formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front


Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in Afghanistan.
This online magazine started December 2019 and will be published evey month and concerning the 'Women, Life, Freedom' revolution in Iran every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and womens rights activist








                                                                                                            CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020

The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendagi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jhina Mahsa Amini or Zhina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in 2023:  July 15 -1--June 30 - 15--June 15-1--May 31 -16-- May 15-1--April--

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's Savagery 10 years ago.

For all topics below
that may hopefully interest you click on the image:










updated June 23, 2023

Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.

Click here for a total list so far

'Facing Faces and Facts 1-2'  (2022) to commemorate the above named and more and food for thought and inspiration to fight on.
and 'Facing Faces & Facts 3' edited December 2022/March 2023

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' page-(s)/menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are or you can click on another period which will open in a new window. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
This does not count for the  above topics which, when clicked on, will still appear in a pop-up window and for now the 'old' lay-out 'till I worked that all out. Thank you. Gino d'Artali
(Updates June 29, 2023)

2-weekly opinion by Gino d'Artali:
Dedicated to the women-led revolution and Kian Pirfalak 
June 30 - 15, 2023

June 15 - 9, 2023


June 29 - 27, 2023
<< students from Allameh University released a statement vowing their determination to continue their fight for civil rights. <Though our heads may be broken, the ideals of freedom in our minds and the unwavering belief in victory rooted in our hearts cannot be separated,> ....
<<Iran Regime Intensifies Arrests and Detentions to Quell Potential Uprisings....
<<Khamenei's <Great Amnesty> Joke: <Pardoned> Journalists Are Prosecuted Again....>>....
<<Leyla Qasim: Woman who judged her executioners....
and more news


June 26 - 23, 2023
<<Setayesh Amiri detained in the terrifying Adelabad Prison after nearly 4 months....
<<Judiciary Officials among Iranians Hit by New EU Sanctions....
<<Fetid Waters: Hospitals in Shahrekord Filled with Sickened Children....
and more sickening news

June 23 - 20, 2023
<Mahsa Jina Amini> Street Plaques Unveiled in Ottawa...
<<UN Rights Chief Concerned by <Massive> Rise in Executions....
<<Report: France Bans Iranian Opposition Rally, Citing Attack Threat....
and also
<<UN Official Says Iran's Human Right Situation <Deteriorating>....
and more news

This is a link that will bring you to the news of that period and will open in a new window:
June 20 - 1, 2023
<<Silent Deaths and the Heavy Silence of Iran's Medical Community...
This very disturbing article needs to be read ....
and more news.




When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

NCRI - June 26, 2023 - in Women's news
<<Setayesh Amiri detained in the terrifying Adelabad Prison after nearly 4 months
Setayesh Amiri, 17, a high school student from Larestan and a protester against the poisoning of students, remains detained without standing trial in the notorious Adelabad Prison of Shiraz, despite the passage of nearly 4 months since being arrested. Security services arrested Setayesh Amiri and her father in early March concerning the chemical attacks on the schools in Larestan Country, Fars Province, in southern Iran.
Erfaneh Honar, 19, and Setayesh Darougheh, 16, were also arrested with her but were later released.
Setayesh Amiri and her father, Ebrahim Amiri, were tortured to accept false allegations of having ties with <foreign media> and being involved in the <poisoning of students.> The false confessions extracted under torture from Setayesh Amiri and her father, Ebrahim Amiri, Setayesh Darugheh, Erfaneh Honar, and another man, Alireza Bagheri, were broadcast from the state TV. The confessions were seasoned with edited videos and unclear information.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - June 26, 2023
<<Judiciary Officials among Iranians Hit by New EU Sanctions
The European Union says it has imposed a ninth package of restrictive measures on an additional seven individuals accused of participation in <serious> human rights violations in Iran. <The new listings include the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Isfahan province and the Deputy Judge of the Provincial Criminal Court of Isfahan province, who are responsible for the trials against the protestors Saleh Mirhashmi, Majid Kazemi and Saeid Yaqoubi, subsequently executed in May 2023,> the European Council said in a statement on June 26. The commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Isfahan province is also targeted for overseeing <the actions of the IRGC and other security forces in response to anti-government protests.> The council is listing the governor and head of Rezvanshahr Security Council in Gilan province, who is accused of ordering officers to open fire on protesters, <causing numerous deaths and injuries,> and the provincial police commander, who executed the orders, the statement added. Sanctions were imposed on the governor of the city of Amol, responsible for the killing of at least two young Iranian protesters, and the commander of the Imam Hossein Guards Corps of Karaj over the <detention and killing of Mohammad Reza Ghorbani and the detention and rape of Amrita Abbassi> by the security forces.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - June 26, 2023
<<Students Face Physical Inspections, Threats during Exam Sessions
Security forces have disrupted the end-of-semester exam sessions in Tehran's Allameh Tabatabai University, subjecting the students to invasive physical searches and threatening women who did not strictly abide by compulsory headscarf rules. Iran's Student Union Council said on its Telegram channel that the university's security officers <repeatedly disrupted the order> by taking pictures of students and ordering strict adherence to hijab regulations. The examinees were threatened that their answer sheets would be withheld if they failed to comply, it added. According to testimonies from students, many women were unable to attend the exam sessions on time because they were subjected to intrusive searches under the pretext of physical inspection. The Student Union Council wrote that the security forces searched both male and female students using metal detectors. The students were prevented from entering the exam rooms with metallic objects, including belts. In recent months, the pressure on students has intensified through increased disciplinary measures, punishments imposed by the judicial system and heightened security measures in exam halls and dormitories. This can be attributed, in part, to the students' involvement in last year's nationwide protests. Many of those who participated in rallies have been summoned and subsequently faced severe penalties, including suspension or expulsion from university.>>

Iranwire - June 26, 2023
<<Alcohol Poisoning Claims more Lives in Iran
Seven people died in the northern province of Tehran after drinking bootleg alcohol, officials say, amid a recent surge in cases of fatal alcohol poisoning in the country. Omid Ahmadi, district governor of Robat Karim, said on June 25 that the consumption of <counterfeit alcohol> had sickened at least 22 individuals in Robat Karim and Parand during the previous four days. Some of the fatalities could have been prevented if the victims had been taken to hospital on time, Ahmadi said. Dozens of people suffering from alcohol poisoning symptoms were taken to hospital in multiple cities in Alborz, West Azerbaijan, Hormozgan and Tehran provinces in recent days. According to the head of the emergency center in Alborz, as many as 191 individuals were poisoned by the evening of June 25, with 17 fatalities. Four individuals are receiving treatment in an intensive care unit. Earlier, the Etemaad newspaper reported that at least four young people in Alborz province suffered blindness due to alcohol poisoning. In West Azerbaijan province, health authorities confirmed that seven individuals suffered from alcohol poisoning symptoms, resulting in one fatality in the city of Sardasht. And officials from the University of Medical Sciences in Hormozgan province reported 33 poisoning cases caused by the consumption of <poisonous alcoholic beverages> containing methanol. Experts say there are likely to be more fatal alcohol poisoning cases during the summer, when people usually travel and hold celebrations. Abbas Masjedi Arani, the head of Iran's Forensic Medicine Organization, said last week that 644 people died from <alcohol poisoning> during the past Iranian year, which ended in March. That represented a 30 percent increase compared to the previous year, he said. Alcohol has been banned in Iran Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, but Iranians still drink foreign and homemade alcoholic beverages that are sold on the black market. Iranians are increasingly turning to cheap homemade alcohol because many can no longer afford to buy foreign-made beverages amid a deepening economic crisis which has seen growing inflation, unemployment and poverty.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: and to add also fear to be arrested as a protester.

Jinha - Womens news Agency - June 26, 2023 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<Women of Shahba against ongoing attacks: 'Rise up by chanting Jin, Jiyan, Azadi'
Shahba- Since June 10, 2023, the Turkish state has intensified its attacks on the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), which has waged a struggle against ISIS. On June 20, 2023, Qamishlo Canton Co-chair Yousra Darwish, her deputy Lîman Şiwêş and their driver Fırat Tûma were killed between Bandar and Tal Sh'ir villages in Qamishlo in a Turkish airstrike. Displaced women of Afrin, who live in the Shahba Canton, condemn the ongoing Turkish attacks against the pioneering women.
'The enemy aims to break the strong will of women'
<The Turkish state especially targets women in its attacks,> said Emina Sileman, one of the displaced women of Afrin living in the Shahba Canton. <We face the attacks of the invading Turkish state and women are particularly targeted in these attacks. Pioneering women making efforts to ensure social equality are targeted by the Turkish state. The enemy aims to break the strong will of women by attacking them. Women have taken part in politics, military and diplomacy thanks to the revolution in Rojava. As the displaced women of Afrin, we condemn the Turkish airstrike on pioneering women between Bandar and Tal Sh’ir villages in Qamishlo. The enemy is afraid of the will and power of women. We will keep protecting our land to the end.>
'We will never give up on our cause'
Hevin Mihemed, another displaced woman of Afrin, also condemned the Turkish airstrike on pioneering women. <Targeting women after the revolution actually means targeting women’s gains. In North and East Syria, women lead all facets of life and achieve great success. Women are targeted to prevent this revolution from succeeding by invading forces. All women must rise up whenever a woman is targeted. We will never give up on our cause.>
'Rise up'
Hemîda Mihemed called on women all around the world to <Rise up> against the ongoing attacks on women in North and East Syria. <Every attack on women is a reason for us to become stronger and to grow our struggle. The revolution in Rojava is also known as a women's revolution because women got their freedom thanks to this revolution. Sovereign states target women because they do not want women to be empowered and strong-willed. We condemn all states playing a role in the attacks on women. I call on all women to rise up by chanting the slogan Jin, Jiyan, Azadi.> >>
Read more here:
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: read more also on how the women-led revolution in Iran inspired and with every day passing inspires more and more women to rise-up against their oppressors and this happens especially in Arabian countries.

Iranwire - June 26, 2023 - By MARYAM DEHKORDI
<<Fetid Waters: Hospitals in Shahrekord Filled with Sickened Children
On August 7, 2022, the flow of piped water from Kuhrang Spring in the mountains to Shahrekord, capital of the south-western province of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, gradually stopped. The flow of water was believed to have been cut off due to the turbidity of the water following torrential rains in the region. For more than ten days the city had no piped water and people gathered in front of the governor's office to protest the inaction by the government. Ten months later, the water piped into the city remains polluted despite many promises by government officials. With summer heat approaching, Ali paid a visit to Kuhrang Spring, Deymeh village and the big sweet-water springs that have made Shahrekord known as the city with most spring water in Iran. For the past four days, however, his three-year-old child has been bed-ridden in the hospital because of the quality of the water. <After spending a day in Shahrekord, we took the child with symptoms of fever, nausea and diarrhea to the hospital,> Ali tells IranWire. <We noticed that in some hours the piped water turned turbid and fetid. We used mineral water for drinking and piped water for cooking. We thought that boiling the water would be enough but apparently it's not, and the water smells even after being boiled. It's not like that all the time. It happens mostly in the mornings and in the afternoons. The water treatment plant has not been working properly for months and it is still not fixed.> According to Ali, the city's hospitals are filled with patients, especially children who have been hospitalized with digestive problems and symptoms that have affected his child. <You may not believe it, but there are no beds available in the children's wards of government hospitals where my child is hospitalized,> he says. <They don't allow fathers into the children's ward and mothers must sit next to their children all by themselves. I have no idea how we could have found a hospital bed for our child if we hadn't known people in this city.> He is worried that many other children might be suffering from similar symptoms without the possibility of being hospitalized and says: <We first went to a private clinic but they sent us to a government hospital. My child is hospitalized in a room with ten beds, and all of the other children in that room have been hospitalized with the same symptoms of drinking polluted water.> Ten days after the water was cut off in Shahrekord in August last year, a city resident told IranWire: <Fixing water transfer pipes would take a couple of days, but the water has been cut off. I'm not saying the water pressure is low; the water is polluted or it's muddy; it's completely cut off. They say they are going to bring water with tankers. I live on the sixth floor of an apartment building without an elevator. How many times do I have to go down for water to do what is necessary? I suspect this is not just a technical problem in water transmission.> >>
Read more here:
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: And please do because it doesn't only affects people and children in remote areas but also in the, with 9 million people populated, capital Tehran. Thing is, the regime knows how to execute people but to order the responsible people to fix this the Iranian people in general affecting and causing health problems they don't give in. How did students shouted it again a couple of months ago? 'GIVE IN OR GO AWAY'.
and related:

Iranwire - June 26, 2023
IRGC Arrests Three Kurdish Environmental Activists
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) forces have arrested three Kurdish environment activists after they tried to extinguish a fire in Kosalan Mountains, according to a group that monitors the human rights situation in Iran's western Kurdish region. The France-based Kurdistan Human Rights Network reported on June 26 that Mohsen Dadgar, Saeed Dadgar and Yaser Saberi were taken into custody two days earlier. IRGC forces intercepted their vehicle and informed them that traveling to the Kosalan Mountains was prohibited, it said, adding that the trio was arrested without the presentation of a court order. Reports indicate that the three were transferred to Shahramfar Camp, which serves as the IRGC intelligence detention center in the city of Sanandaj. The protected area of Kosalan spans between Sarvabad, Marivan and Kamiyaran. The area has been hit by fires caused by ongoing clashes between IRGC forces and fighters of the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK). During these confrontations, which claimed the lives of at least two IRGC members, the force extensively shelled the Kosalan Mountains. Environmental activists in Iranian Kurdistan have raised concerns about the significant destruction inflicted by the IRGC on pastures and forests in the protected areas of Shaho and Kosalan. The destruction has been carried out to construct barracks and roads and to prevent opposition groups from hiding in the vegetation.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: See what I mean when the IRGC thinks 'who cares about mountains, environment and/or clean water? As long as we erase all the Kurds from the planet like we erased Jina Mahsa Amini.'
and more sickening related:

Iranwire - June 27, 2023 - by SHOHREH MEHRNAMI
<<Deadly Pollution of Aras River: Locals Told to Stay Silent
Aras is a major river that flows along the border between Iran and both Azerbaijan and Armenia. A report published on June 19 by the Tehran newspaper Payam-e Ma about the possible connection between the pollution of Aras and the increase in the rate of stomach cancer in the north-western province of Ardebil has once again brought the issue of the river's pollution to the attention of the public. Pollution of Aras River and reservoirs has led to deep anxiety about food safety and the environmental health in Ardebil and East Azerbaijan provinces. Government officials are well-aware of the issue of pollution of the Aras River but either sweep it under the rug or downplay it.
No Question That Aras Is Polluted
Metal pollutants in the Aras River fall into two groups: radioactive materials and heavy metals. Iranian officials have repeatedly denied that radioactive materials from Armenia’s Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant have entered the river. On June 20, after the publication of the Payam-e Ma report, the National Center for Nuclear Safety announced that it found no trace of radioactive material in the river when it conducted analyses back in March. The Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant was commissioned in 1976 and, according to many reports, it does not meet safety standards because of worn-out equipment at the facility and the devastating 1988 earthquake that killed at least 25,000 people. The Aras River travels 150 kilometers from this power plant before reaching Iran. So it is not easy to prove that Metsamor is spilling radioactive material into the river, and Iranian officials have denied it. Nevertheless, many research papers have been published about the pollution of the Aras River as a result of the flow of radioactive material into its waters. One of these papers, <The effects of Aras border river pollution by countries of Armenia and Azerbaijan on the national security and interests of Iran>, was published last winter by the Journal of Border Studies, a publication of Iranian National Police Center for Border Research and Studies. The radioactive pollution of the Aras River was also confirmed in studies published this spring by Kharazmi University's Faculty of Geopolitical Sciences and Iran's Chamber of Commerce. Nevertheless, Iranian government officials remain silent about this subject.>>
Read more here about
- <A <Political> River; Order to Keep Silent; Heavy Metal Pollutants and the Government's Silence and Making Pollution A Security Issue>:

NCRI - Womens committee - in Solidarity - June 25, 2023
<<Dorien Rookmaker expresses support for the Iranian Resistance, Maryam Rajavi, Free Iran 2023
Speeches in support for the Iranian Resistance, Maryam Rajavi, Iran uprising, #FreeIran2023
The NCRI President-elect, Maryam Rajavi, visited the European Parliament on May 24, 2023. She met with many members of the European Parliament Dorien Rookmaker, a member of the European Parliament from the Netherlands and a member of the EP Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Following is the text of her remarks in support for the Iranian Resistance, Maryam Rajavi, and the Iranian people's Resistance and uprising.
Thank you, Mrs. Rajavi, for being here with us. I can say that we are greatly honored because you're so brave and so persistent, and you have so much patience. So, I think I can speak for all people from the Netherlands, where I'm a representative for, that we admire you greatly. The people of Iran demand freedom and the European Parliament stands beside them. Decades of struggle are culminating in an uprising that will end the reign of terror in Iran. The courageous struggle of the people in Iran and outside Iran that began in September 2022 cost the lives of more than 800 people. 30,000 people were arrested and this month more than 100 people were executed. The role of women in the uprising is significant and it tells us that the opposition is widely supported. The slogan, with or without hijab, is a sign of unity of the Iranian people who are determined to shed the terror of their oppressors. We all reject all kinds of dictatorship in Europe. Europe must never in any way or form try to establish a normal relationship with a regime that committed so many crimes. Over 120,000 opposition members were executed by the regime in Iran, and we must never forget the sacrifices the opposition made. In an open letter to the world leaders of the United States, the EU, Canada and the UK, the government leaders and former leaders in Europe urged them to stand with the Iranian people in their quest for change and to take decisive steps against the current regime.
I'm so honored that I’m given the chance to express my support for the democratic Iran opposition. We know the people of Iran want a democratic, non-nuclear republic, and I'm confident that the regime in Iran will change. In an interconnected world people should be able to live and work together in peace. If we can help the Iranians to establish a democratic Iran, we have to, because it will be a tremendous contribution to world peace as a whole.
So, I thank you again, Mrs. Rajavi and I hope we can help you establish your objective. Thank you.>>

NCRI - Womens committee - in Women's news - June 24, 2023
<<Samin Nessari and Saba Eskandari - Two more female students are deprived of education
Samin Nessari has been suspended for 1.5 years Two female students, Samin Nessari and Saba Eskandari, have been temporarily banned from studying. Samin Nessari, a history undergraduate student at Kharazmi University in Tehran, has been sentenced by the university's disciplinary committee to a one-and-a-half-year suspension from education. Samin Nessari had also lost her previous semester because she was banned from entering the university. Furthermore, Saba Eskandari, a counseling and guidance student at the University of Tehran, has been deprived of education for 2.5 years by the university's preliminary council on charges of not observing compulsory hijab. Universities were at the forefront of the anti-regime protests during the 2022-2023 uprising. Consequently, the regime has stepped up pressure on universities under the pretext of enforcing the compulsory hijab. The confrontations with students have escalated to such an extent that students are promptly summoned and face expulsion or suspension from education if they fail to comply with the compulsory dress code or participate in any protest or gathering. On the other hand, the mullah's regime intends to shut down 82% of universities as part of its repressive measures against students. Mohammad Mehdi Dehghan, one of the officials from the Ministry of Science, stated, <Currently, there are 2,183 higher education institutions in Iran. However, the number is expected to be ultimately reduced to 400 universities. Only 18% of the existing educational centers will continue their activities, while 82% will be closed or merged.> (The state-run, June 21, 2023)>>

Jinha - Womens news agency - June 23, 2023
<<Iranian security forces arrest Nagar Bakhtiari
News Center- Yasna Bakhtiari, sister of Mojahed Kurukut, who was arrested and then sentenced to death, has announced on her Instagram account that Iranian security forces raided their home and arrested her sister Nagar Bakhtiari. <We have received no information about her since her arrest. If something happens to my sister, the government and security forces will be responsible,> she wrote. According to the received reports, Iranian security forces used violence against the family members while searching the house and confiscated some personal belongings and Nagar Bakhtiari's mobile phone. Fatemeh Heydari, sister of Javad Heydari, who was killed in the <Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> protests against the regime, confirmed on her Twitter account that Iranian security forces had raided the house of Mojahed Kurkur's family. <His family's house has been raided several times until now. Last night, the Iranian security forces raided his family's house again. Since then, we have received no information about Nagar and we are extremely worried about her.> >>

Iranwire - June 22, 2023
<<Iranian Schools Charging Extortionate Fees to Afghan Students
Several schools in Iran have been charging Afghan students <illegal> amounts of money for their enrollment, constituting a form of bribery and a clear violation of the law, the DidbanIran website has reported. According to the report, a source at the Children's Aid Association has said that these public schools demand fees ranging from <500,000 tomans to millions> ($10 to hundreds) from Afghan students, a practice deemed unlawful and exploitative. An anonymous source from the association, cited in the DidbanIran website report, emphasized the importance of reporting these illegal fees to the Department of Education. However, the report also said there are <obstacles> in the reporting process, and families are not adequately aware or vigilant regarding this issue. The association source also highlighted requirements for Afghan students to submit an annual <sponsorship form> during the registration process. However, many of these students work and their parents are also working, making it challenging for them to visit the offices and to obtain the necessary form. Additionally, concerns were raised by the association about uncertainties surrounding the admission of Afghan students even after obtaining the sponsorship form. School administrators exercise discretionary powers and often prioritize Iranian children over Afghan students, leading to potential discrimination. The report said that approximately 670,000 immigrant students were identified in Iran during the last school year, accounting for 4.2% of the total student population in the country. However, the head of the School Donors Society, as reported by the Hamshahri newspaper, said that there are a million Afghan children residing in Iran who require education access.>>

copyright Womens' Liberation Front 2019/ 2023