formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front






The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendegi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in
2024: July wk3 -- July wk2 P3 -- July wk2 P2 -- July wk2 -- July wk1 P2 -- July wk1 -- June wk4 P2 -- June wk4 --  overview per month
and 2023: Dec wk 5 part 2 -- Dec wk 5 -- Dec week 4-3 -- Dec wk3 -- Dec 17 - 10 -- Dec week 2 and 1 -- click here for a menu overview November - Januari 2023

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's savagery 10 years ago. Update December 23, 2023

Editorial by G. d'A.: Dear reader, as a webmaster also I constantly have to guard the read-ability of the 'Cryfreedom'-outlet and sometimes decisions need to be made to have it be for your convenience and moreso in total support of the women-led revolt in Iran which inevitably will be a grand Victory. Still, choices must be made always and so I've decided to, for now, embed all the actual news about the 'NO-hijab; 'Biological terror attscks against schoolgirls'; 'Iranian journalists under siege'; 'Blinding as a weapon' and 'The hanging spree' as part of the 'Actual news' updates of the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' section. But, if need be and urgent attention and action is needed concerning the above mentioned topics it will get an extra emphasized place as part of the actual news page-layout. Thank you for being a reader and for your support of the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' revolution.
Click here for the previously tabled topics

You are now at the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom'  section
For the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2' Revolt news click here   

Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.
  Click here for a total list so far

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' pages menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are and click on another underlinded period to go there. However, when needed a certain topic will be in yellow meaning it's a link to go that topic and will open in a new window. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
(Updates July 12, 2024) z


Articles about JINA
March 4 - February 27, 2024:
<<Iranian Teacher Arrested for <Illegal Gathering> at Mahsa Amini's Grave...
and more news

February 12 , 2024:
<<Unlawfully Imprisoned Activist and Organizer of Mahsa Jina Amini's Funeral Must Be Released on Medical Grounds
<<Mahsa Amini's Father: <Everything They Have Said and Shown is Lies>
By Diako Alavi, a journalist from Saqqez and family friend of Mahsa Amini 
Jina Amini, the face of Irans uprising and revolution:

Click here for more articles

We all grief for the loss of our sister / daughter of Iran Armita Gevarnand:

Read her updated story here


Updates of Jina Aminis' Revolution:
Part 16: December 28 - 16, 2023

Part 17: January 23 - 6, 2024
Part 18: March 4 - February 8, 2024

and links to earlier parts
Gino d'artali's opinion: We mourn AND fight!

And read also




December 31, 2023 - Preface about the below 3 heroines of Iran by Gino d'Artali : Beacons of hope and inspiration on the road towards a long and free Iran . * Jina Amini, our sister/daughter who martyred herself for freedom; *Narges Mohammadi, our sister and as I call her 'mother of a free Iran' and winner of the Nobel Prize of Freedom 2023 and sentenced five times to a total of 31 years in prison and 154 lashes but who refuses to give in to the mullahs' regime to wear a hijab or bow to their demands and therefore is refused medical care although needing it badly and bringing her live in danger but says "Victory is not easy, but it is certain"  * and Maryam Akbari Monfared, our sister who's encarcerated since 15 years and refuses to bow down to the mullahs saying "Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"
Read all about them here and let them inspire you on your road towards a long and free Iran or as we say in the West: 'Three strikes and the mullahs' regime is out'
Be the finalizing strike dear and brave dissent




A to VICTORY tribute to
Update May 27, 2024
Narges Mohammadi, the imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize laureate criticizes the United Nations' planned memorial ceremony for Ebrahim Raisi, calling it "a commemoration of the executions and mass killings."
May 6, 2024
"Tyranny will fall"

"Victory is not easy, but it is certain"
watch it here : 

Click here for a news-overview from January 15, 2024 'till October 31, 2023





And do read also the above linked  incredible December 2023 update!

despite the mullahs' regime to force it down!
Her mother speaks out loud and clear

Click here for the latest news of the
'Woman, Life, Freedom'










June 24, 2024: The Iranian Regime Judiciary Launches a New Case to Seize the Assets of Maryam Akbari Monfared and Her Family, in Revenge for Seeking Justice for Her Siblings Executed in the 1980s
Dec 30, 2023: Not bowing for the mullahs' regime she says:
"Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"






June 19, 2024
Neda Agha Sultan Face of the 2009 uprising in Iran



 May 27, 2024
Zhina Modarres Gorji, Kurdish Women's Sentenced to 21 Years

Click here for more stories of Heroines of Iran 

April 30, 2024
Atena Farghadani - Target on her back


Please do read the following articles about heroines who risk live and limb for the women-led revolution and no matter what they'll never give in nor up!and other stories: click on the underlined topics:
July 8, 2024: Iranian Nurses--A Double Oppression
July 6, 2024:
Masoud Pezeshkian shifts Iran's political landscape
June 28, 2024: 20.000 Acts of Support
June 27, 2024: Eliminating Gender Discrimination
June 25, 2024: Sexual rape and torture in prisons and 
Click here for previous inspiring stories and  articles incl. Red Alerts  


Click here for actual updates
and earlier news

Special report: July 12, 2024: Scorched Hospitals - Schools -  Housing - Bodies -- fake or fact?


'The mullahs' regime / OHCHR* gallows' dance'

July 8 - 4, 2024: The-death-sentence-against-Sharifeh-Mohammadi
June 15, 2024: Prisoner Swap with Iran is Shameful Reward
June 5 - May 23, 2024: It |Iran| puts people to death in order to terrorize the population into silence.
and other stories 

*OHCHR - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Click here for earlier reports

July 12 - 10, 2024
<<'Women should not be afraid of anything'...
and <<Hengaw Report: Armed Clash in Oshnavieh Results in Civilian and IRGC Casualties...
and <<Zohreh Dadras, Her Sister Arrested and Jailed in Lakan Prison of Rasht...
and <<Nurse Who Sang to Hospitalized Children Faces Threats...
and <<Iran Sentences Blinded Protester to 31 Months in Prison...
and <<Two Women's Rights Activists Arrested and Transferred to Lakan Prison in Rasht by Iranian Authorities...
and <<Hunger strike by 55 female political prisoners to protest death sentence against labor activist...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

May 10 - 3, 2024

'War against the No-hijabi women'

July 10 - 9, 2024
<<Murder of a Young Woman in Bojnourd with <Honor-related> Motive...
and <<Femicide: Report on Brutal Murder of a Woman by a Relative in Talesh...
and <<'We stand with all those threatened by the death sentence'...
and <<Rana Kourkouri Arrested by Security Forces in Tehran...
and <<Mother of Slain Protester Reports Destruction of Son's Tombstone in Iran...
and <<Ex-Political Prisoner Soleimani Reports Death Threats from Iran Agents...
and <<Political Prisoner Azar Korvandi: Evin Prison Authorities Deny Her Medical Treatment...
and <<Four Kurdish Teachers Union Activists Sentenced to prison by Iranian Judiciary...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

 and it will also bring you through more news in July and earlier in 2024

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Iranwire - July 12, 2024
<<Iran Detains Four in Bushehr Over Anti-Election Protests
Iranian authorities have detained four individuals in Bushehr province for their alleged involvement in election-related protests. Heyder Sosani, the police commander of Bushehr province, announced the arrests, accusing the group of vandalism and planning attacks on police officers. Sosani said that the suspects were involved in burning <a number of campaign banners> and <writing slogans.> He further alleged that the group <intended to attack and throw Molotov cocktails and set fire to one of the police stations.> The four arrested individuals had previously <participated in riots and had been detained in the past,> the police commander added. Following their arrest, they were reportedly handed over to judicial authorities. These arrests come amid a broader crackdown on election-related dissent in Iran. Earlier, the judiciary of the Islamic Republic announced that it had summoned 100 people and arrested 113 others in the second phase of the presidential election.>>

Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 12 July 2024
<<Iranian Security Forces Arrest Two Kurdish Men in Connection with Participation in Newroz celebrations
Shaho Hassanzadeh and Mobin Ebrahimpour, two Kurdish residents of Sardasht, were arrested by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in connection with their participation in this year's Newroz ceremonies. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, Shaho Hassanzadeh and Mobin Ebrahimpour, residents of the village of 'Goli' in Sardasht, were arrested by the Iranian Intelligence forces. An informed source indicated that the arrests were due to their participation in the Newroz celebrations held in March 2024.
After their arrest in the village, Shaho Hassanzadeh and Mobin Ebrahimpour were transferred to one of the detention centers of the Iranian Intelligence in Urmia. Simultaneously, several other individuals from Sardasht have been summoned and interrogated by the Iranian Intelligence of the city in recent days.>>

Women should not be afraid
Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 12 , 2024 - by FARIBA BABAEI
<<'Women should not be afraid of anything'
A female traveler in Kermanshah says that women should not to be afraid of anything, speaking about taboos, discrimination and harassment faced by her.
Kermanshah- In Iran, women are subjected to oppression and violence every day. Although women's rights are restricted in the country, women struggle to overcome limitations set for them. NuJINHA spoke to a female traveler living in Kermanshah about what she faces. Due to security reasons, she asked us to keep her name confidential. <I will not talk about politics but I think keeping my name confidential will be better,> she told us.
She has been unemployed for a long time
The 37-year-old woman loves travelling. She is supported by her family since her family has a good financial situation. <I have a master's degree in climatology. I have been unemployed for a long time and I feel uncomfortable for sitting at home without a job. I logged into Snapchat two or three months before this year's Newroz celebration. Chatting with other people made me feel better, and changed my personal and social life. I do not feel alone anymore.>
'Women gain more confidence'
In Iranian society, people think that only men can travel alone and travelling alone is a taboo for women. <In the past, there was a big difference between the work of men and women. Today, there is no difference. Women gain more confidence. Today, women work in male-dominated industries and occupations across the world. For instance, women drive buses and maybe they drive buses and cars better than men do. I think there is no difference between women and men because they have almost the same abilities.>
She was subjected to harassment
She told us that she had been subjected to verbal harassment while travelling. <Many men, who got on the bus, had good character, respecting me but some of them asked for my mobile number and verbally harassed me. There are such men but eventually they get tired and stop bothering you.>
She concluded her speech by calling on women not to <be afraid of anything. You have the capacity to overcome all challenges. Do not be afraid of anything because you can do whatever you want.> >>

Ramin Khaledi
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 11 July 2024
<<Hengaw Report: Armed Clash in Oshnavieh Results in Civilian and IRGC Casualties
Three days after the armed clash in a border village of Oshnavieh (Shno), Hengaw has obtained new information. According to this information, one civilian has lost their life, another civilian has been injured and detained, and at least three IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) members have been killed or wounded. According to a report received by the Hengaw Human Rights Organization, at 1:00 AM on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, the IRGC Hamza Base forces surrounded a residential house in the village of 'Tazhandareh' in Oshnavieh and demanded the occupants surrender. According to an informed source, members of the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) who were inside the house refused to surrender to the IRGC forces. Consequently, at 4:30 AM, IRGC forces fired at the house, where several Kolbars (porters) were also present. In this shooting, Ramin Khaledi, 30, from Urmia, was killed instantly. An eyewitness told Hengaw: <After Ramin Khaledi was killed, an exchange of fire between the two sides began and finally ended at 6:00 AM. The IRGC targeted the house with an RPG, also resulting in the death of several horses belonging to the traders and Kolbars.> The eyewitness, whose identity is kept confidential by Hengaw, added that one IRGC member was killed and two others were wounded in the clash. Besides Ramin Khaledi, another civilian was injured and captured by IRGC forces. Several other PJAK guerilla members present in the house managed to escape the area of the clash. Up to the time of this report, neither the IRGC nor the Kurdistan Free Life Party has provided details on the clash and casualties. It is also unclear whether the person captured by the IRGC is a civilian or a PJAK guerrilla. Due to the security status of the region and the establishment of several checkpoints, precise reporting has been difficult over the past three days. In its previous report, Hengaw had stated that Ramin Khaledi, also known as Ramin Shakak, was a Kolbar, for which we apologize to our audience.>>

NCRI - Womens committee - 11 July 2024 - in Women's News
<<Zohreh Dadras, Her Sister Arrested and Jailed in Lakan Prison of Rasht
On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Zohreh Dadras and her sister, Zahra Dadras, women's rights activists in Gilan, were arrested by security forces and transferred to Lakan Prison in Rasht to serve their prison sentences. According to reports, on the morning of Wednesday, Zohreh Dadras was arrested at her family home in Rasht without prior summons or notice and transferred to Lakan Prison. Additionally, Zahra Dadras was arrested at noon on the same day after appearing at the criminal enforcement branch and was also transferred to Lakan Prison. Abolfazl Ghorbani, the defense lawyer for the two women's rights activists, stated: <At 9 AM today, Zohreh Dadras was arrested without prior summons or notice and transferred to the enforcement of sentences. Zahra Dadras was also arrested at noon today, and both sisters have been transferred to Lakan Prison in Rasht.> The case involving these two women's rights activists, along with nine other activists in Gilan named Forough Samii Nia, Sara Jahani, Yasamin Hashdari, Shiva Shah Siah, Negin Rezaei, Azadeh Chavoshian, Matin Yazdani, Hooman Taheri, and Jelveh Javaheri, was referred to the enforcement branch of the Rasht Prosecutor’s Office in the latter half of June this year. Other defendants in this case were also summoned by phone to the enforcement of sentences at the Rasht Revolutionary Court and are required to report to Lakan Prison in Rasht by Saturday, July 13.

Zahra Dadras
Zohreh Dadras was initially arrested on August 16, 2023, by intelligence agents and was released on bail from Lakan Prison on October 1 of the same year. Zahra Dadras was also arrested on August 17 last year after her home was searched and some personal belongings were confiscated by intelligence agents. She was released from Lakan Prison on September 17. The trial for the charges against these individuals in a joint case was held on March 1, 2024, in the third branch of the Rasht Revolutionary Court, and the preliminary verdict was issued to them in early April this year. The sentence was upheld on May 29, 2024, by the 11th branch of the Gilan Province Court of Appeals. According to the issued verdict, Zohreh Dadras was sentenced to 6 years and 1 day for <forming an illegal group against security> and 3 years, 6 months, and 1 day for <assembly and collusion,> totaling 9 years, 6 months, and 2 days of imprisonment. Under the law of cumulative sentences, the most severe sentence will be enforceable.
Zahra Dadras was sentenced to 3 years, 6 months, and 1 day for <assembly and collusion with the intent to disrupt national security> and 2 years, 7 months, and 16 days for <membership in an illegal group,> totaling 6 years, 1 month, and 17 days of imprisonment. According to the law of cumulative sentences, the most severe sentence, equal to 3 years, 6 months, and 1 day, will be enforceable. Additionally, other defendants in this case were sentenced to imprisonment. Forough Samii Nia, Sara Jahani, Yasamin Heshdari, Shiva Shah Siah, Negin Rezaei, Azadeh Chavoshian, and Matin Yazdani were each sentenced to six years, one month, and seventeen days in prison. Jelveh Javaheri and Hooman Taheri were each sentenced to one year in prison.>>

Iranwire - July 11, 2024
<<Iran Faces Major Internet Disruptions Despite Govt Assurances
Internet users across Iran are experiencing severe slowdowns and disruptions, despite assurances from Ministry of Communications officials that the issue would be resolved quickly. The problem, which began around 2:30 PM local time on Wednesday, has sparked widespread criticism on social media platforms. Users have been voicing their frustrations over the persistent poor internet performance for several hours. Mohammad Mozafari, an internet expert, wrote on X: <There has been a widespread disruption in the country's internet since around 2:30 PM.> <The presence of simultaneous disruption in different service providers indicates that there is a problem in the Infrastructure Communications Company's service,> he added. Supporting these user reports, Radar Abararvan Data, a monitoring service, has confirmed disruptions in several data centers across the country. In response, the CEO of the Infrastructure Communications Company acknowledged the severity of the situation, stating that there has been an interruption of 40 percent of the international internet input capacity. The official promised a swift resolution, saying, <The decline of the country's communication network will be resolved soon.> However, several hours after this statement, users are reporting that the disruptions persist with no noticeable improvement. This incident comes amid ongoing debates about internet freedom and infrastructure reliability in Iran. The country has a history of internet disruptions, mostly linked to government attempts to control information flow during periods of civil unrest.>>

Shima Moazzemi
Iranwire - July 11, 2024
<<Nurse Who Sang to Hospitalized Children Faces Threats
Shima Moazzemi, a nurse who gained widespread attention for her videos of singing to hospitalized children, has revealed that she has been warned and threatened for her actions. Moazzemi, who is also a singing student, shared her ordeal in an Instagram story. <There were many reasons for my absence during this time, of which the most important is the hospital and the verbal warnings and subtle threats that started after a year,> she wrote, explaining her recent low profile on social media. The nurse's videos, which show her singing to young patients in the hospital, have gone viral on various social media platforms. Her Instagram page, where she regularly posted these moments, had received significant attention and support from users.>>

Matin Hasani
Iranwire - July 11, 2024
<<Iran Sentences Blinded Protester to 31 Months in Prison
An Iranian man, who lost an eye during the 2019 protests in Iran, has been sentenced to 31 months in prison despite his ongoing medical complications. Matin Hasani revealed in a recent video statement that he is experiencing severe infection and burning in his injured eye. The sentence, handed down by the Bukan Revolutionary Court, includes 26 months suspended and six months with immediate effect. Hasani was charged with <propaganda against the Islamic Republic> and <inciting people to fight and kill each other.> Hasani was shot on November 17, 2019, in Bukan, resulting in the loss of one eye. He has since undergone five eye surgeries - three in Tabriz and two in Tehran. During his treatment in Tehran, Hasani said that security agents arrested him. After a month in custody, he was released on bail pending legal proceedings. He has asked the people and the media to be his voice <so that the innocent will not be imprisoned.> >>

Ali Danesh and Qasim Chomlani
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 11 July 2024
<<Iranian Security Forces Arrest Two Kurdish Men in Mahabad
Ali Danesh and Qasim Chomlani, two Kurdish residents of Mahabad, were arrested by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran with extreme violence. Their whereabouts are unknown. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on the morning of Thursday, July 11, 2024, Ali Danesh was arrested by the intelligence forces of the Revolutionary Guards, who forcibly entered his home in Mahabad. Additionally, at noon on Wednesday, July 10, Qasim Chomlani (also known as Halo), another resident of Mahabad, was arrested by IRGC intelligence forces while returning from Bukan at a location called 'Kalki Bagzadan' near Mahabad. As of the publication of this report, there is no information available regarding the reasons for the arrests, the location of the detention, or the charges against these two individuals.>>

Zohreh Dadres and Zahra Dadres
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 11 July 2024
<<Two Women's Rights Activists Arrested and Transferred to Lakan Prison in Rasht by Iranian Authorities
Zohreh Dadres and Zahra Dadres, sisters and women’s rights activists in Gilan, were arrested by security agencies and transferred to Lakan Prison in Rasht to serve their sentences. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on the morning of Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Zohreh Dadres was arrested at her family home in Rasht and transferred to Lakan Prison to begin serving her sentence. Later that day, at 12:00 p.m., her sister Zahra was also arrested and sent to prison to serve her sentence, according to their lawyer, Abolfazl Ghorbani. Zohreh Dadres was previously sentenced to 6 years and 1 day by Branch 3 of the Revolutionary Court of Rasht, headed by Judge Mehdi Raskhi, on charges of <forming an illegal group against security> and <assembly and collusion,> resulting in a total sentence of 9 years, 6 months, and 2 days of imprisonment. This sentence will be enforced under the Consolidation of Sentences Law. Zahra Dadres was sentenced by the same court to 3 years, 6 months, and 1 day in prison for <assembly and collusion with the intention of disrupting national security> and an additional 2 years, 7 months, and 16 days for <membership in an illegal group,> totaling 6 years, 1 month, and 17 days of imprisonment. Her sentence, under the Consolidation of Sentences Law, is set at 3 years, 6 months, and 1 day. Zohreh Dadres was initially arrested on August 16, 2023, by the Intelligence Department and was released from Lakan Prison on October 1, 2023, after posting bail. Zahra Dadres was also arrested on August 16, 2023, following a search of her home and the seizure of some personal belongings by Intelligence Department forces. She was released from Lakan Prison on September 17, 2023.>>

Esmail Maroufi
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 11 July 2024
<<Iranian Security Forces Arrest Kurdish Retired Teacher in Piranshahr
Esmail Maroufi, a retired teacher from the Piranshahr County Department of Education with 30 years of service, was arrested with the use of violence by the security agencies of the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to a report received by the Hengaw Human Rights Organization, on the evening of Tuesday, July 9, 2024, Piranshahr Intelligence Agency forces raided the home of Esmail Maroufi, a retired teacher, arrested him, and transferred him to an unknown location. According to an informed source, the arrest of this retired teacher was carried out with violence, and harassments directed at family members, and the security forces also confiscated his cell phone. As of the time of this report, no accurate information is available regarding the reasons for the arrest, the charges, or the whereabouts of Esmail Maroufi, and his family's attempts to follow up on the matter have been unsuccessful.>>

Sharifeh Mohammadi
Jinha - Womens News Agency 11 July 2024
<<Hunger strike by 55 female political prisoners to protest death sentence against labor activist
55 female political prisoners held in Evin Prison announced on Wednesday that they would start a hunger strike on Thursday to protest the death sentence against labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi.
News Center- 55 female political prisoners held in Evin Prison announced on Wednesday that they would start a hunger strike on Thursday (July 11) to protest the death sentence against labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi and support her. Labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi was violently arrested at her home in Rasht by intelligence forces on December 5, 2023. After being held in the central prisons of Sanandaj and Lakan Rasht for seven months, she was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court in Rasht on charges of <armed rebellion against the state> on July 4, 2024.>>

Zahra Mousavi
Iranwire - July 10, 2024
<<Green Movement Leader's Daughter Expelled from University in Iran
Zahra Mousavi, daughter of Iran's Green Movement leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, has been dismissed from her position at the Faculty of Art at Al-Zahra University. In a post on Instagram, Mousavi revealed that her dismissal occurred on June 15. She said, <The security institutions played the main role.> Mousavi also disclosed that her salary had been suspended at the beginning of her tenure due to her familial connections. The dismissal letter, signed by the university president, cited a report from the university's security forces. Sadegh Farhadi, deputy of security at the university, mentioned Mousavi's support for students who were prevented from attending classes for violating hijab rules. Mousavi's sister, Narges Mousavi, corroborated the news on her Instagram account, emphasizing the role of security institutions in the decision.>>

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024