formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 

August 20, 2023
Preface to the new format of the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2 Revolt' and the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' movement
pages lay-out

You are now at the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom'  section

For the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2' Revolt news click here





The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendagi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jhina Mahsa Amini or Zhina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in 2023: October 15 - 1 -- September 30 - 16 -- September 17 - 1 -- August 31 - 18 -- August 15 - 1-- July 31 - 16 --July 15 -1--June 30 - 15--June 15-1--May 31 -16-- May 15-1--April--March--Feb--Jan  

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's Savagery 10 years ago.

For all topics below
that may hopefully interest you click on the image:


Updated September 27, 2023


Updated September 6, 2023


Updated September 19, 2023   



Updated September 21, 2023


 Updated September 6, 2023 


Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.
Click here for a total list so far

'Facing Faces and Facts 1-2'  (2022) to commemorate the above named and more and food for thought and inspiration to fight on.
and 'Facing Faces & Facts 3' edited December 2022/March 2023

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' pages menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are and click on another underlinded period to go there. However, when needed a certain topic will be in yellow meaning it's a link to go that topic and will open in a new window. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
This does not count for the  above topics which, when clicked on, will still appear in a pop-up window and for now the 'old' lay-out 'till I worked that all out. Thank you. Gino d'Artali
(Updates September 29, 2023)



Articles about
<<Mahsa Amini's Father: <Everything They Have Said and Shown is Lies>
By Diako Alavi, a journalist from Saqqez and family friend of Mahsa Amini 
Jina Amini, the face of Irans uprising and revolution:

Part 8: 18 - 17 September, 2023
Part 9: 20 - 12 September 2023
Part 10:  22 - 21 September 2023

Part 11: 28 - 22 September 2023

and links to earlier parts
Gino d'artali's opinion: We mourn AND fight!


Please go this page which is dedicated to the coming commeration of Jina Mahsa Amini, heinously murdered by a basij for apparently wearing her hijab wrongfully. Do participate:

Please do read because I wrote some thoughts and reflection about the coming commemoration of the killing of the 22-year-old Jina Mahsa Amini

This call ends October 17, 2023!


Click here to continue


September 26 - 23, 2023
<<Tension High in Iran's Zahedan ahead of <Bloody Friday> Anniversary...
and <<Sahar Salehian is arrested, others are deprived of education...
and <<More Iranian students are arrested and deprived of education...
and <<Iranian Schools Reopen with Staff from Basij and Seminaries...
and <<41 women, 11 girls killed in Iran in first six months of 2023, report says...
and <<Six more women are among those apprehended to prevent another uprising...
and so much more news...

September 22 - 21, 2023
= update page of the right part:
<<Hoda Sadeghi arrested in Ilam...
and <<Suppressive Hijab and Chastity Bill is Approved by the Mullahs’ Parliament...
and <<International Community Should Call for an End to Gender Apartheid in Iran...
and <<Jina Mahsa Amini nominated for EU's Sakharov Prize...

September 20 - 19, 2023
<<Iranian parliament passes bill toughening penalties for women defying hijab law...
and <<Fatemeh Ziaii and Azar Karvandi in dire health conditions in Evin Prison...
and <<'The Islamic Republic of Iran aims to silence filmmakers by arresting them'...
and <<Jailed Iranian Singer Yarrahi Faces Raft of Charges...
and <<Siamak Namazi Decries Islamic Republic's <Gratuitous Cruelty>...
and <<Women's <Honor> Killings Continued Unabated in Past Year...
and more news

Cruel regime stories not for the faint of heart:
September 18, 2023
<<Women's <Honor> Killings Continued Unabated in Past Year....
September 12, 2023
<<Unemployment Protest: What Happened at Iran's Aqdara Gold Mine?....
September 8, 2023
<<Iranian Protester Killed in Prison Through <Torture,> Ex-Cellmate Says <They killed him. I swear, they killed him.....
September 1, 2023
<Evin Prison is a University and Iran is a Detention Center>....
August 30, 2023
<<Pedram Azarnoosh: A Slain and Immortal Giant of the Protests....
August 29, 2023
<<Yasaman Rezaei Babadi: Threatened with Rape if She Didn’t Confess....
August 27, 2023
<<Maryam Akbari Monfared, A Brave Woman Standing Like a Mountain against All Odds....


September 8, 2023
<<Iran's Ongoing Literacy Crisis: Women and Girls Left Behind...

September 15 - 11, 2023
<<Iranian children's rights activist Samaneh Asghari arrested again..
and <<'The Iranian women's revolution is a renaissance that will soon reap its fruits'...
and <<Six Activists Arrested in Tabriz; Reason and Whereabouts Unknown...
and <<Top Iranian Officials Targeted in French Criminal Complaint...
and <<University Purge in Iran: Crisis in Higher Education...
and more menu links to news untill September 1, 2023




2-weekly opinion by Gino d'Artali:
Dedicated to the women-led revolution
September 1, 2023
 August 4 - July 15, 2023
July 15 - 1, 2023
June 30 - 15, 2023

June 15 - 9, 2023


When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Iranwire - September 26, 2023 - by ROGHAYEH REZAEI
<<Tension High in Iran's Zahedan ahead of <Bloody Friday> Anniversary
With the first anniversary of Zahedan's Bloody Friday approaching, Iranian security and military institutions have increased pressure on the families of the massacre's victims in an attempt to discourage them from seeking justice for their loved ones. On September 30, Iranian security forces opened fire on a peaceful protest in the southeastern city, killing more than 100 demonstrators and bystanders, according to human rights activists in Sistan and Baluchistan province. The unrest, which erupted some two weeks into nationwide protests demanding fundamental changes in the country, but its trigger were accusations that a regional police chief named Ebrahim Kochakzaei had raped a 15-year-old girl, Maho Baluch, in the port city of Chabahar, also in Sistan and Baluchistan. Activists have long complained the region has been the victim of discrimination by Iran's Shia clerical leadership, with disproportionate numbers of ethnic Baluch killed in clashes every year and hanged in executions.
Persisting Threats and Harassment
A relative of one of the victims of the Bloody Friday spoke to IranWire about the relentless pressure that his family and others who lost loved ones have been enduring since the massacre. <We have not experienced a moment of solitude,> he lamented. <Every visit, every conversation with clans, with elders and even among ourselves, has been closely monitored.> According to him, security forces have approached clan elders in an effort to dissuade the families from pursuing their grievances and convince them to say their loved ones were killed by armed opposition groups or Baluch political organizations. <Several times, our family has received financial offers several times, but we immediately rejected them. They proposed declaring our loved one as a martyr and promised us a pension, but our pursuit for justice for those who lost their lives on Bloody Friday in Zahedan will not waver,> he said. He asserts that the security forces are using intimidation tactics to force them into accepting such offers. Simultaneously, they aim to silence influential figures such as Molavi Abdulhamid, the outspoken Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, the grieving families and those participating in weekly protests after Friday prayers.
Mounting Pressure as Bloody Friday Anniversary Approaches
As the anniversary of Bloody Friday draws near, families of the victims face increasing pressure, according to human rights organizations in the province. They say the government has made concerted efforts since early September to persuade the victims' relatives, influential individuals, clan leaders, and religious figures in Baluchistan to attend a speech by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. On September 11, the website of Khamenei's office announced that thousands of people from <Sistan, Baluchistan and South Khorasan> attended his address, during which the Islamic Republic's leader touched upon a range of topics, including <British colonial rule in parts of Asia,> but remained silent on the demands expressed by the people.
Shirahmad Shirani, a human rights activist, considers the orchestration of this meeting as being part of a campaign of harassment. <On September 11, a gathering was held in Tehran, with provincial and national officials, and the ground commander of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) met with many tribal leaders, in an attempt to have them bring the families of the martyrs from Zahedan and Khash to Tehran before Khamenei. However, no one accepted the offer and left. Even among the trusted individuals and clan leaders, there was no discernible support for that event,> he said. After that, Ahmedreza Radan, the commander-in-chief of the police force, visited Sistan and Baluchistan to further pressure the families of the victims, Shirani said. The offer to provide financial compensation and enroll the victims' families in the Martyr Foundation or the veterans' fund for those wounded during protests is not exclusive to Sistan and Baluchistan. However, it appears to be more frequently presented by security forces in Baluchistan due to the high levels of deprivation and poverty in this region when compared to other parts of Iran. Meanwhile, reports have emerged of mass arrests targeting Baluch youths and teenagers in Zahedan in the lead-up to the anniversary of Bloody Friday. The human rights website Rasank News reported on September 20 that dozens of Baluch were <massively and violently> arrested. Shirani told IranWire that at least 15 teenagers playing football in the Karimabad neighborhood of Zahedan were among those taken into custody.
Protest-Laden Zahedan
Despite the considerable pressure and visits by high-ranking security and military officials, the atmosphere in Baluchistan, particularly in Zahedan, the atmosphere in Zahedan remains insurrectional. <In Baluchistan, we don't hold ceremonies on the 7th or 40th days after people's death as in other places. Instead, people are preparing for anniversary protests. The protests on the last two Fridays were notably more fervent than in previous weeks,> Shirani noted. Shirani said he expected <substantial civil protests> after Friday prayers on September 29 followed by strikes the following day. <People's emphasis has been on the prosecution of both the perpetrators and their commanding officers. Even Radan himself, during his visit to Baluchistan last week, conveyed to the clan leaders that the Islamic Republic would not punish its agents. He suggested that, in the end, financial compensation could be offered to the families,> he said. <The people of Baluchistan have learned from experience that ignoring this crime will only repeat such events in the future,> Shirani emphasized.>>

NCRI - Womens committee - September 25, 2023 - in Women's News
<<Sahar Salehian is arrested, others are deprived of education
With the beginning of the new academic year in Iran, the clerical regime has continued to arrest and suspend Iranian student activists. On the first day of school, security forces arrested Sahar Salehian, a student activist in Saqqez, Iranian Kurdistan. Sahar Salehian studies nursing at the University of Medical Sciences of Kurdistan. Sahar Salehian was arrested on Saturday, September 23, 2023, at her home in Saqqez and transferred to an undisclosed location.

Iranian Students Denied Education for Seeking Freedom and Justice

Shaqayeq Akbari, a Ph.D. student of Sociology at the Teachers' Training University of Tehran, has been suspended for two semesters (12 months). Ms. Akbari was informed on September 23, the first day of the new academic year, that the Revision Committee had upheld the ruling. She had been suspended since last December, her student card was inactivated, and her access to the student education site was blocked. Therefore, she could not elect her courses.

In the meantime, Zahra Rahimi, a chemistry student at the University of Yazd, had been ordered to relocate to the University of Kerman by the Ministry of Science's Disciplinary Committee. Later, when she accessed her educational website, she saw the term <expelled> in her latest educational status. In another development, eight female students of the University of Damghan who had been suspended for a semester last February, have not been allowed to continue their education despite termination of their suspension period. Bahareh Davani, Parizad Esmaili, Mahsa Soltani, Mobina Yaqubzadeh, Melika Ahmadian, Setareh Sabokru, Reyhaneh Nikouii, and...>>
There's a blank here so maybe more here:

Iranwire - September 26, 2023
<<Iranian Lawyer Keikhosravi Jailed over Anti-Islamic Republic Statement
Prominent Iranian lawyer Arash Keikhosravi was incarcerated on September 25 to serve a one-year prison term, according to his sister. Azita Keikhosravi said on social media that her brother was arrested at the prosecutor's office and subsequently taken to Tehran's Evin prison. Keikhosravi has been sentenced to prison for endorsing a statement titled <The majority of Iranians no longer want the Islamic Republic,> she wrote on X.
This statement, endorsed by 40 lawyers, was published last November during the nationwide protests sparked by the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini. The signatory asserted that Iranian citizens <have become acutely aware of the true nature of the ruling clerics and are no longer deceived by their false promises and deceitful rhetoric.>
Keikhosravi had previously been imprisoned for his political and human rights activities.
He was among a group of lawyers who had plans to file a complaint against the leadership of the Islamic Republic in 2021 for obstructing the import of the COVID-19 vaccine into Iran. These lawyers were detained before they could formally submit their complaint. In this case, Keikhosravi received a two-year prison sentence, a one-year suspension from practicing law and a one-year prohibition from engaging in media activities for <establishing and managing hostile groups,> <propaganda activities against the system> and <disrupting public order.> >>

Iranwire - September 26, 2023
<<French Teacher Marks Second Birthday in Iranian Jail
For the second year in a row, a French teacher incarcerated in Iran for more than 500 days has celebrated her birthday in Tehran's Evin prison.
Considered a state hostage by the French government, Cecile Kohler marked her 39th birthday on September 25. Noemie Kohler, president of the support committee Liberte pour Cecile, posted a photo of her and her sister on social networks, saying that the family has not heard from her for more than a month. <We don't know when she will be able to call us. One year and a half of her life has already been stolen from her. We must do everything to get her out of this hell,> she wrote. A teacher of modern literature, Kohler was arrested on May 7, 2021 while she was on a tourist trip to Iran with her companion Jacques Paris. According to the Iranian authorities, the pair could soon appear in court for espionage, a charge rejected by the family and the French government. Western governments have repeatedly accused the Islamic Republic of taking dual and foreign nationals hostage for the sole purpose of using them in prisoner swaps or as a bargaining chip in international negotiations. Many European countries have urged their nationals not to travel to Iran, warning that they face the risk of arbitrary arrest or unfair trial.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - September 26, 2023
<<Another University Professor Suspended in Iran
Mohsen Borhani, a law professor at Tehran University who has openly supported protests, says he has been <suspended> from his position. Borhani said on September 25 that he is no longer allowed to teach as the new academic year began on September 23. He also said that he is facing legal action from multiple security agencies over his comments on the government's handling of nationwide protests and the execution of demonstrators.
The authorities are increasing their crackdown on dissent following last year's anti-establishment protests, a movement that posed the biggest threat to the country's leaders since the revolution in 1979. Security forces killed more than 500 people in their clampdown on protests and more than 18,000 were unlawfully detained, including many students. In recent months, many professors who have been critical of the government or have supported protesting students have been dismissed or suspended from their positions.
Borhani had been teaching at the university for 19 years.
In August, he disclosed that he was facing legal action from the Judicial Intelligence Protection Center, the IRGC Intelligence Organization, the Police Intelligence Protection Center and a Guardian Council member. He said that the <prosecution phase> had concluded and the case was now awaiting trial.>>

NCRI - Womens committee - September 25, 2023 - in Women's News
<<More Iranian students are arrested and deprived of education
With the beginning of the new academic year in Iran, the clerical regime has continued to arrest and suspend Iranian student activists. On the first day of school, security forces arrested Sahar Salehian, a student activist in Saqqez, Iranian Kurdistan. Sahar Salehian studies nursing at the University of Medical Sciences of Kurdistan. Sahar Salehian was arrested on Saturday, September 23, 2023, at her home in Saqqez and transferred to an undisclosed location. Shaqayeq Akbari, a Ph.D. student of Sociology at the Teachers' Training University of Tehran, has been suspended for two semesters (12 months). Ms. Akbari was informed of the ruling on September 23, the first day of school. In the meantime, Zahra Rahimi, a chemistry student at the University of Yazd, was ordered to relocate to the University of Kerman and later expelled from the university by the Ministry of Science’s Disciplinary Committee. In another development, eight female students of the University of Damghan who had been suspended for a semester last February, have not been allowed to continue their education despite termination of their suspension period. Bahareh Davani, Parizad Esmaili, Mahsa Soltani, Mobina Yaqubzadeh, Melika Ahmadian, Setareh Sabokru, Reyhaneh Nikouii, and Reyhaneh Khosravi are the students who have been deprived of education by the disciplinary committee of their university.>>

Iranwire - September 25, 2023
<<Foreign Tourists in Iran to Receive Special SIM Cards to Access Unblocked Internet
Iranian authorities have approved a plan to provide special SIM cards to foreign tourists that will enable them to access the internet without restrictions - something Iranian citizens cannot do. Ali Asghar Shalbafian, a top official at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, said that a list of <approved> travel agencies will be provided with the SIM cards. In addition to foreign tourists, hotel staff and tour guides will also receive such SIM cards. The internet in the country is heavily restricted, with thousands of websites and all major global messaging and social media platforms being blocked. The restrictions were ramped up after anti-government protests erupted across the country in September last year.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: A tourist with a heart for the Jina Revolution will seek ways to share and with it be a co-revolutionist!

Iranwire - September 25, 2023 - by SAMANEH GHADARKHAN
<<Iranian Schools Reopen with Staff from Basij and Seminaries
A somber atmosphere looms over Iranian schools at the start of the academic year, following tragedies that have impacted thousands of pupils last year.The memory of nearly 70 children who lost their lives during nationwide protests and poisonings at hundreds of schools cast a dark shadow across the country. Many students faced harrowing ordeals, including abduction, torture and prolonged detention. For the new academic year, startling changes have swept through several girls' schools, where principals, assistants and even school guards have been replaced by members of religious seminaries and the paramilitary Basij force. Tehran has been particularly affected by these changes.
Between November 30, 2022, and March this year, hundreds of girls' schools across Iran were targeted by poisoning attacks in what Amnesty International described as <a campaign that appears to be highly coordinated and organized.> As many as 13,000 pupils reportedly suffered symptoms including nausea, fainting, headaches, coughing, breathing difficulties and heart palpitations, with many requiring treatment in hospital. One female student from Qom was confirmed to have died as a result of these poisonings. The attacks appear to have targeted girls for their involvement in nationwide protests sparked by the September death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody.
The source of the attacks remained undisclosed.
The chemical attacks and the suppression of students have raised pressing questions regarding who is responsible for safeguarding the lives and well-being of children and teenagers. <There were no poisonings or chemical attacks. It was only stress experienced by the students,> the public relations department of the Ministry of Education told IranWire in response to a question about the safety of school children in the new school year.
When asked to talk about this issue, the General Department of Education in Tehran suggested IranWire to contact the Ministry of Education.
Inquiries sent to some of the schools targeted by chemical attacks led to similar answers.
Zohreh, the mother of a student in District 4 of Tehran, expressed her concerns.
<This year, prior to the start of the school year, the school administrators addressed families about the previous year's events. They did not, however, discuss any security measures for the schools,> she said. <Instead, their primary concern was related to the students' finances; they requested financial assistance from parents,> she added.
Tara, the mother of a 5th-grade school student in District 6, recounted that on the first day of school, the majority of students from 4th to 6th grades arrived without headscarves. A police officer in uniform was stationed at the main entrance of the school from 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., but <he did not engage with anyone and did not address concerns regarding hijab,> the mother said. She also noticed that a new principal, deputy and janitorial staff affiliated with seminaries or the Basij had been appointed.
Another mother, Maryam, spoke of her daughter's experience.
<Last year, my daughter's teacher, a staunch Basiji, frightened many students, constantly threatening them that they would go to hell for dishonesty or wrongdoing,> Maryam said. <The concept of hell deeply disturbed my nine-year-old daughter, and the fear of her own death, as well as that of her family, lingered due to these threats,> she explained. During lessons, her daughter had to listen to teachers talking about <angels of death> lurking around, ready to claim sinners and their parents. <I had to arrange 20 sessions of psychotherapy with a psychologist to help her regain her emotional balance. Eventually, I transferred her to a different school to escape the extremism of her previous teachers,> Maryam said.>>

Iranwire - September 25, 2023
<<Iranian Political Prisoner Shahroudi Denied Urgent Medical Attention
Iranian political prisoner Abbas Vahidian Shahroudi says he needs urgent medical treatment for an acute skin problem affecting his feet. In an audio message sent from Mashhad's Vakil Abad prison on September 23, Shahroudi said that the skin on the soles of his feet is torn and that all his toes are bleeding. Every step he takes leads to excruciating pain, he said, adding that he is unaware of the nature of his skin problem and its underlying causes because he has not been provided medical assistance. Earlier, various human rights sources had raised alarm over his deteriorating physical condition. Skin disorders are a recurring issue among inmates in Iran, primarily caused by appalling health conditions and lack of timely medical treatments in prisons. Shahroudi is a civil activist and writer. He is one of the signatories of an open letter released in June 2029 demanding the resignation of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and fundamental changes to the constitution. After the publication of the letter, Shahroudi was sentenced to 21 years' imprisonment on charges of <actions against national security> and <collaboration with groups opposed to the system.> He had previously been arrested and convicted in 2018 due to his civil and political activities.>>

JINHA - Womens News Agency - September 25, 2023
<<41 women, 11 girls killed in Iran in first six months of 2023, report says
News Center- At least 41 women and 11 girls were killed in Iran and Rojhelat in the first six months of 2023, according to the report released by the Statistics and Documents Center of the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights. The report said the most cases of femicide occurred in Tehran and then Urmia. <Out of the 52 cases, 20 cases (38.4%) were classified as honor killings. 11 cases (21%) of the femicide victims were girls under the age of 18, with the youngest being 10 years old. The main perpetrators of the femicide were the husbands of the victims, who were responsible for 28 cases (54%). Other perpetrators included partners or fiances (4 cases), ex-husbands (3 cases), fathers (8 cases), and brothers (6 cases). In some cases, the femicide was committed by a male relative of the victim, such as an uncle or cousin,> the report said. <The Islamic Republic of Iran has violated the human rights of women by interfering in their private sphere and fundamental freedoms, such as veiling. It has neglected its positive duty to protect women and children from domestic violence, which is often justified by notions of <honor> and <sharaf>. As a result, women are subjected to the authority of their father, husband, or brother, without adequate legal support. This kind of unregulated power, disguised as the family's private domain, facilitates crimes against women,> said Faraz Firouzi Mandomi, a human rights lawyer and chief legal officer of Hengaw.>>

Iranwire - September 25, 2023
<<Iranian University Students Arrested, Expelled at Academic Year Start
At last seven Iranian university students were arrested during the first two days of the new academic year, while others were suspended or expelled, student activist sources say. Iran's Student Union said that the security forces apprehended Sahar Salehian, a nursing student at Sanandaj University of Medical Sciences, in the city of Saqqez on September 23. On the same day, the student union councils reported the arrest of Ali Gholami, a student activist and former political secretary of the Student Union at the University of Science and Technology. Other students were detained as universities resumed classes: Ali Razavi of Khawaja Nasiruddin Tousi University, Farhad Hosseini, a student in management at Zanjan's Azad University, Mohammad Mehdi Vosoghian of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, and Armita Pavir of Azerbaijan Civil University. Meanwhile, students who have been involved in or supportive of the <Woman, Life, Freedom> movement were summoned to university disciplinary committees and expelled or suspended. Many of those targeted were women punished for <non-compliance with dress code regulations.> Sara Madadi, a cinema student at Soura University, Mustafa Mousavi, a tourism management student at Yazd University, and Khashayar Sefidi, a music student at the University of Arts, are among those who were suspended. Shaghayegh Akbari, a PhD student in political sociology and secretary of the Student Scientific Association at Tarbiat Madras University, was excluded for 12 months.>>

Mahsa Saeedi - Feresteh Mahdavi
NCRI - Womens committee - September 23, 2023 - in Women's News
<<Six more women are among those apprehended to prevent another uprising
Mahsa Saeedi continues to remain in detention, 11 days after her arrest. Mahsa Saeedi was born in Kerman but studied at the University of Yazd (central Iran) and has a Ph.D. in economics. Agents of IRGC Intelligence in Yazd arrested Mahsa Saeedi on September 11 and transferred her to an undisclosed location. No news is available on her fate, and her family is really concerned. The clerical regime has been making widespread arrests over the past few months, stepping up the detentions around the anniversary of the 2022 Iran Uprising on September 16. The regime's security and intelligence services arrest students, teachers, professors, rights activists, former political prisoners, and relatives of martyrs of the uprising.
According to reports on September 23, the authorities of the Prison of Gorgan (northern Iran) called Ms. Fereshteh Mahdavi to take clothes for her imprisoned son, Mohammad Reza Showqi, 23 years old. When Ms. Mahdavi went to deliver some clothes for her son, the State Security forces arrested her and put her in jail.

PIC Armita Pavir and Atefeh Rangriz (right)
Armita Pavir, a student activist, was arrested by security forces on September 21 and transferred to the women's ward of the Central Prison of Tabriz. No information is available on her charges. Armita Pavir is a student of cell and molecular biology at the Madani University of Azerbaijan. She had been arrested on October 31, 2022, during the 2022 Iran protests but later released on bail on December 8, 2022.

Another woman has been arrested and imprisoned for protesting the compulsory veil. Security forces arrested Zeinab Kazemi, 38, and a construction engineer, on Monday, September 18, 2023. She was expelled from the board of directors of the Engineering Organization for removing her veil.

In the meantime, labor-activist Reyhaneh Ansari Nejad was summoned on September 20, 2023, by the Office of the Implementation of Verdicts to report to serve her four-year prison time. Ms. Ansari Nejad was arrested on April 28, on the eve of the International Labor Day. She had been temporarily released on bail on August 6, 2023. Another labor activist, Atefeh Rangriz, was transferred to the Prison of Shahrud, on September 21, 2023. Intelligence agents arrested her on September 10 and interrogated her at the detention Center of the Intelligence Department of Semnan. She was transferred to Shahrud Prison after the completion of her interrogations.>>

 Liberation Front 2019/ 2023