formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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 November week 3 --  November week 2 --   November week 1 -- October 27 - 24 -- October 23 - 19 -- October 18 - 11 --   October 10 - September 27 -- September 26 - 22 --  September 21 - 14 -- 15 - 4 Sept. --  August 31 - July 5, 2023

(Updates November 24, 2023)


November 24 - 16, 2023
<<Awareness-raising activities against gender-based violence in Hasakah Canton...
and <<'The patriarchal mindset in Morocco prevents women from participating in politics'...
and <<'Women have the power to solve all the problems in the Middle East'...
and <<Urgent call from HEDEP to Foreign Affairs Committee for Istanbul Convention...
and <<Domestic violence increases in occupied Idlib...
and <<24 women, 10 children killed in occupied areas of NE Syria in 11 months...
and <<'Women in conflict zones need feminist solidarity'...
and <<Lawyer Asli Pasinli: We wage a war against gender-based violence...
and <<'Women should believe in their ability and strength'...
and more news

November 16 - 10, 2023
<<Tunisian activist: Women are subjected to many forms of violence...
and <<'We will unite for the freedom of Abdullah Ocalan'...
and <<'Women's shelters in the Kurdistan Region do not protect women'...
and <<HEDEP to kick of its activities against gender-based violence in front of Sincan Prison...
and <<Mother of Zeynep Saroxan: Erdogan must be held accountable in international court...
and <<'More awareness-raising activities should be carried out to prevent early marriages'...
and <<Women Council of PYD launches 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' campaign...
and <<Women protest release of specialist sergeant accused of sexual assault...
and more news

November 17 - Oct 31 2023
27 - 16 Oct 2023
11 - 3 Oct, 2023


November 10 - 3, 2023
<<Afghan women refugees live through difficult conditions in Iran...
and <<Webinar on judicial decisions to promote women's rights in Tunisia and Morocco...
and <<Women in NE Syria to hold activities against attacks on November 25...
and <<Tunisian activist: 'We still have a long road with lots of ups and downs'...
and <<Call for participation in second hearing of 18 journalists...
and <<Turkey: Men kill 19 women in October...
and <<Patients victimized by Taliban's systematic discrimination against women...
and <<Xantur Kara: Young people and women will defend Makhmour camp...
and more news..

November 3 - October 30, 2023
<<63 journalists and media workers are behind bars in Turkey, report says...
and <<'We will ensure justice for the girls held captive by ISIS'...
and <<Women victims of unofficial marriages in Idlib have no rights...
and <<'The resistance in Kobane turned into a global solidarity'...
and <<'The real face of the Syrian government was revealed in Sweida'...
and <<Divorced, widowed women face societal pressures in Idlib...
and more news..
Clicking the above link will bring you to a total overview of October 2023

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Mai Al-Obeidi
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 16 Nov 2023 - by ZOUHOUR MECHERGUI
<<Tunisian activist: Women are subjected to many forms of violence
Tunisia- Tunisian human rights activist Mai Al-Obeidi thinks that gender-based violence has become a phenomenon that affects all women in Tunisia. In recent years, Tunisia has recorded many cases of gender-based violence and femicide.
'Justice has been served'
In 2021, Refka Cherni, a 26-year-old mother from the Kef region, was killed by her police husband. Speaking about the 34-year prison sentence issued against her husband, Mai Al-Obeidi said, <Justice has been served after two years as a result of feminist struggle.> Although she had reported her abusive husband many times, she was killed by her husband. <Although she reported violence against her many times, she was killed by her police husband because no necessary measures were taken. The decision of the court in this case is a fair decision. We expect this decision to be a deterrent decision,> said Mai Al-Obeidi.
'The law is not effectively implemented'
In 2017, Tunisia passed Law 58 to combat violence against women. The adoption of Law-58 was a long-fought achievement to combat violence against women in Tunisia. <Law-58 is a comprehensive law and it is capable of protecting women against violence; however, the law is not effectively implemented. Survivors of gender-based violence are convinced to accept their situation in women's shelters. Dozen women, like Refka Cherni, were killed because of irresponsible and ill-considered actions.> Mai Al-Obeidi also commented on the arrest of Abeer Moussa, the head of the Tunisian Free Constitutional Party, and said, <Violence has reached female politicians in Tunisian parliament. Activist Chaima Issa (A member of the opposition's National Salvation Front) was arrested on 22 February. She is now free but she faces oppression; she is prevented from travelling to Paris. She cannot even participate in demonstrations being held to be in solidarity with the Palestinian people.> Underlining that male authority seeks to marginalize women in all spheres of life, she called on all Tunisian women to break stereotypes and traditional images that the patriarchal mindset imposed on them. She also spoke about the role of NGOs in defending women’s rights. <They should carry out awareness-raising activities about women's rights. Feminist organizations make great efforts for the effective amendment of Law-58.> >>
Source incl. 1 video:

Abdullah Ocalan
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 16 Nov 2023 - by FIDAN ABDULLAH
<<'We will unite for the freedom of Abdullah Ocalan'
Shahba- On October 10, 2023, an international campaign titled, <Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, political solution to the Kurdish issue> was launched and 74 press conferences demanding the freedom for Abdullah Ocalan were held around the world on the same day to mark the beginning of the campaign. Many people and organizations from more than 100 countries have expressed their support to the campaign. Women of Afrin and Shahba also express their support to the campaign.
'The whole world should take a decisive stand'
In an interview with NuJINHA, Slava Cuma first called on all Kurdish people to unite and said, <We, as people from different religions and nationalities, live together and our tragedies and sufferings are the same. For this reason, we should unite to overcome all difficulties and barriers together. The thoughts and philosophy of Abdullah Ocalan defend freedom for all people. Therefore, we express our support to the international campaign demanding freedom for Abdullah Öcalan. The whole world should take a decisive stand so that the AKP government releases a statement about the situation of leader Abdullah Ocalan.>
'His physical freedom must be ensured'
<Although Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan has been isolated from the world, his thoughts are free,> said Amani Şeyho. <His thoughts and philosophy can unite all people to live in a peaceful and democratic world. His physical freedom must be ensured to find a solution to the crisis suffered by the Middle East.>
'We will keep struggling'
Newroz Haşim thinks that the international campaign launched for the freedom of Abdullah Ocalan is an effective campaign. <The capitalist and sovereign powers and parties in the region do their best to prevent us from demanding the freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan. But we will keep struggling to ensure his physical freedom. We will overcome all difficulties and barriers. All Kurdish people, political parties and politicians should unite to end the crisis suffered by the Middle East and all countries in the world.> >>
Source incl. 2 videos:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 16 Nov 2023
<<Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan banned from seeing his lawyers for six months
News Center- An aggravated isolation has been imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan in Imrali; his lawyers and family members have not allowed seeing him. He had a short phone call with his brother Mehmet Ocalan on March 25, 2021. Since then, he has had no contact with his family members. Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reported on Thursday that the lawyers of the Asrın Law Office were informed that their client Abdullah Ocalan was banned from seeing his lawyers for six months on October 31, 2023 after they filed a petition on November 6, 2023 to see him.
The reason for the ban is unknown
As the reason for the ban on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan is still unknown, the lawyers of the Asrın Law Office are expected to apply to Turkey's Constitutional Court for the cancellation of the ban. The last time Abdullah Ocalan was allowed to see his lawyers was on August 7, 2019. Since then, his lawyers have filed more than a hundred petitions to see their client; however, they have not been allowed to see him.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 15 Nov 2023 - by ŞIRIN SALIH
<<'Women's shelters in the Kurdistan Region do not protect women'
Sulaymaniyah- Violence against women keeps rising in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. A women's shelter is a place of temporary protection and support for women escaping domestic violence; however, the women’s shelters in the Kurdistan Region do not protect the survivors of violence against women. Activist Gashaw Abdulqadir told NuJINHA that the survivors of violence against women are sent back home by the officers of the women's shelters.
'Most of women sent back home are killed'
<The reason for sending women back home is the women's shelter occupancy rates. Another reason is that the officers think that the problems faced by some women are not serious. They think survivors of violence against women will not be subjected to violence if they return to their families. However, most of the women sent back home are killed. Women escaping domestic violence must not be sent back home.>
'Women are subjected to violence in women's shelters'
Gashaw Abdulqadir noted that women staying in the shelters often receive threats from their family members. <Although they receive threats, they are sent back home. The number of women's shelters in the Kurdistan Region is insufficient. In addition, women are subjected to violence in women's shelters. Once, I went to a women's shelter in the Kurdistan Region with a human rights organization. We saw how women were subjected to ill treatment by the shelter staff. Women were subjected to verbal violence. The women's shelters in the Kurdistan Region are no longer safe places for women. Lawyers and social service workers have to visit these women every month.> Gashaw Abdulqadir also said that women, who were sent back home, do not want to go to women's shelters. <They are forced to accept violence against them because they have no place to go. NGOs and media play an important role in raising awareness against domestic violence.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 15 Nov 2023
<<HEDEP to kick of its activities against gender-based violence in front of Sincan Prison
News Center- The Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Women's Council will hold various activities to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25 with the motto, <We Do Not Give Up, We Are Everywhere>. According to Jinnews, the HEDEP Women's Council will support the activities of the Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Jinen Azad-TJA) in Kurdistan and the feminist and women's organizations in Turkey. The HEDEP Women's Council will kick off its activities in front of Sincan Prison on November 20, when the hearing of the Kobane trial will be held. According to the program of the HEDEP Women's Council, HEDEP Co-chair Tulay Hatimoğulları will participate in the protest of Saturday Mothers and visit women survivors of February 6 earthquakes in Hatay.>>

Halime Huseyin
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 15 Nov 2023
<<Mother of Zeynep Saroxan: Erdogan must be held accountable in international court
Hasakah- Zeynep Saroxan, who grew up in a patriotic family and engaged in the Kurdish Freedom Movement at a young age, struggled to build a society based on democracy and equality. Born in Hasakah in 1981, she had 12 siblings; eight sisters and four brothers. After graduating from the Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology, she worked as a teacher in her city, Hasakah. After the revolution in Rojava started, she played an important role in establishing the Women's Council of the Democratic Union Party (PYD). At the 6th Congress of the PYD, she was elected as Co-chair of the Women's Council of the Jazeera Region and then she was elected as Co-chair of the Justice Department of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. Zeynep Saroxan, who worked in the Jazeera Region for three months, played an important role in establishing a center aiming to protect children and women in Hasakah.
She was killed by a Turkish drone
On September 27, 2023, Zeynep Saroxan and her colleague Yılmaz Shero were targeted and killed by a Turkish drone on the road between Derik and Girke Lege, North and East Syria, after visiting rehabilitation centers. Since women of North and East Syria play an important role in politics, diplomacy, economy, social life and culture, they are often targeted by the Turkish state.
'She was the symbol of resistance and struggle'
In an interview with NuJINHA, Halime Huseyin (80), mother of Zeynep Saroxan, said that her daughter was engaged in the Kurdish Freedom Movement since her childhood. <Our house was a place for meetings. Zeynep always wanted to attend the meetings because she wanted to learn more about the Kurdish Freedom Movement. I always told her that she was very young and she should complete her education. After the revolution in Rojava started, she began to work for the Democratic Union Party (PYD). She spent most of her time working. She visited many areas in Syria and was the symbol of resistance and struggle.>
'Erdogan must be held accountable in international court'
Halime Huseyin never forgets the day when she heard that her daughter had been killed in a Turkish drone attack. <Everything in our house reminds me of her. She was martyred while fighting for freedom. These lands are our lands, the lands of our ancestors. The Turkish state attacks us by using inhumane methods and internationally banned weapons with the support of the guarantor countries. We, as the mothers of martyrs, demand the killers of our children, including Erdogan, be held accountable in international court. Erdoğan must be held accountable in international court. We will maintain our children's struggle.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 14 Nov 2023
<<Women come together at workshop held in Raqqa
News Center- The Civil society institutions platform in North and East Syria has held a workshop in Raqqa to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Xud El Isa, Spokesperson of the Zenubiya Women's Community, made the opening speech of the workshop, attended by 250 people, including members of political parties. Emphasizing that the thoughts and philosophy of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan shed light on their struggle for freedom, Xud El Isa said, <We will definitely make the message of our leader for peace heard all around the world. We make efforts to ensure the physical freedom of our leader and to protect the gains of our system based on democracy.> After the opening speech, women began to discuss many issues such as the <Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> philosophy, Jineology (Women's science), ethics and culture.>>

Şox Ismail
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 14 Nov 2023 - by ŞIRIN SALIH
<<'More awareness-raising activities should be carried out to prevent early marriages'
Sulaymaniyah- Violence against women has increased in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, like in many countries, due to lack of protective and preventive measures. Sociologist Şox Ismail thinks that although awareness against violence against women has been created in the Kurdistan region compared to the past, it is insufficient to end gender-based violence.
'Family violence can lead to early marriage'
Şox Ismail points out that family violence can lead to early marriage. <One of the reasons why young women get married at an early age is psychological violence by their families. Young women think that they are a burden for their families,> she told NuJINHA.
'More awareness-raising activities should be carried out'
She added, <After marriage, young women are subjected to violence by their spouses. Young women face social pressure after they graduate from high school. Early marriage and forced marriage are one of the reasons for the increase in violence against women. More awareness-raising activities should be carried out to prevent early marriages and forced marriages.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 13 Nov 2023 - by ŞINYAR BAYIZ
<<'Awareness against gender-based violence is important'
Sulaymaniyah- The cases of violence against women keep increasing in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The support given by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) to the war and occupation policies of the Turkish state not only damages social peace and national unity but also paves the way for male violence. The General Directorate of Combating Violence against Women (GDCVAW) cannot develop strong policies to eliminate violence against women and does not report the cases of femicide, gender-based violence and suspicious deaths among women in the region. 73 women were killed or died under suspicious circumstances, according to the latest report released by the directorate in 2022. NuJINHA Sorani service released a report by compiling the news from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies. 64 women were killed or died under suspicious circumstances in the Kurdistan Region in the first nine months of 2023, according to the report. Women's organizations in the region are going to hold events and activities on November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to make violence against women more visible.
Cyber violence is a growing threat for women and girls
In recent years, cyber violence is the most common form of violence against women and girls. NuJINHA spoke to Papula Abdullah, a psychologist at the General Directorate for Combating Violence against Women (GDCVAW) in Sulaymaniyah, about cyber violence on women and girls. <Cyber violence is a growing threat for women and girls,> she said.
'Women are subjected to psychological violence'
In her speech, Papula Abdullah highlighted that women and girls are more subjected to cyber violence. <Social media platforms have become platforms for men to use violence against women and girls. They meet young women and girls and then promise to marry them. Cyber violence is also a psychological violence against women and girls. Women are subjected to psychological violence on social media. Women cannot report cyber violence against them because they do not know their legal rights.>
'Awareness against gender-based violence is important'
The General Directorate for Combating Violence against Women (GDCVAW) was founded to provide support and women’s shelters to survivors of violence against women in the Kurdistan Region. Speaking about the activities of the directorate, she said, <We launched a hotline for survivors of violence against women. They can dial '119' to receive support. However, this hotline is insufficient to combat violence against women. Women are still subjected to economic, social and psychological violence. Awareness against gender-based violence is important.> >>
Source incl. video:

Naima Hassan
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 13 Nov 2023
<<Women Council of PYD launches 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' campaign
Qamishlo- The Kurdistan Democratic Union Party (PYD) Women’s Council has launched a campaign called, <No to femicide: Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. NuJINHA spoke to Naima Hassan, a member of the council, about their campaign.
‘Women are deprived of their right to freedom'
Naima Hassan reminded that the revolution in Rojava started thanks to the sacrifices of the fighters and women. <This revolution is also known as a women’s revolution because it was led by women. Women, who are deprived of their right to freedom due to the ongoing attacks on North and East Syria, should struggle more to achieve freedom,> she said, adding:
<Women have been killed for thousands of years under many 'excuses'. All women should support this campaign to fight the patriarchal mindset. We call on women in North and East Syria and all around the world to support this campaign. They are also responsible for protecting women and people living in Turkish-occupied territories such as Afrin, Gire Spi (Tell Abyad) and Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn).> Naima Hassan thinks that a democratic society can be built by having democratic families. <Women keep struggling despite the rights violations faced by them because they demand freedom for all women. As the PYD Women's Council, we struggle for freedom of all women. We have launched the 'No to femicide: Jin, Jiya, Azadi' campaign to be voices of women all around the world and be in solidarity with them.> As part of the campaign, the council will hold seminars and meetings in villages, towns and cities of North and East Syria. <We will hold a forum in the Cizire region and Afrin-Shehba and visit survivors of violence against women to raise awareness.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 10 Nov 2023
<<Women protest release of specialist sergeant accused of sexual assault
News Center- The Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Jinen Azad-TJA) held a march and released a statement to protest the release of specialist sergeant, Eyup K., who sexually assaulted four children in the Nusaybin district of Mardin province. The members of Peace Mothers' Initiative, the activists of the TJA, Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Mardin MP Beritan Guneş attended the march held in the Stilile (Akarsu) village of Nusaybin.
'This is a systematic attack'
The statement said that specialist sergeant Eyup K. was released at the first hearing held on October 31 after he sexually assaulted four children in the district between April and August. <Such incidents occur not only in Nusaybin but also in many Kurdish cities. This is a systematic attack on Kurds. On the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne, various policies are carried out on women in the Republic of Turkey. Kurdish women and children are subjected to torture, violence and rape. But our resistance against such policies has become stronger. On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we vow that we will strengthen our resistance more.> The women chanted the slogan, <Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> (Women, Life, Freedom) and demanded the specialist sergeant be arrested again.>>

Liberation Front 2019/ 2023