formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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November 17 - October 31 -- October 24 - 11 --   October 10 - September 27 -- September 26 - 22 --  September 21 - 14 -- 15 - 4 Sept. --  August 31 - July 5, 2023

(Updates November 6, 2023)

November 17 - Oct 31 2023
27 - 16 Oct 2023
11 - 3 Oct, 2023


November 17 - 16, 2023
<<Israeli forces continue to intensify their attacks on Gaza
<<Egyptian women demand ceasefire in solidarity with Gaza
and earlier news

November 6 - October 31 2023
<<Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi arrested in West Bank...
<<35th day of Israel's attacks on Gaza...
<<'Exchange offer is important for Palestinian women in Israeli prisons'...
<<'More than 420 children are being killed or injured in Gaza each day'...

October 18 - 11, 2023
<<Joint statement by feminists: We express our solidarity with Palestinian resistance...
and <<Call on international organizations: Stop genocide against Palestinians...
and <<Israel keeps targeting journalists in Gaza...
and <<7th anniversary of liberation of Raqqa: We are happy but our children are still missing...
and <<Women of Rojhelat: The gains in Rojava cannot be destroyed...
and <<Women of Sweida demand justice, equality, change...
and <<Women of Kobane: We will keep defending our lands...
and much more news

October 11 - 3, 2023
<<Palestinian activist: Women are subjected to torture in Al-Aqsa Mosque's courtyards...
and <<2 young women killed in Serekaniye...
and <<'The Turkish attack on life sources in NE Syria is a crime against humanity'...
and <<Call from Karama Square: Let's take to the streets for our rights...
and <<Turkey: 32 women killed in September...
and <<Mitra Nasır whose brother killed by Taliban: 'I will always hate the Taliban'...
and <<Women journalists in Sweida: We work to make the voices of our people heard...
and more news
Clicking the above link will bring you to a total overview of September 2023

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

israels' warcrimes continue
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 17 Nov 2023
<<Israeli forces continue to intensify their attacks on Gaza
News Center- 11,500 Palestinians, including 4,710 children and 3,160 women, have been killed in Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip since October 7, according to the Health Ministry in Gaza. Many people were killed and injured in Israeli airstrikes on different areas of Gaza last night. The Palestinian state news agency (WAFA) reported that at least 18 civilians were killed and several others injured in the Israeli airstrikes targeting residential buildings in Jabalia refugee camp last night. Yesterday, Israeli airstrikes and artillery targeted the civilians in the neighborhoods of Sheikh Radwan, al-Nasr, al-Darraj, al-Tuffah, al-Sabra and Tal al-Hawa. In addition, Israeli airstrikes targeted displaced people taking shelter in Bureij refugee camp located in the central Gaza Strip east of the Salah al-Din Road in the Deir al-Balah Governorate.
Jenin refugee camp besieged
According to the local reports, the Jenin refugee camp located in the city of Jenin in the northern West Bank has been besieged by Israeli forces. The reports say that clashes broke out between Israeli forces and the Palestinian resistance fighters yesterday. Israeli forces used real bullets and tear gas against the residents, who protested the raids.
Israeli army ordered the evacuation of Ibn Sina Hospital
According to the received reports, Israeli forces stormed the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin on Friday at dawn and forced staff members to evacuate the hospital. Some social media users posted footage showing that the Israeli army stormed the hospital. The report also said that Israeli forces arrested two paramedics.
'Israeli forces have to provide evidence'
In an interview with BBC, Palestinian Health Minister Mai al-Kaila said that she had not yet seen evidence that there was a Hamas command center at Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital, and said Israeli forces would have to <provide evidence.> She also said, <Hospitals must be protected and used to fulfill professional duties. But Al-Shifa Hospital has been under Israeli siege for five days. In order to defend certain positions, we cannot ignore the entire situation of the hospital and 10,000 civilians who are suffering in this hospital.>
Israeli forces dropped leaflets in some settlements
According to local reports, Israeli forces dropped leaflets in some settlements urging residents to <leave your houses, go to shelters>. <For your safety, you must leave your residence immediately and go to shelters. All houses used by terrorists will be targeted,> the leaflets said.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 16 Nov 2023 - by ASMAA FATHI
<<Egyptian women demand ceasefire in solidarity with Gaza
Cairo- More than 11,000 Palestinians, including women and children, have been killed and 28,000 Palestinian have been injured in Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip since October 7. Many demonstrations and protests demanding the end of Israel's attacks on Gaza have been held all around the world. In an interview with NuJINHA, Egyptian women expressed their solidarity with Palestinians and demanded a ceasefire to stop the bloodshed in Gaza.
'We should join hands'
Iman Mohamed, social support officer at the Center for Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance (CEWLA), condemned Israel's attacks on Gaza and said, <If humanitarian aid cannot be sent to Palestinians, the humanitarian crisis will deepen. Israel has cut water and electricity supplies to the civilians and sealed its crossings with Gaza to prevent the delivery of humanitarian aid. We should join hands to save innocent people in Gaza.>
'A ceasefire must be declared'
Umm Kulthum Al-Badawi talked about the heartbreaking scene in Gaza and said, <We have no power to change the situation in Gaza and the only thing we can do is pray. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza becomes inevitable. What is happening in Gaza is like a nightmare. The photos and footage showing injured children and killed civilians are very painful. I express my anger on social media platforms. A ceasefire must be declared. There is a need for international solidarity to support the people of Gaza.>
'Israel has committed a war crime'
Journalist Fatima Al-Dali stressed that what is happening in Gaza is a great tragedy <because women and children are targeted. Israel has committed a war crime by targeting women and children in Gaza. In Gaza, hospitals are targeted; women and children are killed. We must be in solidarity with the people of Gaza. The media plays an important role in reporting the facts.> >>
Source incl. 3 videos:

Ahed Tamimi in 2012 slapping an israeli fascist soldier in the face
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 6 Nov 2023
<<Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi arrested in West Bank
News Center- Neriman Tamimi, mother of Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, announced that her daughter had been arrested by Israeli soldiers during a raid in Ramallah, a city of the occupied West Bank. She also said that their cell phones had been confiscated by Israeli soldiers, who searched their home. Several days ago, the father of Ahed Tamimi was also arrested by the Israeli forces. She challenged an Israeli soldier when she was 11. In 2012, when Ahed Tamimi was 11, she attempted to intervene during her mother's arrest. She was mentioned in the international media when an Israeli soldier arrested her older brother in 2012. Her image waving a fist while confronting him went viral on social media. In 2017, she was detained by Israeli authorities for slapping a soldier. She was sentenced to eight months in prison and released on 29 July 2018.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: I remember seeing that photograph of Ahed Tamimi slapping that fascist soldier and I had a big grin on my face and thought <what a heroic girl she is. A re-birth of Leila Khaled has rissen!>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 5 Nov 2023
<<35th day of Israel's attacks on Gaza
News Center- The attacks of Israel on the Gaza Strip continue on their 35th day. The Health Ministry in Gaza has announced that 10,812 Palestinians, including 4,412 children have been killed since October 7. Journalists in the region have reported violent clashes near the Al-Ouds Hospital in Gaza since yesterday. Thousands of displaced people have taken shelter in the hospital. The Israel military previously accused Hamas of using hospitals in Gaza as a shield for its tunnels and operational centers. White House spokesperson John Kirby announced Thursday that Israel will start to implement four-hour pauses in fighting in areas of northern Gaza each day, with an announcement to be made three hours beforehand. <We've been told by the Israelis that there will be no military operations in these areas over the duration of the pause, and that this process is starting today,> John Kirby said. Indicating that they think the steps taken by Israel are <significant first steps>, John Kirby said, <Obviously we want to see them continued for as long as they are needed.>
'Do not attend any meetings'
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine released a statement warning Palestinian authorities not to attend any confidential or open meetings with the US. <The Popular Front is against any meeting or project held by the US, the West and anyone who agrees with them to establish an administration under the occupation authority or to encourage an international administration to discuss the future of Gaza after the attacks end,> the statement said.
Formal complaint by Palestinian authority
Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki has registered a formal complaint with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) against Israel after its minister's threat to drop a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip. In a radio interview, Israeli heritage minister Amichai Eliyahu was asked about a hypothetical nuclear option as part of Israel's ongoing military attack on Gaza. He replied: <That's one way.> According to Palestinian state news agency (WAFA), Riyad al-Maliki sent an official letter to the IAEA Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi on Wednesday and urged him to address the statements made by Israeli heritage minister Amichai Eliyahu, adding that the nuclear threat is <completing consistent with the prevailing discourse in Israel> against Palestinians.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: The final step really will be to force the fascist israelis to leave Palestine and bring all to the The Hague international court to stand trial for warcrimes.

Ghazal Al-Natour
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 2 Nov 2023 - by NAGHAM KARAJEH
<<'Exchange offer is important for Palestinian women in Israeli prisons'
Gaza- Israel attacks targeting civilians in the Gaza Strip continue. Most of those who have been killed in Gaza are women and children. Hamas has held approximately 240 hostages in Gaza ever since the group launched an attack on Israel on October 7. <We are ready to conduct an immediate prisoner exchange deal that includes the release of all Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails in exchange for all prisoners held by the Palestinian resistance,> Yahya Sinwar, Hamas's leader in the Gaza Strip, said in a statement. However, no deal has yet been reached about the hostages.
'Palestinian women in Israeli prisons are subjected to violence'
Speaking to NuJINHA, Political activist Ghazal Al-Natour said that the exchange of prisoners offered by Hamas is very important for the release of Palestinian women subjected to violence in Israeli prisons. <Israel violates all international conventions and laws by using violence and all forms of intimidation against Palestinian prisoners. According to recent figures, more than 170 Palestinian children are held in Israeli prisons. 39 Palestinian women, the oldest one is Maysoon Musa Al-Jabali, have been held in prison since 2015. Maysoon Musa Al-Jabali is serving a 15-year imprisonment term. Shorouq Dwayyat and Shatila Suleiman Abu Eyada are serving a 16-year imprisonment term and Aisha Al-Afghani is serving a 13-year imprisonment term. Raghad Al-Fanni and other three Palestinian women are administrative female detainees,> she said. Recalling the deal between Israel and Hamas in 2018, she said, <20 Palestinian women, 19 from the West Bank and a mother and her child from the Gaza Strip, were released in exchange for the release of Israeli soldiers.>
'The Arab and international communities must take action'
Ghazal Al-Natour pointed out that Palestinian women were arrested by Israeli forces on false allegations and said:
<Their arrest is a conspiracy against their struggle and determination. The Arab and international communities must take action for their release. Their privacy and limited freedom are taken away from them due to cameras installed everywhere in prisons. They are deprived of the most basic living needs; they are denied access to treatment and held in bad wards.>
'Sick prisoners are left to die'
She also commented on the conditions of sick Palestinians in Israeli prisons. <They are denied access to treatment; they are left to die. The health conditions of some women prisoners are deteriorating and they must be released immediately to receive treatment. Israa Jaabis is one of them. She suffers from severe deformities in her body, as a result of severe burns that affected 60% of her body. In 2015, she was injured when Israeli soldiers opened fire on her car, causing the explosion of a gas cylinder in her car.> Emphasizing that the torture and isolation imposed by Israel on women prisoners is a violation of the international law and all conventions, Ghazal Al-Natour said:
<Israeli authorities try to humiliate and take revenge on women prisoners, despite the international conventions protecting prisoners. Arab countries must put pressure on Israel to accept the exchange of prisoners offered by Hamas. People should hold protests and sit-ins all around the world.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 1 Nov 2023
<<Israel attacks Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza
News Center- Israel keeps attacking Gaza. Last night, Israel airstrikes targeted the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza, killing and injuring more than 400. Dr. Mohammed al-Run, a doctor of the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza, said, <We take it an hour at a time because we don't know when we will be receiving patients. Several times we've had to set up surgical spaces in the corridors and even sometimes in the hospital waiting areas.>
Dr. Atef Al-Kahlot, director of the nearby Indonesian Hospital, said the total number of people wounded and killed is about 400. <We are still searching for missing persons and carrying out rescue operations from under the rubble in Jabalia,> Dr. Atef Al-Kahlot said at a press conference.
The camp has been razed to the ground
The Israeli military said its attack on the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza killed senior Hamas commander Ibrahim Biari and accused Hamas of <hiding, as they do, behind civilians.> Medecins Sans Frontières (MSF) released a statement on its official social media account, saying, <We are horrified by news coming from Jabalia camp where high numbers of people have reportedly been killed by an Israeli airstrike. After the attack, many wounded people arrived at Al Shifa hospital where our teams helped to provide emergency medical care...> <Young children arrived at the hospital with deep wounds and severe burns. They came without their families. Many were screaming and asking for their parents. I stayed with them until we could find a place, as the hospital was full with patients,> said Mohammed Hawajreh, MSF nurse.
'Communications, internet services completely cut off in Gaza'
Palestine Telecommunication Company (Paltel) announced on Wednesday that communications and internet services have been completely cut off in the Gaza Strip due to international access being disconnected again.>>

warcrimes by israeli fascist troops killing especially women and children

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 31 Oct 2023
<<'More than 420 children are being killed or injured in Gaza each day'
News Center- Israel attacks targeting civilians in Gaza continue. The United Nations (UN) Security Council held an emergency meeting on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza upon the call of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). <The level of destruction is unprecedented, the human tragedy unfolding under our watch is unbearable> said Philippe Lazzarini, the commissioner general for the UNRWA at the meeting. <One million people, half the population of Gaza, were pushed from the north of the Gaza Strip towards the south in three weeks. The south, however, has not been spared from bombardment, with significant numbers killed.>
'Nearly 70 per cent of those reported killed are children and women'
Reporting that nearly 70 per cent of those reported killed are children and women, Philippe Lazzarini said, <Save the Children reported yesterday that nearly 3,200 children were killed in Gaza in just three weeks. This surpasses the number of children killed annually across the world's conflict zones since 2019. Panic pushed thousands of desperate people to head to the UNRWA warehouse and distribution centres where we store the food and other supplies we started receiving via Egypt last week.>
'More than 420 children are killed or injured in Gaza each day'
<More than 420 children are being killed or injured in Gaza each day - a number which should shake each of us to our core,> said Catherine Russell, Executive Director of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). According to WHO in Gaza, due to 34 attacks against health care facilities, including 21 hospitals and 12 of Gaza's 35 hospitals can no longer function. <As if this wasn't enough, children in both Israel and the State of Palestine are experiencing terrible trauma, the consequences of which could last a lifetime,> Catherine Russell said. <We are doing our best to reach all children in need, but the delivery of humanitarian aid, especially Gaza, is now extremely challenging.> >>

Liberation Front 2019/ 2023