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formerly known as Womens
Liberation Front.
A website
that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well
as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the
struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine
that started December 2019 will
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(Updates January 12, 2024)
When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi
figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da
qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so
called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.
Commemoration for 3 Kurdish women
Jinha - 9 Jan 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<Commemoration for 3 Kurdish women politicians murdered in Paris
The Free Women's Movement (TJA) held an activity in Van to commemorate
three Kurdish women politicians, who were murdered in Paris on January
9, 2013.
Van- Sakine Cansız (Sara), one of the founders of the PKK, Fidan Dogan (Rojbin),
Paris Representative of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), and Leyla
Şaylemez (Ronahi) were murdered in Paris on January 9, 2013. On the 11th
anniversary of their death, the Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera
Jin-n Azad-TJA) held a commemoration ceremony with the participation of
the members of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party),
the Association for Solidarity with the Families of Prisoners and
Convicts (TUHAYDER), the Association of Assistance and Solidarity with
Families Who Lost Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations (MEBYA-DER),
the Aryen Culture and Arts Association, the ARSİSA Language, Culture and
Art Research Center Association, Peace Mothers' Initiative and many
'Nothing could make us take a step back'
After a minute’s silence for those who lost their lives in the struggle
for democracy and freedom, DEM Party Van MP Gulderen Varlı made a
speech. Although 11 years have passed since the massacre in Paris, the
perpetrators of the massacre have still not been revealed. ,We know that
MIT (The National Intelligence Organization in Turkey) murdered our
three comrades. Our three comrades were murdered as a result of Turkey's
century-old policies towards the Kurdish issue. The struggle of Sakine
Cansız was a women’s struggle. The Kurdish people have been subjected to
dozens of massacres during their 50-year struggle. However, nothing
could make us take a step back from our struggle for freedom..
'Sakine's struggle is a guiding light for us'
Sakine Cansız is the symbol for women in Kurdistan, Gulderen Varlı said.
,Sakine's struggle is a guiding light for us. We will strengthen our
struggle in all facets of life despite arrests, torture and the policy
of depopulation. We are ready to pay the price no matter what it is. We
commemorate Sakine and her comrades with respect.> >>
Sabah Rajeh
Jinha - 9 Jan 2024 - by HALA AL-HASHIDI
<<Yemeni Women's Union fights violence against women
The Yemeni Women's Union (YWU) has carried out activities to empower
women since 1968 and one of its goals is to end gender-based violence.
Yemen- The Yemeni Women's Union is an independent voluntary
non-governmental organization established since the 1960s. During the
Unification of North and South Yemen, the women's organizations from
both countries were merged. They all merged into the Yemeni Women's
Union in 1990. The Union provides psychological and social support to
women, who are subjected to gender-based violence due to conflict and
war in the country, and holds awareness-raising activities about women's
rights. The Union also works in cooperation with government agencies,
local and international NGOs to ensure gender equality.
It provides psychological and legal support
NuJINHA spoke to Sabah Rajeh, Director of the Yemen Women's Union branch
in Taiz Governorate, about their activities. <Our union provides
psychological and legal support to women and it develops projects to
provide training programs to women and promote women's economic
empowerment. In Taiz, we provide support to women affected by the
conflict. We provide support to women living in a number of the
districts of the province such as Al-Maaqir, Al-Mawsit and Al-Shamatin.
We have put many projects such as sewing, sheep raising, and small
projects into practice in the districts to promote women's economic
empowerment.> Speaking about how they provide legal support to women,
she said, <We have provided legal support to women when they face
problems in alimony or child custody. We also provide psychological
support to women by organizing meetings with the participation of
The union works in cooperation with the Women and Girls Protection and
Rehabilitation Center in Taiz to support women survivors of violence.
<The center provides a shelter for survivors of gender-based violence.
When survivors of gender-based violence apply to our union, we send them
to the center.>
'One of our goals is to end gender-based violence'
The Yemeni Women's Union works in cooperation with judicial authorities,
the police, and NGOs to provide service to women. <The union works in
cooperation with other Yemeni governorates such as the governorates in
Sana'a and Aden to provide service to women. One of our goals is to end
gender-based violence.> >>
Source incl. video:
Women vs taliban
Jinha - Womens News Agency 9 Jan 2024
<<Taliban arrest women for wearing ‘bad hijab’
The Taliban have arrested several women in Kabul for wearing 'bad Hijab'.
News Center- The Taliban authorities have intensified their crackdown
against dress code violations. According to the local reports,
authorities arrested at least 10 women in the Khair Khana and Dasht-e
Barchi neighborhoods of Kabul on Sunday for not following the dress code
imposed by the Taliban. The local sources reported that the Taliban's
Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice officials had
arrested women and taken them to unknown locations. In recent days, the
Taliban's Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has
initiated a new wave of arrests against girls and women in various areas
of Kabul for not following the dress code. The crackdown is the latest
blow to Afghan women and girls, who have already been marginalized by
the Taliban's bans on education, employment, and restrictions in access
to public spaces. In May 2022, the Taliban issued a decree and called on
Afghan women to show only their eyes in public.>>
Opinion by G. d'A: Is this the way the brave-heroic women of Iran
want/are heading for? NO WAY BUT OUR WAY they'll keep fighting for.
Fire killing babies
Jinha - 9 Jan 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<Fire erupted at hospital in Iraq kills four premature babies
A fire erupted Monday evening at Women and Children's Hospital in
Diwaniyiah killed four babies who had been born prematurely.
News Center- A fire erupted Monday evening at Women and Children's
Hospital in Diwaniyiah, southern Iraq, sending smoke through a maternity
ward and killing four babies who had been born prematurely. According to
the local sources, the hospital building did not burn but it was filled
with smoke, and the four babies died of chest problems as a result of
smoke inhalation. Iraq's Red Crescent Society said in a statement that
its teams successfully evacuated 150 children and 190 relatives from the
hospital. It also said that the fire might have been triggered by an
electrical problem.
At a press conference, the Iraqi Health Ministry said that the fire had
started at a pile of debris belonging to a construction company working
on renovations at the hospital. In 2016, a fire ripped through a
maternity ward at a Baghdad hospital overnight, killing 12 newborn
babies. In September 2023, more than 100 people died in a blaze ignited
by fireworks during a wedding ceremony in the Qaraqosh town of Iraq.>>
Jinha - 9 Jan 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<DEM Party to hold demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian people
News Center- The People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) held
a press conference at its headquarters in Istanbul and announced that it
would hold a demonstration in Istanbul's Esenyurt district on January 14
to be in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
'Honorable peace can be achieved by solidarity'
<An honorable peace can be achieved in the Middle East by solidarity of
the oppressed people,> said DEM Party Istanbul MP Kezban Konukçu. <We
cannot achieve a true and honorable peace without revealing the true
face of hypocritical and collaborative states. The AKP-MHP government
releases statements saying 'We are against (the Israeli attacks on
Gaza)'; however, its cooperation with Israel continues.> Kezban Konukçu
called on everyone to participate in the demonstration. At the
conference, DEM Party Istanbul Co-chair Gonca Yangoz drew attention to
the ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza. <It wants to wipe Palestinian
people and their land off the map. Just like what has been done to the
Kurdish people. Civilian spaces, hospitals and grain warehouses are also
being targeted in North and East Syria and Southern Kurdistan. The
countries claiming that they support democracy and peace are a party to
these genocidal attacks. They approve of the wars waged in the Middle
East and ignore the Middle Eastern people.>
'It is time to be a voice of Palestine'
We defend the struggle for freedom and peace of the Kurdish and
Palestinian people, Gonca Yangoz said in her speech. <We say 'No' to the
policies of the regional states, particularly Turkey, that fuel the war.
We call on everyone to stand with the oppressed Palestinian people. It
is time to be a voice of Palestine.> >>
Zelox Bekir
Jinha - 9 Jan 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<'The Social Contract has been amended as a requirement for democracy'
<The Social Contract approved in North and East Syria has been amended
three times as a requirement for democracy,> said Zelox Bekir,
emphasizing that the contract guarantees the rights of all people in the
region. Shahba- The Social Contract of North and East Syria was first
approved in 2014 and it has been amended three times until now. The
General Council of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria
approved the amended 134 articles of the Social Contract on December 12,
2023. NuJINHA spoke to Zelox Bekir, member of the Preparatory Committee
for the Social Contract about the importance of the contract. Before
approval of the contract, the General Council of the Autonomous
Administration of North and East Syria held many meetings. <At the
meetings, members of tribes and organizations discussed the drafted
contract. Some meetings were suspended due to the attacks on the region.
In 2023, a comprehensive meeting was held and the articles of the
contract were approved after discussions,> Zelox Bekir told us.
'Some articles of the contract had to be amended'
Reminding that the first contract was approved in 2014, Zelox Bekir
said, <According to the contract, North and East Syria consisted of
three cantons: Afrin, Kobane and Qamishlo. The contract was amended in
2017. The amendments defined three regions and six cantons of North and
East Syria. The Afrin Region consisted of two cantons: Afrin and Shahba
cantons. The Euphrates Region consisted of two cantons: Kobane and Gire
Spi cantons and the Jazira Region consisted of two cantons: Hasakah and
Qamishlo cantons. After the liberation of Tabqa, Raqqa, Manbij and Deir
ez-Zor, many things changed. Therefore, some articles of the Social
Contract had to be amended. North and East Syria now consists of seven
cantons: Jazira, Deir ez-Zor, Raqqa, Euphrates, Manbij, Afrin/Shehba,
and Tabqa.>
'The Social Contract consists of four chapters'
The Social Contract approved on December 12, 2023 consists of 134
articles and four chapters. <The first chapter is about basic principles
of society, and the AANES. The second chapter is about fundamental
rights and freedoms. This chapter says that every person has freedom of
belief, conscience, thought and opinion. The third chapter is titled as
the Societal System. It is about education, training, organization,
economy, health and mother language. In this chapter, the Democratic
Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria organizes its
democratic and free community life based on the formation of: communes,
councils, academies, cooperatives, community economic units and
institutions that complement the community system, which organize
themselves in a confederal manner. The democratic system of society
develops and is consolidated based on these institutions. The fourth
chapter is about general provisions.>
'Women participated in the drafting of contract with their own strength
and experiences'
Zelox Bekir emphasized the role of women in the drafting of the
contract. <Women from all tribes, nationalities and religions
participated in the drafting of the contract; they voiced their opinions
and suggestions. Women participated in the drafting of the social
contract with their own strength and experiences. The contract puts
emphasis on women’s rights and organizations. The most important of its
goals is the principle of women's freedom and achieving gender equality.
The contract guarantees the equal participation of women in all facets
of life. Women have been fighting for their rights for years and the
social contract is a success for women thanks to the women, who resisted
and made great efforts throughout the Rojava Revolution.>
'The contract has an article about Yazidis'
The Social Contract guarantees the rights of Yazidis and Syriac people.
<Article 41 of the Social Contract asserts the right of the Yazidis.
Article 17 guarantees the political, cultural and economic rights of the
Syriac-Assyrian people,> said Zelox Bekir.
'People write their own history'
<The AANES has protected the rights of the people since 2014. The 10th
anniversary of the AANES is approaching. For about 10 years, the Social
Contract has been amended three times as a requirement for democracy.
However, the Constitution of Syria has not been amended for 50 years,>
Zelox Bekir said, <The Social Contract guarantees equal life for
everyone in North and East Syria. Today, the people of North and East
Syria write their own history.> >>
In the footsteps of Sakine Cansız
Jinha - 9 Jan 2024 - by ŞIRIN SALIH
<<Women journalists: We follow in the footsteps of Sakine Cansız
<Sakine Cansız made great efforts to raise awareness among women and we
follow in her footsteps,> said women journalists, emphasizing that the
Turkish state was behind the murder of Sara, Rojbin and Ronahi in Paris.
Sulaymaniyah- On January 9, 2013, Sakine Cansız (Sara), Leyla Şaylemez (Ronahi)
and Fidan Dogan (Rojbin) were murdered in Paris by the Turkish state.
Today is the 11th anniversary of their death. Journalist Shay Aram
thinks that the struggle of Sakine Cansız had an impact on free
journalists. <Sakine Cansız made great efforts to raise awareness among
women and we follow in her footsteps. Comrade Sakine Cansız was held in
prison for 10 years and she gave hope to other women in prison. We
should give hope to women in society as she did,> Shay Aram said.
'The voices of free women will never be silenced'
Noting that Sakine Cansız and her comrades were murdered in France, a
country defining itself as a democratic country, Shay Aram said
<Assassinations are always carried out against pioneering women.
However, the voices of free women will never be silenced. The Turkish
state always targets Kurdish women demanding freedom. The assassination
of comrade Sara shows how the Turkish state is afraid of women's
struggle for freedom. Comrade Sara and her comrades always made efforts
for the unity of women and the Kurdish people. As women, we should carry
on their struggle.>
'We will carry on their struggle'
Journalist Hawar Mohammed also spoke about the massacre that took place
in Paris on January 9, 2013 and said, <Sakine Cansız rejected the
patriarchal system and believed in the 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' philosophy
when she was a child. The Turkish state killed Sakine Cansız and her two
comrades with the support of other countries. The martyrdom of Sakine
Cansız and her two comrades was a great loss for us, Kurds. The Turkish
state aimed to scare us by murdering Sakine Cansız and her comrades but
it failed; women keep struggling for freedom and follow in the footsteps
of Sakine Cansız. As women journalists, we will carry on the struggle of
martyr Sakine Cansız and her comrades.> >>
Source incl. video:
Rozerin Çukur commemorated
Jinha - 8 Jan 2024
<<Rozerin Çukur commemorated at her grave
Rozerin Çukur, who was shot and killed by snipers on January 8, 2016
during 24-hour curfew imposed on the Sur district of Amed, was
commemorated at her grave by her parents.
News Center- Rozerin Çukur, a 16-year-old high school student who was
shot and killed by snipers on January 8, 2016 during 24-hour curfew
imposed on the Sur district of Amed (Diyarbakır), was commemorated at
her grave. On the 8th anniversary of her death, her parents Fahriye and
Mustafa Çukur visited her grave at the Herîdan (Kırkpınar) Village
Cemetery in the Pîran (Dicle) district of Amed. Her parents placed
flowers on their daughter's grave and prayed.
'You are a martyr of Kurdistan'
Fahriye Çukur made a speech at her daughter's grave. <I sent my daughter
to school; however, I received the bad news. My daughter wanted to be a
doctor. We have not had your voice in the house for eight years. My
daughter was not a 'terrorist'. She had a notebook and a pen in her hand
when she was shot and killed. You are a martyr of Kurdistan. I lost my
Rozerin but I have thousands of daughters like Rozerin now. I'm proud of
you. Your mother will visit your grave as long as she is alive. I want
to be buried next to you when I die.> >>
Konga star memorial
Jinha - 8 Jan 2024
<<Kongra Star: We will always resist all kinds of massacres!
Kongra Star has released a written statement commemorating those who
lost their lives in the Paris Massacres. <We will always resist all
kinds of massacres committed against our people and our pioneers and we
will strengthen our struggle.>
News Center- Three Kurdish women politicians - Sakine Cansız (Sara),
Fidan Doğan (Rojbin) and Leyla Şaylemez (Ronahi)- were murdered in Paris
on January 9, 2013. Kongra Star has released a written statement on the
11th anniversary of the massacre. The massacre committed against three
Kurdish women politicians in Paris is known as the first Paris Massacre
by the Kurdish people. On December 23, 2022, Emine Kara (Evin Goyi),
artist Mir Perwer (Mehmet Şirin Aydın) and patriot Abdullah Kızıl were
killed in a gun attack carried out on the Ahmet Kaya Kurdish Cultural
Center in Paris. This massacre is known as the second Paris Massacre by
the Kurdish people. In the statement, Kongra Star condemned both
'We will strengthen our struggle'
<The martyrs of the Paris massacres did not bow to the capitalist
system, fascist forces and their executioners. They fought to build a
system based on democracy,> the statement said. <We vow to take our
martyrs' revenge by defeating the racist and fascist forces. We will
always resist all kinds of massacres committed against our people and
our pioneers and we will strengthen our struggle. We must fight with all
our strength, knowing that life is a resistance. As women, we should
achieve great gains both in politics and social life.> Kongra Star also
called on all women's organizations, initiatives and movements to <make
2024 the year of justice and revenge for the martyrs.> >>
Jinha - 8 Jan 2024
<<More than 10 children losing legs in Gaza every day
More than 10 children per day, on average, have lost one or both of
their legs in Gaza since conflict erupted three months ago, said Save
the Children.
News Center- At least 10,000 children have been killed in Israeli
attacks on Gaza since October 7, 2023. Save the Children, a leading
humanitarian organization for children, released a statement regarding
the situation of Palestinian children in Gaza. <Since 7 October, more
than 1,000 children have had one or both legs amputated, according to
UNICEF. Many of these operations on children were done without
anaesthetic, with the healthcare system in Gaza crippled by the
conflict, and major shortages of doctors and nurses, and medical
supplies like anesthesia and antibiotics, according to the World Health
Organization (WHO),> the statement said. In Gaza, 13 out of 36 hospitals
remain partially functional, they are operating on a partial and
fluctuating basis, dependent on their access to fuel and basic medical
supplies on any given day. The nine partially functional hospitals in
the south are operating at three times their capacity, while facing
critical shortages of basic supplies and fuel, according to the
statement. Only 30% of Gaza’s pre-conflict medics are still working,
according to the WHO. <I've seen doctors and nurses completely
overwhelmed when children come in with blast wounds. The impact of
seeing children in that much pain and not having the equipment,
medicines to treat them or alleviate pain is too much for even
experienced professionals. Even in a war zone, the sights and sounds of
a young child mutilated by bombs cannot be reconciled let alone
understood within the bounds of humanity,> said Jason Lee, Save the
Children's Country Director for the occupied Palestinian territory.
<Small children caught up in explosions are particularly vulnerable to
major, life changing injuries. They have weaker necks and torsos, so
less force is needed to cause a brain injury. Their skulls are still not
fully formed, and their undeveloped muscles offer less protection, so a
blast is more likely to tear apart organs in their abdomen, even when
there's no visible damage. Small children caught up in explosions are
particularly vulnerable to major, life changing injuries. They have
weaker necks and torsos, so less force is needed to cause a brain
injury. Their skulls are still not fully formed, and their undeveloped
muscles offer less protection, so a blast is more likely to tear apart
organs in their abdomen, even when there's no visible damage.>
'Nowhere is safe for children in Gaza'
<Unless action is taken by the international community to uphold their
responsibilities under International Humanitarian Law and prevent the
most serious crimes of international concern, history will and should
judge us all. We must heed the lessons from the past and must prevent
<atrocity crimes> from unfolding,> Jason Lee said, <Only a definitive
ceasefire will end the killing and maiming of civilians and allow in
desperately needed humanitarian aid, including critical medicines for
wounded children, at the scale and locations required.> >>
Nahla Al-Dabaa
Jinha - 8 Jan 2024 - by ASMAA FATHI
<<'All countries remain silent about the crimes committed against women
and children in Gaza'
Nahla Al-Dabaa, founder of the Sabiya Association for Woman and Child in
Egypt, says that all countries remain silent to crimes committed against
women and children in Gaza.
Cairo- In an interview with NuJINHA, Nahla Al-Dabaa, founder of the
Sabiya Association for Woman and Child in Egypt pointed to the Israeli
attacks on Gaza and said that all international conventions and human
rights principles are ignored in Gaza. She believes that international
organizations, including the United Nations (UN), do not show the
necessary reaction to Israeli attacks.
'They remain silent to crimes'
Pointing out that Palestinian women were subjected to many crimes and
more than 10,000 children were killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza, Nahla
Al-Dabaa said, <Israel openly commits crimes against women and kills
children. The international organizations remain silent about the crimes
without doing anything.>
Emphasizing that war conditions also hinder the works of women's
organizations, Nahla Al-Dabaa added:
<Our organization receives no grant or support from any international
organizations. It works in cooperation with other organizations
defending human rights. The increasing number of refugees affects the
activities and projects of women's organizations in Egypt. Women's
organizations have an important role in providing psychological support
to refugees and carrying out awareness activities. Everyone must make
more efforts to support refugees.> >>
Source incl. video:
Nura Al-Hamid
Jinha - 8 Jan 2024 - by SILVA AL-IBRAHIM
<<'Women's participation in the drafting of the Social Contract was 50
“Women's participation in the drafting of the Social Contract was 50
percent thanks to the gains of the women's revolution in Rojava,> said
Nura Al-Hamid.
Manbij- The General Council of the Autonomous Administration of North
and East Syria approved the 134 articles of the Social Contract on
December 12, 2023. <Women and men participated in the drafting of the
Social Contract at the same percent,> said Nura Al-Hamid, member of the
Preparatory Committee for the Social Contract.
'Women's participation was 50 percent'
Nura Al-Hamid emphasized that the Social Contract was drafted within the
scope of the Democratic Nation System implemented by the Autonomous
Administration of North and East Syria (AANES). <The Social Contract is
a constitution for the region. It was drafted to implement a collective
decision-making mechanism. The contract guarantees the rights of women
and children. Women's participation in the drafting of the Social
Contract and this is a first in the history of North and East Syria.>
'Gains had to be guaranteed'
Emphasizing the importance of building an ethical and political society,
Nura Al-Hamid said, <Many issues such as women's participation in
leadership positions, their role in building a free life and their
rights in all facets of life are included in the contract. The
revolution led by women in North and East Syria is a social revolution.
Therefore, the gains of the revolution had to be guaranteed. The
contract contributes to the consolidation of democracy in society.>
'The contract aims to resolve the Syrian crisis'
Reminding that the Syrian government refused to establish a dialogue
with the AANES and the Syrian Democratic Council for a resolution for
the Syrian crisis, Nura Al-Hamid said, <The Social Contract is a
constitution that represents the will of the people. This contract aims
to resolve the Syrian crisis. Article 133 of the contract says that the
contract is subject to amendment if a democratic constitution is agreed
upon in Syria.> >>
Gaza under deadly fire
Jinha - 8 Jan 2024 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<94th day of Israeli attacks on Gaza
Israel continues to target hospitals in its attacks on Gaza since
October 7.
News Center- Israeli attacks on Gaza are on their 94th day. Israel has
conducted 1,903 massacres in Gaza, killing at least 22,722 Palestinians,
including 10,000 children and 7,000 women, and injuring at least 58,
166, according to the media office in Gaza. Palestinian news agency Wafa
reported that Israel conducted airstrikes on Deir al-Balah, Khan Yunis
and Al-Maghazi refugee camp today. At least eight citizens were killed
and dozens wounded in an Israeli airstrike targeting a house west of the
city of Deir al-Balah, according to Wafa. located in the center of the
Gaza Strip, according to the official Palestinian news agency Wafa. The
Wafa also reported that Israeli warplanes carried out intense airstrikes
on Al-Maghazi refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip and that an Israeli
drone randomly opened fire in the courtyard of the Gaza European
Hospital, southeast of Khan Yunis and Israeli military aircraft targeted
the buildings of the Colleges of Science and Technology, located south
of Khan Yunis.
Israeli forces targeted Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital
The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that Israeli forces targeted Al-Aqsa
Martyrs Hospital in the city of Deir Al-Balah with drones. The ministry
warned that thousands of injured and patients in the center of Gaza
would be left to die if the hospital was completely out of service.
People sleep outside
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the
Near East (UNRWA) said on Sunday that many displaced Palestinians
sheltering in its facilities sleep on the streets due to its shelters in
the Gaza Strip being <massively overcrowded> amid Israeli attacks. <Our
own shelters in the area are massively overcrowded, we cannot take more
people anymore,> Juliette Touma, UNRWA Director of Communications told
in an interview with ABC. <Gaza doesn't have civilian infrastructure to
support such a huge influx of displaced people, many now sleeping on
streets.> >>
Amina Habib
Jinha - 8 Jan 2024 - by HATICE ŞEXNA
<<'Leadership and Project Management' program aims to support female
entrepreneurs in Mauritania
The Women Proactive Leaders Mauritanie has launched the <Leadership and
Project Management> program to support young women in starting their own
Mauritania- The Women Proactive Leaders Mauritanie is a NGO founded in
Nouakchott to provide employment to young women and increase the
visibility of young people in working life. The organization has
launched the <Leadership and Project Management> program to support
young people, especially young women, in starting their own businesses.
In an interview with NuJINHA, Amina Habib, president of the Women
Proactive Leaders Mauritanie, talked about the purpose and objectives of
the organization.
'It provides employment to young women'
<After holding meetings with young people and learning their needs, we
decided to found the organization. Most of the young people I met
complained about the lack of training programs, support for their
projects and opportunity to find a job,> said Amina Habib. <One of the
most important goals of our organization is to support young women to
complete their education so that they can take part in the labor force.
We develop projects to support them.>
'All young women can participate in the program'
Speaking about the <Leadership and Project Management> program launched
by the organization, she said, <All young women can participate in the
program. All they need is to develop their own projects and make great
efforts to realize their projects. More than 800,000 women entrepreneurs
are currently members of our organization. We first determine what young
women need and then provide all supplies such as sewing machines and
financial support to young women.>
'Young women should not miss any opportunity'
The Women Proactive Leaders Mauritanie has an official branch in
Nouakchott but it aims to open branches across Mauritania in the future.
Amina Habib advised young women to <make great efforts and believe in
themselves. They should not care about what other people say and think
about them. Whoever sows generously will also reap generously. They will
face many difficulties at the beginning of their journey but they should
not give up. Young women should not miss any opportunity until they
achieve their goals.> >>
Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024