls on all Syrian national forces to unite
To mark the 12th anniversary of the revolution in Rojava, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria has issued a written statement calling on all people to unite.
News Center- The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria has issued a written statement to mark the 12th anniversary of the revolution in Rojava that started in the city of Kobane on July 19, 2012. In the statement, the AANES extends congratulations to all people of North and East Syria and vows to follow in the footsteps of those who lost their lives while fighting for freedom to <realize their hopes and dreams. The revolution has achieved the unity and freedom of the people in the region. We will build a democratic Syria and liberate all occupied areas to ensure a dignified return for the displaced people.> At the end of the statement, the AANES calls on all Syrian national forces to unite with the people to build a decentralized and democratic Syria.>>

Konga Star
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 19 , 2024
<<Kongra Star: Women must protect the gains of the revolution
<Women must protect the gains of the revolution,> said the statement released by Kongra Star to mark the 12th anniversary of the revolution in Rojava.
News Center- Kongra Star has released a written statement on Friday to mark the 12th anniversary of the revolution in Rojava that started in the city of Kobanê on July 19, 2012. In the statement, Kongra Star commemorates all women, who lost their lives while fighting for freedom such as Arin Mirkan, Revan, Avesta Xabur, Barin, Aylan, Rihat Çawiş, Yusra Derwiş, Zehra Berkel, Eqide Ana, Hind ve Seda, Helin Lerin, Sorxwin Rohat, Jiyan Tolhildan and Sewsen Birhat and vows to follow in their footsteps. Women led the revolution by playing an important role, turning the revolution into a consciousness revolution and making a change, the statement said. <The change continues and that the revolution has now become a political, cultural and social revolution, embracing people from all nationalities, ethnic groups and religions.> At the end of the statement, Kongra Star calls on women to defend the region and take to the streets to demand the physical freedom of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. <We call on women to protect the gains of the revolution.> >>

Bahia Nar
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 19 , 2024 - ZOUHOUR MECHERGUI
<<'Women need platforms that support them to fight violence'
Bahia Nar, a Tunisian social media expert, thinks that women need platforms to share their success stories, organize themselves and unite.
Tunisia- Social media can support women to struggle against the patriarchal mindset and combat gender-based violence but it can also pose threats to women. Bahia Nar, a Tunisian social media expert, believes that women need platforms that support them so that they can struggle against the patriarchal mindset and combat violence against women. She also warns that social media can also pose threats to women, calling on women to use social media carefully.
'Social media is an important space to combat violence against women'
Bahia Nar thinks that social media platforms must be adapted to serve women’s issues. <Social media is a way for marginalized women to make their voices heard and express themselves. It is an important space to combat violence against women. Women should use social media platforms more to share their success stories, organize themselves and unite. They encourage each other with their posts on social media, especially since they live in a society affected by the patriarchal mindset.>
'The cases of gender-based violence and femicide spread faster on social media'
Bahia Nar believes that the cases of violence against women and femicide are revealed through social media. <Social media has become a space for women to share their experiences, and protest all forms of violence against women. For example, we learned that a woman had been killed by her husband in the Kairouan Governorate on social media. The killing of the woman sparked anger on social media. The social media users protested the incident and demanded the perpetrator be tried.>
'Social media can be a double-edged sword'
Social media can be a double-edged sword, Bahia Nar stressed. <It helps women to combat violence, educate themselves, market their products and tell their stories; however, it is also used to discredit, blackmail and harass women activists, journalists and politicians. Tunisian women always call for the effective implementation of Law No. 58 adopted by the Tunisian Parliament in 2017 to combat violence against women. Online violence has become a frightening phenomenon that threatens women.> Bahia Nar calls on women to be careful about online violence. <They should know that everything that they share on social media can be used by a group of people to attack them. If you are feminists and share something on social media, you may receive some sexist comments. Women should not share their private information on social media to avoid being blackmailed.>
'It is time to unite against the patriarchal mindset'
Calling on women to share their success stories on social media to inspire each other, Bahia Nar said, <It is time to educate each other and unite against the patriarchal mindset. As women, we have the same demands and cause. Women's platforms on social media are very important and should be supported.> >>
Source incl. video:

3 displaced women express emotions through art
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 19 , 2024 - by ZEYNEB ISA
<<3 displaced women express their emotions through art
The common goal of three women displaced to the city of Derik (Al-Malikiyah) due to Turkish attacks is to preserve Kurdish culture and reflect the bitter face of war.
Derik (Al-Malikiyah)- The Turkish occupation attacks on Afrin Canton and the city of Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn) between 2018 and 2019 displaced thousands. Those displaced to Jazira Canton keep resisting despite the difficult living conditions. Three displaced women from Afrin and Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn), who live in Derik, a city in Jazira Canton of North and East Syria, have realized their dreams through art at the Benga Çandiniye, a culture and art center in the city.
'I have proven myself as a Kurdish woman'
Rewşen Muhemed (24) is a displaced woman of Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn) living in Dêrik and a dengbej (Kurdish singer, storyteller). Since her childhood, she has been interested in art. <I began to sing songs five years ago. As a female dengbej, my goal is to preserve this art. I always want to sing songs because whenever I sing songs, I feel relaxed. Our society is unfortunately affected by the patriarchal mindset. As a Kurdish woman, I have proved myself by performing my art despite all the obstacles.>
'I exist with my voice'
Rewşen Muhemed sings songs of many famous Kurdish singers such as Eyşe Şan, Şeribana Kurdi, Meryem Xan, Tehsin Taha and Eyaz Yusif. <I am mostly inspired by Şeribana Kurdi and Eyşe Şan. Kurdish women have been subjected to many rights violations; everything that women did was seen as shameful. We have many important poets, who exist with their pens and singers, who exist with their voices. As a Kurdish dengbej, I exist with my voice. I will always preserve Kurdish culture by performing my art.>
'My aim is to express my emotions through my paintings'
Eyşa Hemo is a displaced woman of Afrin and a painter, who lives in Derik. Since her childhood, she has been interested in painting. <I began to paint when I was a child. I felt very good while painting. I told the stories in my city in my paintings. However, I did not have the chance to improve myself that much. I studied civil engineering at university. Thanks to the Benga Çandiniye, I began to paint again. My aim is to express my emotions through my paintings.> Speaking about the challenges faced by her, Eyşa Hemo said, <I have faced my challenges such as family problems, social and financial problems but the most painful thing for me is to be away from my homeland. But I do not allow these problems to affect me. I express my emotions through art. One of my paintings that affect me the most is the one telling the occupation of Afrin. I want to have a workshop in the future to keep my paintings there. I also want to teach children how to paint.>
'I want to keep memories about Afrin alive'
Mejdulin Osman is also a displaced woman of Afrin and an artist. <Since we were displaced to the city of Dêrik, I have always wanted to have a house that I could decorate with my paintings. I use silicone, cardboard, empty glass bottles, the leaves of olive trees, watercolor and paper bags to create my artwork. I want to keep memories about Afrin alive by using the leaves of olive trees that symbolizes Afrin. I call on all women not to waste their time at home. Join art activities and achieve success.> >>
Source incl. video:

Witness of July 19 Revolution
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 19 , 2024 - by BERÇEM CUDI
<<Witness of July 19 Revolution: I still have an arm and a leg; my struggle will continue
Even if Helima Osman, one of the witnesses of the 19 July Revolution led by women, was injured in a Turkish attack, she says, <I still have an arm and leg; my struggle will continue>.
Kobane- The 19 July Revolution, also known as the Rojava Revolution, started when the People's Defense Units (YPG) entered the conflict by capturing the city of Kobane on 19 July 2012, followed by the capture of Amuda and Efrîn on 20 July. The revolution led to many opportunities for all people, especially women to play their roles in art and culture, politics, military and economy. Witnesses of the revolution, which has entered its 12th year, define this revolution as a new birth. Helima Osman (47) is one of the women, who played important roles in the revolution. She served as a member of Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria for a long time during the revolution after fighting ISIS in Kobane. Helima Osman was injured in a Turkish attack on April 18, 2024 but she never gave up and she is currently a member of the Sara Organization to Combat Violence against Women. In an interview with NuJINHA, she talked about the 19 July Revolution.
'The city of Kobane belongs to the Kurdish people and leader Apo'
At the beginning of her speech, she drew attention to the resistance in Kobane. <The process before July 19 was very exciting. I remember how we were getting ready for the revolution with great excitement by joining the movement. We got ready to establish assemblies and our self-defense forces. As the people of Kobane, we sent the forces of the Baathist regime from our city and declared our independence. We were filled with enthusiasm, happiness that we held marches and activities. People of all ages; children, women, young and old people shared their happiness with each other. The city of Kobane belongs to the Kurdish people and leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan). The resistance in Kobane started a revolution in Rojava Kurdistan and the revolution slowly spread across Rojava.>
'Women led the revolution'
Helima Osman also talked about how the revolution in Rojava turned into a women's revolution. <Women led the revolution. As women, we entered all institutions of the regime, took down their flags and hung our green, red and yellow flags. Before the revolution started, women were oppressed by the Baathist regime. Women saw the revolution as an opportunity to build an alternative life and system that would ensure their existence, rights and freedoms, and they welcomed the revolution with great enthusiasm. As women, we needed this revolution more than any other people in society. So, we took up arms, led the revolution and turned the revolution into a women's revolution.>
'Women have gained significant power'
Helima Osman feels lucky to <be a part of the revolution and witness the women's revolution. Before the revolution, my life was limited to taking care of children at home. Due to the patriarchal mindset, we, as women, did not have dreams or a future. I joined the revolution because it gave women many opportunities.> Helima Osman first became a member of the Martyr Yehya Neighborhood Council and she became one of the first five women in the Women's Internal Security Forces. <We visited all houses in order to increase the number of women in the security forces. However, our society did not accept women wearing military uniforms and defending their cities. We made great efforts to change our society. The YPJ formed dozens of battalions to protect women. Since the revolution started, women have gained significant power by playing important roles in aşş facets of life.>
'We will keep struggling to protect our gains'
Speaking about the 12th anniversary of the July 19 Revolution, she said, <The more we talk about our revolution, the more women's gains will be revealed. Women have managed to build their system in 12 years; they have played their roles in military, law, art and culture, education, media, etc. Yekitiya Star changed its name to Kongra Star to be the umbrella organization for all people from all nationalities in NE Syria after holding its sixth congress on February 25, 2016. The system built after the revolution has become a hope for women and all people and a threat for the hegemonic powers. I am one of those women, who decided to join the women's revolution, played their roles. On April 18, 2024, a Turkish drone targeted me and I lost one of my legs and arms in the attack. Like hundreds of women, I became a target of the Turkish state. But I still have an arm, a leg, a tongue and a brain. We will keep struggling to protect the gains of the revolution to the end.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 18 , 2024
<<17 attacks on health care in Sudan in last six weeks
In Sudan, 82 attacks have occurred on health care since the start of the war on 15 April 2023. 17 of these attacks occurred in just the last six weeks, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
News Center- World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director Dr Hanan Balkhy held a press briefing on Wednesday after her return from the United Arab Emirates, where she visited WHO's logistics hub in Dubai. WHO has verified 82 attacks on health care in Sudan since the start of the war on 15 April 2023, she said, stressing that seventeen of these attacks occurred in just the last six weeks. <As reiterated many times by WHO, protecting health care is non-negotiable under international humanitarian law. No Member State is exempt from this legal obligation.> Since April 15, 2023, Sudan has suffered from a civil war between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) under Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) under Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti), killing tens of thousands of people and displacing approximately 10 million people. <In Sudan, people living in the Darfur states, Kordofan states, Khartoum state and Al Gezira state are essentially cut off from aid. The situation in the Darfur states is particularly alarming, including in places like El Fasher, where more than 800 000 people remain unable to access food and health care,> Dr Hanan Balkhy said. <We continue to advocate for the opening of the Adre crossing between Chad and north Darfur, which would be truly life-saving. Adre is the most reliable crossing, especially during the wet season, when other routes become impassable.> >>

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024