formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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(Updates June 7, 2024)

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overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
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and earlier news

July 5 - 4, 2024
<<18 people killed in June in Turkish-occupied territories...
and <<'We will avenge Benazir and all the killed Afghan women'...
and <<Syrian refugee deported from Turkiye: We faced all types of discrimination...
and <<205 women killed in first 6 months of 2024, report says...
and <<Displaced women in Yemen need urgent support...
and <<3 people sent to prison for killing Syrian teen in Antalya...
and <<Mother and daughter attending march against state-appointed trustee...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!


July 3 - June 21, 2024
<<Park in Milan named after Alan Kurdî...
and <<8 journalists sentenced to more than 6 years in prison...
and <<Syrian teen killed in racist attack in Antalya...
and <<'Silence increases violence and harassment against women in the streets'...
and <<Peace Mothers: Biji berxwedana zindana...
and <<Call on international organizations to take action against violations in Afrin...
and <<'The Kuwaiti authorities must end wave of repression against critics'...
and <<Afghan girls accuse Taliban of sexual assault after arrests for 'bad hijab'...
and <<Shutting Afghan women out of key UN conference to appease Taliban 'a betrayal'
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Click here for a dated menu overview 'till June 1 2024 and earlier

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

25 people drowned
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 5 , 2024
<<25 people drowned in Nile River while trying to flee fighting
About 25 people drowned in the Nile River while trying to flee fighting between the Sudanese army and paramilitary forces in the southeast.
News Center- The ongoing fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the southeastern state of Sennar, Sudan, has pushed hundreds to flee in small wooden boats across the Nile River. Around 25 citizens, most of them women and children, died in a boat sinking while crossing the Blue Nile River in the southeastern state of Sennar, a local resistance committee said in a statement on Thursday.
<Entire families perished in the accident while fleeing the RSF's recent advance through Sennar,> the committee said.
Local authorities in neighboring Gedaref state said in a statement on Thursday that they estimated that some 120,000 displaced people had arrived this week. The state's health ministry said 90,000 had been officially registered. Since 24 June 2024, an estimated 136,000 people have been displaced from various locations across Sennar State following armed clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the International Organization for Migration Displacement Tracking Matrix (IOM DTM) said on Wednesday. <Notably, Sennar, Sinja, and Ad Dinder localities hosted approximately 285,926 IDPs prior to the recent escalation in clashes, the majority of whom had already been displaced from Khartoum or Aj Jazirah.> <Conflict in Sinja has significantly exacerbated civilian suffering and increased violations of international humanitarian law,> the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a report on Thursday. <Civilians are now facing multiple protection risks and have reported widespread looting of their homes and personal possessions. People fleeing Sinja Town have arrived in Gedaref, Blue Nile, and Kassala states.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 5 , 2024
<<18 people killed in June in Turkish-occupied territories
In June 2024, 18 people were killed in Afrin, Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn) and Gire Spi (Tell Abyad) occupied by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions, Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reported on Friday.
News Center- People living in Turkish-occupied territories are subjected to more rights violations every day. In June 2024, at least 18 people were killed and dozens others were kidnapped in Afrin, Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn) and Gire Spi (Tell Abyad) occupied by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions, Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reported on Friday. On June 1, the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions opened fire on two young men, wounding one in the stomach and the other in the hand, in the occupied city of al-Bab, northeastern countryside of Aleppo. On June 4, a 65-year-old woman identified as Hanan Hasakah was kidnapped in Miska, a village of Afrin's Jindires town. On the same day, 58-year-old Mohammad Horo was kidnapped in the Frereya village of Jindires, according to ANHA. The news agency also reported that the members of the Turkish-backed Levant Front kidnapped 46-year-old Tamam Safour in Afrin on June 4. The members of the Levant Front demanded a ransom of 1,500 US dollars from the family of Tamam Safour, who had been deported from Turkiye, to release him. 15 migrants were killed by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions on June 5 while trying to cross the border, in the countryside of Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn). Three citizens identified as Suleiman Hikmat, Jano Haji Khorshid, and Muhammad Rashid Haj Omar were kidnapped in the Goran village of Afrin's Jindires town on June 6 after being released with a ransom payment.
Agricultural lands set on fire
On June 6, the members of the Turkish occupation state set fire to agricultural lands in the villages of Mermin and Annaba, and the fires spread to the lands of Shuragha, Tatrash, Tanb and Malikiyah villages of Afrin's Sherawa town, ANHA said. On the same day, the members of the Syrian National Army kidnapped two citizens identified as Dalil Hassan Hajji (34) from the Baflor village of Jindires and Jamal Hayyan (35) from the city of Homs, at a checkpoint near the village of Qastal Jindo in Shara after they were deported from Turkiye.
Pregnant woman beaten
A group consisting of 10 people, including a pregnant woman were severely beaten by the <Turkish gendarmes> while trying to cross the border in the countryside of the occupied city of Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn) on June 11. According to ANHA, the pregnant woman had a miscarriage after being beaten. ANHA also reported that a lawyer identified as Akram Junaid was kidnapped in Afrin's Jindires town by the Turkish intelligence on June 11. On June 13, Turkish-backed factions kidnapped a citizen identified as Adnan Nami (26) in the village of Ain al-Hajar al-Kabir. On June 17, Turkish-backed factions kidnapped two brothers, Muhammad Zamji Murad (35) and Faiq Zamji Murad (33) in Kafr Safra, a village of Afrin's Jindires town. On the same day, the dead body of a man in his fifties was found in an agricultural land near one of the checkpoints of the Turkish-backed factions, southwest of Afrin. The body was transferred to the hospital in the city. According to ANHA, three citizens were kidnapped by Turkish-backed factions in Afrin on June 20. Turkish-backed factions opened fire on two citizens named Jamal Ali Kulen (26) and Mohammad Walid Alikou (22) on June 20, killing Jamal Ali Kulen. On June 23, the members of the Turkish-backed factions kidnapped a 17-year-old girl and sexually assaulted her. On June 26, the members of the Turkish-backed factions kidnapped six citizens in Jindires. The names of the kidnapped citizens: Ali Hassan (40), Hussein Hassan Hamoud (35), Muhammad Hassan Hamoud (38), Muhammad Jumah Soro (40), Yahya Taha Barakat (37) and Adham Darwish Alloush (15).>>

Benazir Ayoubi
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 5 , 2024 - by BAHARIN LEHIB
<<'We will avenge Benazir and all the killed Afghan women'
<We will avenge Benazir and all the killed Afghan women,> said the relatives of Benazir Ayoubi, 21-year-old woman killed by the Taliban in September 2023.
Kabul- The Taliban have left no space for women and girls since August 2021. Afghanistan has turned into a graveyard of women. Thousands of women have been killed in the country due to the policies of the oppressive and misogynous governments for more than 40 years: Farkhunda Malikzada and Rokhshana were stoned to death and dozens of women have been burned alive in the country. On September 1, 2023, 21-year-old Benazir Ayoubi was killed by the Taliban in Kabul. Being only breadwinner for her family of five, Benazir fought misogynous laws of the Taliban. <Benazir went to a job interview. On her way back home, the members of the Taliban shot and killed her while chasing after a thief,> said her aunt, Parvin Estankzai, who works as a teacher in Kabul. <My niece was only 21 years old. Like millions of Afghan girls, she was deprived of education. But she did not give up, she studied economics online and completed her education. The members of the Taliban left her in the street until she died. A taxi driver saw her and tried to help her. He called her family members and told them what had happened.>
'They will not go unpunished'
The Taliban will never go unpunished for killing Benazir, Parvin Estankzai said. <As Afghan women, we swear we will avenge Benazir and all the killed Afghan women. The Taliban are the murderers of Benazir. We will overthrow the regime of the Taliban, the enemy of women.> >>
Source incl. video:

89 people dead after migrant boat capsizes
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 5 , 2024
<<At least 89 people dead after migrant boat capsizes off Mauritania
At least 89 people died after their boat capsized off the coast of Mauritania on Monday, the state news agency said on Thursday.
News Center- At least 89 migrants died after their boat capsized off the coast of Mauritania on Monday, the state news agency said on Thursday.
The boat capsized off the coast, in the Atlantic Ocean, about four kilometers (2.5 miles) from the country’s southwest city of Ndiago on July 1, the news agency reported. The boat left the Gambia-Senegal border six days ago and was bound for Europe, having at least 170 migrants on board, according to the news agency. The Mauritanian coast guard recovered the bodies of 89 people aboard a large traditional fishing boat that capsized on July 1 on the coast of the Atlantic ocean about four kilometers (2.5 miles) from the country's south-west city of Ndiago, the state news agency said.
According to the state-run news agency, 72 migrants are still missing.
More than 5,000 migrants died while trying to reach Spain by sea in the first five months of 2024, according to Caminando Fronteras, a non-governmental human rights organization based in Spain that has been focusing on the protection of migrants' rights since 2002.>>

Syrian refugee deported
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 5 , 2024
<<Syrian refugee deported from Turkiye: We faced all types of discrimination
Following racist attacks on Syrian refugees in Turkiye, many Syrian families have been deported. <We faced all types of discrimination,> said Şerin İbrahim, who was deported from Turkiye with her family.
Manbij- The Turkish state has been threatening Syrian refugees to send them back to Syria for years. In the last two months, many Syrians have been deported from Turkiye to North and East Syria. About 115 Syrians have entered North and East Syria from Aoun Al-Dadat crossing in the last two months, the security sources in northeastern Syria told NuJINHA. NuJINHA spoke to a woman, who was forcibly deported from Turkiye with her family.
'My children were starved'
<My spouse, I and my five children were forcibly deported by the Turkish state,> said Şirin İbrahim, who is originally from the city of Qamishlo (Qamishli). <In Turkiye, we used to live in the city of Mardin. We did not have a travel permit and it was used against us when we went to Istanbul. The Turkish soldiers arrested us and sent us to a camp in Kilis. They took all of our official documents from us. They even took my child's milk, medicine and towels from us and threw them in the trash can. We had to sleep outside for days. My children were starved for days. Then, they deported us from Turkiye.>
'We faced all types of discrimination'
Şerin İbrahim took shelter in Turkiye with her family for 12 years due to the Syrian civil war. <For 12 years, we faced racist policies in Turkiye,> she said. <Not only my family and I, but also all Syrian refugees faced such policies. We faced all types of discrimination in Turkiye.> Syrian refugees who were forcibly deported from Turkiye told us that the Turkish soldiers had confiscated all their money and ID documents.>>
Source incl. video:

Project in Hasakah
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 5 , 2024 - by RONIDA HACI
<<Project in Hasakah aims to solve water crisis
The Turkish state has been stopping the Alouk water station from pumping drinking water. The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) has developed a project aiming at solving the ongoing water outages affecting 1.5 million people.
Hasakah- The Alouk water station is a crucial source of drinking water for the people of Hasakah, Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn) and Til Temir (Tell Tamer). However, the Turkish state has stopped the station from pumping drinking water since it occupied Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn) and Gire Spi (Tell Abyad). The ongoing water outages affect 1.5 million people living in Hasakah, its villages and surrounding villages. On August 3, 2023, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, the Executive Council and the Administration Department of Jazira Canton developed a project into practice to solve drinking water problem suffered by the city of Hasakah by digging water wells in Senceqa Saadun and Kandor villages of Amuda, a town of Hasakah near the Syria-Turkey border. As part of the project, 20 water wells with a depth of 500 meters will be dug and six water tank trucks will transfer drinking water to Hasakah from a pool with the size of 5,000 cubic meters.
'The water crisis will be solved when the project is completed'
Engineer Zakira Welo is responsible for the water collection part of the project named after Senceqa Saadun. <This project was developed with the consent of the people of Amuda and the villagers. The aim of the project is to solve the water crisis suffered by the people of Hasakah and its villages. We believe that the water crisis will be solved when the project is completed.>
'The ongoing attacks affect the project'
Speaking about the ongoing Turkish attacks on the region, she said, <They target the infrastructure of the region and this affects the project. Human rights organizations should prevent the attacks so that we can distribute drinking water to citizens.>
'Our well runs dry'
The water crisis affects our life, said Şikriya Hisen, a resident of Hasakah. <We are left without water in hot weather. We dug a water well with our neighbor but our well runs dry. We have to buy drinking water but it is dirty. Our children get sick due to dirty water. We demand a solution for this water crisis. The occupying Turkish state causes this crisis.> >>
Source incl. video:

205 women killed in 6 months
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 4 , 2024
<<205 women killed in first 6 months of 2024, report says
In Turkiye, 205 women were killed in the first six months of 2024, says the report published by the We Will Stop Femicide Platform.
News Center- The We Will Stop Femicide Platform (Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu-KCDP) held a press conference at the Nazım Hikmet Cultural Center located in Istanbul's Şişli district, giving information about its report on femicide for the first six months of 2024. 205 women were killed and 117 more died under suspicious circumstances in Turkiye in the first six months of 2024, said Fidan Ataselim, the Secretary-General of the KCDP.
'Women were killed by their intimate partners'
Indicating that they receive the news on femicide every day, Fidan Ataselim said, <We only share with you the accessible data. Well, who killed the women? 42 percent of women were killed by their spouses. 11 percent of them were killed by their partners and nine percent of them by their fathers. In other words, the women were killed by their intimate partners or other family members. In the first six months of 2024, 59 percent of women were shot dead. In addition, 57 percent of the women were killed at their home.>
'Femicide cases increased in May and June'
Fidan Ataselim mentioned the data provided by the Ministry of the Interior, claiming that violence against women has decreased.
<In 2021, 131 women were killed and 99 more died under suspicious circumstances. Since then, the number of the victims of femicide has increased. We observe that femicide cases decrease when women struggle and become more visible. For instance, femicide cases decrease in March but then they increase. Femicide cases increase in May and June the most.>
'You have to give up your policies based on family'
Fidan Ataselim also mentioned the <Vision Document and Action Plan for the Protection and Strengthening of the Family> announced in Turkiye in May 2024, stressing that women are killed whenever the government says, <The family unity is important>. <You have to give up your policies based on the protection of the family to keep women alive. You have Law No. 6284 (Law No.6284 to Protect Family and Prevent Violence against Women). The Ministry conducted a study and prepared a guideline; however, those who prepared this guideline do not implement it. It is just a piece of paper prepared to show the position of Turkiye better to the EU.>
131 women were killed in the first six months of 2021, 164 in the first six months of 2022, 147 in the first six months of 2023 and 205 in the six months of 2024, according to the report.>>

Displaced women in Yemen
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 4 , 2024 - by HALA AL-HASHIDI
<<Displaced women in Yemen need urgent support
<We need urgent support,> said Yemeni women, who were displaced by the Yemeni civil war and floods and suffer from difficult living conditions without <tents>.
Yemen- More than 377,000 people have been killed in the 10-year-old conflict in Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the world, between the internationally recognized government and the Houthis. The ongoing civil war and natural disasters, Yemen remains one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world. Women and children are the most affected by both the civil war and natural disasters caused by floods in 2022 and 2023.
'We live without any rights'
Women, who are internally displaced because their homes were destroyed or damaged in the civil war and floods, struggle to survive in poor living conditions, some without <tents>, in the IDPs camps. <We are dragged into chaos due to the war and cannot get out,> said Nima Abdullah, one of the displaced Yemeni women. <We are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. We are hungry but find nothing to eat. We have a life full of misery. We live in poor conditions without any rights. Since we suffered from floods, we have no tent or bed.>
'We need urgent support'
Malak Sarhan is also a displaced woman living in one of the IDPs camps in Yemen. <We struggle to survive in the camp,> she said, stressing that they do not have even a tent to shelter them. <We are exhausted and face diseases in the camp. We suffer from difficult living conditions. We need urgent support to cope with these difficult living conditions. We also need urgent shelter to protect us from rain, cold and hot weather. We are in a state of despair and do not know how to overcome this situation.> >>
Source incl. video:

Ahmet Handan El Naif
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 4 , 2024
<<3 people sent to prison for killing Syrian teen in Antalya
Three people have been arrested Thursday for killing 17-year-old Ahmet Handan El Naif, a Syrian refugee, in the Serik district of Antalya on Tuesday.
News Center- 17-year-old Ahmet Handan El Naif, a Syrian refugee, was stabbed to death by three motorcyclists identified as R.O. (17), Y.Y. (15) and İ.A. (17) in the Serik district of Antalya on Tuesday. The three people were detained for killing the Syrian teen after the incident. According to the received reports, R.O., Y.Y. and İ.O. have been sent to prison by a Turkish court for killing the Syrian teen. The body of Ahmet Handan Naif was taken to Syria by her family on the evening of July 3 after the autopsy at the Antalya Forensic Medicine Institute. 40 Syrian refugees have been reportedly held at the police station in the district due to racist attacks on Syrians and those who have no <temporary protection identity document” will be deported soon.>>

Yazidis returning to Shengal
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 4 , 2024
<<Yazidis returning to Shengal: Shengal is where our roots are
Yazidis, who were displaced by the genocidal attacks of ISIS, have been returning to their homeland, Shengal. <Shengal is where our roots are,> said Yazidi women, who returned to Shengal, calling all Yazidis to return.
Shengal (Sinjar)- Since the Iraqi government announced in May that all IDPs camps would be closed down by July 30, 2024, the Yazidis, who were displaced by the genocidal attacks of ISIS started on August 3, 2014, have begun to return to their homeland, Shengal. The Autonomous Administration of Shengal continues to provide support to the Yazidis after they return to their homeland. However, the Iraqi government has not provided any support to the Yazidi people yet. The Yazidis, who have already returned to Shengal, told us that they were happy to return to their homeland. Til Ezer is one of the villages of Shengal most damaged in the genocidal attacks of ISIS. The Yazidis returning to the village are supported by the Autonomous Administration of Shengal to rebuild their houses. NuJINHA spoke to Maya Hecî and Seyran Silêman, two women who returned to the village after years.
'All Yazidis living in the camps should return to their homeland'
Maya Heci returned to Shengal after living in the Sharia camp located in the Kurdistan Region's Duhok province. <We are happy to have returned to our homeland. Our homeland is better than all the camps and other places. All Yazidis living in the camps should return to their homeland. Yazidis struggle to survive in the camps. They should return to their homeland because Shengal is where our roots are.>
'Our homeland is better than everywhere'
Seyran Sileman lived in the Dawudiya camp located in Duhok for many years after being displaced by the attacks of ISIS in 2014. Speaking about bad living conditions in the camp, she said, <Our homeland is better than everywhere. I call on all Yazidis living in the camps to return to their homeland. When we returned to our village, we saw that our house was completely burned down. All we want is to rebuild our house.> >>
Source incl. video:

Songul Demir and daughter Nurbanur
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 4 , 2024 - MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Mother and daughter attending march against state-appointed trustee
Songul Demir, who came from Tekirdag with her 12-year-old daughter to attend the <March for the Respect of the Will of People> organized by the DEM Party, said, <The Kurdish people will defend their own will.>
Wan (Van)- Thousands from cities of Turkiye and Kurdistan gathered in Van on Wednesday to attend the <March for the Respect of the Will of People> to protest the replacement of the elected mayor of Colemerg (Hakkari) with a state-appointed trustee. The march, which will last six days, started in Van after a press statement. The aim of the march is to strengthen the struggle against the appointment of the trustee to the municipality in Colemerg. On July 3, thousands began to march to the Gurpınar district of Van province by chanting the <Trustee, Go Away> slogan.
The marchers aim to walk 30 kilometers every day
The march, which will last six days until the marchers arrive in Colemêrg, will be held between 08.00-12.00 and 16.00-20.00 every day. The marchers aim to walk 30 kilometers every day. Yesterday, they stayed in the district of Gurpınar and they will march to the Başkale district of Van today. People of all ages, including women and children, have attended the march.
She attends the march with her daughter
Songul Demir came from Tekirdag to Van with her 12-year-old daughter Nurbanur to attend the march. They are determined to march to Colemêrg arm in arm. <We are here to defend the will of the Kurdish people,> Songul Demir told NuJINHA.
Following the replacement of the elected mayor of Colemerg with a state-appointed trustee, Songul Demir decided to attend the march. <After the rally in Istanbul, we departed from Tekirdag. We reached Van city center after a 5-day-journey. As women, we are determined to send the trustee back.>
'We departed to send the usurpers away'
Speaking about the march, she said, <This march will last days but we do not feel tired. When my daughter did want to come with me and I brought her with me by holding her hand. She cheers me up by saying, 'You may get tired but I will never get tired'. I told her to stay in Van, but she did not want to. We march and chant slogans together. We do not recognize the trustee appointed against the will of the Kurdish people. We departed to send the usurpers away. We have no intention to leave here without sending them away.>
'We will take the enthusiasm of our march to the city center'
Songul Demir has attended the march as a woman for <both myself and the future of the Kurdish people. The replacement of the elected mayor with a trustee is the violation of the right to elect and be elected. We are here because we do not accept such practice. The Kurdish people will defend their will. We are here to defend our will. We came from Tekirdag to demand justice. We will take the enthusiasm of our march to the city center of Colemerg after six days. I call on all Kurdish people to defend their will.> >>

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024