formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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(Updates June 28, 2024)

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2024: July wk1 -- June wk4 P2 -- June wk4 -- June wk3 -- June wk2 -- June wk1 part2bis --  June wk1 part2 -- June wk1
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overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
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and earlier news

June 27 - 26, 2024
<<The taliban must be prosecuted...
and <<Members of Turkish-backed faction kill child in Gire Spi...
and <<Nahid Shirpisheh beaten in Zanjan prison...
and <<Children in Idlib have to work due to deteriorating living conditions...
and <<Women losing their relatives in ISIS attack: ISIS members must be prosecuted...
and <<Call on women in Libya to use their right to vote in municipal council elections...
and <<Zeynep Erdem’s dream realized by Martyr Jiyan Academy
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

June 25 - 21, 2024
<<143,000 people displaced in Sudan's Darfur State in 3 months...
and <<Mother of femicide victim: Women should not be killed anymore...
and <<397 more Yazidis return to Shengal...
and <<32 prisoners hospitalized in Amed due to food poisoning...
and <<Turkiye: 8 women killed in last 24 hours...
and <<Displaced women in Sudan living under inhumane conditions...
and <<Women of Keleke: They just watched the fire because we are Kurds...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!  

Click here for a dated menu overview 'till June 1 2024 and earlier

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

The taliban must be prosecuted
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 28 , 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<'The Taliban must be prosecuted for torturing women in prison'
The Afghan Women's Movement has published a statement calling on the international community to prosecute the Taliban for torturing women in prison.
News Center- The Afghan Women's Movement has published a statement to mark the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, annually observed on June 26. Women are tortured, subjected to rights violations and oppression in thourcee prisons of the Taliban every day, the statement said. In the statement, the movement called on the international community to <prosecute and punish the officials of the Taliban, a terrorist group, for torturing women, female journalists and human rights activists in the prisons.> Emphasizing the important role of the international community to free women, female journalists and human rights activists from the terrible prisons of the Taliban, the movement said that gender apartheid in Afghanistan should be recognized by the international community.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 27 , 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<Members of Turkish-backed faction kill child in Gire Spi
13-year-old Ibrahim Al-Elan was killed by the members of a Turkish-backed faction in Gire Spi (Tell Abyad) on Thursday.
News Center- Members of a Turkish-backed faction killed Ibrahim Al-Elan (13) and injured his father in Gire Spi (Tell Abyad), a town controlled by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions in North and East Syria. The shopkeepers in the town closed their shutters to protest the killing of the child.>>

Elif Akgul

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 27 , 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<Journalist Elif Akgul acquitted of terrorism charges
Journalist Elif Akgul, who stood trial on charges of <Propagandizing for a (terrorist) organization> for her social media posts, has been acquitted.
News Center- The second hearing of the trial against journalist Elif Akgül over terrorism charges for her social media posts was held on Thursday at the Istanbul 13th High Criminal Court. Elif Akgül and Emine Ozhasar and Muhammed Unsal, two lawyers of the Law Unit of the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) were present at the hearing.
Prosecution requested prison sentence
During the first hearing, the prosecution submitted the opinion, requesting a prison sentence for the journalist on charges of <Propagandizing for a (terrorist) organization>. At the second hearing, the prosecution repeated its opinion. <There were no elements of the propaganda crime in my posts. I am innocent, I demand my acquittal,> the journalist said in her defense.
'She used her freedom of speech and the press'
<In one of the posts, my client criticized the photograph showing the members of ISIS, considered a terrorist organization by the state, and Turkish soldiers are greeting each other,> lawyer Emine Ozhasar said at the hearing. <In the second post, she used the 'guerrilla' word. My client used her freedom of speech in that post. There were no elements of the propaganda crime in her posts. I demand the acquittal of my client.>
'Living in peace is my constitutional right'
The judge asked Elif Akgul if she wanted to say something more. <Living in peace and opposing war is my constitutional right. I request the court to make a decision that respects the constitutional rights of the citizens of the Republic of Turkiye,> she said. The court has ruled the acquittal of journalist Elif Akgul.>>

Nahid Shirpisheh
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 27 , 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<Nahid Shirpisheh beaten in Zanjan prison
Mona Bakhtiari, sister of Pouya Bakhtiari who was shot and killed in Karaj during the 2019 Iranian protests, announced that her mother, Nahid Shirpisheh, had been beaten in Zanjan prison.
News Center- Mona Bakhtiari, sister of Pouya Bakhtiari who was shot and killed in Karaj during the 2019 Iranian protests, published a video message on Instagram on Wednesday, saying that her mother, Nahid Shirpisheh, had been beaten in Zanjan prison. <Today, I went to the prison to see my mother. However, I found out that she had been assaulted and beaten in prison although judicial and security authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran promised many times that they would release her.> In September 2022, the First Branch of Karaj Revolutionary Court sentenced Nahid Shirpisheh to five years in prison on charges of <assembling and colluding to act against national security> and <propaganda against the state> for seeking justice for her son. In the video message, Mona Bakhtiari expressed her concern about the health condition of her father, Manouchehr Bakhtiari. <He needs to be transferred to the hospital in order to undergo a surgery,> she said, demanding immediate release of her parents.
Mona Bakhtiari was summoned and interrogated by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology two months ago. <The officers asked me to cooperate with them and give them the information about my aunt and uncles but I refused.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 27 , 2024
<<5,890 letters sent to CPT from Switzerland
A total of 5,890 letters have been sent to the CPT from Switzerland as part of the letter-writing campaign launched by the European Kurdish Women's Movement (TJK-E) against the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan.
News Center- The letter-writing campaign launched by the European Kurdish Women's Movement (TJK-E) to prompt the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) to fulfill its responsibility against the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. As part of the campaign, thousands of letters have been sent to the CPT from many cities and towns of Switzerland such as Lausanne, Geneva, Sion, Zurich, Basel, Winterthur, Aarau, St. Gallen, Chur, Lucerne and Lausanne. On Wednesday, the members of the Martyr Berjin Zenda Women's Council in Bern sent letters to the CPT calling on it to fulfill its responsibility against the isolation. A total of 5,890 letters have been sent to the CPT from Switzerland until now.>>

Children in Idlib have to work
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 27 , 2024 - by HADEEL Al-OMAR
<<Children in Idlib have to work due to deteriorating living conditions
Due to deteriorating living conditions and poverty, many children have to drop out of school and work. Psychologist Safaa Al-Mandil says children should continue their education instead of working.
Idlib- Many children in the city of Idlib, occupied by the Turkish state and its armed faction Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), have to work in order to earn a living for their families due to poverty, displacement and deteriorating living conditions. Mahab Al-Younis (11) is one of the children, who dropped out of school to earn a living. <I was hungry and looking for something to eat,> he said. <Then, I saw this nursery and looked for something such as hibiscus, watercress, and other things to eat. When the owner of the nursery saw me, he understood that I was hungry and offered to work with him. I work for a daily meal and a low weekly wage.> Mahab Al-Younis is responsible for planting, watering and growing the plants at the nursery. Putting soil in a black bag with a group of children, he said, <We put the seeds in bags after soaking them in water for a while. We care for them until they grow and become ready for sale. We display them in front of the nursery so that everyone can see them.>
'It makes me forget all the tragedies I have experienced'
Baraa Muhamid (10) also works at the nursery to support her displaced family living in one of the IDPs camps in Idlib. <We put soil in bags, clear the weeds and water plants,> she told us. <I have been stung by a scorpion twice while working. I could have died if I had not been transferred to a hospital immediately. But I also enjoy working. I feel peaceful among jasmines, carnations, roses, basils, rosemary and ornamental trees. Working here makes me forget all the tragedies I have experienced at the camp.>
'Child labor must be stopped'
Many families in Idlib, especially displaced families, allow their children to work because they live in extreme poverty, said psychologist Safaa Al-Mandil. <Children face many risks while working. Children working in agriculture due to deadly insects and reptiles and chemical pesticides. Their families should be economically supported. Awareness-raising activities should be carried out for their families because child labor must be stopped. Children should continue their education instead of working.> >>

Women losing their relatives in ISIS attack
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 27 , 2024 - by SORGUL ŞEXO
<<Women losing their relatives in ISIS attack: ISIS members must be prosecuted
<Our wound has not healed, it is still bleeding. We demand the prosecution of ISIS members by an international tribunal,> said women, who lost their relatives in an ISIS attack on Til Temir nine years ago.
Hasakah- Til Temir, also known as Tell Tamer, is a town of Hasakah, northeastern Syria. Due to its strategic location, it has been subjected to genocidal attacks many times. One of these attacks occurred after three truck bombs targeted a public market, Palestine bazaar and a hospital belonging to the Heyva Sor a Kurd (Kurdish Red Crescent) on December 10, 2015. More than 60 people, including doctors, nurses and children, were killed and more than 100 injured in the attacks. On October 20, 2012, the town was liberated from ISIS by the People's Defense Units (YPG).
NuJINHA spoke to the women, who lost their relatives in the attacks that took place in the town on December 10, 2015.
Şemsa Saede lost her sister and two relatives in the attack on the hospital belonging to the Heyva Sor a Kurd. <My sister was a nurse at the hospital. When ISIS attacked the hospital, my two relatives were also at the hospital, visiting my sister. I lost my sister and two relatives in the attack. That day was a dark day for me. Til Temir is a small town but Kurdish, Arab and Syriac people live together there. They fought together to liberate their town from ISIS.>
'We demand the prosecution of ISIS members'
Although nine years have passed since the attack, Şemsa Saede remembers it as if it were yesterday. <Our wound has not healed, it is still bleeding. As the relatives of the martyrs, we demand the prosecution of ISIS members by an international tribunal. Whenever I look at their pictures on the wall, I remember that day. The Turkish attacks on our region continue. Erdoğan should not be happy because we will never leave our homeland.>
'We have not found the dead body of my brother for nine years'
Şexa Şermux, an Arab woman in Til Temir, lost her brother in the attacks on the town in 2015. <The bloodiest attacks on the town occurred in 2015. The attacks targeted Syriac, Kurdish and Arab people,> she told us. <My brother was killed in one of the three truck bombs that targeted the hospital in 2015. We have not found the dead body of my brother for nine years. My brother was at the hospital to visit my sister, who worked as a nurse at the hospital.> Şexa Şermux also demands the prosecution of ISIS members by an international tribunal for their crimes against humanity. <ISIS targeted civilians, including children and women in its attacks.> >>
Source incl. video:

Emine Şenyaşar
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 26 , 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<Emine Şenyaşar faces another legal case
Another case has been filed against Emine Şenyaşar, who has been seeking justice for years, for allegedly <insulting> police officers. The first hearing will be held on November 5.
News Center- Emine Şenyaşar has been demanding justice for her husband and two sons, who were murdered in the attack carried out by the relatives and bodyguards of former AKP Urfa MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız in the Suruç (Kurdish: Pirsus) district of Urfa province on June 14, 2018. She held a sit-in protest in front of the Urfa Courthouse for 846 days to demand justice for her killed relatives. Then, she began to hold her sit-in protest in front of the building of the Ministry of Justice in Ankara. According to the received reports, another legal case has been filed against her for allegedly <insulting> police officers. On October 7, 2022, Emine Şenyaşar reacted to police officers removing the banner reading, <Justice for the Şenyaşar family, justice for everyone>. During the incident, the police officers beat her son Ferit Şenyaşar and Emine Şenyaşar reacted to the police officers for beating her son. After the incident, her son Ferit Şenyaşar filed a criminal complaint against the police officers. Then, Melike Ayyıldız, one of the police officers, filed a criminal complaint against Emine Şenyaşar, accusing Emine Şenyaşar of <insulting her> and <resisting and preventing her from doing her duty>. An indictment was prepared against Emine Şenyaşar. In the indictment, the prosecution demands a prison sentence of up to three years on charges of <resisting> police officers and a prison sentence of up to two years on charges of <insulting> police officers. The first hearing of the trial will be held on November 5, 2024.>>

Call on women in Libya
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 26 , 2024 - by HINDIYA AL-ASHEPY
<<Call on women in Libya to use their right to vote in municipal council elections
Libyan activists call on women to use their right to vote in the municipal council elections to be held in the country. <You have the right to elect and be elected, you should not neglect it.>
Benghazi- The High National Elections Commission (HNEC) in Libya announced the opening of the voter registration process for the municipal council elections on June 9, 2024. Then, it announced that the voter registration process was extended until July 7 upon the demands of NGOs and citizens. The number of voters registered for the first group municipal elections (for 60 municipalities) reached 83,154.
'More women can be included in the election process'
In an interview with NuJINHA, Libyan political activist Shem Boufana talked about the activities aiming at increasing women’s participation in the elections. <NGOs and activists have been carrying out awareness-raising activities about voter registration and how women can cast their votes,> she said. <More women can be included in the election process, especially for metropolitan municipalities.> Shem Baoufana thinks that Libya's Law No.59 should be amended after the municipal council elections. <This law should be amended to increase women’s participation in mayoral elections.>
'Women should make their voices heard'
Asmaa Fadlallah Mansour, member of the Gathering Our Goal for Libya and the Elections, thinks that Libyan women should be encouraged to elect and be elected. <Since the opening of the voter registration process for the municipal council elections, NGOs have been carrying out awareness-raising activities. Women attending these activities learn their rights and roles in the elections. Women should cast their votes in the municipal council elections to make their voices heard.> Asmaa Fadlallah Mansour emphasized that more activities should be carried out for women, especially women living in rural areas to encourage them in casting their votes. <Various social activities such as meetings, workshops and seminars should be organized. Women have the capacity to hold the position in the municipal councils,> she said, calling on women in Libya to participate in all elections. <You have the right to elect and be elected, you should not neglect it.> >>
Source incl. videos:

Zeynep Erdem
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 26 , 2024 - by NUPELDA DENIZ
<<Zeynep Erdem’s dream realized by Martyr Jiyan Academy
The dream of Zeynep Erdem, who was killed in an attack by the KDP in Atrush was to educate women. The Martyr Jiyan Academy opened in the Makhmour refugee camp 21 years ago aims to realize her dream.
Makhmour- The Martyr Jiyan Academy was opened in the Makhmour Martyr Rustem Cudi Camp (Makhmour Refugee Camp) in 2003 to realize the dream of Zeynep Erdem, also known as 'Jiyan', who was killed by the peshmerga of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in the Atrush camp on September 13, 1995. The academy has provided education to women and children for 21 years. Born in Sivas in 1967, Zeynep Erdem completed her university education in Ankara. In 1998, she joined the Kurdish Freedom Movement, adopting the philosophy of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan based on freedom for both women and society. Between 1993 and 1994, Zeynep Erdem was in Botan, a Kurdish region in southeastern Turkey, and then went to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In 1995, she returned to Botan, Atrush Camp. At the camp, Zeynep Erdem carried out education programs for women.
KDP attacked people
Between 1993 and 1994, thousands of people were displaced in Botan by the attacks of the Turkish state. They set up tents in Geliye Qiyamete (Doomsday Valley); however, they were subjected to the attacks of the KDP there. The KDP peshmerga blocked the entry of food and medical supplies to the camp and on September 13, 1995, the people of the Atrush camp held a march to protest the KDP. The KDP peshmerga attacked the people, killing Zeynep Erdem and injuring seven people. The women of the Makhmour refugee camp opened the Martyr Jiyan Academy in 2003 in the memory of Zeynep Erdem.
NuJINHA spoke to Bêrivan Işlek, a member of the academy, about their activities.
'She made great efforts for her people'
<The academy was opened in 2003 in the memory of martyr Zeynep Erdem. The Atrush camp was built in 1995. The KDP forces imposed a siege on the camp and surrounded it. The people of the camp held a march to protest the siege. Comrade Jiyan made great efforts of the people in the camp. She also played a leading role in the camp. While people were protesting the siege, the KDP forces opened fire on them, killing comrade Jiyan and injuring many people.>
Her dream has been realized by the academy
Pointing out that Zeynep Erdem cared about women's education, Berivan Işlek said, <The people, who lived and worked with Jiyan, say that she attached great importance to women's education. They say that Jiyan always wanted women to be educated, learn how to read and write. The Martyr Jiyan Academy was opened in the Makhmour refugee camp in 2003 in memory of Jiyan (Zeynep Erdem) in order to realize her dream.>
Education programs
The academy has carried out education programs for women and children in the camp since 2003. <80 percent of the women in the camp received education at the Martyr Jiyan Academy. The academy provides courses lasting 25 days, 45 days and 60 days. Women of all ages participate in the courses. The academy also provides reading and writing courses in Kurdish and Arabic to women and children. We also provide sport activities for them.>
'Our main duty is to educate women against attacks'
As the Martyr Jiyan Academy, our main duty is to educate women against attacks, Berivan Işlek stressed, adding, <We provide training courses to women about health, history, wealth, self-defense, self-confidence and women's freedom. The door of the academy is open to everyone.>
'We must realize her dream'
Berivan Işlek told us that they would continue to <realize the dream of Zeynep Erdem. We must realize her dream by being determined to educate ourselves, our families and our society.> >>
Source incl. video:

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024