Welcome to,
formerly known as Womens
Liberation Front.
A website
that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well
as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the
struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine
that started December 2019 will
be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
March wk4
March wk3 part3
March wk3 part2
March wk3
March wk2 part3
Click here for an
of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023
31, 2024 - 20.00 o'clock
March 27 - 19, 2024 |
When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi
figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da
qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so
called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.
March 25, 2024
Palestine Victory Speech on UNSC Ceasefire Resolution Adoption
Shakes The World!
Watch a Palestinian press/speech conference here:
Earlier Pro-Free Palestine reports:
The Guardian - March 9, 2024 - by Arwa Mahdawi
<<The Week in Patriarchy
Israel-Gaza war
Opposing oppression is a feminist act - don't look away from Gaza
Watching what is happening in Gaza feels almost too painful to bear
sometimes, but it is important that none of us look away
Bearing witness is a feminist act
I want to state the following as clearly and unequivocally as possible:
Israel, with the help of the US, is deliberating starving the population
of Gaza to death. The (manmade) famine conditions unfolding in Gaza are,
many experts have noted, <unprecedented> in terms of their severity,
speed and scale. <We have never seen children pushed into malnutrition
so quickly in any conflict in modern history,> the UN special rapporteur
on the right to food, Michael Fakhri, has said. <We have never seen a
civilian population made to go so hungry so quickly and so completely
.... Israel is not just targeting civilians, it is trying to damn the
future of the Palestinian people by harming their children.> Not only is
Israel blocking aid from getting to Gaza, it is making the process of
getting what little aid does get in deadly. In a statement on Tuesday UN
experts accused Israel of <intentionally starving the Palestinian people
in Gaza since 8 October>, adding: <Now it is targeting civilians seeking
humanitarian aid and humanitarian convoys.> That statement was in
reference to what is being called the Flour Massacre. Last Thursday at
least 112 Palestinians were killed and 760 were injured in a desperate
attempt to get flour. Witnesses say Israel opened fire on the crowd and
caused panic, resulting in a stampede. This wasn't a one-off: there is
an established pattern of Israeli forces attacking Palestinians who are
trying to get aid. Again, I'm trying to state all this as clearly and
unequivocally as possible because the US government, and large swaths of
the US media, would have you believe the humanitarian catastrophe in
Gaza is inscrutable and unavoidable. There seems to be a widespread
attitude that while it's terribly sad innocent people are being bombed
to oblivion and starved to death, this is just the sort of inevitable
collateral damage that happens in a conflict. When Hillary Clinton was
recently asked if she was shocked by casualties in Gaza, for example,
she said: <Of course, I'm not shocked because that's what happens in
Let's be clear: collective punishment is not war. Starving people to
death is not war. Bulldozing cemeteries is not war. Firing on
humanitarian convoys is not war. All of those things are war crimes.
International law is very clear about this. (And, by the way, American
politicians are also very clear about this when the perpetrator of these
crimes isn't an ally.) And yet clarity has become another casualty in
this conflict. A lot of the US media has this curious habit of using
straightforward English when it comes to talking about most things, but
retreating into the verbal equivalent of interpretative dance when
describing violence perpetrated by Israel. Headlines are often so vague
they read like a murder mystery. See, for example, this headline from
the New York Times about the Flour Massacre: <Deaths of Gazans Desperate
for Food Prompt Fresh Calls for Cease-Fire.> One gets the impression
that these Palestinians just mysteriously flopped to the ground. Another
hallmark of US coverage of Israel-Palestine is to ensure the reader
knows, at every point, that even if an Israeli soldier fired a bullet, a
Palestinian was almost certainly to blame. See, for example, this
paragraph from an analysis of the Flour Massacre in the New York Times:
<More than 100 were killed and 700 injured, Gazan health officials said,
after thousands of hungry civilians rushed at a convoy of aid trucks,
leading to a stampede and prompting Israeli soldiers to fire at the
That framing is insidious: it casts the blame squarely on Palestinians.
They started it, the framing insinuates, Israel just retaliated in
self-defence. Those crazy Palestinians! They're always finding new ways
to massacre themselves! It is impossible to overstate just how dire the
situation in Gaza is right now. <Unless something changes, the world
faces the prospect of almost a quarter of Gaza's 2 million population -
close to half a million human beings - dying within a year,> Devi
Sridhar, chair of global public health at the University of Edinburgh,
wrote back in December. It's March now, and nothing has changed; things
have only got worse. The US continues to send extraordinary amounts of
weapons to Israel, using legal loopholes to keep these arms sales under
the radar. The US continues to attach no conditions to the military aid
it gives Israel. It continues to shut down any criticism of Israel,
including a UN resolution that would have condemned Israel for the Flour
Massacre. It continues to enable plausible genocide and ethnic
cleansing. In the face of a catastrophic famine, all the US has done is
airdrop a pitiful amount of food and made half-baked plans to build a
floating port. Performative doesn't even cover it. Writers haven't been
(completely) replaced with AI yet. We are human beings, not robots; we
feel things. I will be frank: it is almost unbearably painful, as
someone of Palestinian heritage, to write about what's happening in
Gaza. Not just because it involves reading about unspeakable horrors,
but because it seems like everything I write about Gaza boils down to a
plea for people to view Palestinians as humans. Do you know how debasing
that is? Do you know what it feels like to have to beg people to see you
as someone deserving of dignity and freedom? I know that Im not alone
when I say that the last five months have permanently altered how I see
the world. They have hollowed me out. Of course, writing about what's
happening is a luxury compared with living it. The pain I feel is
nothing compared with Rania Abu Anza, who spent 10 years trying to get
pregnant then lost her five-month old twins and husband in an Israeli
airstrike. It's nothing compared with the 700,000 women and girls in
Gaza who are trying to manage their menstrual cycles in camps where
there is only one toilet for 486 people. It's nothing to the nightmare
that 2 million people in Gaza are living every day. Watching what is
happening in Gaza feels almost too painful to bear sometimes, but it is
important that none of us look away. Im writing this on International
Women's Day (IWD) and I want to stress that bearing witness is a
fundamentally feminist act. Opposing oppression everywhere is a feminist
act. If you want to honour the original radical and anti-war spirit of
IWD, please do not look away from Gaza. Raise your voice and make sure
nobody in the future can ever say: 'I didn't know.'>>
And related view here the absolute truth i.e.
how journalist Richard Medhurst reveals the truth why the USA is, even
if denying it, has boots on Gazaian grounds and thus actually joined
israeli forces in its attempt to genocide the Palestinians:
Other actual news:
Jinha - Womens News Agency 27 Mar 2024
<<Israeli airstrike kills at least seven in Southern Lebanon
At least seven people were killed in an Israeli airstrike on Nabatieh in
Southern Lebanon on Tuesday.
News Center- On Tuesday, Israeli air strikes near two towns in northeast
Lebanon killed at least seven people. The Lebanese Civil Defense
confirmed that an Israeli airstrike targeted the Islamic Group's
emergency and relief center in Hebbariyeh village in Southern Lebanon on
Tuesday, the Palestinian news agency WAFA reported. WAFA also reported
that at least seven people were killed in the Israeli airstrike.>>
Jinha - Womens News Agency 26 Mar 2024
<<Yeni Şafak reporter fined for targeting ETHA reporter on social media
Taha Huseyin Karagoz, reporter at pro-government Yeni Şafak daily
newspaper, has been fined 7,500 Turkish liras (about $235) for targeting
Elif Bayburt, reporter at Etkin News Agency (ETHA).
News Center- Elif Bayburt, reporter at Etkin News Agency (ETHA), was
targeted by Taha Huseyin Karagoz, reporter at pro-government Yeni Şafak
daily newspaper, while she was reporting from earthquake-affected cities
after the earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023.
On February 9, 2023, Taha Huseyin Karagöz took Elif Bayburt's photo and
press card and shared them on social media, accusing her of making
propaganda for a terrorist organization. The Istanbul 18th Civil Court
of First Instance has decided Taha Hüzeyin Karagöz to pay 7,500 Turkish
liras (about $235) to Elif Bayburt for targeting her on social media.>>
Jinha - Womens News Agency 26 Mar 2024
<<Heavy rains cause flooding in container cities sheltering quake
survivors in Hatay
Container cities sheltering quake survivors in Hatay have been flooded
due to heavy rains.
News Center- Container cities sheltering Feb. 6 earthquake survivors in
the Defne and Antakya district of Hatay province have been flooded due
to heavy rains and storms last night. The storm ripped the roofs of
containers in the Orhanlı neighborhood of Defre district and heavy rains
have flooded containers in both districts. The historic Antakya Long
Bazaar was also flooded due to heavy rains. The efforts have been
started to evacuate water from containers.>>
Students of Jineology Department
Jinha - Womens News Agency 26 Mar 2024 - by EBIR MUHAMED
<<Students of Jineology Department: This science attracts worldwide
Students of the Jineology Department at Rojava University say Jineology,
literally means <women's science>, attracts worldwide attention.
Qamishlo- Jineology literally means <women's science or the science of
women>. The word derives from jin, 'woman' in Kurdish. Jineology was
first mentioned by Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan in 2008 in his book
entitled, <Sociology of Freedom>. Jineology, embraced by women all
around the world, especially Kurdish women, was educated at university
when the Jineology Department established in 2017 at Rojava University
in Qamishlo after the revolution took place in North and East Syria.
After graduating from the Jineology Department, women start working at
women's organizations, NGOs, research centers, press outlets and
Jineology Research Center.
'Jineology has changed a lot in my personality'
Şexa Ehmed, a student of the Jineology Department, wants to teach
Jineology to children after graduating from university. <I wanted to
study Jineology at university because it was a new science and attracted
my attention. I wanted to study it to learn more about womens history
and the reality of women. The curriculum of the Jineology Department
includes women's history, philosophy and sociology and gender-based
society, ethics and aesthetics, economy, health, women's rights,
self-defense, women in religion and many other topics,> she said. <I had
no knowledge about the reality and history of women before studying
jineology. Since I started studying jineology, I have learned many
things; jineology has changed a lot in my personality. I want to become
a teacher after graduating from university to teach jineology to
'It is a success for women'
Sara Ebdo is from Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn) and now studies jineology at
university in Qamishlo. <As women, we should learn our history and our
roles in society. We can change the patriarchal mindset in society
through Jineology,> Sara Ebdo told NuJINHA. <Since the Jineology
Department was established by the Rojava University, women all around
the world have come here to learn more about jineology. The Jineology
Department attracts worldwide attention. Jineology is a success for all
women.> >>
Source incl. video:
Nukhet Sirman
Jinha - Womens News Agency 25 Mar 2024
<<Detention period of Nukhet Sirman extended
The detention period of Nukhet Sirman, a professor of anthropology
retired from Boğaziçi University, has been extended.
News Center- Nukhet Sirman, a professor of anthropology retired from
Bogaziçi University, was detained at her home on Istanbul's Burgaz
Island on March 23, 2024, because one of the persons she interviewed for
research was under police surveillance. Then, she was transferred to
Mersin province.
Her lawyer, Fatoş Helvacıoglu, announced Monday that a confidentiality
order was issued on the investigation launched against her client and
the detention period of Nukhet Sirman was extended by one day. Nukhet
Sirman is the co-founder of the Dissensus Research Company and one of
the Academics for Peace, who signed a petition called, <We will not be a
party to this crime> in 2018.>>
Speaking out 4 Gaza
Jinha - Womens News Agency 25 Mar 2024 - by IBTISAM AXFIR
<<'The cruelty faced by people in Gaza must be told'
Speaking to NuJINHA about the ongoing Israel's attacks on Gaza, the
women of Benghazi said they felt the pain and suffering experienced by
Gazan women in their hearts.
Benghazi- The ongoing Israel's attacks on Gaza deeply affect women, who
make up almost half of Gaza's population. Since October 7, 2023, at
least 8,900 women have been killed, 23,000 others have been injured and
2,100 have gone missing in Israels attacks, according to the
Palestinian Information Center. The women in the Gaza Strip struggle to
survive against hunger, thirst and epidemic diseases without a safe
shelter. In addition to the difficult living conditions, the women are
responsible for taking care of their family members. Women keep holding
protests all around the world to be in solidarity with Palestinian
'We must educate our children'
In an interview with NuJINHA, journalist Reem Al-Abdali said that they
felt the pain and suffering experienced by Gazan women in their hearts.
<We should educate our children at homes and schools about the injustice
and persecution faced by women and children in Palestine, especially in
Gaza,> she told us. Social activist Mina Al-Falah told NuJINHA that
they, as women of Benghazi, were affected by what was happening in Gaza.
<We do our best to provide support to the people in the Gaza Strip. I
collect humanitarian aid for the women of Gaza,> she said. <In Gaza,
mothers have lost their children every day. As a high school English
teacher, I tell my students what has been happening in Gaza because they
do not know anything about what has been happening in Gaza since October
7, 2023. The people of Gaza have been suffering from Israeli siege since
2007. They have been struggling to survive for 16 years.> <Mothers
should tell their children what has been happening in Gaza,> said Najat
Muhammad Al-Sharkasi. <The people of Gaza have been killed, displaced
and tortured. Their homes are destroyed and hunger is used as a weapon
against them. Children should know the war crimes being committed in
Gaza.> >>
Source incl. video:
Jinha - Womens News Agency 25 Mar 2024
<<More than 130 children rescued in Nigeria
More than 130 children, who were abducted on March 7 from their school
in Nigeria's northwestern state of Kaduna, were rescued on Sunday.
News Center- More than 130 schoolchildren were abducted in the
north-western town of Kuriga by motorcycle-riding gunmen on March 7. On
Sunday, Kaduna Governor Uba Sani announced that more than 130
schoolchildren were rescued. <All of them have come back home safely,>
the governor said. School officials and residents had said 287 students
were abducted on March 7 in the town of Kuriga in the northwestern state
of Kaduna. However, Kaduna Governor Uba Sani told local media late
Sunday that only 137 young people had been abducted during the attack.
The abducted people were rescued just days before a deadline to pay a 1
billion naira ($690,000) ransom for their release, Premium Times, a
Nigerian online newspaper, reported on Sunday. In recent years,
abductions have been concentrated in Nigeria's northwestern and central
regions. Dozens of armed groups often target villagers and travelers for
Mehdiya Hac Mihemed
Jinha - Womens News Agency 25 Mar 2024 - by RONIDA HACI
<<'The fire that broke out in Hasakah prison 31 years ago should be
The fire that broke out in Hasakah prison in 1993 killed 61 prisoners.
Mehdiya Hac Mihemed, who lost her husband in the fire, accuses the
Baathist regime of deliberately starting the fire and demands the
reinvestigation of the fire.
Hasakah- On March 24, 1993, the fire broke in HAsakah prison killed 61
prisoners, including Kurdish young people, and injured about 100
prisoners. Mehdiya Hac Mihemed, mother of nine, lost her husband in the
fire. She demands the reinvestigation of the fire.
'The Baathist government used to arrest young people for various
Emphasizing that the Baathist government oppressed Kurdish young people
for various reasons in the 1990s, Mehdiya Hac Mihemed said, <My husband,
Mihemed, did not accept oppression. He was arrested even though he told
them that he was not in the business of selling cigarettes. One of his
friends was also accused of selling cigarettes. They hanged him. The
Baathist government used to arrest young people for various reasons.>
'I felt that something would happen'
Mehdiya Hac Mihemed accuses the Baathist regime of deliberately starting
the fire. <On March 23, I visited my husband in the prison. He told me
that white powder had been sprinkled on the floor of the prison. I told
him, What they sprinkled on the floor maybe is the one used in Amouda
Cinema. He also told me that all prisoners had had their hair and beard
shaved. I felt that something would happen. When the fire broke out in
the prison, a wedding ceremony was being held near the prison. According
to the eyewitnesses, the regime soldiers attending the wedding ordered
the volume of music to be turned up and there was no water in the fire
truck that arrived to extinguish the fire in the prison. We went to the
prison when we heard about the fire. Thousands of the regime soldiers
attacked people gathering around the prison. Then, I was told that my
husband had died in the fire.>
'Why were so many young Kurds burned alive in the prison?'
Mehdiya Hac Mihemed believes that the fire was deliberately started in
the prison. <The Kurdish people have been subjected to many genocidal
attacks such as the Halabja massacre and the fire that broke out in
Amouda Cinema. Why were so many young Kurds burned alive in the prison?
Because the Baathist regime deliberately started the fire to kill Kurds.
Today, the occupying Turkish state holds politicians, intellectuals and
freedom fighters in prison according to its own interests, not to raise
the voice of freedom against fascism. The fire that started in Hasakah
prison shows the hatred against the struggle of the Kurdish people.>
Mehdiya Hac Mihemed demands the reinvestigation of the fire in Hasakah
prison. <If the fire is reinvestigated, the truth will be revealed.
Although 31 years have passed, we have not forgotten it. The
international community ignored this fire, just as they ignored the
Halabja Massacre, the fire in Amude Cinema and the massacres of the
Turkish state. We will keep struggling against all kinds of oppression
imposed on the Kurds.> >>
Source incl. video:
Leyla Zana
Jinha - Womens News Agency 25 Mar 2024 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Leyla Zana: People have not lost any of their resilience
<It is necessary to cultivate hope and have a strong stance,> said
Kurdish politician Leyla Zana, who supports the DEM Party for the
upcoming local elections, emphasizing that people have not lost any of
their resilience.
Amed (Diyarbakır)- As the local elections in Turkey are approaching,
Co-mayoral candidates of the Peoples Equality and Democracy Party (DEM
Party) make great efforts to reach voters and deliver their messages.
Kurdish politician Leyla Zana, who called for unity and struggle during
Newroz celebrations in Amed, has been travelling to districts and
villages of Amed with DEM Party's co-mayoral candidates for two days to
support their election campaign. NuJINHA followed Leyla Zana in four
districts for two days. She first went to Hazro with the DEM Party's
co-mayoral candidates for Amed, Serra Bucak and Dogan Hatun. Being
welcomed by hundreds, Leyla Zana kissed women and children on their
forehead and shook hands with almost everyone. In the district, she made
a speech, recalling the 90s.
'Everyone should organize'
In her speech, she called for unity and solidarity of the Kurdish people
again. <We have brought this struggle to today by dragging ourselves up
by our own bootstraps. Our duty is to build a beautiful future for these
beautiful children. Mothers, young people and everyone have a lot to do.
Everyone should organize to build this future. We have our own party and
candidates. I cannot tell you to vote for us because I know very well
that you will vote for yourselves. We have our own will and rights. We
say 'enough is enough' to those who want to deceive us. We will take
what we deserve. The victory will be ours.>
She was welcomed by thousands in Hani, Pasur and Dicle
After visiting Hazro, Leyla Zana and the DEM Party's Co-mayoral
candidates went to Hani. Leyla Zana was welcomed by hundreds of women in
the district. She called on people to support their will in the upcoming
local elections. On the second day, Leyla Zana went to Dicle and Pasur (Kulp)
as part of the election campaign of the DEM Party despite adverse
weather conditions. She was welcomed by hundreds, especially women and
young people, in Dicle despite the snow. In Pasur, she was welcomed by
thousands chanting <We will prevail by resisting>. In her speeches in
both districts, Leyla Zana emphasized the importance of local elections
for building democracy and peace and called on Kurdish voters in
Istanbul to support their party.
'Mr. Abdullah Ocalan has a big role'
Referring to the <Third Way> in her speeches, Leyla Zana said, <The
Third Way is the way of peace, democracy and justice. Reflecting your
strong will in the elections means peace, democracy and free life. We
all have suffered a lot. The future belongs to our children; do not
allow our children to suffer. We planted the seeds of the free future
together here in 1991. I hope and wish that the third way would prevail.
As you know, Mr. Abdullah Ocalan has a big role in building the free
'People have not lost any of their resilience'
For two days, Leyla Zana also visited many villages in the four
districts and asked each citizen to persuade people to cast their votes
in the upcoming elections. NuJINHA spoke to Leyla Zana about her
impressions on the upcoming local elections. <People have not lost any
of their resilience,> she told us. <Our people long for peace, democracy
and freedom. They may love and embrace us as individuals. What is
important is to value them, not to minimize their demands and
expectations. They deserve to be valued very much. Maybe, we could not
respond to their demands adequately, sometimes due to the conditions and
sometimes due to the state's policies. In Pasur, I saw a banner reading,
'Tu li ku mayi? (Where have you been?)'. I am always among the people, I
am here.>
'We will win together'
Speaking about the upcoming local elections, Leyla Zana said, <The
elections are not just about seats and positions. Municipalities are the
cultural, social and political areas if we govern these municipalities
in the right way, if we work with a collective spirit with contribution
of our people. It is necessary to cultivate hope and have a strong
stance. Our people will have the life they deserve. We will win
together.> >>
Source incl. video:
Mother Taybet
Jinha - Womens News Agency 19 Mar 2024 - by SARYA DENIZ
<<Mother Taybet waiting for justice in same place for 8 years
Tayber Inan, known as Mother Taybet, was killed and her dead body was
left in the street for seven days and seven nights during the 24-hour
curfew declared in Şırnak's Silopi district.
News Center- On December 14, 2015, a 24-hour curfew was declared in
Şırnak's Silopi district. During the 37-day curfew, many human rights
were violated in the district. 68 people, including Kurdish women
politicians Pakize Nayır, Fatma Uyar and Seve Demir, were killed. More
than 500 houses were destroyed. 57-year-old Taybet İnan, mother of 11,
was one of the 68 people killed in Silopi. She was shot dead in the
street by snipers while returning home from her neighbor on the 5th day
of the curfew. Her dead body was left in the street for seven days and
seven nights because the Turkish army did not allow her children. 10
bullets were found in her body. Her children did not sleep for seven
days in order to protect their mother's body from animals. Her
brother-in-law, Yusuf İnan, was shot dead while trying to pull her body
in. Her husband was shot in his arm. The last words of Mother Taybet
were, <I am cold and I am very thirsty.> In an interview with NuJINHA,
her relatives said, <We could not sleep for seven days in order to
protect her body from animals. While she was lying there, we died 150
meters away from her.> Despite the calls, her family could make their
voices after seven days. They took her body but the torture against them
continued. After 23 days, she was buried in Yenişehir District Cemetery.
Only eight people were allowed to attend the funeral.
Story of Mother Taybet
The family of Mother Taybet was one of the families that left Silopi's
Xezaye village to the center of Silopi in 1988 due to the ongoing
pressure on them. After living in the district center for a year, her
son Omer and her husband's brother Avdi İnan were detained by police in
a house raid without showing any reason. Omer İnan was sent to the
prison in Elazıg while Avdi İnan was sent to a prison in Mardin. In
1992, Mother Taybet lost her children named Esmer (10) and Botan (4) and
her nephews named Ayaz (9), Şevzet (5) and Mehmet (10) when a landmine
exploded in their neighborhood. While the İnan family was mourning for
their children, riot police raided their home. Her husband Halit İnan
was detained by the riot police and then sent to the prison in Mardin.
After being held in prison for 11 months, Halit İnan was released. Then,
he was arrested again and stayed in prison for three years and nine
The policy of impunity
An ineffective investigation was carried out in the death of Taybet İnan.
In 2020, the prosecutor's office issued a 'permanent search warrant' to
identify the perpetrators; however, the search warrant was commented as
a policy of impunity. Until now, no progress has been made in the
investigation launched by the Silopi Chief Public Prosecutor's Office
regarding the murder of Taybet İnan and Yusuf İnan. The lawyers of the
Inan family applied to Turkey's Constitutional Court to investigate the
murder of Taybet Inan and Yusuf Inan. The Constitutional Court has not
issued a decision yet.>>
Liberation Front 2019/ 2024