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Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
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July 24 - 22, 2024
<<Nearly 26 million people in Sudan are not getting enough to eat, UN says...
and <<Window of Hope Women's Movement calls to support women in Afghanistan...
and <<Zenubya Theatre Community determined to turn Raqqa into city of arts...
and <<Rojnews reporter attacked by security forces in Sulaymaniyah...
and <<Mother of kidnapped girl: They threaten us by saying they are village guards...
and <<'Our presence in Shahba will ensure a dignified return to Afrin'...
and more actual news

Next update July 30, 2024 20.00 GMT

July 19 - 18, 2024
<<12th anniversary of Rojava Revolution: AANES calls on all Syrian national forces to unite...
and <<Kongra Star: Women must protect the gains of the revolution...
and <<Witness of July 19 Revolution: I still have an arm and a leg; my struggle will continue...
and <<17 attacks on health care in Sudan in last six weeks...
and more actual news below

 Click here for a dated menu overview

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

21 people died from measles in Afghanistan
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 24 , 2024
<<21 people died from measles in Afghanistan last month, WHO says
In June 2024, 21 people died from measles in Afghanistan, said a report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday.
News Center- The World Health Organization released Tuesday a report on the number of new-suspected measles cases in Afghanistan in June 2024.
In June 2024, a total of 6,390 new suspected measles cases were reported, resulting in 21 deaths, the report said. <This shows a 5.9 per cent decrease in the number of cases compared to the previous month. In 2024, a total of 35,021 measles suspected cases with 147 associated deaths were reported.> Between November 2023 and June 2024, the Health Cluster partners provided health services to 549,154 (287,453 female, 261,701 male) returnees. This includes 254,238 primary healthcare consultations, 193,265 reached with health promotion activities, 26,385 receiving secondary health care services, 41,387 provided with MHPSS services, 32,986 provided with MNCH services, and 893 receiving trauma care, according to the report. <WHO has provided a total of 236 emergency medical kits to 93 health facilities in 15 provinces which will benefit around 319,350 individuals in the next three months.> Measles is an infectious, acute febrile viral illness characterized by upper respiratory tract symptoms, fever, and a maculopapular rash. Measles is one of the world's most contagious diseases; if one person has it, up to 90% of the people close to that person who are not immune will also become infected. The incubation period for measles averages 10-12 days from exposure to prodrome and 14 days from exposure to rash onset.>>

Sudan is starving
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 24 , 2024
<<Nearly 26 million people in Sudan are not getting enough to eat, UN says
Nearly 26 million people in war-torn Sudan are not getting enough to eat and 750,000 people are <just one step away from famine>, the UN reported on Tuesday.
News Center- Nearly 26 million people in war-torn Sudan are not getting enough to eat, the UN reported on Tuesday, citing its humanitarian affairs office, OCHA. <To give you an example, that is equivalent to the entire population of Australia,> UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told journalists attending his daily briefing in New York on Tuesday. He said OCHA <continues to be extremely alarmed by the worsening food situation in the country> and the 26 million figure includes 750,000 people who are <just one step away from famine>. In Sudan, rising food prices, access challenges, and the impact of conflict are compounding people's limited access to food. Last month, the price of local food increased by 16 per cent when compared to May and is 120 per cent higher than in June 2023. <People's hardship is only set to worsen as the rainy season takes hold,> Stephane Dujarric said, warning that <people in Sudan are facing a worst-case scenario> while humanitarians there urgently need access via all possible routes to avert a further deterioration of the situation. He also highlighted the crucial need for financial support, noting that a $2.7 billion plan to cover humanitarian operations this year is only 30 percent funded. Sudan is experiencing the world's worst displacement crisis and one of the world's worst hunger crises because of the 15 months of armed conflicts between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). As of May 2024, more than 16,000 people had been reported killed in Sudan's conflict, though the actual figure is likely to be considerably higher. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), an estimated 7,720,119 individuals have been displaced internally within Sudan since April 15,2023. Sudan is today the world's largest child displacement crisis, with over 4.6 million children who have fled their homes since April 2023, UNICEF said in April 2024. One in every five people in Sudan is experiencing emergency-level food insecurity, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).>>

Birsen Orhan
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 24 , 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Dersim Co-mayor: Our festival expresses a return to essence
The 22nd Munzur Culture and Nature Festival will kick off in Dersim tomorrow. Dersim Co-mayor Birsen Orhan calls on all people to participate in the festival defined as a <return to essence>.
Dersim- The 22nd Munzur Culture and Nature Festival will kick off in Dersim tomorrow with the motto, <We will not allow our nature and our will to be usurped>. Many events and activities such as panels, concerts and seminars will be organized during the 4-day festival organized by about 40 organizations. Many issues such as beliefs, mother tongue, women's issues, democratic politics, Jineology will be discussed at the panels and seminars. On the second day of the festival defined as a <return to essence> by the people of Dersim, women will hold a march. In addition to the march to be held by women, a march called <I defend my will> will be held against the appointment of the trustee to the municipality in Hakkari. Preparations for the festival, which will be attended by many politicians, artists, poets, writers and representatives of faith communities, have been completed.
'Our festival expresses a return to essence'
<The festival attracts attention with its program against both assimilation and special war policies,> Dersim Co-mayor Birsen Orhan told NuJINHA, stressing that the program of the festival was prepared together with the dynamics of the city. <All people, including women, young people and children will find activities for themselves at the festival. We call on all people to participate in the festival,> she said, adding, <The festival was sometimes held by distorting its purpose due to various interferences in the name of tourism although the organizing committee made great efforts to prepare its programs against the policy of corruption and assimilation. As the municipality in Dersim, we have prepared a program for the festival in cooperation with about 40 organizations. Dersim is one of the cities where special war policies are felt intensely.>
'We will say no to state-appointed mayor and assimilation'
We have prepared a festival program to say <no> to the state-appointed mayor and the policy of assimilation, Birsen Orhan emphasized. <The 4-day program includes many activities, panels and marches. We will hold a march called, 'I defend my will' to voice our reactions to the state-appointed mayor. For three periods, the elected-mayors of (Kurdish) cities have been replaced with state-appointed trustees. We will say that we do not accept such policies ignoring the will of people. We call on all people to participate in the march.> The municipality of Dersim faced obstacles from the governor's office while making preparations for the festival. <Every means available was used for the moto-fest held in the city a few days ago; however, many of our requests for the Munzur festival were rejected. We requested to use the Ataturk Stadium and the museum garden in the city for the festival; however, our request was rejected by state institutions on the grounds of 'repair',> Birsen Orhan told us. <The people who will attend the festival are the people of this city. We condemn all steps aiming at marginalizing. We call on all people to attend the festival to have a say. What we need most is cooperation and solving our problems together.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 23 , 2024 - by ZEYNEB ISA
<<Foundation of Free Women creates job opportunities for women of Derik
The Foundation of Free Women in Syria creates job opportunities for women in Derik (Al-Malikiyah).
Derik- The Foundation of Free Women in Syria is one of the women’s organizations founded following the start of the revolution in Rojava and the establishment of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. Founded in 2014, the foundation aims to support women in all facets of life and increase women's labor force participation. Every year, the foundation organizes various training courses for women in order to encourage women to participate in the labor force, said Leyla Omer, the director of the foundation in Derik (Al-Malikiyah). The aim of the Foundation of Free Women's in Syria is to increase the level of knowledge among women through education and change the patriarchal society, Leyla Omer told NuJINHA. <When we say free women, we talk about free thoughts and philosophy. We make efforts to promote women’s economic empowerment,> she said. <In the beginning, we experienced some difficulties in society; people did not know that the foundation had been founded to support women and to create job opportunities for women. But we overcame all the difficulties.>
'We will have more comprehensive projects'
We want to start courses such as sewing, health and technical courses, Leyla Omer said. <Each training course is supervised by a trainer and held at different hours. At the end of each course, the trainees receive certificates. The trainers make great efforts to ensure that trainees can successfully complete the training courses. We will have more comprehensive projects for women next year. Some of them are painting and musical instrument courses. In addition, we aim to open a Children's Garden aiming at protecting children, providing a safe space for them and supporting working women. As the foundation, we will keep working hard for women and creating job opportunities for them.> >>

Window of Hope Women's Movement
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 23 , 2024
<<Window of Hope Women's Movement calls to support women in Afghanistan
Members of the Window of Hope Women's Movement, an Afghan women's rights group, released a video on Monday, calling on the international community and human rights organizations to support women in Afghanistan.
News Center- The members of the Window of Hope Women's Movement, an Afghan women's rights group, released a video on Monday to mark the third year of the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan. In the video, the members of the movement call on all the people of Afghanistan, the international community, human rights organizations, feminist movements and human rights defenders to support the women of Afghanistan on August 15. <We will raise our voices for human rights. Let's stand with all our capacity alongside the women of Afghanistan.> Referring to the resistance against the Taliban and their policies, the women say, <Let's uphold human dignity and human rights values in the country by resisting the systematic violation of women's rights being committed by the Taliban.> Since the Taliban took control of the country, daily life has become an absolute hell for the people of Afghanistan, especially women, the video says. <Terrorist groups have expanded their activities under the shadow of the illegitimate Taliban government, and there is no guarantee for the security of the region and the world.> The Taliban have issued over 200 decrees and orders that violate human rights and women's rights since August 2021. Afghan women and girls face restrictions on their fundamental rights to education, work, and access to health services.>>

culture of Kobane
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 23 , 2024 - by BERÇEM CUDI
<<Dengbej House preserves culture of Kobane
Dengbej House built in Kobane aims to preserve, revive and promote the culture and art of the people in the city.
Kobane- The Baqi Xido Culture and Art Center and the Culture and Art Board in Kobane began to build the Dengbej House on June 3, 2023. The construction of the house lasted six months. The house made of clay has three rooms decorated with hand-made carpets, wooden cups, spoons, trays, prayer rugs, bowls, jars, erbane (a musical instrument), drums, rifles and many other ancient objects symbolizing the culture in Kobane.
Dengbej House is an opportunity to modernize the culture of the region, said Mehbuba Eto, a dengbej (Kurdish singer, storyteller) and member of the center. <The construction of the Dengbej House lasted six months. This house was built to become a culture and art center for women, young people and art lovers. Dengbêj House has such a characteristic that it attracts everyone's attention and becomes a painting revealing the rich culture of Kobane. We built the house by using clay because our grandparents used to build their houses by using clay. The house will never allow our culture to disappear.>
'It is a reflection of our culture'
Pointing to the objects used to decorate the house, Mehbuba Eto said, <We faced difficulties in finding ancient objects to decorate the house because people want to keep ancient items with them. We collected the ancient objects from many villages. We still make great efforts to find ancient objects. People like the house and they come here every day to see each other. I can say that this house is a reflection of the culture in Kobane.>
'We should pass down the culture of Dengbej to next generations'
Women also worked in the construction of the house. <As women, we did our part in the construction of this house, especially in collecting ancient objects. When people visit the Dengbêj House, they immediately feel and see the culture, production and creativity of our mothers. The construction of the house is a great opportunity for young people and children to get to know their culture. We should pass down the culture of Dengbêj to next generations.> >>
Source incl. vide:

Zenubya Theatre Community
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 23 , 2024 - by YOUSRA AL-AHMAD
<<Zenubya Theatre Community determined to turn Raqqa into city of arts
The Zenubya Theatre Community, formed by young women in the city of Raqqa, is determined to turn the city into a city of arts with their performances.
Raqqa- The Zenubya Theatre Community formed by young women in the city of Raqqa, northeastern Syria, aims to include more women in the art world. The community also aims to raise awareness about women's issues, reality, gains, struggle and history through their performances. The community consists of eight women aged between 15 and 18.
In an interview with NuJINHA, the members of the community talked about their activities and their projects.
Art is a way to convey our messages, said Samar Cuma, a member of the community. <We have also supported the campaigns and activities of the Zenubya Women's Community to raise awareness about women's issues. <Through our performances, we address women's issues such as cultural norms and traditions, the roles of women in society, child marriage, polygamy, gender-based violence, what women were subjected to by ISIS and the problems faced by women today.1>
'The system based on democracy paves the way for art'
<My passion and love for theatre was effective in being a member of the community,> Isra Al-Abbud told NuJINHA. <Becoming a theatre artist is not easy; you can memorize all movements and dialogues and imitate them appropriately by receiving training. We tell the reality of women in North and East Syria through our performances. The system based on democracy in North and East Syria paves the way for art.>
'Young people are interested in art'
<My father encouraged me to be a theatre artist after he saw that I have a talent for theatre. I first joined a theatre group of the Hilala Zerin Cultural Movement,> said Nagam Halil, who is now a member of the Zenubya Theatre Community.
Hor Al-Abd is a member of the community and a folk dance group called 'Palmyra'. She also plays the violin. <I joined the community to improve my personal skills. When I went on stage for the first time, I felt fear, stress and happiness at the same time because I was realizing my dream.> >>
Source incl. video:

Derin Rehim
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 23 , 2024
<<Rojnews reporter attacked by security forces in Sulaymaniyah
Rojnews reporter Derin Rehim was attacked and her equipment was confiscated by the security forces in Sulaymaniyah while covering a press release.
Sulaymaniyah-The press release of the Unity Front against the Occupation in Sulaymaniyah to protest the Turkish attacks on Southern Kurdistan was prevented by the security forces (Asayish). The members of the security forces attacked people, injuring two. Rojnews report Dêrîn Rehîm was also attacked and her equipment was confiscated by the members of the security forces. <The members of the security forces attacked us and detained me while covering the press release,> Derin Rehim said. <They confiscated my mobile phone and equipment. I was physically attacked by the security forces. After a while, they gave my mobile phone back and released me but my camera and other equipment have not been given back yet by the security forces.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 22 , 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Mother of kidnapped girl: They threaten us by saying they are village guards
A man named D.Y. kidnapped a 13-year-old girl in Amed by telling her that he would marry her. They threaten us by saying they are village guards. I am concerned about my daughter's life,> said her mother, Nurcan Demir.
Amed (Diyarbakır)- A man named D.Y. (18) kidnapped a 13-year-old girl by telling her that he would marry her in the Şehitlik neighborhood of Amed's Bajare Nu (Yenişehir) district. <Although we reported the incident to the police, nothing has been done until now. I have received no information about my daughter for days,> said Nurcan Demir, the mother of the kidnapped girl. About 10 days ago, D.Y. (18) kidnapped a 13-year-old girl. Her family rescued her with their own efforts. Then, the girl was taken to a state-run child care center. Upon the request of the girl, her family brought her home back from the center. However, D.Y. kidnapped her again. The family of the girl reported the incident to the police. The police raided the house of D.Y. <We were told that they raided the house; however, they did not find her there,> said Nurcan Demir, who has not received news from her daughter for days. <I am concerned about my daughter's life.>
They receive threats
According to the received reports, an investigation has been launched into the incident. <My daughter is still young, a minor. He kidnapped my daughter by telling her that he would marry her. I am afraid something will happen to my daughter. I have learned that the family of the boy (D.Y.) is a village guard. I talked to them but they told me, 'We are village guards, you cannot do anything'. The police station does nothing and I cannot do anything. I want my daughter back. I want to reunite my daughter and see her.> >>

prison island of Imrali
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 22 , 2024
<<'The CPT ignores its responsibility for Imrali'
Answering the questions of ANF, the CPT accepts that the continuous blocking of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan's right to visit family and lawyer is unacceptable and clearly contrary to international standards, ignoring its responsibility.
News Center- No news has been received from Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan held in the prison island of Imrali for 40 months. The Fırat News Agency (ANF) published an articles on Monday about its questions to Committee for the Preventiong of Torture (CPT) about the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. The ANF reported that its request for a face-to-face meeting with CPT vice-president Hans Wolff on July 9, 2024 was rejected, saying <Since the report on the last visit to Imrali has not been published yet, such a meeting will not be possible.> The CPT accepted that the questions of the ANF would be answered in writing. In the articles, the ANF also shared its questions and the answers given in writing by Hugh Chetwynd, Executive Secretary of the CPT, stressing that two questions were left unanswered.
The questions and the answers given by Hungh Chetwynd are as follows:
Is the CPT, which last visited Imrali prison in September 2022, still not publishing its report just because it could not get Turkey's approval?
The ECPT Convention is based on the twin pillars of cooperation and confidentiality. As a result, the Convention only allows the CPT to publish a report with the authorization of the State Party.
·The lack of news from the prisoners in Imrali has caused deep concern in the public. Is the CPT working on this issue?
The Committee is in constant dialogue with the Turkish authorities, but this dialogue remains confidential. However, it is important to stress that, in 2019 and as during previous visits, the delegation received no allegations of ill-treatment of prisoners by prison officers at Imralı Prison. On the contrary, all prisoners indicated that they were treated correctly by staff.
· Is the CPT planning to visit İmralı Prison again in case of lack of news?
The CPT has visited Imrali 9 times, each time as an ad hoc visit, in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2022. The CPT may decide, if it considers it necessary, to carry out a further visit to the site.
·The lawyers of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the three other prisoners in Imrali point out that there has been no communication with their clients for more than three years. Does the CPT have any knowledge of this state of absolute lack of communication? What is he doing to overcome this?
The CPT follows the situation of Abdullah Ocalan and the three other prisoners very closely. In addition to the ongoing dialogue with the national authorities, the CPT is also in regular contact with Abdullah Ocalan lawyers.
· Are the prisoners in İmralı under absolute isolation?
The CPT stressed in the 2019 visit report that all prisoners were being held in solitary confinement for most of the time (i.e. 159 hours out of 168 hours per week, including 24 hours per day at weekends). In the CPT's view, such a state of affairs is not acceptable.
·How does the CPT, which fights against torture and ill-treatment, view prisoners being deprived of the right to meet with their families and lawyers for long periods of time? Isn't this a violation of the Agreement?
The issue of contact with the outside world of prisoners held at Imralı Prison has always been a subject of a long-standing intense dialogue between the CPT and the Turkish authorities. The CPT repeatedly stressed in its dialogue with the Turkish authorities that the continuous denial of visits by lawyers and family members is not acceptable and clearly contravenes various relevant international human rights instruments and standards.
·In its previous reports, the CPT had made a number of recommendations to the Turkish authorities to improve the conditions in Imrali Prison. Did Turkey take these recommendations of the CPT into consideration?
The CPT systematically requests a response from the national authorities of each State Party to the report it addresses to them. This response must set out the measures taken by the government to remedy the situations raised. The Turkish Government's response to the recommendations cited in the 2019 report can be consulted on the Committee's website. No information other than that contained in the authorities' response can be given.
Questions left unanswered
Two questions were left unanswered, the ANF said. The questions that were left unanswered by the CPT are as follow:
First question: The CPT recently made a public statement against Azerbaijan (under Article 10(2) of the Convention). Does it intend to make such a statement about Turkey as well?
Second question: Former CPT Presidents Mauro Palma and Marc Neve, whom ANF has interviewed before and who visited Imrali many times, said that Imrali was not a suitable location for a prison and that CPT should be more active against the conditions of Abdullah Ocalan. They pointed out that he could play a role. Is Imrali Island Prison suitable for a penal institution according to the CPT? Is the CPT considering taking a more active role in the face of Abdullah Ocalan's conditions?>>

Return to Afrin
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 22 , 2024 - HESNA MIHEMED
<<'Our presence in Shahba will ensure a dignified return to Afrin'
<Our presence in Shahba will ensure a dignified return to Afrin,> said the displaced people of Afrin, who resist the ongoing Turkish attacks and the siege imposed by the Damascus government.
Shahba- The people, who were displaced from Afrin to Shahba when the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions occupied Afrin on March 18,2018, keep resisting all the difficult living conditions. The Turkish attacks and the siege imposed by the Damascus government have not allowed the entry of fuel and other essential supplies to the region. The displaced people of Afrin think that such policies aim to break their will and determination, stressing that they will resist despite all the difficulties.
'We will never accept to surrender'

Guneyi Hesun, a displaced woman of Afrin living in Shahba, emphasizes that they will always resist <all kinds of hostile policies in occupied areas and never accept to surrender. The Turkish state attacks the region every day but we are not afraid of the weapons of Erdogan (President of Turkiye). Our message to the occupiers is that you will not be able to break our strong will. Our presence in Shahba will ensure a dignified return to Afrin.>
'The Damascus government must fulfill its duty'
Guneyi Hesun called on international organizations and the Damascus government to <fulfill their duties. Displaced people of Afrin are subjected to oppressive policies and difficult living conditions. We call on international organizations to put pressure on the Damascus government to lift the siege. As Syrian citizens, we must unite and liberate Syrian territories from armed factions.>
'Afrin will be liberated'
We endure all difficult living conditions in order to return to Afrin, said Fehima Hemo, another displaced woman of Afrin. <We are subjected to the ongoing Turkish attacks. Our children cannot sleep comfortably and without fear. We have been subjected to the Turkish attacks and the siege imposed by the Damascus government for seven years. Despite everything, we keep resisting. As the Syrian people, we will keep resisting to have a peaceful and stable life.> >>
Source incl. video:

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024