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formerly known as Womens
Liberation Front.
A website
that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well
as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the
struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine
that started December 2019 will
be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
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of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023
(Updates March 8, 2024) Next Actual News Update Sunday March 10, 2024 20.00 o'clock GMT
When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi
figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da
qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so
called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.
Thousands of women
Jinha - Womens News Agency 8 Mar 2024
<<Thousands of women flock to streets in NE Syria
Thousands of women flocked to the streets in North and East Syria to
celebrate the International Women’s Day and say 'No' to genocidal
attacks, occupation and the policies of isolation.
News Center- Thousands of women flocked to the streets in seven cities
of North and East Syria today to celebrate the International Women's Day
and say 'No' to genocidal attacks, occupation and the policies of
Women participated in the rally held in the Direcik village of
Qamishlo's Tirbespiyê town by wearing their traditional clothes. The
opening speech of the rally was made by Kongra Star Spokesperson Rihan
Loqo. She began her speech by wishing a happy International Women's Day
to women all around the world. <On the day of resistance and struggle,
we commemorate commander Sakine Cansız and all our martyrs who lost
their lives while fighting for freedom. Leader Apo (Kurdish leader
Abdullah Ocalan) has been isolated for 25 years to destroy the women’s
struggle for freedom. For this reason, women in Kurdistan and in the
Middle East are targeted. Leader Apo said that the 21st century would be
the century of women's freedom. As women, we will make the 21st century
the century of women's freedom. The revolution in Rojava was led by
women and we will always follow the Jin, Jiyan, Azadi philosophy.>
The rally, which was held in Hasakah's Sed Xerbi for the International
Women's Day, was participated by thousands of women from Shedade, Hol,
Til Berak, Til Temir and Dirbesiye towns. Wearing their traditional
clothes, women chanted the 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' slogan and held the photo
of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. At the rally, Democratic Union Party
(PYD) Co-chair Asya Abdullah made a speech. Indicating that women of
North and East Syria have achieved many gains thanks to the resistance
of women and martyrs such as Sakîne Cansız, Şilan and Arin, she said,
<We thank them for paving the way for freedom. They made the supreme
sacrifice to save women and defeat oppression. Thanks to them we have
reached this level.>Shahba
International Women's Day was celebrated in the Ehdas town of Shahba
with the motto, <We will defeat the policies of genocide, occupation and
isolation with the free will of women.> Thousands of women of Afrin and
Shahba participated in the celebration by wearing their traditional
Making a speech at the celebration, Kongra Star member Rihan Elo said,
<Our leader says that the women's revolution is the revolution of
thousands of people. We believe that the women's revolution will achieve
its goal with the will of women.>
A rally has been held at the Newroz Square in Aleppo's Sheikh Maqsoud
neighborhood to celebrate the International Women's Day with the
participation of hundreds of women. Fehima Hemo, coordinating member of
Kongra Star made a speech at the rally. In her speech, she said that the
struggle of Kurdish women and Middle Eastern women moved forward thanks
to <Abdullah Ocalan, leader of free women.> The rally ended after the
performances of the Hilala Zerin Cultural Movement and the Cemil Horo
Culture and Art Center.
The celebrations for the International Women's Day started in Kobane
with a march to the Kobane Park with the participation of thousands of
women wearing their traditional clothes. After a minute's silence, women
began to celebrate their day.
Zozan Bekir, coordinating member of Kongra Star, made a speech at the
rally. <We celebrate the International Women's Day today with the
ideology of leader Apo, the 'jin jiyan azadi' philosophy and the women's
struggle. Thanks to the resistance of women in North and East Syria,
women unite against the patriarchal system that aims to deprive women of
their freedom. We once again say no to slavery, occupation, violence,
femicide, oppression and restrictions. Free women will free their
societies. We are determined to struggle for freedom.> >>
Jinha - Womens News Agency 8 Mar 2024
<<Jinnews' Kurdish X account suspended
X platform (formerly Twitter) has suspended the Kurdish account of
Jinnews, the only all-women's news agency in Turkey on International
Women's Day.
News Center- X platform (formerly Twitter) has suspended <@AjansaJinnews>,
Kurdish account of Jinnews, the only all-women's news agency in Turkey,
on International Women-s Day. On February 17, 2024, the Kurdish account
of Jinnews was also suspended by X platform and the news agency created
a new X account.>>
Women in Amed 'Jin Jiyan Azadi'
Jinha - Womens News Agency 8 Mar 2024
<<Women chant Jin, Jiyan, Azadi in Amed
Women in Amed came together today with great enthusiasm to celebrate
International Women’s Day by chanting the 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' slogan.
Amed (Diyarbakır)- Women of Amed gathered at the rally led by Dicle Amed
Women's Platform (DAKAP) with the motto, <Towards Freedom with Jin,
Jiyan, Azadi> to celebrate the International Women's Day. Chanting
slogans such as 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi', <Our labor, our body, our identity
are ours> and <We are determined to struggle for freedom,> the women
wearing their traditional clothes held banners reading, <Our revolution
is a women's revolution> and 'Jin jiyan azadi'. Hundreds of women
participated in the rally, such as Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party
(DEM Party) Co-chair Tulay Hatimogulları, activists of the Free Women's
Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Jinen Azad-TJA), Dem Party MPs, mothers, who
have held the Justice Vigil, members of the Peace Mothers' Initiative,
the Rosa Women's Association, the representatives of political parties
and NGOs.
'We do not accept slavery'
Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Amed Co-chair Sultan Yaray made a speech
at the rally on the behalf of the rally organizing committee. Starting
her speech by greeting the imprisoned women, she said, <For a century,
Kurdish people have been denied and their language has been attacked. We
saw these attacks when trustees were appointed to our municipalities;
the trustees first attacked women and the Kurdish language. Everyone
should know that Kurdish people exist; they have their own language and
live in this region. We do not accept slavery.> Besna Tosun also made a
speech at the rally on behalf of Saturday Mothers. <I greet all of you
on behalf of the Saturday Mothers, who do not take even a step back from
their struggle for their loved ones,> said Besan Tosun and then read the
names of the disappeared women in police custody.
'We will bring peace to this land'
DEM Party's co-mayoral candidates for Amed and its districts took to the
stage and greeted women. Serra Bucak, Dem Party's co-mayoral candidate
for Amed made a speech at the rally. <We owe this women's organization
and struggle to our women comrades. We are sending our greetings to
Kandıra and Sincan (Two prisons in Turkey). The doors of these prisons
will be opened. Believe that we will bring peace to this land despite
the patriarchal mindset. As women, we will bring it. We will win the
majority of votes in the elections (the upcoming local elections to be
held in Turkey on March 31).> After her speech, Dem Party Amed MP Adalet
Kaya made a speech on behalf of the TJA. <I commemorate the women, who
were murdered, raped and harassed by despotic regimes. Women are killed
in Iran. Kurdish women are killed in Başur (Southern Kurdistan) by
Turkish intelligence. We call on them to immediately give up these dirty
policies. I greet our friends, who have been on a hunger strike in
prisons for 104 days.>
'We have to rebuild life'
<As women, we resist everywhere against torture and isolation in
prisons,> said Ayfer Koçak, Co-chair of the Confederation of Public
Workers' Unions (KESK). <We have to rebuild life so that our labor will
be visible.>
'Co-presidency is our purple line'
Dem Party Co-chair Tulay Hatimogulları took the stage at the rally.
<Co-presidency is our purple line,> she emphasized. <The intensified
attacks on the co-presidency system started when trustees were appointed
to our municipalities. We currently have 5,000 women co-mayoral
candidates in Kurdistan and Turkey. As Amed, as women, we will use a
system based on democracy and gender equality in municipalities with our
women co-mayors. We will rebuild our municipalities based on gender
perspective.> After the speeches, the concerts of Koliva and Jin Ma took
place at the rally.>>
Girls and women FGM
Jinha - Womens News Agency 8 Mar 2024
<<UNICEF: Over 230 million girls and women worldwide have undergone FGM
Over 230 million girls and women alive today have undergone female
genital mutilation (FGM), according to a newly released UNICEF report.
News Center- United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has released a
report on female genital mutilation (FGM) on International Women's Day.
The data shows that the pace of progress to end FGM remains slow,
lagging behind population growth, especially in places where FGM is most
common, and far off-pace to meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goal
to eliminate the practice. The global pace of decline would need to be
27 times faster to end the practice by 2030. Over 230 million girls and
women alive today have undergone FGM, a 15 per cent increase, or 30
million more girls and women, compared to the data released eight years
ago, the report said. <The largest share of the global burden is found
in African countries, with over 144 million cases, followed by over 80
million in Asia and over 6 million in the Middle East. FGM is also
practiced in small, isolated communities and among diasporas globally.>
Some hopeful news
The rapid population growth in countries where FGM is practiced presents
a considerable challenge, highlighting the need for increased prevention
efforts to safeguard a growing population at risk. Despite this, the
report illustrates some hopeful news, revealing significant strides in
combating FGM in some countries, with half of the progress of the past
30 years achieved in the past decade alone. Country examples include
Kenya, declining from moderate to low prevalence; Sierra Leone, dropping
from high to moderately high prevalence; and Egypt, beginning to decline
from a previously near-universal level. <Female genital mutilation harms
girls' bodies, dims their futures, and endangers their lives,> said
UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. <We're also seeing a
worrying trend that more girls are subjected to the practice at younger
ages, many before their fifth birthday. That further reduces the window
to intervene. We need to strengthen the efforts of ending this harmful
practice.> >>
Mahrameh Qadri
Jinha - Womens News Agency 8 Mar 2024 - by BAHARIN LEHIB
<<Afghan activist: Women should turn March 8 into a day of solidarity
and global struggle
<Women should turn March 8 into a day of solidarity and global
struggle,> Mahrameh Qadri, an activist for children's rights in
Afghanistan, said in a message to women all around the world.
News Center- This year, Afghan women celebrate the International Women's
Day, March 8, under the Taliban's misogynistic rules. Mahrameh Qadri, an
activist for children's rights in Afghanistan, sent NuJINHA a message.
She is one of the Afghan women, who were forced to leave the country
after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. Despite living in exile, she
never forgets the women and children of her country; she makes great
efforts to stand with them and make their voices heard all around the
world. <Today is March 8, International Women's Day. The brutal Taliban
took over the country with the support of puppet and treacherous
governments. Since then, Afghan women have been oppressed by the
Taliban,> Mahrameh Qadri said in the message.
'Afghan women never bow down like their Kurdish and Iranian sisters'
In her message, Mahrameh Qadri emphasized that Afghan women would never
bow to the Taliban's oppression. <Afghan women never bow down to
anti-feminist laws or Islamists such as ISIS, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and
Mullahs, like their Kurdish and Iranian sisters. Although they are
subjected to many inhuman practices such as arrest, torture, execution
and assassination, they are determined to fight more. Women all over the
world must unite to free us from these oppressive fundamentalists and
Islamists and turn March 8 into a day of solidarity and global
struggle.> >>
an women killed
Jinha - Womens News Agency 8 Mar 2024
<<At least 6,000 Palestinian women killed since Oct.7
As the humanitarian crisis is deteriorating in the Gaza Strip due to
Israeli attacks, this situation deeply affects Palestinian women.
News Center- 60,000 pregnant women in the Gaza Strip suffer from
malnutrition, dehydration and the lack of proper health care, the Gaza's
health ministry said in a statement on Thursday, on the eve of
International Women's Day. Women make up 49% percent of Gaza's
population, the statement said, <5,000 pregnant women in the Gaza Strip
give birth every month in harsh, unsafe and unhealthy conditions as a
result of bombardment and displacement.
At least 9,000 Palestinian women killed
The statement emphasized that all women in Gaza suffered from unhealthy
conditions and malnutrition due to the ongoing Israel's attacks that
started on October 7, 2023. At least 9,000 Palestinian women have been
killed in the Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, the ministry
announced. <As a result of Israeli aggression, Palestinian women face
the worst humanitarian disaster, including killings, displacement,
detention, abortion, epidemics and starvation.>
Women struggle to survive
In the statement, the ministry called on the United Nations and women's
organizations all around the world to immediately stop Israeli
aggression and genocide against Palestinian women and their families.
<Women struggle to survive in Gaza,> the ministry added.>>
boko haram
Jinha - Womens News Agency 8 Mar 2024
<<Hundreds abducted in Nigeria by Boko Haram
Hundreds of Nigerian students have been abducted along with their
teacher by Boko Haram in the north-western town of Kuriga, according to
local reports.
News Center- In the early morning of Friday, more than 100 Nigerian
students, between the ages of eight and 15, and a teacher were abducted
by Boko Haram in the north-western town of Kuriga, according to local
reports. The students were in the assembly ground when dozens of gunmen
on motorcycles rode through the school, the eyewitnesses said. The
eyewitnesses added that one student was shot by the gunmen and was
receiving medical attention at the Birnin Gwari hospital.
Dozens women abducted yesterday
Yesterday, dozens of women and girls were abducted by Boko Haram in an
IDPs camp in Gamboru Ngala town when they went to collect firewood to
cook or sell. While the exact number is unknown it is estimated more
than 200 people were abducted, said Mohamed Malick Fall, the UN's
Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator.
276 schoolgirls abducted in 2014
The largest mass abduction by Boko Haram occurred when more than 276
schoolgirls were abducted from their dormitory in Chibok town, also in
north-eastern Borno state, in 2014.>>
Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024