formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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(Updates June 18, 2024)

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overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
Click here for actual updates - Updated July 17, 2024

July 17 - 15, 2024
<<More than 10 million people displaced by war in Sudan...
and <<Female Co-mayors meet with women: We need your ideas...
and <<'We have built a common life thanks to the revolution in Rojava'...
and <<Gambia parliament rejects bill to end ban on FGM...
and <<Sarah Al Amiri appointed as UAE's Minister of Education...
and <<Women's Economy aims to increase women's employment with its projects...
and <<Yazidi women: They try to hide the truth by attacking journalists...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Next update Saturday July 20th.


July 12 - 10, 2024
<<'The revolution has opened the door to freedom for women'...
and <<Social media campaign by Iraqi activists & journalists against Turkish attacks...
and <<Raids conducted by HTS in Idlib scare children and women...
and <<Over 10 million Iraqis living in poverty...
and <<Journalists in Shengal condemn Turkish drone attack targeting journalists...
and <<Precedent in femicide case: Man sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Click here for June wk3

 Click here for a dated menu overview

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

10 million people displaced in Sudan
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 17 , 2024
<<More than 10 million people displaced by war in Sudan
More than 10 million Sudanese, or 20% of the population, have been driven from their homes since the war there began, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Tuesday.
News Center- The ongoing war that started between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in 2023 has left half the population of about 50 million facing a hunger crisis and in need of humanitarian aid, the most of any country. More than 10 million Sudanese, or 20% of the population, have been driven from their homes since the war there began, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Tuesday. More than 2.2 million people have fled to other countries since the war began, while almost 7.8 million sought refuge inside the country, the IOM said in its report on Sudan. <Hunger has replaced violence as the largest driver of migration from Darfur, where they face difficulty delivering aid,> UN experts say. In recent weeks, Sudan's Rapid Support Forces (RSF) attacked towns across Sennar state, which neighbors Gedaref state and where more than 40,000 refugees from Ethiopia are currently hosted, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) on July 10, 2024.>>

Female Co-mayors meet with women
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 17 , 2024
<<Female Co-mayors meet with women: We need your ideas
Serra Bucak, Co-mayor of the Amed Metropolitan Municipality, and Fatma Gulan Onkol, Co-mayor of the Sur Municipality met with women and heard their demands.
News Center- Serra Bucak, Co-mayor of the Amed Metropolitan Municipality, and Fatma Gulan Onkol, Co-mayor of the Sur Municipality, Zerin Turk, deputy Secretary-General of the Amed Metropolitan Municipality, and Ozden Gurbuz, head of the Directorate of Women and Family Services, organized a <Women's Gathering> at the Mardin Gate, one of the four main gates of Amed (Diyarbakır) Fortress, to hear the demands of women.
'We need your ideas and criticism'
Many women attended the women's gathering held at the Women's Life Center near the Mardin Gate. Our city has suffered from the destruction caused by the state-appointed trustees for eight years, Fatma Gulan Onkol said at the gathering. <The destruction has affected the whole city, especially women. We need your ideas and criticism to eliminate the effects of the destruction. We need to know what women demand for themselves and from the municipalities. We came here to discuss these issues with you and hear your demands.>
Women voiced their demands
The women attending the gathering demanded more courses be organized by the Women's Life Center, solutions to the problems faced by them in their neighborhoods such as garbage, transportation and neighborhood markets and fight against drug use. Noting the demands of women, Co-mayors emphasized that they would increase the capacity of the Women's Life Center to meet their demands.>>

South Sudan children
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 17 , 2024
<<South Sudan aims to vaccinate 250,000 children to protect them from malaria
South Sudan has launched the nationwide rollout of the R21 malaria vaccine for over 250,000 children aged 18 months to five years to protect them from malaria.
News Center- The government of South Sudan has launched the nationwide rollout of the R21 malaria vaccine, Health Minister Yolanda Awel Deng said on Tuesday. <Malaria is a major concern for our country. We are committed to reducing the impact of malaria and improving the health outcomes for our children,> she said, adding that the ministry aims to vaccinate over 250,000 children aged 18 months to five years. Ivory Coast on Tuesday became the first country to launch the new R21 malaria vaccine.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 17 , 2024
<<184 families displaced in Iraqi Kurdistan by Turkish military operation, report says
Nine villages have been completely displaced and at least 184 families have been displaced in Iraqi Kurdistan since June 15, 2024, says the newly released report of the Community Peacemaker Teams.
News Center- The Turkish state continues to carry out its attacks on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, evacuating villages and displacing people. On Tuesday, the Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT) released a report on total civilian impact by the latest Turkish military operation in Iraqi Kurdistan between June 15 and July 15, 2024. Nine villages have been completely displaced and at least 184 families have been displaced in Iraqi Kurdistan since June 15, the report said. According to the report, approximately 68,000 dunams of land have been burned. A church, a tahini factory, a car, two water projects, and 19 civilian houses have been damaged or destroyed and a civilian was injured since June 15. <The electricity grids and towers of Bari Gare villages and Miska village have been targeted. Turkish telecommunication equipment and towers have interrupted the networks in the areas of over 110 villages,> the report added. On June 15, the Turkish Armed Forces began a new military operation and offensive in the Berwary Bala area to seize control of Matina Mountain and its surrounding areas with an eye towards gaining control of Gara Mountain. The military operations have been conducted by both ground and aerial forces with the deployment of an estimated 1250 Turkish soldiers, 300 tanks, and intensifying aerial bombardments.
'Many villages have been suffering from ecological damage'
<Many villages in the Amedi and Batifa regions have been suffering from agricultural loss, ecological damage, and intense bombardment. At least 68,000 dunams of forests and agricultural land have been burned. Local farmers used much of the land for harvesting vegetables, fruits, and nuts, which served as a primary source of income for many families in the impacted area,> the report said. <For example, on July 6th, Turkish soldiers were shooting at Dere village in the Zakho region from their base on Shakhol Mountain, which caused a fire that spread for four kilometers. Additionally, Turkey has bombed the village of Guharze, home to 174 families and located 10 km southeast of the city of Amedi, at least 45 times, causing damage to six houses, one vehicle, and an agricultural water project. As a result of the latest operation, there has been one civilian casualty. On July 12, 2024, Nechirwan Hakim was injured by artillery shelling in the Sidakan area while shepherding and tending to his animals. The bombardment originated from the newly established Turkish military base on Shakif Mountain in the Sidakan area. Additionally, the new military bases have imported and constructed telecommunication towers that have disrupted Kurdish telecommunication networks in the areas of over 110 villages, resulting in local residents receiving messages such as 'Goodbye from Iraq' and 'Have a nice trip in Turkey'.> According to the report, Turkiye has built 10 additional military bases and outposts in Iraqi Kurdistan, totaling 74. <The new bases include two in the Nhely area of Amedia, seven in the Batifa area of Zakho, and one in the Sidakan area of Soran. Additionally, the Turkish military has established one checkpoint and at least two temporary checkpoints in the evenings and have been checking the IDs and vehicles of all civilians passing through.> >>

life thanks to the revolution
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 17 , 2024 - by EBIR MUHAMED
<<'We have built a common life thanks to the revolution in Rojava'
Women involved in art and culture in North and East Syria say they have learned various cultures and built a common life thanks to the revolution in Rojava.
Qamishlo- In North and East Syria, where people from different nationalities and cultures live together, the efforts to build an equal life in all facets of life, including military, education and economy, after the Rojava Revolution led by women have become a role model for the whole world. NuJINHA spoke to the women involved in art and culture in the city of Qamishlo about the 12th anniversary of the revolution in Rojava.
'Women from different nationalities supported the revolution'
Kurdish women are today stronger thanks to the philosophy of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan, said Sumeye Mihemed, Co-chair of the Mesopotamia Movement for Democratic Culture and Art of North and East Syria (TEV-ÇAND), stressing that women from different nationalities, including Arab, Syriac, Circassian and Turkmen, supported the revolution. <The revolution in Rojava was definitely a women's revolution. We have built a common life thanks to our martyrs, especially our female martyrs. Women, who could not express their thoughts in the past, have become managers, writers, artists and actors.>
'The revolution gives women the opportunity to protect their rights'
The revolution in Rojava is a victory of women, said Muna Xilewi, member of the Culture and Art Center in the Til Hemis town of Qamishlo, <The revolution gives women the opportunity to participate in all facets of life, including politics, culture and art, education etc. It also gives them the opportunity to demand and protect their rights. North and East Syria is the home of various cultures and people from different nationalities and ethnic groups make great efforts to preserve their culture. Before the revolution, people suffered from racism but today they enjoy equality. We want to learn different languages and cultures.>
'We have built a common life'
Before the revolution, women did not have the right to work, emphasized Megri Serkis, Co-chairman of the Armenian Youth Assembly in Qamishlo. <Before the revolution, women were not allowed to receive education; they could not make decision about their lives and future and express their thoughts. Now, they are leaders in society because women led the Rojava Revolution. Due to oppressive policies in the past, we were unable to be aware of cultural diversity around us; we did not know anything about different cultures and religions. Since the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria was established, people have respected each other. We have built a common life despite our differences thanks to the revolution. Now, we work together and respect each other and learn each other's history and culture.> >>
Source incl. video:

Protests against ban on FGM
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 16 , 2024 -
<<Gambia parliament rejects bill to end ban on FGM
Gambia's parliament rejected a bill that would have ended a ban on female genital mutilation.
News Center- Gambia's parliament on Monday rejected a bill that would have ended a ban on female genital mutilation (FGM). The bill had sparked a public debate about FGM for the first time in the West African country. The procedure of FGM, often performed by health workers in Gambia and sometimes by traditional community practitioners with tools such as razor blades, can cause serious bleeding, death and childbirth complications but remains a widespread practice in parts of Africa. After Gambia's MPs voted against the bill, UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund, UN Women and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights published statements commending the country's decision to uphold the ban on FGM. Over 230 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM), according to a report released by UNICEF on March 8, 2024, International Women’s Day. The report shows that the largest numbers of FGM are in African countries.>>

Şerin Hesen and Mufida Koto
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 16 , 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<'The problems in Syria will be solved by the spirit of July 19'
<We believe that all problems in Syria and in the Middle East will be solved by the spirit of July 19 (Rojava Revolution),> said Şerin Hesen and Mufida Koto, two displaced women of Afrin living in Shahba.
Shahba- 12 years have passed since the revolution in Rojava that started in North and East Syria on July 19, 2012. Following the revolution, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) was established to build a free and equal life in all facets of life, especially in military, politics, education, health, culture, arts and economy. The struggle to build an equal, free and democratic life continues in northeastern Syria despite the ongoing Turkish attacks aiming at destroying the gains of the revolution. In an interview with NuJINHA, Şerin Hesen and Mufida Koto, two displaced women of Afrin living in Shahba, about the gains of the revolution in Rojava. Şerin Hesen, Co-chair of the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) of Afrin and Shahba, commemorated the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the revolution that started thanks to the philosophy of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. <The revolution started in Kobanê and then spread to Afrin and across Rojava Kurdistan. Before the revolution, people from different nationalities lived together; however, the policies of the Damascus (Syrian) government tried to assimilate the Kurds. After the revolution, Mala Gel (People's House) and then Mala Jin (Women's House) were opened. People have rebuilt their lives thanks to the system based on democracy.>
'Everyone was included in the system with his or her own language and culture'
Pointing out that many institutions serving people were opened in Afrin following the revolution, Şêrîn Hesen said, <The people could solve their problems through those institutions. The women’s participation in those institutions was very high. In 2014, the AANES implemented the system based on democracy in North and East Syria, including Afrin. Everyone was included in the system with his or her own language and culture. During the revolution, the women of Afrin took part in military, politics, diplomatic and social life.>
'The first women's science center was opened in Afrin'
Jineology Academy was first opened in Afrin, Şerin Hesen said. <Leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan) first mentioned Jineology (Women's science) in his book titled, 'The Sociology of Freedom'. The opening of the first women's science center in Afrin was the biggest gain of the revolution in Rojava. The Jineology Academy conducted its first research on the historical places in Afrin, which had been neglected by the governments for their own interests. The research revealed the existence of goddesses in history. For this reason, Afrin is known as a city of women.>
'We keep resisting with the spirit of the revolution'
Şerin Hesen pointed out that they kept resisting with the spirit of the revolution despite the displacement. <We are the women of Afrin, who were forcibly displaced from their homeland. We keep resisting in Shahba with the spirit of the revolution and defending the gains of the revolution. We believe that all problems in Syria and in the Middle East will be solved by the spirit of July 19 (Rojava Revolution).>
'My dream comes true'
Mufida Koto, a displaced woman of Afrin and a Kurdish teacher, told us that a school providing education in Kurdish had been opened in Afrin following the revolution. <People had the opportunity to learn their language. We received education in our mother language in the first days of the revolution but we faced many challenges due to the system of the regime that had been established in schools. Establishing a modern system in a society that had been subjected to genocidal policies was not easy. But we did not give up and now we have universities and colleges that provide education in Kurdish. Thanks to the revolution, my dream comes true.> Emphasizing the efforts of the fighters in the revolution, she said, <They sacrificed their lives to have a free country. We will realize their dreams.> >>
Source incl. video:

Sarah Al Amiri
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 15 , 2024 -
<<Sarah Al Amiri appointed as UAE's Minister of Education
Sarah Al Amiri has been appointed as the Minister of Education of the United Arab Emirates.
News Center- Sarah Al Amiri has been appointed as the Ministry of Education of the United Arab Emirates, Dubai's ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum said on social platform X on Sunday. <Today, we announce the integration of the Emirates Schools Establishment (ESE) and the Federal Agency of Early Education with the Ministry of Education and the appointment of Sarah Al Amiri as the UAE's Minister of Education,> he said. Of Baluch descent, Sarah Al Amiri was born in Iran before her family emigrated to the UAE. She studied computer science at the American University of Sharjah, earning bachelor's and master's degrees. She started her career in the field of space technology at the Emirates Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, where she worked as a program engineer on the UAE's first satellites, Dubai Sat-1 and Dubai Sat-2. In 2016, she was appointed as the head of the Emirates Scientist Council and she was appointed as the chairperson of the UAE Council for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in 2018. In 2022, she was appointed as Minister of State for Public Education and Future Technology and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Schools Establishment.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 15 , 2024 -
<<Remains of 139 suspected ISIS victims recovered in Mosul
The remains of 139 suspected victims of ISIS have been removed from a mass grave in Mosul, Iraqi authorities said on Sunday.
News Center- The remains of 139 people have been removed from the Alo Antar hole, a natural desert feature allegedly turned into a mass grave by ISIS, Iraqi authorities said on Sunday. The Alo Antar hole is located in Tal Afar, some 70 kilometres west of Mosul in northern Iraq. <The victims were not buried but dumped in the hole whose full depth ranges between 42 and 12 meters,> said Ahmed al-Assadi from the Foundation of Martyrs. <Some of the victims had been shot and others were found with their throats cut.> >>

Asya Osman
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 15 , 2024 - by ZEYNEB ISA
<<Women's Economy aims to increase women's employment with its projects
The Women's Economy of the Kongra Star has opened a furniture store named <Star Furniture Store> in Derik to increase women's participation in the labor force and achieve their economic independence.
Derik- The Women's Economy of the Kongra Star develops projects to increase women’s participation in the labor force in Dêrik (Al-Malikiyah), a city in Jazira Canton of North and East Syria. It opened a furniture store named 'Star' in the city two months ago to promote women’s economic empowerment. NuJINHA spoke to Asya Osman, member of the Women's Economy, about the store.
'We aim to promote women's economic empowerment'
<We opened the store to increase women's participation in the labor force,> Asya Osman said, adding, <We have already put many agricultural projects into practice and now we aim to promote women’s participation in the business. We have rented the building to open a furniture store for a long time. Despite financial difficulties, we managed to open it two months ago. Women make furniture in the city of Qamishlo and we sell them at the store.>
'Women should be active in the labor force'
Women should be active in the labor force, Asya Osman stressed. <The store opens from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Every day, many people visit the store to buy furniture for their houses. We wish success to all women in the labor force and call on all women to participate in the labor force. Women should work to achieve their economic independence.> >>
Source incl. video:

France 25 - July 15, 2024 - By News Wires
<<Assad's party expected to remain in power as Syrians vote in parliamentary poll
Syrians headed to the polls on Monday to vote in their fourth parliamentary election since civil war broke out in 2011. President Bashar al-Assad's ruling Baath party, backed by its secular left-wing and Arab nationalist allies, are running virtually unopposed and are expected to remain in power. Syria's exiled opposition last week condemned the election as <absurd>, with only Syrians living in government-held areas who are aged 18 and over, and holding an identity card eligible to vote. Syrians in government-held areas were voting Monday in their fourth parliamentary election since civil war erupted in 2011, a poll expected to keep President Bashar al-Assad's ruling Baath party in power. The Baath party -- in power since 1963 -- and its secular left-wing and Arab nationalist allies are running virtually unopposed, with independents the only alternative. More than 1,500 people are standing for 250 seats in the largely rubber-stamp parliament, after some 7,400 candidates withdrew in recent days, according to Syria's Supreme Judicial Elections Committee. <We have to take responsibility for electing good people and not repeating the mistakes of the past in voting for old names who can't change anything,> said health ministry employee Bodoor Abu Ghazaleh, 49, among those voting at a polling station in Damascus.
Under Syria's quota system, 127 seats are reserved for candidates who are workers or farmers, while the remaining 123 are open to other professions. The Baath party is expected to secure most of the seats in the legislative ballot, which is held every four years.
With help from key allies Iran and Russia, Damascus has regained control of much of the territory it lost early in Syria's 13-year-old civil war, which began with the repression of anti-government protests. It spiralled into a complex conflict drawing in foreign armies and jihadists, and has killed more than 500,000 people and displaced millions. In government-held areas, Syrians aged 18 and over and holding an identity card are eligible to vote at some 8,150 polling stations. Syrians living in the Kurdish-controlled northeast, in areas held by Ankara-backed rebels along the northern border with Turkey, and in the jihadist-run Idlib bastion in the northwest are effectively disenfranchised. Candidates are still vying for seats in those regions, but only voters living in government-held areas can cast ballots at specially designated polling stations. In the capital, posters were on display for candidates for Idlib and for Raqa, a former bastion of Islamic State group jihadists now controlled by Kurdish-led authorities.
Polling stations are set to remain open until 7:00 pm (1600 GMT).
Millions of Syrians who have sought refuge abroad during the conflict also have no vote.
Syria's exiled opposition last week condemned the election as <absurd>, saying that polls organised by the government <only represent the ruling authority>, in the absence of a political settlement to the conflict. United Nations-backed attempts to reach a political settlement have repeatedly failed, and talks since 2019 on revising the country's constitution have also stalled.

Yazidi women

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 15 , 2024 - by RONIDA HACI
<<Yazidi women: They try to hide the truth by attacking journalists
Reacting to the killing of Mirad Mirza in the Turkish drone attack targeting journalists, Yazidi women said, <They try to hide the truth by attacking journalists but they will fail.>
Hasakah- On July 8, 2024, a car carrying reporters of the Çira TV and Çira FM was targeted by a Turkish drone while going to Tal Qasab, a village of Shelgal (Sinjar), to do interviews on the 10th anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide committed by ISIS on August 3, 2014. The attack injured three employees of the Çira TV and Çira FM and four civilians from the same family. Journalist Mirad Mîrza, who was seriously injured in the attack, died at the hospital on July 11. <No one can silence the truth,> said Yazidi women living in Hasakah, a city in Jazira Canton of North and East Syria, condemning the Turkish attacks targeting journalists.
'No one can prevent the truth'
Hediya Şemo, member of the Yazidi Women's Union, draw attention to the genocide committed against the Yazidi community in 2014 and said, <In 2014, ISIS committed a genocide against the Yazidi people and the Barzani family betrayed the Yazidi people. The Peshmerga withdrew, resulting in the killing and abduction of thousands of women. Journalists were targeted to be prevented from reporting the truth in Shengal. Many journalists such as Martyr Shengal and Çira TV reporter Mirad Mirza were targeted while journalist Sileman Ehmed was arrested (by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). Journalists are targeted not only in Shengal but also everywhere where the revolution took place. A revolution took place not only in Rojava but also in Shengal. Journalists are a mirror reflecting society and play an important role in society. The aim of the attacks is to silence society. They try to hide the truth by attacking journalists but they will fail. We always say that no one can prevent the truth.>
'We are rebuilding our lives'
Journalists are targeted because they reflect the voice of people, said Saad Hiso, member of the Yazidi Women's Union. <The Turkish state and its partners do not want the Yazidi people to develop. All these policies are aimed at annihilating the Kurdish people. We know very well who betrayed the Kurdish cause. We call on them to wake up and not to support their enemy. We call on them to protect the future of the Kurdish people. As the Yazidi community, we chose to resist and are committed to the thoughts and ideology of leader Ocalan. If there were no YPG and YPJ, there would be no Yazidi community after the genocide. Now, we organize ourselves in Shengal and everywhere. We are rebuilding our lives. We vow that we will keep following in the footsteps of martyrs Nujiyan and Mirad.> >>
Source incl. video:

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024