formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front
Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in Afghanistan. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published evey month but for the 'Women, Life, Freedom' uprising every week and this as an activist. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali - Italy
founder of, independent indept investigative journalist, radical feminist and womens' rights activist.







                                                                                                            CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020

The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendagi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jhina Mahsa Amini or Zhina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in 2023: July 31 - 16--July 15 -1--June 30 - 15--June 15-1--May 31 -16-- May 15-1--April--
For all topics below
that may hopefully interest you click on the image:


Updated July 20, 2023




Updated July 27, 2023 


Updated July 18, 2023


 Updated July 26, 2023



Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.

Click here for a total list so far

'Facing Faces and Facts 1-2'  (2022) to commemorate the above named and more and food for thought and inspiration to fight on.
and 'Facing Faces & Facts 3' edited December 2022/March 2023

This is how the Iranian basiji shoot with pellets at especially girls and women and how they hang now martyrs of the women-led revolution.



Akhtar Sabet
<...ejected from of the courtroom under a barrage of curses and foul language ...> before her execution.

Please do click the above link to go to her story


<< <I Endured Immense Suffering, but I Did Not Yield>: The Baha'i Woman Hanged for her Beliefs.... 
Please do click the above link to go her story

About the Baha'i married couple executed in two days...
Please do click the above link to go their story


About <<Mona Mahmoudnejad: The 17-Year-Old Baha'i Girl Who Was Hanged After Her Father....
Please do click the above link to go her story


July 26 - June 30, 2023
<<UN Rights Chief Urged to Help Prevent Execution of Iranian Boxer....
Execution of women – Iran, world's record holder of execution of women....

A fact-finding mission mandated by the UN Human Rights Council has urged the Iranian authorities to end their brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters and halt the wave of executions,....
<<Three Men Executed in Iran for Allegedly Raping Women in Fake Clinic....
<<Afsaneh Shahiki, 50, is executed in Kerman Central Prison....
<<Iranian Protester At Risk of Execution after <Grossly Unfair Sham Trial>


27 - 15 June, 2023
<<Leyla Qasim, woman who judged her executioners....
<<UN Rights Chief Concerned by <Massive> Rise in Executions....
<<The Soldier, His Bouquet and Other Little-Known Stories of the 10 Baha'i Women in Shiraz....
<<Iran's Clerics Divided Over Executions of Protesters....

and more news

June 8 - 5, 2023
And again
<<Grave of Executed Protester Kazemi Vandalized...(read also about another situation below)
Groups Call for Urgent Global Reaction to <Chilling> Surge in Iran Executions....
<<The Executed Baha'i Academic Who Helped Establish National Exams...
<<Gravestone of Executed Protesters Destroyed - Again...  

Click here to go to 8 June - 18 May, 2023




When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Iranwire - July 26, 2023
<<Protester Sentenced to Death Granted Retrial after Sons Issue Plea
The Iranian judiciary has granted retrial to a father of three sentenced to death over his participation in nationwide unrest in November 2019, his lawyer says. The request for Abbas Daris's retrial has been registered with Branch 9 of the Supreme Court and an order to halt the execution of his sentence has been sent to a court in the south-western city of Mahshahr, Lawyer Fereshteh Tabanian wrote on his Twitter account on July 26.
Earlier this month, his three young sons appealed to the authorities not to carry out the execution. <We implore for forgiveness and mercy to save our father's life,> one of the boys said in a video circulated on social media. <His sentencing has already claimed the life of our mother, who suffered a fatal stroke.> <Our father is all we have left,> he added. In November 2019, more than 100 Iranian cities and towns were hit by protests sparked by a government's decision to raise gas prices, with many demonstrators chanting against the Iranian Republic. Daris and his brother, Moshen, were arrested in Mahshahr on charges of <waging war against God, inciting disorder and participating in the murder of Reza Sayadi,> a member of the special police forces known as NOPO. The Mahshahr Revolutionary Court sentenced Daris to death, and his lawyer said on July 10 that the Supreme Court upheld the sentence without giving any regard to objections she had filed in the case. Daris has denied the charges against him.>>

NCRI - July 21, 2023
<<UN Rights Chief Urged to Help Prevent Execution of Iranian Boxer
Nearly 100 current and former United Nations officials, human rights and legal experts and Nobel laureates have signed a letter urging the UN Human Rights chief to intervene to prevent the execution of a boxer in Iran. Mohammad Javad Vafa'i Sani, a 27-year-old local boxing champion in the north-eastern city of Mashhad, was arrested for taking part in nationwide unrest in November 2019. He was informed on July 19 that his execution verdict had been finalized, according to the letter. The boxer's lawyer, Babak Paknia, said in a tweet that the judiciary had not notified them about the verdict of the Revolutionary Court in Mashhad. He also said that the ruling can be appealed before the Supreme Court within 20 days. <We ask that you make an urgent public call for the Iranian authorities to halt [Vafa'i Sani's] imminent execution sentence,> said the letter, signed by 96 people including the former head of the International Criminal Court Judge Sang-Hyun Song, more than a dozen current and former UN human rights officials as well as former prosecutors. The boxer <was then summoned and taken by a prison guard to an unknown location,> it added. <There is no further information about his current whereabouts.> According to the letter, Vafa'i Sani is a supporter of the opposition group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK). He was arrested in March 2020 and <tortured for several months and eventually handed down an execution sentence> for <corruption on Earth.> A spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said: <We have received information on this case and are following up on it and gathering additional information.> Thousands of Iranians took to the streets of more than 100 cities and towns in November 2019 to protest the government's decision to raise gas prices. The protests quickly turned political, with many chanting against the Islamic regime and its leaders. Human rights groups have confirmed the death of more than 300 people, including children, in the unrest, but the Reuters news agency reported that the actual number of people killed was around 1,500. Human rights activists have raised alarm over the Iranian authorities’ dramatic escalation of executions in recent months, following last year’s nationwide protests sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in September while in police custody. <In recent months, the Iranian authorities have executed at least seven other protesters on similar bogus charges with total impunity,> the letter reads. <These political executions are a callous attempt by the authorities to frighten and silence an increasingly restive population no longer willing to accept their corrupt and oppressive rule.> >>

NCRI - Women committee
Tag: execution
Execution of women – Iran, world's record holder of execution of women
The Iranian regime is the world’s top record holder of per capita executions. The Women's Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran has compiled the names of these women in a list. The Women's Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran had also previously mentioned that many of the women executed by the mullahs' regime are themselves victims of domestic violence against women and have acted in self-defense. The Iranian regime open-handedly uses the death penalty as a form of punishment. In many cases and in a discriminatory manner this punishment is carried out against the religious and ethnic minorities, political dissidents, and women. In 2019, the mullahs' regime hanged 16 women in tandem with increasing suppression and executions in Iran. In December 2019, alone, six women were executed by the regime in various Iranian prisons. Many women are currently awaiting execution in prison. Some of these women are being held in Qarchak Prison on the death row. These women are mostly mothers and have several children. Political prisoner Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee wrote in a letter on July 27, 2019, about women who were sentenced to death for murder, saying, <In meeting women convicted of murder, I learned that a large percentage of them had murdered their husbands -instantly or based on a pre-meditated plan-after years of being humiliated, insulted, battered and even tortured by them and because of being deprived of their right to divorce. Although, they consider themselves criminals but are convinced that if any of their repeated appeals for divorce had been granted, they would not have committed such a crime.> >>
NCRI - Womens committee - in Women's news - July 12, 2023
<<Fatemeh Yousefi, another miserable victim of executions in Iran. Fatemeh Yousefi was hanged this morning at Gohardasht Prison of KaThe Iranian judiciary authorities sent another woman to her death at dawn this morning, Wednesday, July 12, 2023. Fatemeh Yousefi was hanged at Gohardasht Prison (aka Rajaiishahr) in Karaj for <deliberate murder.> Fatemeh Yousefi and another woman were transferred from Qarchak Prison to Gohardasht yesterday and put in solitary confinement to prepare them for carrying out their verdict. The other woman is said to be returned to her ward.
The execution of Fatemeh Yousefi has not yet been announced by the state media in Iran.
Fatemeh Yousefi was the third woman executed in the past week. Another two women were hanged in the Central Prison of Isfahan, Dastgerd Prison, on Sunday, July 9, 2023. Monireh Siadat, 32, and Farzieh Shokrollahi were convicted to death for deliberate murder.>>

Iranwire - July 12, 2023
<<Children of 2019 Iranian Protester on Death Row Implore for <Mercy>
The three children of Abbas Daris, an Iranian man on death row over his participation in protests in 2019, have appeared on video urging the authorities to show <mercy,> amid concerns that the man's execution may be imminent. <We implore for forgiveness and mercy to save our father's life,> one of the children said in a video shared on social media. <His sentencing has already claimed the life of our mother, who suffered a fatal stroke.>
<Our father is all we have left,> the child added.
In November 2019, more than 100 Iranian cities and towns were hit by protests sparked by a government's decision to raise gas prices, with many demonstrators chanting against the Iranian Republic. Abbas Daris and his brother, Moshen, were arrested in the south-western city of Mahshahr on charges of <waging war against God, inciting disorder and participating in the murder of Reza Sayadi,> a member of the special police forces known as NOPO. The Mahshahr Revolutionary Court sentenced Daris to death, and his lawyer Fereshteh Tabanian said on July 10 that the Supreme Court upheld the sentence without giving any regard to objections she had filed in the case. Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, director of Norway-based Iran Human Rights said in a statement that Daris <is at serious risk of being executed in the very near future and the only way to save his life is to raise the political cost of his execution.> <There's no evidence against him but torture-tainted forced confessions,> he added. <His sentence is unlawful not only according to international laws but even according to the Islamic republic's own laws.> In an interview with the news website Didban Iran, Tabanian said that Daris rejected any involvement in the shooting, and outlined the <numerous flaws> in her client's case. The lawyer said that the court based its verdict on the confession of a neighbor who was arrested with a weapon and claimed it belonged to Daris. The lawyer also said that the family of the deceased special force officer had given their consent to a pardon. The Iranian security forces cracked down hard on the 2019 unrest, with human rights groups confirming the death of more than 320 citizens, including many children, in the protests. The Reuters news agency has estimated that the actual number of people killed was around 1,500. Tanks and heavy weaponry were deployed in Mahshahr, where members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) encircled a group of mostly unarmed young demonstrators and opened fire, killing between 40 to 100 people, according to media reports.>>

NCRI - Womens committee - in Women's news - July 11, 2023
<<Monireh Siadat, 32, and Farzieh Shokrollahi sent to the gallows in Isfahan
Another two women were hanged in the Central Prison of Isfahan, Dastgerd Prison, on Sunday, July 9, 2023. Monireh Siadat, 32, and Farzieh Shokrollahi were convicted to death for deliberate murder. Monireh Siadat was a dressmaker. She had been imprisoned three years ago for killing her husband. Monireh Siadat was a victim of forced marriage in Iran. Farzieh Shokrollahi was arrested and detained around five years ago on charges of deliberate murder. The news of the executions of Monireh Siadat and Farzieh Shokrollahi has not been announced yet at the time of publishing this report. The two executions bring to 215 the number of women executed in Iran since 2007, as recorded by the NCRI Women’s Committee.
The world’s record holder of the executions of women
The Iranian regime is the world’s top record holder of the executions of women.
The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran has compiled these women’s names in a list called “List of Women Executed in Iran since 2007.” No government in the world has executed so many women. The list does not account for the tens of thousands of women executed in Iran on political grounds.
The Iranian regime is the world’s top record holder of executions of women.
The NCRI Women’s Committee has previously mentioned that many women executed by the mullahs’ regime are victims of domestic violence against women and have acted in self-defense.
An average of 15 women are executed in Iran per year
The Iranian regime open-handedly uses the death penalty as a form of punishment. In many cases, religious and ethnic minorities, political dissidents, and women are targets of the death penalty in a discriminatory manner. In 2019, the mullahs’ regime hanged 16 women in tandem with increasing suppression and executions in Iran. In December 2019 alone, six women were executed by the regime in various Iranian prisons.
The regime also executed 18 women in 2021, seven from November 22 to December 21, 2021.
According to the statistics on the executions of women in Iran, compiled by the NCRI Women’s Committee, at least 15 women were executed in Iran in 2022.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: Allah has their souls because I'm convinced that He would never agree with forced marriages let alone with abusive men and also , a marriage not based on mutual love is an empty marriage so for the women's sake I hope their last thoughts were: our death has been worth it knowing the world's gotten rid of you scumbags.

Iranwire - July 5, 2023
<<Fact-Finding Mission on Iran: Crackdown against Protesters Must End
A fact-finding mission mandated by the UN Human Rights Council has urged the Iranian authorities to end their brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters and halt the wave of executions, mass arrests and detentions that followed the eruption of nationwide protests last year. In its first oral update to the council in Geneva on July 5, the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran drew attention to the risks of further deterioration of the human rights of those involved in the protests, including lawyers, journalists and human rights defenders, and in particular women and girls. It pointed out that the human rights situation in the country risks deteriorating further if new legislation proposing harsher punishments on women and girls who flout mandatory headscarf rules becomes law.
According to reports received by the fact-finding mission, at least 26 people have been sentenced to death in connection with the protests, while dozens more have been charged with or face offences carrying the death penalty. It said that at least seven men have been executed following hasty proceedings, amid serious allegations of rights violations, including of confessions extracted under torture. <We call on the Iranian authorities to stop the executions of individuals convicted and sentenced to death in connection with the protests and reiterate our requests to make available to us the judicial files, evidence, and judgments regarding each of these persons,> Sara Hossain, chair of the fact-finding mission, told the Human Rights Council.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - July 4, 2023
<<Three Men Executed in Iran for Allegedly Raping Women in Fake Clinic
The Iranian authorities say they have executed three men convicted of raping women they had lured to an <unauthorized beauty salon> and injecting them with anesthetic drugs. The trio was found guilty of conspiring in 12 cases of sexual assault in late 2021 in the southern province of Hormozgan and was hanged in Bandar Abbas prison on July 4, the judiciary's Mizan Online website reported. One of the convicts, a medical assistant, lured seven victims to the fake cosmetic surgery clinic with <false advertisements> for cosmetic procedures posted online, injected them with an anesthetic drug and raped them. The report said that the other two, both nurses, were executed over five cases of rape, as well as charges relating to the theft of the drugs. The executions bring to seven the number of people executed so far this year on rape charges, the Norway-based Iran Human Rights (IHR) group said in a statement. <In cases of rape, there is a high chance of defendants being tortured to make false confessions> that are then used to issue death sentences, it said. According to the group's latest annual report on the death penalty in Iran, at least 23 people were executed on rape charges last year, compared to 10 in 2021 and 12 the previous year. Amnesty International says the Islamic Republic executes more people than any other country except China and hanged at least 582 people last year, the highest number since 2015.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: I'm against the death penalty but in this case the penalty cannot be hard enough: lock rapists up and throw away the key!
But I strongly oppose the, according to the IHR (Iran Human Rights), this year untill June 5 protesters, 6 women and 71 (20%) Baluch minorities were executed (among others, 354 in total, convicted for drugs-related or other crimes - read my opinion below).

NCRI - in Women's News - June 3, 2023
<<Afsaneh Shahiki, 50, is executed in Kerman Central Prison
At dawn on Sunday, July 2, 2023, a female prisoner was put to death in the Central Prison of Kerman. The identity of the executed woman is Afsaneh Shahiki, 50 years old and a resident of Bam. Afsaneh Shahiki was convicted of shooting her husband to death in 2015. After her arrest, she was transferred to the Central Prison of Kerman and finally sentenced to death. With the execution of Afshaneh Shahiki, the number of women executed in Iran since 2007 has reached 213.
The world's record holder of the executions of women
The Iranian regime is the world's top record holder of the executions of women.
The Women's Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran has compiled these women's names in a list called <List of Women Executed in Iran since 2007.> No government in the world has executed so many women. The list does not account for the tens of thousands of women executed in Iran on political grounds. The Iranian regime is the world's top record holder of executions of women. The NCRI Women's Committee has previously mentioned that many women executed by the mullahs' regime are victims of domestic violence against women and have acted in self-defense.
An average of 15 women are executed in Iran per year
The Iranian regime open-handedly uses the death penalty as a form of punishment. In many cases, religious and ethnic minorities, political dissidents, and women are targets of the death penalty in a discriminatory manner. In 2019, the mullahs' regime hanged 16 women in tandem with increasing suppression and executions in Iran. In December 2019 alone, six women were executed by the regime in various Iranian prisons.
The regime also executed 18 women in 2021, seven from November 22 to December 21, 2021. According to the statistics on the executions of women in Iran, compiled by the NCRI Women's Committee, at least 15 women were executed in Iran in 2022.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: Miss Afsaneh Shahiki, Allah has her soul, most likely acted out of self-defense because of an abusive husband and deserved his faith.

Iranwire - June 30, 2023
<<Iranian Protester At Risk of Execution after “Grossly Unfair Sham Trial”
Amnesty International has urged Iranian authorities to immediately quash the conviction and death sentence pronounced against Mujahid Korkur, a protester who is said to be at grave risk of execution. The London-based human rights group said that Korkur's <grossly unfair sham trial was marred by torture-tainted 'confessions' obtained while he was subjected to enforced disappearance.> In April, the Iranian judiciary announced that a Revolutionary Court in Ahvaz, the capital of Khuzestan province, sentenced Korkur to death for <enmity against God,> <corruption on Earth> and <armed rebellion against the state.> His appeal remains pending before the Supreme Court. Korkur was arrested on December 20, 2022, after the killing of nine-year-old Kian Pirfalak and several other Izeh residents when government forces opened fire on protesters in the south-western city on November 16. During his arrest, Korkur sustained injuries to his knee from live ammunition and his arm from grenade shrapnel. Officials have labeled the Izeh massacre as a <terrorist> act and attributed it to government opponents. However, Pirfalak's family refuted the claims, saying that government forces had fired a barrage of bullets at the family's car. Amnesty International said that plainclothes security officials used unlawful lethal force during the protests in Izeh and fatally fired live ammunition at the child. Authorities subjected Korkur to enforced disappearance, denying his family about his whereabouts, the group said. While in custody, he told his family during brief phone calls that <they [authorities] will kill me,> and said he was in a great deal of pain, including in his injured knee, and in need of healthcare. He also said he believed his jailers were forcibly administering chemical substances on him. Korkur's trial was grossly unfair, with the authorities denying him access to an independently chosen lawyer, according to Amnesty International. His torture-tainted <confessions> were aired by state media in December. On June 22, Korkur's sister was arbitrarily arrested following months of threats for advocating on his behalf.>>

Iranwire - June 30, 2023
<<Iranian Protester At Risk of Execution after “Grossly Unfair Sham Trial”
Amnesty International has urged Iranian authorities to immediately quash the conviction and death sentence pronounced against Mujahid Korkur, a protester who is said to be at grave risk of execution. The London-based human rights group said that Korkur's <grossly unfair sham trial was marred by torture-tainted 'confessions' obtained while he was subjected to enforced disappearance.> In April, the Iranian judiciary announced that a Revolutionary Court in Ahvaz, the capital of Khuzestan province, sentenced Korkur to death for <enmity against God,> <corruption on Earth> and <armed rebellion against the state.> His appeal remains pending before the Supreme Court. Korkur was arrested on December 20, 2022, after the killing of nine-year-old Kian Pirfalak and several other Izeh residents when government forces opened fire on protesters in the south-western city on November 16. During his arrest, Korkur sustained injuries to his knee from live ammunition and his arm from grenade shrapnel. Officials have labeled the Izeh massacre as a <terrorist> act and attributed it to government opponents. However, Pirfalak's family refuted the claims, saying that government forces had fired a barrage of bullets at the family's car. Amnesty International said that plainclothes security officials used unlawful lethal force during the protests in Izeh and fatally fired live ammunition at the child. Authorities subjected Korkur to enforced disappearance, denying his family about his whereabouts, the group said. While in custody, he told his family during brief phone calls that <they [authorities] will kill me,> and said he was in a great deal of pain, including in his injured knee, and in need of healthcare. He also said he believed his jailers were forcibly administering chemical substances on him. Korkur's trial was grossly unfair, with the authorities denying him access to an independently chosen lawyer, according to Amnesty International. His torture-tainted <confessions> were aired by state media in December. On June 22, Korkur's sister was arbitrarily arrested following months of threats for advocating on his behalf.>>

copyright Womens' Liberation Front 2019/ 2023