formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front










                                                                                                           CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020/2021

JULY , 2023
<The taliban is afraid of woman!>....
<Kafaa Al-Khazim, who lives in Raqqa city of North and East Syria, is one of these women.
'I want to smash the borders drawn for women'....
and more resisting news know who
<<Call on all organizations to unite against Taliban in   Afghanistan.... and more news coming soon
June /May / April 4 2023
MARCH 2023

29 - 6 March 2023
<Before the taiban realises what will hit them a Zan, zendagi, azadi!> (Women, life, freedom) tsunami will flow all over the country!> Gino d'Artali, activist ...
24 February 2023 - 30 Dec 2022
25 January 2023 - 30 December 2022
Click here for an overview  of 2022 - 21


International media about atrocities
against women worldwide.
JULY 2023
More will follow going back in time about women fighting back
July 17 - June 2, 2023

Preface and opinion by Gino d'Artali
May 30 - 23, 2023
15 - 1 May, 2023
28 - 5 April, 2023
18 April - 22 March 2023

4 April - 8 March 2023 
MARCH 2023
About women really fighting back!

16 - 9 February 2023
7 - 3 February 2023
2 February - 26 January 2023

25 January 2023 - + extra on 20 December 2022
Click here for an overview  of 2022 - 21


When one hurts or kills a wom
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali


Read all about the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi!> (Women, Life, Freedom) Women-led Revolution in Iran by clicking here

 August 4, 2023 - Note by Gino d'Artali: womens' rights activist: I am very aware that there is a gap between May 30,2023 and today, and the date I picked up reporting which is today when 'll publish the latest news untill July 17, 2023. I deeply apologize and my only excuse, if any, is that I was and am very caught up with the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' revolution in Iran (LINK) . So below follows the most important news about women fighting back and especially read also why the change. After July 17, 2023 I'll continue as I did before:

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 17, 2023 - by SIBELIA AL-IBRAHIM
<<Women resisting in Sheikh Maqsood: We resist for freedom
Aleppo- Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood of Aleppo is often mentioned for its resistance against the Turkish state and its mercenaries. The women of the neighborhood keep defending their liberated neighborhood. NuJINHA spoke to some women living in the neighborhood about their resistance. Suad Hassan, who was displaced from Afrin to the neighborhood after Afrin was occupied by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions, told us that they had learned the real history of women from the ideology and philosophy of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. 'The people wanted freedom against darkness, slavery and unjust laws. They wanted to have free will. The revolution in Rojava is also known as women's revolution because women led the revolution. Adapting the ideology and philosophy of leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan), women played an important role in the revolution. Women led the resistance in Aleppo's Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood. Kongra Star member Gule Selmo, who was martyred on March 13, 2012 in Sheikh Maqsood, is the first martyr of the neighborhood and now she is a symbol of the resistance in the neighborhood.>
'Women began to participate in decision-making positions'
<During the revolution, women built barricades to protect their neighborhood,> Suad Hassan said, <As women, we proved ourselves by fighting mercenaries. Many organizations were founded in the neighborhood thanks to the resistance of residents. The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) was established. After the establishment of the co-presidential system, women began to participate in decision-making positions, politics, art, military and many others. This system allows women and men to enjoy the same rights.> Suad Hassan also talked about the resistance of women when the neighborhood was attacked. <The women of the neighborhood would cook for fighters. In addition, they fought to protect their neighborhood and treated the injured people. Mothers left their children at home to protect their neighborhood. Many revolutions were started all around the world; however, they failed because women did not lead them. The revolution started in Iran and Eastern Kurdistan is led by women chanting, 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi'.> >>
Read more here:
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: See, the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' women-led-revolution in Iran did not only set the revolutionary torch aflame there but in many parts and countries of the Arabic world. The waiting now is, when will the women in the West follow where they now think they are free. Stop dreaming and start fighting (again).

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 17, 2023 - by BEYDA OSMAN
<<'We are happy to live without government oppression'
Kobane- Uprisings sparked in many Middle Eastern countries against governments in 2011. The uprisings, known as Arab Spring, also affected Syria. The people of North and East Syria, who were ignored and oppressed by the Baathist regime for years, rose up and liberated their cities. On July 19, 2011, the revolution in Rojava started in Kobane. NuJINHA spoke to some women living in the Euphrates Region of NE Syria about the revolution in Rojava, also known as women's revolution. Silava Beki, one of the women living in the region, indicated that Kurdish people have been oppressed for years. <The Kurdish people proved themselves in the revolution,> she said.
'We can freely speak our mother language'
Silava Beki told us that they could not speak their mother language and receive education in their mother language due to the ban imposed by the Baathist regime. <We used to be beaten and humiliated when we spoke our language. They aimed to make us forget our history and our identity. Then, people rose up and started a revolution on July 19. Since then, we have been able to freely speak our mother language and practice our culture,> she said.
'I am happy to live without government oppression'
Leyla Mihemed, a resident of Kobane's Sheran town, pointed out that Kurdish people, especially women, were ignored before the revolution. She said, <As the Kurdish people, we started the revolution. We have achieved success thanks to the ideology and philosophy of leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan). Now, we have our own universities and our children receive education in their mother language. I am very happy to live without government oppression.>
'The revolution awakened the Kurdish people'>>
Read more here:

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 17, 2023 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<'Safety must be ensured for women and children living in tent cities'
Semsur (Adıyaman)- People living in the cities affected by the February 6 earthquakes still suffer from the consequences of the earthquakes. Although five months have passed since the earthquakes, still they have housing problems, suffer from the lack of a safe environment and they cannot access essential services including safe water, education and medical care. Syrian refugees living in Semsur were settled in tent cities set up in different parts of the city. They have to share toilets and bathrooms in the tent cities. The tent cities have been isolated due to the increase in the cases of scabies and lice.
'Women have no safe space'
In the tent cities, tents have been set up next to each other and women have no safe space and privacy. In the last five months, three children and a woman have been sexually assaulted in the tent cities. According to the reports, the woman, who was sexually assaulted, and the perpetrator were deported from Turkey to Syria along with their families. Last week, a child was sexually assaulted by her stepfather in a tent city built by AFAD (Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Authority). The stepfather was detained.
'We observe an increase in violence against women and children' >>
Read more here:

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 13, 2023 - by SERIN MIHEMED
<<'79 women and girls were kidnapped in Afrin between 2021 and 2023'
Qamishlo- Since Afrin was occupied in 2018 by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions, many rights violations and crimes against women and girls have been documented. <The Turkish forces and Turkish-backed factions have violated rights and committed crimes against women and girls since they occupied Afrin, Ras al-Ain and 'Tal Abyad,> said Shirin Coli, the administrator of the Center for Research on Women's Rights in Qamishlo. <Women and girls are killed, kidnapped, raped and forcibly displaced.> Noting that people living in the occupied areas are subjected to the most severe forms of physical and psychological torture, Shirin Coli said, <Women and girls are the most subjected to such rights violations and crimes. The Turkish state kills women and violates their rights to break the will of women, control society and depopulate in the occupied areas.>
79 women and girls were kidnapped, 21 more were killed
The center has difficulties in going to the occupied areas to document the crimes committed there, said Shirin Coli. <The aim of the center is to document crimes committed in the occupied areas and prepare a report and send the report to the human rights organizations. Our center has documented many rights violations and crimes committed in Afrin until now. We have documented that 48 women were kidnapped and tortured and 17 more killed in 2021, 27 women and girls were kidnapped and tortured and three more were killed in 2022, four women and girls were kidnapped and tortured and one more was killed in 2023.> The center has documented following crimes committed against women and girls in Afrin by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions:...>>
Read more here:

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 13, 2023 - by BERITAN SARYA
<<'The prosecution of foreign ISIS members will boost women's confidence'
News Center- Between 2014 and 2019, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the YPG and YPJ waged a fight against ISIS across North and East Syria. In the four-year fight, more than 10,000 fighters of the SDF lost their lives and thousands of civilians were killed in the attacks of ISIS. On August 3, 2014, ISIS attacked Shengal (Sinjar), abducting about 7,000 Yazidi women and children to sell them in slave markets. About 2,700 Yazidi women, abducted by ISIS, are still missing. Although ISIS still poses a threat to the region and the world, the International Coalition to Defeat ISIS and relevant countries have left the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) alone with the problem of detained ISIS members. Two <Peoples' Defense Court> were established in 2014 in North and East Syria for terrorist crimes. These courts have tried and sentenced nearly 8,300 ISIS members in nine years. When the last areas controlled by ISIS were liberated in March 2019, thousands of ISIS members surrendered or were arrested by the SDF. Since 2019, they have been held in prisons controlled by the AANES. On June 10, 2023, the AANES announced in a written statement that it would establish a tribunal to prosecute more than 10,000 foreign ISIS members held in prisons according to regional and international laws. The prosecution process of about 10,000 foreign ISIS members from 60 countries will start in the coming days.>>
Read more here:
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: This proves that the more resilient women are and fight back the closer justice will be done and victory is at their side.

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 13, 2023
<<Moroccan court postpones hearing in rape accusation case
Morocco- Six men, who raped a 15-year-old girl in a town near the southern city of Tata, stood trial yesterday. The second hearing of the rape trial was held by the Agadir Court of Appeal with the attendance of girl's lawyers and human rights organization. The court postponed the hearing to October 4. After the hearing, women's rights activists gathered in front of the courthouse and called on the court to give the heaviest punishment to the rapists without no impunity.
What had happened?
In 2021, a 15-year-old girl named Fatima Zahra was raped by six men, including her coach in a local football team, in a town near the southern city of Tata. The incident was revealed when the child became pregnant. In 2022, the Agadir's Court of First Instance sentenced six men to 12 months in prison. And this prison sentence sparked anger in Morocco. After the reaction, the trial was held again by the Agadir Court of Appeal. Since the incident was first heard, Moroccan women's organizations have followed up the case closely and demanded the perpetrators be given the heaviest punishment.>>

JINHA - Womens news agency - June 22 2023
<<Turkey ranks 129th out of 146 countries in gender inequality index
News Center-The World Economic Forum (WEF) has released its Global Gender Inequality Index for 2023. In the index where countries are given a score between 0 and 1, Turkey's score was announced as 0.638.
Turkey dropped five places
According to the index, Turkey ranks 129th out of 146 countries, dropping five places compared to 2022. Turkey ranks last among the countries in the Eurasia and Central Asia category. The index measures the status of women in four main areas, and Turkey ranks 133rd in <economic participation and opportunity>, 99th in <educational attainment>, 100th in <health and survival> and 118th in <political empowerment>. In the index, Turkey ranks 110th in terms of the number of women in parliament and 134th with a six percent female minister ratio. <The representation rate of women in local governments in Turkey is 10.1 percent,> the report of the WEF said. Turkey ranks 130th in women's participation in the labor force. The index shows that Turkey ranks 130th in women's participation in the labor force, 91st in pay equality for the same job, 128th in estimated income, and 119th in access to executive positions. The country ranks 100th in literacy rate, 80th in primary school enrollment, 107th in secondary school enrollment, and 106th in higher education.
Afghanistan comes last
Afghanistan comes last in the Global Gender Inequality Index for 2023 ranking while Iceland takes the first place. For the 14th year, Iceland is the most gender-equal country by having closed 91.2% of its gap, according to the WEF.>>

JINHA - Womens news agency - June 20, 2023 - By SIRIN SALIH
<<'Kurdistan regional government ignores the increase in gender-based violence'
Sulaymaniyah- The cases of violence against women keep increasing in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Kurdistan Women's Union Committee member Beyan Mihemed spoke to NuJINHA about the reasons for the increase in gender-based violence in the region. <The cases of violence against women and femicide have increased compared to previous years. The reasons for the increase in these cases are that women do not have economic independence; women are ignored in society; the patriarchal mentality, traditions and customs.>
'Men usurp women's rights in politics'
Beyan Mihemed thinks some women's organizations keep silent against gender-based violence due to <threats>. Emphasizing that men who do not accept successful women usurp women's rights in politics, she said, <Women's issues are not talked about at the parliament because only several women hold seats in the parliament. If more women held high positions in politics, many problems faced by women would be solved.>
'Awareness-raising activities must be carried out'
Beyan Mihemed expressed that the reason for the low women's political participation is the patriarchal mentality. <Women should raise their voices against rights violations and demand their rights. There is no law protecting women in the Kurdistan Region. We can change this by carrying out awareness-raising activities. Women should remain silent against gender-based violence. NGOs should hold awareness-raising seminars and workshops to teach men that women are also a part of this society.> >>
Source incl. video:

JINHA - Womens news agency - June 20, 2023 - By MEDİNE MAMEDOGLU
<<'They aim to raise a generation thatoes not question, only obeys'
Amed (Diyarbakır)- Many imams, clerics, religious affairs specialists and teachers of Quran courses appointed as part of the <I am Sensitive to My Environment, I Protect My Values Project (CEDES)> project signed by the Turkish Education Ministry, Youth and Sports Ministry and the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) give students a training called <Education of Values> at the public schools. As part of a protocol signed by the Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education and Izmir Provincial Mufti, imams, muezzins, clerics, religious affairs specialists and teachers of Quran courses were appointed to 842 primary, secondary and high schools in Izmir, Istanbul and Eskisehir to give students a training called <Education of Values> within the scope of the CEDES project. These appointments spark anger among parents and teachers, who say that students need teachers for health education. NuJINHA spoke to Zuhal Sezer, Co-chair of Eğitim-Sen (Teachers' Union) Amed Branch No.2 about the protocol. She told us that the main purpose of such policies is to raise a religious generation not to protect values.
'The foundation of the project was laid in 2011'
Stating that they know very well that there is no need for imams in schools, Zuhal Sezer also underlined that this project is not a new project. <The foundation of the project was laid in 2011, when Turkey accepted the 4+4+4 education system as compulsory. The aim of this project is to pave the way for people who graduated from Imam Hatip high schools to work as spiritual counselors at schools.>
'Budget is allocated to imams instead of teachers waiting for appointment'
Zuhal Sezer thinks students need psychologists, school counselors and teachers for health education, not imams. <The aim is to make psychologists and school counselors unqualified and fill this gap with spiritual counselors. This is a complete violation of rights. There are thousands of teachers waiting to be appointed now. However, the budget is allocated to imams instead of teachers.> Zuhal Sezer told us that the main purpose of the government is not to protect <values>. Psychologists can teach our values, not spiritual counselors. This mentality ignores education in the mother tongue while claiming that it aims to protect values.>
'They aim to raise a generation that does not question, only obeys'
<The aim of the AKP-MHP bloc is to raise a generation and society that do not question, only obey,> Zuhal Sezer said, <They know that schools and children are the most reliable way to create a society obeying them. They try to raise a religious generation by increasing the religious lessons. This system can be applied in Afghanistan, Iran or Pakistan, not in Turkey because Turkey is a republic country. They make decisions by ignoring this reality.> >>
Source incl. video:

JINHA - Womens news agency - June 9, 2023 - By Naziha Boussidi
<<'Theatre plays an important role in highlighting women's issues'
Tunisia- Tunisian theater player and director Amina Dachraoui thinks theatre plays an important role in highlighting women's issues. In her works, she aims to raise awareness of her society about gender equality. When she stayed in Tataouine, a city in southern Tunisia, she listened to many women victims of sexual harassment. <Sexual harassment affects women both psychologically and socially. They prefer to keep silent because there is no one to support them and stand by them,> she said.
'Theatre should highlight women's issues'
Amina Dachraoui believes that theatre has a duty of highlighting women's issues. Speaking about the theatre play directed by her and produced by the Drama and Scenic Arts Center of Tataouine (French: Le Centre des arts dramatiques et sceniques de Tataouine), she said, <Chaala is a young university student. She is a victim of sexual harassment by one of her professors but she refuses to remain silent and exposes the perpetrator. One day, she enters the room of the professor and records their entire conversation by using her smartphone. Women are subjected to all forms of violence everywhere due to the patriarchal mentality. The universities are also the places where female students are subjected to violence and sexual harassment.>
'I still face difficulties'
Speaking about the challenges faced by her in the theatre sector, Amina Dachraoui said, <When we talk about the theatre sector, we talk about a noble sector. What made this sector deviate from its goals is that some people in this sector believe that material profits are important. When they gain strength in this sector, they think that they will achieve some political goals through it. I have faced many difficulties and still face them. Although I make great efforts to prove myself in this sector, I still face a kind of hostility from a number of male theatre directors. Despite all the difficulties, it is a great honor for me to be a woman among the playwrights and directors in Tunisia.>
'It tells the sufferings of Palestinian women'
Amina Dachraoui has acted in 12 theatre plays and directed four theatre plays until now. <I acted in a theatre play named 'A woman' with Tunisian actress Zahira Ben Ammar when I was in my twenties. I am honored to have worked with her. Thanks to her, this theatre play was staged inside and outside of Tunisia. I also acted in the theatre play named 'Trouf', which will be performed in London. The play tells the sufferings of Palestinian women.>
She has directed four theatre plays
Speaking about the theatre plays directed by her, she said, <The first theatre play directed by me was 'A Summer Night's Dream'.> Talking about the role of women in the theatre sector, Amina Dachraoui said, <The number of women in this sector is insufficient because the women wanting to choose a career in cinema and theatre sectors face obstacles. We need more women actors, writers and directors in Tunisia to highlight women's issues.> >>
Source incl. video:

JINHA - Womens news agency - June 2, 2023 - By MEDİNE MAMEDOGLU
<<2 victims of violence apply to Rosa Women's Association every day
The Rosa Women's Association provides legal and psychological support to women subjected to violence. Every day, at least two women apply to the association to demand support.
Amed (Diyarbakır)- The number of women subjected to violence keeps rising in Turkey. While the number of women dying under suspicious circumstances increases in the country, the judicial system, the policy of impunity and masculine language are considered as the main reasons for the increase in gender-based violence. Facing difficulties in obtaining protection orders and legal measures, keep struggling in Turkey, where gender-based violence is almost 'institutionalized'. The Rosa Women's Association based in Amed (Diyarbakır) has provided legal, psychological and financial support to women victims of violence since it was founded. NuJINHA spoke to Raife Camcı, Board member of the association, about the activities of the association.
'There is an increase in gender-based violence in Turkey'
Pointing out that there is an alarming increase in gender-based violence and femicide during the rule of the AKP-MHP government, Raife Camcı said, <While women should have more rights in the 21st century, the situation is opposite. The attacks on women's rights have been intensifying. We observe a serious increase in femicide and violence against women cases. Actually, we can say that there is a serious increase in femicide and violence against women cases not only in Turkey but also all around the world.>
'We receive two application every day'
Expressing that the Rosa Women's Association carries out activities to combat violence against women and to support women, Raife Camcı told us that the association receives two applications from women subjected to violence every day. <Women, who are subjected to physical, psychological and economic violence, apply to our association to receive support. We carry out activities for women to make a difference and build confidence. Gender-based violence is alarming not only in Turkey but also all around the world. In Diyarbakır, three women were killed by men in the last week. Although we struggle to combat gender-based violence, unfortunately, we see our society has become a more conservative society.>
'The appointed trustees are one of the reasons for the increasing femicide cases'
The Ministry of Interior appointed trustees to the municipalities in the Kurdish cities of Turkey. The state-appointed trustees deactivated the helpline for victims of violence and closed down the women's shelters and women's organizations affiliated to the Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality. <The appointed trustees are one of the reasons for the increasing femicide and violence against women cases in the city,> Raife Camcı said, <Women, who are subjected to violence, are left alone. Women have no place to apply when they are subjected to violence. Gender-based violence is now alarming.>
'We will keep struggling'
Raife Camcı thinks another reason for the increase in femicide and violence against women is the failure in the implementation of the existing laws protecting women. Turkey withdrew from the Istanbul Convention. Law No. 6284 to Protect Family and Prevent Violence against Women is the only law in Turkey protecting women from violence; however, it has not been effectively implemented. The existing policy of immunity is another reason for the increase in femicide and violence against women. As women's organizations, we will keep struggling for the active implementation of Law No.6284. We will keep protecting our rights and achievements.>>
Source incl. video: 
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: I live in the West and too often when people, ask me why I do what I do their response almost always is 'This doesn't happen here'. Well, Wake Up because yes it happens around the world and I don't want to turn a 'blind eye' or 'deaf ear' to it. That's why.


copyright Womens Liberation Front 2019/ 2023