formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front






The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendegi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in
2024: June wk2 -- June wk1 part2 -- June wk1 -- May wk5 part2 -- May wk5 -- May wk 4 part3 -- May wk4 part2 -- May wk4   --  overview per month
and 2023: Dec wk 5 part 2 -- Dec wk 5 -- Dec week 4-3 -- Dec wk3 -- Dec 17 - 10 -- Dec week 2 and 1 -- click here for a menu overview November - Januari 2023

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's savagery 10 years ago. Update December 23, 2023

Editorial by G. d'A.: Dear reader, as a webmaster also I constantly have to guard the read-ability of the 'Cryfreedom'-outlet and sometimes decisions need to be made to have it be for your convenience and moreso in total support of the women-led revolt in Iran which inevitably will be a grand Victory. Still, choices must be made always and so I've decided to, for now, embed all the actual news about the 'NO-hijab; 'Biological terror attscks against schoolgirls'; 'Iranian journalists under siege'; 'Blinding as a weapon' and 'The hanging spree' as part of the 'Actual news' updates of the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' section. But, if need be and urgent attention and action is needed concerning the above mentioned topics it will get an extra emphasized place as part of the actual news page-layout. Thank you for being a reader and for your support of the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' revolution.
Click here for the previously tabled topics

You are now at the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom'  section
For the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2' Revolt news click here  

Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.
  Click here for a total list so far

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' pages menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are and click on another underlinded period to go there. However, when needed a certain topic will be in yellow meaning it's a link to go that topic and will open in a new window. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
(Updates June 7, 2024) z


Articles about JINA
March 4 - February 27, 2024:
<<Iranian Teacher Arrested for <Illegal Gathering> at Mahsa Amini's Grave...
and more news

February 12 , 2024:
<<Unlawfully Imprisoned Activist and Organizer of Mahsa Jina Amini's Funeral Must Be Released on Medical Grounds
<<Mahsa Amini's Father: <Everything They Have Said and Shown is Lies>
By Diako Alavi, a journalist from Saqqez and family friend of Mahsa Amini 
Jina Amini, the face of Irans uprising and revolution:

Click here for more articles

We all grief for the loss of our sister / daughter of Iran Armita Gevarnand:

Read her updated story here


Updates of Jina Aminis' Revolution:
Part 16: December 28 - 16, 2023

Part 17: January 23 - 6, 2024
Part 18: March 4 - February 8, 2024

and links to earlier parts
Gino d'artali's opinion: We mourn AND fight!

And read also




December 31, 2023 - Preface about the below 3 heroines of Iran by Gino d'Artali : Beacons of hope and inspiration on the road towards a long and free Iran . * Jina Amini, our sister/daughter who martyred herself for freedom; *Narges Mohammadi, our sister and as I call her 'mother of a free Iran' and winner of the Nobel Prize of Freedom 2023 and sentenced five times to a total of 31 years in prison and 154 lashes but who refuses to give in to the mullahs' regime to wear a hijab or bow to their demands and therefore is refused medical care although needing it badly and bringing her live in danger but says "Victory is not easy, but it is certain"  * and Maryam Akbari Monfared, our sister who's encarcerated since 15 years and refuses to bow down to the mullahs saying "Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"
Read all about them here and let them inspire you on your road towards a long and free Iran or as we say in the West: 'Three strikes and the mullahs' regime is out'
Be the finalizing strike dear and brave dissent




A to VICTORY tribute to
Update May 27, 2024
Narges Mohammadi, the imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize laureate criticizes the United Nations' planned memorial ceremony for Ebrahim Raisi, calling it "a commemoration of the executions and mass killings."
May 6, 2024
"Tyranny will fall"

"Victory is not easy, but it is certain"
watch it here : 

Click here for a news-overview from January 15, 2024 'till October 31, 2023





And do read also the above linked  incredible December 2023 update!

despite the mullahs' regime to force it down!
Her mother speaks out loud and clear

Click here for the latest news of the
'Woman, Life, Freedom'










Dec 30, 2023: Not bowing for the mullahs' regime she says: "Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"






May 27, 2024
Zhina Modarres Gorji, Kurdish Women's Sentenced to 21 Years



April 30, 2024
Atena Farghadani - Target on her back

Click here for more stories of Heroines of Iran 

April 20, 2024
Suma Pour-Mohammadi sentenced to 11 years in prison

February 22, 2024 - RED ALERT
Leaked Documents Give Glimpse of Repression in Iran

Please do read the following articles about heroines who risk live and limb for the women-led revolution and no matter what they'll never give in nor up!and other stories: click on the underlined topics:
June 3, 2024: Political Charges Trap Family in Legal Nightmare
Mandatory-Hijab--A Religious Pretext to
Suppress Freedom

June 1, 2024: Ebrahim Raisi -- Rising Executions
of Women

March 10, 2024: Robbed Riches Report
and more:
May 25, 2024: The right to freedom
Click here for previous inspiring stories and  articles incl. Red Alerts  


Click here for actual updates
and earlier news

'The mullahs' regime / OHCHR* gallows' dance'

June 5 - May 23, 2024: It |Iran| puts people to death in order to terrorize the population into silence.
and other stories 
May 29 - 23, 2024
Iran Accounts for 74% of Global Executions in 2023: Amnesty
and more
May 21 - 16, 2024
raisi is dead but will pay for his heinous crimes
and other stories

*OHCHR - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Click here for earlier reports


May 10 - 3, 2024

'War against the No-hijabi women'


June 7 - 6, 2024
<<Iran Plans to Deploy 7,000 Cops in Coastal Area to Enforce Hijab...
and <<Iran Jail Denies Urgent Medical Care to Environmental Activist...
and <<Farhad Zare, Brother of Slain Protester, Arrested to Serve Prison Sentence...
and <<Brother of Slain Protester Detained for Second Time in Iran...
and <<Iranian Actor Hossein Pakdel Faces Charges Over Instagram Post...
and <<Iran Sets Strict Media Guidelines for Election Coverage...
and <<Alarming Doctor Suicides Signal Crisis in Iran's Medical Field...
and <<Security Forces Arrest Two Kurdish Women in Relation to the 2022 Iran Uprising...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

June 5 - May 31, 2024
<<Arrested for a Dot, Iranian Author Accused of Disrespecting the Leader...
and <<Iran Arrests Instagram Page Admins for Promoting 'Western Lifestyles'...
and <<Iran Upholds 2022 Protester's 5-Year Sentence...
and <<Qezel Hesar Prison: Egregious Assault on Political Prisoner’s Wife...
and <<Iranian Prisoners' Anti-Death Penalty Campaign Expands...
and <<Baloch Man Killed by Direct Fire from Iranian Military Forces...
and <<IRGC Forces Arrest Woman in Armed Raid...
and <<Fardis Prison in Karaj: Intensifying Pressure on Female Political Prisoners...
and <<Arrests Over Social Media Posts on Ebrahim Raisi’s Death Continue by Iranian Authorities...
and <<KJAR member Varisheh Moradi imprisoned in Evin prison without trial...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!


 May 31 - 28, 2024
<<Indictment prepared against Aida Shakarami...
and <<Over 60 years of imprisonment upheld for eleven women's rights activists in Gilan...
and <<UN Faces Backlash for Tribute to Late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi...
and <<Continued Detention and Lack of Information on the Status of Maryam Mahmoudabadi...
and <<Sweden Accuses Iran of Using Criminal Networks for Violent Acts...
and <<Political Prisoner with Health Issues Denied Medical Care in Iran Jail...
and <<Gilan Court Confirms 60-Year Sentence for 11 Activists...
and <<US Concerned Over Attacks on Protesters by 'Iranian Regime Supporters'...
and <<Jailed Iranian Man's Health Declines After Torture...
and <<Iranian Professor and Editor Convicted for Reporting on Child's Death...
and <<The Arrest of Sudabeh Vahabi in Chalus in Relation to Ebrahim Raisi's Death...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

 and it will also bring you through more news in May 2024

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Iranwire - 7 June 2024
<<Iran Plans to Deploy 7,000 Cops in Coastal Area to Enforce Hijab
As the summer heat sets in, Iranian authorities have announced plans to deploy 7,000 police officers to the country's northern coastal areas to strictly enforce mandatory hijab laws. Deputy Police Commander Qasim Rezaei said on June 6 that both male and female travelers on beaches <must respect the law> regarding hijab. The Islamic Republic's dress codes require women to cover their hair and body. <Anyone who does not follow the legal norms such as hijab is guilty of a crime,> Rezaei warned. The massive police deployment comes as Iran's government has recently escalated its long-standing enforcement of compulsory hijab under the new <Noor Plan.> Despite the Islamic Republic's increasing pressures, civil resistance by women opposed to mandatory dress codes has persisted, with videos surfacing daily of women appearing in public without hijabs. The northern coastline is a popular summer destination for millions of Iranians due to its proximity to Tehran and scenic natural beauty.

Jina Amini
The new crackdown comes almost two years after the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested for her alleged <improper> hijab. The death of 22-year-old Amini unleashed months of mass protests across Iran and marked the biggest challenge to the country's clerical leaders since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. More than 500 people were killed as the Islamic Republic fought back against the protesters, who gained support from around the world. In March, a fact-finding mission mandated by the United Nations said the death of Amini in the custody of Iran's morality police was <unlawful,> and women in the country remain subject to wide-ranging discrimination.

Iranwire - 7 June 2024
<<Iran Jail Denies Urgent Medical Care to Environmental Activist
A jailed environmental activist is being denied access to urgent medical treatment despite suffering from severe stomach bleeding at Iran's Tabriz Prison, according to reports from human rights groups. Karim Esmailzadeh, who was sentenced to six months in prison for his environmental activism, has been experiencing stomach bleeding for over a month. His family attempted to get necessary medications delivered to the prison authorities, but they prevented the medicines from reaching him, sources told the Association for the Defense of Azerbaijani Political Prisoners in Iran. <After Esmailzadeh requested access to medical facilities and underlined the authorities' lack of attention, his illness worsened and he suffered severe stomach bleeding,> the human rights group said. While Esmailzadeh's family wants to transfer him to an outside specialist, prison officials have continued denying the ailing activist access to proper medical care in an apparent effort to increase pressure on him.The 38-year-old environmentalist founded a campaign to protect Lake Urmia and the Aras River from environmental degradation and pollution. He frequently published protest videos criticizing government policies that led to the drying up of Lake Urmia and the dumping of industrial waste into the Aras River from Armenia.>>

Iranwire - 7 June 2024
<<Jailed Baha'i Man Faces New Charge
Payam Vali, a Baha'i citizen imprisoned in Iran's Karaj Central Prison, was summoned to the Karaj Revolutionary Court on June 6 to face a new charge of <spreading falsehoods.> The court date coincided with the anniversary of the 1990 killing of Payam's teenage brother Afshin. In June of that year, Afshin Vali was thrown into a well and murdered by two youths in Nazarabad village. They were incited by the religious fervor stoked against Baha'is by the local mosque's Imam. Payam Vali, 42, was arrested at his workplace in Karaj on September 24, 2022, amid the Mahsa Amini protests sweeping the nation.
He was subsequently sentenced to nine years and nine months in prison on charges of <propaganda activities against the Islamic Republic, speaking to foreign media about the situation of Baha'is in Iran, and inciting unrest through his Instagram page.> Six years of his sentence are enforceable.
Currently serving his term in Hall 15 of the Karaj Prison, Vali now faces additional charges of <spreading falsehoods> for informing others about the struggles he faces in prison on account of his Baha'i faith. Reports have surfaced that Judge Asif al-Hosseini of Branch 1 of the Karaj Revolutionary Court, overseeing Vali's case, along with prosecutor Narimani, have openly stated their intent to <destroy Baha'ism in Karaj and Alborz province> through their judicial actions.>>

Mohammad Khezranjad
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 7 June 2024
<<Iranian Supreme Court Uphelds Death Sentence of Kurdish Cleric Mohammad Khezranjad
The Iranian Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence and a 16-year imprisonment term for Mohammad Khezranjad, a Kurdish cleric from Bukan. Khezranjad was detained during the Women, Life, Freedom movement and has been in detention for one year, six months, and 19 days, deprived of all basic rights. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, the 41st branch of the Supreme Court, presided over by Judge Ali Razini, confirmed the death sentence and imprisonment in April 2024. Mohammad Khezranjad, 45, was previously sentenced to death by the third branch of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court in Urmia, under Judge Reza Najafzadeh, on charges of <corruption on earth.> Additionally, he was given a 15-year prison sentence for <damaging the integrity or independence of the country> and a 1-year sentence for <propaganda against the government.> The court session for Mohammad Khezrnejad was conducted via video conference, during which he was denied the right to legal representation. Sources close to his family report that the sentence was based solely on a report from the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence, with the judge disregarding his defense. On November 19, 2022, during the Women, Life, Freedom movement, Khezranjad and his son Yaser were arrested at their residence by Iranian Intelligence forces. Khezranjad was held for 100 days in the Urmia Intelligence Department’s detention center under severe conditions, where he was tortured and coerced into self-incrimination. His son was released after a few days. Khezranjad's arrest followed a commemoration ceremony for Asad Rahimi, a victim of the Women, Life, Freedom movement, during which he delivered a speech at Bukan's Eftekhari Mosque criticizing the Iranian government’s handling of protests. Mohammad Khezranjad has been detained for one year, six months, and 19 days without the right to leave. Currently, Mohammad Khezranjad is detained in the second ward of the central prison of Urmia, without adherence to the principle of segregating inmates based on the nature of their crimes.>>

Farhad Zare - brother of Milad Zare
Hengaw Organisation for Human Right - 7 June 2024
<<Farhad Zare, Brother of Slain Protester, Arrested to Serve Prison Sentence
Farhad Zare, brother of Milad Zare, who was killed during the Woman, Life, Freedom movement, has been arrested to serve his one-year prison sentence and has been transferred to the central prison of Babol. According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, Farhad Zare was summoned and arrested by the Execution of Sentences Department in Babol, Mazandaran Province. He has been transferred to Mati-Kola Prison to serve his one-year imprisonment. Farhad Zare had been repeatedly summoned and threatened by security agencies following his brother's death. Last month, the Babol Revolutionary Court sentenced him to one year of imprisonment. Milad Zare, a 26-year-old from Babol, was shot in the back of the head by government forces during the Woman, Life, Freedom movement on September 20, 2022, resulting in his death.>>

Iranwire - 6 June 2024
<<Brother of Slain Protester Detained for Second Time in Iran
Reza Babrnejad, the brother of Mehdi Babrnejad, who was killed during the 2022 nationwide protests, was arrested again on Thursday. Babrnejad was taken into custody at his home in the city of Quchan and transferred to the local prison there. The reasons for his re-arrest and any potential charges against him remain unclear. This is the second time in recent weeks that Babrnejad has been detained. He was previously arrested in May after allegedly expressing happiness over the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash on social media. His brother, 22-year-old Mehdi Babrnejad, was shot and killed by security forces in October 2022 in Quchan while participating in the widespread protests. After a three-day delay, authorities released Mehdi's body to his family, but under strict conditions. Since his brother's death, Reza Babrnejad has filed a lawsuit over the incident and faced repeated harassment from authorities, including several arrests, according to human rights monitors. The renewed detention of Babrnejad comes amid an ongoing crackdown on protesters and activists by Iran's security apparatus following the 2022 unrest triggered by the death of Mahsa Amini.>>

Iranwire - 6 June 2024
<<Iranian Actor Hossein Pakdel Faces Charges Over Instagram Post
The Tehran Prosecutor's Office has filed a legal case against popular Iranian actor Hossein Pakdel over an Instagram post that allegedly disrupted <mental security> and insulted government officials. The semi-official Tasnim news agency reported that judicial authorities initiated criminal proceedings after Pakdel published a post that appeared to mock Ebrahim Raisi and Qasem Soleimani. <The political kitchen makes rubber steaks from experienced men, and special cutlets from idiot men for the regime,> Pakdel wrote in the Instagram story, using metaphorical language.
However, Tasnim claimed that the actor had <ridiculed> Raisi and Soleimani through the post, constituting an insult. The vague nature of Pakdel's post highlighted the authorities' low tolerance for any perceived criticism of Iranian leaders and national figures, even if conveyed indirectly.>>

Iranwire - 6 June 2024
<<Iran Sets Strict Media Guidelines for Election Coverage
Iran's Press Supervision Board has issued strict guidelines defining <criminal content> for media coverage of the upcoming election. In instructions to domestic media, the board specified that any content aimed at persuading or encouraging people to boycott elections or participate in unauthorized protest gatherings, strikes, or sit-ins would be considered criminal. The board's secretariat paid special attention to the use of social media, warning against <any action that somehow disrupts the presidential election, disturbs the public mind, slanders and expresses false information against the country, creates differences between sections of society, especially by raising ethnic and racial issues.> The guidelines also strictly prohibit publishing results of opinion polls or <false polls> related to the election and candidates. Media managers and journalists are urged to promote maximum voter participation while avoiding defamation, insults, or accusations against the election organizers and respected candidates.
Media outlets are instructed to adhere to the provisions of the Press Law, Presidential Election Law, and a <List of Examples of Criminal Content> when planning their election coverage strategies. Article 23 of the Press Law, which allows individuals to respond to insults or slander in media publications, was highlighted as a significant point in the guidelines. These restrictive measures seem designed to tightly control the narrative surrounding the upcoming presidential vote amid ongoing domestic unrest in Iran.>>

Iranwire - 6 June 2024
<<Alarming Doctor Suicides Signal Crisis in Iran's Medical Field
The recent surge in suicides among doctors in Iran has sparked widespread concerns over the dire situation facing the country's medical staff.
Reports indicate that the suicide rate within the medical community has spiked three to five times compared to previous years. The phenomenon, dubbed <suicide of doctors,> first emerged around five years ago but has escalated alarmingly since 2019. In the past three years alone, 13 medical residents have taken their own lives. The most recent spate of suicides saw three residents die by suicide within a single week in December 2023.
The new year brought no reprieve, with the suicide of a young cardiologist named Parasto Bakhshi in January. Since then, two more doctors, Samira Al-Saeedi, an associate rheumatology professor, and Zahra Maleki, a rural physician, have died by suicide. Experts link the disturbing trend to the immense work pressures, poor working conditions, lack of support, and strained hierarchical relationships between professors and residents in Iran's medical field. Mohammadreza Sabri of Isfahan University decried the extreme working hours, with some residents pulling up to 15 overnight shifts per month despite ministry guidelines capping it at 12. <This psychological burden deprives them of comfort and security, reducing productivity and possibly causing medical errors,> he warned.>>

Zahra Nabizadeh and Hatav Akrami
NCRI - Womens committee - 6 June 2024 - in Women's News
<<Security Forces Arrest Two Kurdish Women in Relation to the 2022 Iran Uprising
Two Kurdish women, Zahra Nabizadeh and Hatav Akrami, have been detained by security forces. Their arrests echo the broader sociopolitical tensions that continue to reverberate within the country in the aftermath of the 2022 Iran uprising. In this report, we delve into the circumstances surrounding the apprehension of these Kurdish women.
Zahra Nabizadeh's Arrest in Mahabad
Zahra Nabizadeh, a detainee from the 2022 nationwide demonstrations in Mahabad, faced another arrest after being summoned and visiting the Intelligence Department of Mahabad. On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, she was taken into custody. Despite follow-up efforts by her family, information about her fate and condition remains elusive. Notably, Zahra Nabizadeh had been previously arrested by government forces during nationwide protests on December 25, 2022, while she was six-months pregnant. She lost her unborn baby under torture.
Detailed reasons for her recent arrest, charges, and her current whereabouts remain undisclosed.
Violent Arrest of Hatav Akrami in Bukan
Hatav Akrami, a Kurdish citizen residing in Bukan, was arrested by the security forces. The arrest occurred with intimidation and violence, and she was subsequently transferred to an undisclosed location. Hatav Akrami is the cousin of Mehran Akrami, another detainee from the 2022 nationwide protests who tragically died under torture. On the evening of Thursday, May 30, nearly 20 members of the IRGC’s intelligence forces stormed Hatav Akrami's parents' house in the village of 'Ingijeh' in Bukan. She is a 42-year-old manager of a sewing workshop in Bukan city. Despite the arrest, there is no information available regarding her detention location, conditions, or the charges against her.>>

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024