formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


You are now at the section on what is happening in the rest of the Middle east
(Updates June 7, 2024)

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2024: June wk1 -- May wk5 -- May wk4 part2 -- May wk4 -- May wk3 -- May wk2 -- May wk1
Click here for an
overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
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and earlier news

June 4 - May 31, 2024
<<Ban on protests and demonstrations in 11 cities following appointment of trustee...
and <<Turkiye: Men kill 40 women in May...
and <<Women Journalists' Association established in Mersin...
and <<Woman injured in Turkish drone attack on Jazira Canton: What do they want from us?...
and <<Letter from 95 figures to CPT: Send a delegation to Imrali...
and <<Metro stations in Istanbul to be closed for operation on anniversary of Gezi protests...
and <<Nora Cortinas of Argentina’s 'Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo' dies at 94...
and <<Relatives of prisoners: No results will be obtained by denying and ignoring...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

May 30 - 27, 2024
<<Over 6 million women and girls face increased risks of violence in Yemen...
and <<'Any negotiation or meeting with the Taliban is a betrayal of the rights of Afghan women'...
and <<More than 300 Yazidis return to Shengal...
and <<Sudanese women learn how to fight in military training camps...
and <<Turkish court looks for witnesses against journalist Nurcan Yalçın...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Click here for a dated menu overview 'till May 1 2024 and earlier

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Ban on protests
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 4 , 2024
<<Ban on protests and demonstrations in 11 cities following appointment of trustee
Following the appointment of a trustee to the municipality in Hakkari, the governors of 11 Kurdish cities have banned all protests, demonstrations, gatherings and meetings.
News Center- Mehmet Sıddık Nakit, the elected Co-mayor of Hakkari Municipality, was detained, removed from office and replaced him with a state-appointed trustee on June 3, 2024. Today, all protests, demonstrations, gatherings and meetings have been banned in Colemêrg (Hakkari), Wan (Van), Amed (Diyarbakır), Mersin, Elih (Batman), Şirnex (Şırnak), Sert (Siirt), Bedlis (Bitlis), Agiri (Agrı), Muş (Muş) and idir (Igdır) by the governors.
The governors have claimed the ban has been issued to <protecting national security>, <maintain public order>, <preventing crime>, <preventing the spread of violent incidents>, <protecting protect citizens' safety, lives and properties>. The ban will end in the cities on different days between June 6 and June 12.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 4 , 2024
<<Turkiye: Men kill 40 women in May
40 women were killed, 20 more died under suspicious circumstances in Türkiye last month, according to the report released by the We Will Stop Femicide Platform.
News Center- We Will Stop Femicide Platform (Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracagız Platformu-KCDP) has released its May 2024 report on femicide. In May, 40 women were killed, 20 more died under suspicious circumstances in Turkiye, the report said. According to the report, 14 out of 40 women were killed by men on the excuse that they had asked for a divorce, refused marriage or dating proposals, two on the excuse that they got restraining orders against their fathers to protect their mothers, one on the excuse that she protected her daughter, three on the excuse of financial reasons and the excuse of men, who killed 20 women could not be determined.
38% of women killed by their husbands
The platform also shares the names of the killed women and their life stories in the report. <Out of 40 women, 15 women were killed by their husbands, six by their fathers, four by their partners, four by men they knew, three by their male relatives, two by their ex-husbands, two by their ex-partners, one by her brother, one by her son, one by a man she did not know.> The report also said that 38% of women were killed by their husbands in May. In the report, the platform also shares the places where 40 women were killed. <25 women were killed at their home, six on the streets, two inside cars and two in deserted places and two in their workplace. The places where three women were killed have not been determined. 19 women were shot dead by men, 13 women were killed with sharp objects, four were choked to death, two were burned to death and one was killed by being thrown from a high place.> >>

Iman Abu Assaf
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 4 , 2024 - by ROCHELLE JUNIOR
<<'We have hope that Syrian women will wage a common struggle'
<We have hope that Syrian women will unite and wage a common struggle,> said Iman Abu Assaf, a human rights defender in Sweida, stressing that women lead the struggle for the democratization of Syria.
Sweida- The peaceful protests erupted at the Karama Square in the Druze majority city of Sweida over the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation in Syria on August 17, 2023 continue. Since the protests erupted in Syria emerging from the 2011 Arab uprisings, the country has been suffering from political, economic and social instability. Syrian women will form a network for common struggle soon, reported Iman Abu Assaf, a human rights defender in Sweida.
'Women are determined to make their voices heard by holding peaceful protests'
Reminding that women led the protests that erupted in Syria, Iman Abu Assaf said, <In 2011, women took to the streets because they were discontent with all kinds of oppression faced by them. Since they knew what people demanded, they led the protests to express their demands and the demands of the people.> Speaking about the ongoing peaceful protests in Sweida, she said, <The women of Sweida have made their voices and the voices of Syrian women heard. They have shown that their demands are legitimate demands. They demand freedom, a life with dignity and equal citizenship. The women keep leading the protests. They are determined to make their voices heard by holding peaceful protests.>
'All women should struggle'
Iman Abu Assaf criticizes women's movements in Syria for not being united. <There are many movements having different views. Unfortunately, we have not yet formed a united network to wage a common struggle. What gives hope is the women's struggle. We believe that women will unite and form a network to wage a common struggle soon. All women should struggle for their rights, equality and build a democratic Syria. Without women, stability cannot be achieved in Syria. More awareness-raising activities should be carried out for women so that they can believe in themselves more.> >>
Source incl. video:

Women Journalists' Association

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 4 , 2024
<<Women Journalists' Association established in Mersin
The Women Journalists' Association established in Mersin aims to combat gender-based inequalities, injustices, mobbing and rights violations experienced by women journalists in the city.
News Center- Women journalists in Mersin held a press conference at the headquarters of the Human Rights Association (IHD), announcing that they have established the <Women Journalists' Association>. <Women journalists are forced to work more than 45 hours a week for low wages. They are deprived of many of their rights,> journalist Gamze Şimşek said at the press conference.
'Women are more likely to suffer from occupational diseases'
<In these days when patriarchy surrounds our lives like a net, turns every sphere of our lives into hell, we turn our every breath into a struggle against the rights violations, censorship, low wages and long working hours,> Gamze Şimşek said, stressing that women are more likely to suffer from occupational diseases. <Women are underrepresented at all levels of decision-making. Although they make more efforts, they are paid less than men.>
'Women journalists are isolated'
The rate of women journalists, who feel challenged and exhausted is 59% while this rate among male journalists is 26.8%, Gamze Şimşek indicated, saying, <Women face inequalities in the workplace and have to struggle with mobbing. Women journalists have to struggle with the inequalities alone; they are isolated. They are subjected to detention, arrest and being fired for doing journalism.>
'A step to end disorganization'
The Women Journalists' Association is a step taken by women journalists to end disorganization, to unite against the patriarchal media, Gamze Şimşek emphasized. <The association aims to unite all women journalists to struggle against all kinds of oppression and to say 'We are stronger together',> she said, calling on all women journalists in the city to be a member of the association. <We invite every women journalist to become a member of the association so that we can build the feminist media against the patriarchal media and promote the rights of women and LGBTI+ journalists together.> >>

Viyan Tekçe
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 4 , 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<'They aim to maintain their corruption by using trustees'
<They aim to maintain their corruption by using trustees, not to serve the public,> said Hakkari Co-mayor Viyan Tekçe, reacting to the detention of Hakkari Co-mayor Mehmet Sıddık Nakit and the appointment of the trustee to the municipality.
Colemerg (Hakkari)- The detention of Mehmet Sıddık Akış, the elected Co-mayor of Hakkari Municipality and the appointment of a trustee to the municipality on June 3, 2024 have sparked outrage across Turkiye. After the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) announced that they would hold protests until the withdrawal of the state-appointed trustee, people of Hakkari and DEM Party MPs held a march in the city, chanting slogans such as <We will resist and prevail>, <We do not want a thievish trustee> and 'Jin Jiyan Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom)' despite the police blockage. After the march, they held a sit-in protest in front of the building of the Hakkari Governor's Office until this morning. Hakkari Co-mayor Viyan Tekçe thinks that Mehmet Sıddık Akış was detained and removed from office after they revealed the debt left by the previous state-appointed trustees and their corruption. <They appointed a trustee because they aim to maintain their corruption,> she said, stressing that the previous state-appointed trustees left a debt of 315 million 705,000 Turkish lira.
'The government could not accept its defeat'
Viyan Tekçe indicated that the government could not accept its defeat in the local elections on March 31. <Our Co-mayor was detained in the early hours (on June 3) although there is no verdict against him. His removal from office is a coup against the will of people. The AKP-MHP government could not accept losing; they were defeated against the will of the people although they used all means. The people of Hakkari did not accept the coup against their will and they will not accept it. Although the mayors elected by them were removed from office twice, they casted their votes in the local elections on March 31 and elected their mayor. We will never accept the coup against the will of people and always speak out against it. They will never defeat the will of the people of Hakkari.>
'They aim to maintain their corruption'
Viyan Tekçe emphasized that the trustee was appointed to the municipality on June 3 just after they exposed the corruption. <The trustee was appointed on the grounds of a case that started 10 years ago. The main reason for the appointment of the trustee is that the government could not accept the will of the people and victory of our party. The trustee was appointed just after we announced the corruption and theft in the municipality. While the people of Hakkari were expecting services, their money was spent elsewhere. We will keep exposing the damage caused by them to these people and municipalities.>
'We will not remain silent'
At the end of her speech, Viyan Tekçe called on everyone to stand with the people of Hakkari. <All people and pro-democracy organizations must take to the streets to protest the coup against the people of Hakkari. We should remain silent against this coup or the government will remove mayors from office in other cities. We demand the government to respect the will of the people. We will not remain silent against this coup. We will not allow them to take away our will.> >>
Source incl. video:

Emşa Musa
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 3 , 2024 - by EBIR MUHEMED
<<Woman injured in Turkish drone attack on Jazira Canton: What do they want from us?
<What do they want from us? All we want is to live in peace,> said Emşa Mûsa, one of the people injured in a Turkish drone attack on the town of Til Hemis, northeastern Syria, on May 31, 2024.
Qamishlo- On May 31, 2024, the Turkish drones targeted Til Koçer and Til Hemis, towns in Jazira Canton of North and East Syria. After the Turkish drone attacks, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that four SDF fighters were killed and 11 civilians were seriously injured in the attacks. In addition, Turkish warplanes targeted the members of the Heyva Sor a Kurd (Kurdish Red Crescent) while on the way to help the injured people.
'11 people from the same family were injured'

Emşa Musa (50) is a mother of three living in the Temîm village of Til Hemis. The Turkish drones targeted their home and agricultural lands on May 31. She and her family were attacked by Turkish drones while they were trying to put out the fire that started in their agricultural lands due to the first attack; she and 10 members of her family were injured in the attack. <The Turkish state attacked us twice,> she said in an interview with NuJINHA. <The first attack was at 3 p.m. and started a fire in our agricultural lands. It attacked us again while we were trying to put out the fire. My bones were broken in the attack and I should undergo a surgery now.>
'What do they want from us?'
All Emşa Musa wants is to live in peace, away from attacks. <They (The Turkish state) should allow us to live in peace. There is only this desert, we have nothing else. We earn a living from our agricultural lands. What do they want from us? Why do they attack us? The attacks destroyed our home, our lands, our farming equipment. About 10 sacks of our crops were burned in the attacks.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 3 , 2024
<<TJA calls to struggle against removal of Hakkari mayor from office
The Free Women's Movement (TJA) has released a statement calling on everyone to struggle against the state-appointed trustee to the Hakkari Municipality and the removal of mayor from office.
News Center- The Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Jinen Azad-TJA) has released a written statement condemning the removal of the mayor of the municipality in Hakkari and the appointment of the trustee to the municipality. Call to struggle against the regime of trustee. As part of the Collapse Plan, the AKP-MHP government has usurped the will of the people, especially women and seized the Hakkari Municipality by appointing a trustee to the municipality, the statement says, stressing that Mehmet Sıddık Akış, Co-mayor of the city of Hakkari (Kurdish: Colemêrg) was detained unlawfully. <We believe that our people, especially women, will defend their will in Colemerg as they did in Van and Hilvan. We call on our people, especially women and all democratic organizations, to struggle against the regime of trustee.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 3 , 2024
<<Letter from 95 figures to CPT: Send a delegation to Imrali
The letter sent by 95 well-known figures from Germany asks the CPT to send a delegation to Imrali immediately.
News Center- As part of the <Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan and a political solution to the Kurdish question> campaign, 95 well-known figures in Germany, including academics, trade unionists, lawyers, activists, NGOs, political parties and journalists has been sent a joint letter to Alan Mitchell, President of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT).
'We urge you to send a delegation to Imrali immediately'
The letter urges the CPT to send a delegation to Imrali immediately to speak Abdullah Ocalan, who is seen by millions of Kurds as their legitimate political representative, stressing that an inhumane isolation has been imposed on him. Asking the CPT to act in accordance with Article 3 of the Statute of the Council of Europe, the letter says, <Mr. Ocalanhas been subjected to isolation torture for 25 years. He has been denied any contact with the outside world, including his lawyers and his family, for over three years now.> The letter continues as follows:
<We urge you to send a delegation to Imrali immediately to speak to Mr Ocalan and find out more about his welfare. It would be highly desirable if you could urge Turkey to finally grant Mr Ocalan the fundamental right to meet his family and lawyers. Such action is crucial to ensure that Turkey fully honours its obligations as a member of the Council of Europe. This would help resolve a pressing human rights issue and address the concerns of millions of Kurds. It could also revitalise the spirit of reconciliation that is necessary for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish question in Turkey.>
Click here to view the list of Signatories:

Hakkari Municipality
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 3 , 2024
<<Trustee appointed to Hakkari Municipality
The Turkish Ministry of Internal Affairs has announced that a trustee has been appointed to the Hakkari Municipality held by the DEM Party. <It is a coup attempt against the will of Hakkari,> the DEM Party said in a statement.
News Center- Mehmet Sıddık Nakit, elected Co-mayor of the city of Hakkari from People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) by receiving 48.92 percent of votes in the local elections held in Türkiye on March 31, was taken into custody in the city of Van on Monday while the building of Hakkari Municipality was blockaded and raided by Turkish police. Turkish Ministry of Internal Affairs has announced that the ministry has removed Mehmet Sıddık Akış from office and replaced him with state-appointed trustee because <there is a case file No. 2014/173 at the Hakkari 1st High Criminal Court against Mehmet Sıddık Adım on charges of 'leading an illegal organization', 'membership in an illegal organization' and 'propagandizing for an illegal organization'.> According to the announcement, Hakkari governor Ali Çelik has been appointed as a trustee to the Hakkari Municipality.
Tuncer Bakırhan: We will not allow our will to be usurped by anyone
After the announcement of the state-appointed trustee to the municipality, DEM Party Co-chair Tulay Hatimogulları and Tuncer Bakırhan condemned the appointment of the trustee on their social media accounts. <The detention of the mayor of Hakkari is a dark and dirty injustice. We reject this pro-coup and anti-Kurdish mindset. We will not allow our will to be usurped by anyone. We say enough. Such unlawful practices that will destroy Türkiye's democratic future must be abandoned immediately. We call on everyone, especially democrats, revolutionaries and people defending peace to stand with the people of Hakkari and reveal their democratic reaction against this usurpation of will.>
Tulay Hatimogulları: We will never bow
Tulay Hatimogulları also condemned the police raid on the building of Hakkari Municipality, the detention of the Co-mayor of Hakkari and the appointment of the trustee to the municipality. <We will never bow to the mindset that detained our Co-mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış and those who attempt to usurp our municipality by using police. This is an attack against not only the will of the people of Hakkari but also the people across Türkiye. We call on everyone defending democracy to take a stand against the appointment of the trustee.> <It is a coup attempt against the will of Hakkari,> the DEM Party said in a statement on X.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 3 , 2024
<<Police raid Colemêrg Municipality: Co-mayor detained
Turkish police conducted a dawn raid on the municipality in Colemêrg (Hakkari) on Monday. Colemerg Co-mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış has been reportedly detained in the city of Van.
Colemêrg (Hakkari)- Turkish police blockaded the Colemerg Municipality last night and conducted a dawn raid on the municipality on Monday.
The building of the Colemerg Municipality won by the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) in the local elections held in Turkiye on March 31, 2024 was blockaded by Turkish police at 11 p.m. on Sunday, blocking all roads and streets leading to the municipality. Then, the police raided the building early on Monday morning. According to the received reports, Colemerg Co-mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış was detained in the city of Van on Monday.>>

Pınar Gayıp
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 31 , 2024
<<Journalist Pınar Gayıp sentenced to more than one year in prison
Journalist Pınar Gayıp has been sentenced to a year, two months and 17 days in prison on charges of <insulting public officials>.
News Center- Etkin News Agency (ETHA) editor Pınar Gayıp has been sentenced to a year, two months and 17 days in prison on charges of <insulting public officials>. The court ruled to defer the announcement of the verdict. Pınar Gayıp's lawyer Ozge Buşra Boyoglu said that she would object to the prison sentence given to her client. >>

Gezi protests
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 31 , 2024
<<Metro stations in Istanbul to be closed for operation on anniversary of Gezi protests
The Istanbul Governor's Office has announced that metro stations and funicular lines will be closed due to demonstrations planned to be held on the 11th anniversary of the Gezi protests.
News Center- Istanbul Governor's Office has announced that Taksim and Şişhane metro stations and Taksim-Kabataş Funicular Line will be closed for operation on May 31, starting from 3:00 PM until a second announcement. <As per the decision taken by the Istanbul Governor's Office, our M2 Yenikapı-Hacıosman Metro Line of Taksim and Şişhane metro stations and our F1 Taksim-Kabataş Funicular Line will be closed for operation, starting from 3:00 PM until a second announcement,> the governor's office posted on its social media account. In a statement, a group called Taksim Solidarity said that they would issue a press statement at Taksim Square today at 19:00, calling everyone to join them to mark the 11th anniversary of Gezi protests.>>

Nora Cortinas
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 31 , 2024
<<Nora Cortinas of Argentina’s 'Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo' dies at 94
Nora Cortinas, a co-founder of Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, died at the age of 94 on May 30.
News Center- Nora Cortinas, a co-founder of Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, died in Buenos Aires on Thursday, at the age of 94.
Nora Cortinas, the symbol of memory, truth and justice against the military dictatorship by Jorge Rafael Videla, also supported the Kurdish Freedom Movement. In March 2019, went to Northern Kurdistan for a second time to visit Leyla Guven and support the hunger strike that started in 2018 to break the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. She was always in solidarity with the Kurdish people. Nora Cortinas was also one of the signatories of the <Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan and political solution to the Kurdish question> campaign launched globally in October 2023.>>

Fatma Bilen
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 31 , 2024 - by BERJIN KARA
<<Co-mayor of Makhmour: The verdict in Kobane Trial ignores the will of people
The verdict in Kobane Trial ignores the will of the Kurdish people, stressed Fatma Bilen, Co-mayor of Makhmour Refugee Camp.
Makhmour- The Kurdish people and their friends from Kurdistan and other countries react to the prison sentences given to Kurdish politicians in the Kobane Trial on May 16. The verdict in Kobane Trial ignores the will of the Kurdish people, Fatma Bilen, Co-mayor of Makhmour Refugee Camp, said in an interview with NuJINHA. Recalling AKP's President Tayyip Erdogan's statements supporting ISIS attacks in 2014, Fatma Bilen said, <When Daesh attacked Kobane, Erdogan said 'Kobanî has fallen, it will fall' to support Daesh. Everyone saw how Erdogan supported Daesh. The whole world witnessed the brutality of ISIS and the massacre against the Kurdish people. However, the support by Erdogan to Daesh was ignored by the whole world.>
'The prosecution of politicians was overlooked'
Emphasizing that the Kurdish people were in solidarity with the people of Kobane when ISIS attacked the city, Fatma Bilen said, <They mobilized to stop the atrocity of Daesh in Kobane. Everyone in Northern and Southern Kurdistan went to Kobane to protect the Kurdish people from this atrocity. At that time, the politicians, elected by the will of the people in Turkiye, announced their support for Kobane. However, they have been standing trial for about 10 years for supporting the people of Kobane. The prosecution of Selahattin Demirtaş and other politicians was overlooked by the whole world.>
'We will keep holding protests for leader Apo and political prisoners'
The practices against political prisoners by the Turkish state is against humanity, Fatma Bilen stressed, adding, <We see inhuman practices against the Kurdish people in Turkish prisons. Women, men and mothers face brutal and unethical practices in prison. We will keep holding protests for Kurdish leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan) and political prisoners. Leader Apo and all prisoners have the right to family visits.> >>

No denying and ignoring
Jinha - Womens News Agency - May 31 , 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Relatives of prisoners: No results will be obtained by denying and ignoring
<We stand with our children to the end,> say the relatives of political prisoners, who have been on a hunger strike to protest the rights violations in Turkish prisons.
Amed- A hunger strike was started by political prisoners across Turkey on November 27, 2023 to demand <freedom for Abdullah Ocalan and a resolution to the Kurdish question>. After the hunger strike that lasted three months, the political prisoners started a new action by refusing the visits by their lawyers and family members on April 4. Since then the political prisoners have refused the visits by their lawyers and family members while the <Be the voice freedom> protest started by their relatives continues. The political prisoners criticize the silence against their demands and call on everyone to be in solidarity with them and be the voice of their demands in letters they send to their relatives. Since April 4, the relatives of the political prisoners have gathered in front of the prison in Amed as part of the <be the voice of freedom> protest, demanding a permanent and effective solution. NuJINHA spoke to some mothers gathering in front of the prison.
'Peace and tranquility can be achieved through dialogue'
Sebahat Irmak, mother of one of the political prisoners, demanded the end of the isolation imposed on political prisoners and in the prison island of Imrali, calling on everyone to support them. <All we want is an honorable peace. We are here to prevent more mothers from suffering anymore. The prisoners started an action for all of us. Our children suffer from poverty, torture and all kinds of oppression. The use of all kinds of drugs and heroin is allowed so that Kurdish children do not say 'We are Kurdish',> said Sebahat Irmak. <Enough is enough. No peace and tranquility will be achieved in Türkiye, Kurdistan and all around the world until the isolation is lifted. Peace and tranquility can be only achieved through dialogue. I call on all people to support the political prisoners to end the isolation.>
'No results will be obtained by denying and ignoring'
Ferah Akbulut thinks isolation is a method of torture. Calling on everyone to stand with the prisoners against torture, she said, <We came here to support the prisoners. The prisoners are subjected to serious rights violations and we are here to say no to the rights violations. This isolation is imposed on not only the Kurdish people but also everyone demanding peace and democracy. An isolation has been imposed on Mr. Abdullah Ocalan for years; he has not been allowed to see his lawyers and family members. No results will be obtained by denying and ignoring. We will keep standing with the political prisoners to the end.>
'We do not know what is happening in prisons'
Behiye Sevim pointed to the suspicious deaths and torture in prisons. <The isolation has become more aggravated every day. The political prisoners must be immediately released. We are mothers and say mothers should not cry anymore. However, our demand for peace is not heard. Prisoners are killed in prison but their death are recorded as suicide. We do not know what is happening in prisons now. I call on all mothers to unite and stop this massacre. We will stand with our children to the end. We will struggle for our children to the end.> >>
Source incl. video: 

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024