formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  babout the 21th. century feminist revolution as well especially the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the and the uprisings of our sisters in other parts of the Middle-east. This online magazine that started December 2019 is published every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 

You are now at the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom'  section

For the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2' Revolt news click here  





The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendegi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in
2024: June wk2 part2 -- June wk2 -- June wk1 part2 -- June wk1 -- May wk5 part2 --  overview per month
and 2023: Dec wk 5 part 2 -- Dec wk 5 -- Dec week 4-3 -- Dec wk3 -- Dec 17 - 10 -- Dec week 2 and 1 -- click here for a menu overview November - Januari 2023

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's savagery 10 years ago. Update December 23, 2023

Editorial by G. d'A.: Dear reader, as a webmaster also I constantly have to guard the read-ability of the 'Cryfreedom'-outlet and sometimes decisions need to be made to have it be for your convenience and moreso in total support of the women-led revolt in Iran which inevitably will be a grand Victory. Still, choices must be made always and so I've decided to, for now, embed all the actual news about the 'NO-hijab; 'Biological terror attscks against schoolgirls'; 'Iranian journalists under siege'; 'Blinding as a weapon' and 'The hanging spree' as part of the 'Actual news' updates of the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' section. But, if need be and urgent attention and action is needed concerning the above mentioned topics it will get an extra emphasized place as part of the actual news page-layout. Thank you for being a reader and for your support of the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' revolution.
Click here for the previously tabled topics


Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.
  Click here for a total list so far

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' pages menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are and click on another underlinded period to go there. However, when needed a certain topic will be in yellow meaning it's a link to go that topic and will open in a new window. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
This does not count for the  above topics which, when clicked on, will still appear in a pop-up window and for now the 'old' lay-out 'till I worked that all out. Thank you. Gino d'Artali
(Updates June 14, 2024) z


Articles about JINA
March 4 - February 27, 2024:
<<Iranian Teacher Arrested for <Illegal Gathering> at Mahsa Amini's Grave...
and more news

UPDATE: February 12 , 2024:
<<Unlawfully Imprisoned Activist and Organizer of Mahsa Jina Amini's Funeral Must Be Released on Medical Grounds
<<Mahsa Amini's Father: <Everything They Have Said and Shown is Lies>
By Diako Alavi, a journalist from Saqqez and family friend of Mahsa Amini 
Jina Amini, the face of Irans uprising and revolution:
November 15, 2023 - <<Iranian Woman Arrested on Jinas' Anniversary Tells Her Story...>
December 12, 2023 - <<EU Remembers Mahsa Amini at Sakharov Prize Awarding Ceremony...>

December 23, 2023 - <<Saleh Nikbakht Interrogated at Khomeini Airport and the Sakharov Prize confiscated by Iranian security forces...>

We all grief for the loss of our sister / daughter of Iran Armita Gevarnand:

Read her story here


Updates of Jina Aminis' Revolution:
Part 16: December 28 - 16, 2023

Part 17: January 23 - 6, 2024
Part 18: March 4 - February 8, 2024

and links to earlier parts
Gino d'artali's opinion: We mourn AND fight!

And read also




December 31, 2023 - Preface about the below 3 heroines of Iran by Gino d'Artali : Beacons of hope and inspiration on the road towards a long and free Iran . * Jina Amini, our sister/daughter who martyred herself for freedom; *Narges Mohammadi, our sister and as I call her 'mother of a free Iran' and winner of the Nobel Prize of Freedom 2023 and sentenced five times to a total of 31 years in prison and 154 lashes but who refuses to give in to the mullahs' regime to wear a hijab or bow to their demands and therefore is refused medical care although needing it badly and bringing her live in danger but says "Victory is not easy, but it is certain"  * and Maryam Akbari Monfared, our sister who's encarcerated since 15 years and refuses to bow down to the mullahs saying "Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"
Read all about them here and let them inspire you on your road towards a long and free Iran or as we say in the West: 'Three strikes and the mullahs' regime is out'
Be the finalizing strike dear and brave dissent




A to VICTORY tribute to
Update May 27, 2024
Narges Mohammadi, the imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize laureate criticizes the United Nations' planned memorial ceremony for Ebrahim Raisi, calling it "a commemoration of the executions and mass killings."

May 6, 2024
"Tyranny will fall"

"Victory is not easy, but it is certain"
watch it here : 
January 23, 2024
"The more of us they lock-up the stronger we become"...

Click here for a news-overview from January 15, 2024 'till October 31, 2023





And do read the incredible update!

despite the mullahs' regime to force it down!
And her mother speaks out loud and clear











Dec 30, 2023: Not bowing for the mullahs' regime she says: "Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"


May 27, 2024
Zhina Modarres Gorji, Kurdish Women's Sentenced to 21 Years



April 30, 2024
Atena Farghadani - Target on her back

Click here for more stories of Heroines of Iran 

April 20, 2024
Suma Pour-Mohammadi sentenced to 11 years in prison

February 22, 2024 - RED ALERT
Leaked Documents Give Glimpse of Repression in Iran

Please do read the following articles with mostly very 'Inspiring Stories' - click on the underlined topics -
June 11, 2024: Journalist Hassan Shanbehzadeh others imprisoned ahead of presidential election

Recognizing Women's Organizations and Supporting Voluntary Efforts

Crackdown Intensifies as Irans Sham Presidential Election Nears

June 7, 2024: Educational Rights for Iranian Women and Girls

and more:
May 25, 2024: The right to freedom
Click here for previous inspiring stories and  articles incl. Red Alerts

'The mullahs' regime / OHCHR* gallows' dance'

Update on this page:
June 5 - May 23, 2024: It |Iran| puts people to death in order to terrorize the population into silence.
and other stories 
May 29 - 23, 2024
Iran Accounts for 74% of Global Executions in 2023: Amnesty
and more
May 21 - 16, 2024
raisi is dead but will pay for his heinous crimes
and other stories

*OHCHR - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Click here for earlier reports

June 12 - 11, 2024
<<Journalist Mahta Sadri released on bail...
and <<Hamideh Zeraei released on bail from Lakan prison...
and <<Political Prisoner Nejat Anvar Hamidi Deprived of Medical Treatment...
and <<Imprisoned Iranian Journalist Suffers Miscarriage After Court Session...
and <<Sunni Imam Detained in Iran Without Warrant...
and <<Kurdish student Summayeh Shafiei attempted Suicide, due to Pressure and Threats from University Authorities...
and <<Iranian artist sentenced to 6 years in prison...
and <<Crackdown on Dissent Intensifies Ahead of Presidential Polls in Iran...
and <<Iran Commutes Sunni Cleric's Death Sentence to Life Imprisonment...
and <<Iranian Protester Takes Own Life Amid Security Forces Pressure
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

NCRI - Womens committee - 11 June 2024 - in Articles, Women's News
<<Recognizing Women's Organizations and Supporting Voluntary Efforts
A Glance at Article 6 of the NCRI Plan for Women's Rights and Freedoms
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) outlines a comprehensive 12-article plan that addresses women’s rights and freedoms. Article 6 focuses on recognizing women's organizations and supporting their voluntary efforts across the country. Let us review the key points:
Objective: Eliminating Inequality and Double Oppression
Article 6 aims to eliminate the inequality and double oppression faced by women in Iran. Special privileges are proposed in various social, administrative, and cultural fields, particularly in education. Throughout history, Iranian women have endured double oppression. In a free Iran, women should actively participate through organized women's organizations, associations, and advocacy efforts. Government support is crucial for achieving gender equality.
Misogyny and Cultural Resistance
The term <equality> is often viewed as anti-cultural by the mullahs' regime. Even women affiliated with the government hesitate to advocate for equality. Fahimeh Farhamandpour, an advisor to the Minister of Interior, emphasized justice rather than equality.
Organizational Deprivation: Women's Rights Denied
Under the medieval and anti-freedom rule of the mullahs, Iranian women have been deprived of the right to organize and advocate for their rights. This organizational deprivation perpetuates their double oppression. Women from minority ethnicities face additional challenges. Multiple layers of discrimination intersect, leading to economic, social, educational, and cultural deprivation. These long-term damages must be addressed.
Global Ranking: Iran's Gender Equality Performance
The World Economic Forum's report (June 2023) ranks Iran 143rd out of 146 countries in terms of gender equality. Among South Asian countries, Iran is 8th, just above Afghanistan. Countries like Congo, Pakistan, and Mali surpass Iran in education, health, and political participation for women.
Despite global efforts, Iran's ruling regime refuses to join the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
Systematic Suppression of Female Activists in Iran
The Iranian regime has systematically stifled individual and group activities for political activists, civil servants, workers, teachers, students, and retirees through continuous suppression, summons, and arrests. Here are two examples of the arrest and detention of active women involved in women's and workers' organizations.
Women's rights activists
On April 3, 2022, Nahid Shaghaghi, Akram Nasirian, Maryam Mohammadi, and Esrin Darkale were summoned to the Evin Prosecutor's Office. These four women's rights activists were sentenced to 4 years and two months in prison for charges related to their involvement in the Voice of Iran's Women Group. The group advocates for women's rights and aims to highlight the struggles, failures, and successes of women in Iranian society.
Charges against them included <gathering and colluding against national security> and <campaigning against the regime.> Notably, one of the charges was related to not wearing a hijab, reflecting the oppressive enforcement of dress codes. The Voice of Iran's Women Group, an active non-governmental association, strives to highlight the struggles, failures, and successes of women in Iranian society. Despite challenges, women continue to fight for their rights, hoping for a more equitable future.
Parvin Mohammadi and the Free Workers Union of Iran
Parvin Mohammadi, vice president of the Free Workers Union of Iran, has faced repeated summonses and various sentences. The Free Union of Iranian Workers represents temporary and permanent contract workers across various sectors. Despite efforts, organizing and forming women's organizations under the current regime remains an uphill battle and is impossible.
Misogynistic Laws in Iran
Blood Money Disparities: Iran’s penal code assigns unequal blood money for the murder of women compared to men. For intentional or unintentional murder, the blood money for a woman is half that of a man. Additionally, the blood money for a female fetus is half that of a male fetus from the age of four months onwards. This means that if a pregnant woman is killed, her 4-month-old son's blood money is twice that of hers. Shockingly, fathers or paternal ancestors have the right to kill their own children.
Murder Retaliation: Article 382 of the Penal Law of the Regime allows for unequal retaliation. If a man intentionally murders a woman, he won't face retaliation unless the victim's parents pay half the blood price of a man to the murderer's parents. In contrast, if a woman murders a man, she faces execution.
Guardianship and Financial Control: Under Iranian law:
A child under 18 is considered under the guardianship of their father.
Fathers can directly intervene in their child's financial affairs, including opening accounts, withdrawing money, and signing documents. Even after divorce, a mother cannot interfere in her child's financial matters unless she obtains power of attorney from the father. These discriminatory laws perpetuate the chains binding Iranian women. Radical intervention and Article 6 of the Women's Freedoms and Rights Plan, which aims to grant special privileges to women, may pave the way for change.>>
Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024