formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


You are now at the section on what is happening in the rest of the Middle east
(Updates June 10, 2024)

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2024:  June wk2 -- June wk1 part2bis --  June wk1 part2 -- June wk1
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overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
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and earlier news

June 10 - 7, 2024
<<Increase in public holidays in Libya pushes women out of labor force...
and <<Çigdem Kılıçgun Uçar: We wage a just and legitimate struggle...
and <<Jinnews: Men killed 34 women in May...
and <<Remziye Mihemed: The people's stand will be a response to the attacks...
and <<Response from women to threats: Our struggle will grow even further...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

June 6 - 5, 2024
<<Yazidi woman, two girls rescued from ISIS captivity in al-Hawl camp...
and <<63 people publicly flogged in Afghanistan...
and <<33 women in Bakırkoy Women's Closed Prison put in solitary confinement...
and <<'Around 181 million of children under 5 years age are experiencing severe food poverty'...
and <<Hakkari Courthouse under police blockade as hearing of Hakkari Co-mayor starts...
and <<'Municipal elections are a historic step' say women of Qamishlo...
and <<Women of Colemerg: The government will fail again...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Click here for a dated menu overview 'till May 1 2024 and earlier

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Last hospital in Sudan
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 10 , 2024
<<Last hospital in Sudan's El Fasher closed
South Hospital, the only civilian hospital left in El-Fasher where injured civilians could receive treatment, has been closed down.
News Center- The ongoing war that erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan on April 15, 2023 has affected the city of El-Faster, the capital city of North Darfur, Sudan. The city is home to more than 1.8 million residents and displaced people.
South Hospital, the only civilian hospital in the city of El-Faster, was closed down after the RSF attack on Saturday, the Doctors Without Borders (French: Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF) announced on Sunday. The hospital was the last hospital providing treatment to the civilians. injured civilians could receive treatment. According to the MSF, at least 1,315 wounded arrived at the facility and 208 people have died there from May 10 to June 6. The hospital had previously started evacuating patients after being impacted by fighting three times since May 25, and the remaining patients and staff were able to flee. On Saturday, the RSF fighters drove up to the hospital and opened fire, killing several people, looting medicine and an ambulance.>>

Women pushed out of labor force
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 10 , 2024 - by IBTISAM AGHAFIR
<<Increase in public holidays in Libya pushes women out of labor force
The recent increase in public holidays in Libya has negatively affected women economically. This increase in public holidays pushes women out of the labor force.
Benghazi - Holidays are hugely beneficial for our physical and mental health. However, the recent long public holidays announced by the Libyan government have sparked discussions in the country. NuJINHA spoke to Libyan women about the psychological, economic, educational and social effects of these public holidays on life. Psychologist Enas Bin Sulayem thinks that there are both positives and negatives of having many public holidays. <People have plans and long public holidays may prevent them from implementing their plans.> Holidays can make you more successful, <because you can complete what you left uncompleted. For instance, students can catch up on studies during the holidays,> she added.
'Customs have changed in Libya due to many surprise holidays'
Faiza Muhammad Jaber, a sociology major, also talked about the effects of public holidays in Libya. <Customs and habits have changed in Libya due to many surprise holidays. In the past, people used to visit their grandparents during the public holidays. However, due to modernity and the emergence of many entertainment places in Libya, they do not visit their grandparents but go to the places of entertainment.>
'Public holidays are announced due to weather conditions'
Prof Amina Madi talked about the effects of public holidays on students' academic achievement. <There are official and unofficial holidays. The curriculum is planned according to official holidays. However, public holidays are announced due to many reasons such as weather conditions and natural disasters and this affects students and education.> Amina Madi thinks the increase in public holidays affects the elementary school students the most because <they face difficulties in adoption and learning.>
'They have negative effects on women's projects'
Hind Al-Bashari, a trainer and advisor for small and medium enterprises, commented on the economic impact of holidays on women. <Holidays stop production and development of the economy. They have negative effects on women's projects. Many women work at home to earn a living. They cannot sell and market their products during holidays. The increase in public holidays causes financial problems for women and threatens their participation in the labor force.> Hind Al-Bashari thinks that the number of public holidays should be reduced to <protect small and medium small business owners. They also affect the Libyan economy in general.> >>
Source incl. videos:

Çigdem Kılıçgun Uçar
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 10 , 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Çigdem Kılıçgun Uçar: We wage a just and legitimate struggle
We have been waging a just and legitimate struggle since the appointment of the trustee to the municipality in Hakkari, DBP Co-chair Çigdem Kılıçgun Uçar said, <The AKP preferred a rotten policy.>
Colemeg (Hakkari)- The reactions against the state-appointed trustee to the Hakkari municipality on June 3 continue both in Kurdistan and Turkiye. Since June 3, six people, including five children, have been arrested in the city for protesting the usurpation of their municipality.
In an interview with NuJINHA, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-chair Çigdem Kılıçgun, who has been in the city since the first day the trustee was appointed to the municipality, commented on the trustee policy and the policies pursued by the government under the name of <normalization>. Emphasizing that they are determined to wage a struggle with the people against the trustee policy and that they will not take a step back, she said, <The government preferred a rotten policy following its defeat in the local elections.>
'The AKP-MHP government aims to give a route to democratic politics'
Çigdem Kılıçgun Uçar indicated that the local elections held on March 31 were very critical elections for Turkiye. <The AKP-MHP government used all the resources of the state to win in the elections; it attempted to manipulate the election results even before the elections by talking about the appointment of trustees to the municipalities. However, the election results were not what the government wanted. They objected to the election results in many places; however, it did not get any results. For instance, it objected to the election results in Hilvan but got no results. The government began to remove the elected mayor and replace them with a trustee. The AKP-MHP government aims to give a route to democratic politics and the demands of the Kurdish people by appointing trustees to municipalities. This situation is nothing new for the Kurdish people. Such methods have been used against the Kurdish people throughout the history of the Republic of Turkiye. The appointment of trustees to municipalities is a new form of the denial and assimilation policies.>
'We have been waging a just and legitimate struggle'
Speaking about the police blockade from the first moment, when the trustee was appointed to the municipality in Hakkari, Çigdem Kılıçgun Uçar said, <Police even prevented us from leaving our party's building on the first day. We first held a march and then started a sit-in protest. The people of Hakkari supported us; however, police prevented the citizens from joining us.> Çigdem Kılıçgun Uçar also mentioned the removal of the elected mayors in 2016 and 2019. <The people do not accept the usurpation of their will and they are determined to struggle against it. There is an incredible reign of violence here just as across Kurdistan. People of all ages resisted following the appointment of the trustee. Whenever we took to the streets, we were subjected to police blockades everywhere. Despite everything, we have been taking to the streets for days. The AKP-MHP government wants to re-establish democracy and all values of society by appointing trustees.>
'The AKP preferred a rotten policy'
AKP-MHP had difficulty internalizing the election results for a long time. We expected the AKP would return to the years when it first started politics; however, the AKP preferred a rotten policy. It is their preference but we should not allow it to affect us. Whenever the AKP becomes weak, it begins to talk about normalization and the amendment of the constitution. If it wants a normalization, it should first recognize the Kurds and their political participation. After the appointment of the trustee (to Hakkari Municipality), we saw how the normalization of the AKP is.>
'All people should raise their voices'
Turkiye needs a new dialogue process, Çigdem Kılıçgun Uçar emphasized. <The real issue is the Kurdish question. We are experiencing such things not now; we have been experiencing them for a very long time. The Kurdish people have found a way that will respond to every attack against them. This way is resistance. The mothers gather in front of the prisons while the political prisoners refuse the visits by their lawyers and family members. The Kurdish people resist all kinds of oppression. The mothers hold a sit-in protest in front of prisons not for themselves but for a democratic Turkiye. They face police violence but never give up raising their voices. All people should raise their voices to support the resistance of the Kurdish people. As the DBP, we are determined to resist the coup against the will of the people and the isolation.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 7 , 2024
<<Viyan Tekçe elected as deputy mayor of Hakkari by municipal council members
DEM Party municipal council members had a meeting today and elected Viyan Tekçe as deputy mayor of Hakkari by rejecting the appointment of a trustee.
News Center- People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) municipal council members of Hakkari held a press conference on Friday at the building of the party in Hakkari, announcing that Viyan Tekçe has been elected as deputy mayor of Hakkari by receiving a majority of votes.
The people of Hakkari had clearly demonstrated their attitude against fraud and tyranny in the 31 March local elections, said the declaration released by the municipal council members. “Law is not implemented in Hakkari. Law is not implemented for Kurds. Resorting to the method of usurpation through trustees, which has long been tried but has not yielded any results, and has been proven to cause damage, brings with it great irresponsibility for today's Turkiye. Equipping the second century of the Republic with antidemocratic practices and methods like the first century undermines the hope and construction of a democratic Turkey. The demand of people is obvious; a Turkiye, where democracy prevails, law is supreme and people govern themselves; a free life for Kurds, Turks and all other ethnic and religious groups. What is important for us is our people. Our greatest responsibility is to defend the mandate of will given by our people to our council members. Knowing this responsibly, we came together with our Hakkari municipal council members today and made some decisions to defend the will of the people of Hakkari. The municipal council members have elected a deputy co-mayor by a majority of votes due to the removal of our Hakkari Municipality Co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış from office.
'We will continue to resist until our struggle ends in victory'
<Those who usurped those seats by hiding behind tens of thousands of soldiers and police officers will not be recognized by the people and will be remembered with shame throughout history. The will of the people of Hakkari is the elected co-mayors, Mehmet Sıddık Akış and Viyan Tekçe. The will of the people is the elected municipal council members. This will is going to always be here and will continue to protect the rights of the people. We will continue to resist until our struggle ends in victory.> After the declaration was read, Viyan Tekçe, deputy Co-mayor of Hakkari made a short speech. <We are on the 5th day of the coup against our people,> she said. <The trial against Mehmet Sıddık Akış is a trick and conspiracy trial. This government does not recognize laws. It should reverse its decision and our co-mayor should be reinstated. The municipality is just a building for us. Until the next local elections, we will be with our people and serve them. We promise this to our people. We carried out our election campaign and made great efforts despite difficult conditions. We will never give up and we are here standing with our people.> >>

Men killed 34 women
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 7 , 2024
<<Jinnews: Men killed 34 women in May
Men killed 34 women and eight children, 18 more women and two children died under suspicious circumstances in Turkiye, Jinnews said in its 2024 May report on femicide.
News Center- Jinnews, an all-women news agency based in Amed (Diyarbakır), has released its May 2024 report on femicide in Turkiye by compiling news from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies. Men killed 34 women and eight children, 18 more women and two children died under suspicious circumstances in Turkiye, the report says. According to the report, 14 women were killed by their husbands, two women by their ex-husbands, six by men whom they knew, one by her father, three women by their sons, one by her son-in-law, one by her brother. The perpetrators, who killed three women, were not determined.>>

Remziye Mihemed
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 7 , 2024 - by RONAHI NUDA
<<Remziye Mihemed: The people's stand will be a response to the attacks
<The unity and solidarity of the people have emerged. There is a great resistance against the attacks in Rojava and other parts of Kurdistan,> said Remziye Mihemed, coordinating member of Kongra Star, pointing to the ongoing Turkish attacks.
Qamishlo- Following the local elections held in Northern Kurdistan and Türkiye on March 31, 2024, the Turkish state intensified its policies against the right of the Kurdish people to vote and to stand for election. The AKP government first attempted to seize the municipality in Van by appointing a trustee but it took a step back thanks to the resistance of people. On June 3, Mehmet Sıddık Akış, the elected Co-mayor of Hakkari, was detained, removed from office and replaced with a trustee. Since then, the people of Hakkari have been resisting together with DEM Party MPs against the usurpation of their municipality. Meanwhile, the Turkish state has intensified its attacks on Southern Kurdistan and North and East Syria by using prohibited weapons. Its attacks target wheat and barley fields in North and East Syria. In an interview with NuJINHA, Remziye Mihemed, coordinating member of Kongra Star, commented on the ongoing Turkish attacks.
'Fighters make great efforts to protect the people'
Mentioning the Turkish attacks on Southern Kurdistan, Remziye Mihemed said, <Freedom fighters in Southern Kurdistan have been showing great resistance for many years as the Turkish state has intensified its attacks. Two parties fight each other; one fights to ensure peace and tranquility, the other fights to annihilate the Kurdish people and the people of the region. For about 50 years, the Turkish state has waged a war against the Kurdish Freedom Movement by attacking it by using heavy and chemical weapons every year. The fighters in Kurdistan make great efforts to protect the people and preserve the values of the revolution. Today, the Turkish state targets the territory of Southern Kurdistan and Medya Defense Areas. We will always stand with our fighters.>
Great resistance against the attacks
Pointing to the Turkish attacks on Northern Kurdistan since the local elections held on March 31, 2024, Remziye Mihemed said, <The people headed to the polls to elect their mayors to reveal their will in March 2024. However, the Turkish state tried to ignore the will of the people by attempting to appoint a trustee to the municipality in Van. The people of Van took to the streets and defended their will. The Turkish government cannot serve the people with empty politics. It shows itself as a power by attacking the will of people and appointing trustees. This shows that the ruling party has no power anymore and its policy will be broken by the resistance of the people.>
'The Turkish state is waging a war against the labor and efforts of people'
The Turkish state has recently targeted the economy of North and East Syria by burning wheat and barley fields, Ramziye Mihemed emphasized. <We have achieved great gains thanks to the revolution in Rojava. During the revolution, our people faced hunger and financial difficulties. The Turkish state targeted the military, diplomacy and women's organizations but it failed. Now, it aims to weaken our economy by forgetting that our people always are engaged in agriculture although they have faced many difficulties. We established agriculture cooperatives but the Turkish state targeted them. Several months ago, the Turkish state attacked our infrastructure. Recently, it has been burning our people's wheat and barley fields. Now, it is waging a war against the labor and efforts of the people.> Despite all the Turkish attacks, the people have been waging a great resistance, Remziye Mihemed stressed. <The people of the region have united. The Turkish state aims to cause clashes among the people of Deir ez-Zor by revealing ISIS sleeper cells. Against such policies, the unity and solidarity of the people have emerged. There is a great resistance against the attacks in Rojava and other parts of Kurdistan.> >>
Source incl. video:

Response from women to threats
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 7 , 2024
<<Response from women to threats: Our struggle will grow even further
Women of Colemêrg spoke about the threats and attacks on people following the appointment of a trustee and said, <Our struggle will grow even further. We will not obey.>
Colemêrg (Hakkari)- The reactions to the removal of the elected Co-mayor of Hakkari and the appointment of a trustee to the municipality continue while women keep struggling to defend their will. <Hakkari was the first step. The judiciary has done its job and will continue to do so,> AKP's President Erdogan said on Thursday, signaling that other elected mayors of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) could be removed from office. <We do not want them or their trustees,> said the women of Colemerg, reacting to the speech of Erdogan.
'They will lose here as they did in Van'
Emine Kaya went to Colemerg from Amed (Diyarbakır) to support the people following the appointment of a trustee to the municipality in the city of Colemerg on June 3. <Here, people stand firm. They are determined to defend their will. Erdoğan said that Hakkari was the first step but he was wrong; they first attempted to appoint a trustee to the municipality in the city of Van. But they faced the resistance of the people there. Now, they try to usurp the municipality in Colemerg. They will lose here as they did in Van. Normally, when a mayor is arrested, one of the municipal council members is elected as the mayor; however, a trustee was appointed to the municipality of Colemerg. This shows that their only concern is plunder and theft. They look for a way to appoint a trustee to our municipalities even if there is no reason. The AKP will lose by using such methods. The opposition must defend the will of the people and democracy.>
'We do not want him or his trustee'
We do not want traitors and theft in our city, said Remziye Akboga, a resident of the city. <We do not want a trustee. We will resist until we send the trustee back. This municipality is ours, not theirs. Everyone should defend the will of people. We do not want him (Erdogan) or his trustee. I hope the same thing will happen to them.>
'This coup against the will of people is unacceptable'
Gulsum Taşkın told us that she, as a young person living in Colemerg, would keep defending the will of the people in Colemerg. <We never accept this oppression that we have suffered for years. I want, of course, the candidate I elected to be mayor and serve the people. The removal of the elected mayor is a coup against the will of people. We never accepted any kind of coup and we will never accept it. As a young person, I cannot receive any services from the municipality and find no one when I have a demand. This coup against the will of people is unacceptable. We will keep struggling against this coup.>
'Threats reveal the policy of usurpation'
Sinem Seven, municipal council member in the city from the DEM Party, indicated that they would never allow any kind of trustee policy and oppression. <The last speech of Erdoğan reveals everything. They appoint trustees when they lose in the elections. We have been subjected to such a policy for three periods. But this year is different; the people defend their will to stop the usurpation of their will. They (the AKP) never recognize our will by arresting and killing us. Despite being arrested and killed, we will keep struggling against such policies.> The appointment of the trustee is the usurpation against the will of people, targeting women, Sinem Seven stressed, adding, <They want to destroy the co-presidency system. Municipalities are not only buildings for us, they are the gains of people, the memory. We will never allow any attacks on our memory and identity. We will never allow political massacres and trustees in Kurdistan. We will never obey. We will keep resisting in the streets and neighborhoods.> >>
Source incl. video:

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024