formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


You are now at the section on what is happening in the rest of the Middle east
(Updates May 24, 2024)

Click here for the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' section              





2024: May wk4 -- May wk3 -- May wk2 -- May wk1 --  April wk 4 part3 -- April wk 4 part2
Click here for an
overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
Click here for actual updates
and earlier news

May 22 - 16, 2024
<<Social media hashtag campaign by Yazidi women...
and <<DEM Party member Senem Eriş subjected to 'strip search' in prison...
and <<70 Yazidi families return to Shengal...
and <<Syrian Women's Council holds its 2nd congress in Aleppo...
and <<26 children in Libya killed or injured due to explosive remnants of war...
and <<Kobane Trial: Joint letter by women politicians...
and <<'Our election system deserves to become a model for all countries'...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

May 17 - 10, 2024
<<Women of Kobane: We will respond to the threats...
and <<Solidarity Initiative for Figen Yuksekdag: We do not accept the prison sentences...
and <<Ayla Akat Ata: Our struggle continues...
and <<No tolerance even to word of 'isolation': The aim is to silence society...
and <<At least 40 people detained in house raids in Istanbul, Izmir and Antalya...
and <<Kurdish education in Makhmour camp from tents to schools...
and <<'Afghan women suffer from psychological problems due to the Taliban's restrictions'...
and <<Joint statement by 159 public figures on Kobane trial...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

May 9 - 6, 2024
<<Five journalists receive prison sentences...
and <<Young women in Hasakah call for unity against genocidal attacks...
and <<Zozan Bekir: The elections will be a response to all powers that cannot find a solution...
and <<Jinnews: Men killed 30 women and 2 children in April...
and <<Man kills his wife, three children in Kilis before killing himself...
and <<Turkey: Men kill 32 women in April...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Next Actual News update May 12, 2024

May 3 - 2, 2024
<<World Press Freedom Day: We resist oppression...
and <<47 people taken into custody in Istanbul...
and <<YRA: Do not remain silent against attacks on journalists...
and <<Women standing trial for participating in 2020 Feminist Night March acquitted...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

May 1 - April 26, 2024
<<Young people in Makhmour continue Deniz Fırat's legacy...
and <<Activist sentenced to 11 years in prison for supporting women's rights in Saudi Arabia...
and <<Thousands march in Elih to celebrate May Day...
and <<More than 50,000 child migrants disappeared in Europe...
and <<Displaced women of Serekaniye: Our resistance will continue...
and <<Taliban issue over 200 decrees, orders violating human rights since 2021...
and <<'Happy May Day to women fighting for freedom'...
and <<10 women political prisoners placed in solitary confinement in Şakran prison...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!  

Click here for a dated menu overview 'till April 1 2024 and earlier

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Gender awareness-raising activities
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 22 , 2024
<<Gender awareness-raising activities started by Amed Metropolitan Municipality
Amed Metropolitan Municipality Women's Department has started awareness-raising activities on <gender equality> for employees of the Women's Life Centers in neighborhoods.
News Center- Amed Metropolitan Municipality Women's Department has started awareness-raising activities on <gender equality> for course attendees and employees of the Women's Life Centers in neighborhoods.
Women's demands were heard
Ozden Gurbuz Sümer, head of the Women's Department participated in the activities held at the centers located in Koşuyolu, Ben u Sen, Lalebey and Mardinkapı. Giving information about the projects of the municipality for women, she listened to the demands of the women. Psychologist Dilan Guven gave information to the women about <The concepts of sex and gender and the difference between these concepts> and <Gender roles and the inequality caused by these roles in society.> The women participating in the activities voices the problems faced by them for being women.
The awareness-raising activities will be held in Yenikoy on May 23 and at the Ahmet Arif Women's Life Center on May 24.>>

The Yazidi Free Women's Movement
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 22 , 2024
<<Social media hashtag campaign by Yazidi women
The Yazidi Free Women's Movement (TAJE) has announced that it will launch a social media hashtag campaign on May 22, calling on all women to support the campaign.
Shengal- The Yazidi Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Azadiya Jinen Ezidi-TAJE) has released a written statement, announcing it will launch a social media campaign under the hashtag <#BidinDengeXweparastin (English: Be the Voice of Self-defense)> on May 22. The social media hashtag campaign will continue until August 3, the anniversary of the genocide conducted against Yazidis by ISIS. In the statement, the TAJE called on all women to support the campaign. Women are subjected to all forms of violence all around the world, the statement stressed. <ISIS conducted a genocide against the Yazidi community on August 3, 2014. They raped Yazidi women and sold them in slave markets in Mosul. Today, thousands of Yazidi women are still held captive by ISIS. However, no legal process has been started against ISIS and its partners yet. The mindset of ISIS is the patriarchal mindset that has been in power for 5,000 years. We can tear down this mindset by using our self-defense. Self-defense is a must for women to protect them against attacks and possible genocides.> Calling on women, friends of Yazidis and all Yazidis all around the world to support their campaign, the statement said, <Our social media campaign will be launched on May 22, at 20.00 under the hashtag '#BidinDengêXweparastin'.> >>

Esra Solin Dal, Mehmet Aslan and Erdogan Alayumat

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 22 , 2024
<<3 journalists released under judicial control
Esra Solin Dal, Mehmet Aslan and Erdogan Alayumat have been released under judicial control.
News Center- Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reporters Esra Solin Dal and Mehmet Aslan and journalist Erdogan Alayumat, who were sent to prison as part of an investigation based in Istanbul on April 26,2024, were released from prison last night. The indictment prepared against three journalists was accepted by the Istanbul 25th High Criminal Court. On Tuesday, the court ruled to release the three journalists under judicial control, banning them from travelling abroad. The journalists were released from prison last night.>>

Senem Eriş
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 21 , 2024
<<DEM Party member Senem Eriş subjected to 'strip search' in prison
Senem Eriş, member of the DEM Party Young Women's Coordination, was reportedly subjected to 'strip search' after being transferred to the Bakırkoy Women's Closed Prison.
News Center- On May 18, 2024, youth organizations held a protest in front of the Sureyya Opera House in Istanbul's Kadıkoy district to commemorate İbrahim Kaypakkaya, Haki Karer, Ferhat Kurtay, Eşref Anyık, Mahmut Zengin and Necmi Oner, who set their bodies on fire to protest torture in Diyarbakir No. 5 Prison on May 18, 1982. Police attacked the protesters and detained four protesters. The protesters were sent to prison on charges of <opposing the Law on Demonstrations and Marches No. 2911> and <resisting public officers>. Senem Eriş, member of the Peoples' Democracy and Equality Party (DEM Party) Young Women's Coordination was transferred to the Bakırkoy Women's Closed Prison. According to the received reports, Senem Eriş was subjected to 'strip search' at the prison and then taken to a ward for the ordinary prisoners.
'Stop this practice immediately'
<Our Young Women's Coordination and our party assembly member Senem Eriş was forcibly detained and sent to prison,> DEM Party Women's Council said in a post on X. <She was strip searched at the entrance of the prison. We do not accept the practice of strip search, which has become a method of torture. Stop this practice immediately. Senem Eriş should be released immediately.> <Our Young Women's Coordination member Senem Eriş was detained while commemorating the martyrs of May,> DEM Party Istanbul Youth Assembly said in a statement on X. <She was subjected to strip search twice at the prison. She has been held in a ward of ordinary prisoners. The male state and law enforcement forces will be held accountable for torturing women!> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 21 , 2024
<<70 Yazidi families return to Shengal
The return of Yazidis, who were displaced by ISIS, to Shengal (Sinjar) continues. 70 Yazidi families have returned to Shengal from two IDPs camps in Duhok.
News Center- The return of Yazidis, who were forcibly displaced from Shengal (Sinjar) due to the attacks started by ISIS in 2014, continues. 70 Yazidi families returned to Shengal on Monday from Mam Rashan and Esyan IDPs camps in Duhok. The families have settled in the villages and sub-districts of Shengal. 79 Yazidi families are expected to return to Shengal from Mam Rashan IDPs camp today. The Shengal Autonomous Administration welcomes the citizens, who return to Shengal, and provides support to them. Since the Iraqi government announced that all IDPs camps would be closed down by July 30, 2024, the number of Yazidis returning to Shengal has increased.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 21 , 2024
<<New 6-month lawyer visit ban on Abdullah Ocalan
A new 6-month lawyer visit ban has been issued against Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. His lawyers will submit an application to the Constitutional Court for lifting the ban.
News Center- No news has been received from Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan since he had a short phone call with his brother, Mehmet Ocalan, on March 25, 2021. Another 6-month law visit ban has been issued against Abdullah Ocalan, Omer Hayri Konar, Veysi Aktaş and Hamili Yıldırım, who have been imprisoned in the Imrali prison. Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reported on Tuesday that the Asrın Law Office had applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and Imralı Prison Directorate to meet with Abdullah Ocalan, Omer Hayri Konar, Veysi Aktaş and Hamili Yıldırım. Then, the lawyers learned that a 6-month lawyer visit ban was issued against their clients on May 3, 2024. Lawyers were given no information about the reason for the ban and the objections to the ban were rejected. The lawyers will reportedly submit an application to the Turkish Constitutional Court for lifting the ban.
At least 13 lawyer visit bans in 8 years
The last 6-month lawyer visit ban was issued against Abdullah Ocalan on October 31, 2023. The judiciary rejected the lawyers' request for the disclosure of the content and file samples of the ban, citing <security> concerns. At least 13 lawyer visit bans have been issued against Abdullah Ocalan for eight years. In addition, family visits have been also prevented by similar bans.>>

Syrian Women's Council
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 20 , 2024
<<Syrian Women's Council holds its 2nd congress in Aleppo
The Syrian Women's Council has been holding its 2nd congress in Aleppo with participation of 200 women delegates across Syria.
Aleppo- The Syrian Women's Council has been holding its 2nd congress at the Jazira Hall in the city of Aleppo with the motto, <We will end the war and build peace with the unity of women>. 200 women delegates across Syria have participated in the congress. Women of all nationalities, religions and ethnic groups in North and East Syria and female representatives of political parties and NGOs have also participated in the congress. After a minute's silence, Rihab Ibrahim, member of the Executive Committee of the Syrian Women's Council, made the opening speech. In her speech, she pointed to the challenges faced by women due to the ongoing Syrian crisis and said:
<13 years have passed since the Syrian civil war started. Since the revolution (in Rojava), Syrian women have played important roles in all facets of life. We hope this congress will pave the way for women to solve all problems faced by them. We aim to rebuild a free and democratic country without a decentralized system.>
'Women from all organizations and institutions participate in the congress'
After the opening speech, the general perspective of the council was read by Suhail Sinouh, member of the Syrian Women's Council Foreign Affairs Office. At the congress, NuJINHA spoke to Gulistan Endik, member of the Syrian Women's Council Foreign Affairs Office in the city of Qamishlo, about the congress. <We held our first congress in 2017. Now, we are holding our second congress. We are holding our second congress late due to the crises in the region. We made great efforts for the preparation of the congress for a year,> Gulistan Endik told us. <We are in communication with all women living in Syria and we invited them to participate in our congress. Women from all organizations and institutions participate in the congress. As women, we will discuss many issues regarding women. We hope that our congress will be a successful congress for all women.>
The congress continues with speeches.>>
Source incl. video:

Women's Literature and Cinema
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 20 , 2024
<<7th National Cultural Festival for Women's Literature and Cinema to kick off in Algeria
The 7th National Cultural Festival for Women's Literature and Cinema will be held in the city of Saïda, northwestern Algeria, from May 23 to May 26.
News Center- The 7th National Cultural Festival for Women's Literature and Cinema (Festival National de la Litterature et du Cinema de la Femme will be held in the city of Saïda, northwestern Algeria, from May 23 to May 26 with the motto, <From another perspective: Literature and Cinema>.
The seventh edition of the festival will be held in honor of Algerian actress Bahia Rachedi for her work in the film industry. The program of the festival includes several activities to be held by women writers and film directors such as Lynda Belkhiria and Darin J. Sallam. At the festival, films by Palestinian women will be screened and seminars on the role of Palestinian women writers and film directors in the resistance against Israeli forces will be held. The <Farha> film directed by Darin J. Sallam will be also screened at the festival to be held.>>

Explosive remnants of war
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 20 , 2024
<<26 children in Libya killed or injured due to explosive remnants of war
35 people, 26 of them children, were killed or injured due to explosive remnants of war between April 2023 and April 2024, UNSMIL reported on Sunday.
News Center- The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) released a statement on X on Sunday about how many people were killed or injured due to explosive remnants of war between April 2023 and April 2024. 35 people, 26 of them children, were killed or injured due to explosive remnants of war last year, the UNSMIL said. In the last five years, more than 400 people have been injured or killed in explosive ordnance related accidents, the UNSMIL added. <While Libya has managed to clean up about 36 percent of the hazardous land identified in Libya, about 436 million square meters remain contaminated,> said Fatma Zourrig, Chief of UNSMIL's Mine Action Section.>>

Kobane Trial
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 16 , 2024
<<Kobane Trial: Joint letter by women politicians
Women politicians, who have been held in prison pending the Kobanê Trial, sent a joint letter declaring that they will not attend the 83rd hearing of the trial to protest the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan.
News Center- The 83rd hearing of the Kobane Trial against 108 politicians, 18 of whom are held in prison pending the trial including former HDP Co-Chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yuksekdağ starts today. A verdict is expected. The women politicians, who have been held in prison pending the trial, have declared in a joint letter that they will not attend the hearing to protest the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan.
The joint letter signed by Sebahat Tuncel, Ayla Akat Ata, Zeynep Ölbeci, Zeynep Karaman, Aynur Aşan, Ayşe Yagcı, Meryem Adıbelli and Pervin Oduncu is as follows:
<All constitutional and legal rights of Mr. Abdullah Öcalan and his friends have been usurped in the prison island of Imrali. These rights violations are against democracy. The policy of absolute isolation has become a systematic practice. Both the legal and ethical definition of this practice is torture. The objections the Kurdish people, their friends and lawyers against this torture have been ignored so far. This torture system in the prison island Imrali is the usurpation of rights and freedoms and leaves the Kurdish question unresolved. This system paves the way for conflict, prevents democracy and peace for all citizens in Turkiye. The isolation imposed on Mr. Ocalan in the prison island of Imrali is also the isolation of social peace and democracy. The absolute isolation imposed on the prison island of Imrali must be lifted for the solution to the Kurdish question, the democratization of Turkey, and the construction of democratic constitutional state. We will not attend the hearing that will be held today so that the conditions for health, security and freedom of Kurdish leader Mr. Abdullah Ocalan will be ensured.> >>

Kobane Trial
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 16 , 2024
<<Kobane Trial: The verdict will be a crossroads for Turkiye
<The verdict will be a crossroads for democracy in Turkiye,> said the co-chairs of the DEM Party before the 83rd hearing of the Kobane Trial, a verdict is expected.
News Center- The 83rd hearing of the Kobane Trial against 108 politicians, 18 of whom are held in prison pending the trial including former HDP Co-Chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yuksekdag will be held today. Before the hearing, a statement was made in front of the Sincan Prison with the participation of Peoples' Democracy and Equality Party (DEM Party) Co-chairs Tuncer Bakırhan and Tülay Hatimogulları and the representatives of political parties and organizations such as the People's Democratic Congress (HDK), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), the Socialist Re-establishment Party (SYKP), the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), the Labour Party (EMEP), the Republican People's Party (CHP), the Left Party, the Peace Mothers' Initiative, the Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK), the Human Rights Association (IHD), the Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD), the Lawyers Association for Freedom (OHD) and the Social Freedom Party (TOP).
'This is not a legal trial'
<The Kobane Trial is not a legal trial,> said DEM Party Co-chair Tuncer Bakırhan. <Today is the last day of Turkiye's biggest political conspiracy trial. This is not a legal trial; it is a conspiracy trial prepared by the political power using secret witnesses and forced comments.>
'It will be a milestone for Turkiye'
Tuncer Bakırhan also said that the verdict in the trial would be a milestone for Turkiye.
<I think the Kobane Conspiracy Trial will be a milestone for those who talk about normalization and softening today. Altogether, we will witness which path Türkiye will choose from the verdict in this political conspiracy trial. I hope the court will not be influenced by political power.>
'A beginning for democracy in Turkiye'
Tulay Hatimogulları said that the Kobane Trial is <a scenario written by the palace. We expect a verdict in the trial, the most important trial in the history of Türkiye. As the representatives of political parties, NGO, women's organizations and human rights movements across Turkiye, we will monitor a historical trial. Yes, this trial is a historical trial. It is a scenario written by the palace (referring to the palace of President Erdogan). The verdict will be a new beginning for democracy of Turkiye or a dark era.>
'The verdict will be a crossroads for Turkiye'
Tulay Hatimogulları also said that the verdict would be a crossroads for Turkiye. <This crossroads becomes sharp now. The verdict will bring democracy or drag this country into dark corridors. We hope our friends will be acquitted.> >>

Zenubya Womens Community
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 16 , 2024 - by SILVA AL-IBRAHIM
<<'Our election system deserves to become a model for all countries'
<Our election system deserves to become a model for all countries,> said the women of North and East Syria, pointing out that the municipal elections to be held in the region on June 11 are a historical step.
Manbij- The municipal elections scheduled to be held in North and East Syria on 30 May have been postponed to June 11 by the High Election Commission of North and East Syria to complete the preparations for the elections and to put the Social Contract in force. The elections are first of their kind in the world with the co-presidency system, the electoral gender quota that requires that 50% of the candidates on the electoral lists are women and the primary elections in which women candidates were determined by women.
The women of North and East Syria define the municipal elections as a <historical step>.
'Our system deserves to become a model for all countries'
<The upcoming municipal elections are a historical step,> said Meryem Osman, coordinating member of the Zenubya Women's Community, pointing out that women's right to vote and be elected was limited before the revolution. <Women's participation in the elections is a great success. Women have achieved these gains by struggling and making great efforts. Today, women create themselves with their free will in North and East Syria. Our system deserves to become a model for all countries. When the region was controlled by Daesh, women were sold in slave markets. We witnessed the atrocity of Daesh and today we witness the historical changes in the lives of women. The 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' slogan chanted during the revolution in Rojava is now a global slogan.>
'Women unite and write their own history'
The co-presidency system is the only and first model that represents gender equality, Meryem Osman noted. <Women can become candidates or determine their own candidates without being subjected to any oppression. In the primary elections, they determined their own mayoral candidates. Women unite and write their own history. We should unite and struggle together to achieve more gains. As leader Abdullah Ocalan says, we write the history of women today. We will build the Democratic Confederation of Women.>
'We have taken important steps for democracy'
Azab Al-Aboud, Co-chair of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) Executive Council of Manbij Canton, said that an important step was taken when the July 19 Revolution started in Rojava. <The system of the AANES aims to build a fair and equal life,> she said, pointing to the Social Contract approved in Rojava.>>
Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024