formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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October 2 - September 27 -- September 26 - 22 --  September 21 - 14 -- 15 - 4 Sept. --  August 31 - July 5, 2023

(Updates October 10, 2023)

Click here to continue

October 10 - 3, 2023
<<Palestinian activist: Women are subjected to torture in Al-Aqsa Mosque's courtyards...
and <<2 young women killed in Serekaniye...
and <<'The Turkish attack on life sources in NE Syria is a crime against humanity'...
and <<Call from Karama Square: Let's take to the streets for our rights...
and <<Turkey: 32 women killed in September...
and <<Mitra Nasır whose brother killed by Taliban: 'I will always hate the Taliban'...
and <<Women journalists in Sweida: We work to make the voices of our people heard...
and more news

October 2 - September 27, 2023
<<3,500 students receive education in system based on democracy...
and <<Political women prisoners urge CPT to take immediate action...
and <<Women of Sweida call on young people to return Syria...
and <<Another Yazidi woman rescued from ISIS captivity...
and <<Afghanistan: 5 women, 2 girls killed in September...
and <<Reaction from Kurdish, Arab, Syriac women to attacks: They will fail...
and more news



September 28 - 22, 2023
<<Women's rights activist Julia Parsi arrested by Taliban...
and <<Kurdish politician Selma Irmak sentenced to four years and two months in prison...
<<Saturday Mothers resist: The aim of the state is to cover up its crimes...
and <<Afghan journalist Lailuma Sadid honored with Henri La Fontaine International Prize for Humanism...
and <<Nevin Obaid: Gender equality is the solution for violations committed against women...
and <<Women of Sweida keep demanding change of system...
and <<'The popular movement in Sweida is the continuation of the July 19 Revolution'...
and more news

Clicking the above link will bring you to a total overview of September 2023

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.


Jinha - Womens News Agency - October 2, 2023 - by BERJIN KARA
<<3,500 students receive education in system based on democracy
Makhmour- In the 1990s, thousands were forcibly displaced from Northern Kurdistan to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq due to war policies carried by the Turkish state against the Kurdish people. Displaced Kurdish people of Northern Kurdistan took shelter in many camps. In 1998, they settled in the Martyr Rustem Cudi Camp (Makhmour Refugee Camp). Since then, the Turkish state and its partner Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) have carried out attacks on the camp, killing and injuring many people. Since 2019, the KDP has imposed an embargo on the camp by blocking the entry of essential supplies, including medical supplies, to the camp. Despite the ongoing Turkish attacks and the embargo imposed by the KDP, the residents of the camp still resist. Although the camp is officially recognized as a refugee settlement by the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR), the UNHCR does not fulfill its responsibilities for the camp. The residents of the camp have an education committee to provide education based on democracy to the children.
'It has put its signature under important successes despite the challenges'
In the camp, there are five kindergartens, four elementary schools, two secondary schools and a high school. The new academic year has started in the camp with the participation of 3,500 students and 150 teachers. NuJINHA spoke to Berivan Kaya, a teacher and former representative of the Makhmour Education Committee, about the new academic year in the camp. Speaking about the challenges faced by them when they built the education system in the camp, Berivan Kaya said:
<Since 1994, the education system has been implemented under difficult conditions. The education system has put its signature under important successes, especially in Kurdish language, despite the challenges. Thousands of students have already completed their education in the schools of the camp. Some students graduated from universities in the region and they have gained experience in different professions.>
'Children are moved away from thinking'
Speaking about the challenges caused by today's education system, she said, <We see that the education system all over the world focuses on technical information and technology. This system moves children away from thinking and understanding life. This system is an automatic system. It is a system in which the students can only pass by performing like a robot. I mean, capitalism has built a system that affects young people in all facets of life by using the current education system> Commenting on the impact of technology on children and students, she said, <The use of the internet and mobile devices affects students and children. Technology causes children to distance themselves from the world.> This year, a conference on education was held in the camp. <In the camp, we hold a conference on education every two year to discuss our education system and the way to improve our system. The decisions made at the conference will be implemented in the next two years.> Berivan Kaya also talked about the embargo imposed by the KDP on the camp. <Since 2019, an embargo has been imposed on the camp and students are the most affected by this embargo. The regional government has closed the doors of the universities in the region to our students and our students see this as a threat to themselves. Hundreds of students have not gone to universities for 10 years after they graduated from high school. We discussed this issue at the conference to find an alternative. Centers providing vocational education to students should be opened that prepares the students for a skilled craft as an artisan, trade as a tradesperson or work as a technician. We always say that the education system in the camp is based on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan's paradigm of Democratic nation.>
Call on families
In her speech, Berivan Kaya called on families to encourage their children to receive education. <The new academic year has started with the participation of 3,500 students. We call on all families to support their children and keep their children away from the current capitalist system.> >>
Source and view video here: 

France 24 - the 51% - September 29, 2023 - By: Stephanie CHEVAL, Annette Young, Yong CHIM
<<Feminism in the Arab world: The new wave of activists
A new wave of feminism is beginning to emerge in the Arab world but how successful will it be? Annette Young talks to Lina Abirafeh, a specialist on women's rights in the region. Also Tunisia marks 50 years since it became the only Arab country to legalise abortion. Yet it is still very much viewed as a taboo and women face many obstacles in order to access the procedure. Plus a UK campaign seeking to end public harassment of women, uses a powerful video which shows men making excuses for inappropriate behaviour.>>
Watch the video, 11.37 min., here:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 29, 2023
<<Political women prisoners urge CPT to take immediate action
News Center- Political women prisoners in Sincan Women's Closed Prison in Ankara have applied to the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) regarding the torture and rights violations and sick prisoners in Turkey's prisons. Calling on the CPT to launch an investigation into rights violations in prison, the women prisoners recalled the death of Şakir Tutan in Erzincan L-type Prison on August 30. <Although he suffered from cancer, he was not released from prison. As a Kurd and politician, did he have to die to prove that he was sick? The report of the government’s Forensic Medicine Institution (ATK) prepared a report saying that he could stay in prison although he suffered from cancer. The report prepared by the ATK about Şakir Tutan was a political report.
Suspicious deaths in prisons
The application said that at least 81 prisoners died in Turkey in just one year. <No investigation has been launched into these suspicious deaths. Every death in prisons is a murder committed by the government. Most of the people who died in prisons were sick political prisoners. Political prisoners are targeted because of their thoughts and political activities, and especially because they are Kurds,> the women prisoners wrote in the application.
'What is the CPT waiting for?'
<Kurdish political prisoners are left to die,> said the application. <What is the CPT waiting for? Is the CPT waiting for sick prisoners to die? The reality is that there are many political prisoners, who have not been released although they have completed their sentences because they are Kurds.>
'Take an immediate action'
Mentioning the torture cases in Turkey's prisons, the political women prisoners said, <There are tens of thousands of people subjected to fascist and racist practices in Turkey’s prisons. Because of these practices, people die in prisons. Serious sick prisoners are left to die. The CPT should launch an immediate investigation into torture and rights violations in Turkey’s prisons. Turkey should be warned and convicted for torture and rights violations in prisons. The CPT must take immediate action.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 29, 2023
<<Yeni Yaşam newspaper employee Azime Bozkurt detained
News Center- Azime Bozkurt, an employee of Yeni Yaşam newspaper, was detained today by police while distributing newspapers in Dersim (Tunceli). According to the received reports, police confiscated the newspapers. The reason for her detention is still unknown. Green Left Party Dersim MP Ayten Kordu and the members of the Human Rights Association (IHD), who were with Azime Bozkurt when she was detained, reacted to the attitude of police officers. Azime Bozkurt has been reportedly taken to the Tunceli Provincial Security Directorate.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 28, 2023 - by ROCHELLE JUNIOR
<<Women of Sweida call on young people to return Syria
Sweida- The peaceful protests erupted in the Druze majority city of Sweida over the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation in Syria on August 17, 2023 continue on their second months. The people, who first took to the streets to demand a better living condition, have been demanding the change of the regime and the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 to end the 12 years of crisis in Syria.
'We will not accept any foreign involvement'
Elham Jaafar, a retired teacher, has been participating in the protests since their first day. She decided to participate in the protests to raise her voice against poverty, humiliation, deteriorating living conditions and economic situation and the leaving of young people from the country in search of better living conditions. <We demand the Syrian government implement the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 and ensure justice and equality in the country. The needs and rights of the people should not be ignored anymore. We will not accept any foreign involvement,> Elham Jaafar told NuJINHA.
'We should take to the streets and raise our voices'
In her speech, Elham Jaafar drew attention to the young people, who left the country due to economic reasons. She said, <I call on all women, whose children left the country, to take to the streets and raise their voices. We must demand better living conditions so that young women and men can realize their dreams in their country. Syria has lost its youth. We call on our children to return to Syria.>
'We are against any interference in Syria's internal affairs'
Another protester, Manya Hadif said that they took to the streets as a result of the oppression, humiliation and injustice faced by them. <We want to express what we think. We are against the interference of Iran, Russia and Turkey in Syria's internal affairs. United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 must be implemented and criminals must be punished.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 28, 2023
<<Another Yazidi woman rescued from ISIS captivity
News Center- The Yazidi Hostage Rescue Office announced on Wednesday that a Yazidi woman namely A.D. had been rescued after nine years in ISIS captivity. Speaking at a press conference, Hussein Al-Qaidi said that the woman is now 23 years old and she was abducted by ISIS in Shengal when she was 14. Hussein Al-Qaidi did not give information about the location where the Yazidi woman was rescued but said, <There are 4-5 other individuals waiting to be rescued from the location where the Yazidi woman was rescued.>
The number of individuals rescued from ISIS captivity until now
He highlighted that the total number of individuals rescued from ISIS captivity has reached 3,574. Underlining that they made great efforts to rescue women held captive by ISIS, he said that they would share the identities of the rescued individuals and information on the locations. Indicating that they have received no support from the Iraqi government, he called on the authorities to help them to rescue other women held captive by ISIS and reunite them with their families.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 28, 2023
<<World March of Women to hold its meeting in Ankara on October 6
News Center- The 13th International Meeting of the World March of Women will be held in Ankara from October 6 to October 12 under the slogan <World March of Women: Feminist Strength to Transform the World!> with the participation of more than 100 delegates from 62 countries.
First event to be held at the meeting on October 6 will be a seminar titled <From Bahriye Uçok to Today: Women's Struggle for Secularism in the World> by the 29 October Women's Association. The panel will be held at the Belediye- İş hall. The speakers of the panel are Şenal Sarıhan from Turkey, Bushra Khaliq from Pakistan, Cherifa Kheddar from Algeria and Nana Aicha Cissé from Mali. Discussions and panels on different topics will be held at Kocatepe Cultural Center on October 7. Women from different countries will participate in these events as speakers. A march will be held from Tandogan Square to AnıtPark under the slogan, <We resist to live, we march to change!> on October 8 at 15.30.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 28, 2023 - by BAHARİN LEHİB
<<Afghanistan: 5 women, 2 girls killed in September
Kabul- the Taliban's takeover on August 15, 2021, women's rights and freedoms have been targeted. Being banned from education, working life, politics and public spaces, Afghan women are subjected to violence and the incidents of femicide increases in the country.
Three women killed in Bamyan
According to the news compiled by NuJINHA Persian from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies, five women and two girls were killed in Afghanistan in September 2023.
1- On September 1, a woman was shot dead at her home in the fourth district of Ghazni.
2- On September 5, the dead body of a woman was found and taken to a hospital in the city of Bamyan.
3- On September 6, a young woman was killed in the city of Bamyan by an unknown person or persons.
4- On September 7, a woman was killed by her husband in the first district of Puli Khumri city of Baghlan province.
5- On September 7, Maryam Sadat committed suicide by throwing herself from the roof of her house.
6- On September 14, an 11-year-old girl was killed by her uncle in Baghlani Jadid district.
7- On September 20, a girl was killed in Pashtun Kot district of Faryab Province.

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 27, 2023 - by MAYSA AL-QADİ
<<Sudanese women: Conflicts must be immediately stopped
Sudan - Due to the conflicts that broke out in Sudan between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on April 15, 2023, more than 5,000 people have been killed and at least 4.6 million have been displaced in the country. Sudanese feminist activists say that women have paid the heaviest price for the ongoing conflicts and call for an immediate end of the conflicts.
'Conflicts are the result of political failure'
Feminist activist Wiam Shawqi is one of the internally displaced from Khartoum due to the ongoing conflicts in the city. She thinks the conflicts are the result of political failure of the authorities. <The population has decreased, the cases of murder, violence, rape, kidnapping of women and selling women in markets have become common,> said Wiam Shawqi, emphasizing that the conflicts may result in racism. <We are afraid that these conflicts will turn into conflicts between tribes. Feminists and politicians have made great efforts to prevent this. However, they try to block all ways. If conflicts continue, Sudan will lose its national rights and turn into a state dependent on foreign powers, which look after their own interests.>
'Women have paid the heaviest price'
Speaking about the rumors saying that those who do not want the war have formed an alliance with the Rapid Support Forces, Wiam Shawqi said, <We, as women, have paid the heaviest price of this war. Women are killed, raped, displaced and kidnapped. Those who refuse to negotiate are closed-minded. Justice does not happen overnight, it takes time.>
'A ceasefire should be announced now'
Feminist activist Aitzaz Bekri Abdullah, who lives in North Kordofan state of Sudan, demands an immediate ceasefire. <No to war, yes to peace,> she said in her speech. Emphasizing that all Sudanese men and women and the international community should be aware that the first victims of this war are displaced women, she said:
<They leave their homeland with their children and know nothing about their future. The internally displaced people and the people, who fled the country to neighboring countries are in great shock because they did not expect that the war would break out and they would leave their homes and be displaced. This war must be stopped immediately. As Sudanese men and women, we should raise our voices to stop this war. We call on the regional and international community and neighboring countries to support us in order to stop this war.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 27, 2023 - by SORGUL ŞEXO
<<Reaction from Kurdish, Arab, Syriac women to attacks: They will fail
Hasakah- The Turkish state has intensified its attacks on Til Temir, a town in western North and East Syria’s Hasakah Canton. Kurdish, Arab and Syriac women living in Til Temir and the village of Til Cuma condemn the ongoing Turkish attacks.
78-year-old Meryem Yaqub, a Syriac woman, told NuJINHA that many of her relatives have been displaced by the Syrian war. <We never betray our neighbors or our nation,> she said, <Our unity shows our power. We are people from different nationalities and beliefs living in the same territory and we protect our lands together. I was born and grew up here. I got married here and my grandchildren were born here. I cannot leave here (Til Temir). The displaced people face difficult living conditions. They always dream of returning to their homeland. We feel like we are in heaven when we are in our homeland. We will never allow our homeland to be occupied.>
'We will resist the attacks'
73-year-old Gulçin Mehumd, a Kurdish woman, has lived in Til Temir since 1983. <We have Arab neighbors, we have very good relations with each other without having any problems. We always support and help each other. We have been suffering from the Turkish airstrikes for two days. But we will resist the attacks because we are not afraid of these attacks. We will not leave our homeland. If we are going to die, we will die in our homeland. We will always be in solidarity with each other against the attacks. We should be strong and grow our solidarity. We should not allow our enemy to realize its dream.>
'The occupiers will fail'
75-year-old Erna Al-Xideyir is an Arab woman living in the town of Til Temir. She said, <Kurdish, Arab and Syriac people live together for years. We do agriculture together; we plant seeds together and harvest our crops together. We have been in solidarity with each other for years. We will keep being in solidarity with each other. Our solidarity will set the occupiers up to fail. The occupiers will fail.> >>
Source incl. video:

 Womens' Liberation Front 2019/ 2023