formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front


Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in Afghanistan.
This online magazine started December 2019 and will be published evey month and concerning the 'Women, Life, Freedom' revolution in Iran every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and womens rights activist








                                                                                                            CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020

The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendagi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jhina Mahsa Amini or Zhina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in 2023: August 15 - 1--July 31 - 16 --July 15 -1--
June 30 - 15--June 15-1--May 31 -16-- May 15-1--April--March--Feb--Jan  

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's Savagery 10 years ago.

For all topics below
that may hopefully interest you click on the image:




Updated August 3, 2023





Updated August 2, 2023


Updated July 18, 2023


 Updated August 2, 2023

Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.

Click here for a total list so far

'Facing Faces and Facts 1-2'  (2022) to commemorate the above named and more and food for thought and inspiration to fight on.
and 'Facing Faces & Facts 3' edited December 2022/March 2023

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' pages menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are and click on another underlinded period to go there. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
This does not count for the  above topics which, when clicked on, will still appear in a pop-up window and for now the 'old' lay-out 'till I worked that all out. Thank you. Gino d'Artali
(Updates August 3, 2023)

2-weekly opinion by Gino d'Artali:
Dedicated to the women-led revolution
August 4 - July 15, 2023
July 15 - 1, 2023

June 30 - 15, 2023

June 15 - 9, 2023



Click here to continue to more news of August 2023

August 1, 2023 - July 28, 2023
<<Iranian Police Fire at Protesting Job Seekers; Casualties Reported....
and <<Alarm Raised over Fate of 15 Isfahan Detainees....
and <<Escalating Repression of University Students, Academics in Iran....
and <<The inhuman sentence of 74 lashes carried out for Laleh Vahhabi....
and <<Narges Khorrami Fard was a dedicated lawyer known for her integrity....
and <<People of Iran mark significant religious occasion by commemorating victims of Iran protests....
and more news

July 28 - 25, 2023
<<Stop Blaming the <Enemy> Says Iran's Top Sunni Cleric....
and a link to a page which is dedicated to the coming commeration of Jina Mahsa Amini, heinously murdered by a basij for apparently wearing her hijab wrongfully....
and <<Iran's Judiciary Uses Legal Tricks to Prosecute Human Rights Lawyer....
and <<Protester Sentenced to 15 Years in Jail for Lowering Iran's Flag....
and <<Hundreds of Hardline Youth to Join Iran's Ministry of Culture ....|meaning total war....|
and << Support Iranian's Women struggle for Freedom and Equality....
and more news onto July 2023




When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Iranwire - August 1,2023
<<Iranian Police Fire at Protesting Job Seekers; Casualties Reported
The situation remains tense in a village in Iran's West Azerbaijan province where security forces opened fire on protesters demanding employment at a nearby gold mine. In recent days, villagers of Agh-Dareh in Takab district held rallies to protest the non employment of locals at the gold mine of the same name. The unrest took a dramatic turn on July 30, when the special police forces reportedly launched an attack on the village and opened fire on the demonstrators. Three men identified as Nasser Bahramian, Hojjat Momenzadeh and Armin Nikzad were seriously injured in the violence and were rushed to hospitals in Urmia and Zanjan for medical treatment. More than 50 other ethnic Kurds have been detained, and there is currently no information regarding their whereabouts. According to human rights activists, the village is now surrounded by forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). With a production capacity of two tons of gold per year, the Agh-Dareh gold mine is the second-largest in Iran.>>

Iranwire - August 1,2023
<<Proposed Law Would Impose DNA Tests to Children Seeking Iranian Citizenship
Members of Iranian parliament have put forward a proposed amendment to the law on determining the citizenship of children born from a marriage of Iranian women and foreign men that would introduce DNA tests to establish the child's relationship with the mother. Under the proposal, applicants would also need to obtain a certificate of rejection of foreign citizenship, participate in an oath ceremony and pass a citizenship test. The proposed change, which was supported by 28 lawmakers, aims to <prevent the emergence of a large population with dual citizenship> in Iran and address <security concerns.> Supporters of the reform argue that the existing legislation was originally intended to regulate a target population of fewer than 10,000 people but has resulted in granting citizenship to over 80,000 individuals. The proposed amendment states that those who acquire Iranian citizenship would enjoy the rights prescribed by Article 982 of the Civil Code. However, they would be barred from high-level positions such as the presidency, membership in the Guardian Council and top posts in certain ministries. They also wouldn't be allowed to become judiciary heads, judges or governors. They would not have access to high ranks in the army, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC,) and the police, as well as intelligence and security agencies. Those getting Iranian citizenship would be barred from working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and holding any positions in politics.>>

Iranwire - August 1,2023
<<Iran to Close Government Offices, Banks amid Extreme Heat.
The Iranian government has announced a nationwide two-day holiday because of high temperatures in the country, official media reported.
Government spokesperson Ali Bahadori Jahromi said the decision to close governmental offices and banks on July 2-3 came after the Ministry of Health warned about a possible increase in cases of heat exhaustion, according to IRNA news agency. In recent days, Iranian cities and towns saw temperatures around 40 degrees Celsius. Ahvaz, the capital of south-western Khuzestan province, experienced 50 degrees Celsius on July 1. The meteorological office predicted that Tehran will see temperatures of 39 degrees Celsius over the next three days.>>
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: I pray and hold my heart for the people and especially the children and (pregnant) mothers for them not to be victims again of the corrupt ones controlling the clean water resources and/or are resposible for assuring that the resources available will be at least good enough for consumation. We know all to well what happened in the resent past months.

Iranwire - August 1,2023
<<Alarm Raised over Fate of 15 Isfahan Detainees
The whereabouts of at least 15 people arrested in the central Iranian city Isfahan 20 days ago remain unknown. The 15 men and women were detained simultaneously by security forces at 7 a.m. on July 11 in various locations across Isfahan. The families have not been informed of the reasons for the arrests and the locations where they are being held. They have not been allowed to meet their loved ones, but six of the detainees managed to make brief phone calls to their relatives after their arrest, sources told IranWire. The detainees include four students, including one who is believed to be under 18, local sources said. Three of those arrested were said to require specialized medical treatment, according to information obtained by IranWire. One detainee named Rozbeh Dana suffers from a digestive disease which occasionally necessitates hospitalization. Another prisoner, Sama Amoushahi, is battling cancer, and a third one may require iodine treatment. It remains unclear whether they are receiving treatment while in custody.>>

Iranwire - August 1,2023
<<Over 120,000 iPhone 14 Illegally Entered into Iran this Year
Iran's Association of Mobile Phone Importers says more than 120,000 iPhone 14 units worth $150 million have entered illegally into the country since March, when the authorities imposed a ban on imports of Apple's mobile phone model. In a letter to First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, the association said that the iPhone 14, produced by Foxconn in China, does not possess any unique features such as satellite communication capabilities that would justify its inclusion in the list of prohibited imports. Speculations have arisen suggesting that the ban was imposed out of concerns that the iPhone 14 could be used to connect to the Starlink satellite internet service and help Iranians circumvent the government's restrictions on accessing the internet, a possibility that has been refuted by telecom experts. The Association of Mobile Phone Importers also cautioned against relying solely on bans to control the influx of iPhone 14 devices. Advancements in technology allow unscrupulous individuals to bypass the registry system, effectively rendering the ban ineffective, it said. The association concluded that the ban on iPhone 14 imports deprives the government from high tax revenues and causes significant economic harm to legitimate importers. In August 2022, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called for a ban on the import of <luxury American phones> into Iran, saying such imports represented an <unnecessary> expenditure for Iranians. State-run Press TV reported in February that imports of iPhones accounted for nearly 32 percent of Iran’s $4.4 billion worth of mobile phone imports during the Persian year ending in March last year.>>

NCRI - Womens News Agency - in Women's news - July 31, 2023
<<Azar Karvandi Musazadeh to serve 5 years in Evin Prison
Azar Karvandi Musazadeh reported to Evin Prison on Sunday, July 30, 2023, to serve her five years.
The 24th branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court sentenced Azar Karvandi Musazadeh, 60, to five years in prison on charges of <propaganda against the state” and “assembly and collusion aimed against national security> through collaboration with People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The trial was held on January 6, 2022. Azar Karvandi is a former political prisoner of the 1980s who spent long years in the clerical regime's dungeons. Her husband was executed during the 1988 massacre. Ms. Karvandi Musazadeh was also arrested in the 2010s and spent some years in jail.>>

Iranwire - July 31, 2023
<<Fourth Workers at Petrochemical Complex Commits Suicide since March
A worker at a Chovar Petrochemical Company in western Ilam province took his own life on July 27 after being terminated from his job, the Free Workers' Union reported. Heider Mohseni is the fourth worker at the petrochemical complex to commit suicide since March due to poverty and livelihood problems. On July 29, workers from Chovar Petrochemical held a rally to demand the <dismissal and punishment> of those responsible for Mohseni's death. He was a married father of two and had 18 years of experience. Chovar Petrochemical Company employs more than 1,000 workers who do not have any union organization to address their demands and concerns. Most of them are contracted employees, meaning that they lack job security, insurance and benefits. They have been waiting for years for the implementation of a Job Classification Plan that would improve their salaries.>>

Iranwire - July 31, 2023
<<Escalating Repression of University Students, Academics in Iran
Reports have emerged in recent days of university students and professors being banned and suspended by the authorities amid an intensifying crackdown on dissent. Mohsen Ranani, a faculty member of Tehran University's Department of Economics, said on his Telegram account that two professors from Isfahan University's Faculty of Theology were suspended and had their salaries blocked without prior notice. Mohammad Sultani was suspended over his Instagram posts, while Mehdi Moti's suspension is based on a <distorted and biased> report from one of his classes. The authorities have also used repressive tactics against students. The licenses of student associations and union councils have been revoked in various universities, while many students have been subjected to beatings and summoned to disciplinary committees. At Tehran's Allameh University, students described the <exclusion of activists and the elimination of institutions> as being part of a <code for repression.> <We would like to remind and warn all academics at Allameh University that the university's bullying behavior not only hinders our ability to engage in collective activities but also poses a threat to our very lives,> the students said in a statement. <We call upon all those who value the university to come together and unite against its suppression,> they added.>>

NCRI - Womens News Agency - July 30, 2023
<<Corrupt Educational System in Iran and its Troubling Impact on PIRLS and TIMSS Test Results
The International Association for the Assessment of Academic Progress test results reveal a distressing reality - Iranian students rank among the <weakest> in the world when it comes to their educational abilities. Moreover, the outcomes of the PIRLS and TIMSS exams further underscore the alarming state of Iran's education system. According to the PIRLS 2021 exam results, published in mid-June 2023, Iranian students scored a dismal 413 in reading ability, placing Iran at the bottom of the table among the 57 participating countries. The gender disparity is equally concerning, as girls’ average performance has been consistently better than boys' in almost all countries, except in Iran where girls' performance has declined since 2016.
What is TIMSS & PIRLS Test?
Declining educational standards disproportionately affect Iranian girls
The Impact of the Social Class Gap
Wrong policies, the reason for a weak educational system in Iran
Read all about it here:

NCRI - Women committee - in Women's News - July 29, 2023
<<Reyhaneh Ansarinejad, a labor activist, sentenced to 4 years in prison
The Revolutionary Court of Tehran sentenced Reyhaneh Ansarinejad, a labor activist, to 4 years of imprisonment and social deprivation.
According to Razieh Zaidi, Ms. Ansarinejad’s lawyer, the 15th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court recently issued a verdict sentencing Ms. Reyhaneh Ansarinejad to 4 years in prison on the charge of <assembly and collusion to act against the security of the state.> The court has informed Reyhaneh Anasarinejad of the verdict and additional punishments, banning her membership in parties, groups, political organizations, activities in cyberspace, media, and press, and leaving the country for two years. The trial of Reyhaneh Ansarinejad was held on July 17, 2023, at branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court. On Friday, April 28, 2023, on the eve of International Labor Day, the security forces raided the residence of imprisoned teacher Mohammad Habibi. They violently arrested several teachers and labor activists in the house. Ms. Ansarinejad was among those who were arrested in this raid and taken to Evin prison. But ten days later, she was released after posting a bail of one billion tomans. The previous year, Reyhaneh Ansarinejad was violently arrested on May 12, 2022, by the agents of the Ministry of Intelligence. The agents raided her house after midnight and searched it for several hours. She spent several months in prison under undecided conditions. Ms. Ansarinejad is the sole guardian of her young daughter.>>

NCRI - Women committee - in Women's News - July 29, 2023
<<The inhuman sentence of 74 lashes carried out for Laleh Vahhabi
According to social networks, the flogging sentence of 74 lashes was carried out for Laleh Vahhabi on the morning of Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at a place inside the building of the Implementation of Verdicts Office in Talish City, Gilan province. Ms. Laleh Vahhabi, 35, was arrested by security forces in Talish during the protests in February 2023. The Talish General and Revolutionary Prosecutor's Office sentenced Ms. Laleh Vahhabi to one year of imprisonment and 74 lashes. There is no information available on the details of the case and accusations leveled against Ms. Vahhabi.
Marzieh Mohebi -The inhuman sentence of 74 lashes carried out for Laleh Vahhabi
Article 49 Court of Mashhad sanctions confiscation of a lawyer's property. Ms. Marzieh Mohebi, a lawyer presently abroad, tweeted that the Mashhad court issued a ruling and declared confiscation of her property Mubah (permissible). The charges of this lawyer are not clear. Ms. Marzieh Mohebi announced by publishing a tweet the issuance of a strange verdict by the Article 49 Court of Mashhad. According to Ms. Marzieh Mohebi, a lawyer, the court has terminated her citizenship and sanctioned the confiscation of her properties in Iran. Less than two months before the anniversary of the Iran uprising, which was sparked by the unjustified murder of Mahsa Amini on September 16, 2022, the clerical regime is resorting to any means to intimidate society and prevent the uprisings.>>

NCRI - Women committee - in The Fallen for Freedom - July 29, 2023
<<Narges Khorrami Fard
Narges Khorrami Fard was a dedicated lawyer known for her integrity
Narges Khorrami Fard, born on March 12, 1991, in Mashhad, was a dedicated lawyer known for her integrity and commitment to justice. She held license number 31997 and was a member of Tehran's Lawyers' Guild, although she primarily practiced in Mashhad. After the tragic and cold-blooded murder of Mahsa Amini, Narges became actively involved in protests, demonstrating her unwavering support for the cause. During the 2022-2023 Iran uprising, she fearlessly defended numerous young individuals who had been arrested or abducted, despite facing repeated threats and interrogations. Narges Khorrami Fard firmly believed in upholding her professional integrity and remained steadfast in her pursuit of justice.
Narges Khorrami Fard was a dedicated lawyer known for her integrity
Tragically, Narges was abducted in mid-November 2022 on Daneshjou Avenue in Mashhad. Social media reports indicated that Narges was viciously tortured and poisoned. On November 30, 2022, neighbors informed her family that her body had been abandoned outside their house. She did not have any IDs or phones on her. The clerical regime thus wanted to have her die outside the jail so that it would not have to account for her death. The Khorrami Fard family rushed Narges to the Nazeran Hospital in Mashhad. At midnight, someone disguised as a doctor visited Narges and told her family that her condition was stable. He advised them to leave the hospital and return in the morning when she would be discharged. However, the hospital staff saw two unknown men dressed as nurses enter her room and leave after some time. They reportedly gave her an injection, resulting in her death. Two hours later, her family was informed of her death. The circumstances surrounding Narges' death were marred by intimidation as the hospital was surrounded by many security forces and vehicles belonging to the Special Guards Unit. The family was threatened to remain silent about Narges' death. Narges Khorrami Fard was laid to rest on December 2, 2022, at Behesht-e Reza Cemetery. Before her burial, her family witnessed the bruising and scars on her body, evidence of her torture. In her sacrifice, Narges Khorrami Fard joined the ranks of countless courageous and selfless women in Iran who have given their lives to pursue freedom and justice over more than four decades.>>

NCRI - Women committee - in Women's News - July 28, 2023
<<People of Iran mark significant religious occasion by commemorating victims of Iran protests
The people of Iran took the opportunity of one of the most significant religious occasions in Iran and the Middle East, to pay tribute to the victims of the 2022-2023 Iran protests. Friday, July 28, 2023, marked the day of martyrdom of the third Shiite Imam, Hussain (AS), the beloved grandson of the Prophet Mohammad. The incident is symbolic of sacrifice in the fight against oppression and injustice. On this day, Iranian people visited the tombs of the courageous young people who were slain during the protests last year. A group of musicians marched to the tomb of Ghazaleh Chalabi in Amol. They played a memorable tune in tribute to those who die in the fight for freedom. In Arak, people gathered at the tomb of Mehrshad Shahidi, the young baker who died during the protests last year in this city. People did the same in Saqqez, Karaj, Izeh, and other cities, taking the religious opportunity to pay tribute to the youths who gave their lives for their country.>>
Liberation Front 2019/ 2023