formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front


Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in Afghanistan.

This online magazine will be published evey month and started December 2019. Thank you for your time and interest.

Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and activist









                                                                                                            CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020

The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendagi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also

Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jhina Mahsa Amini or Zhina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the Zan, zendagi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the ZZA Revolution per month:  June 15-1--May 31 -16-- May 15-1--April--March--Feb--Jan 2023  
covering the period of the 'Women Life Freedom' revolution in 2023 and with links to the period of  the murdering of Jina Mahsa Amini on September 2022 'till December 2022.. 
updated 31 May 2023


MAY 2023:
 25 - 17 May, 2023
<<A button, a love story, and an Iranian couple who will not be silenced....
more news

<Without hijab, the Islamic Republic would not have much of a meaning,> says Dehghan, vice-president....
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: What the vice president really is saying is when all free women burn their hijab the Islamic republic will be burned to ashes. ...
and more news
APRIL 2023:

Unveiled And Unbroken, Woman's Revolution In Iran.
The 'witch-hunting' on the unveiled maybe has started but the 'witches' fight back':


Recent update May 23, 2023 included below
Update 9 - 4 May 2023




Update: BLINDED Part 10 - may-march-2023



Click image to enter

UPDATES: LINKS 2 'Blinding as a weapon' (menu to the right) AND 'Biological terror attacks' (menu to the left) go here: 
Gino d'Artali
Indept investigative journalist


Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.

Click here for a total list so far

'Facing Faces and Facts 1-2'  (2022) to commemorate the above named and more and food for thought and inspiration to fight on.

and 'Facing Faces & Facts 3' edited December 2022/March 2023

This is how the Iranian basiji shoot with pellets at especially girls and women and how they hang now martyrs of the women-led revolution.


Click here for June 2023 week 1


May 29 - 21, 2023
<<More than 100 former world leaders urge support for the uprising in Iran with practical steps....
<<Maryam Rajavi calls for an international campaign to stop executions in Iran....
<<Activists, Lawyers, and Teachers Battle for Rights in Iran....
and more news

May 26, 2023
<the Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan used his sermon to denounce the pressures exerted on lawyers and the work of parliament members, and said that the right to hold peaceful demonstrations should be recognized. <When you put the lawyer in prison, who dares to defend the people?> Molavi Abdulhamid ask...

and more news

May 26 - 23 and 13, 2023
<<Joint House Caucus Hearing Voices Support for Iranian Women, Uprising where Maryam Rajavi also expressed her belief that the Iranian people are <capable of overthrowing this regime,>....
and more news

May 22 - 19, 2023
<A group of women political prisoners staged a protest in the courtyard of Tehran's Evin prison following the execution of three protesters last week....
<Rolling Coverage: Executions Spark Condemnations, Protests....
<<Iran's Top Sunni Cleric: <A Nation Can't Be Suppressed by Executions>....
and other heinous news of an Iranian dictarorship on a hanging spree.... 
and more news

May 22 - 17, 2023
<<Activists, Lawyers, and Teachers Battle for Rights in Iran....
 and more news
<<Iran warns unveiled women by hanging notices in shop windows....
and more news

May 18, 2023
#OurStoryIsOne Campaign Unites Baha'i Executions and Gender Equality in Iran
June 18, 1983, marks a haunting chapter of intolerance and injustice in Iran's history.....

and more news

17 - 16 May, 2023
<<Sarina Esmailzadeh
Sarina Esmailzadeh - Allah has her soul - (July 2, 2006 - September 21, 2022) was a 16-year-old teenager and a clever student of Farzanegan School in Mehrshahr, Karaj. On the 21st of September, she was killed by a severe beating of the baton on the head by the IRGC security forces during the 2022 nationwide protests in Karaj, Iran. ....

and more (tragic) news


15 May, 2023
<We Want our Rights!> Iranian Retirees Protest Over Deteriorating Living Conditions
and more news

14 - 11 May , 2023
<<Beyond the Veil: Iranian Women's Uprising against a Religious Dictatorship
An interview with Elaheh Azimfar on women’s role in the Iran uprising....

 and more news

Back to the first part of May 2023

Click here for the 2022 'Chapters'




When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

NCRI - Womens committee - in Women's news - May 29, 2023
<<In protests against executions of three political prisoners, 100 were arrested in Tehran
During the nightly protests against the execution of three political prisoners in Isfahan, some 100 individuals were arrested in Tehran and transferred to Evin, Qarchak, and Greater Tehran prisons. On Friday night, May 19, 2023, during the protests against the execution of three political prisoners, Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mir-Hashemi, and Saeed Yaghoubi, around 60 men and 40 women protesters were arrested and transferred to Greater Tehran Penitentiary, Evin Prison, and the notorious Qarchak Prison for women. The detainees were subjected to severe beatings and were dragged on the ground during their arrest. According to human rights sources, some 60 men have been transferred to Tehran's Greater Pentitentiary and Evin Prison, and at least 40 women protesters have been transferred to Qarchak Prison. Three of the detained women, Ghazal Kompani, Maryam Mirzaii, and Nasrin Safavi, are currently imprisoned in the women's ward of Evin Prison. Ghazal Kompani, 22, was arrested on Sattarkhan Street in Tehran. Maryam Mirzaii, 68, Ghazal's grandmother, was also detained after protesting and attempting to prevent the arrest of her granddaughter. Both women were subjected to beatings during the arrest and sustained bruises on their heads and faces. Ms. Nasrin Safavi, 45, is another detainee who has been transferred to Evin Prison.
three political prisoners
Javad Khezri Javadi and his daughter, Natasha Khezri Javadi
Two other detainees are Javad Khezri Javadi, 80, and his daughter, Natasha Khezri Javadi. The father and daughter were arrested while helping a young woman brutalized on Sattarkhan Street. Mr. Khezri is currently imprisoned in Greater Tehran Penitentiary, while his daughter Natasha is incarcerated in Qarchak Prison. People also staged protests against the execution of the three political prisoners in Dastgerd Prison of Isfahan, in Isfahan, Mashhad, and other cities.>>

NCRI - Womens committee - in Women's news - May 29, 2023
<<Three women political prisoners sentenced to 5 to 10 years in prison
Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran has sentenced three women political prisoners to 5 to 10 years in prison. On Sunday, May 28, 2023, the prison sentences were communicated to the three women political prisoners, Zeinab Hamrang, Shiva Esmaeili, and Soodabeh Fakharzadeh.
The trial of the three women political prisoners was held on May 14, 2023, in the absence of their lawyers.
three women political
Imprisoned retired teacher Zeinab Hamrang deprived of medical leave
Political prisoner Zeinab Hamrang, 58, was sentenced to 5 years in prison on charges of “assembly and collusion.”
Ms. Shiva Esmaeili, 58, was sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges including <assembly and collusion.> And Ms. Soodabeh Fakharzadeh, 65, was sentenced to 5 years in prison on charges of <propaganda against the state.>
The three women political prisoners were arrested by security forces in Tehran on March 11, 2023, and were transferred to Evin Prison's Ward 209. After the end of their interrogations in April, they were transferred to the womens' ward of Evin Prison.
Zeinab Hamrang is a retired teacher from Ardabil who spent two years in prison and was released from the women’s ward of Evin Prison in October 2022.
Shiva Esmaeili is the mother of political prisoner Mehdi Vafaei, who is currently imprisoned in Evin Prison.>>

Jinha - Women's news agency - May 29, 2023
<<Iranian activist Zainab Zaman: I had to take a shower in front of the camera
<I had to take a shower in front of the camera,> said the tweet of Iranian activist Zainab Zaman about her detention.
News Center- Iranian feminist activist Zeinab Zaman was detained on April 8, 2023 by the Revolutionary Guards' intelligence forces. She was temporarily released from Evin prison on bail after five days in detention. The feminist activist wrote what she had been subjected to in detention on her Twitter account. In her tweet, she said that she had had to take a shower in front of the camera.
'I was subjected to strip search twice'
Her tweet said, <I was subjected to strip search twice. On the first day, I was blindfolded and forced to remove all of my clothing. I was told to sit down. I could not say anything because I was in shock. The female officer told me that she brought me there because there was no camera there. On the second day of my detention, I was taken to the prosecutor's office. When I returned to the prison, I was taken to a new cell. The female officer told me to remove all of my clothing again. I was naked in front of the camera. The toilet and bathroom were inside my cell and the camera always recorded. I had to take a shower in front of the camera.> >>

Jinha - Womens news agency - May 29, 2023
<<Suspicious death of para athlete Zahra Bornaki in Iran
Iranian long jumper Zahra Bornaki died suspiciously on Saturday after falling from the fourth floor of a building in Damghan, Semnan province.
News Center- Iranian long jumper Zahra Bornaki, 33, fell from the fourth floor of a building in Damghan, Semnan province. Suffering from serious injuries and multiple fractures, she was transferred to the Kosar Hospital in the province. According to the received reports, she died at the hospital on Saturday, May 27. Yesterday, Semnan Police Chief said that according to the investigation launched into the incident, Zahra Bornaki committed suicide after she had some problems with her husband. Zahra Bornaki was a member of the Iranian national team and she had six medals. She won a silver medal in the long jump discipline in the 2018 Asian Para Games, which was held in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2018.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: 'Felt from the fourth floor? Sounds like the irgc pushed her or her husband out of jealousy because she was, Allah has her soul, succesfull as an athlete. One way or the other, heinous!

NCRI Women committee - in Women's news - May 28, 2023
<Fahimeh Soltani sentenced to a 2.5-term academic suspension
Fahimeh Soltani, Mowlud Safari, and other students were banned from continuing their education. Fahimeh Soltani, a student at Isfahan University, has been sentenced to a 2.5-term academic suspension by the university's disciplinary committee, considering academic years. Based on the preliminary ruling of the disciplinary committee at Isfahan University, Fahimeh Soltani has been temporarily banned from studying for 2.5 terms due to charges of <disrupting university programs,> <insulting rituals and sanctities,> <participating in protests and unrest,> failure to adhere to mandatory hijab, and <disregarding students' dignity.> Fahimeh Soltani, a law student at Isfahan University, was arrested by IRGC intelligence forces in Chaharbagh Abbasi, Isfahan, in connection with nationwide protests. The indictment of Fahimeh Soltani was sent to Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court of Isfahan in December 2022 on charges of <inciting mass killings,> <propaganda against the regime,> insulting Khamenei, insulting Khomeini, <spreading falsehoods,> <disturbing public opinion,> <disrupting public order,> <removing the hijab,> and <rebelling against officials while on duty.> The court proceedings regarding the charges against the individual were held on the dates of January 23 and February 6, 2023. Eventually, following the issuance of a pardon directive, the case was concluded. Ms. Soltani was ultimately released on February 10, 2023.>>
Read more here about other <Suspension of Al-Zahra University students>:

NCRI - June 27, 2023 - in Solidarity
<<More than 100 former world leaders urge support for the uprising in Iran with practical steps
More than 100 former world leaders urged support for the uprising in Iran and the 10-point plan for the future of Iran articulated by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the democratic coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran. The international community must support Iran's pro-democracy protesters and blacklist the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC), more than 100 former world leaders representing 45 nations announced in a new global initiative. The call was made in a collective letter to the leaders of world powers on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, just days after the regime executed three protesters. Signatories to the letter include 50 former Presidents, 47 former Prime Ministers, one former Chancellor, and nine other former Heads of State from across the world. Two former Presidents of the European Commission and three Nobel Peace Prize laureates are among the signatories. Former Vice President Mike Pence added his name to the world leaders who signed a letter to President Joe Biden and his counterparts in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Europe calling on the West to adopt a tougher approach to Iran and blacklist the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). <We believe it is for the Iranian people to decide their future. However, we recognise that for four decades, the democratic coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has constantly and tirelessly pursued democratic change. In this respect, we believe the Ten-Point Plan articulated by the NCRI President, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, deserves support. Its commitment to free elections, freedom of assembly and expression, abolition of the death penalty, gender equality, separation of religion and state, autonomy for Iran's ethnicities, and a non-nuclear Iran is in line with our own democratic values,> the former world leaders wrote.
More than 100 former world leaders urge support for uprising in Iran with practical steps
Highlighting the crackdown on the <popular uprising in Iran,> which includes the death of some 750 protesters and the arrest of another 30,000, the former world leaders reiterated that the international community has a <responsibility> to support the Iranian people's human rights. <Decades of apparent silence and inaction by the international community have helped fuel a culture of impunity in Iran. Since the 1980s, the authorities in Iran have executed tens of thousands of protesters and political prisoners. Tragically, in the summer of 1988 alone, over 30,000 political prisoners - the vast majority of whom were members of the opposition MEK - were brutally massacred,> the letter said. The signatories condemned the Iranian regime's meddling in the Middle East and Europe, including its provision of drones to assist Russia's war against Ukraine and its terrorist attempts and cyber-attacks in Albania. <We urge your nations to stand with the Iranian people in their quest for change and to take decisive steps against the current regime. This includes blacklisting the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and holding regime officials accountable for their crimes against humanity,> the letter added.
Names of co-signatories:>>
Read them here:

NCRI - May 26, 2023 - in Maryam Rajavi speeches
<<Maryam Rajavi calls for an international campaign to stop executions in Iran
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, addressed a conference at the European Parliament entitled <Iran: Prospects for Change and EU Policy> on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. She called for an international campaign to stop executions in Iran. Following are excerpts from her speech at EP:
As I speak to you today, the Iranian regime has started a new and unprecedented wave of executions. One hundred and sixteen prisoners have been executed since the beginning of May. It means one execution every 5 hours. Three young protesters, who had been detained and tortured for months in Isfahan, were executed last Friday. The regime uses executions to create an atmosphere of terror and prevent an uprising. Despite massive repression, however, people protested these brutal executions in Tehran and various other cities. Unfortunately, we are witnessing a lack of action from the European Union and its member states.
Isn't opposing executions one of the well-known principles of the European Union?
So why do economic interests and political considerations downplay the importance of the human rights situation when it comes to Iran?
Echoing the voice of Iranian women
I am here today to echo the voice of the protesters in Iran, especially women, who have risen up against religious dictatorship. The message is that the Iranian people have risen to overthrow religious fascism. They reject tyranny in all forms and persist in fighting until they achieve freedom and democracy. The uprising that began last September has created several significant developments: The regime's overthrow is inevitable, the clerical regime has reached an impasse, the organized resistance within Iran has made a big leap forward, and the false alternatives have failed.
Let me briefly explain each of these developments:
One of the main reasons for the uprisings is the widespread anger and discontent in Iranian society. Such explosive capacity is particularly visible in the courageous confrontation of Iranian women against the regime's forces. Iranian women play a leading role in the protests, now more than ever, impressing the world with their bravery. A brave and dedicated young generation is determined to overthrow the regime. At night in Tehran and other cities, people chant <death to Khamenei> from the roofs of their homes. Every Friday, anti-regime protests take place in Zahedan. Moreover, teachers’ protests, workers' strikes, and demonstrations by retired people continue across the country.
Maryam Rajavi calls for an international campaign to stop executions in Iran
Iran: Prospects for Change and EU Policy, Conference at the European Parliament
Growth of the Resistance's Social Networks inside Iran
Another significant development is the remarkable growth of social networks. In its internal assessment, the regime considers the MEK as a group with unity, an organized structure, and the ability to infiltrate the country. The regime also acknowledges its ability and a history of struggle and demonstrates a high intelligence capacity to mislead intelligence services. It also states that the MEK is the only organization with a clear alternative plan. They are, therefore, both shrewd and subversive. A high-level committee has been formed to counter the People's Mojahedin. Seven out of thirteen departments of the Foreign Ministry participate in this committee. Their objective is to discredit the Iranian Resistance. By spreading false information, the regime aims to target the just and legitimate resistance of the Iranian people and undermine democratic foundations and the free flow of impartial information in Europe.
Failure of false alternatives
Another important outcome of the uprising is the failure of false alternatives, particularly those related to the remnants of the Shah and clerical dictatorships. Some thought they could present these groups as uprising leaders through extensive propaganda, but they failed. A strong democratic and organized movement exists in Iran, and 120,000 political dissidents have sacrificed their lives for freedom. The people of Iran will not accept to return to the previous dictatorship that subjected them to years of oppression, with countless imprisonments and political executions under a single-party rule. The ongoing developments during the uprising demonstrated that the protests alone are insufficient to overthrow the regime. A committed and well-organized resistance movement is needed to confront a brutal regime. The alternative to this regime is the very force that maintains the flame of resistance and plays a key role in organizing and spreading the protests. 19 years ago, during a meeting in the European Parliament, I said the mullahs in Tehran claim that any significant change requires a foreign war, and there is no option other than appeasement. But I said there is a third solution: change by the Iranian people and Resistance. Now, I want to emphasize that this solution has emerged from the heart of the Iranian people's uprising, and everyone can see it. The real alternative has been born from a long-lasting battle, with generations sacrificing their lives for it. The National Council of Resistance of Iran, established in Tehran four decades ago, represents various beliefs.
EU Reporter: international campaign to stop executions in Iran
Iranian Resistance, the anti-thesis of religious tyranny
The Iranian Resistance's platform is based on a republic, separation of religion and state, full individual and social freedoms, gender equality, autonomy for ethnic nationalities, elimination of the death penalty, an independent judiciary, dissolving the IRGC, a non-nuclear Iran, and international and regional coexistence and cooperation. At the center of this alternative is the MEK, which believes in democratic Islam and advocates for the separation of religion and state. Therefore, this resistance represents the antithesis of the religious dictatorship.
Blacklisting the IRGC
Dear friends,
Today, it is widely accepted that the clerical regime has significantly weakened and lost its strategic abilities and resources. However, its hostilities have intensified, whether in seeking nuclear weapons or in supporting terrorism and warmongering even into the heart of Europe. The contradiction in the Western approach to Iran is the outcome of the policy of appeasement. The regime has repeatedly targeted global peace and security and constantly violated international laws without facing any consequences. Even worse, it has received rewards and incentives. Every hour of delay in adopting the right policy towards the religious dictatorship in Iran results in more executions for the people of Iran, more hostages for the world, and more drones for Europe.
The Iranian Resistance calls on the European Union to reconsider its previous policies towards Iran and:
• Include the IRGC in its list of terrorist organizations.
• Trigger the snapback mechanism and restore the sanctions stated in the six UN Security Council resolutions against the regime.
• Designate the regime as a serious threat to global peace and security under Article 41 of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter.
• Recognize the Iranian people’s right to struggle to overthrow the regime and the Iranian youth's legitimate struggle against the occupying IRGC.
• Finally, I ask you, honorable representatives, to urge your governments to join the international campaign to stop executions in Iran and stand with the Iranian people.
Thank you all very much.
Source and read here the full list of supporting countries:
Note by Gino d'Artali: And yes again a flaming speech of Miss Rajavi to support the women-led uprising against the dictatorship. If, and Insh'Allah there will be soon, there will be free elections in Iran I would vote for Miss Rajavi as vice-president elect.

NCRI Women committee - in Podcst - May 21, 2023
<<Activists, Lawyers, and Teachers Battle for Rights in Iran
In this episode of the NCRI Women's Committee podcast, we have a pressing and alarming topic to delve into-the relentless pressures exerted on women activists from all walks of life to intimidate and terrorize Iranian society, with the aim of stifling any potential uprisings. Furthermore, we will briefly examine the alarming escalation of executions in Iran and the inhumane treatment endured by the families of execution victims. Lastly, we will address the heartbreaking struggles faced by the families of death row prisoners, highlighting the immense hardships they endure. Over the past two weeks, approximately 70 lawyers have been summoned by the clerical regime in Iran. This alarming development raises concerns about the freedom of expression and the ability of lawyers to defend their clients without fear of reprisal. It's important to note that this is not an isolated incident but rather part of a wider pattern of repression and human rights violations targeting lawyers and human rights defenders in Iran. Lawyers in Iran face numerous challenges, ranging from restrictions on their ability to represent their clients effectively to harassment, intimidation, and even imprisonment. The clerical regime often uses vague and broadly interpreted national security laws to silence lawyers who dare to advocate for justice or take on politically sensitive cases. This not only infringes upon their professional rights but also undermines the principles of a fair and impartial legal system. The regime has conducted widespread arrests targeting labor activists, women's rights activists, human rights activists, and journalists. They are summoning journalists who were previously released in February, falsely claiming to have granted them amnesty. On the eve of Teachers' Day in Iran, they raided the residence of an imprisoned teacher and arrested several teachers and labor activists. These women activists and journalists have tirelessly worked to report the truth, improve working conditions, and fight against human rights violations. Unfortunately, their dedication has come at a tremendous personal cost under the oppressive rule of the regime. Iranian student activists who participated in the 2022-2023 Iran protests are facing similar challenges. The right to education is a fundamental human right, yet many students are systematically excluded from pursuing their studies due to their activism. Over the past month, numerous students have been summoned and informed that they are not allowed to continue their education. They are either suspended or dismissed from school. However, Iranian students remain resilient and determined to continue their fight for a better future. The families of death row prisoners in Iran, already burdened with the anguish of having loved ones facing imminent execution, have been subjected to further suffering. Instead of receiving support and empathy, they have faced harassment and intimidation from authorities.>>
Please do read more here:
copyright Womens' Liberation Front 2019/ 2023