formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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(Updates June 21, 2024)

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overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
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June 20 - 14, 2024
<<Sick prisoner Ozgur Ozbek loses her hearing in left ear...
and <<HEI: Almost 2,000 children die every day from air pollution...
and <<Banner hung on ferry to protest appointment of trustee to municipality in Hakkari...
and <<'Feminism is not just an ideology'...
and <<Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Narges Mohammadi Sentenced to Prison again for <Propaganda Against the State>...
and <<Forced to flee: Exiled journalists face unsafe passage and transnational repression...
and <<First women's poetry festival held in Halabja...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Next update Wednesday June 23, 20.00 hours GMT

June 13 - 11, 2024
<<ISIG: 139 workers died at workplaces in May...
and <<Turkish prosecutor requests prison sentence for journalist Dicle Muftuoglu...
and <<2,000 hectares of cultivated land, 19,000 trees burned in Turkish attacks on NE Syria...
and <<Women confined to home by 'morality police' in occupied Idlib...
and <<Maryam Zalaki released on bail...
and <<Women build common life in Jinwar...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Click here for a dated menu overview 'till June 1 2024 and earlier

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

91 migrants rescued
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 20 , 2024
<<91 migrants rescued off Moroccan coast
The Moroccan navy rescued 91 irregular migrants off the Dakhla coast on Wednesday.
News Center- The Moroccan Royal Armed Forces announced in a written statement that the Moroccan navy rescued 91 irregular migrants off Dakhla coast on Wednesday. The migrants, all from sub-Saharan countries, were handed over to the Royal Moroccan Gendarmerie for standard administrative procedures after receiving first aid care, the statement said. Morocco has become a transit hub for migrants aiming to reach Europe, hoping for a better life.>>

Ozge Ozbek
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 20 , 2024 - MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Sick prisoner Ozgur Ozbek loses her hearing in left ear
Ozgur Ozbek, diagnosed with multiple brain tumors, has lost her hearing in left ear. <All sick prisoners should be released,> said her spouse, Ozgur Ozbek.
Amed (Diyarbakır)- In 2011, Ozgur Ozbek was sentenced to six years and three months in prison by the Ankara 11th High Criminal Court on charges of “membership in an illegal organization. She was arrested and sent to prison after her prison sentence was upheld by the Turkish Supreme Court. Diagnosed with multiple brain tumors, she underwent an open brain surgery; however, the Forensic Medicine Institution prepared a report saying 'She can stay in prison'. Her health has been deteriorating because she cannot receive regular treatment in the prison.
She has lost her hearing in left ear
On December 24, 2021, the Darıca Training and Research Hospital Health Board prepared a report saying that she could not stay in prison after her prison sentence was upheld by the Turkish Supreme Court. However, the Forensic Medicine Institution in Istanbul prepared a new report saying, <She can stay in prison>. Ozgur Ozbek has been held in Sincan Women's Closed Prison in Ankara although she suffers from multiple brain tumors and epilepsy. She suffers from constant headaches and loss of balance and she has lost her hearing in left ear, her spouse, Ozgur Ozbek, told NuJINHA.
<Sick political prisoners are not released and this is a method of torture,> Ozgur Ozbek said, giving information about Ozgur Ozbek. <She cannot hear anything in her left ear now. She also suffers from constant headaches. She is given painkillers when she suffers from headaches. Unfortunately, she cannot receive appropriate treatment in the prison. She should undergo another surgery but Ozge does not want to undergo surgery under prison conditions. She also suffers from weight loss and difficulty in walking and speaking. Her treatment lasts very long. Having an MRI takes months and taking the result of the MRI takes months.
'There is an increase and growth in tumors'
Although Ozgur Ozbek needs urgent treatment, she has to wait for months to receive an appropriate treatment in prison, Ozgur Ozbek stressed, adding, <There is an increase and growth in tumors. She should always be under physician control. If she does not receive an appropriate treatment, the tumors will cause irreparable damage.>
'Sick prisoners are not released until they are on their deathbed'
Calling for more effective steps to be taken for sick prisoners, Ozgur Ozbek said, <We are very afraid of receiving a phone call from the prison at any moment. All sick prisoners should be immediately released so that they will be able to receive appropriate treatment. Although our lawyers requested the release of Ozge many times, their requests were rejected due to the policies against political prisoners. Today, there are hundreds of sick prisoners and they are not released from prison until they are on their deathbed. I call on everyone, especially politicians and intellectuals, to raise their voices and demand the release of sick prisoners.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 20 , 2024
<<Turkish bombardment sparks fire on Mount Metina
A fire broke out on Mount Metina in Duhok province following a Turkish airstrike targeting farmlands and trees on Tuesday.
News Center- A fire broke out in Kane and Segiri villages located on Mount Metina in Duhok province of Southern Kurdistan on Tuesday. Farmlands of villagers and hundreds of trees have been burned in the fire. According to the reports, the fire has not been brought under control yet while the villagers try to extinguish the fire with their own means.>>

Children die every day from air pollution
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 19 , 2024
<<HEI: Almost 2,000 children die every day from air pollution
Almost 2,000 children under five years old die because of health impacts linked to air pollution, according to the State of Global Air (SoGA) report released Wednesday by the Health Effects Institute (HEI).
News Center- Air pollution accounted for 8.1 million deaths globally in 2021, becoming the second leading risk factor for death, including for children under five years, according to the State of Global Air (SoGA) report released Wednesday by the Health Effects Institute (HEI). Air pollution is now the second biggest killer globally, overtaking tobacco use, and second only to high blood pressure, as a risk factor for death among the general population. Among children under five, air pollution is second only to malnutrition as a risk factor in mortality. The State of Global Air report 2024 published by the HEI in partnership with UNICEF shows that the air pollution-linked death rate in children under the age of five in East, West, Central and Southern Africa is 100 times higher than their counterparts in high income countries. <Despite progress in maternal and child health, every day almost 2000 children under five years old die because of health impacts linked to air pollution,> said UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Kitty van der Heijden. <Our inaction is having profound effects on the next generation, with lifelong health and well-being impacts. The global urgency is undeniable. It is imperative governments and businesses consider these estimates and locally available data and use it to inform meaningful, child-focused action to reduce air pollution and protect children's health.> >>

Banner protest
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 19 , 2024
<<Banner hung on ferry to protest appointment of trustee to municipality in Hakkari
The members of the People's Democratic Congress (HDK) hung a banner reading, <Trustee, Go Away> on a ferry in Istanbul to protest the appointment of a trustee to the municipality in Colemerg (Hakkari).
Istanbul- The members of the People's Democratic Congress (HDK) hung a banner reading, <Trustee, Go Away> to protest on a ferry in Istanbul to protest the replacement of the elected mayor of Colemerg (Hakkari) with a state-appointed trustee. On June 3,2024, Mehmet Sıddık Akış, the elected Co-mayor of Colemerg (Hakkari), was detained, removed from office and replaced with a state-appointed trustee.>>

2 Women and Feminism
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 19 , 2024 - ZOUHOUR MECHERGUI
<<'Feminism is not just an ideology'
Although Tunisian women have achieved many important gains, they are still invisible in philosophy.
Tunisia- Women philosophers still have to prove themselves by making great efforts. <The feminist movement in Tunisia is a long-standing and well-known movement in the world. It paves the way for women to achieve many gains,> Hadamy Mahjoub, a Tunisian women's rights activist and philosophy professor, said while talking about the status of feminism in Tunisia.
'Proportion of seats held by women in the parliament has declined'
<Since 2011, some believe that the environment with more freedoms has allowed women to be more active. Since the Tunisian revolution, feminist works have declined due to Islamists. Proportion of seats held by women in the parliament has declined. In the recent local elections, the principle of gender parity was violated. Despite slogans, the reality is different. There is a rise in gender-based violence due to several factors.> Hadamy Mahjoub thinks that feminist movement is a continuous movement and its history written by Tunisian women with their resistance cannot be changed. <However, Tunisian women's gains are always threatened. The feminist movement in Tunisia is renewed and developed. Feminism is not just an ideology. We still have a long way to go; we still demand and strive the best. We know that there are forces trying to force us to retreat but we continue to struggle.> Hadamy Mahjoub calls on the current government to protect women rights and support women's organizations, recalling the promulgation of Code of Personal Status (CPS) defending women's rights. <Women should start struggling at their homes by raising their children to respect and believe in women's rights.> Speaking about masculinity in philosophy, she said, <Most of philosophers are men. I think that women philosophers do not want to be visible. They are more interested in research, knowledge, and success than fame. For instance, I feel happy when I talk to my students. I do not care about being famous. Men have more time than women and they devote themselves only to intellectual work at a certain age.> Dr. Soumaya Boussaid, biotechnology researcher, believes that women in philosophy must be strongly present in order for the research journey to be considered feminist in the current era, stressing that biotechnology plays a dynamic role in improving the challenges regarding human health and welfare. She currently works to publish a book on feminist bioethics. <The world has suffered from global warming and climate change due to lack of knowledge of what we should use and how to make the Earth better. Women are the most affected by the consequences of global warming and climate change.> She also mentioned women's underrepresentation in politics. <We need their effective role in politics,> she said, talking about the concept of feminist philosophy. <We are human beings, who defend the universe and humans. There is no gender in defending the universe. We demand equality in all facets of life because we are able to write, think and take control of things. We are the best.> >>
Source and videos:

Narges Mohammadi
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 18 June 2024
<<Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Narges Mohammadi Sentenced to Prison again for <Propaganda Against the State>
Human rights activist and 2023 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi, currently imprisoned in Tehran's Evin Prison, has been sentenced to an additional one-year prison sentence by Iran's judicial system. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, Narges Mohammadi, a political prisoner, was recently sentenced to an additional year in prison by Branch 29 of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court in Tehran on charges of <propaganda against the state.> Mustafa Nili, the lawyer of Narges Mohammadi, noted that the recent sentence was influenced by her comments about Ms. Dina Qalibaf, her letter advocating a boycott of the parliamentary elections, and her correspondence with the parliaments of Sweden and Norway. The latest hearing for the charges against Narges Mohammadi, who has been previously convicted three times for her reports on the abuse of women, was conducted in absentia on June 8, 2024, marking the fourth time she was tried without being present. Over the past three years, Narges Mohammadi has faced trial six times in the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary and criminal courts. She has been sentenced to a total of thirteen years and three months in prison, 154 lashes, exile, and four months of mandated street sweeping. Narges Mohammadi has previously been repeatedly arrested by Iranian security agencies and was sentenced by Judge Salvati to 16 years in prison, with 10 years to be served. She was released in 2019 under a law reducing prison sentences and with court approval. The following year, she faced additional charges including <propaganda against the state,> participating in a <sit-in at the prison office,> <disobedience to prison authorities,> <destruction of windows,> and <defamation.> As a result, she received a sentence of 80 lashes, 30 months in prison, and fines, which were enforced in November 2021.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 19 , 2024
<<Mukaddes Kubilay released from prison
Mukaddes Kubilay, former Co-mayor of Agrı, has been released from prison.
News Center- Mukaddes Kubilay, former Co-mayor of Ağrı from the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), was released from Sincan Women's Closed Prison on Tuesday. She was welcomed by her family, Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Ağrı MP Sırrı Sakık and the members of the DEM Party and women. Making a short speech in front of the prison, Mukaddes Kubilay said, <Nine prisoners, five of whom have been imprisoned for 30 years, should be released from prison; however, they are not released. I hope this injustice will end soon so that our friends will regain their freedom.> >>

CPJ Committee to Protect Journalists - June 18, 2024 - by By Lucy Westcott/CPJ Emergencies Director
<<<<Forced to flee: Exiled journalists face unsafe passage and transnational repression
Threats, repression, conflict, and unrest: across the world, these and other factors are pushing journalists into exile in record numbers. In a striking development, exiled or soon-to-be exiled journalists now make up more than half of the people CPJ assists. Between January and June 2024, CPJ provided financial support to 158 journalists; 101, or about 64% of these people had fled their home countries or were in the process of fleeing from countries such as Myanmar, Nicaragua, and Sudan. Overall, CPJ's exile support to members of the press grew by 227% between 2020 and 2023.
These figures demonstrate the dire needs of journalists in exile, and the bitter reality that exile is not the end of a journalist’s problems but in many cases just the beginning.
Iran, one of the world's top 10 jailers of journalists in 2023, is a country from which journalists flee, but also a country to which some journalists, including many from Afghanistan, have fled. A violent and sustained crackdown on the press in 2022 following the death of a young woman,

Jina Amini
Mahsa Amini, in morality police custody, compounded the already repressive environment for the media in Iran. Journalists there face numerous push factors to flee: raids on their newsrooms, lengthy pretrial detention, and arrest. Over the past four years, CPJ has provided exile and relocation support to 19 Iranian journalists who moved to Turkey, Pakistan, Georgia, and several European countries. For journalists fleeing Iran, options for safe refuge are limited. One of the main relocation countries, Turkey, is an unsafe environment and also featured in CPJ's list of the 10 worst jailers in 2023. Turkey is also a refuge for journalists fleeing Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq, but many remain stuck in limbo there, often for years, without the ability to work legally as they wait for visas to safer countries. The threat of forced deportation looms: In 2019, Turkish intelligence agents arrested an Iranian journalist who was a registered refugee with the U.N. and extradited him to Iran, where he was ultimately imprisoned. (Iran and Turkey had recently strengthened their cooperation in border security and law enforcement.) One Iranian journalist in Turkey described life in exile in a 2021 interview as <filled with fears and concerns.>
Even in <safe> countries, Iran's journalists face threats to their lives. In April 2024, Iran International journalist Pouria Zeraati was stabbed outside of his home in London. The latest in a wave of cross-border attacks, Zeraati’s targeting comes after a plot to assassinate two other Iran International news anchors in London-Sima Sabet and Fardad Farahzad-was uncovered late last year. In 2021 in the United States, the FBI uncovered a plot to kidnap Iranian journalist
Masih Alinejad. The families of exiled Iranian journalists are also routinely targeted in Iran.
Options for Afghan journalists fleeing their country's violent crackdown on the media are limited. Hundreds of journalists have left Afghanistan in the three years since the Taliban retook control of the country in 2021 and began attacking and imprisoning members of the press. Since the Taliban takeover, CPJ has assisted more than 100 Afghan journalists with exile and relocation support. Afghan journalists typically have a hard time acquiring visas to safe countries, most often fleeing to bordering Pakistan and Iran, which offer little support, safety, or opportunity for resettlement. Pakistan, like Iran, is an unsafe environment for the press as Pakistani journalists are currently facing a fresh wave of violence. CPJ documented shooting attacks on three journalists in two separate incidents in May, which followed the killing of four Pakistani journalists that month, the highest number of journalists killed in the South Asian country in any single month since CPJ began collecting data in 1992. In April, exiled journalist Ahmad Hanayesh, who owned two radio stations in Afghanistan before he fled to Pakistan, was shot by two gunmen on a motorcycle, sustaining injuries to his head and foot. Journalists who fled from Afghanistan to Pakistan after the 2021 Taliban takeover routinely face hunger, lack of work opportunities, and the threat of deportation as visas expire with no way to renew them. As the Taliban continues its crackdown on the country’s media, shutting down broadcasters and detaining radio journalists for playing music and talking to female callers, Afghans are traveling thousands of miles to escape death, violence, and repression. Afghans have even tried to traverse the dangerous Darién Gap, which connects North and South America, to try to find safe refuge in the U.S. Afghanistan is also a top-seven country of origin for refugees crossing the English Channel in small boats, according to the U.K. Refugee Council. Until more safe pathways out of immediate danger are established, more emergency visas are made available, and harbor countries take the threat of transnational repression seriously, exiled journalists will continue to make dangerous journeys, and will likely continue to face threats once they reach what should be a place of safety.>>
Read more here also about other countries and incl. videos:

First womens poetry festival
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 14 , 2024
<<First women's poetry festival held in Halabja
The Women's Poetry Festival was held in Halabja on Thursday for the first time with the motto, <Women are stars shining among the clouds.>
Halabja- The Women's poetry Festival was held in the city of Halabja, the Kurdistan Region, on Thursday for the first time with the motto, <Women are stars shining among the clouds.> <This festival is the first festival in its kind in the Kurdistan Region, especially in Halabja,> said Hataw Muhammad, a poet participating in the festival. <I am happy to participate in the festival and to meet many women poets.> <Women are the foundation of everything; at their home and in their society,> said Tarifa Amini, who participated in the festival from the city of Mahabad in Eastern Kurdistan with a song. Khamkin Kusari, poet from the city of Sulaymaniyah, also participated in the festival. <Such festivals are important to highlight the role of women in literature and poetry.> At the festival, eight women poets read their poems and awards were given to the participants.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 14 , 2024
<<Comedian detained for forcibly holding woman at his home
Comedian Hasan Can Kaya was detained after a woman claimed that he did not allow her to leave his home.
News Center-Comedian Hasan Can Kaya was detained after a 23-year-old woman claimed that he had not allowed her to leave his home.
According to the received report, the young woman attended a graduation party of a private university in Istanbul and met comedian Hasan Can Kaya. She went to his home in Levent, Istanbul. When the young woman wanted to leave his home, he did not allow her and forcibly held her at his home. Police detained the comedian after the young woman reported her situation to her friends. Hasan Can Kaya was released since the woman did not file a criminal complaint against him.>>

Childrens Jin Jyan Azadi
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 14 , 2024 - by SORGUL ŞEXO
<<Children of Rojava get ready for their festival
The Hilala Zerin Cultural Movement will organize a three-day Children's Art Festival in Til Temir (Tell Tamer) in September 2024.
Hasakah-The Hilala Zerin Cultural Movement organizes a Children’s Art Festival every year in September 2024, in cooperation with the Culture and Arts Board of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES). The three-day festival aims to improve children's skills.
In an interview with NuJINHA, Reşa Elo, member of the Hilala Zerin Cultural Movement in the Til Temir (Tell Tamer) town of Jazira Canton, gave information about the festival.
Children to participate in festival after nine months of education
The festival will be a colorful and multicultural festival, Reşa Elo said, adding that the children would participate in the festival after nine months of education. <We educate children so that they can show their colors in all facets of life. Our children are the seedlings of today and the trees of tomorrow. We should raise free children if we want to build a free and democratic society. One of the aims of our movement is to raise children having free and democratic thoughts. Art plays an important role in education and improving the skills of children. We make efforts to teach children how art and culture are important. Children receive art education with children from different nations and religions.>
'We have learned the culture of love for our country and patriotism from leader Apo'
The Hilala Zerin Cultural Movement and the Mesopotamia Movement have become a school for culture and art in Rojava, Reşa Elo emphasized, saying, <Kurdish and Arab children come to our center to learn more about their culture. They learn their culture and history through songs. In addition, children learn how to respect other cultures and that each nation has its own language, culture and art. We want to raise children with culture and art so that they will build a free and democratic society when they grow up. We have learned the culture of love for our country and patriotism from leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan) and we teach this culture to our children. We work hard to increase our members to build confidence in children, to break the walls of fear and liberate them. At our centers, children learn the songs, games and dances of every nation in Mesopotamia.>
'Hilala Zerin plays an important role in improving children's mental health'
Reminding the ongoing Turkish attacks that affect the psychology of children, Reşa Elo said, <The Hilala Zerin plays an important role in improving children's mental health by organizing art activities. Despite the war and attacks, we still have hope. We know how children are affected by the war and make great effort for them. Sometimes, we organize activities for children at the centers to raise their morale and love each other more. We should channel all our energy for raising children, because we will reap what we sow.> We must be able to educate our children even more so that we can raise free children, Reşa Elo emphasized. <We also must be patient. We dedicate the Children's Art Festival that we will hold in September to leader Abdullah Ocalan, the people of North and East Syria and all their children.> >>
Source incl. video:

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024