formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front










                                                                                                           CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020/2021

JULY , 2023
<The taliban is afraid of woman!>....
<Kafaa Al-Khazim, who lives in Raqqa city of North and East Syria, is one of these women.
'I want to smash the borders drawn for women'....
and more resisting news know who
<<Call on all organizations to unite against Taliban in   Afghanistan.... and more news coming soon
  May 23 - 27 / April 27 - 4 2023
MARCH 2023

29 - 6 March 2023
<Before the taiban realises what will hit them a Zan, zendagi, azadi!> (Women, life, freedom) tsunami will flow all over the country!> Gino d'Artali, activist ...
24 February 2023 - 30 Dec 2022
25 January 2023 - 30 December 2022
Click here for an overview  of 2022 - 21


International media about atrocities
against women worldwide.
JULY 2023
More will follow going back in time about women fighting back
July 17 - June 2, 2023

Preface and opinion by Gino d'Artali
May 30 - 23, 2023
Update: 15 - 1 May, 2023
28 - 5 April, 2023
18 April - 22 March 2023

4 April - 8 March 2023 
MARCH 2023
About women really fighting back!

16 - 9 February 2023
7 - 3 February 2023
2 February - 26 January 2023

25 January 2023 - + extra on 20 December 2022
Click here for an overview  of 2022 - 21



JİNHA - Womens News Agency - May 30, 2023
<<Progressive Women's Association: Women will stand firm against the dark mindset
News Center- The Progressive Women's Association (Turkish: Ilerici Kadınlar Dernegi, İKD) has released a written statement about the recent elections held in Turkey. <We face the most rightist and reactionary parliament in the history of the Republic,> the statement said. Recalling that women's rights were made a matter of negotiation by some political parties before the elections, the statement said, <While those who approved the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention and advocated for legal status of the secs have entered the parliament from the election list of the Nation Alliance, the People's Alliance paved the way for the misogynist HUDA-PAR and New Welfare Party to win seats in the parliament. While these parties (HUDA-PAR and New Welfare Party) oppose the Law No. 6284 (The law on the Protection of the Family and the Prevention of Violence Against Women), the HUDA-PAR defends the adoption of single women, single-sex education and that women must work in workplaces, where there are only women.>
'They will target the civil code'
The statement pointed out that Law No. 6284 has been targeted since the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention.
<The reactionaries intensify the oppression and darkness on women. HUDA-PAR leader has made many statement defending child marriage and opposing the Law No. 6284. The next move of the reactionaries will be the civil code. They will target the civil code. During the rallies held by AKP's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made speeches targeting citizens having different sexual orientation and his speeches revealed that he supports the program of the HUDA-PAR. We face the most rightist and reactionary parliament in the history of the Republic,> the statement said. Pointing out that the oppression on women will increase in this process in which secularism is disregarded, women's rights are made a matter of negotiation by the electoral alliances, and radical Islamists gain representation in the parliament, the statement said, <We face a dark tableau targeting our gained rights.>
'We can take our rights by struggling'
<The centuries-old women's struggle will stand firm against the dark mindset as it did in the past,> the statement said, <We will keep struggling for a bright country. What will save women from this dark tableau is to raise the flag of secularism against those who defend child marriage and those who attack women's rights! We are millions and we know that we can take our rights by struggling. We know our power is our united organization. Hope is in our organized power. Now it is time to strengthen our organized struggle.> >>

JİNHA - Womens News Agency - May 29, 2023 - by HANAN HARITE
<<Online book by Moroccan female researchers sheds light on online violence against women
Morocco- The rapid technological transformations cause a new form of gender-based violence: Gender-based cyber violence. Women and girls are the most affected by cyber violence. Three women researchers have published an online book entitled, <Towards a Gendered Digital World>. The 313-page book written by sociologists Hajar Al-Mufaddal and Mahgouba Qaogo and psychologist Kholoud Al-Sibai includes both Arabic and French articles, discussing the psychological and social consequences of the digital world based on psychological, sociological, anthropological and legal approaches. In an interview with NuJINHA, Hajar Al-Mufaddal said, <The book includes different approaches and visions such as anthropology, sociology, law, psychology, and media. We did research about how social media affects the relations between men and women. Our research shows us how social media platforms and other websites are used as basic tools in relations between women and men. We have seen how a triad of sex, love, and money emerge in the digital world. This book shows how a set of hierarchies and stereotypes can cause online violence against women and girls.> >>

JİNHA - Womens News Agency - May 23, 2023 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<4,179 women killed in 10 years: Family is protected, not women
Êlih (Batman)- 4,179 women were killed by men in Turkey in the last 10 years, including the first four months of 2023. 23 women were killed by men and 17 more died under suspicious circumstances in April, 2023, according to the report of Jinnews, women's news agency based in Amed (Diyarbakır). 86 women were killed by men in the first four months of 2023, the report said. While the number of femicide cases is increasing day by day especially after the February 6 earthquakes, the Turkish courts keep reducing prison sentences against the killers by mitigating provisions, such as unjustified provocations and good conduct of perpetrators. NuJINHA spoke to Sumeyye Gultekin, vice president of the Batman Bar Association Women's Rights Center, about the increasing femicide cases in Turkey. The Batman Bar Association Women's Rights Center provides legal support to women survivors of violence and follow up the femicide cases in Batman province. Sumeyye Gultekin thinks the killings of women in Turkey persist because of 'impunity'.
Special war policies
Pointing to the number of women who were killed in Batman in recent months, Sumeyye Gultekin said that two women were killed by men in the city in 20 days. <In recent years, Batman has been brought up due to the increasing femicide cases and special war policies, as it was in the 1990s. The femicide cases have been increasing in the city because no necessary measures have been taken to prevent violence against women. Turkey withdrew from the Istanbul Convention and this encourages men to inflict violence against women and to kill women. The killings of women in Turkey persist because of impunity,> Sumeyye Gultekin said.
'We follow up six femicide cases'
In Batman, five women have been killed by men and more women have died under suspicious circumstances in the last five months. Sumeyye Gultekin gave us information about the femicide cases followed up by the Batman Bar Association Women's Rights Center. <As the center, we have followed up three femicide cases. On April 10, a woman was killed in Hasankey and we have followed up the investigation launched into this case. In March 2023, 29 women were killed by men and 19 more died under suspicious circumstances in Turkey. Unfortunately, these figures are quite frightening. As the center, we have been following up six femicide cases in Batman and across Turkey.>
'Failure to implement the regulations legitimizes the murders'
Speaking about the causes of femicide, Sumeyye Gultekin said, <The ruling party has ignored the achievements of women and courts keep reducing prison sentences against the killers by mitigating provisions, such as unjustified provocations and good conduct of perpetrators. These cause the increase in femicide cases. The hate speeches, gender inequality, social roles and the attitude of the judiciary increase gender-based violence cases and femicide cases. The current laws protect the family, not women.> After Turkey withdrew from the Istanbul Convention, the women living in Turkey have only Law No. 6284 to Protect Family and Prevent Violence against Women. However, the ruling AKP's ally HUDA-PAR opposes the right to alimony, civil law, equality and women's right to life and demands the amendment of Law No. 6284. <They (HUDA-PAR) aim to further strengthen the patriarchal mentality and to legitimize gender-based violence and killings of women. The patriarchal mentality says women must stay at home, do housework and take care of children. The patriarchal mentality causes the increase in femicide cases. In addition, the economic crisis and unemployment are also the causes of femicide. The laws protecting women from violence are not implemented and this paves the way for men to kill women,> Sumeyye Gultekin told NuJINHA. Sumeyye Gultekin thinks gender-equitable education system, the active implementation of Law No. 6284, the re-ratification of the Istanbul Convention, the end of judicial impunity, support to the women's shelters and organizations can prevent violence against women and femicide in the country.>>

JİNHA - Womens News Agency - May 23, 2023
<<Gabonese student murdered in Turkey to be buried in Gabon
News Center- The family of Jeannah Danys Dinabongho Ibouanga (17), a Gabonese student whose dead body was found in the Filyos River in Karabük on March 26, 2023, came to the Forensic Medicine Institute in Yenibosna, Istanbul, to take their daughter's body. Her mother Jessica Sandra Makemba Panga reported that they would take their daughter's body to their country. <Her body will be taken to Gabon. I will keep following her death case until justice prevails. She will return to her country on Friday. Jeannah Danys Dinabongho Ibouanga was a university student studying mechanical engineering at the Karabuk University. Although two months have passed, her suspicious death has not been solved yet.>>

JİNHA - Womens News Agency - May 23, 2023 - by SILVA EL-IBRAHIM
<<Women call to end crimes committed against humanity in Afrin
Manbij- Women and girls are subjected to many rights violations such as violence, torture, rape, and kidnapping in Afrin, where is occupied by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions. Women of Manbij, a city in northeastern Syria, call on the international community to hold the Turkish state accountable for its crimes in Afrin. Condemning the inhuman practices against women and girls in Afrin, the women say the rape of two girls by the members of Turkish-backed factions is a crime against humanity.
They commit crimes'
Wadha Al-Jassem, one of the women of Manbij, said, <In just one week, the Turkish-backed factions committed crimes against two girls, they raped two girls in Afrin. We strongly condemn these crimes. The Turkish state commits the same crimes in the countries they occupy as they violate human rights in Turkey. The Turkish state has revealed its patriarchal mentality and its misogynous policies by withdrawing from the Istanbul Convention.>
'International organizations keep silent'
Noting that the only way to fight the patriarchal mentality and misogynous policies is to grow women's struggle in Turkey, Wadha Al-Jassem said, <The Turkish state occupied Afrin, claiming that it would build 'a safe area'. However, we see how Afrin has been turned into a hotbed of terrorism. The rape against women and girls is often reported on social media and by press outlets; however, the international human rights organizations keep silent against the rape incidents in Afrin.>
'Many crimes have been committed'
Zilan Al-Saleh, a Turkmen woman living in Manbij, also condemns rights violations in Afrin. <The Turkish state launched an operation called <Operation Olive Branch> to occupy Afrin. Olive branch symbolizes peace; however, many crimes against humanity have been committed in Afrin since it was occupied. The Turkish state is aware that women are the backbone of society and it targets women in the most terrifying way in order to completely destroy this society or take it under its control. We can say that the main reason for this silence is that the interests of the Turkish state and the international community have the same purposes. For them, political interests are always more important than humanity. The international community must hold Turkey responsible for all crimes it has committed in Afrin and all occupied areas, and must end these crimes.>
'Violations must end'
Another woman of Manbij, Amal Abbas said, <The occupation of Afrin by Turkey and its mercenaries poses a great danger to the city and its inhabitants, particularly women and girls. The occupation of Afrin forcibly displaced thousands of people from Afrin. They now live in IDPs camps and endure the cold weather in winter and the heat of summer. The international community must immediately end rights violations in Afrin. I call on the Turkish state and its mercenaries to leave Afrin right now.>
'International organizations must fulfill their duties'
Leila Al-Jumaa also condemned the crimes committed by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions in Afrin. Najia Haj Muhammed, a Circassian woman in Manbij, condemned the rape of two girls by the members of the Turkish-backed factions in Afrin and said, <They must be punished. If they go unpunished, women and girls will be subjected to many crimes such as kidnapping, murder, harassment and rape. Human rights organizations should determine their stance against the crimes committed in Afrin. We call on international human rights and children rights organizations to fulfill their duties. A safe environment must be built for women and children in Afrin.> >>

copyright Womens Liberation Front 2019/ 2023