formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


You are now at the section on what is happening in the rest of the Middle east
(Updates May 17, 2024)

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2024: May wk3 -- May wk2 -- May wk1 --  April wk 4 part3 -- April wk 4 part2
Click here for an
overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023


 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
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and earlier news

May 17 - 10, 2024
<<Women of Kobane: We will respond to the threats...
and <<Solidarity Initiative for Figen Yuksekdag: We do not accept the prison sentences...
and <<Ayla Akat Ata: Our struggle continues...
and <<No tolerance even to word of 'isolation': The aim is to silence society...
and <<At least 40 people detained in house raids in Istanbul, Izmir and Antalya...
and <<Kurdish education in Makhmour camp from tents to schools...
and <<'Afghan women suffer from psychological problems due to the Taliban's restrictions'...
and <<Joint statement by 159 public figures on Kobane trial...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

May 9 - 6, 2024
<<Five journalists receive prison sentences...
and <<Young women in Hasakah call for unity against genocidal attacks...
and <<Zozan Bekir: The elections will be a response to all powers that cannot find a solution...
and <<Jinnews: Men killed 30 women and 2 children in April...
and <<Man kills his wife, three children in Kilis before killing himself...
and <<Turkey: Men kill 32 women in April...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Next Actual News update May 12, 2024

May 3 - 2, 2024
<<World Press Freedom Day: We resist oppression...
and <<47 people taken into custody in Istanbul...
and <<YRA: Do not remain silent against attacks on journalists...
and <<Women standing trial for participating in 2020 Feminist Night March acquitted...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

May 1 - April 26, 2024
<<Young people in Makhmour continue Deniz Fırat's legacy...
and <<Activist sentenced to 11 years in prison for supporting women's rights in Saudi Arabia...
and <<Thousands march in Elih to celebrate May Day...
and <<More than 50,000 child migrants disappeared in Europe...
and <<Displaced women of Serekaniye: Our resistance will continue...
and <<Taliban issue over 200 decrees, orders violating human rights since 2021...
and <<'Happy May Day to women fighting for freedom'...
and <<10 women political prisoners placed in solitary confinement in Şakran prison...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!  

Click here for a dated menu overview 'till April 1 2024 and earlier

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Women of Kobane
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 17, 2024 - by BERÇEM CUDI
<<Women of Kobane: We will respond to the threats
Reacting to the ongoing threats of the Turkish state, the women of Kobane said, <It is obvious that the Turkish state aims to invade our region. We will respond to the threats.>
Kobane- ISIS attacked the city of Kobanê, northeastern Syria, in 2014 and it was defeated by the resistance. AKP's President Tayyip Erdogan has kept threatening the people of Kobanê since the defeat of ISIS.
'The aim of the Turkish state is obvious'
The Kurdish people struggle for freedom, said Semira Mustefa, one of the women of Kobane. <The Turkish state threatens North and East Syria once again. The Turkish state says that they will launch an invasion attack soon. We responded to the Turkish attacks before and we will respond to them again. Our people now know what freedom is and they cannot live without freedom.>
'We will prevail with the determination of women like Helim'
As the women of Kobane, we are against all kinds of attacks on our region, emphasized Semira Mustefa. <The Turkish state targets civilians. Last month, Helim Osman lost one of her legs in a Turkish drone attack. Hundreds of civilians have been killed or injured in the Turkish attacks on the region. After losing her leg, Helîm said, 'I will keep struggling even if I have only a leg.' Helim Osman is the symbol of our determination and struggle. We will always prevail with the determination of women like Helim Osman.>
'The Turkish state targets the upcoming elections'
Xedice Mihemed thinks that the Turkish state targets the municipal elections to be held in North and East Syria on June 11. <The people of North and East Syria will head to the polls to elect mayors and there are many efforts to put the Social Contract in force. Many important steps have been recently taken in North and East Syria. In addition, local elections were held in Northern Kurdistan and Turkey and the ruling party lost in the elections. Now, the Turkish state launches political attacks on Northern Kurdistan while threatening North and East Syria. These attacks show that the Turkish state cannot tolerate the developments and achievements of the Kurdish people. The Turkish state uses such methods to change the agenda of the people and disrupt the stability in the region.>
'We will defend the revolution'
As women and people, we led the revolution in Rojava, said Cemile Sileman. <The Turkish state has been trying to invade more places in Kurdistan for years. It aims to depopulate the region. Now, it threatens us again. The Turkish state is determined to realize its projects but we are also determined to walk on our path. People of all ages react to the threats of the Turkish state; we want this war to end. As the Kurdish people, we will defend our revolution, our existence and our country.> >>
Source incl. video:

Solidarity Initiative for Figen Yuksekdag
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 17, 2024
<<Solidarity Initiative for Figen Yüksekdag: We do not accept the prison sentences
<We do not accept the prison sentences. We call on the international community to take a stand against this injustice,> the Solidarity Initiative for Figen Yuksekdag said in a statement on Friday.
News Center- After the verdict in the Kobane Trial was announced on May 16, the Solidarity Initiative for Figen Yuksekdag was formed. The verdict in the years-long conspiracy trial, also known as the Kobane Trial against politicians, including former HDP Co-Chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ who were arrested on November 4, 2016, was announced and the politicians received long prison sentences,> the initiative said in a written statement on Friday. The initiative called on the international community to <take a stand against this injustice>, emphasizing that the politicians had fulfilled their historical responsibilities. The written statement is as follows:
<The politicians have been sentenced to long prison sentences for fulfilling their responsibilities for the resistance against the genocidal attacks of ISIS in Kobane in October 2014, for standing by democracy and the freedom of people against the atrocity of ISIS and calling for solidarity with the people of Kobane. They fulfilled their responsibilities as human beings and politicians. The hearts of all progressive and democratic people were beating with the rhythm of resistance of Kobane against the atrocity of ISIS. This rhythm mobilized hundreds of thousands of people all around the world to go to Kobane to fight ISIS. ISIS committed unprecedented crimes against humanity in Kobane. But it was defeated. The Kobane Trial was an unjust political trial reflecting the arbitrary practices of the Erdogan regime. The verdict in this trial shows that the judiciary in Turkiye is a tool of political power. The Kobane Trial an attack on people's freedom, democracy and justice, women's equality and all the values defended by the HDP.
We do not accept the prison sentences given to the politicians and demand their immediate release. We call on the democratic international community to take a stand against this injustice. As former HDP Co-chair Figen Yuksekdag says: <Resisting people get the last word, both yesterday and today.> >>

21 people sent to prison
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 17, 2024
<<21 people sent to prison in Van
21 of the 55 people, who were taken into custody on May 13 as part of an investigation launched by the Van Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, have been sent to prison.
News Center- On May 13, 2024, 55 people were taken into custody in dawn house raids conducted in the city of Van as part of an investigation launched by the Van Chief Public Prosecutor's Office into the protests that started after electoral authorities overturned the election of a mayoral candidate in the city of Van. 21 of them have been sent to prison on charges of <resisting the police>, <membership in an illegal organization> and <damage to public property>. 34 people have been released under judicial control.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 17, 2024 - by HALA AL-HASHIDI
<<Life continues in Taiz despite challenges
The Wadi Al-Dabab has become a place where people can collect and sell herbs to make a living and take a breath thanks to its natural beauty due to the siege on the city of Taiz by the Houthis. Yemen's civil war that began in 2014 when Houthis took control of Yemen's capital and largest city, Sanaa, continues. The Wadi Al-Dabab has become a place where people can take a breath due to the siege on the city of Taiz by the Houthis. Despite the civil war and economic crisis, women earn a living for their families by collecting and selling herbs.>>
Source incl. video:

Our struggle continues
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 17, 2024
<<Ayla Akat Ata: Our struggle continues
<Our struggle continues,> said Ayla Akat Ata, politician and member of the TJA who was released from prison last night after a court ruled for her release.
Amed- The final hearing of the Kobanê Trial against 108 politicians, including former Co-Chairs of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Figen Yuksekdag and Selahattin Demirtaş, for the protests ISIS attacks on Kobane on 6-8 October 2014, was held on Thursday. The court sentenced Ayla Akat Ata, politician and member of the Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Jinen Azad-TJA), to nine years and nine months in prison on charges of <membership of an illegal organization> and ruled her release from prison considering the duration of her detention. Ayla Akat Ata, who was held in prison for six years, was released from Sincan Women's Closed Prison last night along with four politicians. NuJINHA spoke to her in front of the prison.
'We feel sad for leaving our friends inside'
Ayla Akat Ata emphasized that the Kobane Trial was the main agenda of recent years.
<I am one of the friends, who were released today in the most discussed trial in Turkiye for three years. We left the prison feeling sad. Both the decades-long sentences given to our friends and the friends we left behind in prison are the reason for our sadness. What challenges us is that one of the persons, who play an important role in this long-lasting struggle, is behind bars and this is accepted as normal. There are values that our people have struggled for years by paying a price.
We revere our people for their struggle
We feel honored to be a part of this struggle. I believe that the upcoming process will bring a process in which the will expressed by our people today is recognized. Now, there is not much to say because we feel emotions so intensely. We would like to thank our people and our party for never leaving us alone, summer or winter. This unity and integrity reveals that many things can change in this country. Our struggle continues. We congratulate our people. We revere our people for their struggle and efforts.> >>
Source incl. video:

Verdict in Kobane Trial
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 17, 2024
<<Verdict in Kobane Trial
The verdict in the Kobane Trial was announced yesterday.
News Center- The final hearing of the Kobane Trial against 108 politicians, including former Co-Chairs of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, for the protests ISIS attacks on Kobanê on 6-8 October 2014, was held on Thursday. As the court announced the verdict, the people in the courtroom protested the prison sentence given to the politicians by chanting the <Long live the resistance of the HDP> slogan.
The verdict announced by the court is as follows:>>
Read all the names of the brave convicted and why and for how they are being locked-up here:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 16, 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<No tolerance even to word of 'isolation': The aim is to silence society
<Those who mention isolation face the risk of prosecution. The aim is to silence society,> Lawyers Association for Freedom (OHD) member Adile Salman said, pointing to the ongoing isolation in the prison island of Imrali.
Amed (Diyarbakır)- An aggravated isolation has been imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan, who has been held in the prison island of Imrali. No information has been received from him for 36 months; he has not been allowed to see even his lawyers and family members. The isolation imposed on political prisoners across Turkey is aggravating day by day. On May 14, 2024, the Asrin Law Office applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and Imralı Prison Directorate to meet with their client, Abdullah Ocalan; however, the applications of the law office have been denied on the grounds of <disciplinary> punishments without detailing why disciplinary punishments given to their client.
NuJINHA spoke to Adile Salman, a member of the Lawyers Association for Freedom (OHD) Amed Branch, about the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan.
'Necessary mechanisms are not carried out'
Even the CPT leaves unanswered the questions about him, Adile Salman said, adding:
<As lawyers defending freedom, we always stand by our words about isolation. We always object to the practice of isolation imposed on prisoners. Until now, no steps have been taken to end the isolation imposed on the prison island of Imrali due to the current political atmosphere. In addition to legal and political mechanisms in Turkey, the international mechanisms are responsible for ending the isolation. For instance, the CPT (European Committee for the Prevention of Torture) is also a mechanism being responsible for protecting prisoners. Even the CPT leaves unanswered the questions about the isolation and visit ban imposed on Abdullah Ocalan. This shows that necessary mechanisms are not carried out when the issue is about the rights of the Kurdish people.>
'The isolation spreads to all prisons'
<The isolation spreads to all prisons, Adile Salman said, pointing to the hunger strikes started by political prisoners to demand not only the lift of the isolation but also the physical freedom of Abdulah Ocalan. For years, we have said that isolation is an unlawful practice. However, no steps have been taken to end the isolation. Abdullah Ocalan's lawyers and family members continue to make applications to see him. The isolation imposed in the prison island of Imrali spreads to all prisons. The political prisoners started a hunger strike last year in November against the isolation and they say they will hold different actions until their demands are met.>
'Investigations have been launched against the prisoners to voice their demands'
Speaking about disciplinary investigations launched against political prisoners for voicing their demands, Adile Salman said:
<The political prisoners start a new action to voice their demands; some refuse the visits by their lawyers, some refuse family visits. The prisoners voice not only their demands but also the demands of the Kurdish people; however, they face obstacles. Investigations have been launched against them and disciplinary punishments have been given to them on charges of propagandizing for a terrorist organization. The isolation imposed on the political prisoners has been intensified because they refuse isolation. Isolation is a practice violating human rights.>
'More realistic steps should be taken for a solution'
Pointing out that those who mention <isolation> face the risk of prosecution, Adile Salman said, <Those who talk about the isolation face accusations. There is no tolerance even to the word of isolation. The aim is to silence society. As lawyers, we will maintain our legal struggle to end the isolation imposed on prisoners. We call on both national and international mechanisms to take more realistic steps for a solution.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 15, 2024
<<Former Dersim Co-mayor Nurhayat Altun released from prison
Nurhayat Altun, former co-mayor of Dersim from the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), has been released from Kocaeli F-type Closed Prison after seven years and six months in prison.
News Center- Nurhayat Altun, former co-mayor of Dersim from the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) who was stripped of her office and replaced by a state-appointed mayor on November 17, 2016, has been released from Kocaeli F-type Closed Prison after seven years and six months in prison.
Nurhayat Altun was welcomed by many people, including the members of the Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Jinen Azad-TJA), the Peoples' Democracy and Equality Party (DEM Party), the Marmara Association for Solidarity with Prisoner and Convict Families (MATUHAYDER), the Lawyers Association for Freedom (OHD), DEM Party Mersin MP Ali Bozan, her family members and friends.
'Physical freedom means nothing'
Nurhayat Altun made a short speech in front of the prison. <Being outside feels good but my heart is with my friends I left in prison. A piece of my heart is still there. Physical freedom means nothing to us because our soul is always free everywhere,> she said in her speech. Then, Nurhayat Altun departed from Kocaeli to Ankara with her family members and friends.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 15, 2024
<<At least 40 people detained in house raids in Istanbul, Izmir and Antalya
At least 40 people have been detained in dawn house raids conducted in Istanbul, Izmir and Antalya on Wednesday.
News Center-Turkish police conducted house raids in Istanbul, Izmir and Antalya on Wednesday, detaining at least 40 people, including members of the Peoples' Democracy and Equality Party (DEM Party). According to the received reports, the house raids were conducted against people for supporting the protests that started after electoral authorities overturned the election of a mayoral candidate in the city of Van.
At least 21 detained in Istanbul
At least 21 people were taken into custody in Istanbul. DEM Party council member Unal Yusufoglu and the members of the Marmara Association for Solidarity with Prisoner and Convict Families (MATUHAYDER) are among the detained people.
Names of some detained people are: Adil Gumuş, Fikri Baş, Zubeyir Taş, Vildan Dogan, Unal Yusufoglu, Alamettin Demir, Necla Aktay, Suat Yıldız, Ertan Hamitoglu, Zübeyde Gulsul, Suzan Gezici, Ahmet Altınışık, Binguzel Ulu, Filiz Aydın, Yaşar Gokdemir.
At least 19 detained in Izmir
At least 19 people were taken into custody in the house raids conducted in the city of Izmir on Wednesday. According to the received reports, the members of the Social Freedom Party (TOP), the Workers' Party of Turkey (TIP) and the Initiative for Socialist Struggle are among the detained people.
Names of some people detained in Izmir: Erkan Gokber, Tugçe Kızıldemir, Mehmet Kasar, Emine Akbaba, Berfin Buyukertaş, Arda Duvarcı, Azat Kunur, Elif Yerlikaya, Muhammet Arda Bulgan, Nilufer Yıldız, Samet Sağnıç, Serdar Aktürk, Sezgin Zevkibol, Sude Timagur.
House raids in Antalya
Turkish police also conducted dawn house raids in Antalya, detained DEM Party Doşemealtı Co-chair Fehmi Karakuş and two more persons identified as Ahmet Refik Akarca and Derya Polat.>>

Xantur Kara
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 15, 2024 - by BERJIN KARA
<<Kurdish education in Makhmour camp from tents to schools
The Makhmour refugee camp has had its own education system for 29 years. <Despite the genocidal attacks, we manage to preserve our language,> said Xantur Kara, a teacher in the camp.
Makhmour- Language is not a basic element in human communication but also the culture, identity and reality of the society. Every community has one language. The Kurdish language, one of the oldest languages, is under the influence of dominant languages, like many languages. However, the Kurdish people are determined to preserve their language despite the genocidal attacks and assimilation policies. About 12,000 Kurdish refugees staying in Atroush camp started the Kurdish education system in tents in 1995. In 1998, they moved to the Makhmour refugee camp. Since Kurdish people in the camp have their own education system, the camp is recognized by the UNHCR. Currently, there are 12 schools in the camp: five kindergartens, four primary schools, two secondary schools and one high school.
'Language brings with it an identity and a culture'
In an interview with NuJINHA, Xantur Kara, a teacher at the Martyr Ferhat Kurtay Academy in the camp, spoke about the education system in the camp to mark the Kurdish Language Day, annually observed on May 15. Wishing a happy Kurdish Language Day to all Kurdish people, she said, <Undoubtedly, language has a different meaning and importance throughout history. Because each language brings with it an identity and a culture. Today, we call ourselves Kurdish people and country Kurdistan because we speak Kurdish and the Kurdish language is our identity and culture.>
'We manage to preserve our language'
Speaking about genocidal attacks against them, she said, <Sovereign powers always use assimilation policies against us to destroy our language, identity and culture. Even though we have been subjected to genocidal attacks, we manage to preserve our language. Today, there are many extinct languages because they were not preserved. Language has a different meaning and importance for each society.> Xantur Kara also talked about the determination of the residents of the camp for preservation of their language. <Despite everything, they built their own education system because they wanted their children to receive education in their own mother language; however, they could not build schools so they turned their tents into schools.>
'We are lucky to receive education in our own language'
Today we receive education in our own language after paying high prices, Xantur Kara emphasized. <Today, we should ask ourselves how we can teach our children the Kurdish language, culture, history and identity. We should pass down our language, history and identity to the next generations. Unfortunately, many Kurdish children in Turkey and other countries cannot read or speak their mother language. As the people of Makhmour, we are lucky to receive education in our own language. This success is achieved thanks to our martyrs and leader Apo (Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan). This education system must be put in practice in four parts of Kurdistan: Northern Kurdistan, Southern Kurdistan, Eastern Kurdistan and Rojava Kurdistan.>
'We should preserve our language'
Calling on the Kurdish people to speak their mother language everywhere, Xantur Kara said, <We should preserve our language to preserve our identity and existence. Kurdish people and Kurdish language are under attack everywhere. We should strengthen our struggle to preserve our language.> >>
Source incl. video:

Fatma Kırbayır
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 14, 2024
<<Sister of Cemil Kırbayır passes away
Fatma Kırbayır, sister of Cemil Kırbayır, a victim of the forced disappearance in the 80s, has passed away.
News Center- Fatma Kırbayır, sister of Cemil Kırbayık, who was taken into custody in the Okçu village of Ardahan's Gole district on September 13, 1980 and disappeared in police custody, has passed away.
'She passed away without receiving any news from Cemil'
Fatma Kırbayır was also a member of the Saturday Mothers/People and demanded justice for her brother for years. <Fatma Kırbayır, sister of Cemil Kırbayır who was a victim of the forced disappearance in the 80s, passed away without receiving any news from Cemil, just like Mother Berfo. Our grief is huge,> the Saturday Mothers/People said in a condolence message on their social media account. Fatma Kırbayır will be buried in the village of Okçu tomorrow after the noon prayer at the Içerenkoy Gokyigit Mosque.>>

68.3 million displaced by conflict and violence
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 14, 2024
<<68.3 million displaced by conflict and violence in 2023
7.7 million people were displaced by disasters and 68.3 million by conflict and violence in 2023, the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) said in a report on Tuesday.
News Center- Number of internally displaced people (IDPs) has kept growing around the world. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) has published its annual Global Report on Internal Displacement on Tuesday. Conflict and violence in Sudan, Palestine and elsewhere drove the number of internally displaced people (IDPs) around the world to 75.9 million at the end of 2023, according to the report. <Of the total, 68.3 million were displaced by conflict and violence and 7.7 million by disasters. Almost half, 46 per cent, of all IDPs live in sub-Saharan Africa,> the report said.
In Sudan, the 9.1m people displaced at the end of the year was the most ever recorded in a single country since records began in 2008. Sudan's 6 million internal displacements, or forced movements, by conflict during 2023 were more than its previous 14 years combined and the second most ever recorded in one country after Ukraine's 16.9 million in 2022. In the Gaza Strip, IDMC calculated 3.4 million displacements in the last three months of 2023, which was 17 per cent of total conflict displacements worldwide during the year.
<Number of internally displaced people (IDPs) has grown 50% in the last five years,> the report said.
The millions of people forced to flee in 2023 were just the <tip of the iceberg>, said IDMC director Alexandra Bilak, adding to the tens of millions of IDPs already displaced from previous and ongoing conflicts, violence and disasters. <Over the past two years, we've seen alarming new levels of people having to flee their homes due to conflict and violence, even in regions where the trend had been improving,> said Alexandra Bilak. <Conflict, and the devastation it leaves behind, is keeping millions from rebuilding their lives, often for years on end.> In the past five years, the number of people living in internal displacement as a result of conflict and violence has increased by 22.6 million, or 49 per cent, with the two biggest increases in 2022 and 2023, according to the report. Floods, storms, earthquakes, wildfires and other disasters triggered 26.4 million displacements in 2023, the third highest annual total in the past ten years. The 7.7 million IDPs at the end of 2023 displaced by disasters is the second most since IDMC began recording this metric in 2019.>>

30 people taken into custody
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 13, 2024
<<At least 30 people taken into custody in Van
News Center- Turkish police and gendarmerie conducted dawn house raids in the city of Van and its districts on Monday.
At least 30 people have been taken into custody, according to the local reports. The number of detained people may rise to 60, lawyers in the city said. The reasons for their detention and accusations against them are still unknown while the detained people were transferred to the Van Police Department. The names of some detained people are: Can Goren, Erol Sarı, Mesut Uçer, Ismet Yakut, Vedat Balık, Diyar Aslan, Cevzet Yucel, Dilgeş Aslan, Umit Çobanhan, Kenan Ildeniz, Kadir Uçer, Abdulkadir Akdag, Şahin Ozturk, Bulut Kaynak, Azat Kaya and Ozgur Duman.>>

Protesting Afghan women
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 13, 2024
<<'Afghan women suffer from psychological problems due to the Taliban's restrictions'
The Spontaneous Movement of Afghan Protesting Women has published a video supporting the campaign to stop gender apartheid in Afghanistan launched by Afghan activists, legal scholars and human rights defenders.
News Center- The Spontaneous Movement of Afghan Protesting Women in Islamabad, capital of Pakistan, has published a video supporting the campaign to stop gender apartheid in Afghanistan launched by Afghan activists, legal scholars and human rights defenders to call on world leaders to recognize it as a crime against humanity. The video shows women holding banners reading <Recognize the gender apartheid>. <The Taliban have banned women and girls from all facets of life, including education, work and tourism,> says the statement read by the women. <Young women have been arrested, tortured and imprisoned under various pretexts and even their families do not know where they are,> the statement says. Describing the Taliban's restrictions as inhumane, the statement adds, <Women are fed up with the existing situation and this situation is unbearable for them. Afghan women suffer from psychological problems due to the Taliban's restrictions.> Reminding that the Taliban have issued over 200 decrees and orders that violate human rights since August 2021, the statement says, <Despite the statements by the international community condemning the inhuman practices and despite the repeated calls by human rights activists on world leaders, no action has been taken.> >>

159 public figures on Kobane trial
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 13, 2024
<<Joint statement by 159 public figures on Kobane trial
159 public figures, including academics, authors, parliamentarians and lawyers, have published a joint statement on the final hearing in the Kobane trial, demanding the immediate release of all defendants in the Kobanê trial.
News Center- 159 public figures, including academics, authors, parliamentarians and lawyers, have published a joint statement on the final hearing in the Kobane trial, which will be held on May 16, 2024. <We are on the eve of a trial that will affect the future of the country,> said the statement signed by 159 public figures such as Orhan Pamuk, Rıza Turmen, Rakel Dink, Fikri Saglar, Ertugrul Gunay, Berrin Sonmez, Zulfu Livaneli, Fatma Bostan Unsal, Eşber Yagmurdereli, Nesrin Nas and Oya Baydar.
'It has critical importance for our country'
The local election results have strengthened the expectation in society for political detente, peace and tranquility, the joint statement said. <The prerequisite for the realization of this expectation and hope is that the judiciary should not be controlled by the political authority and turn into an independent body that dispenses justice according to the rule of law in the Constitution.> We are on the brink of a decision that will affect the future of the country, the statement emphasized. <The decision in the Kobani trial, which will be held in the coming days, will show whether the government will respect the principle of independent judiciary. Because this trial is the key point of the trials in which the judiciary is used as a political tool, as in the Gezi. The decision in the Kobani trial should be a spark showing that unlawfulness in the country will end and the judiciary will regain its independence.> The statement also called on the Turkish authorities to immediately release all people held in prison pending the trial. <The recent political developments have shown that the politics of tension, injustice and unlawfulness do not ensure peace and safety and that these politics are not approved by society. We hope and expect that the decision in the Kobani trial will pave the way for the construction of the rule of law and social peace.> >>
Click here for the list of signatories:

Barin Ebde
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 10, 2024 - by ZEYNEB ISA
<<Co-mayoral candidate for Derik: We have new projects for women
<We will serve the people and have projects providing employment to women,> said Barin Ebde, Co-mayoral candidate for Derik People's Municipality in the upcoming municipal elections to be held in North and East Syria.
Derik (Al-Malikiyah)- Election campaign for the municipal elections to be held in North and East Syria on May 30 continue. In the primary elections held by Kongra Star and the Democratic Union Party (PYD) alliance and the Future Syria Party (FSP) and Zenubya Women's Community alliance, 121 female co-mayoral candidates for 121 municipalities were determined. The main feature that distinguishes these elections from elections in other countries is that women elected their own candidates.
'I received 134 votes'
In the primary elections, Barin Ebde was elected as mayoral candidate for Derik (Al-Malikiyah), a city in Jazira Canton of North and East Syria. Born in 1994 in Derik, Barin Ebde completed her primary and secondary education in Damascus and then she returned to Derîk in 2021. For three years, she worked at the Technical Office of the Derik People's Municipality. <I have become the co-mayoral candidate for Derîk by receiving 134 votes in the primary elections. My goal is to provide more employment opportunities for women. I know what our city needs because I worked at the Technical Office for three years. We have many projects for our city; one of our projects is to pave rural and village roads with asphalt.>
'Women play important roles'
We will serve people from all nationalities, religions and ethnic groups in Derik, Barin Ebde emphasized. <We aim to build a local management based on democracy, ecology and equality. In Derik, women play important roles in all facets of life, including in the municipality. The revolution in Rojava has paved the way for women to improve themselves, participate in the labor force and hold decision-making positions. I wish success to all women.> >>
Source incl. video:
Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024