formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front


Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in Afghanistan.

This online magazine will be published evey month and started December 2019. Thank you for your time and interest.

Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and activist








                                                                                                            CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020


When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendagi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jhina Mahsa Amini or Zhina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in 2023:  July 15 -1--June 30 - 15--June 15-1--May 31 -16-- May 15-1--April--
So here is where the protests continue and I'll continue to inform you about it. That's my pledge.
Gino d'Artali
Indept investigative journalist
When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.
Note by Gino d'Artali: The Zan, zendagi, azadi!> (Women, life, freedom)  will only then end when khamenei and his puppets i.e. the morality police, the basijis and the irgc give way or go away!!
For all topics below that may hopefully interest you click on the image:


Updated July 25, 2023




Updated July 12, 2023




Updated July 12, 2023

JULY 2023:
<<Iranian Woman Handed Harsh Sentence for <No-Hijab Infectious Disease> Disease? It are the mullahs with a non-curable tumor in their heads! Gino d'Artali
<<Woman from Kermanshah: Iranian women want to have equal rights with men....
JUNE 2023:
Tribute to
Sadiqeh Dowlatabadi....

your demand to to wear the Maghna'eh, a black cloth covering their head, forehead, chin, and chest....
and other oppressive news

<<Defiance Against Mandatory Hijab Grows as Iranian Government Seeks  Stricter Measures....
and more news
or click here for May  2023

Updates July 25 - 28, 2023
 July 25, 2023 - Tuesday 21.00 pm. UTC:
About the trials against the jailed journalists Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi who, shortly after Jina Mahsa Amini was murdered by the basiji for apparently wearing her hijab wrongfully, wrote about it are in awaiting the verdicts now. First in line is miss Hamedi...
and more...


Updates July 20 - 28, 2023
This upper-menu and given the fact that the Iranian women more and more refuse to accept the madatory hijab I'll update it  everyday approx. 22.00 pm o'clock UTC time
Click left or right to follow the updates

Updates July 20 - 25, 2023
July 24, 2023:
<<Mohammadi: <Tyrannical> Theocracy Uses Forced Hijab to Suppress Women....
July 23, 2023: Gino d'Artali's UTC's  of today
NCRI - Women Committee: <<
<<30.000 victims we never forget nor forgive....
July 21, 2023: NCRI - July 21, 2023 - in Podcast, Women's News
<<The Relaunch of the Morality Police in Iran...
July 22, 2023 - Sunday UTC 21.30 pm.: Opinion by Gino d'Artali

July 21, 2023: <<Iranian Sunni Cleric Denounces <Coercive Measures> Against Women without Hijab

July 20 - 13, 2023
Protester Leila Ziafar (read more about her below) did tweet:
<It is impossible that we turn back from the path we paved. To remove the compulsory Hijab and its captivity, we will not let the blood of those slain be trampled.> Strong and so true words! 

July 14 - 3, 2023
<<Iranian Woman Handed Harsh Sentence for <No-Hijab Infectious Disease>....
<<Woman from Kermanshah: Iranian women want to have equal rights with men....
<<Iranian Woman Doctor Sentenced to Cleaning Work for Flouting Hijab Laws....

<<Tehran University Cancels Photo Exhibit over Hijab Rules....
and more news

UPDATE: June 22 - 15, 2023
Tribute to
Sadiqeh Dowlatabadi

your demand to to wear the Maghna'eh, a black cloth covering their head, forehead, chin, and chest....
and other oppressive news

<<Mandatory Hijab Rules Cost Iranians up to $900 Million Annually....
and more news

Unveiled And Unbroken, Woman's Revolution In Iran

Defiance Against Mandatory Hijab Grows as Iranian Government Seeks Stricter Measures

July 19, 2023: Preface by Gino d'Artali - What you'll read are in total very long stories and often painfull but... one should not forget that the strength of the not-accepting the mandatory hijab women is stronger than the patriarchal regime and its shia mullahs and judiciary. They'll keep up the fight against it!

The below may, at first read, have nothing to do with the struggles of the NO-hijabis today but think again after reading please...

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 21.45 pm UTC
About the trials against the jailed journalists Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi who, shortly after Jina Mahsa Amini was murdered by the basiji
for apparently wearing her hijab wrongfully, wrote about it are in awaiting the verdicts now. First in line is miss Hamedi...
Read more about it here:
Iranwire - July 25, 2023
<<Trial of Iranian Journalist Hamedi Ends; Verdict Expected in Coming Days...

Read also:
<<The Disastrous Impact of Ideology on Iranian Chess>... by Payam Younesipour, or one could and can say how mandatory hijab demands and rules from Iranian regimes really is a disaster for brilliant female chess-players.
Read it here:

Monday July 24, 2023 - 21.45 pm UTC
Iranwire - July 24, 2023 - by Jailed human rights activist Narges Mohammadi and her tweet on July 22, 2023
<<Mohammadi: <Tyrannical> Theocracy Uses Forced Hijab to Suppress Women
Jailed human rights activist Narges Mohammadi has responded to a new round of pressure by the government of the Islamic Republic to impose
mandatory hijab on women, calling it a conspiracy by the country's theocracy to subjugate women. <Contrary to claims by the theocracy, covering
women's hair was not meant to 'protect women's dignity' and 'control men's sexual urge'> Mohammadi said in an Instagram message on July 22. <In
fact, covering our hair was to preserve tyranny and to satisfy men's dictatorial lust. Now the world is witnessing that women's 'power of refusal' has
broken the 'tyrannical power' of theocracy.> <Forced hijab was a conspiracy by the tyrannical government to expand suppression, to institutionalize
submission, to enforce (hidden) violence> in order to subjugate women, dominate them and remove them from the public sphere, she continued.
<The fact is that forced hijab is not only a 'women's problem;' it is the problem of the whole society; it is a problem for freedom, for deliverance from
tyranny, for justice, for overthrowing injustice and oppression, for realizing peace, democracy and human rights and for getting rid of violence and
discrimination. Therefore, nobody can ignore this issue, regardless of creed, ideology and beliefs. <We, the women, have achieved the historical
power and position to bring about revolutionary changes...and we can have no doubt that our power to refuse and to disobey forced hijab would
defeat the tyrannical power of theocracy.> Mohammadi is one of the best-known human rights activists in Iran. She has been harassed, arrested and
imprisoned many times and is currently serving a 16-year prison sentence in Tehran's Evin Prison. The outspoken activist has received many awards
and accolades, including the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize and the Andrei Sakharov Prize of the American Physical Society.>>

First and foremost important to know is that especially the IRGC, and backed-up by the basij, recently is so eager to control if women obey to the
mandatory hijab because... elections are due. And they know all too well that Khamenei has become the weakest link for the by the Shia-mullahs
controlled and delegated powers to the ones to continue and carrying on the regime's grip on the country that a scape-goat is needed and thinking
that when women refusing to obey the tyrany of the mandatory hijab will be that scape-goat for them to be able to secure their control and even, who knows, already have a replacement for Khamenei in mind. But think of this: what if the No-hijabis by the tens-of-thousands storm the parliament which happens so un-expected and by absolute surprise that it toples the regime and with it its domino stones, the basij and the IRGC and the Shia-mullahs. Food for thought and inspiration. Long live Free Iran
Gino d'Artali

Sunday - July 23, 2023 - 'Woman, Life, Freedom' The No-hijabis vs. the regime:
Personal reflection on why the 'No-hijabis' topic is such an important topic to me: all my life I've travelled and met, learned about and respected many
many different people from all kinds of life and cultures and learned their language although and I'm really sorry but not Japanese nor Arabic or Farsi
although I do speak a little bit. But... if there's one thing I've learned it is to have respect for somebody, even if I didn't understand the whys'
thoroughly (although for me this does not include right-wing thoughts and politics). But the least one can and should do is to accept ones personal
choices and culture. So if a woman wants and even needs the freedom to choose whatever she wants to wear or how that's her choice and I respect
that. But concerning wearing a headscarf: many women do wear one be it also here in a way she chooses too: for example with hairs dancing around
her head with pride and joy because she knows and feels it makes her (even) more beautifull and happy. That's her right and personal choice and one should respect that if not co-enjoy it with her. But... one thing I also and foremost learned is 'looking is free BUT NO TOUCHING without her consent'!
Now I include the below quote for an important reason and I sub-quote:
<<Prof. Anand Grover told the Free Iran World Summit, on July 3, <This is one of the finest moments for people who believe in something so simple;
I will not agree with you, and I’m prepared to die. Can you think about this? It's an amazing fate of human effort to be able to do it. Please
appreciate the conviction of their beliefs, their bravery, and the courage of their conviction.> >>
Read my full quote of the article below and chilling and painfull it might be and really it is please read the full article by clicking on the url. The victims deserve it:

NCRI - Womens committee - in articles - Women's news July 23, 2023
<<30.000 victims we never forget nor forgive
The 1988 Massacre in Iran and the Urgent Need for Independent Inquiry
The 1988 massacre is a stark reminder of the Iranian regime’s complete disregard for the sanctity and dignity of human life. The 1988 Massacre in
Iran and the Urgent Need for Independent Inquiry. 35 years ago, in the final days of July, the Death Commissions in prisons all over Iran engaged in a quiet yet hurried massacre and genocide. Their goal was to eliminate those who 'stood their ground and continued to do so, as per Khomeini's order. During this time, the Evin and Gohardasht prisons witnessed the massacre of prisoners, leaving only a few Mojahed prisoners in other cities' facilities. In some prisons, not a single person survived. The 1988 massacre in Iran, deemed the most significant crime against humanity since the Second World War, stands as a stark reminder of the Iranian regime's complete disregard for the sanctity and dignity of human life. It serves as evidence of the corrupt and repressive regime's relentless pursuit of power, regardless of the cost. Remembering these dark days is an act of honoring the victims of this massacre and amplifying their voices in the quest for freedom and justice in Iran. We must never forget that their voices were brutally silenced by the mullahs' regime during those years, with extreme brutality. In his speech to the Free Iran World Summit 2023, on July 3, Mr. Stanislav Pavlovski said, <The massacre of 1988, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people, was a tragic event that deeply shocked not only Iranian society but the entire civilized world... It is known justice delayed is justice denied, and the time for justice has come. Such tragic events should have no place in the world based on the principles of humanity, where human life and dignity are absolute values protected by all jurisdictions, and the world should do everything to guarantee that they will never happen again.>
Reflecting on the massacre of 30,000 innocent souls
Reflecting on the massacre of 30,000 innocent souls sends a chill down one's spine. The manner in which the Iranian regime executed these
individuals is deeply unsettling. Take a moment to pause and consider: why did they all sacrifice their lives?>>
Please please do people, we may indeed <not> 'forget nor forgive':

NCRI - July 21, 2023 - in Podcast, Women's News
<<The Relaunch of the Morality Police in Iran
Today, we will focus on the recent resurgence of the Guidance Patrols, also known as the Morality Police, in Iran.
The Guidance Patrols have a history of enforcing a strict dress code on women, namely the mandatory hijab, in Iran. Last year, in mid-September, the violent beating and subsequent death of a young woman sparked nationwide protests which beyond women’s demand for freedom of choice, called for the overthrow of the entire mullahs' regime. In response to the public's angry reaction to Mahsa Amini's death in Police custody, the regime withdrew the guidance patrols, and their vans vanished from the streets. The first question is why did the Iranian regime relaunch the patrols on the 16th of July? Really, why did the Iranian regime relaunch the patrols they are facing criticism even from their own people, warning against its consequences, specifically the outbreak of another nationwide uprising, as the economy is in shambles and the Iranian people have really nothing to lose. One MP said, and I quote, <Whenever our sensitivities towards women's hair and hijab are more than our sensitivity to embezzlement, child laborers, social ills, garbage scavengers, etc. rest assured that we are on the wrong path and the path of injustice.> He continued, <In circumstances when people have economic problems, they expect us to pay attention to their livelihood and control the inflation.> Other MPs questioned the 43-year record of the guidance patrols, and their failure to impose the mandatory Hijab on women by force. Even some of the Friday prayer leaders criticized the patrol's return. But the Iranian regime finds it easier to assault defenseless women on the streets and distract people from the grave economic problems that more than 90 percent of the population are grappling with every second and hour. Especially these days, people around the country and even in the capital are suffering from water outages in the heat of summer. To sum it up, the regime has relaunched the guidance patrols because it is weaker than at any other time during its rule. In this part, we want to discuss the news of Iranian women's resistance against the guidance patrols. On the first day when the guidance patrols returned to the streets, there were reports of people confronting the patrols who harassed women for not wearing the Hijab. In Rasht, the capital of the northern province of Gilan, a major confrontation broke out between the guidance patrols and plainclothes agents on the one hand and the public on the other. People chanted <Death to Khamenei,> the mullahs' leader and the plainclothes agents used tear gas to disperse the crowd. Another noteworthy incident happened at a gas station in Isfahan, central Iran, where other drivers went to the aid of a woman who received a warning from the so-called vice patrols promoting virtue. People attacked the patrols and helped the woman escape being arrested. We haven't received any news of significant clashes in the following days. It seems that the authorities have well understood that Iranian women are not afraid of their patrols and will stand up against them. Something that might spark another uprising. So, we see the patrols on the streets but they just take films. Interestingly, the spokesman for State Security Force stressed that the Guidance patrol vans will not be back, but the ordinary police would be doing the warnings and making the arrests and they are called the Social Norms Police. In the meantime, the government, namely Ebrahim Raisi, and the judiciary have denied their part in ordering the patrols' return while the Security Force had initially announced that they had received emphatic orders from Raisi and the Judiciary to go ahead with the plan. In addition, people know that last year's intensified violence against women in the streets had been ordered by Raisi. And this year, too, no matter what the authorities say, everyone knows that the State Security Force is part of the Interior Ministry which is part of Raisi's government. This has become a popular joke making headlines in the press and media saying, let's find the authorities who ordered the return of the patrols. I think we should see these denials and retreats as further proof of the regime's weakness. And the last issue, cause we're running out of time. Earlier this year, in March and April, we heard about a plethora of measures implemented to deal with women who remove their veils. It's good to review those measures since they apparently didn't prove effective and led to the return of the Morality Police. In March after the Nowruz holidays, the SSF Commander announced that they would resume surveillance of women who do not observe the mandatory Hijab. They obtained facial recognition technology from China and created much ado about identifying women with closed-circuit cameras and taking away their national social security cards. They also ordered all employers and business owners to order their female employees to cover their hair, otherwise, their companies and businesses would be closed. They also closed and sealed hundreds and hundreds of restaurants, shops, libraries, parks, and sightseeing places around the country for providing service to unveiled women. They ordered banks, hospitals, metro stations, airports, movie theatres, and other public services to refrain from providing services to women not covering their hair. They also penalized women with heavy fines, imprisonment, flogging, dismissal from their jobs, and depriving them of various services, including the Internet. They deprived university students of continuing their education and expelled them from school. And the judiciary even handed down contemptible verdicts, forcing defiant residents, and movie stars, to do janitorial work, wash corpses in the mortuaries for one month, or visit a psychologist for six months to cure their <mental disorder. > All this, however, failed to scare Iranian women and quell their passion for freedom and the public's outrage against the regime in general. Actually, the removal of the mandatory Hijab is a form of opposition mocking the regime's authority, and the mullahs very well understand it.>>

Opinion by Gino d'Artali - Sunday, July 22, 2023, 21.30 pm. o'clock UTC western-Europe - Indeed a growing number of 'No-hijabis' and men at their sides, and thousands of them if you ask me, are more and more mocking the regime because they can feel very well the helplessness of them as well as of the basij now in charge of the and re-named so-called 'vice patrols and/or social norms controls' but the question here is: has the regime formed special units to do its 'dirty job'? Especially also because they themselves feel helpless and left alone by a regime which more and more is loosing its grip on the country and its people and also they, I can imagine, are feeling more and more scared when bystanders/witnesses jump-in to the aid of the women who are being attacked. And any man brought up and thaught well by his mother knows one does not use violence against women! And there's also the issue of a corrupt regime in denial of all the other problems that fear more and more it's going to backlash against themselves because of the grave economic problems that more than 90 percent of the population are grappling with every second and hour and have more and more problems to put food on the table and have a glass of nice tea with it if, because of the same corrupt regime, they can't have it neither because people are suffering too from water outages and/or polluted water in the heat of summer and hospitals with shortages of beds or medics to help them let alone the most vulnerable, the children. We are not talking anymore about what and whom because the whom I call the 'No-hijabis' are not the problem of the social unrest but about a regime that is causing it and that it's feeling more and more that it's loosing control and power or should I say 'powder' because it are the people and especially the women who could set that barrel ablaze by just igniting the flint on fire with their hijabis and blow up the regime to smithereens. Yes, I admit, that's wishfull thinking but then again, Im not alone.

Iranwire - July 21, 2023
<<Iranian Sunni Cleric Denounces <Coercive Measures> Against Women without Hijab
Iran's most prominent Sunni cleric criticized the Islamic Republic's brutal enforcement of mandatory veiling, saying in his Friday sermon that the vicious tactics used to force women and girls into covering their hair in public are fueling civil disobedience. Molavi Abdulhamid, the Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, made the comments on July 21, as residents of the restive south-eastern city returned to the streets for weekly protests against Iran's clerical establishment. In an act of defiance against the ideology and laws of the Islamic Republic, a growing number of women have appeared in public without hijab since nationwide protests erupted in September last year. Some defiant women were arrested, summoned by the authorities and faced legal cases, while hundreds of small businesses and shopping malls were shut down for allegedly failing to enforce hijab rules on their customers. <A large portion of these women believe in wearing the hijab, but they are dissatisfied and angry, and they want to express their civil disobedience by removing the hijab,> Molavi, a key dissenting voice inside Iran since the outbreak of last year's protests, said in his July 21 sermon. <If we want the hijab to be respected, imprisoning, detaining and beating will not achieve that goal,> the 76-year-old outspoken cleric added. <Even if it appears to work, it will only be temporary.> In remarks posted on his Twitter page last week, Molavi said that <coercive measures like compelling women to wear hijab and shutting down businesses have yielded no positive results; instead, they have fueled more dissatisfaction and unrest.> He offered an alternative approach using tact, wisdom and respect for women's choices.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - July 20, 2023
<<Police Chief: Decision to Resume <Morality> Patrols Is <Irreversible>
Top Iranian officials have expressed support for the recent resumption of street patrols by Morality Police, despite growing public criticism over the enforcement of the Islamic Republic's compulsory headscarf rules on women. Let it be known that we perceive this path and mission as irreversible, owing to the benevolent impact it has even on our audience, and we are determined to pursue this until the very end,> police chief Ahmadreza Radan said on July 20. Radan applauded his colleagues' <resolute and astute approach> and claimed that their actions are a <direct response to public demands, as well as in compliance with legal and Shariah obligations.> Judiciary head Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei also backed the reintroduction of patrols targeting <immoral> clothing. The authorities have drafted a new bill that would impose stiffer penalties against women who violate the Islamic Republic's strict dress code, including fines, imprisonment and the deprivation of social rights. Ejei said that the existing regulations related to <hijab and chastity> will continue to apply until a new bill that would impose stiffer penalties against women who violate the Islamic Republic's dress code, including fines, imprisonment, and even the deprivation of rights, is approved by parliament and enshrined in law, Meanwhile, a parliament representative from the north-western city of Tabriz disclosed that the interior minister had revived Morality Police's patrols as a way to avoid potential impeachment.>>
Read more here:

Womens' Liberation Front 2019/ 2023