formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


You are now at the section on what is happening in the rest of the Middle east
(Updates May 10, 2024)

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2024: May wk2 -- May wk1 --  April wk 4 part3 -- April wk 4 part2
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overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023


 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
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and earlier news


May 9 - 6, 2024
<<Five journalists receive prison sentences...
and <<Young women in Hasakah call for unity against genocidal attacks...
and <<Zozan Bekir: The elections will be a response to all powers that cannot find a solution...
and <<Jinnews: Men killed 30 women and 2 children in April...
and <<Man kills his wife, three children in Kilis before killing himself...
and <<Turkey: Men kill 32 women in April...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Next Actual News update May 12, 2024

May 3 - 2, 2024
<<World Press Freedom Day: We resist oppression...
and <<47 people taken into custody in Istanbul...
and <<YRA: Do not remain silent against attacks on journalists...
and <<Women standing trial for participating in 2020 Feminist Night March acquitted...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

May 1 - April 26, 2024
<<Young people in Makhmour continue Deniz Fırat's legacy...
and <<Activist sentenced to 11 years in prison for supporting women's rights in Saudi Arabia...
and <<Thousands march in Elih to celebrate May Day...
and <<More than 50,000 child migrants disappeared in Europe...
and <<Displaced women of Serekaniye: Our resistance will continue...
and <<Taliban issue over 200 decrees, orders violating human rights since 2021...
and <<'Happy May Day to women fighting for freedom'...
and <<10 women political prisoners placed in solitary confinement in Şakran prison...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!  

Click here for a dated menu overview 'till April 1 2024 and earlier

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 9, 2024
<<Five journalists receive prison sentences
At the final hearing of the trial against journalists of Ozgurlukçu Demokrasi newspaper, the court sentenced five journalists to prison.
News Center- The final hearing of the trial against six journalists of Ozgurlukçu Demokrasi newspaper, which was closed down by an emergency decree at the Istanbul 23rd High Criminal Court. The lawyers of the journalists, who stood trial on charges of <membership in a (terrorist) organization>, <propagandizing for a terrorist organization>, <openly inciting the public to hatred and hostility> and <Praising crime and criminals>, attended the hearing. The court issued the acquittal of Mizgin Fendi and separated the case of Pınar Tarlak on the grounds that she had another ongoing case. The court sentenced Mehmet Ali Çelebi to three years and nine months on charges of <Supporting a (terrorist) organization> and Reyhan Hacıoglu, İhsan Yaşar, İshak Yasul and Hicran Urun to three years, one month and 15 days in prison for each one on the same charges.
The court issued the lift of travel ban on the journalists.>>

They call for unity against genocidal attacks
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 8, 2024 - by SORGUL ŞEXO
<<Young women in Hasakah call for unity against genocidal attacks
The members of the Young Women's Union in Hasakah called for unity against genocidal attacks on the region at a conference held in Qamishlo.
Qamishlo- Young women held a conference in Qamishlo, a city in North and East Syria, with the participation of 150 delegates. At the conference, young women discussed the role of women in the rebuilding a society based on democracy and the struggle against the ongoing attacks on the region. NuJINHA spoke to Midiya Ebdilrehman ile Hemila Mihemed, members of the Young Women's Union in Hasakah, about the conference.
'Our aims is to frustrate the attacks on women'
At the conference, women from different nationalities and religions discussed the role of young women in building a democratic country, Midiya Ebdilrehman told us. <Because our enemy knows that women organize themselves under the umbrella of the Democratic Nation paradigm. Our aims is to frustrate the attacks on women by discussing the role of the young women in society. The philosophy of leader Ocalan is like a deep sea. If women fight to build their personalities, they can achieve freedom. The current systems insist on one flag and one language. Thanks to leader Ocalan, people from different nationalities, religions and ethnicities live together. We want to spread this spirit all over the world.>
'Women need a common struggle'
Pointing to the role of young women in preserving and protecting the societal values and the gains of the revolution in Rojava, Midiya Ebdilrehman said, <Our society and young people are subjected to attacks aiming at destroying our values. We must strengthen our self-defense against these attacks. By strengthening ourselves, we can preserve our culture, ethics and identity.> Midiya Ebdilrehman emphasized that women need a common struggle and said, <The women of Rojava, Middle East and Europe should build a network and struggle together. Together, we can protect women's identity and develop democratic projects. We should unite and organize to ensure freedom for Abdullah Öcalan.>
'We should make our struggle stronger against the attacks'
Young women have played a leading role in the implementation of the system based on democracy in North and East Syria, Hemila Mihemed emphasized. <The most important thing is to spread the thoughts and ideology of leader Ocalan among women and this is the most sacred duty for us. Women's leading role in North and East Syria has become a role model for women all around the world. Women all around the world want to learn more about the revolution. We should make our struggle stronger against the ongoing attacks on our region. <Without women's struggle, all revolutions and other activities will remain incomplete and will not find their real meaning. The YPJ (the Women's Defense Units) fought and defeated ISIS thanks to the leading role of young women. In Rojava, women play leading roles in all facets of life now. For this reason, we call on the women of Southern Kurdistan and Eastern Kurdistan to unite and struggle against the attacks aiming to divide and occupy Kurdistan.> >>

Zozan Bekir
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 8, 2024 - by BERÇEM CUDI
<<Zozan Bekir: The elections will be a response to all powers that cannot find a solution
Zozan Bekir, Spokesperson of Kongra Star in the Euphrates Canton, spoke about the upcoming municipal elections in northeastern Syria and said, <The elections will be a response to all powers that cannot find a solution for peace in Syria.>
Kobane- The people of North and East Syria will cast their votes in the municipal elections to be held on May 30. In an interview with NuJINHA, Zozan Bekir, Spokesperson of Kongra Star in the Euphrates Canton, gave information about the upcoming elections.
'We put our signature under a new success'
<We put the municipal elections on our agenda after the Social Contract was approved by the General Council of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria on December 12, 2023. Then, the election law on the municipal elections was introduced,> Zozan Bekir said. <As the women's movement, we made plans and formed an alliance with the PYD (Democratic Union Party) to run for the elections.> Speaking about the primary elections to choose mayoral candidates, she said, <For the first time, the candidates were elected by people. This step was very important and meaningful for women. I can say that this step is one of the gains of the revolution in Rojava. Women achieved great successes by leading the revolution and now they add new ones to these successes.>
'We will run for the elections with enthusiasm'
Zozan Bekir emphasized that women elected their candidates freely. <The primary elections were held in North and East Syria on April 28 and 29 to determine female mayoral candidates. Women's enthusiasm, color and will showed themselves in the primary elections. Women elected their own candidates with their own free will. Then, the PYD determined male candidates. Now, both female and male candidates are getting ready for the upcoming municipal elections.>
'Preparations for the elections continue despite all the attacks'
Emphasizing the importance of municipal elections, Zozan Bekir said, <Everyone knows that the conflicts in Syria have been continuing for years and no stability has been achieved yet. In addition, the Middle East suffers from a deepening crisis. In such a period, the developments in North and East Syria are very important. A system based on democracy is implemented in North and Syria led by women and it allows people from all nationalities, religions and ethnicities to enjoy a peaceful and safe life. In this respect, the primary elections become a role model for the region.> Preparations and efforts for the elections continue in all cantons despite all the threats and attacks of the Turkish state, Zozan Bekir emphasized. <When women were getting ready for the primary elections in the Euphrates Canton, the building of the organizations protecting women from violence was targeted by Turkish drones and many were injured in the attack.>
First elections in liberated cities
The upcoming municipal elections in North and East Syria will be the first elections to be held in the cities liberated from ISIS such as Manbij, Tabqa, Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor. <The primary elections were held in these cities. In these cities, women play a leading role in rebuilding their cities since they were freed from the atrocity of ISIS. Today, the demands of all people in Syria for democracy, freedom, equality and peace are being realized in North and East Syria. We believe that everyone will play their role in democratizing their communities by casting their votes on May 30. We know that women and young people will find a solution to the conflict in Syria. The upcoming elections will be a response to all powers that cannot find a solution.> >>

Protest Men killed 30 women and 2 children
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 7, 2024
<<Jinnews: Men killed 30 women and 2 children in April
In Turkey, men killed 30 women and two children, 15 more women and one child died under suspicious circumstances in April, the report released by Jinnews said.
News Center- Jinnews, an all-women news agency based in Amed (Diyarbakır), has released its April 2024 report on femicide in Turkey by compiling news from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies. Men killed 30 women and two children, 15 more women and one child died under suspicious circumstances in April, the report said. According to the report, one woman was killed in Amed, two in Mersin, one in Edirne, one in Balıkesir, two in Antalya, one in Tekirdag, four in Istanbul, two in Maraş, two in Ankara, one in Bolu, two in Manisa, one in Kayseri, two in Semsur (Adıyaman), two in Samsun, one in Mugla, one in Karabuk, one in Agiri (Agrı), one in Kırıkkale, one in Aydın and one in Çankırı. 18 women were killed by their husbands, one by her ex-husband, one by her son, one by her brother, three by their partners, one by her nephew, one by her uncle, four by men whom they knew.>>

Pınar Aydınlar
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 7, 2024
<<Pınar Aydınlar sentenced to more than one year in prison
Musician and politician Pınar Aydınlar has been sentenced to one year, six months and 22 days in prison.
News Center- The first hearing of the case against musician and politician Pınar Aydınlar on charges of <propagandizing for a terrorist organization> for the songs she sang at the 21st Munzur Culture and Nature Festival and her social media post was held on Tuesday at the Tunceli 2nd High Criminal Court. Pınar Aydınlar and her lawyer attended the hearing through Audio-Visual Information System (SEGBIS) from the hall of the Istanbul 26th High Criminal Court. At the hearing, the prosecution requested a prison sentence against Pınar Aydın on charges of <propagandizing for a terrorist organization> for her social media posts. The court sentenced Pınar Aydınlar to one year, six months and 22 days in prison on charges of <propagandizing for a terrorist organization>.>>

Nevin Oyman
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 7, 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Women's Council to be created in Amed to support women
Amed Metropolitan Municipality is getting ready to create a <Women's Council>. <Our aim is to solve the problems faced by women and reach all women,> said Nevin Oyman, member of the Women's Commission of the municipality.
Amed (Diyarbakır)- Although the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) won most of the municipalities in Northern Kurdistan, the government removed the elected mayors from office and replaced them with state-appointed trustees in 2016. In the local elections held in 2019, the HDP won a majority of municipalities in Kurdish cities; however, the government removed the elected mayors from office and replaced them with state-appointed trustees again. In the local elections held on March 31, 2024, the Peoples' Democracy and Equality Party (DEM Party) won the majority of municipalities in Kurdish cities. The state-appointed trustees (mayors) closed down 43 women's institutions affiliated to the municipality, renamed or made dysfunctional the others in Amed. The Amed (Diyarbakır) Metropolitan Municipality is getting ready to create a <Women's Council> to support women, solve the problems faced by them. Co-mayors of Amed's districts and municipal council members will be members of the Women's Council to reach all women in the city, its districts and villages.
'The appointed mayors left no space for women'
NuJINHA spoke to Nevin Oyman, member of the Women's Commission of the Amed Metropolitan Municipality, about the council and its aims. Speaking about the destruction caused by the appointed mayors in the city, she said, <When the city was governed by the state-appointed mayors, women in the districts and villages received no support. The appointed mayors left no space for women. During that period, survivors of gender-based violence had no spaces to take shelter. Before the appointment of the unelected mayors, women’s institutions affiliated to the municipality were active, supporting women living in districts and villages. However, the state-appointed mayors closed down, renamed or made dysfunctional them. Therefore, women had no space protecting them from violence, providing legal and psychological support to them.>
Nevin Oyman also gave information about the Women's Council to be created by the municipality.
<We had a meeting with the participation of all co-mayors and municipal council members and decided to create a women's council to solve the problems faced by women in Amed, its districts and villages. The members of the council will be only women. We will first listen to the problems and demands of women to support them.> Pointing to the high rate of violence against women in the city, Nevin Oyman emphasized that the special war policies implemented in the region caused the increase in the violence against women. <We have learned that the municipality governed by the state-appointed mayors only provided sewing and embroidery, Quran and rug weaving courses to women. It provided no legal and psychological support to the survivors of violence. In other words, women’s institutions affiliated to the municipality did provide no support to women. The Women's Council to be created by the municipality will provide support to all women in the city. Our women's institutions will become active again. We will discuss the problems faced by women such as gender-based violence, femicide and how we can provide employment to women. We will carry out awareness-raising activities against gender-based violence and femicide. We will create spaces for women so that they can improve themselves and start their own business.>
'We will focus on women'
The council aims to reach all women, Nevin Soyman emphasized again and said, <This council will be a space for women to find solutions to their problems. We will focus on women and how to make their lives easier.> >>
Source incl. video:

DFG demands release of journalists

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 6, 2024
<<DFG demands release of journalists
The Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) has released a statement demanding the release of journalists, who were taken into custody in dawn house raids in Amed on Monday. <They aim to prevent us from doing our jobs.>
News Center- Two journalists, Nurcan Yalçın and Derya Us, were taken into custody in dawn house raids conducted in Amed (Diyarbakır) on Monday. The Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (Turkish: Dicle Fırat Gazeteciler Dernegi, DFG) has released a statement, demanding immediate release of the journalists. <Although the reason for their detention has not been announced yet, we know that it is an attempt to criminalize our profession,> the statement said.
'Release the journalists'
Reminding that Mezopotamya Agency (MA) reporters Esra Solin Dal and Mehmet Aslan and journalist Erdogan Alayumat were sent to prison in April 2024 as part of an investigation launched by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, the statement said, <Esra Solin Dal was subjected to strip search and she is still held in solitary confinement.> Approximately 40 journalists and media workers have been separately arrested in house raids conducted for two years, according to the statement. <These house raids aim to silence Kurdish journalists. They aim to prevent us from doing our jobs. Despite all kinds of oppression, Kurdish journalists never give up writing the truth and they will continue to struggle. Our struggle will continue to seek the truth and report it to the public. We call on all professional organizations and our colleagues to be in solidarity with journalists to protect journalism. Journalism is not a crime. Release the journalists.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 6, 2024
<<Man kills his wife, three children in Kilis before killing himself
A man named Yusuf Kuvara, a refugee in Kilis, killed himself after killing his wife, Merve Kuvara, and his three children aged 8,6 and 5.
News Center- A man named Yusuf Kuvara, a refugee working as a construction worker in Kilis, killed himself after killing his wife, Merve Kuvara, and his three children aged 8,6 and 5. Police and medical teams arrived at the scene after the woman’s relatives reported the incident. The medical teams confirmed that Merve Kuvara and her three children had died at the scene. According to the received reports, an investigation has been launched into the incident.>>

We will work with our people
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 6, 2024 - by SORGUL ŞEXO
<<Co-mayoral candidate for Zirgan: We will work with our people
Hebuba Ridwan Mihemed, co-mayoral candidate for Zirgan (Abu Rasin) in the municipal elections to be held on May 30 in North and East Syria, says that they will work with women and people.
Hasakah- Election campaigns for the municipal elections to be held on May 30, 2024 in North and East Syria continue. On April 17, Kongra Star announced that Kongra Star and the Democratic Union Party (PYD) formed an alliance for the elections. After the announcements, primary elections were held in cities and towns to elect co-mayoral candidates. Women candidates for the elections were determined by women. At the primary elections, Hebuba Ridwan Miheme was chosen as co-mayoral candidate for Zirgan (Abu Rasin), a town in Syria's northeastern Hasakah province. Hebuba Ridwan Mihemed,30, was born in Zirgan and completed her primary, secondary and high school education in the town. Then, she studied English at the university in Deir ez-Zor. However, she could not complete her education at the university due to the war that started in Syria and the intensified attacks by Al Nusra Front. When the revolution started in Kobanê, she participated in the creation of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES). In 2014, she began to work for Zirgan People's Municipality.
'I pursued my goal'
In an interview with NuJINHA, Hebuba Ridwan Mihemed spoke about her experiences in municipal works. <I started working as a municipal police officer. At first, my father supported me a lot. I was, of course, criticized by many people saying, 'A woman cannot work with men'. I pursued my goal without taking care of the criticism. I met people and talked to them. I listened to their life stories and problems.>
'I fought my family and society'
Hebuba Ridwan Mihemed is determined to walk on her own path with the support of her husband and children.
<I did struggle in all facets of life; I fought my family and society. I made great efforts to build a family based on unity and solidarity. This is how I participated in municipal works. When Afrin was under attack, I left my two-month-old son with my mother and went to Afrin to support the people. When I returned, my son refused to drink my milk. People must fight everywhere for their country's children and their own children. People around me asked me not to participate in the elections. I was told, 'You already have heavy burdens as a mother'. But I did not listen to them and participated in the primary elections. I was elected as the co-mayoral candidate for Zirgan.>
'We will support the resistance of women'
Hebuba Ridwan Mihemed will use all opportunities to <meet the expectations of women who trust me. Zirgan is in the line of fire due to Turkish attacks. It is subjected to attacks from air and land. Women resist all the attacks. We will support the resistance of women.> Women's support to Hebûba Ridwan Mihemed in the primary elections gave her moral support. <Women are supporters of women in rebuilding their country. I will do my best to develop my town and support women to the end.>
'We will make our city green'
Recalling that Zirgan is in the line of fire, Hebuba Ridwan Mihemed talked about her projects, if she is elected as the co-mayor of Zirgan in the municipal election on May 30. <The enemy is attacking our infrastructure, including our health centers, power and water stations. We will work to develop our town. We will rebuild our power and water stations. Due to ongoing attacks, the projects for women have not been realized for five years. We will create spaces for women. We will open a kindergarten so that working women can leave their children there. We will make our city green again. We will implement many projects within the bounds of possibility. We will work with people for our city.> >>
Source incl. video:

Exhibition by students of Farnoosh Derakhshani
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 6, 2024
<<Exhibition by students of Farnoosh Derakhshani in Sanandaj
The black ink paintings by the students of Farnoosh Dereakhshani have been exhibited at Soureh Gallery of Bahman Cinema in Sanandaj.
Sanandaj- The students of Farnoosh Dereakhshani opened an exhibition at Soureh Gallery of Bahman Cinema in Sanandaj on Sunday. 25 students have been displaying their black ink paintings at the exhibition. At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the students wore Kurdish traditional clothes and danced Kurdish folk dances. The exhibition will be open to the public in Sanandaj until Wednesday.>>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 6, 2024
<<Turkey: Men kill 32 women in April
32 women were killed, 13 more died under suspicious circumstances in Turkey last month, according to the report released by the We Will Stop Femicide Platform.
News Center- We Will Stop Femicide Platform (Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracagız Platformu-KCDP) has released its April 2024 report on femicide. In April, 32 women were killed, 13 more died under suspicious circumstances in Turkey, the report said. According to the report, 10 women were killed by men on the excuse that they had asked for a divorce, refused marriage or dating proposals, one on the excuse that her mother did not want to reconcile with her father, one on the excuse that she fed a cat, one on excuse of financial reasons. The excuse of men, who killed 18 women could not be determined. The reason why we could not determine the excuse of men, who killed 18 women, is that violence against women and femicide are invisible. Without the determination of the reasons behind femicide, the fair trial and preventive measures, violence against women continues by changing its forms.> 19 women were killed by their husbands, five by their partners, three by their relatives, two by their intimate men, one by her father, one by her brother and one by her son, the report said.>>
Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024