formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


You are now at the section on what is happening in the rest of the Middle east
(Updates June 7, 2024)

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2024: June wk1 part2bis --  June wk1 part2 -- June wk1
 Click here for an
overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

June 10 - 7, 2024
<<Increase in public holidays in Libya pushes women out of labor force...
and <<Çigdem Kılıçgun Uçar: We wage a just and legitimate struggle...
and <<Jinnews: Men killed 34 women in May...
and <<Remziye Mihemed: The people's stand will be a response to the attacks...
and <<Response from women to threats: Our struggle will grow even further...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

 israel warcrimes in Gaza reports
Click here for actual updates
and earlier news

June 6 - 5, 2024
<<Yazidi woman, two girls rescued from ISIS captivity in al-Hawl camp...
and <<63 people publicly flogged in Afghanistan...
and <<33 women in Bakırkoy Women's Closed Prison put in solitary confinement...
and <<'Around 181 million of children under 5 years age are experiencing severe food poverty'...
and <<Hakkari Courthouse under police blockade as hearing of Hakkari Co-mayor starts...
and <<'Municipal elections are a historic step' say women of Qamishlo...
and <<Women of Colemerg: The government will fail again...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Next update Sunday June 9 20.00 hours GMT

June 4 - May 31, 2024
<<Ban on protests and demonstrations in 11 cities following appointment of trustee...
and <<Turkiye: Men kill 40 women in May...
and <<Women Journalists' Association established in Mersin...
and <<Woman injured in Turkish drone attack on Jazira Canton: What do they want from us?...
and <<Letter from 95 figures to CPT: Send a delegation to Imrali...
and <<Metro stations in Istanbul to be closed for operation on anniversary of Gezi protests...
and <<Nora Cortinas of Argentina’s 'Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo' dies at 94...
and <<Relatives of prisoners: No results will be obtained by denying and ignoring...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

Click here for a dated menu overview 'till May 1 2024 and earlier

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Two girls rescued from ISIS
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 6 , 2024
<<Yazidi woman, two girls rescued from ISIS captivity in al-Hawl camp
A Yazidi woman and two girls have been rescued from ISIS captivity in al-Hawl refugee camp, the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria announced on Wednesday.
News Center- The Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria announced in a statement on its social media account Wednesday that its anti-crime forces rescued a Yazidi woman and two girls from ISIS captivity in al-Hawl refugee camp in northern Syria. Our anti-crime forces obtained <confirmed information about a kidnapped Yazidi woman inside the fourth sector of the camp>, the statement said. <On Monday, our anti-crime forces raided the fourth sector and rescued a kidnapped Yazidi woman and two girls with her, one of whom is her daughter.>
According to the statement, the 10-year-old girl was kidnapped along with her mother by ISIS in Shengal in 2014 when she was seven months old. The Internal Security Forces also reported in the statement that they got in contact with the families of the rescued Yazidi woman and the 10-year-old girl and they would be handed over to the Yazidi House to <to ensure their safe arrival to their families.> >>

63 people publicly flogged
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 6 , 2024
<<63 people publicly flogged in Afghanistan
The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan has condemned the public flogging of 63 people, including 12 women, by the Taliban in northern Sari Pul province.
News Center- The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) on Wednesday condemned the public flogging of 63 people, including 12 women, by the Taliban in northern Sari Pul province. At least 63 people were publicly lashed in northern Sari pul province on Tuesday by Afghanistan's de facto authorities, UNAMA said in a statement on social platform X. <UNAMA reiterates its condemnation of corporal punishment and calls for respect for international human rights obligations,> the statement said.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 6 , 2024
<<More than 100 killed in raid on village in Sudan
The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) stormed the village of Wad Al-Noora in Al Jazirah State, central Sudan, killing more than 100 people, the Wad Madani Resistance Committees reported on Wednesday.
News Center- The Wad Madani Resistance Committees reported in a statement on Wednesday that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) stormed the village of Wad Al-Noora in Al Jazirah State, central Sudan, twice, killing more than 100 people and injuring dozens. Describing the attacks on the village as <genocidal attacks>, the committees shared photos of dozens of bodies wrapped for burial in the public square. The committees said they were waiting for a confirmed toll of the dead and injured. According to the statement, the injured people were transferred to the South Hospital in El Fasher, the last functioning medical center in North Darfur. The Wad Madani Resistance Committees accused the RSF of deadly attacks on civilians, looting and driving women and children to seek refuge in the nearby town of Managil. Al-Fasher is the capital of North Darfur State, and the only city that has not fallen into the hands of the RSF. Despite international warnings saying that the city is facing a humanitarian disaster, the ongoing clashes have killed dozens and displaced thousands more.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 6 , 2024
<<33 women in Bakırkoy Women's Closed Prison put in solitary confinement
The administration of the Bakırköy Women’s Closed Prison decided to put 33 women in solitary confinement for having written notes, articles and petitions.
News Center- On January 26,2024, wardens raided two wards in the Bakırkoy Women's Closed Prison and confiscated the belongings of the prisoners after searching the wards. The wardens confiscated the writings and petitions of women prisoners during the search, Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reported. However, the prison administration claimed that the confiscated belongings were in the common area and decided to put 33 women in solitary confinement on charges of <propagandizing and carrying out educational activities for an illegal organization>. Although some women prisoners submitted petitions stating that the confiscated belongings were their belongings, the prison administration decided to put 33 women in solitary confinement for up to 13 days, claiming that the confiscated notes, articles and petitions belonged to all the prisoners.>>

Around 181 million of children under severe food poverty
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 6 , 2024
<<'Around 181 million of children under 5 years age are experiencing severe food poverty'
Around 181 million children worldwide under 5 years of age, or one in four, are experiencing severe child food poverty, UNICEF has warned today.
News Center- Around 181 million children worldwide under 5 years of age, or one in four, are experiencing severe child food poverty, making them up to 50 per cent more likely to experience wasting, a life-threatening form of malnutrition, UNICEF's global report <Child Food Poverty> reveals on Thursday. The report analyses the impacts and causes of dietary deprivation among the world's youngest people in nearly 100 countries, and across income groups and warns that millions of children under the age of five are unable to access and consume a nutritious and diverse diet to sustain optimal growth and development in early childhood and beyond. <Of the 181 million children living in severe food poverty, 65 per cent reside in just 20 countries. Around 64 million affected children are in South Asia, and 59 million are in Sub-Saharan Africa,> the report says.
'Children living in severe food poverty are children living on the brink'
<Children living in severe food poverty are children living on the brink. Right now, that is the reality for millions of young children, and this can have an irreversible negative impact on their survival, growth and brain development,> said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. <Children who consume just two food groups per day, for example rice and some milk, are up to 50 per cent more likely to experience severe forms of malnutrition.>
Gaza: Nine out of 10 children are experiencing severe food poverty
The report notes the current circumstances in the Gaza Strip, where Israel's military offensive has been going on since October 7, 2024 <have brought the food and health systems to collapse.> <Five rounds of data collected between December 2023 and April 2024 have consistently found that 9 out of 10 children in the Gaza Strip are experiencing severe food poverty, surviving on two or fewer food groups per day.> To end child food poverty, UNICEF calls on governments, development and humanitarian organizations, donors, civil society and the food and beverage industry to urgently take a step.>>

People of Colemerg
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 6 , 2024 - by MEDINE MEMEDOGLU
<<People of Colemerg: You cannot annihilate the Kurds by appointing trustees
<A policy of denial has been pursued against the Kurds for centuries,> said Newroz Uysal, DEM Party Şırnak MP, reacting to the appointment of a trustee to the municipality in Colemerg (Hakkari).
Colemerg (Hakkari)- Mehmet Sıddık Akış, the elected Co-mayor of Hakkari, was detained on June 3 and then removed from office and replaced with a state-appointed trustee. Two days later, on Wednesday, he was sentenced to 19 years and six months in prison on charges of <membership in an illegal organization.> For four days, the people of Hakkari have been taking to the streets to protest the coup attempt against their will as many members of NGOs and political parties have gone to the city to support the people. The people of Hakkari say that they will hold protests until sending the appointed trustee back, calling on everyone to be in solidarity with them. <You cannot annihilate the Kurdish people by fighting them,> said People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Şırnak MP Newroz Uysal in an interview with NuJINHA.
'A policy of denial has been pursued for centuries'
The appointed trustees should not be defined as just a usurpation of will, Newroz Uysal said. <The Turkish state has been aiming to prevent the Kurdish people from electing and being elected for years.> Newrow Uysal noted that the appointment of trustees is an existence problem and colonial mindset. <The appointment of trustees is a very historical, very deep approach that reflects general politics against the Kurds. Removal of Co-mayor of Hakkari is the denial of the Kurds. A policy of denial has been pursued against the Kurds for centuries. We are experiencing a different version of this policy today.>
'Demands for dialogue and solution were responded with genocidal policies'
Pointing out that there is no normalization in Turkiye, Newroz Uysal said, <The Turkish state has pursued genocidal policies against the Kurds for centuries. Many people evaluated the process after March 31, observing if a new agreement was reached in the co-called softening process in Turkish politics, if this agreement would be a national agreement or an agreement that the government would actually learn a lesson from. Since the first day, our party has always called for a solution and dialogue to the Kurdish question; however, we face a system that tries to destroy the will of people by pursuing genocidal practices in response to our call. The Kobane Trial is a reflection of the military operations launched in Kurdistan. The isolation imposed in the prison island of Imrali is also a reflection of these operations. Just last week, dozens of young people were detained and sent to prison. The state always continues its oppressive operations. Its policies aim to eliminate the struggle for freedom and organization of the Kurdish people. The appointment of a trustee to the municipality in Hakkari is a part of this policy of denial. It is a political coup.>
'We should be organized and persistent about our demands'
Calling on people and democratic groups to stand with the people of Hakkari against the trustee regime and war policies. <The state cannot annihilate the Kurds by fighting them. It cannot destroy the will of the Kurdish people by appointing trustees. The state will meet the demands of the Kurdish people sooner or later. Sooner or later, the Kurdish question must be resolved. If the state does not want to reach a resolution, our people should be organized, persistent about their demands and raise their voices. We will keep struggling and standing with our people.> >>
Source incl. video:

Shopkeepers close their shutters
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 5 , 2024
<<Shopkeepers close their shutters in Hakkari
All shopkeepers in Hakkari have closed their shutters to protest the prison sentence given to Mehmet Sıddık Akış, the elected Co-mayor of Hakkari.
News Center- Mehmet Sıddık Akış, the elected Co-mayor of Hakkari has been sentenced to 19 years and six months in prison by the Hakkari 1st High Criminal Court today. The prison sentence sparks protests in the city. All shopkeepers support the protesters by closing their shutters.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 5 , 2024
<<Hakkari Courthouse under police blockade as hearing of Hakkari Co-mayor starts
The hearing of the trial against Hakkari Co-mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış, who was removed from office and replaced with a state-appointed trustee, has started as the Hakkari Courthouse is under police blockade.
News Center- Two days have passed since Mehmet Sıddık Akış, the elected Co-mayor of Hakkari, was detained, removed from office and replaced with a state-appointed trustee. For two days, the people of Hakkari have been holding protests while the sit-in protest ended yesterday. Mehmet Sıddık Akış, who was detained on Monday as part of an investigation, was transferred to Hakkari Courthouse today under police blockade. Police surrounding the courthouse did not allow the lawyers of Mehmet Sıddık Akış to enter the courthouse for a while. People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) MPs, members of the Labor and Democracy Platform and citizens, who came in front of the courthouse to monitor the hearing at the Hakkari 1st High Criminal Court were not allowed to enter the courthouse by police. Only six lawyers have been allowed to enter the courthouse to monitor the hearing.>>

Women of Qamishlo
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 5 , 2024 - by ZEYNEB ISA
<<'Municipal elections are a historic step' say women of Qamishlo
<We want municipalities that will serve the people,> said the women of Qamishlo, commenting on the upcoming municipal elections in North and East Syria.
Qamishlo- Kongra Star and Zenubya Women's Community issued a joint declaration on May 22 with the motto, <Towards democratic municipalities with the will of Jin, Jiyan, Azadi>. In the declaration, they point out that everyone should vote for their own candidates in the municipal elections to be held in North and East Syria on June 11, 2024. NuJINHA spoke to the women of Qamishlo about the upcoming elections.
'We should support our municipalities'
Kurdish people will head to the polls to elect their mayors on June 11, said Ilham Şexe, one of the women of Qamishlo. <As the people of North and East Syria, we will vote for our candidates. What we expect from the co-mayors to be elected on June 11 is to provide services to the people and develop projects. For instance, our children face difficulties in going to school during the mud season. We demand the municipality to pave our roads with asphalt. Secondly, we suffer from the smoke produced by diesel generators, causing diseases such as cancer. The municipality should remove these generators and set them up away from our neighborhoods. We want our city to be beautiful and peaceful like all other cities. There should be trash cans in every street. As the residents of the city, we should support the municipality by not throwing trash on the streets.>
'These elections are a historical step'
Yasmin Ibrahim also demanded the municipalities to provide services to the people. <As the Kurdish people, we are happy to have the municipal elections in North and East Syria. These elections are a historical step for us. On June 11, we will head to the polls to elect our co-mayors. We will support our municipality to provide services to us. The municipality should develop projects for people, especially young people.>
'The municipalities should create employment opportunities'
In her speech, Mehfuza Yusif wished success to the mayoral candidates and said, <My request from the mayors to be elected is to support the people by developing projects and creating employment opportunities. I live in the neighborhood of Qidurbeg and I request the mayors to pave our roads with asphalt and plant trees. On June 11, we will head to the polls to elect our co-mayors.> >>
Source incl. video:

Women of Colemerg
Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 5 , 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Women of Colemerg: The government will fail again
The women of Colemerg (Hakkari) say they do not recognize the trustee appointed to their municipality and they will <defend our will and honor>.
Colemerg (Hakkari)- The reaction to the detention of Mehmet Sıddık Akış, the elected Co-mayor of Hakkari, and the appointment of a trustee to the municipality on June 3, 2024 is growing. The <Democracy Vigil> initiated by People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) MPs in front of the building of the Hakkari Governor's Office continues while the people are prevented from supporting the vigil. DEM Party MPs and citizens often express that they are determined to carry out their vigil and that they do not recognize the state-appointed trustee. In the interview with NuJINHA, the women of Hakkari told us that they did not demand democracy from the government but they would take back their municipality.
'They try to steal what they lost in the elections'
The people of Hakkari do not recognize the appointment of the trustee to their municipality, Rukiye Temel stressed, adding, <As women, we do not accept this unlawful practice. The appointment of the trustee is the usurpation of the will of people in Hakkari. The people should defend their will. This unjust practice is not against a political party or the people of Hakkari but all Kurdish people. We do not recognize the state-appointed trustee. They did everything to deceive the people, including distributing money, to win the municipality in our city. However, our people were not fooled and showed their will in the local elections. Now, they (the government) try to steal what they lost in the elections. We will struggle to defend our will to the end. If we remain silent, the government will appoint trustees to all municipalities.>
'We demand nothing from the government'
Gulhan Uçar thinks that the government appointed the trustee to their municipality because it lost in the local elections held on March 31, 2024. <Kurdish people are known for their struggle and resistance. They will resist as they did before. We took back our municipality in the local elections and we will take back what is ours. We will stand firm and defend our will. The people will respond to these thieves. The government cannot accept its defeat here and in Hilvan. Its policies will always fail. The appointment of the trustee to our municipality is a coup attempt against our will.>
'This city is targeted deliberately'
They are afraid of the will of the people, Evin Tan said. <We are against all kinds of attacks against the will of people. Although we elected our own mayor, the government does not recognize our will. We will not take a step back and struggle to take our municipality back. As our mothers say, we will resist to the end. I call on everyone not to remain silent against this usurpation.>
'The government will fail again'
Hakkari was governed by state-appointed trustees for eight years, Sevda Duran Tursun said, <but the people responded to the trustees in the local elections; they elected their own mayor. The government does everything to ignore our will. We casted our votes to receive services. All the state-appointed trustees do is to spend our money freely and cause social disruption. The appointment of the trustee is the usurpation of our will. I call on everyone to speak out against the appointment of the trustee to our municipality. We will resist such practices to the end. The government will fail again as it failed before.> >>
Source incl. video:

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024