formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine that started December 2019 will be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest. 
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 


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November week 2 --   November week 1 -- October 27 - 24 -- October 23 - 19 -- October 18 - 11 --   October 10 - September 27 -- September 26 - 22 --  September 21 - 14 -- 15 - 4 Sept. --  August 31 - July 5, 2023

(Updates November 3, 2023)





24 - 10 Oct 2023



November 10 - 3, 2023
<<Afghan women refugees live through difficult conditions in Iran...
and <<Webinar on judicial decisions to promote women's rights in Tunisia and Morocco...
and <<Women in NE Syria to hold activities against attacks on November 25...
and <<Tunisian activist: 'We still have a long road with lots of ups and downs'...
and <<Call for participation in second hearing of 18 journalists...
and <<Turkey: Men kill 19 women in October...
and <<Patients victimized by Taliban's systematic discrimination against women...
and <<Xantur Kara: Young people and women will defend Makhmour camp...
and more news..

November 3 - October 30, 2023
<<63 journalists and media workers are behind bars in Turkey, report says...
and <<'We will ensure justice for the girls held captive by ISIS'...
and <<Women victims of unofficial marriages in Idlib have no rights...
and <<'The resistance in Kobane turned into a global solidarity'...
and <<'The real face of the Syrian government was revealed in Sweida'...
and <<Divorced, widowed women face societal pressures in Idlib...
and more news..
Clicking the above link will bring you to a total overview of October 2023

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Shafiqa Badli
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 10 Nov 2023 - by Shabnam Tavakoli
<<Afghan women refugees live through difficult conditions in Iran
Tehran- Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, Afghan women have been subjected to many rights violations. Afghan women have been excluded from all facets of life; they have been deprived of their right to education, banned from working in most sectors outside the home, entering amusement parks, public baths, gyms and sports clubs. Thousands of Afghans, who did not want to be under the Taliban rule, fled the country and faced many problems such as poverty, racism, violence and harassment on their routes to other countries. Before the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, Afghans suffered from economic crisis, environmental disasters such as drought and poor living conditions for 20 years. However, their suffering doubled after the Taliban takeover. Afghanistan is among the poorest countries in the world. These factors caused thousands of Afghan people to migrate to Iran and Pakistan. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are approximately 3 million Afghan citizens in Iran as of January 2023. Since residence of Afghan refugees is prohibited in 15 provinces of Iran, Afghan refugees live in poor suburbs of big cities such as Tehran, Isfahan and Mashhad. Most Afghan refugees work as laborers in Iran.
The story of Shafiqa Badli
Shafiqa Badli (60) is one of the Afghan women refugees struggling to survive despite difficult living conditions. She lost her husband during the Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989). <I was pregnant and my son was just two years old when my husband was killed in the Soviet-Afghan war. I raised my son and daughter alone. My son got married and had two children. However, the Taliban killed my son when his children were five and six years old. One of my grandchildren had a motorcycle accident. His ribs and leg were broken in the accident. He has platinum inside his leg now and cannot work.>
Her son was killed by the Taliban
Speaking about the killing of her son, she said, <When the Taliban entered our city, they killed women and men. We had to leave the country after the Taliban killed my son. Now, I sell clothes at the Tehran metro. People tell me 'go to your own country and work there' and use bad language against me because I am a refugee. We live through difficult conditions in Iran.>
'We have nowhere to go'
One day, Shafiqa Badli took her five-year-old grandson with her to the metro. <An Iranian woman beat my grandson when he sat next to her. I tried to stop her but she beat me. We have a very difficult life but we have nowhere to go. Although we live through difficult conditions in Iran, we can find a piece of bread and have a cup of tea.> >>
Source incl. video:

Idlib teacher
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 9 Nov 2023 - by LINA EL-XETIB
<<Retired teachers in Idlib receive no salary: We want to have a life with dignity
Idlib- The Syrian Salvation Government established by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) commit rights violations against women in Idlib. The government does not pay the salaries and severance pay of female retired teachers.
'I want to have a life with dignity'
Munira Al- Haluf, a retired teacher in the town of Sarmada, faces financial difficulties because she has not received her salary. <I worked as a teacher for years despite the war and bombardments. I have not received my salary and severance pay since I retired. I worked as a teacher for 35 years and now want to have a life with dignity. My husband cannot work because he is a cancer patient. Our children give us money every month. The amount that they give us is enough just to buy my husband's medications and to cover household expenses.>
'Teachers are not supported'
Teachers in Idlib and its rural areas receive a lower salary compared to other employees. <Teachers suffer from financial problems. Teachers are not supported by any political parties and this situation leads many teachers to resign. Teachers are forced to look for other jobs to cover rent and home energy costs such as electricity, water and healthcare costs,> Munira Al-Haluf told NuJINHA.
She was fired
Obaida Al-Tahan (65) was fired after working as a teacher at university for years. <I have become unemployed after working for years. I am not the only teacher who was fired after working for years. We have received no severance pay although we worked under difficult conditions for years. Now, I am an old woman suffering from diabetes and hypertension. Despite my diseases, I work in a sewing workshop in order not to be dependent on anyone.>
She lives in a camp
60-year-old Rawan Al-Abbas lives in the city of Ma'arrat Nu'man, south of Idlib. She is a retired Arabic teacher. “I have not received my salary for a long time. I live in a camp with my daughter because I could not pay our rent anymore. Now, I teach the children in the camp Arabic because these children are innocent and deprived of their rights.>
'Retired teachers face financial difficulties'
Obaida Gulsum is a school principal in Idlib. Speaking about the difficulties faced by retired teachers, she said, <The Syrian Salvation Government established by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham does not pay the salaries of retired teachers. Retired teachers are deprived of their rights; they try to survive with the help of people.> Retired teachers have held many protests in front of the Directorate of Education in Idlib to demand their unpaid salaries.>>

Webinar Tunisia and Morocco
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 9 Nov 2023
<<Webinar on judicial decisions to promote women's rights in Tunisia and Morocco
Tunisia- On November 7, a webinar titled, <Online court decision Observatories: A tool for promoting women's rights in Morocco and Tunisia> by the Mobilising For Rights Associates (MRA), an international non-profit organization based in Morocco. NuJINHA reporter Zuhur Mechergui attended the webinar coordinated by Nour Chaabene. At the webinar, the panelists highlighted the necessity of the effective implementation of existing laws combating violence against women in both countries and the roles of observatories
Court decisions from diversity of jurisdictions
Stephanie Willman Bordat, a founding partner at MRA Mobilising for Rights Associates, began to speak by giving information on two web pages of online observatories, one for Tunisia and one for Morocco. Drawing attention to online databases of court decisions from diversity of jurisdictions in both Tunisia and Morocco, she said, <When we say diversity of jurisdictions, we talk about a jurisdiction's diversity, thematically. The decisions from administrative courts, from family courts, from commercial courts, from regular first instance courts etc. We talk about the diversity of the form at a geographic level. The court cases of observatories are not just the court cases from the large capital cities but from a diversity of the smaller cities and towns across both countries,> she said. Talking about family codes in both countries, she said, <The current personal status and family codes in both countries or the recent 2017 and 2018 laws on violence against women in both countries have got legal gaps. They have many different provisions that are discriminatory against women and are frequently not implemented. They are not in harmony either with the new national constitutional standards or with the international human rights standards. Those were some of the obstacles and challenges that led us to create the opportunity.> She also highlighted the important role of the observatories for promoting women's rights in both countries. Mounira Balghouthi, a Tunisian activist and the coordinator of the observatory project in Tunisia, talked about the reasons behind creating online observatories in both countries. <This is an initiative aimed to create an observatory database that would allow legal practitioners and lawyers to keep up to date on the decisions issued by Tunisian courts and to be a practical tool for lawyers. It was designed to highlight how court decisions prevent women from fully enjoying their human rights. As an initiative, we want to encourage access to information for all legal practitioners, professionals, and lawyers. The initiative is a database giving information about laws and court decisions in Tunisia to those interested in gender justice and legal rights of women. There is no system collecting and publishing court decisions in Tunisia and Morocco. On the webpage, we provide information about court decisions. We launched such an initiative because local activists and researchers highlighted that they had difficulties in reaching court decisions because they could not have access to archives of the courts.> >>
Source incl. video:

Madlên El-Ibêd
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 8 Nov 2023 - by SORGUL ŞEXO
<<Women in NE Syria to hold activities against attacks on November 25
Hasakah- Kongra Star, an umbrella organization for women in North and East Syria, has announced its program for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The organization will kick off its activities on November 13. Madlen Al-Ibed, Spokesperson of Kongra Star in the Til Temir town of Hasakah, told us that they would hold their activities this year with the participation of many organizations, political parties and women's committees.
'Women and children are most affected by the attacks'
In her speech, Madlen El-Ibed pointed out that the ongoing Turkish attacks on the region are an extreme form of violence against women. <The attacks on the region directly target civilians, including women and children. Women and children are most affected by the attacks. Women are subjected to many forms of violence such as physical, verbal, psychological and sexual violence. Women live amid attacks and bombardments; they suffer from sleep anxiety due to the ongoing bombardments. They do not know if they will wake up the next day.>
'The attacks are the product of the patriarchal mindset'
Noting that violence against women stems from the patriarchal mindset, she said, <The attacks on civilians, especially on women, are the product of the patriarchal mindset. The weapons used against us are produced by men. They do everything to destroy societies. Women are the foundation of society and the current attacks aim to destroy this foundation. The aim of dominant systems is to eliminate democracy, equality and justice by imposing dictatorship and authority.>
'We make efforts to start a women's renaissance'
Madlen El-Ibed also gave information about the program of Kongra Star for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. <Women are subjected to violence all around the world. Every day, the cases of violence against women are reported by channels, radio stations, newspapers and on social media platforms. As Kongra Star, we fight violence against women for years. We make efforts to start a women's renaissance to eliminate gender-based violence. As part of our activities for International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we will hold meetings and seminars in villages, towns and cities. Our aim is to shed light on women's rights and violence against them.> Kongra Star will also hold seminars for defense units. <We will hold seminars and meetings for the members of the defense units. On November 25, we will hold a march with the participation of all segments.>
'We must support women'
Speaking about the ongoing attacks on the region, she said, <Our region is always targeted by the Turkish state. Women living in the areas targeted by the Turkish state face many problems. We must support these women by organizing education programs to eliminate violence against them.>
The main goal of Kongra Star is to ensure peace in the region. <We want women to have a safe and peaceful life. We make great efforts to end this war because women will have a safe and peaceful life when this war ends. We can eliminate violence against women by stopping wars and change the patriarchal mindset. Changing a thousand-year-old mindset will take years but we work to change it.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jenin Al-Talili
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 8 Nov 2023 - by ZOUHOUR MECHERGUI
<<Tunisian activist: 'We still have a long road with lots of ups and downs'
Tunisia- In 2017, Tunisia passed Law 58 to tackle domestic violence against women. The adoption of Law-58 was a long-fought achievement to combat violence against women in Tunisia. Feminist activist Jenin Al-Talili believes that the adoption of Law-58 was a revolutionary achievement for Tunisia women; however, the authorities have failed to implement it. <There are no necessary mechanisms for its implementation. The law is not implemented due to the lack of a special budget to ensure its effective implementation,> said Jenin Al-Talili, a feminist activist and member of the Intersection Association for Rights and Freedoms.
'Police ignore domestic violence survivors'
Refka Cherni, a 26-year-old mother from the Kef region, was shot dead by her husband, a police officer, in 2021 although she had reported her abusive husband many times. <Although she reported violence against her many times, she was not protected by security forces. Police ignore domestic violence survivors. All authorities, including ministries, are responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of the law,> said Jenin Al-Talili.
'The law must be amended'
Speaking about the shortcomings in Law-58, she said, <Everyone knows that there are many shortcomings in the law. For instance, it does not mention cyber violence or digital violence against women and girls. Many women and girls are subjected to digital violence on social media platforms resulting in physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm or suffering to women. It does not address violence against women with special needs. The law must be amended. NGOs and feminists must put pressure on the authorities to amend the law.>
'Survivors need shelters and financial assistance'
According to Law 58, survivors of gender-based violence have a right to emergency shelter and longer-term reintegration and housing services. However, Tunisia currently has 10 shelters for survivors, with a total capacity of 186 women and children. <The number of shelters is insufficient and many survivors of gender-based violence cannot find a place to stay. There is a lack of specialists in these shelters. Survivors need shelters and financial assistance.>
'It is time to break the barrier of silence and fear'
In Tunisia, sexual violence is still considered as a taboo. The victims of sexual violence mostly do not report it. <It is time to break the barrier of silence and fear, to break the taboo of sexual violence. NGOs have an important role in breaking this taboo by carrying out awareness-raising activities and campaigns.> Jenin Al-Talili also talked about political violence faced by women activists and journalists in Tunisia. <Women activists and journalists are subjected to political violence. They face judicial harassment. For instance, Tunisian journalist Monia Arfaoui faced an investigation for defamation after she criticized the minister of religious affairs on her Facebook account. Abeer Moussa, the head of the Tunisian Free Constitutional Party, was arrested for criticizing the government on her social media account.>
'We still have a long road with lots of ups and downs'
Speaking about the gains achieved by Tunisian women, she said, <Tunisian women have achieved many gains until now but we still have a long road with lots of ups and downs. We face many barriers. We should break these barriers to have a free, democratic and a pluralistic society based on equality.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 8 Nov 2023 - by SIBELIA EL-IBRAHIM
<<Call for participation in second hearing of 18 journalists
News Center- The second hearing of the trial against 18 journalists will be held tomorrow by the Diyarbakır 4th High Criminal Court. The Mesopotamia Women Journalists' Association has released a writing statement calling for participation in the second hearing to be in solidarity with the journalists. <Every day, free press workers and journalists face arrest and detention. Journalism is targeted by hundred-page indictments. The second hearing of the trial against 18 journalists, including Remziye Temel, Elif Üngür, Esmer Tunç and Neşe Toprak will be held tomorrow at 9 am. The journalists face up to 15 year in prison for reporting the truth,> the statement said. Recalling that one of the journalists, who will stand trial tomorrow, is Safiye Alagaş, the news director of Jinnews, the statement said:
<A separate indictment was prepared against Safiye Alagaş. 10 months later, a 383-page indictment was prepared against her and the first hearing of the trial against her was held by the Diyarbakır 5th High Criminal Court on June 15. Safiye Alataş faces up to 15 years in prison for her reports. The second hearing of the trial will be held on November 9 at 09:20 am. As the Mesopotamia Women Journalists' Association (MKG), we call on everyone to participate in the hearings on November 9 to be in solidarity with our colleagues.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 7 Nov 2023 - by SIBELIA EL-IBRAHIM
<<Communes build new life based on coexistence in Manbij
Manbij- The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) organizes social life through communes. Communes are the smallest local authorities established in villages, towns, and cities. The members of the communes are the residents of villages, towns and cities. Abir Muhammed, Co-chair of Al-Siddiq neighborhood of Manbij, said that the communes play an important role under the umbrella of the AANES. <The system of the AANES represents the body and soul of the system based on democratic nation. The members of the communes are the residents of villages, towns and cities. Therefore, people govern themselves and find solutions to their problems through communes.>
'Every person is a part of the commune'
Manbij is the home of people from all nationalities and religions, including Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen people. <People from each nationality and religion have a cultural richness. They take part in communes and represent their communities. The communes consist of six committees: Education Committee, Health Committee, Self-defense Committee, Women's Committee, Services Committee, Justice Committee and Reconciliation Committee.>
Communes have different duties
Speaking about the roles of the communes, Abir Muhammed said, <Communes represent the people and find solutions to problems faced by the residents. For instance, the Reconciliation Committee deals with problems. The Services Committee is responsible for providing services to the people. The Women's Committee is responsible for solving the problems faced by women.>
'We believe in our unity'
Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen people live together in the village of Al-Asaliyya, west of Manbij. Alia Fadel, Co-chair of the Al-Asaliyya Commune, said, <We believe in our unity because we share problems and happiness. Our village is close to the areas occupied by the Turkish state, so it is always subjected to Turkish bombardments. As Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen people, we condemn the ongoing Turkish bombardments targeting our village.>
'We will not allow our lands to be occupied'
Talking about the cooperation among Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen people in the village, she said, <We support our sons and daughters fighting to defend our system. These lands are our lands and we are responsible for defending them. We will not allow our lands to be occupied by different countries.> Alia Fadel, who is fluent in Kurdish, Arabic and Turkmen languages, is respected by all villagers. <I am fluent in three languages, so we can understand each other.>
'We embrace all people'
Sabah Bozan, Co-chair of the East Line Council of Manbij, said, <Our system is based on democracy and we embrace all people in communes. We make efforts to govern and serve this country. We aim to build a life based on democracy, ethics and equality.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 7 Nov 2023 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<'Appointed trustees serve special warfare, not the public'
Amed (Diyarbakır)- After 2019 local elections in Turkey, the elected mayors in Kurdish cities were taken over by government-appointed trustees. The next local elections are expected to be held on March 31, 2024 in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. NuJINHA spoke to elected women about the next local elections and the government-appointed trustees. The trustees appointed to the municipalities in the cities of Northern Kurdistan have already started the preparation of voter registration fraud, they said. Yasemin Uçer, Co-mayor of the Dicle Municipality in Amed, indicated that there are serious social crises in the district of Dicle. <The people receive no service and young people are forced to leave the district due to unemployment, the increase in drug consumption and because the people are forced to spy.>
'The appointed trustees serve special warfare, not the public'
Yasemin Uçer thinks the appointed trustees carry out no activities for women and the entire society. <Now, the government-appointed mayor in the district serves the policies of the AKP. After the appointment of the trustee to the Dicle Municipality, the appointed mayor has left no space for women and young people in the district. Before the appointment of the trustee, we had a women's shelter; however, it was closed down by the appointed mayor. The appointed trustee has paved the way for young people to leave the district because no agricultural activities were carried out to offer employment opportunities to young people. The appointed trustee has carried out no project for five years. Instead of following policies for the people, they have spread drug consumption and prostitution in order to move the people away from their values,> she told us.
'We will serve our people'
Yasemin Uçer also talked about the upcoming local elections. <We are preparing for the next local elections. We will carry out our election campaign with people. Many of our municipalities were dragged into debt with the trustees appointed in 2016. Now, the municipalities have no money. The budgets of the municipalities were not spent to serve the public. At the next elections, we will take our municipalities back. We will carry out activities for both women and young people.> A trustee was also appointed to Amed's Yenişehir Municipality in 2019. Nevriye Çur, council member of the Yenişehir Municipality, said that the appointed trustees have spent money for sects instead of the people. <Trustees were appointed to our municipalities at different times after two local elections. We always say that the appointment of trustees are the usurpation of will and a rights violation. During the last five years, the appointed trustees have not served the public. Instead of building parks and gardens, the appointed trustees send the students and teachers of the religious vocational high schools to Umrah by using money from municipalities.>
'We will take our municipalities back'
Nevriye Çur said that they would take their municipalities back from the appointed trustees in the next local elections. <The appointed mayors do not care about serving the public. The women were first targeted by the appointed trustees. The women will come back stronger. We will never accept the government-appointed trustees.> >>
Source incl. video:

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 6 Nov 2023
<<Turkey: Men kill 19 women in October
Istanbul- We Will Stop Femicide Platform (Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracagız Platformu-KCDP) has released its October 2023 report on femicide. 19 women were killed by men and 18 more died under suspicious circumstances, said the report. Five of 19 women were killed by men on the excuse that they had asked for a divorce, refused marriage or dating proposals. According to the report, one woman was killed by her husband, two by their ex-partners, one by her brother, one by her ex-husband, one by her son and one by her relative. The killer of one woman was not identified.
63% of women shot dead
The report also included the places where 19 women were killed. <13 women were killed at their home, three were on the streets, one in a public area and one in a deserted place. The place where one women was killed has not been determined. 68% of 19 women were killed at their home. In October, 63% of women were shot dead.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 3 Nov 2023
<<Patients victimized by Taliban's systematic discrimination against women
Herat - Afghan people have been suffering from many problems in all facets of life, including in health services. The Taliban allow female doctors only to treat female patients and male doctors only to treat male patients. This ban both victimizes patients and prevents doctors from treating patients. Afghanistan's third-largest city Herat has just one government-run hospital and not more than two private hospitals. Patients wait for hours to see a doctor in the government-run hospital. The NuJINHA team visited the hospital and spoke to some patients waiting to see a doctor for hours. Jamila Wahab was one of them. Her daughter-in-law suffered from a toothache. <We came here at eight o'clock in the morning from the district of Injil. Now, it is noon but we have not seen a doctor yet,> she told us. At the hospital, patients wait hours to see a doctor for two reasons, one reason is the high number of patients and the second one is the ban imposed on doctors. Ş.S. is the cardiologist at the hospital. <I know that the Taliban are ignorant. They practice their derisive policies in the health sector, too,> said Ş.S., who asked us not to share her name due to security reasons.
Ş.S. is one of the female doctors, who are allowed only to treat female patients. <I am the only cardiologist at the hospital. I am not allowed to treat male patients. To me, there is no difference between male and female patients. My duty is to save human lives. As doctors, we tried to explain this to the Taliban; however, they cannot understand. All the doctors of the hospital decided to treat both female and male patients at any cost because our duty is to save human lives.> >>

Jinha - Womens News Agency - 3 Nov 2023
<<Xantur Kara: Young people and women will defend Makhmour camp
Makhmour- Residents of the Martyr Rustem Cudi Camp (Makhmour Refugee Camp), who had to leave their villages and houses in the 90s due to oppression of the Turkish state and settled in the camp, have been targeted by the Turkish state for years. Since 2017, many people have been killed and injured in the Turkish airstrikes on the camp. Since July 17, 2019, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) has been imposing an embargo on the camp. Seven pregnant women died in the camp because they could not go to hospital due to the embargo. The Turkish state and the KDP, which uses all inhuman methods to depopulate the camp and take control of the camp, keep attacking the camp with the support of the Iraqi government. The Iraqi army attempted to surround the camp with wire fences and concrete blocks twice, on December 27, 2021 and May 20, 2023. The residents of the camp resisted for days and made the Iraqi army withdraw. The Turkish state has intensified its attacks on the camp, especially following the embargo imposed on the camp by the KDP since 2019. The Turkish drones often fly over the camp.
The camp targeted three times in 10 days
In October 2023, the camp was targeted by the Turkish drones three times in 10 days. On October 7, Turkish drones targeted a mosque inside the camp, injuring a woman and two children.
No news received from five people
On October 13, Turkish drones targeted a house inside the camp, injuring a woman. On October 17, Turkish drones targeted a vehicle belonging to a family from the Makhmour refugee camp near the Koye town of Erbil. A young person identified as Dilovan Işlek was killed and three women were injured in the attack. On the same day, five residents of the camp were detained by the KDP at a checkpoint while going to attend the funeral of Diovan Işlek. Since then, no news has been received from them.
All units of the HPG and YJA Star withdrew from camp
On October 19, 2023, the headquarters of the People"s Defense Forces (HSM) announced the withdrawal of our HPG and YJA Star forces from the camp to the Medya Defence Zones. After the announcement of the HSM, the 14th Iraqi army division deployed to the areas withdrawn by HPG forces. On October 22, a clash broke out between the Iraqi army and the KDP forces.
'Societies demanding freedom face attacks'
In an interview with NuJINHA, Xantur Kara, coordinating member of the İştar Assembly in the Makhmour refugee camp, spoke about the recent attacks on the camp. <The recent wars, conflicts and clashes all around the world show us that World War III has already broken out. All societies demanding freedom face attacks. As the Kurdish people, we also face attacks because we demand freedom. We are subjected to the attacks of the bloodthirsty fascist Turkish state every day. Our people are attacked in Makhmour, Rojava, Shengal and Northern Kurdistan every day.>
'No clash broke out here until the withdrawal of the HPG'
Speaking about the clash that broke out between the Iraqi army and the KDP forces, she said, <When the HPG and YJA-STAR forces were here, no clash broke out here. The HPG and YJA-STAR ensured security in the camp. After the HPG and YJA-STAR forces withdrew from the camp, a clash broke out between the KDP forces and the Iraqi army.>
'Everyone in the camp is responsible to ensure security'
Xantur Kara also talked about the atmosphere in the camp after the withdrawal of the Kurdish forces. <All people in Makhmour, including children and women, were affected by this decision. The people of Makhmur thank the HPG and YJA-STAR forces for protecting them against ISIS and foreign forces trying to take control of the camp. Now, everyone in the camp is responsible to ensure security. We, as young people and women, will defend the Makhmour refugee camp against the attacks of the Turkish state and KDP.> >>
Source incl. video:
Liberation Front 2019/ 2023