formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 

August 20, 2023
Preface to the new format of the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2 Revolt' and the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' movement
pages lay-out

You are now at the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom'  section

For the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2' Revolt news click here





The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendagi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in 2023:  October 15 - 1 -- September 30 - 16 -- September 17 - 1 -- August 31 - 18 -- August 15 - 1-- July 31 - 16 --July 15 -1--June 30 - 15--June 15-1--May 31 -16-- May 15-1--April--March--Feb--Jan  

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's Savagery 10 years ago.

For all topics below
that may hopefully interest you click on the image:


Updated September 27, 2023


Updated September 6, 2023


Updated September 19, 2023   



Updated September 21, 2023


 Updated September 6, 2023 


Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.
  Click here for a total list so far

'Facing Faces and Facts 1-2'  (2022) to commemorate the above named and more and food for thought and inspiration to fight on.
and 'Facing Faces & Facts 3' edited December 2022/March 2023

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' pages menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are and click on another underlinded period to go there. However, when needed a certain topic will be in yellow meaning it's a link to go that topic and will open in a new window. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
This does not count for the  above topics which, when clicked on, will still appear in a pop-up window and for now the 'old' lay-out 'till I worked that all out. Thank you. Gino d'Artali
(Updates October 6, 2023)



Articles about
<<Mahsa Amini's Father: <Everything They Have Said and Shown is Lies>
By Diako Alavi, a journalist from Saqqez and family friend of Mahsa Amini 
Jina Amini, the face of Irans uprising and revolution:

Part 10:  22 - 21 September 2023

Part 11: 28 - 22 September 2023
 Part 12: October 6 - 2 2023

and links to earlier parts
Gino d'artali's opinion: We mourn AND fight!


Please go this page which is dedicated to the coming commeration of Jina Mahsa Amini, heinously murdered by a basij for apparently wearing her hijab wrongfully. Do participate:

Please do read because I wrote some thoughts and reflection about the coming commemoration of the killing of the 22-year-old Jina Mahsa Amini

This call ends October 17, 2023!





Armita Geravand in the CPU
We all grief for the victims of the heinous crimes committed by the 'hijab-guards'
in the past days.
Read the day to day heartbreaking news of the past days:
- 3 - 2 October 2023;
- 4 October 2023;
- 5 October 2023;
- 7 - 6 October 2023
-  -


Cruel regime stories not for the faint of heart:
October 2023
October   2, 2023
Note by Gino d'Artali: The following article is related to the one below it.
<<Poisonings at Iranian University amid Clampdown on Students, Professors...

September, 2023
September 28, 2023
<<Academic Year in Iran Begins with Imprisonment of Teachers, Arbitrary Arrests
September 29 - 26, 2023

<<Women's <Honor> Killings Continued Unabated in Past Year....

Click here for a 'RED ALERT' overview 'till August 2023  

October 4 - 1, 2023
The most tragic news first:
<<Iranian Eighth-Grade Girl Ends Life after School Suspension... , Allah has her soul,
and <<Has Armita Geravand, 16, suffered the fate of Zhina Mahsa Amini?...
and <<Iranian Authorities Urged to Let Journalists Cover Teenager’s Assault...

and as if less tragic because...
<<At least 463 people detained by Iranian security forces in September...
and <<Marzieh Nasseri and Sakineh Parvaneh are sentenced to 11.5 years in prison...
and <<Trial of Amini Family's Lawyer Goes On...
and damn right they're terrorists!! <<UK Lawmakers Call for Revolutionary Guards' Designation as Terror Group...
and more news

September 29 - 26, 2023
and <<Aylar Haghi, a young and brave girl from Tabriz who gave her life for freedom...
and <<Three Relatives of Ailing Political Prisoner Sepehri Arrested...
and <<Samaneh Asghari and others detained on the anniversary of the 2022 uprising...
and Jailed Iranian Activist Sepehri Needs Urgent Heart Surgery...
and <<Iranian Student Imprisoned for Being Concerned by Jailed Mother's Health...
and <<Protesting Workers in Iran Sentenced to Fines, Flogging...
and <<No news received from four women since their arrest in Iran...
and <<Lida receives threats from Iran's intelligence agencies: Those who fight for their freedom will definitely win...
and <<The new academic year in Iran sees strict clothing restrictions for female students
and more news...

and more menu links to news untill September 1, 2023




2-weekly opinion by Gino d'Artali:
Dedicated to the women-led revolution
Note from Gino d'Artali: I'm still in the 40-day mourning period of the death of Jina Amini. 
September 1, 2023
 August 4 - July 15, 2023
July 15 - 1, 2023
June 30 - 15, 2023

June 15 - 9, 2023


When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Iranwire - October 3, 2023
<<Armita, 16, in Coma after Tehran Subway Assault by Hijab Authorities
The 16-year-old Iranian girl who fell into a coma after being pushed by hijab enforcement officers in a Tehran subway station for not wearing a headscarf has been identified as Armita Geravand. The Norway-based Hengaw group, which monitors rights violations in Iran's Kurdish regions, reported on October 3 that Armita, from western Kermanshah province, is under stringent security measures at Fajr Air Force Hospital. Earlier, two sources with knowledge of the matter told IranWire that the teenager is in a coma. She was transported to the hospital by an ambulance of the Tehran Municipality on October 1 due to a <head trauma and visible head injuries,> the sources said.
Drop in Blood Pressure?
Meanwhile, Armita's parents were brought in front of a camera to recite the official version of the incident. A video published by the official IRNA news agency shows the mother saying that Armita lost consciousness following a drop in blood pressure. She says the teenager was taken to hospital by ambulance, while her father claims she was transported in a taxi. A woman introduced as a relative also appears in the clip saying that the family saw CCTV footage from the metro station. She denied that the teenager was assaulted. The surveillance camera recordings from Shohada metro station have not been made available to the public.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - October 3, 2023 , 2023
<<Exclusive: Teenager Assaulted in Tehran Metro Taken to Hospital with Weak Vital Signs
A 16-year-old Iranian girl who fell into a coma after being assaulted by hijab enforcement officers in a Tehran subway station was taken to hospital with weak vital signs, IranWire has learned. A source with knowledge of Armita Geravand's condition told IranWire that the teenager was in a critical condition when she was transported to Fajr Air Force Hospital on the morning of October 1. <The initial examination by the emergency technician indicated a GCS of 3,> the source said. The GCS, or Glasgow Coma Scale, is used to describe the extent of impaired consciousness in acute medical and trauma patients. The highest possible GCS score is 15, and the lowest is 3. Generally, a score of 8 or fewer means the patient is in a coma.
IranWire's source said that Armita <was brought to the hospital in a comatose state with a code 99> - meaning that the teenager needed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) because she had ceased breathing or her heart had stopped. According to the source, the emergency service in Tehran established that Armita suffered a <head trauma> after <falling from a level surface.> <Upon receiving the patient, I heard she had fallen during a confrontation in the subway,> the source added. In a video published by the official IRNA news agency, Armita's mother says that the teenager lost consciousness following a drop in blood pressure. But IranWire's source refuted that version of events: <It is improbable that a drop in blood pressure alone would cause a person to fall and strike their head against an obstacle, as a drop in blood pressure typically leads to symptoms such as dizziness and weakness, which an individual would generally notice. In such cases, they would usually sit down, grasp onto something for balance, or seek assistance from others.> IRNA also released CCTV footage of three schoolgirls without mandatory headscarves entering a subway train. Moments later a group of passengers can be seen pulling an apparently unconscious girl out to the platform. Reports from Tehran suggest heightened security measures were put in place around Fajr Hospital on October 3, including the deployment of extra security personnel. In recent months Iranian authorities have been enforcing mandatory hijab for women and girls, particularly in Tehran metro stations.>>

Iranwire - October 3, 2023
<<Teenager in Coma after Tehran Subway Incident Involving Hijab Authorities
A 16-year-old girl fell into a coma after being pushed by hijab enforcement officers in a Tehran subway station for not wearing a headscarf, IranWire has learned. Sources with knowledge of the matter said that the teenager was transported to Fajr Air Force Hospital by an ambulance of the Tehran Municipality on October 1 due to a <head trauma and visible head injuries.> Two separate sources said that the student was in a coma.
Her identity and her school have not been disclosed. The security agencies of the Islamic Republic have imposed severe restrictions on reporting the incident at Shohada subway station. Maryam Lotfi, a reporter for Shargh newspaper who went to the hospital to report on the girl’s condition, was detained for a few hours.>>
Read more here:
and below

Armita Gevavand
NCRI - Womens committee - October 3, 2023 - in Women's News
<<Has Armita Geravand, 16, suffered the fate of Zhina Mahsa Amini?
According to reports published on social media, a 16-year-old girl went unconscious and fell into a coma due to the injuries she suffered as a result of being shoved by the guidance patrol agents in a Tehran metro wagon. This high school student, named Armita Geravand, was allegedly attacked on Sunday, October 1, 2023, while she was boarding the subway train to go to school with her friends at Tehran's Shohada metro station. Armita Geravand was transferred by ambulance to the Fajr Hospital located on Pirouzi Ave. in Tehran. The hospital, affiliated with the Air Force, is surrounded by security forces until the moment of preparing this report. Even Armita's parents are not allowed to visit her. Maryam Lotfi, a reporter from Sharq Daily, who went to the Fajr Hospital at noon on Monday, October 2, 2023, to prepare a report on the situation of Armita Geravand, was arrested. She was released after a few hours. (The state-run, October 2, 2023) The authorities forced Armita's parents, Bahman Geravand and Shahin Ahmadi, to appear on TV and repeat the government’s narrative. In the short interview, her mother says that she was told that Armita's blood pressure dropped and her head hit the edge of the metro (wagon). <In the morning she went to school. She was supposed to see her friends at the Shohada Metro Station. Now, when they went there... I think my daughter's pressure... I think her blood pressure dropped, I don't know… I think... Well, they said that her (blood) pressure dropped. OK? ... Her pressure dropped or... Anyway, she fell down and her head hit the edge of the metro.> (The state-run IRNA24 TV, October 3, 2023)

 Armita's parents on the state TV
The clerical regime has disseminated edited footage of the entrance of Armita Geravand and her friends to the metro wagon, which is abruptly followed by a scene where her friends are carrying her out. While CCTV cameras are installed in all metro wagons, no footage from inside the wagon has been made available. According to an unverified report, a source from inside the Fajr Hospital said Armita's consciousness level is 3 and her pupils are unresponsive to light, and she is near brain death. According to this source, a section has been completely evacuated and is under the full protection of security forces.>>

Jina Amini is choking raisi
Iranwire - October 2, 2023
<<Exclusive: Hijab Enforcement Officers Injure Girl in Metro Station
A secondary school pupil has been hospitalised with a head injury after being pushed by hijab enforcement officers in the Tehran underground, IranWire reports. The girl was taken to Fajr Air Force Hospital in the Iranian capital with a <head injury,> according to an informed source who spoke to IranWire. Masoud Dorosti, CEO of the Tehran Metro Operation Company, denied any involvement in the incident during an interview with the official IRNA news agency. He claimed that the girl had <no verbal or physical altercation with passengers or metro personnel.> In CCTV footage released by IRNA showing the incident, three schoolgirls, who are not wearing headscarves, can be seen entering a train. Moments later a group of passengers assists an apparently unconscious girl, pulling her out to the platform. No footage from potential surveillance cameras from inside the train has so far been made available. Reports from Tehran suggest the presence of heightened security measures around the Fajr Hospital tonight, including a substantial deployment of security personnel in the area. Maryam Lotfi, a reporter for Shargh newspaper who went to the hospital to report on the girl's condition, was arrested by government forces. Iran's judicial and security agencies have not provided any official reasons for Lotfi's arrest, but it is believed the purpose was to prevent the release of news about the injury to the girl. Reports emerged yesterday suggesting that the girl fainted after hitting her head on a metal surface. In recent months authorities have been enforcing mandatory hijab for women and girls particularly strictly in Tehran metro stations. In August the online newspaper Faraz revealed that the capital's municipality had hired 400 <hijab officers>. According to the report, which was not denied by members of the Tehran City Council, the mission of these hijab enforcement personnel in the underground is to issue verbal warnings, prevent women without hijabs from entering and hand over non-compliant females to the police.>>

Iranwire - October 2, 2023 , 2023
<<Shargh Reporter Arrested in Tehran
Iran's Shargh newspaper says security forces arrested one of its reporters on October 2. It said that Maryam Lotfi was taken into custody after visiting Fajr Air Force Hospital to report on the situation of a girl who had lost consciousness in the Tehran subway. According to some reports, a high school girl was sent to the hospital after sustaining a head injury in the subway. The incident reportedly occurred when an officer pushed her to try to force her to wear a mandatory headscarf. No information has been provided regarding the reasons for Lotfi''s arrest or the agency responsible for it.>>

Liberation Front 2019/ 2023