formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


You are now at the section on what is happening in the rest of the Middle east
(Updates March 22, 2024)

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2024: March wk3 part2 -- March wk3 -- March wk2 part3
Click here for an
overview of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023

March 22 - 20, 2024
<<'38 children were arbitrarily detained during Newroz celebrations'...
and <<'Rest in peace, the Newroz fire is lit this year'...
and <<'Now is the time for freedom'...
and <<At least 126 people detained after Newroz celebrations in Amed...
and <<Kemal Kurkut commemorated in Amed...
and <<Faten Atallah of Gaza: Women look for ways to make a living...
and <<Death toll in Gaza rises to 31,923...
and <<11 people injured in car bomb attack in Manbij...
and <<Gambia votes to repeal its ban on FGM...
and more news

March 19 - 18, 2024
<<Leyla Arzu Ilhan: We will light the Newroz fire against the international conspiracy...
and <<Women of Sweida call on journalists to make their voices heard...
and <<Documentary film 'Tearing Walls Down' released on website of Rosa Luxemburg Foundation...
and <<Dozens detained in Turkey...
and <<'Sustainable solutions are need for women and children with special needs'...
and <<Killing of Ehmed in Afrin sparks anger: The whole world must rise up...
and <<Displaced women of Afrin: We wage the second phase of our resistance in Shahba...
and <<Women celebrate Newroz in Dep: We should always be shoulder to shoulder...
and more news

more Actual News due Sunday March 16 20.00 o'clock GMT
<<636 feminists: Gultan Kışanak is also our candidate...
and <<Cholera and dengue fever spreading in Sudan...

March 15 - 13, 2024
Breaking News: <<Zukiswa Wanner returns Goethe medal to Germany...
and <<3 women killed in Syrian desert while collecting truffles...
and <<Kurdish boy killed in Afrin...
and << 15 people kidnapped in Afrin by Turkish forces...
and <<Afghan women grow their struggle despite Taliban restrictions...
and <<War in Gaza kills more children than in four years of worldwide conflict...
and <<Challenges faced by women selling vegetables in Taiz...

 Click here for a dated menu overview 'till March 1 2024 and earlier

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Leyla Arzu Ilhan
Jinha - Womens News Agency 19 Mar 2024 - by BERJIN KARA
<<Leyla Arzu Ilhan: We will light the Newroz fire against the international conspiracy
<We will light the Newroz fire against the international conspiracy,> said Leyla Arzû Îlhan, member of the İştar Assembly in the Makhmour refugee camp, indicating that Newroz is a stand against the government, slavery and the oppression of nature.
Makhmour- Newroz celebrations, annually held on March 21, are an uprising against injustice and oppressive regimes. The Kurdish people in four parts of Kurdistan and abroad are getting ready to celebrate Newroz with great enthusiasm. NuJINHA spoke to Arzu Ilhan, member of the Iştar Assembly in Martyr Rustem Cudi Camp (Makhmour Refugee Camp) about the meaning and importance of Newroz.
'Newroz is an uprising against oppression and occupation'
Newroz is a stand against the government, slavery and the oppression of nature, Leyla Arzu Ilhan said. <According to ancient legends, Kawa the Blacksmith led an uprising against Assyrian tyrant Dehak on March 21, in the year 612 B.C. Newroz is the day when Kawa the Blacksmith started a struggle against the brutality of the Assyrians. Today, Newroz is an uprising against oppression and occupation. Although the ruling powers define Newroz as a festival and the arrival of spring, Newroz is an uprising. Today, the Kurdish people celebrate Newroz with great enthusiasm.>
'It is a day of resistance'
The struggle of the Kurdish people led by the Kurdish Freedom Movement makes Newroz even more meaningful, she said. <Newroz has been celebrated for 2,650 years but the second Newroz fire was lit by fire that Mazlum Doğan lit in Diyarbakır Prison against the oppression of the Turkish state (Mazlum Dogan set his body on fire on March 21, 1982 in prison to protest the oppression of the Turkish state). Mazlum Dogan resisted oppression and torture with three matchsticks and said, "You cannot break our determination to fight against oppression and torture". Thus, Newroz became meaningful once again. Many revolutionary women such as Zekiye, Berivan and Rewşen showed that Newroz is not a festival but an uprising against oppression and a day of resistance.>
'We will light the Newroz fire against the conspiracy'
Leyla Arzu Ilhan concluded her speech saying, <The Medes, led by Kurds, rose up against the brutality of the Assyrians and managed to establish a social confederation in which all people could live together. Today, leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan) has shown how the people could resist oppression with the Democratic Nation Paradigm. This year, we will celebrate Newroz in our mountains, valleys, villages and cities. We will light the Newroz fire against the international conspiracy. I wish a happy Newroz to leader Apo and the freedom fighters of Kurdistan.> >>

Fewziya El Miri
Jinha - Womens News Agency 19 Mar 2024
<<Writer and poet Fewziya El Miri dies at 76
Writer and poet Fewziya El Mirî, member of the Intellectuals' Union of Raqqa, died in Raqqa on March 17, at the age of 76. She wrote dozens of poems and nine books.
Raqqa- Writer and poet Fewziya El Miri, member of the Intellectuals' Union of Raqqa, died in Raqqa on March 17, 2024 at the age of 76. Throughout her life, she wrote dozens of poems and nine books. Fewziya El Miri was bid farewell to her last journey in the village of Til El Beya, east of Raqqa, on March 18. The members of the Culture and Art Body of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), intellectuals, writers and poets attended her funeral ceremony. At the funeral, the Zenubya Women's Community expressed its condolences to the family of Fewziya El Miri. <We received the news about the death of writer and poet Fewziya El Miri with great pain and sadness. As the Zenubya Women's Community, we express our condolences to her family and loved ones. Fewziya El Miri left her mark on history as a female writer and poet.> Fewziya El Miri received awards from the Culture and Art Body of the AANES and the Intellectuals' Union of Raqqa. >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency 19 Mar 2024 - by HADEEL Al-OMAR
<<IBS cases on rise in Idlib
There is an increase in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) cases in Idlib, especially among displaced women, due to contaminated water. Women have no access to health services due to financial reasons.
Idlib- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), also called the gastrointestinal tract, is a disorder that affects the stomach and intestine, causing symptoms such as cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation. IBS is common among displaced women living in IDPs camps of Idlib, controlled by the Turkish state and its armed faction Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). 37-year-old Majda Al-Karmo is one of the displaced women suffering from IBS. Especially in winter, she suffers from abdominal bloating. <I cannot buy medications due to their high prices and I feel depressed due to constant abdominal pain. I always feel stressed and sad. I do not want to go out or do anything. My husband starts feeling uncomfortable due to this situation. He threatens me to marry someone else. I cannot receive treatment because there is no hospital or health center near the camp.>
Poverty prevents her from following a diet
<I cannot follow the diet recommended by the doctor due to poverty,> said 44-year-old Rabab Al-Shardoub. <We often eat one meal a day. We cannot buy vegetables or meat because they are very expensive. All we eat are legumes, rice, bulgur and lentils. I do not believe I will feel better due to our living conditions.>
'Stress may make symptoms worse'
Gynecologist Soha Al-Khatib told us that environmental factors such as diet, infection, early life trauma and stress could cause IBS. <Stress may make symptoms worse. People suffering from IBS should receive both medication and psychological support. IBS patients should avoid feelings such as fear, anxiety and stress. However, people living in IDPs camps suffer from difficult living conditions and they have no access to health services.> >>

Women of Sweida call on journalists
Jinha - Womens News Agency 19 Mar 2024 - by ROCHELLE JUNIOR
<<Women of Sweida call on journalists to make their voices heard
Women participating in the peaceful protests in Sweida for months react to the pro-government media distorting their protests and call on <real> journalists to make their voices heard.
Sweida- The peaceful protests erupted in the Druze majority city of Sweida over the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation in Syria on August 17, 2023 continue. Yesterday, protesters gathered at Karama Square and marched to the building of the media and television center in Sweida by chanting the <The Syrian media is a liar> slogan.
'The pro-government media distort our peaceful protests'
The peaceful protests at the Karama Square are distorted by the pro-government media, said Maha Al-Atrash, one of the women protesters. <The Syrian citizens have not trusted the Syrian media for 50 years because they know that the media are dominated by pro-government outlets. The pro-government media outlets have been distorting our peaceful protests and have remained silent against the crimes in Syria for eight months,> said Al-Atrash, calling on <real> journalists to make their voices heard.
'The Syrian media is a liar'
Shahira Tarudi called on the Syrian people not to forget the first spark that started the revolution in the country and said, <We marched to the building of the media and television center and chanted 'The Syrian media is a liar'. Since the revolution in 2011, we have held peaceful protests; however, we have faced all kinds of oppression by the government. We will keep holding our peaceful protests until the government changes.>
'The word is a weapon that scares the most powerful tyrants'
Salam Al-Nabwani, another protester, also condemned the pro-government media outlets for distorting their protests. <The world is a weapon that scares the most powerful tyrants,> she said. <A word can express thoughts and spark protests. On March 18, 2011, a word sparked protests in Syria and showed how the will of people is stronger than the regime. Although we have held peaceful protests to build a new life, the pro-government media outlets have carried out a smear campaign against us. The powerful battle is the battle of awareness.> >>

Tearing Walls Down
Jinha - Womens News Agency 19 Mar 2024
<<Documentary film 'Tearing Walls Down' released on website of Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
The 'Tearing Walls Down' documentary film telling the life stories of four female politicians - Figen Yuksekdag, Gültan Kışanak, Aysel Tuğluk and Sibel Yiğitalp- has been released on the website of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.
News Center- The “Tearing Walls Down” documentary film telling the life stories of four female politicians - Figen Yuksekdag, Gultan Kışanak, Aysel Tugluk and Sibel Yigitalp - has been released on the website of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation on March 18, on International Day of Worldwide Solidarity with Political Prisoners. The documentary film is available on the website with German, French, English, Spanish, Italian and Kurdish subtitles. The documentary directed by Hebun Polat and Şerif Çiçek and produced by Adil Demirci, Onur Guler and Yeşim Coşkun is based on the poetry book entitled 'Tearing Walls Down' by Figen Yuksekdag and the book entitled, <Purple Color of Kurdish Politics> by Gultan Kışanak. Gultan Kışanak is a Kurdish journalist, author and politician. She was the co-mayor of the Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality. She has been imprisoned since October 2016. Figen Yuksekdag, the former Co-chair of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), has been imprisoned since November 2016.
Aysel Tugluk, former HDP MP, was arrested in 2016. Although she has been suffering from dementia since March 2021, she was released from prison in 2022 following the Forensic Medicine Institution (ATK) report that she could not stay in prison.
Sibel Yigitalp, former HDP MP, has lived abroad as an exile for years.>>

Farahnaz Sharifi
Jinha - Womens News Agency 19 Mar 2024
<<'My Stolen Planet' wins Top Prize at Thessaloniki Festival
'My Stolen Planet', a documentary film directed by Iranian filmmaker Farahnaz Sharifi, has won the Golden Alexander award at the 26th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.
News Center- 'My Stolen Planet', a documentary film directed by Iranian filmmaker Farahnaz Sharifi, has won the Golden Alexander award at the 26th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival. The documentary film features archive footage showing life in Iran before the 1979 Revolution.
The film won the Golden Alexander award on Sunday, automatically qualifying the film for Oscar consideration. The 26th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival was held in Thessaloniki, a city in Greece, from March 7 to March 17, 2024. A total of 250 documentary films were screened at the festival. The Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival, annually held in March, is among the most prestigious documentary festivals globally.>>

Newroz celebrated in Bash Qeshlaq village
Jinha - Womens News Agency 18 Mar 2024 - by Agrin HOSSEINI
<<Newroz celebrated in Divandarreh's Bash Qeshlaq village
Newroz fire was lit in Bash Qeshlaq, village in the Divandarreh County Iran's Kurdistan province with the participation of hundreds.
Divandarreh- Newroz has been celebrated in four parts of Kurdistan. Wearing their traditional clothes, women, children and men light a fire and dance around the fire to celebrate Newroz. The Newroz fire was lit in Bash Qeshlaq, village in the Divandarreh County Iran's Kurdistan province, yesterday evening. NuJINHA spoke to several women celebrating Newroz in the village. <Newroz is the rebirth of nature and the start of a new year,> said Jale.M., a women's activist and one of the women celebrating Newroz in the village. <Every season has its own meaning. Autumn brings sadness to people's hearts while spring makes everyone happy. This Newroz celebration shows the vitality and dynamism of the Kurdish people. In any situation, we say that resistance is life.> Jhaleh, another woman in the village, talked about the massive security presence during the Newroz celebrations. <There are many security forces as if they are afraid of everything. So far, many Newroz celebrations have been cancelled in many villages. Despite that, women still celebrate Newroz by chanting the Jin, Jiyan, Azadi slogan. We will keep celebrating Newroz and resisting until our demands are met. I hope women and men will dance around the Newroz fire together one day.> In her speech, she wished a happy Newroz to everyone. <People know what the truth is and whenever they have the opportunity, they say, 'little by little, we can grow and become more and destroy the tyranny'.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency 18 Mar 2024
<<Pakistani airstrikes killed at least 8 people in Afghanistan
Pakistani airstrikes in Afghanistan early on Monday killed at least eight women and children.
News Center- A Taliban government spokesperson said on Monday that Pakistani airstrikes killed at least eight people, women and children, in border regions of Afghanistan. The spokesperson said Pakistani airplanes targeted civilian homes in Khost and Paktika provinces near the border with Pakistan at around 3:00 a.m. local time (2230 GMT). According to the spokesperson, all eight people killed were women and children. On Saturday, a suicide bombing targeted a Pakistan army post near the Afghan border, killing seven soldiers. During the funeral of the soldiers, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari promised a strong response. The early morning airstrikes in Afghanistan came two days after the suicide bomb.>>

Dozens detained in Turkey
Jinha - Womens News Agency 18 Mar 2024
<<Dozens detained in Turkey
Dozens have been detained in dawn house raids conducted in Şırnak, Izmir and Elih (Batman) by riot police and soldiers.
News Center- Dawn house raids were conducted in Şırnak, Izmir and Elih (Batman) by riot police and soldiers. Ayşegül Ceylan, Yakup Durak, Reşit Umut Çaglı, Agit Şerifoğlu, Ayşe Soysal, Rojhat Karaviş and an identified person were detained in the dawn house raids conducted in Şırnak's Cizir (Cizre), Hezex (Idil), Silopiya (Silopi) district and Dergul (Kumçatı) town. The reasons for their detention are still unknown.
26 people, including two children, detained in Izmir
After the Newroz celebration in Izmir yesterday, seven people, including a child, were detained. In the dawn house raids, 19 people, including People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Çigli Co-chair Leyla Tufan and a child, were detained.
Five people detained in Elih
Five people were taken into custody in the dawn house raids conducted Elih. Yusuf Islam Demir, Halil Olmez, Zeynep Aslan, Ayşe Akıncı and Mahsum İnci have been reportedly detained on charges of <propagandizing for a terrorist organization>. According to the reports, the number of detained people may increase.>>

Sustainable solutions are need for women and children
Jinha - Womens News Agency 18 Mar 2024 - by ASMAA FATHI
<<'Sustainable solutions are need for women and children with special needs'
In Egypt, people with special needs face challenges and violations. Women and children with special needs face more challenges and violations.
Cairo- People with special needs face many challenges in society such as social isolation and stigma and discrimination. Women and children with special needs face more challenges. NuJINHA spoke to Chaden Moataz, Communication Officer at the Shamseya for Innovative Community Healthcare Systems, a non-for-profit organization based in Egypt, about the activities carried out by the Sahmseya for people with special needs. Founded in 2012, Shamseya works closely with healthcare providers to find innovative healthcare solutions that patients face. In 2015, the organization implemented a project called, <We Follow Together> in cooperation with Egyptian ministries of health and social solidarity to provide health services to people with special needs. The aim of the project was to raise awareness and create early detection tools for children with special needs.
'Producing sustainable solutions is important'
Speaking about the accessibility in health centers, Chaden Moataz said, <Hospitals and health centers must have wheelchair ramps. Producing sustainable solutions is important. Shamseya is a problem solver to challenges facing healthcare. We believe that all individuals with special needs and their families should benefit from health services. A collective effort is required. We can provide better living conditions to women and children with special needs by preventing the exploitation faced by them.> Pointing to the importance of awareness-raising activities, she said, <The families of children with special needs must be supported so that they can integrate their children into society and develop their skills. We must provide opportunities for them to live, work, and enjoy hobbies and other activities.>
'The group most deprived of their rights to information and protection'
Magda Soliman, Head of Societal development Unit at the Center For Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance (CEWLA), thinks that the people with special needs are the group most deprived of their rights to information and protection. <The families of children with special needs do not know what their children need and how to treat and guide their children. NGOs should carry out awareness-raising activities to provide necessary information to the families and society.> Speaking about the health insurance scheme in Egypt, she said, <The families of children with special needs face problems because they cannot cover the costs of health care. They should be supported to meet the special needs of their children, since many of them cannot cover the costs due to their economic conditions and the rising cost of living.> The CEWLA holds activities for people with special needs and their families. <We organize training courses for mothers so that they learn what they should do for their children. Mothers attending the courses have many questions about hygiene and childcare and whether their children have sexual needs. We should make more efforts about the sexual and reproductive health of women with special needs. NGOs must make great efforts for children with special needs because they are in dire need of support and help.> >>
Source incl. videos:

Killing of Ehmed in Afrin
Jinha - Womens News Agency 18 Mar 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<Killing of Ehmed in Afrin sparks anger: The whole world must rise up
Displaced women of Afrin living in Shahba reacted to the killing of a Kurdish boy named Ehmed Xalid Mamo in the Jindires town of Afrin and called on everyone to rise up.
Shahba- On March 13, a 15-year-old boy named Ehmed Xalid Mamo was kidnapped and killed by a man named Yamin Ehmed Ibrahim, member of the Turkish-backed faction, in the Jindires town of Afrin. After the killing of the boy, people took to the streets of Afrin to protest; however, they were attacked and many were arrested by the Turkish-backed factions. Since Afrin was occupied by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed faction in 2018, the residents of Afrin have been subjected to many inhuman practices such as torture, kidnapping and all forms of violence. On March 20, 2023, four people were killed by the Turkish-backed factions in the town for celebrating Newroz. The killing of Ehmed in Afrin sparks anger among the displaced people of Afrin, who live in Shahba.
'The people of Afrin must rise up'
NuJINHA spoke to displaced women of Afrin in Shahba. Hevin Mihemed began to talk by expressing her sincere condolences to the family of Ehmed Xalid Mamo. Calling on the people of Afrin to break their silence, she said, <Do not remain silent against the occupation of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions. Inhumane violations occur every day in places occupied by the Turkish state and its factions. We are all Ehmed's family and we will defend his rights. The grief of Ehmed's mother is the grief of all of us. I call on our people and the international community to rise up in order to prevent such incidents from taking place again.>
'We condemn the killing of the child'
Şoreş Kelo, another displaced woman of Afrin, reacted to the killing of Ehmed Xalid Mamo in Afrin and called on human rights organizations to <fulfill your duty to put an end to occupation attacks and stop the massacre policies of the Turkish state. We must stand by Ehmed's family and support them. We should not remain silent against the inhuman practices. If we do not stop this occupation, more children will be killed in Afrin. Our innocent children are targeted and killed by the Turkish-backed factions in Afrin. The whole world must rise up to protect children and their rights in Afrin.> >>
Source incl. video:

Displaced women of Afrin
Jinha - Womens News Agency 18 Mar 2024 - by RAPERIN BEKIR
<<Displaced women of Afrin: We wage the second phase of our resistance in Shahba
Displaced women of Afrin describe their resistance against the difficult living conditions in IDPs camps in Shahba as <the second phase of their resistance> and say they will keep resisting.
Shahba- On January 20,2018, the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions began to attack Afrin Canton with the approval and support of international forces. The people of Afrin resisted the attacks for 58 days; however, Afrin was occupied by the Turkish state and Turkish backed-factions on March 18, 2018, committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, displacing thousands. After Kurdish forces withdrew from Afrin to prevent more civilians from being killed, some people of Afrin were forcibly displaced from their own hometown to Shahba. Describing their resistance against the difficult living conditions in the camps in Shahba as <the second phase of their resistance,> the displaced women of Afrin say they will keep resisting with the hope that they will return to their homeland one day.
'We keep resisting'
Salwa Şeyho, one of the displaced women of Afrin living in Shahba, told NuJINHA that their lives in Afrin were very good. <We had many olive and fruit trees in Afrin. Our lands were our source of income. However, we were displaced from our homeland by the Turkish state.> Salwa Şeyho believes that the Turkish state attacks the Kurdish people in order to take revenge on them. <But we will take our homeland back from the factions. The people of Afrin resisted the warplanes and heavy weapons of the Turkish state for exactly 58 days. Today, we resist in Shahba.>
'Being displaced is like death'
Pointing to the crimes being committed by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions in Afrin, she said, <Martyrs' cemeteries in Afrin were destroyed by Turkish warplanes. This shows how they are brutal. Being displaced is like death. We will never forget the brutal attacks of the Turkish state in Afrin.>
'We have been waging the second phase of our resistance in Shahba'
While talking about when they left Afrin, Salwa Şeyho said, <We had to leave our lands, homes and memories. I still remember the screams of a mother whose child died in her arms. We did know whether the cause of her child’s death was hunger or cold. She was experiencing the grief of losing her child while experiencing the pain of leaving her homeland. Despite everything, we will keep resisting. We have been waging the second phase of our resistance in Shahba. Although we resist the difficult living conditions in the camps, the international community keeps remaining silent against the Turkish attacks.> In an interview with NuJINHA Zeynep Xelil emphasized that their resistance against the Turkish state in Afrin continued in Shahba. <We keep resisting in Shahba in order to return Afrin despite the ongoing Turkish attacks on Shahba. While resisting the Turkish attacks, we are also subjected to the siege imposed on Shahba by the Syrian government.> After being displaced from Afrin to Shahba, Zeynep Xelil began to work for assemblies, communes and organizations supporting women. <We have been resisting in Shahba for six years with the hope that we will return to Afrin. Afrin is our homeland and we will return to our homeland. The people of Afrin, especially women, will resist and stand by our forces until Afrin is liberated from the Turkish forces and Turkish-backed factions.>
'We will endure all difficult living conditions to return'
<We will endure all difficult living conditions in the camps to return Afrin,> Susan Owusu said. <We will continue to resist until Afrin is liberated and the war ends.> >>
Source incl. video:

Women celebrate Newroz
Jinha - Womens News Agency 18 Mar 2024 - MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<Women celebrate Newroz in Dep: We should always be shoulder to shoulder
<As long as we exist, the Newroz fire will burn. We should always be shoulder to shoulder,> said women, who attended the Newroz celebration in the Dep district of Xarpet.
Xarpet (Elazıg)- The Newroz celebration kicked off in the Dep (Karakoçan) district of Xarpet (Elazığ), hometown of Mazlum Dogan, on March 15, 2024 with the participations of thousands. Women wearing their traditional clothes chanted slogans such as "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom)" and “Biji berxwedanan zindanan (Long live the resistance in prisons)>. Thousands danced around the Newroz fire and celebrated it with great enthusiasm. NuJINHA spoke to the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Dersim MP Ayten Kordu and women attended the celebration.
'Newroz is the festival of all ignored people in Kurdistan and Turkey'
Newroz is the festival of all ignored and oppressed people in Kurdistan and Turkey, Ayten Kordu emphasized. <We lit the first Newroz fire here with people. We are now in the hometown of comrade Mazlum. We remember all revolutionary people such as Zekiye Alkan and comrade Rewşa with respect. Thanks to their struggle, we, as Kurdish and Alevi people, struggle today. I commemorate all our comrades, who lost their lives while struggling for freedom.>
'It is lit by millions today'
Ayten Kordu emphasized that the current process was an important one for them. <Today, the Newroz fire is lit in many parts of Kurdistan and Turkey. Newroz is the festival of resistance and freedom for the people of Mesopotamia. We light a fire at this festival of resistance. This fire is the fire of freedom, equality and our struggle. The fire of resistance was lit years ago and it is lit by millions today,> Ayten Kordu said. <Newroz is the festival of not only Kurdish people but also the millions, who resist and struggle for freedom together. We make this fire even bigger. Newroz is not only a symbol but also the struggle and resistance of all of us. The Newroz fire lit here is the resistance of people. This resistance will start here and then spread everywhere.>
'We should always be shoulder to shoulder'
<I hope everyone feels this fire burning inside us. Happy Newroz to Mazlum Dogan,> said Zin Bingol, noting that 2024 Newroz will be the festival of success and victory. <People should join hands to win in the local elections. As Kurds, we should give up uniting. We should always be shoulder to shoulder.>
'The resistance of Mazlum Dogan is our existence'
Newroz means freedom and fraternity of people, Suna Şahin said. <Our struggle is the struggle for freedom. The Kurdish people should unite now. We must not bow down to anyone. If the Kurdish people unite, they will overcome all barriers. Today, we gathered to demand freedom. The resistance of Mazlum Dogan is our existence. The fire started years ago has been burning for years and it will continue to burn as long as we exist. The local elections are approaching and I call on the Kurdish people to vote in the elections. We should support our party, the DEM Party.> >>
Source incl. video:

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024