Welcome to,
formerly known as Womens
Liberation Front.
A website
that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well
as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the
struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine
that started December 2019 will
be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
March wk2 part3
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March wk1
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of the Women's Arab Spring Revolt 1.2 2024 and 2023
When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi
figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da
qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so
called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.
Zukiswa Wanner
Jinha - Womens News Agency 15 Mar 2024
<<Zukiswa Wanner returns Goethe medal to Germany
Zukiswa Wanner, the first African woman to receive the Goethe Medal, has
returned her medal in protest of the German government's role in the
Gaza genocide.
News Center- Zukiswa Wanner, the first African woman to receive the
Goethe Medal, has announced that he has returned her medal in protest of
the German government's role in the Gaza genocide. Zukiswa Wanner is a
South African journalist, novelist and editor born in Zambia and now
based in Kenya. African Arguments has published the letter of Zukiswa
Wanner explaining why she has returned her medal.
Her letter is as follows:
<My name is Zukiswa Wanner. I am a writer, editor, publisher and curator
who considers the African continent my home. In 2020, I became the first
woman on my continent to receive the Goethe Medal alongside Bolivian
artist and museum director Elvira Espejo Ayca and British writer Ian
McEwan. While the Goethe Medal is conferred by the Goethe-Institut to
<non-Germans who have performed outstanding service for international
cultural relations>, it is important to note that the award is an
official decoration of the Federal Republic of Germany.
I note and appreciate Goethe-Institut President Carola Lentz' statement
from an article of 14 January 2024 in Der Spiegel where she states:
<Longstanding partners in the international cultural world are losing
trust in the liberality of Germany's democracy and poses the question,
should the Auswartige Kultur und Bildungspolitik (AKPB) support only
persons or groups who accommodate the political/moral agenda of the
respective German government?> She concludes otherwise and notes that
organizations like Goethe-Institut must not become the extended arm of
the government, particularly in difficult political times. In the same
vein, Goethe-Institut Johannesburg, which is the regional headquarters
for sub-Saharan Africa stated on 7 February 2024: <As to the current war
in Gaza - we are convinced that in view of the catastrophic situation, a
new ceasefire is urgently needed. The rising number of civilian victims
is unacceptable.> It's important to state this so I highlight that this
is not a statement surrendering the medal because of the Goethe-Institut
and its position even where we may not always agree. I mention the
Goethe-Institut's statement by way of explaining that my actions are not
a critique of the cultural institution but rather of the government of
the Federal Republic of Germany. In May 2023, while attending Palestine
Festival of Literature and months before 7 October, I was in the
Occupied Palestine Territories and travelled to Ramallah, Nabi Saleh,
East Jerusalem, Hebron, and Lydd. As a writer coming from a country with
a history of apartheid, what I experienced shook me and resulted in my
writing a long essay <Vignettes of a People in an Apartheid State>. One
did not need to be from a country with a history of apartheid to see the
daily injustices visited on Palestinians from separate roads and number
plates to having strangers from the US or white South Africans with
apartheid nostalgia come with guns and the protection of Israeli Defence
Forces to settle into their homes. Indeed, unlike most literature
festivals, PalFest takes the writers to multiple cities since
Palestinians are unable to travel without permission from Israel, much
like the pass laws in South Africa during apartheid, just more cruel.
This is why I am giving up the medal.
I understand Germany's guilt for the Holocaust.
I do.
That guilt is appropriate and has enabled Germany to face its
unconscionable past. But it is this that makes its position on a current
genocide in Palestine all the more shameful. As an aside, and as an
African, I wish the German government exhibited the same regret for
their history in Namibia with the Herero-Nama genocide and the genocide
in Tanzania during the Maji Maji Rebellion. Equally important, I wish
that the German government, in reflection and saying <never again> would
acknowledge that never again should be for anybody. Instead, what I see
is Germany being on the wrong side of a genocide again (as per
International Court of Justice provisional ruling to the case brought on
by South Africa). Additionally, according to the UN High Commission for
Refugees, Germany and the US are the biggest arms exporters to Israel.
With more than 30,000 killed in Gaza, this should have been a mea culpa
moment for Germany; instead, they seem to have doubled their support for
a very problematic government. Culturally, since 7 October 2023, I have
seen Germany disengaging from artists for their position on the colonial
state that is Israel even in light of Israel's failures to adhere to the
Oslo Accord (which was a super mediocre document for Palestinians). I am
reading that of the cultural events cancelled by Germany, 30% are by
Jewish artists who are anti-Zionist. It doesn't make sense to me that
Jews can be considered antisemitic (obviously ignoring that Palestinians
are a semitic people as those in support of the Israeli government seem
intent on forgetting).> >>
Jinha - Womens News Agency 14 Mar 2024
<<3 women killed in Syrian desert while collecting truffles
Three women were killed and one more injured in the Deir ez-Zor desert
while collecting truffles by unidentified gunmen.
Deir ez-Zor - NuJINHA correspondent in Deir ez-Zor reported that three
women were killed and one more injured in the Deir ez-Zor desert while
collecting truffles by unidentified gunmen on Wednesday. On March 10,
2024, the Syrian Observatory For Human Rights (SOHR) published
statistics saying that 197 people, including 34 civilians, had been
killed in the attacks by ISIS in west Euphrates region and the deserts
of Deir ez-Zor, Al-Raqqah and Homs since beginning of 2024. People,
mostly women, collect truffles in the Deir ez-Zor desert to earn a
living; however, they are often being victims of such attacks.>>
Jinha - Womens News Agency 14 Mar 2024 - BAHARIN LEHIB
<<Kurdish boy killed in Afrin
A Kurdish boy named Ehmed Xalid Mamo was killed in the Jindires town of
Afrin. His family called on people to gather in front of the police
station of Turkish-backed factions to protest.
News Center- Rights violations occur every day in Afrin, which is under
control of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions. According to
local reports, a man named Yamin Ehmed Îbrahim, originally from Idlib
but lives in Afrin, killed a Kurdish boy named Ehmed Xalid Mamo (15) in
Afrin and threw his body into a well on the road to Til Silore village.
Yamin Ehmed Ibrahim reportedly worked at the bakery run by the boy's
father. The boy's family living in the town of Jindires called on people
to gather in front of the police station of Turkish-backed factions to
protest. The family also stated that they would not bury their child
until the murderer was handed over to them and punished. They also
called on the people of Afrin to support their protest, their demands
and to end the right violations in Afrin.>>
Sourc incl. video:
Jinha - Womens News Agency 14 Mar 2024
<< 15 people kidnapped in Afrin by Turkish forces
15 people, including six women, were kidnapped in Afrin and taken to
Turkey by the Turkish forces and Turkish-backed factions.
News Center- The Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions continue to
commit war crimes in the occupied Afrin. Hawar News Agency (ANHA)
reported that the Turkish forces and Turkish-backed factions kidnapped
15 people, including six women, in Afrin's Kefer Cene region two months
ago and then took them to Turkey. The kidnapped 15 Syrian citizens have
been held in prison in Turkey, according to ANHA. >>
Afghan women in protest
Jinha - Womens News Agency 13 Mar 2024 - BAHARIN LEHIB
<<Afghan women grow their struggle despite Taliban restrictions
Despite all the ongoing crimes committed by the Taliban, Afghan women
grow their struggle even though they know that they will face arrest,
torture, insult and humiliation.
Afghanistan - Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, Afghan women
and girls have been subjected to inhuman practices such as arrest,
torture, insult and humiliation. Despite all the Taliban restrictions,
they grow their struggle by gathering in small groups in houses. <The
Taliban have tortured us, banned us from education, most areas of public
life and appearing in shows and movies on TV,> Tarifa Yaqoubi, one of
the protesting Afghan women, said in an interview with NuJINHA. <Despite
all the Taliban restrictions, women grow their struggle and resistance
by gathering in groups of four and five in most of the provinces. Afghan
women rise up against the recognition of the Taliban by countries and
the biased attitude of the United Nations against the crimes committed
by the Taliban. Once, the Taliban raided a house and arrested six
protesting women. Despite that, women keep struggling. Some of the
protesting women were forced to leave the country in order to save their
lives and their families. Now, they struggle for their sisters in
Afghanistan. Tamana Zaryab Paryani is one of them. She started a hunger
strike to highlight the situation of women in Afghanistan.> >>
Children killed in conflict
Jinha - Womens News Agency 13 Mar 2024
<<War in Gaza kills more children than in four years of worldwide
Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the UNRWA, has shared data
on X showing that the war in Gaza has killed more children than in four
years of conflict around the world.
News Center- The data shared by Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General
of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in
the Near East (UNRWA) on X shows that more children have been reported
killed in the war raging in Gaza than in four years of conflict around
the world.
'This war is a war on children'
<Staggering. The number of children reported killed in just over 4
months in #Gaza is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years
of wars around the world combined,> said Philippe Lazzarini. <This war
is a war on children. It is a war on their childhood and their future.>
His post referenced United Nations numbers showing that more than 12,300
children were killed in Gaza between October 2023 and February 2024,
compared to 12,193 children killed in global conflict from 2019 to 2023.
His post also calls for an immediate ceasefire <for the sake of children
in Gaza.> >>
Women selling vegetables in Taiz
Jinha - Womens News Agency 13 Mar 2024 - by HALA AL-HASHIDI
<<Challenges faced by women selling vegetables in Taiz
Despite the difficult living conditions caused by the Yemeni civil war,
women selling vegetables in the markets of Taiz, a city in southwestern
Yemen, are happy to earn a living for their families.
Yemen- Women selling vegetables in the markets of Taiz, a city in
southwestern Yemen, are happy to earn a living for their families
despite the physical and psychological challenges faced by them. Sahar
Muhammad,19, is one of them. <I have a family of eight and the only man
in my family is my father and he faces difficulties in earning a living
for our family due to deteriorating economic conditions. I sell
vegetables and fruits in the market to support my family. Even though we
are sometimes subjected to harassment, we have to endure all the
difficulties we face. With the arrival of Ramadan, there is an increase
in prices of food. The price hikes affect everyone, including us.
Despite everything, we are happy to earn a living for our families.>
'Women look for job'
The ongoing war and conflict affect our lives, said Aseel Saif, one of
the female vendors selling vegetables in the markets of Taiz. <Due to
the deteriorating reality of war and the difficult living conditions
faced by us, women look for a job to earn a living for their families.
Women, who do not have a breadwinner, are forced to look for a job to
earn a living for themselves and their children despite poor working
conditions. They sell bread, vegetables and fruits in the markets.>
They want security and stability
Many women have to sell vegetables, fruits or other products in the
markets since they lost social support, said Sonia Saif. <As women, we
have to work to earn a living for our families despite all the
challenges. Women struggle to survive by selling their products in the
markets.> >>
Source incl. video:
Liberation Front 2019/ 2024