formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


You are now at the section on what is happening in the rest of the Middle east
(Updates June 12, 2024)

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2024: July wk 3 -- July wk2 P2 -- July wk2 -- June wk3 -- June wk2 -- June wk1 part2bis -- June wk1 P2 -- July wk1 -- June wk4 P2 -- June wk4 --
Click here for an
overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
Click here for actual updates - Updated July 9, 2024

July 12 - 10, 2024
<<'The revolution has opened the door to freedom for women'...
and <<Social media campaign by Iraqi activists & journalists against Turkish attacks...
and <<Raids conducted by HTS in Idlib scare children and women...
and <<Over 10 million Iraqis living in poverty...
and <<Journalists in Shengal condemn Turkish drone attack targeting journalists...
and <<Precedent in femicide case: Man sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!


July 9 - 8, 2024
<<'The EU must do more to prioritise protecting media freedom and human rights in Turkiye'...
and <<Women's Council of North and East Syria member Siwan Isa dies...
and <<'The Women's Social Contract will prevent genocidal attacks'...
and <<Schools sheltering displaced people to be restored for students...
and <<What one march teaches: The greatest weapon is organization...
and <<339 Turkish attacks on NE Syria in first half of 2024...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Click here for a dated menu overview

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Murat Mirza

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 12 , 2024
<<Journalist injured in Turkish drone attack on Shengal dies
Journalist Murat Mîrza İbrahim, who was seriously injured in a Turkish drone attack on July 8, 2024, has died at the hospital.
News Center- On July 8, 2024, a car carrying reporters of the Çira TV and Çira FM was targeted by a Turkish drone while going to Tal Qasab, a village of Shelgal (Sinjar), to do interviews on the 10th anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide committed by ISIS on August 3, 2014. The attack injured three employees of the Çira TV and Çira FM and four civilians from the same family. The injured people were transferred to a hospital in Mosul. Journalist Murat Mirza Ibrahim, who was seriously injured in the attack, reportedly died at the hospital on Thursday.>>

The revolution has opened
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 11 , 2024 - by RONIDA HACI
<<'The revolution has opened the door to freedom for women'
<The revolution in Rojava has opened the door to freedom for women,> said the women attending the 5th congress of the Young Women's Union in Hasakah.
Hasakah- The Young Women's Union held its 5th Congress in Hasakah on Wednesday with the participation of 500 women delegates.
NuJINHA spoke to two women, who participated in the congress.
'The situation of leader Apo and self-defense were discussed'
The aim of the congress was to strengthen the unity of young women, said Heyfa Bekir, Co-chair of the Youth Sports Organization. <The situation of leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan) and self-defense were among the issues discussed at the congress. We discussed how women can defend themselves and organize their society. Today, women have a powerful status thanks to the thoughts and ideology of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. For this reason, the ruling and hegemonic powers have intensified their attacks on women.>
'The Turkish state is afraid of the power of free women'
Heyfa Bekir continued her speech as follows: <The Turkish state and the ruling powers target the pioneering women because they are afraid of the power and thoughts of free women. Despite the ongoing attacks on pioneering women, women say, 'Whenever one of our comrades is martyred, we want to get revenge'. The Young Women's Union will attach importance to self-defense activities because young women are aware of the dirty policies carried out against them.>
'We want to reach all women in the Middle East'
<Young women proved their important role in the July 19 Revolution (Rojava Revolution)> said Losnak Kavoriyan, member of the Armenian Young Women's Union in North and East Syria. <The goal of young women is to ensure freedom for all women. We want to reach all women in the Middle East by building a free future in northeastern Syria. Thanks to the ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ revolution, women have their own identity and become aware of their roles in their society. Before the women's revolution in Rojava, women had no rights. The revolution has opened the door to freedom for women. Women have become a role model for all women in the Middle East by leading the revolution. Thanks to this revolution, young Armenian women have recognized themselves and protected their social values.> >>
Source incl. video:

Social media campaign
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 11 , 2024
<<Social media campaign by Iraqi activists & journalists against Turkish attacks
Iraqi activists and journalists have launched a social media campaign, demanding the expulsion of the Turkish Ambassador as a response to the ongoing Turkish attacks.
News Center- The Turkish state has intensified its attacks on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq although many human rights organizations and residents of the region demand the end of the attacks.
Social media campaign
A group of Iraqi activists and journalists have launched a social media campaign, demanding the expulsion of the Turkish Ambassador as a response to the ongoing Turkish attacks on the region.
The campaign has been initiated by journalist Mohamed Al-Jubouri, journalist Marwan Habib, journalist Salam Al-Zubaidi, human rights activist Noor Al-Badr, journalist Mohamed Ali, and activist Abbas Ali. <The Turkish Ambassador should be expelled from Baghdad as a response to the Turkish occupation,> the group said.>>

ISIG- 878 workers died
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 11 , 2024
<<İSIG: 878 workers died in the first 6 months of 2024
878 workers, including 33 women and 33 children, died in the first six months of 2024, according to the report released by the Laborer Health and Occupational Safety Assembly (İSİG).
News Center- The Laborer Health and Occupational Safety Assembly (İSİG) has released its report giving information about how many workers died in Turkiye in the first six months of 2024. At least 878 workers died in workplace accidents in the first six months of 2024, the report said. At least 137 workers died in June 2024, the report added. 757 of 878 workers were employed (workers and civil servants) and 121 of them were self-employed (farmers and tradesmen). 224 workers were working in the construction sector, 141 in the agriculture/forestry sector, 103 in the transportation sector, 63 in the hospitality sector and 49 in the municipal sector, the report said.
33 women died in workplace accidents
Of the 878 workers who died in workplace accidents in the first six months of 2024, 33 were women, 33 were children and 36 were refugees, according to the report. <151 workers died in Istanbul and 50 workers in Izmir, 32 in Şanlıurfa, 31 in Gaziantep, 31 in Konya and 28 in Bursa,> the report said.>>

Raids in Idlib
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 11 , 2024 - by SUHA EL-ALI
<<Raids conducted by HTS in Idlib scare children and women
The Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a Turkish-backed faction, raids homes, tortures, kidnaps and arrests people to suppress possible protests in Idlib. What is going on in the city affects women and children the most.
Idlib- Attacks and oppression on the people of Idlib, controlled by the Turkish state and the Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) keep increasing every day. The members of the HTS, loyal to HTS commander-in-chief Ahmed Hussein al-Shar'a (nom de guerre as Abu Mohammad al-Julani) raid homes, arrest and torture people every day for defending the freedom of thought and expression. The tent of Salva Alwan (31), a displaced woman living in al-Bardaqli camp, was raided by the members of the HTS one night. During the raid, her spouse was tortured and kidnapped. <All my spouse did was to complain about the high prices,> Salva Alwan told NuJINHA. <What we experienced was terrifying. My children were especially afraid of what happened.>
They aim to silence people
The spouse of Meryem Salmo (29) was beaten, insulted, threatened and then arrested by the members of the HTS, who wore face masks. <My spouse did nothing to deserve such a terrible arrest. He always tried to stay away from trouble. The members of the HTS use such inhuman practices to suppress possible protests.> The spouse of Meryam Salmo has been held in prison for five months. <My children are still afraid of staying at home because they think that what happened would happen again. They cannot overcome the trauma caused by the HTS. I have not been allowed to see my spouse for five months.>
'Children suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder'
Intimation, raids and violence cause post-traumatic stress disorder among children and women, psychologist Duaa Nur El-Din told NuJINHA. <Such terrifying events affect the mental health condition of children, especially children under six years old. In such situations, mothers have an important role to make children feel safe. All kinds of aggressive practices in Idlib should be ended to protect children.> >>

Horse farm in Qamishlo
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 10 , 2024 - by ZEYNEB ISA
<<Horse farm in Qamishlo helps children with autism
Roz Al-Farisi has opened a horse farm in Qamishlo to help children with autism because <Horses calm riders with autism, allowing them to focus, think and accept training.>
Qamishlo- A horse farm has been opened by the Al-Farisi family in Qamishlo to help children with autism. <With the support of my spouse, I worked for about a month to open this horse farm,> said Roz Al-Farisi, the owner of the farm. <Horses calm riders with autism, allowing them to focus and think and accept training. I also opened the horse farm for young women because they dreamed of riding a horse.>
'The farm has five horse trainers'
Speaking about the number of horse trainers at the farm and the challenges faced by them, Roz Al-Farisi said, <In the beginning, I faced financial difficulties because buying horses and transferring them to the farm were very expensive. But I overcame the difficulties with the support of my spouse and my family.> The farm has five horse trainers, women and men, who teach the children with autism how to ride a horse. <Currently, 11 children, four women and four men with autism learn how to ride a horse at the farm. I call on everyone to learn how to ride a horse because it makes you feel better.>
'We realize the dreams of children'
<We teach children, women and men with autism how to ride a horse,> said Meryem Eli, a female horse trainer at the farm. <We realize the dreams of children. Horseback riding helps children with autism develop balance, coordination, and core strength.> >>
Source incl. video:

Iraqis living in poverty
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 10 , 2024
<<Over 10 million Iraqis living in poverty
More than 10 million Iraqis are living below the poverty line, according to the Strategic Center for Human Rights in Iraq.
News Center- More than 10 million Iraqis are living below the poverty line, according to the Strategic Center for Human Rights in Iraq (SCHR).
<Despite significant government efforts in sectors such as infrastructure and housing, critical issues like poverty and limited job opportunities in the private sector persist, impacting the daily lives of Iraqi citizens,> the center said on Tuesday. Nearly 25% of Iraq's population, about 43 million, lives below the poverty line, according to the Iraqi Ministry of Planning. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs distributes monthly salaries to only two million families, leaving over one million families in need without support in the 2024 budget, the center said, adding that the number of registered unemployed people is more than 1.65 million. Hazem Al-Rudaini, Vice-president of the center, urged the Iraqi government to address poverty and unemployment by developing a strategic five-year plan focused on supporting national industries and agriculture and reducing the importation of agricultural and industrial products.>>

Journalists in Shengal
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 10 , 2024
<<Journalists in Shengal condemn Turkish drone attack targeting journalists
Journalists in Shengal (Sinjar) condemned the Turkish drone attack targeting the car carrying the reporters of the Çira TV and Çira FM and called on the international community to ensure the safety of journalists.
Shengal (Sinjar)- A car carrying reporters of the Çira TV and Çira FM was targeted by a Turkish drone on Monday (July 8) while going to Tal Qasab, a village of Shelgal (Sinjar) to do interviews on the 10th anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide committed by ISIS on August 3, 2014. Six people, including two journalists, were injured in the attack. According to the local reports, the reporter of the Çira FM, who was seriously injured in the attack and transferred to a hospital in Mosul, is still in critical condition. On July 9, journalists' organizations in Shengal issued a press statement, condemning the Turkish drone attack on the journalists and media workers. <As journalists in Shengal, we strongly condemn the attack on the vehicle carrying the reporters of Çira TV. The attack was an attack against humanity and ethical values by targeting the free press. It threatened the safety of journalists, who report the truth to the public,> the statement said. <Journalists and reporters must be protected while doing their profession. We call on relevant parties to ensure the safety of journalists. In addition, we demand a rapid and transparent investigation be launched into the incident and that the perpetrators be brought to justice and punished.> Any attacks on journalists are the attacks on freedom of thought, the right to receive information and human rights, the statement said. <We hereby vow that we will stand against all kinds of violence and terrorism against journalists. Together, we should defend press freedom and protect journalists all around the world.> >>

Precedent in femicide case
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 10 , 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Precedent in femicide case: Man sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment
Murat Atılgan, who killed Tugba Ozel on March 8, 2023, International Women’s Day, has been sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment. In his defense, he said, <I specifically chose March 8 to kill her>.
Elih (Batman)- The final hearing of the trial against Murat Atılgan for killing his ex-wife, Tugba Ozel in the city of Elih (Batman) on March 8, 2023, was held at the Batman 2nd High Criminal Court. In his previous defense, Murat Atılgan said, <I specifically chose March 8 to kill her>. After being sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment, he said he regretted and <Actually, I had thought to kill her on March 7>.
'The court should do its part'
Tugba Ozel's family, lawyers and the members of the Children and Women First Association were present at the hearing. Nur Banu Satılmış, lawyer and member of the Children and Women’s First Association, pointed to the evidence and demanded Murat Atılgan be punished to the fullest extent. <We make efforts to prevent women from being killed. We say that the killers of women must be punished without impunity. I came from Ankara to ensure this. From now on, the court should do its part,> she said.
He had thought to kill her on March 7
Perpetrator Murat Atılgan previously said, <I specifically chose March 8 to kill her>; however, when the prosecution requested an aggravated life imprisonment for him, Murat Atılgan said that she regretted and <Actually, I had thought to kill her on March 7>. After the defenses, the court sentenced Murat Atılgan to aggravated life imprisonment on charges of <Planning and killing his ex-wife intentionally>.
What had happened?
Tugba Ozel, mother of two, subjected to physical, psychological and sexual violence by Murat Atılgan throughout her marriage. She struggled to get a divorce for months and during that period, she was subjected to threats and violence by Murat Atılgan. Tugba Ozel was shot dead by Murat Atılgan on March 8, 2023, while going to work.>>

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024