formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front


Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in Afghanistan.
This online magazine started December 2019 and will be published evey month and concerning the 'Women, Life, Freedom' revolution in Iran every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and womens rights activist








                                                                                                            CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020

The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendagi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jhina Mahsa Amini or Zhina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in 2023:  June 15-1--May 31 -16-- May 15-1--April--
For all topics below
that may hopefully interest you click on the image:








updated June 9, 2023

Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.

Click here for a total list so far

'Facing Faces and Facts 1-2'  (2022) to commemorate the above named and more and food for thought and inspiration to fight on.
and 'Facing Faces & Facts 3' edited December 2022/March 2023

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' page-(s)/menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning that only if you click the below underlined period  in yellow it'll bring you that  part of the month and qoute(-s) and link(s) to the full article(-s). If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
This does not count for the  above topics which, when clicked on, will still appear in a pop-up window and for now the 'old' lay-out 'till I worked that all out. Thank you. Gino d'Artali

June 9 - 6, 2023
<<Iran's Top Sunni Cleric Tells Regime to Address <People's Suffering>....
<<Tortured Sunni Baluch Cleric in Solitary Confinement for Months....
and more news


June 5 - 1, 2023
<You are scaring us with death as if we are alive... Forever sacrifice for the future of Iran.> Mansoureh Sagvand...
<<Jailed Labor Activist: The Islamic Republic <Turned its Daggers against All Workers>...
<<Students Arrested and Banished, Professors Fired in Latest State Crackdown in Iran...
and more news

I need to warn you, it'll be more and more ugly. Gino d'Artali
June 2 - 1, 2023
<<The national uprising that sparked in Iran and Rojhilat following the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini by Iran’s so-called <morality police> continues in its 9th month.....
<Bid Launched to Overturn Iran's Appointment as Chair of UNHRC Social Forum....
and more news

<<Ex-Official: Virgin Prisoners Were Raped to Prevent Them Going to Paradis....

And more news


May 26, 2023
<the Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan used his sermon to denounce the pressures exerted on lawyers and the work of parliament members, and said that the right to hold peaceful demonstrations should be recognized. <When you put the lawyer in prison, who dares to defend the people?> Molavi Abdulhamid ask...

Click here to go to the first week of June 2023


Click here for the 2022 'Chapters'




When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Iranwire - June 9, 2023
<<Iran's Top Sunni Cleric Tells Regime to Address <People's Suffering>
Iran's most prominent Sunni cleric urged the Shia-ruled Islamic Republic to address the people's economic needs instead of allocating excessive funding to the military, after officials unveiled what they described as the country’s first domestically produced hypersonic ballistic missile.
Molavi Abdulhamid, the Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, made the call in his sermon on June 9, ahead of weekly anti-government protests in the restive south-eastern city. We are happy that advanced weapons are unveiled for the defense, but we would be happier if, instead of weapons, the stomachs of these people were fed - the people who are shouting in the streets every day,> Molavi said.
In his Friday sermon, Molavi drew attention to the hardships suffered by Iranian villagers and those living on the cities' outskirts. <As long as the Iranian people experience this pain, their lament won’t be silenced. The voice of the nation will persist until you address the people's suffering. Our greatest sorrows are national, not regional,> the 76-year-old cleric said. He said that pressure is being exerted on him to cease his criticism of the Islamic Republic, adding, <If you wish to put an end to the complaints, the solution lies in alleviating the people's pain.> >>
Read more here:

Iranwire - June 9, 2023
<<Iran University Students Face Reprisals over Protests, Hijab
The Islamic Republic's relentless efforts to tighten its grip on universities and suppress student protests have reached a new level of intensity.
After nearly nine months since nationwide anti-government demonstrations began, reports are emerging regarding the authorities' increasing use of intimidation tactics and disciplinary measures on students involved in the protest movement. One of the latest victims of the crackdown is Shahriyar Shams, a student in management at Tehran Azad University. Shams took to social media on June 8 to announce he had been <permanently expelled from the university> by its disciplinary committee.
The young man had previously been arrested twice during protests.
Many students are also facing disciplinary committees and possible suspensions over issues related to the mandatory wearing of hijabs on campuses.
According to a report from the Tehran University of Science and Technology, at least 21 students have been summoned to the disciplinary committee since March for alleged violations of <improper clothing.> One case related to the attire worn by a person outside the university. In an interview with the United Students Telegram Channel, an activist from Tehran's Amir Kabir University unveiled the bleak reality that has unfolded within the institution over the past year. While suppression always existed in the university, the security environment has become increasingly severe, the activist said. <Widespread arrests have targeted universities, with Amir Kabir University bearing the brunt. Security forces have gone beyond making phone threats, physically appearing on campuses to carry out extensive arrests.> Some students have been stripped of essential welfare facilities such as dormitories and forcibly sent back to their hometowns. Rulings have been issued in absentia, depriving students of their right to appeal. The accused have been given little time to defend themselves before discipurce:
for more news about the Unveiled And Unbroken go here:

Iranwire - June 9, 2023 - MARYAM DEHKORDI
<<The Story of an Iranian Doctor Banned from Practicing
The General and Revolutionary Prosecutor-General-s Office of the north-eastern city of Mahabad, in West Azerbaijan province, has dismissed the charges against Dr. Yasser Rahmanirad, a general practitioner who was arrested during the 2022 nationwide protests, and closed his case. Prosecutors informed Dr. Rahmanirad he had been cleared of the charge of <gathering and conspiracy to commit crimes against national security.> Nevertheless, his clinic in the city of Khorramabad, capital of Lorestan province, remains sealed, and his medical equipment and medication that this doctor had brought to Mahabad have been confiscated by the judiciary. Dr. Yasser Rahmanirad, a native of Khorramabad, was arrested with two other doctors in Mahabad last year because he helped victims of the Islamic Republic's brutal crackdown on demonstrators. In an interview with IranWire, the 34-year-old Rahmanirad spoke about the problems he has faced since his school days due to his dedication to human rights and the well-being of his fellow citizens.>>
Read an interview here:

NCRI - Womens News Committee - in Women's news - June 8, 2023
<<Atena Faraghdani, a cartoonist and former political prisoner, was arrested
Atena Faraghdani, a cartoonist and former political prisoner, has been arrested after being summoned to Evin Courthouse. On Wednesday, June 7, 2023, Atena Faraghdani, a cartoonist and children's rights activist residing in Tehran, was arrested after being summoned to the local courthouse of District 33 for interrogation. In a tweet, Mohammad Moghimi, her attorney, wrote: <My client Atena Faraghdani, a painter, cartoonist, and former political prisoner, has been summoned and arrested at Evin Courthouse.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - June 8, 2023
<<Iranian artist Athena Farghdani arrested
News Center- Iranian cartoonist Athena Farghdani, former political prisoner, has been arrested after being summoned to testify by the Evin Prosecutor's Office. Her lawyer Mohammad Moghimi tweeted that the reason for her arrest is still unknown. Athena Farghdani studied Fine and Art at the Alzahra University in Tehran. She was one of the best students at the university; however, she was prevented from getting a master's degree by the members of the parliament. In addition to artistic activities, she also teaches children to paint as part of a project launched by an association defending the rights of working children.
She has been arrested many times
After she was prohibited from studying, she was arrested in August 2014 and jailed for three months in Evin Prison in Tehran on charges of spreading propaganda, insulting members of parliament, and insulting the Supreme Leader of Iran.. She was released from prison in November. She then posted a video online in which she explained to the public about her experience in Evin prison and that she was being strip-searched, beaten and verbally abused by guards. In January 2015, she was arrested again. Three weeks later, she went on a hunger strike to protest the prison conditions. She suffered a heart attack in February 2015. On June 1, 2015, the Tehran Revolutionary Court sentenced her to 12 years and nine months in prison. Her prison sentence was then reduced to seven years and six months according to Article 134 of the new Islamic Penal Code. On May 3, 2016, she was released from prison.>>

Iranwire - June 8, 2023
<<Grave of Executed Protester Kazemi Vandalized
A relative of executed Iranian protester Majid Kazemi has blamed security agents for vandalizing the grave of the young man on the eve of his birthday. The relative, Mohammad Hashemi, posted on June 8 a picture of the desecrated grave on social media, saying it was set on fire by officers at around midnight. The family had received a phone call saying it was forbidden to visit Kazemi's grave on his birthday, Hashemi said. <For the people of Iran, an, the graves of their fallen heroes, including Majid, provide an enduring light,> he wrote on Twitter. <Just like the legendary phoenix, Iran will rise anew and Majid's memory will forever be enshrined in the hearts of the nation,> he added.Kazemi and two other protesters, Saleh Mirehashemi and Saeed Yaqoubi, were sentenced to death for the alleged killing of two members of the paramilitary Basij force and a law enforcement officer during protests in Isfahan in November. Their execution on May 19 sparked widespread public outrage, with rights groups and several governments criticizing the authorities for conducting hasty trials, forcing <confessions> and denying the accused due process. Meanwhile, the authorities have ratcheted up pressure on their families. Last month, Hashemi said the security institutions had suspended his father's retirement benefits and dismissed his sister from her job, leaving the family bereft of financial support.>>

Iranwire - June 8, 2023
<<Suspicious Deaths at Tehran's Amir Kabir University
The second <suspicious death> was reported at Tehran's Amir Kabir University in a week, sparking outrage among students. The university's student union council reported that Yousef Sweizi, a master's student in mining engineering, died on June 7 after experiencing a cardiac arrest in his dorm room. Sweizi was pronounced dead at the scene despite efforts to resuscitate him, the council said, blaming the <negligence> of university officials for the death. Sweizi's body was transferred to a forensic specialist who will conduct toxicology and pathology tests. During the initial examination, no signs of injury were found on the body. The incident came after the Telegram channel of the university students reported that Basir Ebrahimpour, a mechanical engineering student at Amir Kabir University, died on May 31 after suffering a heart attack. It said the negligence of university authorities and the failure of the university's emergency services to provide timely assistance to the student led to his demise. Describing Ebrahimpour as a <hard-working and talented student,> the university's board of directors attributed his cardiac arrest to pre-existing heart problems. The student union council accused the university's officials of downplaying the severity of the incident and held them responsible for the student's death. Students have attributed recent deaths at university campuses to the negligence of university administrators or emergency crews. Mohadeseh Bakhtiari, a sports student at Zanjan University recently succumbed to injuries sustained in a car accident within the university premises. Students say the university authorities' failed to provide timely assistance. And on June 2, the newspaper Etemad reported the suspicious death of Zahra Jalilian, a 32-year-old PhD student at Tehran University. Her family and lawyer told Etemad that the university declared the cause of death as a <suicide,> without presenting any evidence. The university's security team refused to provide the family with footage from surveillance cameras.
Jalilian's family firmly believes she was murdered. This year's academic year started amid nationwide anti-government protests sparked by the September 16 death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while in custody of morality police. Students were at the forefront of the protest movement, and many of them refused to attend classes for weeks in defiance of the authorities' warnings. >>

Iranwire - June 7, 2023 - By ROGHAYEH REZAEI
<<Tortured Sunni Baluch Cleric in Solitary Confinement for Months
Well-respected Sunni Baluch cleric Molavi Abdulmajid Moradzahi has been languishing in solitary confinement for the past four months without any formal charges. The 63-year-old man, known for his influential role as an advisor to Molavi Abdulhamid, the country's most prominent Sunni cleric, was arrested on January 30 during anti-government protests in the restive south-eastern city of Zahedan. The Baluch Activists Campaign, which monitors rights violations in Sistan and Baluchistan province, reported that Moradzahi is being subjected to torture. During a phone call with his mother that lasted a few seconds, the cleric was unable to speak due to the brutal treatment inflicted upon him, it said. In a letter released by the Haalvsh human rights organization, Moradzahi's family urged Sunni scholars, human rights groups and international organizations to help secure his release. Zahedan is the capital of Sistan and Baluchistan province, home to Iran's Sunni Baluch minority of up to 2 million people. The province has been rocked by protest rallies every Friday since September 30, when security forces killed nearly 100 people in Zahedan in the deadliest incident in the months-long nationwide demonstrations sparked by the September death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, while in police custody in Tehran.
Moradzahi is often regarded as the right-hand man of Molavi Abdulhamid, who has been a key dissenting voice inside Iran since the eruption of the nationwide protests demanding fundamental economic, social and political changes. Moradzahi holds key positions as the director of the Farooq Azam publishing house and the Al-Mortaza cultural research institute in Zahedan. Considered by the Baluch community as an <honorable and dignified> man, Abdulmajid is praised for his dedication to aiding the poor and for voicing the grievances of various ethnic minorities and other marginalized groups in his sermons. At the time of his arrest, Abdulmajid was investigating reports of security agents assaulting Baluch women and girls detained for participating in protests, according to IranWire sources. Some activists assert that he was arrested in a bid to pressure Molavi Abdulhamid to stop his critical speeches against the government. The specific charges against Moradzahi remain unclear.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - June 7, 2023
<<Richard Branson Calls for Release of Tortured Rapper Salehi from Prison
UK business magnate Richard Branson has called for the release of Toomaj Salehi, a popular Iranian rapper who has languished in prison for more than eight months. Salehi <bravely gave a voice to millions of young Iranians protesting in the street,> the billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist said in a tweet on June 6. <As his life hangs in the balance after 8 months+ of imprisonment and torture, we all must give our voice to him and call for his release.> Salehi has gained notoriety for lyrics that rail against corruption, widespread poverty and state executions in Iran.
He was arrested on October 30 after releasing songs in support of nationwide protests sparked by the death in police custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was detained in September for allegedly violating mandatory hijab rules. He also posted pictures and videos of himself during demonstrations. The 33-year-old dissident rapper is facing charges including spreading <corruption on Earth,> a charge that can carry a death sentence. In April, Salehi's family told IranWire he had been denied medical treatment during months of solitary confinement despite being inflicted serious injuries by his captors in Dastgerd prison in the central city of Isfahan.>>
Read more here:

NCRI - Women committee - in Women's news - June 7, 2023
<<Students of the Science and Technology University Summoned to the Disciplinary Committee
Student organizations report a new wave of summoning of the Science and Technology University (IUST) students to the disciplinary committee and the reporting of at least 11 professors to the Disciplinary Faculty of Professors. According to a report released by the Student Councils on Monday, June 5, 2023, many IUST students have been summoned to the disciplinary committee over the past week for failing to comply with the compulsory hijab regulations and what the university authorities deemed as <inappropriate> clothes. Furthermore, the summoning of Science and Technology University students has not been limited to the disciplinary committee. The University of Science and Technology faculties deans have summoned seven students. Additionally, one student has been summoned for <inappropriate attire> outside the university. The university security forces harass and reprimand students of Science and Technology on campus based on their attire while walking on the university premises. There has also been strict enforcement of dress code regulations in female dormitories, and some students have been summoned to the disciplinary committee for being late in returning to the dormitory. Additionally, motorcycle patrols and hijab patrols are constantly monitoring the students of the Science and Technology University on campus. In continuation of the crackdown on students, 11 professors teaching at the University of Science and Technology have also been summoned after signing a statement in protest to the serial poisoning of school girls upon a complaint filed by the university's president with university police.>>
for more news about the Unveiled And Unbroken go here:

Iranwire - June 7, 2023 - By SOLMAZ EIKDAR
<<Woman Ex-Prisoner Describes Dehumanizing Treatment in Evin
She is one of the thousands of Iranians who were arrested during last year's <Woman, Life, Freedom> protests and held for an extended period of time in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison. In an interview with IranWire, she described the dehumanizing body searches that the protesters were subjected to in Ward 209. This young woman, who wished not to be named, also recounted the day when the prison was rocked by unrest and set ablaze.
Blindfolded, Insulted and Beaten
Upon entering the ward, she said the officers and guards forced her to repeatedly sit and stand in different positions. Blindfolded, she was compelled to remove all her clothing and spread her legs - all this in the presence of a large number of officers. She endured this demeaning treatment without knowing if any male officers were present or if cameras were filming. In addition, she could hear humiliating comments about her body such as <I wish you were at least attractive; how audacious of you to walk in the streets naked with such shape and appearance,> or <Thanks, God, hijab is mandatory; otherwise, men would be petrified when seeing you.>
When she complained, the guards started beating her. According to this young woman, many women arrested in October and November experienced similar humiliating body searches in Ward 209.
Evin Prison on Fire
Fires tore through Evin prison on the night of October 15, killing at least eight people and injuring 61, according to state media, but families of prisoners fear the true toll is much higher. Videos from that night show people shouting, <Death to the dictator> and <Death to Khamenei,> a reference to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, as shots are fired and flames rise above the facility. The former inmate who spoke to IranWire recalled that a siren echoed through the cells of Ward 209 during lunch. Long after the siren had ceased, she and fellow prisoners heard gunshots for an extended period of time. The worried prisoners banged on the cell doors, but nobody responded. The cells remained shut from 8:00 p.m. until noon the next day, and there was no sign of the prison guards. The smell of tear gas and the muffled sound of chanting reached Ward 209, prompting the detainees to shout slogans against Khamenei. The unrest gave rise to hope for the victory of the protest movement, and the younger prisoners began to believe they would soon be released by demonstrators. The ex-prisoner told IranWire that the majority of those held in Ward 209 during the first weeks of the nationwide protests were not detained during demonstrations but were identified by security cameras and subsequently arrested at their homes. She said that many detainees defied all the regulations governing Ward 209, insisting on using the phone to contact their boyfriends, refusing to abide by mandatory hijab rules and engaging in disputes with prison guards regarding smoking.>>

Iranwire - June 6, 2023
<<Ex-Policewoman Laid to Rest amid Speculation over Her Suspicious Death
A large crowd of mourners attended the funeral of Mansureh Sagvand, a former member of Iran's police force who resigned in protest against the suppression of protesters. The ceremony took place on June 6 in the village of Rig Sefid, near the western city of Khorramabad, amid widespread reactions among Iranian social media users regarding her suspicious death. Sagvand was a law student in the south-western city of Abadan. Medical officials in Ilam province attributed her death to <cardiac arrest,> but sources told IranWire that the young woman had no pre-existing medical conditions and had no history of heart problems. The sources said Sagvand held an honorary position as a police officer in Khorramabad, and that she cut off collaboration with the force during the recent nationwide protests. <Having served in the police, I sought to enlighten the unaware. We bore witness to heinous crimes and conveyed the unadulterated truth. The revolution is imminent,> Sagvand wrote on Instagram. A source informed IranWire that Sagvand faced threats after severing ties with the police. Late on June 4, a friend called for emergency assistance after Sagvand said she was feeling sick. She passed away before the arrival of medical personnel. Just hours before she died, Sagvand wrote on Instagram: <They try to intimidate us with death as if we were still alive. I am prepared to sacrifice my life for the country forever.> Iranian former crown prince Reza Pahlavi took to Twitter to praise Sogvand, saying she <fearlessly stood against [Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei and his criminal regime.> Official media dismissed the speculation about Sagvand's suspicious death as <baseless.> The incident follows numerous suspicious deaths during last year's widespread protests sparked by the September death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while in police custody.>>

Iranwire - June 6, 2023 - By ROGHAYEH REZAEI
<<Aging Political Prisoners Held in Inhuman Conditions
Nahid Taghavi, a 68-year-old German-Iranian national who has been arbitrarily detained in Tehran’s Evin prison for nearly 20 months has severe medical conditions that are putting her life in danger. A fellow inmate, prominent rights activist Narges Mohammadi, on June 4 raised alarm over Taghavi's fate, saying the prisoner of conscience suffers excruciating pain and can <barely get out of her bed.> Mohammadi's message from prison drew attention to the harrowing plight faced by aging political prisoners held in the Islamic Republic's dungeons. This report aims to cast light upon -the situations faced by Taghavi and three other aging inmates - Mir-Yousef Younesi, Fatemeh Sepehri and Asadullah Hadi - who, despite grappling with chronic and potentially life-threatening diseases, are denied their fundamental right to access adequate medical treatment.
Nahid Taghavi: <Her Life Is in Danger>
Nahid Taghavi, a retired architect and women's rights activist, is serving a nearly 11-year sentence after being arrested in Tehran in 2020 and convicted a year later on national security charges that her family vehemently rejects. Mohammadi wrote on Instagram that Taghavi has now spent 220 days in isolation, and over the past few days her health has deteriorated. The confinement worsened an existing spinal disc condition, Mohammadi added, and Taghavi is also suffering from cervical disc problems, diabetes and high blood pressure. Taghavi was allowed brief medical leave in October 2022, but according to her family, she was returned to jail before she could recover. <The life of Nahid Taghavi, a political prisoner, is in danger,> Mohammadi warned. The activist said that Taghavi <goes to the infirmary, receives strong painkiller injections and returns to her bed.> <The pain is so severe it can be seen on her face,> she added. For months, Taghavi's daughter Maryam Claren has sounded the alarm regarding the prisoner's deteriorating health. In a letter, she revealed that judicial officials informed her mother's lawyers that she <would have been released if she were not German.> Western governments have repeatedly accused the Islamic Republic of taking dual and foreign nationals hostage to use them in prisoner swaps or as a bargaining chip in international negotiations.
Mir-Yousef Younesi: <They're Trying to Break Him Down>
On December 28, 2022, security forces arrested 70-year-old Mir-Yousef Younesi, father of imprisoned student Ali Younesi, in the north-eastern city of Shahrud. He is being arbitrarily detained in Evin prison, where according to Amnesty International he has been kept in prolonged solitary confinement, denied healthcare and subjected to degrading verbal insults to force him to <confess.>
<Prisoners in Greater Tehran Prison rarely receive fruits, dairy products, and vegetables,> the source continued. <These items are either unavailable in the prison store or not fresh. The overall health situation is very poor.> >>
Read more here, also about Fatemeh Sepehri: <She Lost Approximately 15 Kilograms> and about Asadullah Hadi: <The Dire Situation He Is in Exceeds His Endurance> >> 

Jinha - June 6, 2023
<<Activist Sonia Sharifi threatened by Iranian security forces
Activist Sonia Sharifi, one of the protesters of the <Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> uprising in Iran and Rojhilat Kurdistan, has announced on her social media account that she has been threatened by Iranian security forces.
News Center- The <Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> protests that sparked in the cities of Iran and Rojhilat Kurdistan following the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini on September 16, 2022, has continued for nine months. The Iranian regime has used all inhuman practices against the people, especially against women. 16-year-old activist Sonia Sharifi has announced on her Instagram account that she has been threatened by Iranian security forces. Sonia Sharifi was arrested in Abdanan, a city of Ilam Province, on November 19, 2022 on charges of <waging war on God> for participating in the nationwide protests. In December 2022, she was released from Ilam prison on bail. The young woman has announced that she receives threats from Iranian security forces. During the past few days, a 21-year-old student named Bamshad Soleimankhani suffered from a severe headache after being released from prison. He was taken to a hospital in the city; however, he died on May 28. Mansoureh Sagvand, a former female police officer who resigned to support the <Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> protests a month ago, was found dead after receiving death threats. Her death still remains suspicious.>>

Iranwire - June 6, 2023
<<Defiant Iranian Actress Barred from Participating in Vienna Festival
Iranian security institutions have prevented acclaimed actress Fatemeh Motamed-Arya, who has expressed solidarity with the <Woman, Life, Freedom> protest movement, from traveling to Austria to participate in a multidisciplinary art festival in Vienna. <Unfortunately, the scheduled performances of The Child have had to be cancelled as the leading actress, Fatemeh Motamed-Arya, has been denied permission to leave Iran,> the organizers of the Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) said. <We deeply regret this, not only because the play itself deals most impressively with the issues of border demarcation, migration and solidarity, but also because it is a tremendous example of the power of contemporary Iranian theatre,> they added. <The Child> was scheduled to be performed at the annual festival on June 6. The performance will be replaced by a free film screening of a recording of the play. In early May, Tehran police said a legal case had been filed against Motamed-Arya for <unveiling the hijab in public and publishing images on social media.> The actress had previously appeared without a mandatory hijab at a public funeral ceremony on April 18. In recent months, officials have warned women to respect the mandatory hijab rules and have threatened to punish violators. The authorities have also shut down restaurants, cafes and other businesses due to the failure of owners or managers to observe Islamic laws and hijab rules.>>
Note from Gino d'Artali: for more news about the Unveiled And Unbroken go here:

Iranwire - June 6, 2023
<<Students' Lives Are Held Cheap: Basir Ebrahimpour’s Case
Basir Ebrahimpour, a mechanical engineering student at Tehran’s Amir Kabir University, died after suffering a heart attack on the university campus on May 31. According to the Telegram channel of the university students, the university's emergency services were immediately informed about the incident, but no immediate action was taken, and it took 45 minutes for an ambulance from outside to arrive at the scene. The rescue team failed to save Ebrahimpour's life, the report added. Describing Ebrahimpour as a <hard-working and talented student,> the board of directors of Amir Kabir University stated that the student <had a cardiac arrest due to a history of heart problems.> The statement also claimed that the university's emergency service intervened <on time> but the <efforts by doctors and rescue operations> were unsuccessful in saving his life. In a statement on June 3, the National Council of Students' Unions announced that <perhaps if the emergency department had taken care of this student in the first few minutes, Basir Ebrahimpour would have been alive now.> <The president and the board of the directors of Amir Kabir University, who themselves are among the main culprits of this student's death, shamelessly expressed their regret in a statement and tried to trivialize Basir Ebrahimpour's death,> it added. According to the statement, before Ebrahimpour's death, students had several times warned university officials about the dismal state of the university's emergency services, <but the health of students has never been> a priority for the university's administration. The statement pointed out that Amir Kabir University and other universities have spent large amounts of money to suppress students' protests. It cited the installation of surveillance cameras across the university and the multiplication of patrols by security forces while <a little of this budget has been used for students and students’ lives.> The death of students on university campuses due to the negligence of university administrators and emergency crews is not new. Such negligence recently led to the death of a student in sports sciences at Zanjan University. This student, named Mohadeseh Bakhtiari, died after sustaining serious injuries in a car collision inside the university last month. In its statement, the student's council warned that <with the deployment of autocratic administrators in universities as an arm of repression and with the weakening of students' unions as a uniting and systematizing institution for student’s demands,> the lives and the health of students are at the risk of further incidents. On June 2, the newspaper Etemad reported on the suspicious death of the 32-year-old Zahra Jalilian, a PhD student at Tehran University's Faculty of Engineering who had received a prestigious scholarship from Germany. Seven months after her death while nationwide protests were in full swing, her family and lawyer told Etemad that the university declared the cause of death as a <suicide,> without any proof. <Even though the building has 13 surveillance cameras, the security department has never shown us any footage,> they said. According to the report, Jalilian had said two days before her death, <I have discovered something that would win the Nobel Prize in Physics. I’m afraid that if somebody learns about it, they would steal it from me by force or would do something to me.> At 10:30 a.m. on December 2, 2022, an ambulance took Jalilian from her office to Tehran's Shariati Hospital, where she died a few hours later. Tehran University officials claimed, without providing any evidence, that she committed suicide due to differences with her professor over the publication of one of her articles. After examining the evidence surrounding her death and the severe damage to her body, Jalilian's family believe she was murdered.>>

Iranwire - June 6, 2023
<<Jailed Baha'is Endure Coercion and Await Verdicts
Four imprisoned members of the Baha'i religious minority in Iran have been subjected to coercive measures by interrogators, pressuring them to make confessions on camera, IranWire reports. The actions occurred during the trial of the four citizens on May 31 at Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court. Judge Iman Afshari presided over the proceedings, and the defendants are currently awaiting the court's verdict. Shadi Shahidzadeh, Valiullah Ghadamian, Mansour Amini and Ataullah Zafar were transferred to Tehran Revolutionary Court after two weeks of detention in Ward 209 of Evin Prison. Ghadamian, Amini and Zafar are known assisting other Baha’is in Tehran with the burial of deceased loved ones in the city's Baha'i cemetery. But they were arrested in recent weeks as part of an ongoing effort by a Ministry of Intelligence agent to hinder the Baha'is from using their own cemetery. Shadi Shahidzadeh, the fourth person, became entangled in this ordeal when her grandmother, also a Baha'i, was denied burial at the Behesht Zahra cemetery - the cemetery operated by the Baah'is. Shahidzadeh attempted to address officials, to ensure her grandmother's body was treated respectfully and in accordance with Baha'i burial practices, but was later arrested. Adding to growing concerns on the part of relatives, weekly phone calls between the detainees and their families, which usually take place on Mondays, took a worrying turn. On June 5, Shadi Shahidzadeh failed to make the expected call, triggering anxiety among her family members. Shahidzadeh is mother to a five-year-old child. The four Baha'is were arrested simultaneously by Ministry of Intelligence agents on May 1 at their homes in Tehran. All four have been held at Evin Prison's Ward 209. Despite the expiration of the initial 30-day detention period, the judge overseeing the case has rejected all bail offers, further heightening concerns about the fair treatment of these individuals.>>
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