formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front


Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in Afghanistan.
This online magazine started December 2019 and will be published evey month and concerning the 'Women, Life, Freedom' revolution in Iran every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and womens rights activist








                                                                                                            CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020

The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendagi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jhina Mahsa Amini or Zhina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in 2023: August 31 - 18  -- August 15 - 1
-part2--August 15 - 1-- July 31 - 16 --July 15 -1--June 30 - 15--June 15-1--May 31 -16-- May 15-1--April--March--Feb--Jan  

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's Savagery 10 years ago.

For all topics below
that may hopefully interest you click on the image:



Updated August 15, 2023





Updated August 17, 2023


Updated July 18, 2023


 Updated August 12, 2023


Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.

Click here for a total list so far

'Facing Faces and Facts 1-2'  (2022) to commemorate the above named and more and food for thought and inspiration to fight on.
and 'Facing Faces & Facts 3' edited December 2022/March 2023

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' pages menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are and click on another underlinded period to go there. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
This does not count for the  above topics which, when clicked on, will still appear in a pop-up window and for now the 'old' lay-out 'till I worked that all out. Thank you. Gino d'Artali
(Updates August 18, 2023)

August 11, 2023
<<Iranian Youths’ Unyielding Quest for Freedom...

Please do not forget to commemorate
our dear sister Jina Mahsa Amini
on September 16, 2023
not only in grieving but also with your in rememberance poetry and art.
Thank you with all my heart.

August 14 - 13, 2023

August 18, 2023
<<Films Banned, Actors Blacklisted, Filmmakers Prosecuted: The State Crackdown on Iranian Cinema>>....

August 18, 2023
<<Double punishment>>....

August 18 - 17, 2023
<<Students, Activists Threatened, Summoned, Arrested ahead of Mahsa Amini Anniversary....
and <<Twelve People Arrested in Gilan, Kurdistan Provinces for <Plotting to Incite Disorder>....
and <<Psychologist Arrested in Crackdown on Baha'is in Iran....
and <<Iran: More than 15 women activists arrested this week....
and <<Jailed Iranian Activist Raises Alarm over Increase of Violence against Women Prisoners...
and more news and almost all about the upcoming commemoration of the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini 

August 16, 2023
<<Activist Arrests and Unjust Sentences Underline Ongoing Persecutions in Iran....
and <<Iran’s Sunni Clerics Targeted For <Heightened Persecution>....
and <<Seven Women's Rights Activists Arrested in Iran's Gilan Province....
and << <Relentless Oppression:> 90-Year-Old Baha'i Arrested, 180 More Targeted
And escpecially read also below:
<Kurdish journalist, Nazila Maroofian, was violently arrested on Monday, August 14, and transferred to Qarchak Prison, where she went on a dry hunger strike. She had referred to the Police Station to receive her cell phone when one of the officers punched her in the back of her head. Her mother who was accompanying her, objected to police action, but he said, <We want to kill her just like we killed Mahsa Amini.>.... 
and more news

August 15 - 11, 2023
<<Hessam Moradi: Excessive Bail Forces Protester to Stay in Jail....
and <<University Students Summoned by Security Institutions amid Fear of Renewed Protests....
and <<Jailed Iranian University Lecturer Is <Skin and Bones>....
and <<Twin Sisters Arrested in Iran's Kurdistan; Whereabouts Unknown....
and <<Iranian journalist Nazila Maroufian arrested for third time....
and <<200 Female Students of Bu-Ali University are Denied Dormitories....
and so much more news

Click here to go to August 11, 2023
August 11 - 8, 2023
<< <Respect> Women and Journalists, Iran's Top Sunni Cleric Tells Rulers....
and <<17-year-old Sonia Sharifi kidnapped, tortured by Iranian government forces....
and <<Tehran Authorities Plan to Virtualize Universities amid Fear of Renewed Protests....
and <<Gas-Rich Iran Hit Hard by Energy Crisis....
and <<Canada Targets Senior Iranian Officials with New Sanctions....
and <<165 women killed in Iran and Rojhilat in last two years....
and so much more news
August 11, 2023
<<Iran's Rulers Wary of Football Fans ahead of Mahsa Amini's Death Anniversary....
and the first 2 weeks of that month:

2-weekly opinion by Gino d'Artali:
Dedicated to the women-led revolution
August 4 - July 15, 2023

July 15 - 1, 2023
June 30 - 15, 2023

June 15 - 9, 2023



When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

NCRI - in Women's news - August 18,2023
<<Maryam Abbassi Nikou faces the death penalty after 52 days of detention
Maryam Abbassi Nikou has been detained for 52 days in the Dowlatabad Prison of Isfahan, without standing trial.
Maryam Abbassi Nikou is from Shahinshahr, in the central province of Isfahan. Agents of the Department of Intelligence raided her residence at 11 pm on June 26, 2023. They were looking for her daughter who was not home at the time. Instead, they brutalized her parents and arrested and took away her mother. The agents said Ms. Abbassi Nikou was to attend a simple questioning session and return home. Maryam Abbassi Nikou was detained at the Department of Intelligence and eventually transferred to Dowlatabad Prison. Her case has been referred to the Third Branch of the Interrogation Court of Shahinshahr. In the preliminary stage of investigations, Ms. Nikou has not been allowed to have a lawyer of her own choice and the court appointed her a lawyer. She is reportedly accused of <insulting the Prophet,> a charge that is punishable by the death penalty. Maryam's daughter, Bita Shafii, 17, was arrested after protesting security forces for the poisoning of students. She bravely stood up to the judge and interrogators for which they broke her middle finger. Her sentence was suspended for one year and she was released after some time. Maryam Abbassi Nikou, 42, is the mother of two children.>>

Iranwire - August 18, 2023
<<Students, Activists Threatened, Summoned, Arrested ahead of Mahsa Amini Anniversary
With the first anniversary of the September 16 death in police custody of Mahsa Amini approaches, the Iranian government is intensifying its crackdown on university students and activists across the country. According to the Telegram channel Khabarnameh Amirkabir, 2,843 university students have been summoned to appear before university disciplinary committees in recent days. These summonses mainly aim at extracting pledges from students and discouraging them from participating in gatherings marking the anniversary of the protest movement sparked by Amini's death. Many of the students targeted are from Tehran's Iran University of Science and Technology (324), Kerman's Shahid Bahoner University (282), Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran, (157), Tehran University (153) and Allameh Tabatabai University, also in the capital (149). In an attempt to prevent the eruption of renewed demonstrations next month, the government has declared that classes would be held online until October 2. A student from Tehran's Tarbiat Modares University told IranWire that at least 40 students at this university were summoned by security agencies within 24 hours. Many of those summoned said they went through long interrogations and faced <threats,> according to student union councils. They also said that, in anticipation of the Amini anniversary and the reopening of universities, disciplinary committees have joined forces with security institutions to <instill fear and intimidation,> extract pledges, and fabricate charges against students. Earlier this week, the United Students Telegram channel revealed a campaign of intimidation by the authorities which consists in summoning students at Tehran's Khajeh Nasiruddin Toosi University by telephone. Khajeh Nasir University's student union condemned such practice as <illegitimate> and vowed to formally ask the university's security agency to halt it. A student at Tarbiat Modares University told IranWire that security agencies contact the parents of those who fail to answer calls on their personal phone. During the <Woman, Life, Freedom> protest movement, students held rallies in more than 140 major Iranian universities, resulting in the arrest of over 750 participants. Some of those arrested faced sentences including imprisonment and flogging.>>
Do read more here:
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: and that includes my opinion I wrote below meaning also the government hasn't seen nothing yet!!

Iranwire - August 18, 2023
<<Prison Sentence Upheld for Baha'i from Shiraz
Branch 37 of the Court of Appeals of Fars province has upheld the initial sentence against Hoshidar Zarei, a Baha'i resident of Shiraz and a provincial judo champion. In July, the Shiraz Revolutionary Court issued a one-year prison sentence for Zarei on the charge of <propaganda activity> against the Islamic Republic and five years for <engaging in activities that endorse a religious group conflicting with Islamic Sharia.> Zarei also had his social rights suspended for five years and was fined 50 million tomans ($1,000), barred from online activities and banned from traveling outside the country for two years. Baha'is have been persecuted in Iran for decades for their faith and are often accused of being spies or opposed to the Iranian government. On August 16, the Baha'i International Community denounced a <new wave of repression> targeting Baha'is, saying that approximately 60 of them have been arrested or imprisoned across the country in recent weeks.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - August 18, 2023
<<Another University Professor Fired in Iran for Supporting Protesters
A professor in Tehran who expressed support for student protests says he has been sacked from his post at Allameh University amid an intensifying clampdown on critical voices in Iran. <I am Mahdi Khoei, a sociology professor at Allameh University who has never compromised his values and has been unwavering in his dedication to both students and the public. Despite seven years of devoted teaching, I have been handed a termination letter,> he said in an Instagram post on August 17. The announcement triggered condemnations from both faculty members and students. <We wholeheartedly stand by our teacher, Professor Mahdi Khoei, and offer him our unwavering support,> students at Allameh University's Faculty of Sociology said in a statement, adding that Khoei's dismissal was part of a broader pattern of repression against dissenting voices. In recent months, the Iranian government has suspended or expelled dozens of professors and students for their political views, in what the student union councils of Iran said was part of a strategy to cleanse universities of activists.>>

Iranwire - August 18, 2023
<<Twelve People Arrested in Gilan, Kurdistan Provinces for <Plotting to Incite Disorder>
Security forces in Iran have arrested 12 people in the provinces of Gilan and Kurdistan, according to the Tasnim news agency, as authorities continue a crackdown in the run-up to the first anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death next month. Tasnim, which is affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), said on August 17 that those arrested are accused of <plotting to incite disorder and vandalism> on the anniversary of last year's nationwide protests sparked by Amini's death. The agency did not name those targeted by the wave of arrests, but it claimed they were linked to <external elements and had received training and funding from foreign intelligence agencies.>. The Intelligence Department of Gilan Province said in a statement that the detainees were instructed to <orchestrate plans for Mahsa Amini's anniversary> on September 16. The police chief of Gilan province said they were accused of <undermining national security.> Dozens of people have been arrested across Iran in recent weeks, including students, journalists and lawyers. Officials have blamed the West for inciting last year's monthslong popular protests and vowed to crack down even harder on the demonstrations.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: the tasnim or irgc or whatever has'nt seen nothing yet. You just wait and feel you scum!!

Iranwire - August 17, 2023
<<Psychologist Arrested in Crackdown on Baha'is in Iran
Iranian security forces have arrested a Baha'i psychologist and translator, Newsha Badie Sabet, in the northern city of Babol, according to information received by IranWire, amid an intensifying clampdown on the religious minority. Agents of the Intelligence Department of Mazandaran province visited on August 15 the residence of a Baha'i woman named Suzan Eid Mohammadzadegan and apprehended Badie Sabet, who was her guest.
Badie Sabet, a resident of Tehran, was taken to an undisclosed location. The reasons for her arrest are unknown.
Some sources reported that Eid Mohammadzadegan was also arrested.
Badie Sabet is the author of a book titled <Narrative Therapy: Utilizing Narrative Techniques to Enhance Cognitive and Emotional Growth in Traumatized Children.> On August 16, the Baha'i International Community (BIC) denounced a <new wave of repression> targeting Baha'is, saying that approximately 60 members of the religious minority have been arrested or imprisoned in recent weeks. Eighteen have faced interrogations, 59 Baha'i-owned businesses were reportedly sealed by the authorities and the homes of nine others were raided and searched.>>
Read more here:
Read also more below

Iranwire - August 17, 2023 - by SHOHREH MEHRNAMI
<<Is a New Round of Business Confiscations Coming in Iran?
An August 13 column by Hossein Shariatmadari, managing editor of the hardline Kayhan newspaper, sparked many reactions in Iranian media.
Referring to photographs showing startup female employees without the mandatory headscarf, he wrote that these platforms have acted in step with the <enemy.> Shariatmadari, who is also the representative of Supreme Leader Khamenei at Kayhan newspaper, then argued that since these startup companies have little capital and have used the regime' <facilities,> their management should be handed over to <qualified people> and their ownership be transferred to the regime.
Threats of Confiscation
Under the big headline <Threat to Confiscate Startups,> Sazandegi newspaper compared Shariatmadari with <extremist socialists who, early after the revolution, said that kicking out owners of factories would do no harm to the companies.> <Such words and such threats...create a sense of insecurity in society, and such a feeling is harmful to the business environment,> the newspaper Ham Mihan said in a column on its first page. <Statements of this kind make startup companies nervous and apprehensive, create a great obstacle to society’s progress and development, and stops the engine of the country's economy.> The managers of these newspapers, who themselves are prominent political figures in the Islamic Republic, know well that Shariatmadari's statements can influence members of the parliament, the government and extremist figures within the government.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - August 17, 2023
<<Baha'i Man Arrested in Isfahan for Unknown Reasons
Iranian security forces have arrested a follower of the Baha'i faith in the central city of Isfahan amid a relentless wave of repression against the religious minority in the country.
Arash Nabavi was arrested at his home on August 14 by agents from the Ministry of Intelligence, who also confiscated his personal belongings, including mobile phones, tablets and Baha'i-related books. Nabavi's parents were later informed he was being interrogated at the Intelligence Department in Isfahan.
No reason was provided for the search and the arrest.
Baha'is have been persecuted in Iran for decades and are often accused of being spies or opposed to the Iranian government. On August 16, the Baha'i International Community denounced a <new wave of repression> targeting Baha’is, saying that approximately 60 of them have been arrested or imprisoned across the country in recent weeks. Eighteen have faced interrogations, 59 Baha'i-owned businesses were reportedly sealed by the authorities and the homes of nine others were raided and searched.>>
Read more here:

And read also this indept article by the
Center for Human Rights Iran - August 17, 203
<< <Our Homes are No Refuge> Baha'i Minority in Iran Facing Intensified State Assault>>....

Jinha - Womens news agency - August 17,2023
<<Iran: More than 15 women activists arrested this week
News Center- Those who supporting the <Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> protests that started in Iran and Rojhilat following the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini by Iran's so-called <morality police>, still face arrest, detention, torture and kidnapping. According to the local sources, more than 15 women activists have been arrested by Iran's Revolutionary Guards since the beginning of this week for supporting the protests. There are journalists, photographers, writers and teachers among the arrested women.
They have been taken to unknown locations
The number of women may be more but only the identity of 15 of them have been determined. Their family members have announced their arrests on social media platforms. According to the received report, some families have received threats to not announce the arrest of their relatives. The locations of the arrested women are still unknown. The names of 15 women, who have been arrested in Rasth, Fuman, Lahijan, Bandar Anzali and Tehran, are: Zahra Dadras (Zohreh Dadras), Jelveh Javaheri, Frough Saminia, Matin Yazdani, Negin Rezaie. Yasamin Hashdari, Vahedeh Khosh-sirat, Shiva Shah-Siah, Elahe Askeri, Nerges Serdari and her daughter.>>

Iranwire - August 17, 2023
<<Iranian Boy in Limbo after Skull Part Goes Missing in Hospital
The family of a 14-year-old boy is desperately hunting for answers after part of his skull went missing while he was being treated in a hospital in southern Iran, according to a media report. The boy, named Hamzeh, was admitted in July to Hazrat Abulfazl Hospital in the city of Minab after suffering a concussion during an accident, according to Hamshahri Online. Doctors removed a portion of his skull during surgery to relieve swelling on his brain, with the intention of re-transplanting it later, the reports said. However, when doctors went to perform the transplant on August 14, they could not find the skull fragment. Hazrat Abulfazl Hospital has launched an investigation into the incident. Its director, Meysam Selehi, said that those found to have made a mistake would face legal consequences. The hospital staff is providing <all necessary care to Hamzeh> and the teenager <is not in any immediate danger,> he also said.>>

Iranwire - August 17, 2023
<<Jailed Iranian Activist Raises Alarm over Increase of Violence against Women Prisoners
In a message written in Tehran's Evin prison, prominent human rights activist Narges Mohammadi says she has witnessed over the past few months a sharp increase in the number of women entering the detention facility with visible signs of physical abuse. The text, published on Mohammadi's Instagram page on August 17, says that violence against women inmates is <systematic> and is aimed at instilling terror in them. The activist cited the case of a 70-year-old woman who was beaten so badly on the night of her arrest that she had black eyes and bruises on her body for 25 days.
Another woman sustained rib injuries after being assaulted by male officers, and a third had a broken leg that was treated properly. Mohammadi called on international human rights organizations, women's and feminist groups, journalists and writers to take action to prevent further violence against women in Iran. She appealed to Javaid Rehman, the UN's special rapporteur on human rights in Iran, to investigate the reported incidents of sexual assault on women detainees. The activist also warned the Islamic Republic that an escalation of violence and repression <would not diminish the resolute determination of the people to move away from an authoritarian religious system.> Mohammadi has been targeted by the Iranian government for decades for her writing and activism. She was most recently arrested in 2022 and subsequently sentenced to 10 years 9 months in prison on multiple fabricated charges. While serving her sentence in Evin prison, Mohammadi consistently used her voice to advocate for fellow political prisoners and highlight horrific conditions inside prisons. In retribution for that, she was given an additional one-year prison sentence earlier this month.>>

Iranwire - August 17, 2023
<<Sentence against Iranian Filmmaker, Producer Sparks International Outcry
The sentence handed down to Iranian filmmaker Saeed Roostaei and his producer after they showcased a movie at the Cannes Film Festival without government approval have sparked swift condemnations from inside and outside Iran. Roostaei and producer Javad Norouzbeigi traveled to the southern French city of Cannes last year to show <Leila's Brothers.> The film didn't take the coveted Palme d'Or but ended up winning two other awards. The film focuses on an Iranian family struggling to make ends meet as the country faces an ailing economy and a rapid depreciation of its currency. It includes sequences showing street protests and security forces beating demonstrators. Earlier this week, the Tehran-based Etemad newspaper reported that Roostaei and Norouzbeigi were sentenced to six months in prison on the charge of <propaganda against the system.>
The men showcased the film <in line with the counterrevolutionary movement...with the aim of fame-seeking in order to prepare fodder and intensify the media battle against Iran's religious sovereignty,> Tehran's Revolutionary Court said in its ruling, according to Etemad.
The court suspended all but 10 days of the prison sentence for the next five years, the newspaper reported.
The two men will also be banned from filmmaking and communicating with those in the film industry during that period and must attend a filmmaking course at the state Radio and Television University in Qom while <maintaining national and moral interests.>
Angry reactions against the sentence, which can be appealed, were swift. Inside Iran, the Association of Cinema Directors issued a statement calling it <the most peculiar judicial decision in the history of Iranian cinema> and <a futile effort to humiliate this talented and insightful filmmaker.>
<If you think that by issuing such humiliating rulings, you are helping to solve problems, bring people together, create joy and hope and strengthen national security, then you have not been successful,> the association said. France's Biarritz International Film Festival, at which Roostaei chaired the jury this year, urged the Iranian judiciary to quash the sentence, saying that <his only crime is being a free-spirited filmmaker.> <Although he's not even 35, his sharp take on society makes him one of today's major international filmmakers,> the festival said. American director Martin Scorsese asked people to sign an online petition to protest the sentence <so they can continue to be a force of good in the world.> Iranian filmmakers and actors have long faced government pressure at home, particularly after the September 2022 death in police custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini sparked months of nationwide protests. Several film directors have been arrested for their work in recent months, and films have been banned from screening. The Islamic Republic has cracked down hard on the protest movement, killing at least 520 people across the country and unlawfully detaining 20,000, activists say. Following biased trials, the judiciary has handed down stiff sentences, including the death penalty, to protesters.>>

 Liberation Front 2019/ 2023