formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


You are now at the section on what is happening in the rest of the Middle east
(Updates Sept 12, 2024)

 For the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' Iran news  Updated Sept 11, 2024

israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
For actual updates  Updated Sept. 10, 2024





2024: Sept wk3 -- Sept wk2 -- Sept wk1 P2 -- Sept wk1 -- August wk4 -- August wk3 -- August wk2 P2 -- August wk2 -- August wk1 --
Click here for an
overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

September 12 - 6, 2024
<<'Mothers of martyrs do not accept the occupation'...
and <<Delal Botan: Built-up anger started the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" revolution...
and <<Call for general strike on second anniversary of uprising in Iran...
and <<Taliban label Afghanistan International an 'enemy' for reporting on alleged aid misuse...
and <<Egyptian women fight against domestic violence...
and <<Call to struggle against oppression of women under the guise of tradition...
and <<CPJ and 34 other organizations condemn spate of Egyptian journalist arrests...
and more actual news

September 6 - 2, 2024
<<Jinnews: Men killed 31 women and 5 children in August...
and <<Women of Makhmour: The freedom of leader Apo is our freedom...
and <<'Our march for freedom against the policies of destabilization will continue'...
and <<421 cases of sexual assault documented in Iraq in first six months of 2024...
and <<Spanish activists launch petition for Afghan women...
and <<'International human rights organizations should stand against the Turkish attacks'...
and <<'Any attack on journalists is a crime against humanity'...
and <<Afghan women read poems against Taliban morality laws...
and more actual news



Special reports about
August 31, 2024: Afghanistan: A woman's voice is her identity...

August 30 - 26, 2024: Turkey: Previously reported about the heinous killing of the journalists Gulistan Tara and Hero Bahadin... 

 Click here for a dated menu overview

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Mothers of martyrs
Jinha - Womens News Agency - Sept. 12, 2024 - PELIN NUPELDA
<<'Mothers of martyrs do not accept the occupation'
"As mothers of martyrs, we do not accept either the conspiracy or the occupation. We will resist and struggle to the end," said the women of the Council of Martyrs' Families in Qamishlo.
Qamishlo- The Turkish state has intensified its attacks on North and East Syria, violating international conventions and laws. Those who suffer the most from these attacks are the civilians who are subjected to the ongoing Turkish attacks. NuJINHA spoke to the members of the Council of Martyrs' Families in Qamishlo, a city in northeastern Syria.
'The attacks are carried out with the support of the KDP'
At the beginning of her speech, Xeyriye Hisen Xelef condemned the ongoing Turkish attacks on North and East Syria. "The Turkish state carries out brutal attacks in Rojava and other regions, openly killing civilians. Everyone remains silent against these attacks as if nothing happens. Children, women and displaced civilians are targeted by the Turkish attacks. The Turkish state attacks not only Rojava but also Southern Kurdistan (Iraqi Kurdistan). Every day, we see how attacks are carried out against our people and freedom fighters in cooperation with the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party). The attacks are carried out with the support of the KDP. The Turkish state uses chemical weapons in Kurdistan, displacing and killing civilians."
'We will not bow down to the occupation'
As Kurds, we need unity to resist the occupation, Xeyriye Hisen Xelef emphasized. "The Turkish state attacks everywhere and this shows the weakness and collapse of the Turkish state. As mothers of martyrs and the Kurdish people, we will not bow down to the occupation. The attacks cannot break our will. As the Kurdish people, we should rise against the attacks. All people demanding freedom and human rights organizations should take a stand against the occupation and attacks of the Turkish state."
'The attacks target the will of women and the Kurdish people'
The countries that support the Turkish state do not want the Kurdish people to have their rights, said Fadya Sileman, another member of the council. "Kurds are subjected to Turkish attacks every day. We grew up in the midst of displacement, oppression and difficult living conditions due to the attacks, occupations and lootings of the Turkish state. Due to the Turkish attacks, many children, women and elderly people are deprived of their right to life, losing their arms and legs. The attacks target the will of women and the Kurdish people."
'We will resist and struggle'
We will resist and struggle to the end, Fadya Sileman stressed, adding, "There is an international hypocrisy and betrayal against us, Kurds. We know that the states that act as if they are on our side also support the Turkish state. Neither history nor the Kurdish people will forget this betrayal. As mothers of martyrs, we do not accept either the conspiracy or the occupation. We will resist and struggle to the end and follow in the footsteps of our martyrs.">>
Source incl. video:

Delal Botan
Jinha - Womens News Agency - Sept. 12, 2024 - by HAVRIN CENGAWER
<<Delal Botan: Built-up anger started the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" revolution
"The anger and hatred that were built up against the government turned into a revolutionary uprising," said Delal Botan of the HPJ, pointing to the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" uprising that started in Iran and Eastern Kurdistan.
News Center- In an interview with NuJINHA, Delal Botan, member of the East Kurdistan Women's Defense Units (HPJ) commented on the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" uprising that started in Iran and Eastern Kurdistan following the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini by Iran's so-called <morality police> on September 16, 2022.

Jina Amini Kurdisch
The "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" revolution did not emerge from just a headscarf or a strand of hair, Delal Botan said. "The anger and hatred that were built up against the government turned into a revolutionary uprising. This anger was no longer an ordinary uprising. When we looked at people's faces, we could see how angry they were about the oppression inflicted against them by the government for years. Years of oppression suddenly exploded like a bomb, and women led this explosion."
'A feeling of excitement and search arose inside us'
Speaking about the first moments of the uprising, Delal Botan said, "In the first days, there were not many protests in our region. We were three friends at school and decided to attend the protests. Although we felt fear and hesitation, we chanted our slogans. Slowly, our other friends joined us. We chanted the ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’ slogan, which we did not really know what it meant at first. During the protests, a feeling of excitement and search arose inside us and we began to ask questions such as 'Women means life, why do we not have this life?' A movement that emphasizes the importance of women and women's thoughts exists. A life based on the ideology and philosophy of leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan) led me to participate in the struggle for freedom."
'Always make great efforts for your existence'
At the end of her speech, Delal Botan called on women and young people to "always make great efforts for your existence and freedom. You are strong and there is still a long way to go. Leader Apo says, 'don't betray your dreams, and fight for freedom'.">>

Call for general strike
Jinha - Womens News Agency - Sept. 11, 2024
<<Call for general strike on second anniversary of uprising in Iran
Political parties, civil society organizations and human rights activists in Rojhilat Kurdistan call for a general strike on September 16, marking the second anniversary of the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" uprising.
News Center- Political parties, NGOs and human rights defenders in Rojhilat Kurdistan (Eastern Kurdistan or Iranian Kurdistan) have called for a general strike on September 16, marking the second anniversary of the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom)" uprising that sparked in Iran following the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini by Iran’s so-called <morality police>. Since the call, many organizations and movements have released statements, expressing that they will join the strike. "September 16 marks the anniversary of the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini and the beginning of the uprising in which our loved ones and children sacrificed their lives for victory," said the statement released by the Kurdistan Mothers for Justice. "On the eve of the second anniversary, we express our support to the call of Kurdish activists and call on all families to support each other and visit the graves of our loved ones on September 16. We call on the people of Kurdistan to stay at home, close their shops and not go to work on September 16."
Call for a general strike
20 civil society organizations have also published a joint statement, announcing that they will join the strike. "Since the killing of Jina Amini, people of Rojhilat and Iran have been subjected to many human rights violations. Arbitrary arrests, torture, executions, and oppression have become common practices of the Iranian government's security forces," the statement said. "Despite international condemnation, Iranian authorities continue to oppress Kurds and other opponents. A common action and attitude is a must now. On the eve of the second anniversary of the killing of Jina, political parties, civil society organizations and human rights activists have called for a general strike across Eastern Kurdistan on September 16, 2024. We express our support to the call and call on all people in Kurdistan and Iran to join the strike. We also call on the international community to pay more attention to the rights violations against the Kurdish people in Iran.">>

CPJ - September 11, 2024
<<Taliban label Afghanistan International an 'enemy' for reporting on alleged aid misuse
New York, September 11, 2024-The Taliban must stop harassing the popular London-based broadcaster Afghanistan International, which they accused of conducting a "propaganda war against us," the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. In his September 4 speech, Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Stanekzai attacked the independent outlet as an "enemy" for reporting that aid relief sent to the flooded northern province of Baghlan had been allegedly misused. This latest criticism follows the Taliban's ban in May on journalists and experts from cooperating with Afghanistan International and on people providing facilities for broadcasting the channel in public. Separately, on September 4, Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice officials met with Afghan media executives in the capital Kabul and gave them verbal orders to replace Persian words - which they described as <Iranian> - with the Pashto equivalent in their reporting. Persian, also known as Farsi, is the most widely spoken language in Afghanistan and in neighboring Iran. But the Taliban mainly speak Pashto and they have removed Persian words from signboards for public institutions and spoken out against the teaching of Persian in universities since their return to power in 2021. The officials also ordered the journalists to respect Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada. "The Taliban must immediately halt their campaign of intimidation against Afghanistan International and lift their restrictions on Persian-language reporting," said CPJ Asia Program Coordinator Beh Lih Yi. "The Taliban's recent vice and virtue law has already emboldened their notorious morality police to further restrict the media, threatening to annihilate press freedom gains made during the two previous decades of democratic rule in Afghanistan."
CPJ's text messages to Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid requesting comment went unanswered.>>

Derin Rahim

Jinha - Womens News Agency - Sept. 11, 2024 - by HELEN EHMED
<<'We should mobilize against the authoritarian mindset in Southern Kurdistan'
"As women, we should mobilize against the authoritarian mindset in Southern Kurdistan in order to overcome all the obstacles," said journalist Derin Rahim, speaking about the occupation attacks and oppression on journalists in Southern Kurdistan.
Sulaymaniyah- On August 23, a Turkish drone targeted a vehicle carrying journalists in the Said Sadiq district of Sulaymaniyah, killing two journalists, Gulistan Tara and Hero Bahadin.

Gulistan Tara and Hero Bahadin.
In Kurdistan Region, journalists are killed or face prison sentences for reporting the truth, Derin Rahim, a journalist based in Sulaymaniyah, said in an interview with NuJINHA. "Women journalists in particular face obstacles from the authorities."
'Women journalists in Southern Kurdistan are subjected to violence'
Derin Rahim has also been prevented and targeted for reporting the truth. "Women journalists in Southern Kurdistan are subjected to violence by security forces. Their activities are limited by the patriarchal mindset saying that women should stay at home and raise children! Families do not want their daughters to be journalists. Women journalists face obstacles from their society and families. As women, we should mobilize against the authoritarian mindset in Southern Kurdistan in order to overcome all the obstacles."
'We are targeted because we report the truth'
Derin Rahim thinks that the Turkish attacks on the region continue due to the support of the Kurdistan Regional government. "Journalists are targeted because they report the truth. Suleiman Ahmed is one of the journalists targeted by the authorities. He has been imprisoned for reporting the truth. As journalists, we want to do journalism freely. We want to free our region through journalism. Citizens and journalists have the power to stand against the occupation.">>
Source incl. video:

Women of Cairo
Jinha - Womens News Agency - Sept. 11, 2024 - by ASMAA FATHI
<<Egyptian women fight against domestic violence
"Women are treated like slaves at home," say women of Cairo, calling on women to fight against domestic violence.
Cairo- In Egypt, many women are subjected to domestic violence. One of the issues discussed in the country is the normalization of domestic violence due to the patriarchy limiting women's position to domestic roles. Hanan Manna is an Egyptian woman who fights against domestic violence.
Women do not receive the value they deserve, Hanan Manna told NuJINHA. "Women are seen as 'servants' at home. Married women are not seen as spouses or friends; they are seen as people doing the housework. This approach is an insult to women, violating human rights. Victims of domestic violence do not ask a divorce for fear of being marginalized by society."
'Girls are seen as burdens'
Women, who have no economic independence, often bear the difficult living conditions at home, Hanan Manna stressed. "Many families force their daughters into marriage due to financial problems. Girls are seen as burdens by their parents. Although there are disagreements during their engagement period, their parents believe that everything will be better after marriage. However, the disagreements during the engagement period continue after marriage; they become even more complicated. Many married women face problems with the families of their spouses. Mutual respect is very important in marriages. If couples respect each other, the problems faced by them can be solved."
'Women bear so much domestic burden'
Madiha Al-Kilani, another Egyptian woman fighting against domestic violence, says that Egyptian women bear so much domestic burden such as raising children, cooking, cleaning the house and many more. "Many families marry off their sons to find a servant for them. Families should be role models for the next generations. If there is no mutual respect, if women do not receive the value they deserve, domestic violence will continue.">>
Source incl. videos:

Sediqe Xilo
Jinha - Womens News Agency - Sept. 11, 2024 - by BERÇEM CUDI
<<Call to struggle against oppression of women under the guise of tradition
In the 21st century, the practice of <bride price> is still common in some societies. Jineology Research Center Spokesperson Sediqe Xilo calls on women to oppose this practice.
Kobane- Women are the most affected by some reactionary practices under the guise of <tradition> used by the patriarchal system all over the world. One of these reactionary practices is <bride price>.
"In Middle East, some social and religious traditions are still imposed on women under the guise of <bride price>," said Sediqe Xilo, Spokesperson of the Jineology Research Center in Euphrates Canton of North and East Syria, drawing attention to the <bride price> practice. "Price changes in countries and regions. Unfortunately, North and East Syria also suffers from this practice. In some regions, parents of brides demand money while some demand both money and gold."
'The Jineology Research Center finds alternative solutions'
The Rojava Revolution led by women in North and East Syria took place thanks to the ideology of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan, Sediqe Xilo said. "Thanks to the paradigm of leader Ocalan, women have the opportunity to fight the patriarchal mindset. Women’s movements and organizations struggling for women’s freedom make great efforts to end reactionary practices. The Jineology Research Center finds alternative solutions by analyzing the reality of society."
'Women should oppose to the practice of bride price'
If some families demand a bride price to allow their daughters to get married, other families also demand it, Sediqe Xilo stressed. "Women are sold like property by their families. We call on women to oppose this practice. Bride price is an old tradition used by the patriarchal mindset and we need knowledge and experience to change this mindset."
'It is time for a change'
"As women, we should not accept slavery. We should choose a free life. Families take out loads to marry their children off. Then, they take gold from their daughter-in law to pay off their debts. Such incidents are common in society, often resulting in divorce. Therefore, it is time for a change in order to fight such problems.">>
Source incl. video:

Martyr Berçem Festival
Jinha - Womens News Agency - Sept. 10, 2024
<<Martyr Berçem Festival ends with "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" slogan
The 2nd Martyr Berçem Festival held in Kobane by the Hilala Zêrin Cultural Movement ended on September 9 with the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" slogan.
Kobane-The Hilala Zerin Cultural Movement held the 2nd Martyr Berçem Festival in Kobanê between September 6-9 with the participation of women from different nationalities, ethnic groups and religions in northeastern Syria. On the last day of the festival, many musical groups such as Martyr Baran from Kobane, Martyr Heva from Afrin-Shahba, Martyr Eleniya from Qamishlo and Delila, singers Nesrin Botan and Munet Allah Xemîs and Martyr Nalin halay group took the stage.
Emel Mathlouthi, Tunisian singer-songwriter and musician, and Şadi Xolami, a musical group from Rojhilat Kurdistan (Eastern Kurdistan) would also participate in the festival; however, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) prevented them from entering North and East Syria. The messages sent by Emel Mathlouthi and Şadi Xolami were read at the festival. After the performances, the festival committee thanked all music and halay groups, singers, poets, theater artists, Martyr Berçem's mother, the Hilala Zerin Movement and everyone who contributed to the festival. People attending the festival chanted slogans such as "Be Serok Jiyan nabe (English: No life without the leader)", "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom)" and "Şehid namirin (English: Martyrs are immortal)".>>
Source incl. video:

Protest sexual assault
Jinha - Womens News Agency - Sept. 10, 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Imam arrested for sexually assaulting 25 children
Osman E., an imam at a madrasa in Karaz (Kocakoy) district of Amed (Diyarbakır), has been arrested for sexually assaulting 25 children.
Amed (Diyarbakır)- Osman E., an imam at a madrasa in a village of Amed's Karaz (Kocakoy) district, has been arrested after being accused of sexually assaulting 25 children. The incident was revealed after the children told their families that the imam had sexually assaulted them. After their family filed a criminal complaint against the imam, gendarmerie teams detained the imam in the village. Then, the imam was sent to prison.
'We will follow this case to the end'
Local sources told NuJINHA that the imam had sexually assaulted the children for years and the imam threatened the children to keep silent. "He threatened the children not to tell their families. At the end, a child told the sexual assault to her/his family," a villager told NuJINHA. "That man should be given the heaviest punishment. If he is released, it will spark anger in the village. The children could not tell their families because they were afraid. As the villagers, we will follow this case to the end. We will never allow this incident to be covered up." The Children's Rights Commission of the Amed Bar Association has announced that they will follow the case.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - Sept. 10, 2024 - by PELIN NUPELDA
<<900,000 students start new academic year in northeastern Syria
900,000 students start the 2024-2025 academic year in North and East Syria. Students in Qamishlo are happy to receive education in their mother tongue.
Qamishlo- The 2024-2025 academic year began in North and East Syria on September 1. 900,000 students will receive education in 4,100 schools across North and East Syria during the new academic year, according to the Education Council of North and East Syria. The schools offer language education in four languages; Kurdish, Arabic, Syriac and Armenian. NuJINHA spoke to the students of Martyr Şervan School in Qamishlo about the new academic year. "I am very happy because this is my first day here," said Rozer Ose, a 10th grade student. "We start the new academic year after a three-month holiday. I hope this academic year will be a good and successful academic year. We should study more to be successful."
'What is important is our goals'
Sara Mihemed, a 12th grade student, was very excited because she will go to university next year. "We are happy to receive education in our mother tongue. Like all people, we also have the right to receive education in our mother tongue. Even though some people say they do not know this language, what is important is our goals and our requests." Sara Mihemed wants to be a cardiologist in the future because "I want to help all patients. I wish success to all students and hope they will have a good and successful future.">>
Source incl. video:

CPJ - September 9, 2024
<<CPJ and 34 other organizations condemn spate of Egyptian journalist arrests
On September 9, the Committee to Protect Journalists and 34 human rights and press freedom organizations released a joint statement condemning the recent arrests and enforced disappearance of four Egyptian journalists - Ashraf Omar, Khaled Mamdouh, Ramadan Gouida, and Yasser Abu Al-Ela - and called for their immediate release. The statement also urged Egyptian authorities to drop all charges against the journalists, cease targeting them for their work, end the practice of concealing the status or location of those in custody, investigate allegations that at least two of the journalists were tortured or treated inhumanely, and hold those responsible accountable. This new wave of arrests highlights the troubling record of Egyptian authorities in targeting journalists and independent media, underscoring why Egypt has remained among the top 10 jailers of journalists worldwide in recent years, according to CPJ data.
Read the full statement in English. The list may be updated with additional signatories.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - Sept. 6, 2024
<<7 civilians killed in 3 days in Kurdistan Region: The silence of Iraq paves the way for attacks
The Kurdistan Justice Group (Komal) has released a statement regarding the killings of seven civilians in three days in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, stressing that the silence of Iraq paves the way for the ongoing Turkish attacks.
News Center- In three days, seven civilians were killed in the Turkish attacks on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. On September 3, 2024, a civilian named Bedi Kemal Muhammed was killed in a Turkish attack on the Sidekan subdistrict of the Soran District, north of Erbil. On September 4, a Turkish drone targeted a car travelling on the Xelekan-Kaniwatman road on the border of Dukan district in Sulaymaniyah city of Southern Kurdistan, killing Muzaffer Hussein Xidir and his sons Muhammad Muzaffer (15) and Mubin Muzaffer (12). On September 5, a Turkish drone targeted a civilian vehicle in the Chwarta sub-district of Sulaymaniyah's Sharbazher district, killing three civilians, including a child. The Iraqi government has not released a statement regarding the recent Turkish attacks in the Kurdistan Region yet. At least 23 civilians have been killed and at least 12 injured in the Turkish attacks on the region since the beginning of 2024. The Turkish attacks continue due to the silence of Iraq and the ineffectiveness of the Kurdistan Region government, Mohammed Hakim, spokesperson of the Kurdistan Justice Group (Komal), said in a statement on Friday.
'The attacks are linked to the silence of Iraq'
"Bombardments, destruction and the killing of civilians in Turkish airstrikes on villages and towns in the Kurdistan Region have become a daily occurrence," Mohammed Hakim said, stressing that the Komal condemns the Turkish attacks targeting civilians and crimes committed by the Turkish state in the Kurdistan Region.>>

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024