formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution and especially for the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' (translated the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi)  uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in the Middle East.
This online magazine started December 2019 as a monthly and will now be published evey two weeks and concerning the 'Women, Life, Freedom' revolution in Iran every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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   15 - 4 Sept. --  August 31 - July 5, 2023


(Updates September 1, 2023)

August 20, 2023
Preface to the new format of the 'Woman, Life, Freedom'
pages lay-out

Click above to go to the next period

August 31 - July 5, 2023
<women are strong leaders.>
<<'We will actualize the philosophy of leader Apo'....
<<'The unity of women's organizations is important to ensure freedom'....
and more news



When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 31, 2023 - by RUBARIN BEKIR
<<'We support the peaceful protests in Sweida'
Shengal (Sinjar)- Syria suffers from a political crisis and worsening living conditions. On August 16, hundreds took to the streets of Druze city of Sweida over worsening living conditions caused by steep gasoline prices. As the protests entered their second week, the protesters demanded the change of the Syrian government, saying that the government can no longer rule the country. People from surrounding cities keep expressing their support for the protests.
'A peaceful political solution is needed'
Emine Molla Hasan, Co-chair of Afrin-Shahba Women's Committee, also expresses her support to the protests in Sweida. <The Syrian people will not give up their demands until they achieve their freedom. A peaceful political solution is needed. A constitutional system that guarantees the rights of people from all nations and beliefs is needed,> she told NuJINHA. Pointing out that women lead all peaceful processes in Sweida, she said, <They have proved that they can lead their society and they will never accept to be ignored anymore. We call on them to keep holding their peaceful protests. During the protests, women condemned the killing of Hevrin Khalaf, the Secretary General of the Future Syria Party, and the occupation of Afrin. The Syrian people will be determinative in the solution of the Syrian crisis.>
'We support the peaceful protests'
Emine Molla Hasan said that all women's organizations and women support the peaceful protests in Sweida. <We stand by the people of Sweida. We support and will support them until we all achieve our freedom.>
'People suffer because of the Syrian crisis'
Yasmin Şeyho, member of Afrin-Shahba Economy Committee, also expresses her support to the protesters. In the interview with our news agency, she said, <People suffer because of the ongoing Syrian crisis. The living conditions in the country have been worsening. The demands of the protesters should be met.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 30, 2023 - by NAGHAM KARAJEH
<<Shadow Councils strengthen women's political and social role in Palestine
Gaza- Women's organizations in Palestine established Shadow Councils in 2004 to support women to have more active roles in politics and society. Since it was established, the Shadow Councils have carried out activities to strengthen women's political and social role by increasing women's awareness of their rights and roles based on equality. In an interview with NuJINHA, Rima Nazzal, member of the Shadow Councils, talked about the aims of the councils.
Education programs for women candidates
The Shadow Councils have education programs for women candidates. <We have carried out activities to boost women to run for local and general elections. Our education programs inform women candidates of their rights to support them. Our aim is to strengthen women’s participation in politics by increasing women's awareness of their rights. We have also carried out awareness-raising activities against gender discrimination,> said Rima Nazzal. As of 2021, 89 Shadow Councils were established in the West Bank and four in the Gaza Strip with the aim of encouraging women to contribute to the development of their communities, and monitoring local and general elections from a gender perspective. <Our aim is to break stereotypes about the roles of Palestinian women. The councils have played an important role in encouraging women to run for office and vote in elections. The shadow councils are a platform for raising women's issues and aim to empower women in politics, economy and society. Palestine has ratified many international conventions; however, women cannot hold decision-making positions.> Rima Nazzal thinks women should be supported more in politics and run for local and general elections because <women are strong leaders.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 30, 2023
<<IFJ urges Turkey to launch investigation into Turkish attack on JIN TV
News Center- The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) released a statement on the Turkish drone attack that targeted a vehicle belonging to the women's channel JIN TV on the road between Qamishlo and Amude in North and East Syria on August 23. The drone attack killed the driver and press worker Necmedin Feysel Hec Sînan and injured JIN TV correspondent Delila Agid. In the statement, the IFJ urged the Turkish authorities to launch an immediate investigation and to hold the perpetrators accountable. <The Federation restates the demand that journalists and media workers must not be targeted and they should be allowed to perform their work without interference,> the statement said. In the statement, the federation said, <On August 23, a suspected drone attack near Qamishli city killed driver Faisal Haj Sinan, an employee of Jin TV. Reporter Dalila Agid, who was working for the same outlet, was severely injured in the same attack. This is the second time Turkiye has been accused of attacking journalists in the region. Last December another journalist was killed in a similar attack with airstrikes in the countryside of Al-Hasakah Governorate, in northeastern Syria.> >>

Ekurd Daily - August 29, 2023 - by Editorial staff
<<German ISIS woman gets 4 more years for killing Yazidi girl child
BERLIN,- A Munich court on Tuesday sentenced a German woman who was a member of the Islamic State group to 14 years in prison for allowing a 5-year-old Yazidi girl she and her husband kept as a slave in Iraq to die of thirst in the sun. The decision replaced an earlier prison sentence of 10 years. A German appeals court had ordered a new sentencing hearing for the woman, who has been identified as Jennifer Wenisch in line with German privacy rules, after the country's Federal Court of Justice threw out an appeal by the defendant but partly approved an appeal by prosecutors. It overturned the sentence, though not the rest of the verdict, and sent the case back to the Munich state court for a new decision. The Munich state court convicted the 32-year-old of, among other things, enslavement resulting in death, and accused her of acting out of contempt for human life, German news agency dpa reported. The woman from Lohne in Lower Saxony had previously confessed to watching the girl die in the summer of 2015. The girl and her mother were enslaved by the woman and her then-husband in their home in Iraq, and the man had chained the child in the blazing midday sun to punish her. Among other things, the court pointed to the behavior of the woman after the death of the child. She had held a gun to the mother's head to force her to stop crying, dpa reported. The court also considered the serious psychological consequences for the mother, which she suffers to this day. Wenisch was taken into custody while trying to renew her identity papers at the German Embassy in Ankara in 2016, and deported to Germany. Her former husband, an Iraqi citizen who was identified only as Taha Al-J., was convicted by a Frankfurt court in November 2021 of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and bodily harm resulting in death. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.>>
Read more here:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 28, 2023
<<'We will actualize the philosophy of leader Apo'
Beirut- JIN Women Association, the Newroz Cultural Association and the Noun Initiative for Abdullah Ocalan's Freedom held an international women's conference on the experiences of women's movements with the motto <In the footsteps of Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> in Beirut from August 18 to August 19. The women participating in the conference supported the campaign launched by the Kurdistan Women's Communities (Komalen Jinen Kurdistan-KJK) from August 3 to August 15 to be in solidarity with the women of Afghanistan and Shengal (Sinjar).
In an interview with NuJINHA, Bushra Ali, head of the JIN Women Association talked about the aims of the conference.
Noting that the conference was held to support the campaign of the KJK, Bushra Ali said, <In July, the KJK announced the campaign to support the women of Afghanistan and Shengal. August 3 marks the anniversary of the genocide against the Yazidi community while August 15 is the anniversary of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. As JIN Women Association and Newroz Cultural Association, we decided to support the campaign. We held the conference to support the women of Afghanistan and Shengal.>
'The conference became the voice of women's resistance'
Pointing out that the conference became the voice of the women of Afghanistan and Shengal, Bushra Ali said, <We all know that when Kurdish women were subjected to genocidal attacks in Rojava, Yazidi women were being subjected to genocidal attacks in Shengal. Afghan women have been now subjected to genocidal attacks. Afghan women did not remain silent against these genocidal attacks on Kurdish women and stood by them. We held the conference to show that we stand by the women of Afghanistan and Shengal.>
'We can actualize our dream of freedom'
At the conference, women from Arab, Iranian, Afghan, Kurdish and African women discussed the problems faced by them. <At the conference, we talked about the philosophy of leader Abdullah Ocalan and the experiences of Kurdish women were emphasized. We indicated that the philosophy of leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan) can be implemented by all women, especially by Afghan women. As women, we can actualize our dream of freedom by uniting. The aim of the conference was to build the unity of women.>
'Women gave a clear answer'
Noting that the JIN Women Association is a partner of the Noun Initiative for Abdullah Ocalan's Freedom, which was formed in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Bushra Ali said, <The initiative has been supported by more than 200 organizations and individuals from 22 countries. After the KJK launched its campaign, we, as the Noun initiative, announced that we stood by the women of Afghanistan and Shengal. We held the conference to support the women of Afghanistan and Shengal. At the conference, women gave a clear answer; freedom.> At the end of her speech, Bushra Ali said, <As women in Rojava, Bakur, Bashur, Shengal, Afghanistan and Rojhelat, we will support and actualize the philosophy of leader Apo.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 24, 2023 - by ZOUHOUR MECHERGUI
<<'The unity of women's organizations is important to ensure freedom'
Beirut- JIN Women Association, the Newroz Cultural Association and the Noun Initiative for Abdullah Ocalan's Freedom held an international women's conference on the experiences of women’s movements with the motto <In the footsteps of Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> in Beirut from August 18 to August 19. NuJINHA spoke to two conference participants, Mayada Arabo, the representative of the Democratic Union Party in Lebanon, and Angela Al-Maamari, member of the Nada Coalition.
'The conference shed light on the experiences of the various feminist movements'
Mayada Arabo told us that the conference shed light on the experiences of the various feminist movements demanding freedom and equality that Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan has long called for. <At the conference, participants discussed the problems and injustice that women suffer from in the Middle East and North Africa and solutions for them by calling for formation of a regional alliance of women’s organizations. All women demanded the physical freedom of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. The recent detention operations by the Turkish authorities are a violation of international law and inhuman practices,> she said. Yemeni activist Angela Al-Maamari thinks the conference was important for women in the Middle East and North Africa to share their experiences. <Learning more about the unique experience of the Rojava feminist revolution and the experience of women from North and East Syria was a motivation for the beginning of the feminist revolution. The conference paved the way for us to develop a partnership with the Kurds and various nationalities and identities.> >>
Read more here:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 17, 2023
<<Zenubiya Women's Community launches new awareness-raising campaign
News Center- The Zenubiya Women's Community has launched a new awareness-raising campaign to end child, early and forced marriage and femicide in the city of Manbij, North and East Syria. Women distributed brochures in the city center to raise awareness as part of the two-month campaign. Sara Hibaq, members of the community, said, <The campaign aims to raise awareness in society to end child, early and forced marriage and femicide. We will also launch the campaign in the rural areas of the city.> As part of the campaign, the community will organize many activities in the city and its villages.>>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - August 15, 2023
<<Afghan women: The Taliban have brought only poverty, rights violations and cruelty in two years
Kabul- A group of women held a protest in Afghanistan's capital Kabul to mark the second anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.
Holding placards reading, <Freedom, Democracy, Social Justice>, <Jihadi and Taliban are two sides of the same coin> and <US/NATO are the guardians of traitor Taliban>, the women protested the 'disgraceful' agreement signed by the Taliban and the USA. After the protest, the women read a statement saying, <Two terrible years have passed since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. During these two years, the Taliban have brought only poverty, rights violations and cruelty to the country. Two years have passed with the tears of schoolgirls. In the atmosphere of repression, we, as a group of progressive women, have gathered in Kabul to fight against fundamentalist fascism of the Taliban and call on women all around the world to stand together against tyranny, exploitation and rights violations.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - July 5, 2023 - by RONIDA HACI
<<'Women can build a free life when they unite'
Hasakah- In an interview with NuJINHA, Yisra Ilyas, member of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), talked about the women's revolution in North and East Syria, the repressions of the Baathist regime before the revolution and women's struggle against patriarchal politics imposed on women by the regime. Yisra Ilyas worked and struggled to change the patriarchal mindset in the 90s under the repressions of the Baathist regime to achieve gender-based equality. <Every woman finds herself in the slogan 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi'.>
'Our aim was to create social consciousness'
73-year-old Yisra Ilyas, mother of three, told us that women led the revolution in Rojava. She is from Tall Tamr and now she lives in Hasakah with her family. Yisra Îlyas studied law at university. <I studied law only for two years. My family was a religious family. I began to be involved in the Kurdish Freedom Movement when I was 15. In the 90s, we came together with young people and we discussed how we could create social consciousness. We attended Kurdish courses to preserve our mother language. Our aim was to create social consciousness.>
'I always worked hard to improve myself'
Speaking about the policies of the Syrian regime on young people before the revolution in Rojava, Yisra Ilyas told us how they had struggled against the repressions and what they had faced in prisons of the Syrian regime.
<.... I spent a month in prison. A psychological warfare was waged against me in prison; they tortured people in front of me to scare me. Despite everything, I always worked hard to improve myself in prison. I was released from the prison after a month because they found nothing to accuse me.>
After being released from prison, Yisra Ilyas faced social pressure because the arrest of women was thought of as a shame in society. <But my husband supported me because he knew that I adapted the philosophy of life of leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan). At that time, I decided to fight such a mentality. We carried out our activities in secret. It was difficult, but those days were meaningful and valuable. I will never forget those days.>
'We reach every woman'
After the Democratic Union Party (PYD) was founded in 2003, Yisra Ilyas became a member of the party. <We carried out our activities in a secret way in order to understand our society and protect ourselves from the system. In 2011, a civil war broke out in Syria. The Syrian government withdrew its forces from many regions, leaving people unprotected. Women formed their defense forces to protect themselves and their people. The revolution was a great chance to liberate society from a life of slavery. Today, we reach every woman in society.>
Speaking about the beginning of the revolution in Rojava, she said:
<I took part in the foundation of the Yekitiya Star (A confederation of women's organizations in Rojava. Today, it is known as Kongra Star). Then, I served as the co-chair of the Hasakah City Council. Now, I am a member of the PYD. There is a big difference between our activities before and after the revolution. I feel happy whenever I see how our activities before the revolution were successful. When the YPJ, women's defense units, was founded, we felt excited. We saw how the YPJ fighters liberated people from ISIS and how they protected the people of Shengal (Sinjar). After the revolution, women founded all-women's news agency, TV channels, radio stations and women's organizations. Women have achieved great gains thanks to the revolution.>
'This slogan aims to build a society based on gender equality'
Speaking about the slogan <Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (English: Women, Life, Freedom)>, Yisra Ilyas said, <Today, everyone wants to learn more about the women's revolution in North and East Syria. The slogan 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' is not just a word, every woman finds herself in this slogan and women have been building a society based on gender equality with this slogan. Leader Apo says a healthy society can be built by women. Today, everyone believes that women can build a free life.”
'Governments are afraid of the power of women'
For years, the Turkish state has targeted pioneering women in North and East Syria. Yisra Îlyas thinks that pioneering women are targeted because they have waged a struggle against the patriarchal mentality in order to change society. <The women, who wage this struggle, are attacked by the enemy. Governments do not want women to be free because they are afraid of the power of women. Today, women are targeted all over the world, especially in North and East Syria. Despite everything, women keep chanting the slogan 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' to demand freedom. The Turkish state targets women leading the revolution. The aim of the Turkish state is to prevent leader Ocalan’s 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' philosophy from spreading all around the world. But, we are sure that the women's revolution will be a successful revolution because women can build a free life when they unite.> >>
Read more here:
Note by Gino d'Artali: As my dearest mother teached me she always said: <My son, there is no old news, there's always news you can learn something from>.

 Liberation Front 2019/ 2023