formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front
'Insight is the first step of resistance against any ideologic form of dictatorial and misogynistic oppression'
'Freedom is like a bird that nests in ones' soul'
Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 

You are now at the section on what is happening in the rest of the Middle east
(Updates Jan 2, 2025)

For the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' Iran actual news            
Updated Dec 31, 2024

For the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2 Revolt news       
Updated Dec. 13, 2024

Special reports about the Afghanistan Women Revolt
and more
Updated Dec. 29, 2024

For Syria: the Fall of Assad and aftermath
Updates Jan 1 - Dec 31,2024






2025 -
2024 - Dec wk5 -- Dec wk4 P2 -- Dec wk4 -- Dec Wk3 P3 -- Dec Wk3 P2 -- Dec Wk 3 -- Dec Wk 2 P3 -- WK2 P 2 -- wk2 -- wk1 P 3 -- wk1 P 2 -- wk1 -- Nov wk5 P3 -- wk5 P2 -- wk5 -- wk4 P3 -- wk4 P2 -- Nwk4
 Click here for an overview by week in 2024

Special reports:
Updates December and earlier, 2024
Al-Shifa was a dream and a nightmare
& Why is hypothermia killing Gaza’s children?

& Gaza's 2024: A year of war and misery
& Genocide in Gaza: Silence is complicity

Previous reports:
'Broken': Domestic violence impacts women, children in Gaza
& Gaza toddlers got the polio vaccine, then an Israeli bomb took their legs
& Millions in bonds for Israel put US states at odds with investment policies

and earler stories
Overview special reports


November 28 - 24 and earler stories, 2024
Is Netanyahu immune from ICC arrest warrant-NO!


Shireen Abu Akleh
In commemoration of Shireen Abu Akleh,
the 'voice of Al Jazeera'
killed while revealing the true face of israel


December 6, 2024:
Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war
Click here for earlier stories/news

January 2, 2025 - December 31, 2024
Food for thought
'Survivors from the West (-ern allies of netanyahu)'
you'll not see photos of the ongoing inhuman
deliberate mayhem/destruction of the
Gazaian people.
Read more and decide for yourself
where you want to watch it.
Gino d'Artali

December 30 - 26, 2024
'Betrayed' and 'abandoned' Sixth baby dies from severe cold

Dec 31 - 27, 2024
just read the actual and fact-finding news

December 10 - 7, 2024
Food for thought:
'The next one' as seen by an Iranian activist cartoonnist
and yes, with the fall of assad
it most likely is a matter of time
before the next ones,
netanyahu, khamenei, erdogan and others,
will follow.
Gino d'Artali
Read more and decide for yourself

 When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Al Jazeera - Jan 1 2025 - By Al Jazeera staff
<<Why is hypothermia killing Gaza's children?
Babies are at higher risk of dying from severe cold as they generate less heat than adults. Hunger compounds the risks.
At least seven Palestinians died of hypothermia in Gaza as temperatures plummet In just a week of cold weather enveloping Gaza, six babies across the enclave have died from hypothermia. As Israel continues its attacks on Gaza and its hospitals, its restrictions on what can enter the Palestinian territory mean that access to winter aid and medical intervention also remain limited. Israel's war on Gaza has killed more than 45,500 people, most of them children and women. Here's what you need to know about the condition that has killed several infants, and that threatens a population of 2.3 million people, most of whom are displaced from their homes, and are surviving in the bitter cold with inadequate food and drinking water.
What is hypothermia?
Hypothermia, which literally means below normal heat, is a condition that occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce it.
The body typically maintains a fixed, warm core temperature of about 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) using various mechanisms, such as metabolic heat production, which includes digesting food or moving muscles. The core temperature must be maintained at about this level, between a narrow range of 36.1C (97F) and 37.2C (99F), depending on the individual, time of day, and activity level. This allows vital organs, such as the brain and heart, to continue functioning properly. However, when the body can no longer compensate for the heat loss and internal temperatures drop dangerously low, the body enters a state of hypothermia.
At what temperature do you get hypothermia?
Hypothermia depends on the body’s core temperature rather than the outside temperature as one can develop it even in milder cold, not just freezing conditions. A person can develop hypothermia even at temperatures above 4C (40F) if they become cold from rain, wind or submersion in cold water.
Medically, hypothermia begins when the body's core temperature drops below 35C (95F), roughly two degrees lower than its average. The severity of the condition depends on how low the internal temperature drops:
What are its signs and symptoms?
What happens to the body depends on the severity and stage of hypothermia.
During initial cold exposure, the body begins to lose heat through the skin. Wind or water accelerates this process by removing the thin layer of warmth around the body. To conserve heat, blood vessels in the skin constrict, reducing blood flow to the surface. This keeps more heat near vital organs but causes fingers, toes and other extremities to feel cold and numb. To generate more heat, the body begins to shiver, and breathing and the heart rate increase to pump warm blood to the vital organs and support metabolism. However, mild confusion, clumsiness and fatigue may kick in as the cold begins to affect the brain and muscles. As exposure to cold continues, heat loss outpaces the body’s internal attempts at heat generation and moderate hypothermia sets in. Shivering stops as muscles run out of energy, and a feedback loop worsens the situation: as metabolism slows, the body produces even less heat. Heart rate, breathing and metabolic processes slow further as the body attempts to conserve energy. As this vicious cycle continues, the gap between heat lost and heat produced grows. Eventually, the internal temperature drop becomes severe. The brain's ability to function deteriorates, leading to unconsciousness. The cold disrupts the heart's electrical system, causing irregular rhythms that can lead to cardiac arrest. Without rapid medical intervention, vital functions may fail entirely, resulting in death.
Can hypothermia be stopped?
Yes, hypothermia can be stopped if timely steps are taken.
Recovering from moderate to mild hypothermia includes moving the person to a warm, dry environment, removing any wet clothing, and covering them with blankets to warm the body. Warm, non-alcoholic beverages can help if the person is conscious. Severe hypothermia, however, often requires medical intervention. This includes passive rewarming with heated blankets, or active rewarming techniques such as administering warm intravenous fluids or blood rewarming. Blood rewarming involves drawing blood from the body, typically through a large catheter, warming it with a specialised machine, and reinfusing it in the body.
Are babies more at risk of hypothermia?
Infants face a higher risk as their bodies lose heat more rapidly than adults.
This is because their bodies are shaped differently. Compared with adults, they have more skin (surface area) for their size (body mass). This means they lose heat faster through their skin, especially in cold environments. Since their small bodies can't produce heat as efficiently as adults, they are at a higher risk of getting too cold. They also may not exhibit obvious signs of cold stress, making it harder to recognise hypothermia. Severe malnutrition also compounds the risks of hypothermia. Restrictions on the entry of food and medicine into Gaza, from the start of the war on October 7, 2023, mean that the enclave has been witnessing famine-like conditions for a year.
What are the current temperatures in Gaza?
In the last week of December 2024, temperatures ranged between approximately 19C to 20C (66F to 68F) and nighttime lows between 11C and 12C (52F and 54F) However, the current winter in Gaza is harsh for those living in tents or without proper shelter, as heavy rains and strong winds have destroyed temporary coverings, soaking clothing and blankets. With limited access to fuel, electricity or gas heaters because of severe restrictions imposed by Israel, many residents resort to cutting down trees for firewood to stay warm and cook.
How cold does it get in Gaza and does it snow?
During winter months, particularly in January, average low temperatures can drop to about 9C (45F), with daytime highs near 18C (65F). Although winters in the enclave are not extremely harsh, heavy downpours and its coastal location can make it feel cooler. December and January are also the wettest months in Gaza. It does not typically snow in Gaza, but rare instances of it have been reported in the past, such as in December 2013.>>

The Gazaian Thinker

"On the road of ...

children are soo much more wise
than big people.
That's a fact of life.
Like the Gazaian and only +-years-old girl,
shot and killed by an israeli soldier,
who said with her last breath
*I will tell Allah everything
about the evil
that offends life on and earth
by killing especially the innocent,
the women, the children
of whom I was and am one*.

She also knew that Mohammads' road
is not a dead-end street
but always has a beginning
which, when walked on,
with every step taken and word spoken,
is a step and word towards the truth.

So yes I will tell
and only ask from people still walking too
with every step taken or word spoken,
to let it be a step or word of truth
because that is Mohammads' road
that unites all Ummahs
and also leads to the final
words of truth and convictions
of all who so greedily and without heart
take life and ground of the Just.

And we, the Ummahs by heart and soul,
know what awaits us at the 'other side':
Allah who will ask "what did you do to help bring justice?"

Insh'Allah - hoda hafez"

Dedicated to Saly Khan and all other innocent children who gave their lifes for Freedom.

"I hear my grandpa's soul saying
'evil people
can only win
if good people
stay silent and do nothing.'"

"When the world,
at the brink of an WW3 outbreak,
is so troubled
you can/have/are
(to be) the solution."


"I was 'not' a child
I only wanted
a little bit dead,
just short,
to then wake-up again
on the banks
of the river to the sea
and a free Palestine"


Gino d'Artali
ghost-poet/writer of The Thinker - Gaza

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2025