formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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October 2 - September 27 -- September 26 - 22 --  September 21 - 14 -- 15 - 4 Sept. --  August 31 - July 5, 2023

(Updates September 26, 2023)
Click here for the October month

September 28 - 22, 2023
<<Women's rights activist Julia Parsi arrested by Taliban...
and <<Kurdish politician Selma Irmak sentenced to four years and two months in prison...
<<Saturday Mothers resist: The aim of the state is to cover up its crimes...
and <<Afghan journalist Lailuma Sadid honored with Henri La Fontaine International Prize for Humanism...
and <<Nevin Obaid: Gender equality is the solution for violations committed against women...
and <<Women of Sweida keep demanding change of system...
and <<'The popular movement in Sweida is the continuation of the July 19 Revolution'...
and more news


September 21 - 14, 2023
<<Mahsa Amini and Iranian Women Nominated For Sakharov Prize...
and <<'We should take an immediate action for women in the occupied areas'...
and <<Protests in Sweida: We have broken the barriers of fear...
and <<Call to strengthen struggle against attacks on Shengal...
and <<Tunisian activist: Women's struggle is the key to change societies...
and <<Women's Time Association: More safe spaces should be created for women...
and more news...

September 13 - 7, 2023
<<Ilham Omer: Women's quest for freedom will spread across Syria...
and <<Şiraz Hamo: 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' uprising will achieve victory...
and <<Crimes committed against women in Hebron by Israel protested in Gaza...
and <<Women in As-Suwayda are on the front lines of Syria's anti-Assad protests
and more news...

September 7 - 6, 2023
<<Referral Guidance Center works for social change in Iraq...
and <<Women of Shengal: We will struggle for freedom of leader Apo...
and <<Women's rights and gender equality
Women in Afghanistan are fighting an unequal war. We need your support...

and <<Peaceful protests in Sweida: We demand our stolen freedom...

September 5 - August 29, 2023
<<'Women will not bow to the Taliban'...
and <<Women of Til Temir: We will strengthen our solidarity against sectarianism...
and <<Ghazal Rasouli: There is still a long way to go...
and <<WCLAC Works for 32 years to achieve justice and gender equality in Palestine...
and <<Walls closing in: Taliban tighten noose on women's very existence, 'engaging in intentional cruelty'...
and <<Syria protests: New revolution or economic issue?...
and so much more news

August 31 - July 5, 2023
<women are strong leaders.>
<<'We will actualize the philosophy of leader Apo'....
<<'The unity of women's organizations is important to ensure freedom'....
and more news

August 20, 2023
Preface to the new format of the 'Woman, Life, Freedom'
pages lay-out

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.


Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 28, 2023
<<Women's rights activist Julia Parsi arrested by Taliban
News Center The Powerful Afghan Women's Movement has announced that Afghan women's rights activist Julia Parsi and her son were arrested by the Taliban's secret police, known as the General Directorate of Intelligence. According to local reports, the Taliban's secret police raided her home and violently arrested her and her son after searching her home. The reports also said that the Taliban secret police confiscated the activist's personal belongings and documents. Julia Parsi and her son were taken to an unknown location.
'The Taliban aim to silence the voices of Afghan women'
The Powerful Afghan Women's Movement has released a statement condemning the arrest of Julia Parsi. <The Taliban aims to silence the voices of millions of Afghan women by arresting Julia Parsi and other women activists. The violent arrest of women is a violation of human rights,> the statement said. On September 19, 2023, the Taliban arrested Neda Parwani, a member of the <Spontaneous Women's Movement of Afghanistan>, along with her husband and four-year-old son from her house in Khair Khana area of Kabul. They are still held in Taliban prison.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 27, 2023
<<Kurdish politician Selma Irmak sentenced to four years and two months in prison
News Center- The final hearing of the trial against Selma Irmak, former member of the parliament of Turkey for the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) on charges of <insulting the President> and <publicly humiliating the government> was held by the Diyarbakır 9th Criminal Court of First Instance.
Selma Irmak's lawyers demanded the acquittal of their client; however, the court has sentenced Selma Irmak to one year and three months on charges of <publicly humiliating the government> and to two years and 11 months on charges of <insulting the President>. Kurdish politician Selma Irmak has been sentenced to a total of four years and two months in prison.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 26, 2023 - by PELİN OZKAPTAN
<<Saturday Mothers resist: The aim of the state is to cover up its crimes
İstanbul- The sit-in protest held by Saturday Mothers every Saturday at Galatasaray Square to ask the whereabouts of their disappeared relatives and demand the prosecution of the perpetrators was banned on its 700th week by former Justice Minister Suleyman Soylu. Although Turkey's Constitutional Court (AYM) has ruled twice that the ban on the sit-in is a violation of freedom of assembly, police keep attacking and detaining Saturday Mothers/People whenever they try to gather at the square. In an interview with NuJINHA, Besna Tosun, one of the Saturday Mothers/People, commented on the ban, how the Galatasaray Square is important and the policies of the state from the 90s to today.
'The aim of the state is to cover up its crimes'
Besna Tosun's father Fehmi Tosun was detained in Istanbul in 1995 and subsequently disappeared in police custody. Besna Tosun has asked the whereabouts of her father since then. <We, as Saturday Mothers, have revealed the crimes committed by the state and made them visible. The aim of the state is, of course, to silence us and cover up its crimes,> she said.
'Committing crimes becomes a tradition for the state'
Noting that each ruling party targets them, she added, <The reason why they attack us is known. Because we always say that forced disappearance in custody is a crime against humanity. Therefore, this crime continues until the disappeared are found and those who caused the forced disappearance stand trial. The AKP government is also a party to this crime because it ignores this crime, covers it up, and leaves the perpetrators unpunished. Each ruling party targets us because we refuse to keep silent, we keep struggling. Committing crimes becomes a tradition for the state.>
'We knew that Turkey was not a state of law'
In her speech, Besna Tosun stated that the rights violations were committed not only against the Saturday Mothers but also against many groups in the country. <We see that Turkey is not a state of law. Turkey has ignored the decisions of the ECHR and its Constitutional Court many times.> Besna Tosun also talked about their legal struggle as follows:
<When our sit-in was banned on its 700th week, we took legal steps. After five years, the AYM ruled twice that the ban on the sit-in is a violation of freedom of assembly. After this decision, we held a press conference and called on the authorities to lift the ban. Before gathering at Galatasaray Square, we requested a meeting with the governor's office, district governor's office and the Minister of Interior; however, we received no response. Then, we decided to gather at the square on April 8. Before gathering at the square, we had known that we would face obstacles because we knew that Turkey was not a state of law. For 22 weeks, we have taken to the streets to demand the implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court; however, we have been subjected to police violence every week. Although we commit no crime, we are battered and face mistreatment by police every week.> We asked Besna Tosun what has changed since the 90s when thousands disappeared and more were killed by unknown persons. <Only methods have changed,> she told us. Commenting on the families who have been recently given their relatives’ bones in boxes, Besna Tosun said, <This is disrespectful to the dead.> <Our relatives disappeared in police custody, they punished us over our relatives. They target us because we struggle against this policy. They target us because we do not keep silent. Delivering dead bodies in boxes is a way to punish their families.>
'We face a state that does not recognize law'
<Imagine a mother, whose son left home alive in the morning. 20 years later, she is given a box and told, 'This is your son'. In the past, our relatives disappeared in police custody, today families are given their relatives’ bones in boxes. Now, they are more professional in committing crimes. People are not disappeared in custody but they are subjected to torture in custody. For instance, Gokhan Güneş, a member of the ESP (Socialist Party of the Oppressed) was kidnapped by police and no information was received from him for days. Thanks to the efforts of his friends and the Human Rights Association, he was found. He had been subjected to torture in custody for days. Now, we face a state that does not recognize law.>
'The aim is to silence society'
Besna Tosun thinks the recent policies aim to silence society. <They aim to scare and silence society by carrying out these policies. People are told, 'If you oppose, you will face these'. When one person disappears, hundreds, parents, relatives and friends, become victims.>
'Many mothers see Galatasaray as the grave of their children'
Speaking about why Galatasaray square is important for them, Besna Tosun said,<They do not want to understand how Galatasaray Square is important. But they are aware that it is actually a place of memoryA square in the heart of Istanbul has been under a 24/7 police blockade for five years. This is terrible. However, they are not aware that they make that memory visible by doing this. We are told, <Why do you hold your protest here, go and hold your protest somewhere else. Many mothers see the Galatasaray Square as the grave of their children. That's why they gather there every week. Therefore, saying 'give up on this square' means 'give up on your loved ones'. We will not give up on this square and our loved ones.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 26, 2023 - by NAGHAM KARAJEH
<<Palestinian women excluded from politics
Gaza- Women's organizations in Palestine make great efforts for women's political participation, to make women more visible and increase political parties' quotas for women. Although Palestinian women are determined to be more active in politics, they are prevented due to social pressures. Political activist Rania Al-Louh thinks Palestinian women are under-represented in politics and in decision-making positions. We demand the role of women in politics be recognized since they have struggled and made sacrifices for years. Their efforts, their capacities and performance in politics must be recognized and respected. However, we have received no response to our demands from the Palestinian leaders and parties. Palestinian women still face obstacles while climbing the ladder to get decision-making positions.> Rania Al-Louh thinks women's political activities must be supported. <In 2018, the rate of women holding decision-making positions in government structures was 30%. The political parties claim that they defend women's freedom and that they know how women's role in politics is important; however, they do not have even a woman in decision-making positions.> Talking about after the Battle of Gaza in 2007, she said, <We witnessed many reconciliation attempts led by men, but there was an active intervention of feminist political figures as mediators between the two parties. Women took serious steps in achieving social reconciliation among the concerned parties. Their active role in reconciliation talks proves how they are strong in reform and reconciliation processes. The presence of women in decision-making positions strengthens feminist issues and serves public interests.> Rania Al-Louh believes that insufficient women's political participation has a negative impact on political dialogue processes. Women are discriminated against by authorities. Women are openly excluded from reconciliation talks. Only two women, Magda al-Masry and Zahira Kamal, participated in the previous reconciliation talks.?> >>
Source inc. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 26, 2023
<<Afghan journalist Lailuma Sadid honored with Henri La Fontaine International Prize for Humanism
News Center- Afghan journalist and women's rights activist Lailuma Sadid has been honored with the prestigious Henri La Fontaine International Prize for Humanism in Belgium for her exceptional efforts in championing human rights and women's rights. The award ceremony was held at the City Hall of Brussels with the participation of numerous political figures, members of parliament, and representatives from a wide spectrum of political parties. Henri La Fontaine was the first socialist to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He held a doctorate in law, and in the Belgian parliament took a special interest in social policy and foreign affairs. The Henri La Fontaine International Prize for Humanism rewards every two year a person, institution or association for contributing significantly to the defense, transmission and actualization of the values defended by Henri La Fontaine, such as humanism, social justice, feminism and free thinking>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 25, 2023 - By ASMAA FATHI
<<Nevin Obaid: Gender equality is the solution for violations committed against women
Cairo- Egyptian women are subjected to many rights violations despite the efforts of the NGOs, individuals and governments to reduce them because women are most vulnerable to crises, clashes and wars. NuJINHA spoke to Nevin Obaid, the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the New Woman Foundation (NWF) and researcher on gender studies, about rights violations committed against Egyptian women. One of the rights violations faced by Egyptian women and girls is the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Although the FGM is banned in Egypt, it is still practiced in country, especially in rural areas. The NWF is an Egyptian feminist non-governmental organization, established in 1984. Speaking about the activities and works of the foundation, Nevin Obaid said, <We have a long history. The new generation of the foundation participates in decision-making positions and this is a positive thing. Two years ago, we began to support centers in order to provide legal support to women and girls. We have held workshops for NGOs and government agencies for the ratification of the ILO's Convention 190. We recently obtained consultative status from the United Nations, which will increase our capacity to influence the international community. We have great experience in working on shadow reports, CEDAW, and other reports. I believe that next year, we will promote human rights more and present more alternatives about public policies.> The foundation has carried out many projects, especially on combating violence against women. <We have carried out many awareness-raising activities for the ratification of the ILO's Convention 190 to eliminate violence and harassment in the world of work. We have supported centers so that we provide legal, psychological and social support to survivors of violence and harassment,> Nevin Obaid said.
'FGM is still practiced'
The foundation works in coordination with other women's organizations, NGOs and unions to combat violence against women and girls. The foundation also carries out awareness-raising activities against FGM. Egypt has toughened penalties for female genital mutilation; however, it is still widely practiced throughout Egypt, especially rural areas. In her speech, Nevin Obaid said, <Some doctors still perform FGM. Although their clinics are known to everyone, no step has been taken to stop them. Because the roots of this phenomenon stem from the inequality between men and women in society. We believe that gender equality is the solution for violations committed against women and girls> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 25, 2023
<<Thousands marching in Qamishlo demand freedom for Abdullah Ocalan
Qamishlo- On September 9, the Cizir Region People's Initiative started a tent protest in Qamishlo against the isolation imposed by the Turkish state on Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan in Imrali. The tent protest ended yesterday with a march. Thousands attending the march demanded freedom for Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. In an interview with NuJINHA, Aida Xalil, one of the people attending the march, condemned the isolation imposed on Abdullah Ocalan and said, <The Turkish state has imposed an aggravated isolation on our leader. It does not allow his lawyers and family members to visit him. We will not keep silent against the policies of the Turkish state and its attacks on our region. Abdullah Ocalan defends peace, the unity and fraternity of people. For this reason, we demand the lift of the isolation imposed on him and his freedom.>
'We will keep demanding his freedom'
Atiya Muhammad, another woman who attended the march, said, <The Turkish state aims to break our will by imposing an aggravated isolation on our leader Abdullah Ocalan. As the women of Qamishlo, we will keep demanding his freedom. Today, the 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' slogan has been echoing all around the world thanks to the ideology and the philosophy of Abdullah Ocalan.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 25, 2023 - By ROCHELLE JUNIOR
<<Women of Sweida keep demanding change of system
Sweida- On 17 August 2023, peaceful protests erupted in the Druze majority city of Sweida over the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation in Syria. In the second months of the protests, hundreds gathered at the Karama Square to demand the change of the regime and the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 to end the 12-year-old Syrian crisis. Rima Ezzi, one of the protesters, told NuJINHA that they demanded the change of the regime. She said, <People have many reasons for participating in the protests. Forcibly displacement, poverty, and dictatorial regime are some of these reasons. We want to overthrow Bashar al-Assad's regime. We demand the change of the regime. We demand the same things that all women in Syria demand. We demand a free life with dignity.> >>
Source incl. video: 

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 22, 2023 - By HANAN HARITE
<<Art is a tool to raise awareness and fight violence against women'
Morocco- The Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship (ATEC) has carried out awareness-raising activities through art about gender-based violence for four years. As part of the <Stop Digital Violence> campaign, the association shot a short film named <Al-Nashba (The Trap)> telling the story of a woman, who is threatened and blackmailed by a man on social media platforms. Bushra Abdo, the head of the ATEC, thinks that art is an important tool to raise awareness and highlight problems faced by women.
'Art guides and gives advice'
Emphasizing that visual arts such as cinema have a serious impact on society, she said:
<You can address the public more quickly through art. We should use art against discrimination, injustice, violence and racism. Films can give messages against all kinds of violence because art guides and gives advice. For instance, when we talk about movies on women's issues, we see that the audience definitely understands the messages that are aimed to be given. When we raise awareness, human values in society will be revealed. Then, violence against women and girls will be rejected in society.>
'Art is an effective window'
Bushra Abdo thinks their society needs artists who will fight against gender-based violence and raise public awareness. <There is a need for artistic works that serve the women’s struggle and raise public awareness. Awareness must be raised against all forms of gender-based violence. At schools, students must be educated against gender-based violence. We want art to be an effective window in addressing women's issues and defending women's rights.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - September 22, 2023 - By NORŞIN ABDİ
<<'The popular movement in Sweida is the continuation of the July 19 Revolution'
Kobane - On 17 August 2023, peaceful protests erupted in the Druze majority city of Sweida over the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation in Syria. The protests continue on their fifth week. Gathering at the Karama Square, the protesters demand the change of the government.
In an interview with NuJINHA, Mizgin Xelil, member of the AANES Executive Council, said that the popular movement in Sweida is the continuation of the July 19 Revolution. <The uprisings and protests that took place in the Middle East are called 'Arab Spring'. The Arab Spring that started in Egypt and Libya after Tunisia brought hope with it. However, the people’s search for democracy and freedom did not yield results in the Middle East. In 2011, a revolution started in Syria; however, foreign interventions turned this revolution into a crisis in Syria. Kurdish people were also affected by the Arab Spring, which is called, <Peoples' Spring> by Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. Thus, the July Revolution started,> she told us.
'The July 19 Revolution is one of the most important gains'
<The Kurdish people are not the only nation that demands freedom in the Middle East,> Mizgin Xelil said, <Throughout history; people from many nationalities have demanded freedom, equality and democracy against capitalist, authoritarian and fascist regimes. You can see this in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Kurdish people in Rojava have achieved many gains and the July 19 Revolution is one of the most important gains. The system in the region includes people from all regions and nationalities.>
'They caused the crisis'
Speaking about the intervention of foreign actors in Syria and their role in deepening the crisis, she said, <May foreign actors have interfered in this crisis under the pretext that they wanted to find a solution to the Syrian crisis. However, their interference has been deepening the crisis instead of resolving it because authoritarian and capitalist countries caused the crisis and they do not want to resolve this crisis. They never aim to resolve the Syrian crisis; they only act according to their own interests.>
'The AANES plays a key role in resolution of the Syrian crisis'
Mizgin Xelil thinks that the Syrian crisis cannot be solved without the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES). <Until now, many meetings have been held in Astana, Sochi and Geneva to resolve the crisis. They cannot resolve this crisis without the participation of the people of Syria, especially the AANES. Since they know that the system of the AANES is the ideal solution to the Syrian crisis, they accuse the administration of aiming to divide Syria. For this reason, they do not invite the members of the AANES to the meetings. But everyone knows that the Autonomous Administration is a part of Syrian territory and has the power to resolve the crisis. We will resolve the crisis and build a free Syria.> Speaking about the peaceful protests in Sweida, she said, <The popular movement in Sweida is the continuation of the July 19 Revolution. In mid-August, a popular movement was started in Sweida by the Druze, who have a rich culture and history. The culture of the Druze and the Kurdish people is similar and this allows them to be in solidarity with each other. Their stance against injustice and authoritarianism is an important step for all people of Syria. As the AANES, we support them and we are in solidarity with them. The banners held by the protesters and slogans chanted by them demand the unity of all people in Syria and the construction of a pluralistic Syria with a decentralized system. The struggle and revolution of women in North and East Syria encourage the women of Sweida to take to the streets and demand freedom. They unfurled banners to be in solidarity with the people of Afrin. As the people and women of Syria, we will keep struggling against capitalist, authoritarian and fascist regimes to build a system based on democracy and equality.> >>
Source incl. video:

 Liberation Front 2019/ 2023